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The bill was passed just before the midnight deadline that would have seen Tens Of Thousands of federal employees placed on furlough and various Government Services suspended. The issue of more aid for ukraine is something opposed by some hard right House Republicans. Heres Senate Majority leader chuck schumer. It has been a day full of twists and turns. The American People can breathe a sigh of relief. There will be no Government Shutdown. Democrats have said from the start that the only solution for avoiding a shutdown is bipartisanship and we are glad Speaker Mccarthy has finally heeded our message. In the end, more democrats supported this bill in the house than republicans. Proving bipartisanship was the best answer all along. I want to thank my colleagues here in the senate, especially our appropriators. Madam president Susan Collins and leader mcconnell. Our Bipartisanship Work in the senate set the tone for the bill we are about to pass. Our bipartisanship made this possible. It showed the house we had to act. We will keep the government open for 45 days with a clean cr at current Funding Levels and we avoided all of the extreme, nasty and harmful cuts maga wanted. Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell offered this commitment. Most Senate Republicans remain committed to helping our friends on the front lines. To invest more heavily in american strength, it reinforces our allies and deters our top strategic adversary china. I am confident the senate will pass further urgent assistance to ukraine later this year. Our north america correspondent, sean dilley sent this update from washington. The United States government came perilously close. That close to stopping at midnight on saturday but that was averted thanks to this Compromise Deal that will not entirely pleased democratic or republican politicians, were not pleased democratic politicians because they have had to agree to not approve any more funding to ukraine within the terms of this stopgap bill. Republicans did not get the deep cuts that they wanted, for instance. They had called for 30 cuts to social security. It is complex because the deal was donein is complex because the deal was done in the background. Speed cut Speaker Mccarthy, a republican, has not revealed if he will introduce another billing coming days to discuss further funding for ukraine. That has angered hardline republicans who are already threatening to remove him from office if he relied on democratic votes to push through an earlier vote. But what we have here is not exactly consensus for the sake of consensus but it is a bill of consensus but it is a bill of convenience that keeps the government open. The financial and economic repercussions had the government shut would been serious. Moodys and Credit Ratings agencies warning that the rating would have been downgraded. And hundreds of thousands of federal employees would have been put on unpaid leave. That is a problem that may not have gone away completely but it is a problem that certainly kicks down the road a bit until the middle of november. Already back room deals are taking place in the white house said they expect speaker to deliver on his promise to bring that ukraine funding bill in the coming days and the pentagon as has suppressed concern about the message that failing to find ukraine within this deal could send a message to cave. More here. More dealings are all but assured. Kyiv. The uk Prime Minister, rishi sunak, is in manchester for what could be his last Party Conference before the next election as he aims to put on a show of unity. A row over tax cuts, criticism of Environmental Policies and the uncertainty around the second phase of the hs2 rail link from london to manchester continues as the conservative Party Conference opens later. Our political correspondent, ione wells has the latest. Is it time to cut tax mr Prime Minister . Minister . Questions fired at the Prime Minister . Questions fired at the Prime Minister. Minister . Questions fired at the Prime Minister. From i minister . Questions fired at| the Prime Minister. From all different directions. One of the loudest is a call for tax cuts. Conference last year was dominated by fallout over list trusts tax cuts which spooked markets. She will be back this year and using markets. She will be back this yearand using a markets. She will be back this year and using a speech to call the Corporation Tax cuts. Some tory mps have signed a pledge that they will not back tax rises. ~. , that they will not back tax rises. ~. ,. ,. ,. , rises. When taxes at a 75 year hi. H, rises. When taxes at a 75 year high. They rises. When taxes at a 75 year high, they should rises. When taxes at a 75 year high, they should not rises. When taxes at a 75 year high, they should not go rises. When taxes at a 75 year high, they should not go any. High, they should not go any highen high, they should not go any higher. And what is really required higher. And what is really required is for the government to increase growth and you do not do to increase growth and you do not do that by increasing taxes not do that by increasing taxes. ,. ,. , taxes. Looming over this conference taxes. Looming over this conference in taxes. Looming over this| conference in manchester taxes. Looming over this conference in manchester as well, the question of whether the new rail line, hs to, will ever make it here for the investors will not commit either way. Investors will not commit eitherway. Former investors will not commit either way. Former Prime Minister theresa may and Boris Johnson are among those warning that cancelling the leg he will betray the north of england. From the right of the party, another challenge. Cabinet ministers have called for tough measures to tackle immigration. Both have made no secret over a debate on leaving the European Convention of human rights. The time has seen convention of human rights. The time has seen a convention of human rights. Tue time has seen a huge convention of human rights. Tte time has seen a huge number convention of human rights. Tt2 time has seen a huge number of changes in direction and leadership on Big Policy Issues and everything from that zero to exit through taxation and so going into a general election where he is well behind in the polls in the Party Falling behind in the polls, those divisions will be front and centre. �. , , centre. All of these different cam s centre. All of these different camps rishi centre. All of these different camps rishi sunak centre. All of these different camps rishi sunak is centre. All of these different i camps rishi sunak is striving to keep happy. He will hope to dojust that here. To keep happy. He will hope to do just that here. Starting with an announcement today that 55 towns will be given £20 million over ten years to invest in things like sprucing up invest in things like sprucing up the high street and tackling antisocial behaviour. The question is will it be enough . In what could be his first and last conferences Prime Minister before the next election. Ione wells, bbc news. Returning now to our top story. Live now to washington where were joined by politicos white house reporter, daniel lippman. Can you explain how that shutdown was averted . The seaker shutdown was averted . The speaker finally shutdown was averted . The speaker Finally Put Shutdown was averted . Tt2 speaker finally put a shutdown was averted . Tt2 speaker finally put a clean Government Spending bill on the floor and he had previously discussed with house conservatives to put different bills that were drastically cut and spending and those failed and spending and those failed and today, On The Last Day before a shutdown he did something that the senate would also agree to and this delay is it for about a month and a half orso it for about a month and a half or so and then hopefully we will not be up to the same Government Shutdown watch like we have been in the last few days. We have been in the last few da s. , , days. Every free use this happens days. Every free use this happens. Why . Days. Every free use this happens. Why . We days. Every free use this happens. Why . We have days. Every free use this happens. Why . We have seen a decfine happens. Why . We have seen a decline in happens. Why . We have seen a decline in members happens. Why . We have seen a decline in members who happens. Why . We have seen a decline in members who are decline in members who are interested in actually governing and you have had a lot of Rubble Rouses Elected such as congressmen matt gates, the lead antagonist from florida and he uses these types of shutdown watches to raise lots of money. I am on his mailing list and he was sending out e mail today saying please donate i stand up to the establishment. So there is a small cohort of House Republicans who are not interested in the government working properly and that makes it very hard when you have mccarthy only having a 4 five seat margin. And so it is impossible for him to rule over this unruly caucus. Trio impossible for him to rule over this unruly caucus. This unruly caucus. No new fundin this unruly caucus. No new funding for this unruly caucus. No new funding for ukraine this unruly caucus. No new funding for ukraine has this unruly caucus. No new l funding for ukraine has been approved in this deal. What does it mean for aid for that country . They will try to do another Supplemental Bill on ukraine aid in the next few weeks. It will probably be much larger than they could have gotten if they had put it in this bill and so you have a house Senate Minority leader, mitch mcconnell, a republican, who is in favour of this aid and so there may have been a backhanded deal with mccarthy saying he will put a similar bill on the floor and see if it succeeds. But we are still unsure about the extra aid to ukraine but it is looking better than yesterday on that front. Could they find permanent solution to avoid such future shutdowns . There is no permanent such future shutdowns . There is no permanent solution such future shutdowns . There is no permanent solution and such future shutdowns . There is no permanent solution and a such future shutdowns . There is no permanent solution and a lot| no permanent solution and a lot of people in washington are pretty mad because this makes the us most a because no other major democracy has these types of potential shutdowns or actual shutdowns and congress has the power of the purse. Unless you are going to elect people into congress who are all about governing and not aboutjust all about governing and not about just getting all about governing and not aboutjust getting social media hits and Tv News Appearances then we could be seeing these for a while, unfortunately. Thank you for your analysis and joining us from washington. Almost the entire population of Nagorno Karabakh has fled the region since azerbaijan reclaimed the territory last week. Thats more than 100,000 Ethnic Armenians who have navigated the winding, mountainous road to armenia. Azerbaijan has said it wants to reintegrate the area and treat its residents as equals, but an armenian spokesman said this wasjust a lie. The Un Refugee Agency has said that many of those fleeing are hungry, exhausted and need immediate assistance. The mass exodus has prompted the United Nations to send its First Mission to the territory in about 30 years, to assess the humanitarian situation. Nagorno karabakh had been controlled by armenian separatists for three decades, but is internationally recognised as part of azerbaijan. Bbc� s South Caucasus and central asia correspondent Rayhan Demytrie has more. Outside the humanitarian Registration Centre here in goris, which has been working 24 7 since the influx from Nagorno Karabakh began last sunday. There is still a lot of people in need of help with more than 100,000 people being registered. Now, theres hardly anyone left inside the Nagorno Karabakh enclave which came under azerbaijani control. Bakus so called anti terror operation against the separatist Ethnic Armenian authorities inside Nagorno Karabakh lasted just 2a hours. Karabakh armenians had surrendered and have now largely been disarmed. Their former leaders are being arrested one by one by azerbaijan, which accused them of terrorism. Their republic, which existed for 32 years but was never recognised by the international community, ceased to exist. With counting almost completed in slovakias general election, the party of a disgraced former Prime Minister looks set to win the most votes. The pro moscow populist robert fico promised to end military aid to ukraine in a campaign that was marked by high volumes of online disinformation. His smer party will need the support of rivals to build a Governing Coalitions and return him to the Prime Ministers office from which he resigned five years ago. Live now to the editor in chief of slovak daily newspaper dennik n, matus kostolny. What are the Election Polls telling us . Votes are almost counted, 99 , robert fico and his party are definitely winners of these elections. Definitely winners of these elections definitely winners of these elections. ~. ,. ,. , elections. What will that mean for the country . Elections. What will that mean for the country . It elections. What will that mean for the country . It means elections. What will that mean l for the country . It means going to the system for the country . It means going to the system used for the country . It means going to the system used to for the country . It means going to the system used to be for the country . It means going to the system used to be five i to the system used to be five years ago and before 12 years ago of the government of robert fico, it means that we will go back to politics of hatred and angen back to politics of hatred and anger, and it means also complete shift in Foreign Policy of slovakia because robert fico announced in the Election Campaign that he would change the policy towards ukraine, towards russia, and that means huge huge shift in slovak politics. Teiiii that means huge huge shift in slovak politics. Slovak politics. Tell us a bit more about slovak politics. Tell us a bit more about that slovak politics. Tell us a bit more about that and slovak politics. Tell us a bit more about that and what l slovak politics. Tell us a bit | more about that and what it will mean for ukraine and what a difference it will make in the age that goes there . Slovakia was one of the real supporters of ukraine, we sent military equipment, munitions to ukraine, and we helped as much as a small country like slovakia can help. Now robert fico announces already he will end this and he will not send any kind of munition or equipment to ukraine. He also declared he understands already has a kind of an understanding for Vladimir Putins position in the war in ukraine, so he talks about peace, but it means in the end, he understands putin more than the ukrainians, and he will be the second one in the European Union after viktor orban in hungary to have different or special position towards ukraine and russia in European Union. European union. Why do you think the European Union. Why do you think the country European Union. Why do you think the country appears. European union. Why do you think the country appears to | European Union. Why do you i think the country appears to be so divided and clearly a lot of people, the majority of people supporting him . Tts people, the majority of people sunporting him . Supporting him . Its not the maori supporting him . Its not the majority of supporting him . Its not the majority of people supporting him . Its not the l majority of people supporting him, it is 20 of people who supported his party, which is the Winning Party but it does not mean the majority of the country support, the country is divided into 50 50 and the democratic campjust divided into 50 50 and the democratic camp just were not able to succeed, they were not able to succeed, they were not able to succeed, they were not able to create strong formation which would be stronger than the party of robert fico, and probably, the reasons are somewhere in the politics created and made by the former government who created so much chaos, that probably lost the trust of people in this country, into not, into politics which was not created ijy politics which was not created by the former Prime Minister. Thank you forjoining us and giving your analysis. New Trading Rules for Northern Ireland are coming into force today as part of the deal between the uk and the eu earlier this year. The Windsor Framework is designed to ease the movement of goods from great britain. The Democratic Unionist Party is continuing to boycott devolved government in Northern Ireland in protest at the framework. Our ireland correspondent chris page reports. Brexit has been a challenging course to navigate, the irish sea became a Trade Border The Fallout For Business and politics has been anything but calm. The change coming today have a especially big effect on the food sector, this wholesale Company Makes deliveries to 5000 customers every week. At 5000 customers every week. Git least this gives us a level of certainty but it is not without difficulties, we have 180 gigabytes supplier so that means new paperwork, explaining new systems. The means new paperwork, explaining new system new systems. The previous arrangements new systems. The previous arrangements known new systems. The previous arrangements known as new systems. The previous | arrangements known as the Northern Ireland motor coal was designed to avoid check points on the land border with the irish republic. Northern ireland and effect remains in the eu Single Market so goods arriving from the rest of the uk were inspected to ensure they were in line with eu rules. Underthe they were in line with eu rules. Under the Windsor Framework there is now a red layer for products that will travel onwards to the republic of ireland, they will still have routine inspections but there will be a green layer for good staying in Northern Ireland, they will have minimal checks. T ireland, they will have minimal checks. G ireland, they will have minimal checks. ~ ,. , ireland, they will have minimal checks. ~ checks. I think if you compare it to pre checks. I think if you compare it to pre brexit, checks. I think if you compare it to pre brexit, it checks. I think if you compare it to pre brexit, it is it to pre brexit, it is burdensome, if you compare it to the Northern Ireland protocol it is less burdensome but what businesses are focused on is making this work, finding Practical Solutions with government to ensure there is a smooth flow of trade while meeting eu requirements around protection of the Single Markets. Protection of the Single Markete protection of the Single Markets. , ,. ,. , markets. The issues of trade, borders and markets. The issues of trade, borders and checks markets. The issues of trade, borders and checks are borders and checks are profoundly political here. Rishi sunak hopes the Windsor Framework will pave the way for the return of the devolved government. A year and a half after it collapsed. The Democratic Unionist Party is blocking the formation of a Power Sharing Coalition at stormont, it says the Trade Border With Britain has been threatening Northern Irelands place in the uk. This month will be a critical time if devolution is to be restored. Chris page, bbc news, belfast. President solih of the maldives has conceded to his rival Mohamed Muizzu in the countrys president ial vote. The Elections Commission showed mr muizzu winning 54 of the ballots in an election overshadowed by Big Questions over the influence of india or china in the Small Island Nation in the indian ocean. Heres david waddell. Its a tiny nation with 500,000 people spread across 187 inhabited islands. There are a further 1,000 uninhabited. But the number of tourists who arrive every year dwarfs the number of people who live there. Theyre attracted by the fantastic climate for several months of the year and these beautiful locales that they come to enjoy. 50 years ago, the maldives was one of the worlds poorest countries. But thats all changed as the country recognises the need to build resources to secure a future for its people. For now, the country enjoys a strategically important position in the middle of the indian ocean, in one of the worlds busiest east west shipping lanes. Both india, a traditional benefactor of the country, and china are seeking to wield influence there and this election is largely about the question of which regional superpower should be able to take precedence. The outgoing president , Ibrahim Mohamed solih, has turned his country to face india in recent years after a period of borrowing heavily from china. Hell stay in office until a successor� s inauguration in november. For his part, Mohamed Muizzu is likely to lean back to china. Its no surprise that neither policy is universally popular. India and china are locked in an ongoing geostrategic struggle. The maldives occupies a place of interest but its a country with little clout, so elections are always a time for its people to face big choices. Lets get some of the days other news 110w. Thereve been scuffles in the Supreme Electoral Tribunal in guatemala as Police Seized boxes containing tally sheets from this years president ial election. It was won by an Outsider Candidate who has been subject to a Campaign Seeking to prevent him from taking office. A ban on some Single Use Plastics comes into force in england today, with restaurants and takeaways risking heavy fines if they do not comply. Shops and hospitality businesses will no longer be able to supply plastic cutlery, balloon sticks and polystyrene cups under the new rules. The government says the move will tackle the scourge of litter and protect the environment from plastic pollution. New yorks governor kathy hochul has warned that torrential downpours which caused Flooding Chaos in the city are the new normal because of climate change. Almost eight inches, 20 centimetres, of rain fell on friday. The citys roads were flooded and services on the Subway System and Commuter Rail services were severely disrupted. A State Of Emergency was declared in new york city, long island and the Hudson Valley. This was the kind of rain that was once unimaginable a once in a century storm, but this is the third time since i was sworn in two years ago i have had a once in a century storm. This includes the historic flooding we had in the Hudson Valley this summer which was deemed a 1000 year flooding event. What do you get if you mix Heavy Metal Music and ballet . Black sabbath the ballet, of course, and a brand new audience to dance. After a successful first run in the bands home city, Birmingham Royal Ballet say more than 60 of the tickets sold were to people who had never been to ballet before. Amy cole reports. When heavy metal meets ballet, this is the electrifying result. Black sabbath the ballet has just opened at the birmingham drone to rave reviews. One man who has been blown away as the co founder of the band and guitarist tony iommi. What you make of the show . T iommi. What you make of the show . G � , iommi. What you make of the show . ~ � ,. ,. ,. Show . I think its fantastic, it really is. Show . I think its fantastic, it really is, seeing show . I think its fantastic, it really is, seeing the show . I think its fantastic, it really is, seeing the final| it really is, seeing the final thing just blew me away. Thing ust blew me away. There are thing just blew me away. There are two massive thing just blew me away. There are two massive genres, thing just blew me away. There are two massive genres, heavy| are two massive genres, Heavy Metal Music, valley did you ever think your wildest dreams they be merged . Trio. Ever think your wildest dreams they be merged . They be merged . No, never really did they be merged . No, never really did but they be merged . No, never really did but i they be merged . No, never really did but i have heard l they be merged . No, never| really did but i have heard it in Different Things on accordions and orchestras and all sorts of Different Things but i never thought a ballet. By but i never thought a ballet. By director Birmingham Royal Ballet is a man who likes to challenge perception and take risk. Carlos acosta admits there were a lot of raised eyebrows when you mentioned sabbath. Pl. Eyebrows when you mentioned sabbath. �. ,. , sabbath. A lot of people thou. Ht sabbath. A lot of people thought this sabbath. A lot of people thought this is sabbath. A lot of people thought this is not sabbath. A lot of people thought this is not for i sabbath. A lot of people i thought this is not for them but the reality is, thats where the creativity is, when you bring the right people to try to bring this artistic expression to a level that has not been seen before, i think you will come up with wonderful things. You will come up with wonderful thins. �. ,. You will come up with wonderful thins. �. ,. Things. Arranging the music has been a mammoth things. Arranging the music has been a mammoth task things. Arranging the music has been a mammoth task and things. Arranging the music has been a mammoth task and key| things. Arranging the music has i been a mammoth task and key to its success. Some of the bands its like ironman will sound different. Its like ironman will sound different its like ironman will sound different. ,. , different. There is a point in act one where different. There is a point in act one where we different. There is a point in act one where we hear different. There is a point in i act one where we hear exactly that music but it is transformed into something lyrical and gentle. Its two sides of the same coin if you like and thats the power that you can deploy in a show when you can deploy in a show when you have such strong material. You make it speak in a different way. You make it speak in a different way. You make it speak in a different wa. , , different way. The hope is this ballet will different way. The hope is this ballet will attract different way. The hope is this ballet will attract new ballet will attract new audiences. Tony i only told me this morning he has never seen a ballet before. You have opened up a size . Opened up a size . Yes, hopefully opened up a size . Yes, hopefully you opened up a size . Yes, hopefully you come opened up a size . Yes, | hopefully you come and opened up a size . Yes, hopefully you come and watch spohn lake or the nutcracker, we see, we persuade him to. That would be amazing that would be amazing. fight that would be amazing that would be amazing. That would be amazing that would be amazing. And so say critics as this would be amazing. And so say critics as this show would be amazing. And so say critics as this show with critics as this show with technics tickets currently sold out. Amy cole, bbc news. Before we go, lets leave you with these amazing pictures from florida. This is one lone shark Chasing Hundreds Of String rays off the coast of Anna Maria Island in florida. Justin nadeau, who was taking Drone Footage for his sea life vlog, was stunned to see so many sting rays being chased byjust one shark. Stay with us here on bbc news. Hello. Its going to stay quite warm for the foreseeable future. The weather, though, a bit of a mixed bag. We had plenty of damp weather on saturday and were also forecasting rain, at least for a time, on sunday but bright weather, i think, for the majority of us. Now, heres the satellite picture. A Conveyor Belt of clouds stretching from the south west, spreading across the uk. Thats the weather front. To the south of it, weve got that warm and quite Humid Airstreaming in. That means a lot of mist and murk around some south western and western coasts through the early hours. And you can see where the rain is around parts of wales, into North Western england and across parts of northern england, too. But a lot of dry weather as well, though quite overcast. Temperatures at 7 00 in the morning, 17 in the south, about 15 there in newcastle, so a really mild start to the day. Now, heres the forecast for the morning. You can see where its raining from wales through northern england. A lot of sunshine for scotland and Northern Ireland. A beautiful morning and afternoon with highs possibly even up to 20 degrees around the Scottish Borders and also newcastle, 23 or 2a degrees across east anglia and the south east, so temperatures are going to be more like august, really. Now into monday, the weather front� s still here. Its trailing way out into the atlantic. It keeps spreading over us. So, again, a chance of some rain, i think in the form of quite heavy showers and even a crack of thunder is possible. Therell be a few showers around western parts of scotland but i think a little bit fresher here with these atlantic winds. 15 in glasgow, still 22, 23, maybe 2a degrees celsius in london and the south east. Now, heres tuesdays weather map and you can see quite a few isobars there. That means a feral breeze blowing off the atlantic. Its going to be more or less a westerly. But High Pressure is fairly close by. That High Pressure will be building across the uk. So, heres tuesday, then. A few showers across many western and northern areas. I think itll feel a little bit fresher around these western coasts 16, 17 celsius. We may nudge to about 20 or so in london, but i think its the teens for most of us on tuesday. And heres a snapshot of the week and you can see that the best of the weather across the south of the country but overall, actually, not too bad with a few showers here and there. This is bbc news, the headlines. The United States has narrowly avoided a Government Shutdown after Congress Approved a short term funding bill in a rare show of cross party unity. The last ditch resolution will keep the government running for a further 45 days, but excludes further aid for ukraine. The Prime Minister has announced more than £1 billion of cash for towns the government says have been overlooked. Rishi sunak made the pledge before the conservative Party Conference starts in manchester later today. The money will go towards regenerating high streets and tackling Anti Social Behaviour in 55 towns. With counting almost complete in slovakias general election, the party of a disgraced former Prime Minister looks set to win the most votes. Robert fico promised to end military aid to ukraine in a campaign that was marked by high volumes of online disinformation. Now on bbc news, click

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