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Well, so four thousand dead, as they say, uh, 7800 uh operations, we were confused for this, yes. Here are their headlines we saw about the counter offensive. Well 50. 000 than uh is approaching young ukrainian boys. What a wave it is. These are already people who were almost all caught on the street, they did not plan in 2020. Ill just say for a second, this is the future nation. You understand that , well, such a loss of some kind, of course, the loss of such a quantity is all ukraine is not, there is no democracy in democracy, ukraine was going through this. What are belarus and other postsoviet republics of the postwar period, when we had a lot of disabled veterans of the great patriotic war in childhood . Yes, we, who are older , remember these people, in fact. Is not only a tragedy, this persons personal all family. Yes, this is a tragedy and uh, lets say the problem of the economy and the development of the state. So ukraine entered this period 50 years later. After, well, the generation changed. And what will happen next . Well, its not hard to guess, but its a huge problem for the future. My father is my father. Yes, he was a disabled veteran of the great patriotic war he had, uh, on all topics. He had injuries to uh in the second group and uh, his fingers were broken and his lungs were burned and there were fragments in his skull. Here it is clear that at that time, the soviet Union Created all the conditions for just the invalids of the great patriotic war. But this, of course , required certain economic resources. Now, if, according to the statistics that they give out, they are even somewhat cunning, because according to the classics, and the calculation of the injured victims, the number of those killed must be multiplied by six, and then there will be, uh, the number of wounded and crippled. Eh, if you go like this, then there are already more than a million numbers. Yes, one and a half Million People of those who suffered, precisely those who would have participated their actions, not counting the civilian Young Healthy men of healthy men. Uh, well, uh, they are the same, as the west thinks how much is the population of ukraine about 40 . There were five million. Well, less yes, well , approximately, then they consider the economically active population. That is, this is, 18 to 65 conditionally years. Well, if the army is removed there, then 4750 years. This is about 20. They are about 17 million, that is, a loss. Uh, well, lets count from 20 million for good measure, and uh, 1. 5 million two uh two million cents, that is, somewhere less than 10 , that is for the west, this is purely statistics, and this is an insignificant loss. And what are they based on this, just recently they announced that everyone will be mobilized correctly . Just yesterday or today, they said without personnel, without soldiers, officers, equipment, this is a pile of scrap metal. And, of course, now the west understands that they cannot lose, and the task has been clearly set. Maybe zelensky and start a new mobilization, and most likely, they will still prepare for no one all this contrast or some kind of retaliatory measures, but we see that its all the same the task is not to carry out, but even some terrorist actions, but still they are guided by a largescale offensive operation. Well, we gave a lot of examples, uh, indicating that this war could not have happened and even showed documents, but i like that such materials appear in the western press, uh, the american writes. Uh, the expendable side may soon be used up. After the humiliating defeat in afghanistan, the alliance needed another war to justify its existence. This war was supposed to contrast with the previous failure. Nato nato leaders seemed to enjoy the prospect of war when in december 21st. In one last desperate attempt. Putin demanded that nato stop its eastward expansion. And undertook the obligation not to accept ukraine into nato secretary general. Stoltenberg arrogantly dismissed any discussion of the topic. Well, in principle, to what its good that they mentioned here, afghanistan is rubaidens after all. Uh, how propaganda presented that it was wisdom that they specially left afghanistan in order to focus on the ukrainian direction and prevent russia from hitting a vulnerable spot, that is, an armed group in afghanistan and now, if there is a defeat in afghanistan , a defeat in ukraine, uh, then this is a clear weakness before the elections this will turn into a serious problem for the baidan, more than that with his visit to kiev with his propaganda. Uh, the line that they built. This is cnn, this is trump calling fake news, and biden is their main role. Yes, the liberal democratic circles of the usa are all promote the ukrainian theme. Why is this reporter of journalists so this question, he is not ordinary americans in this subject, but he is, and it turns out that all strategists. The Democratic Party line fails completely, and the Key Direction is where they spoke. You know, well, you have to be patient, but inflation is putins inflation, the rise in fuel prices is due to the war, and they all tied their own if they lose, or the result is not obvious. Putin will survive as the president of russia russia will survive, even frozen conflicts. They of course they will deliver. As your victory try to do it, but in this case, its drastic. Uh, it will weaken the position of this ruling elite there. I think we dont have enough information, something is coming into focus. Something politics is typing politico. They say yes, but inside the american establishment, the ruling one, there are very serious processes of redistribution of resources. We even see that we told vk that it is wrong to influence the militaryindustrial complex. Uh, if it turns out that the attempt to bet is traditional on the militaryindustrial complex is like, uh, some kind of locomotive. If an economic breakthrough fails, it will undermine, just the same circles that control the militaryindustrial course. There is also an internal war going on. Thats all for us, or thats even okay, americans, take poland. Its all the same for us who will pursue an antibelarusian antirussian policy, tusk will return there, or it will be duda with marovetsky, but for them its not all the same, especially since the rates have been very high lately. So high. This also applies to poland , where the collision of the current of the ruling elite with the command, the United States of america, of course, i have little faith in this, but without a pretentious statement. Yes. E trump. First of all, he has already begun to insult the baiden directly. Here i have a tall son. Eh, quote. Yes, its very tough there with his grandfather. E somehow yes lame or how he promised to put him in jail . You remember these statements here, but i dont remember this, maybe it was somewhere, but, so to speak, not in my memory. I think its a crooked jabaida. Not only dumb incompetent. I believe that he went crazy full stray lunatic just a terrible threat. Purely environmentally open borders military command policy he is a mental catastrophe that leads our country to hell now we will talk about biden. Theres a lot to talk about because its scary, but everyone says he has a nuclear button, but im sure he doesnt have any nuclear button. She has a sun lounger and an umbrella , thats all. E. Hopefully, at least more ukraine, well, an interesting statement this week. Uh, podolak said that warsaw will cease to be friends with kiev after the end of his. Yes, further germany wants to change the government of poland blocking Strategic Investments said the deputy minister of foreign affairs. Pavel yablonsky this is already, but on germany there is one rolling on e. For one thing, uh, there are more and more signals that in the coming week there will be attempts to block Strategic Investments in poland in order to lead to a change in polands government to one that will refuse these investments and again switch our economy to the role of only subcontractor industry from germany other eu countries germany polandukraine further in poland uh independent money political you know such, in general there is sensational. As for me, the article there admitted that being an ally of the United States is even worse than being his friend. Uh, helping ukraine in the short term will have little effect on the us and the uk, which will get the maximum benefit from the conflict there. However, their allies will remain nothing without weapons, without money, which ukraine supposedly promised to return and serious security breaches. Kyiv creates for warsaw, there are really economic problems with ukraine, there are new refugees who have to be supported and who violate polish laws ; conflict in ukraine, these weapons can end up on the black market and create real problems for the security of europe, but see the club in the editors here. Uh, theyre watching watching really if uh, if you analyze the polish press, i think you piotr will confirm watching everything, then analyzes like what he said. Yes, i liked it. Here, ivan mikhailovich, he even wrote letters was such as his this retired goat drummer, winter. Oh yeah. No, yes, she says, i didnt look at them. I didnt look at the letters he wrote to me. Its their part of this lie, and hes a letter to you, remember im not like looking, but take the assurance of louies memes there respect and so on fun. Almost commented. Yes, that repeat us, but in fact here uh, its very bad to have a trojan horse of europe on the border of your country. This is me about poland. Yes, this is the thing with which the states weaken and destroy their allies. And putin actually has hygiene. Yes, decide anyway. You know that we do not know how to get out, yes, here, well, look what is really happening today right next to us. Yes , a new hotbed of tension , aggressive tension, is emerging. Yes, they absolutely rightly said that they would escalate, but they wont take real steps against us , its possible, yes, there is a big question plus there is a law. Let s not forget that polish citizens can actually hold different states. Yes, in fact, the institution has been legalized in the locality. Right . Yes, ukraine as a protector . Yes, thats right, at the expense of what, at the expense of what, will all this be implemented at the expense of what resources . But not polish, right . The question is here. Here we are now discussing a horse, or a hyena. Yes donkey i would say so. Unfortunately this is so, because if we look at the Foreign Policy of the domorovets regime, especially in recent years. To me she is very strongly reminiscent of the Foreign Policy that poland pursued in the thirties. Lemon has arrived. Here, uh, you look, uh, poland warsaw is an ally of the United States of america. However, even the Biden Administration is unhappy. Uh, the dude moroleska regime is that they are guided by the republicans and the ambassador , uh, the United States in poland meets en masse with the opposition, by the way, an accomplice is a simple son, uh, with bigny obzhezinsky marks in life, this is one moment the second moment. Uh, why such hysteria of poland takes place not only because that they had already signed a decree on august 8, and that at the beginning of the Parliamentary Campaign and the ratings of the ruling party, pis does not allow them to maintain a oneparty government today, but also because the americans are still very much thinking about who to appoint as their main agent in europe. Uh, they let the germans down. In fact, when they blew them up. Eh, flows today scholz is e, also by and large the donkey and viceroy of the United States of america and the americans are wondering. Why do we need to invest some funds in order to form a bet to manage the Eastern Front there in poland if everything is ready during the cold war, and let er, the same poles are placed under the germans, and we are already with the germans. We have experience of the cold war. We will rule the poles. Here is today. What a big boron cheese, it turns out there. Here it is also very important that he showed. This is some kind of indistinct provocation with supposedly belarusian helicopters that flew cheap, but did not notice him. Lets, yes, you can discuss pr this way , but lets see what polish society is being discussed. In general, combat readiness, the polish army waving a club, it can be stated that he had 300,000 here, they had never fought before the belarusian army. Yes, we are proud that our army did not fight. Yes, you can talk about his experience, but it is longpresident lukashenka that our army did not take part in the hostilities. This possibility creates a question in the plan. Uh experience, but it was the choice of our people, but the polish army, but she fought there in iraq in afghanistan, the results, to put it mildly, in a number of military operations. How says the youth is not ice, uh, in this case. And what else . Okay, heres the helicopter. And if there was a sorry, where your air defense was not. And what is it, who . This discredits the polish armed forces, for example, the results that polish Armored Vehicles showed , to put it mildly, in ukraine. These are polish upgrades. They turned out to be weakly ready for shells, which were not cooling down from warehouses, but ukrainians. They just wrote complaints, by the way, such what is there, uh, just they got damp, to put it mildly, uh, they sent instructors, who also did not show themselves positively everywhere, and this whole situation says, firstly, and in the next you use your own resources to double the armed forces and most importantly maintain longterm is not what they recently announced with the support of the british about conducting independent operations. This is designed for the average shevist , they will not be able to do this if they massively install hymers and everything else. Yes , they will, but manage them, and strike. Excuse me, why does belarus remain so calm . The answer to this whole situation is one Tactical Nuclear weapon, it completely eliminates all these attempts of the polish side and respond. Theyre nothing about it alone. Uh, political review or none of this here, uh, gazionka not uh, writes. Yes, he doesnt explain, uh, to a polish, german and american visitor, that the leadership of the Russian Federation and the republic has repeatedly stated that no one will be in the forest with you in the west of belarus if you enter, everything will end. Here, this is the most talk about how were about to beat them, well, winner. Well, look, what is really happening with the same polish press, but we are afraid of helicopters. Uhhuh and not a word not a word about Tactical Nuclear weapons. Yes, because to tell this about him means to sign what the current government. Poland lost strategically. Here is the confrontation. Here are some more numbers. If in terms of the economy, here, and then there was just a topic about the need to ban these investments, but, according to mm, if you take the cut of the eeconomy of poland, this is the economy of example of germany, then the economy is larger than gdp is about 688 billion, and germanys gdp is more than 4. 2 trillion, that is , almost one and a half times more, of course, germany and under all circumstances, no matter how they press it there, no matter how it was washingtons politics that determined the politics of berlin but , uh, germany and most importantly, the corporate circles of germany are very well aware of just such an internal theme of the germans. This is the western territory. Poland, thousands of square kilometers, the third topic that they begin to discuss is the topic of these territories. I dont i understand that, uh, why is there such a bargaining going on right now. Yes, because these lands have already been bought out over the past 30 years, the main real estate has been bought out by german capital. This western poland in yes and uh, now the poles, why is such an emotional hai raising understands that if only at some uh moment, uh . Washington or london will weaken its attention to warsaw, then germany will immediately cut off this western western poland, everything is actually a very important topic , the question of your sovereignty is really raised polands economy up to 70 . Here are the taxes that the polish budget collects these are taxes from Foreign Companies that belong either to the germans or the british or americans through their contractors in poland and they are the main sponsors of the two parties that are fighting among themselves today, that is, the beautiful polish shell behind which hides either british or american or german capital polish capital. This is no more than 30 , uh, the countrys budget is a direct example of another 2001, im going by train in poland, uh. In bialystok and a polish one, already aged , a man says zobachpan and points to a thermal power plant. This is what the thermal power plant says this is the bialystok thermal power plant for a year. He doesnt eat our emu. The frenchman says they bought it and the french say, so the tariffs were squeezed for us, this is 2001, that we are crying here and the situation in poland has only worsened, that is, the main assets there belong to european companies, but in reality. We are not yet talking about what, in reality, is the state budget deficit. They have a fairly high not only outwardly debt deficit is high, and they they do not know how to close it and cover it only at the expense of external loans. Uhhuh uh, and not only that, here we are saying that uh budget. Uh, polands military budget for this year. This is 23, but about eight billion more will be allocated from a certain peace fund, that is, this fund. Some are changing, but public organizations of the International World are engaged in the supply of weapons, european ones. Yes , the poles already used such a scheme in georgia on the eve of 2008. Think back to 2004. E third year. Yes, up to 5 years before these situations 08. 08, and the budget. Uh, georgia was. Naturally small, but they created a national fund. Uh, there is peace or safety in little georgia, the military budget was much larger than belarus, they are doing now, that is, in fact, if we consider the layout of this budget, it turns out that the National Budget is small, but all the rest are these funds , which are subject to yours, but why the failed polish project . Moreover, this historical event is no longer enough resources to finance it. This is the imperialism of the breath. You need all the time pump out. But there has always been so much ambition , so i, too, always win when our nationalists come. The russian empire will swallow us up, im talking in the wrong direction, look , i was talking in poland. Yes, we will finish, but this economic topic in conclusion. By the way, i have statistics from the council of ministers this week. Of course , we are not the german economy, not even poland, for a variety of reasons, the young sovereign state was part of the large soviet economy. Survived the crisis of the nineties plundered, by the way, colonies. Yes, they didnt happen, but nevertheless according to. Well already to this 20 e the third year, what is august . Yes, we now have, according to the best and greatest economists in the universe, romanchuk. And the husbands chalova should have been out of starvation, but nevertheless there are fresh economic figures, inflation has reached positive growth in three places, predicted. E family industry, which is very important, was fully offset by the decline in supplies to ukraine and an unfriendly country. Remember this number. Voiced production is supported by a strong e, external demand. We know where the president s demand in this today spoke like this at the end of this topic under prabaiden, after all , or you want to comment , i can only say that pay attention, that is, we predicted a drop in e by 20 , and we have an increase of 2 , while world growth is now, but fermenting at the level of 2. 2 global global. They are just leaving the Global Economy after the pandemic. But the most important thing is that bloomberg published this week and said that the policy that the European Union is pursuing is due to the fact that high inflation, and the decline in production next year will be 4 . All of me, ivan mikhailovich, i will act as a devils lawyer on behalf of romanchuk. And chalova. So, i count the numbers incorrectly specifically on the case, not always. She is all alone working in belarus growth of savings. Those, well, whats wrong with this , whats wrong with that . Lets worry about this person lately. God grant him health 150 there, if i have as many years of life as i like, true, without any irony , he worked for so many years in the diplomatic niva service for the benefit of the collapse of the soviet union is therefore the Russian Federation president. They even made him weird. I just cant be a spectator. Uh, dont show. Not everything is for the internet, they are watching, firstly, they lie shamelessly. Yes, the fact that she is always forever, right . Look what the president is doing. Im already silent fake news what the president is doing. E, and on the most ridiculous occasions, they singled out a performance about e, the wonder of the world. No, of course not. Lets see the grand canyon this is one of the nine wonders of the world on the whole earth literally. Just think its amazing. Yes well, let me remind you that yes, the wellknown pyramids da kolos rhodes alexandrinsky temple. Well, in short, these are some new two in this one, in his long tensecond speech, he lied twice. The canyon is not included in the list of uh, wonders of the world and them and if we look at the wonders of the world, they are all manmade, unlike the grand canyon, which is really a miracle of nature. Yes, well, dug no no, no, and ukhta too, but you look, uh, a wonderful person. Here, im waiting now. So i just watched everything, and i remember on the same screen video clip. I came up with the idea of ​​bombing belgrade. This is what i came up with. How many people died children. Ok . Yes, today the largest country, the west, is in charge, and he just got everyone, uh, with history. About how he was driving his own Railway Conductor patted. Eh, on the cheek. You remember and he was not shot for some reason difficult security. And then well discuss. You know that for weeks, he was driving to some city and some disabled old man, who wants to say with a stick, wrote that a biden is coming, i need to blow off the dust from my gun. And i know that you know, but guess three times what happened to this man was shot in his own house. Well, for sure, of course, firing back from a machine gun turned out to be resistance, but the fact itself, you can only imagine in belarus or the Russian Federation that they just dont write. Yes, they just dont write about the leaders of countries about Civil Servants , no one smiles in a cap. As he says , uh, Dmitry Alexandrovich is a war criminal , so he is with this patriarch and all the time he tells the link, he traveled a million billion. Eh miles. How much railway it was very good in the program, yes to the participants, who is in one. Frantsevich, i mean the evening with vladimir solovyov, they did the work for us. Why repeat a very interesting episode . Lets see what hes doing in public. Nice cut up , remember, angelo is a guy named angelo negrri. Said the kid took me by the bangs. I thought the Security Services would blow his head off. True story kid i thought the cops would shoot him joey took me latch. I thought the secret services would shoot him. I said he owns it, true history as Vice President. We counted to have made x number of trips that you represent 1,200,000 miles on the m. Track, 200,000 million miles, not counting because of the presidency. He said you traveled 1,515,000 miles on an average of 131 days in a year of 257 miles. Traveled more than two million a day in the world. You have traveled over two million 100,000 miles. 2. 200. 000 miles per track. I ve traveled over one million two hundred and fifty thousand miles in front of you with their help. Honestly, a guy who could ever meet im not kidding, if only one problem the fact is that biden became Vice President 15 years after the dismissal of the negro and the costs, and dashed off record miles a year after his death. So this is all a lie, he is healthy with him until the last service. I dont know, because in such a state he is in charge of such a side. Maybe hes just very aware. This is such a phenomenon when he is not aware, because the americans exist when the soviet union was ruled. They are such old people. Yes, war. Yes, by the way, this is a sign of the system. Why not that on the old men of her 66yearold daughter she continues to participate in the vote the leader of one of the parties in the american parliament, who hangs out, giving comments, she looks good, but also age. Trump and biden age what . What are you talking about about the political crisis, this distrust of the new generation ensures the fear we are talking about, there is succession, the fear of ensuring succession. She has drastically aged trends. Uh, these corruption schemes are everything that many books have been written about, that films have been made, thats all, this is a concentrated crisis of world hegemony, it is, uh, a boomerang the ideological crisis of the blm is also returning inside the United States, and that which demolishes the monuments to the heroes of the south. These are the movements of the population, the migration crisis, the emergence of entire, millions of layers of the population, like those gelatinous americans who do not perceive this ideology , thats all together along with the economic crisis, which also originated in the United States, this gives rise to this internal conflict situation and, most importantly, the people send a signal to the leader clear guys. Solve internal problems, and they are trying at the expense of aktua. External agenda to take away the attention of the population and why all these questions arise ecology gender, this is their traditional scheme. For many years, instead of solving the pressing issues of americans, the economy is unemployment, which eventually led the railroad there, because its just that entire regions are poorer, there are pennsylvania, chicago, detroit, and so on. They reasoned whether to have abortions or not to have an abortion is an important issue. But, probably, in a series of other important issues. This is a conscious policy that diverts peoples attention to secondary questions. It may be important. I do not say, but if there is another agenda for the answer, on which this supposedly elite does not want to give its citizens here. Uh, remember one moment, here somewhere, probably, a year ago there was such a big article about why the political leaders, uh , the main countries of the collective west, first of all, the United States of europe, and the concept of what is it was introduced . In principle, the socalled intentions. That is, uh, those who entertain the people, that is, bytes. He is typical. Yes, with a clown. Uh, heres the more jokes. E, there when he greets some invisible people there, pulling his latch, so much the better for the nation. Yes, this is an element of modern, but modern management of society. But and here we are, when we talk about american society. Why do they need such entertainments, but, because in reality the us crisis began already in the fifties, when they realized that it was easier to make money not on the production of goods, but on financial speculation, and then the American Economy became a financial economy, the socalled financial revolution, and they realized that value, in principle, can be generated by managing information through shares and so on and they lived very well, but this economy always leads to only one thing, but entire areas. Thats how, uh, correctly, vadim frantsevich said, we just started, uh, to go bankrupt. Well, where do people work, former centenarians. Yes, everything is closed. Yes, they sit. Uh, financial magnates are clerks who make transactions, and ordinary people, where there is no natural work to work, go bankrupt. And they are needed. Here is consciousness. Them somehow it is necessary to manage, but filling in some nonsense about abortions about lgbt people is a problem there. And this is a problem, yes, and further on and, uh, as a result. Now they are facing a crisis. Eh, this, eh, his solution is twofold. Trump started the first decision in 1916. When he said that it was necessary to return all industry from europe and china, and this is what they are doing now from europe, destroying it yes, through high Energy Tariffs for cutting off resources from russia, the destruction of the actual industry, those technologies in china, they are trying to have time to return these Industries Technology to themselves, but they were too late they were too late. They most importantly made a mistake in the twelfth year. We have already said this, it was in the twelfth year that the point of no return occurred, when the money supply e you of the us emissions a became larger than the us gdp itself, and somehow this mass began to grow and it turned out that, and they violated the main law of the economy. Its like the newtonian laws of physics, and here they are, but they did, so the money supply has become much larger than the real us economy, its always coming to collapse already people stop trust, but i mean america thats what weve just seen, yes, weve seen people. Yes, a very elderly one, who, well, somewhere, performs actions that are not entirely explicable from the point of view, well, of a normal understanding of life and logic. And what do we see in the political field . And we see everything the same when society is not identified by its future with its real state of affairs by its state. Uh, the welfare of the actions that they perform looking at these here, that is, it seems that society lives in a video game. Yes, there it is one world and we play elections there. And here we have e in the yard at the entrance to the another world store. And here it is, the link is lost. See what a chic manipulation tool is lined up. This is the political consciousness of society. Yes, that is, essentially. Here in certain countries. In the main countries of the west, thanks to information technology, thanks to the same technology of prohibition during the code , a system has been built when the society is absolutely controlled, and it is not connected with their real expectations. Published this week documents, took, bribes, uh, in conjunction with the hunter and ukrainian oligarchs for burisls , and even managed to take from the russians, we are talking about millions and seventy million. Uh dollars. Well, you see, he will tell us that he caused economic harm from the american press. The material came out, what do you guess the drugs that you found . Who owns someone connected to the biden family. Well, yes , god forbid, so that not the most beaten, but if hunter already understands this, there are no questions. Well, alexey says that here europe is there, but they brought it to what european funds go for mass media, you know, there is such a company rd this is a small touch already on the program of the public broadcaster, by the way , to the union that suspended our membership. Uh, no one Needs Organization in this one. This is what only pulled money, but there was no use. There was no propaganda, by the way, this week i talked to one of the people close to the European Broadcasting Union , he was terribly outraged, and he talked about this with the management. Including the circular was at a certain stage. Uh, or the day before i will lie or, in the course of the means, i will forget that there is nazism in ukraine. After all, remember how everything disappeared. Yes, do not show e, in no case do not talk about it, the european Broadcasting Team of the union went down from top to bottom about what it is to remove this person, he says. I will never forgive him for this. Well, we dont know, we didnt see the circular, its unlikely that they wrote about it, although one of the journalists told well, like this, here, they are working, by the way, this week. Who is there, or something, screwed up, interviewed some ukrainian soldier yes, 7 years old and on an interruption the cap of the small interruption is still turned back, and he asked him, for sure, to turn his cap, at least a hitlerite cap, such a sign on the small interruption lit up. Well , this is another proof that they all know everything very well, not only these pictures. Well, what can we do forget these, uh, stuffed with tattoos. Uh, when they took azurite, they gave up, the bbc comes out and says, despite all the attempts , the russians still cannot prove, well, just like that, and rd is a public broadcaster, the reportage decided, uh, to praise the price increase on meat, in particular, ostensibly because of the carbon footprint. And they took shots where the woman is delighted that the prices are rising, but the viewers carefully recognized her as an employee of the russian railways, and when they asked for an explanation from the head of the television company, he wrote there that such accidents happen, go, and then shaded. Well, you can basically imagine. Yes, lets do it. Uh, so, uh, i dont know, were probably pretty much everything. Why is there lustration in poland . Uh, beyond the rights of us russians. We know that already 1. 700, in my opinion, or how much e residence permit. Uh, they decided now they are going to deprive the rights of the passport will not help. I dont know whats in there. Eh, there is such and such a thing, like this one, that she only, uh, is trying to say that we decide everything there. Everything is fine with us here. Here bahnu usedy necessarily undermines. There are some personal conflicts. Something they had or didnt have or somehow else i dont know. Well, he hates these belarusian whites. Most the main enemy of the mara is on the seat. Here they must have a portrait somewhere. You know how grisha is our lightening. He put a bull flag at the entrance to the studio. Here you have to come. Yes, i would put a portrait on my seat with makarov. Well, they are in vilnius, of course. And those who are in poland, their decision is, of course , fantastic, because, well, we are not going to vilnius who is going to vilnius who is there where . Yes, not yet, then approximately, but there were them on the suwalki corridors, the rest will go to vilnius well here, of course, a blow in the stomach of those who spend there. I know that in vilnius. Yes, and why was it okay to go . You see, some kind of marathon to raise money, of course, a scam is another option or they legalized the European Union from the account and the European Union is a cool topic, then they got up, they forgot to explain how they would share the money, you see, this is money there, yes . No, yes, they did. A whole scheme of how they will unwind like a phrase and through invisible capillaries. They will reach the address there here on the invisible basis. Thats for sure steal the whole half a million. Yes, the people of belarus chipped in. Well, of course. Uhhuh, about how it folds. Well, i say again several options, either european money or their own money. There it is possible through such an implementation, what do they say, you know, we cannot highlight specific sources, where i will go to the Belarusian Special services. Here it would be necessary not to be afraid to be afraid. Uh, the full secret is investing, we will, uh, complete our program this week, sanctions have again been introduced into the next ones. Canada entered last friday. We told you that canadian vice Prime Minister of finance is the granddaughter of a nazi. Well, the children are not responsible for the sheep for the fathers, but she also supports her grandfather, who fought the imperialists in the form of a soviet one. E. Union was in a childrens organization about the nazi and so on , and several days passed, both in a relationship, as in a relationship. I dont know, well, they dont do it so quickly, but with respect. Eh, me v here is this lover of colored melancholy. Yes, i imposed sanctions, i commented on this, i will not repeat my attitude. Hey, ill say im proud. Uh, but uh, im sorry i cant help but repeat for an encore. I say goodbye to you. It was the editors club, see you in exactly one week and another, please, especially for the Prime Minister of canada, 2 minutes about how the nazis work the government of canada, goodbye. What surprised me personally . So it is that the descendants of some nationalists today determine the policy of canada, for example, the vicepremier, the minister of finance, christians, her beloved grandfather. Michael hamster. He worked as the editorinchief of the nazi newspaper krakow news in poland, a historical figure of the 20th century. So called this publication hitlers alpha convinced that the population of the golitsy is ready to fight and die for a holy just cause, understandable to the authorities. It turns out that her grandfather worked hard to restore freedom and democracy to ukraine, i believe, supporting hitler and the holocaust, freelancing herself contributed to the destruction of the ussr in the 1980s , she brought antisoviet propaganda materials, money , video and sound recording equipment to the soviet ukraine for local nationalists. For this, she was banned from entering the soviet union of modern russia freon also a persona nongrada. Although in the west there is a photo of her with the flag of a ukrainian terrorist organization. Upa does not interfere with a political career, it is freelancing along with former british Prime Minister boris johnson. Persuaded western European Countries to quickly supply ukraine with weapons in 2022. Canada has provided ukraine with 2 billion in direct financial assistance, another 500 million through bonds, and more than 2. 5 billion in military humanitarian aid. In addition, canada, the United Kingdom , the United Kingdom and other countries are completely plast works freely, an analogue of the hitler youth, a youth structure of ukrainian nationalists, who during the Second World War brought up militants for the aun and ss galicia was created back in 1911, all the same Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych came out of it , and canadian ministers, christov freelancing, were an active member of the formation. They came to belarus and took a liking to it with all their hearts, belarus that country that makes you fall in love with a feeling of some kind of kinship and closeness. It was present, belarus , all those who visited me here are ill, on in fact, thats from the heart from the heart. And they dont even compare with some other countries, because here there is some kind of unique atmosphere. Unique people are very friendly, very hospitable here. They found a lifes work and realized themselves in belarus to become a successful businessman. The first is the most. The main thing is the name of the animal today. We created about 100 jobs 90 this is a belarusian project belarus gave me all the opportunities, as a person, can live his life and here you are in comfort. And what more does my man need the current work has given me a lot and i am happy to be a diplomat and serve for the benefit of my fatherland. Watch on our tv channel. Each of the heroes of the project is engaged in a very important matter, if we cannot change the fate of the child. We can give him a happy childhood, 14 speech therapists, nine psychologists, none of the centers have this. All tickled on the palm of your hand, antosha we will introduce you to people who have found their calling. Each of us came here to help our little patients find their place in life. Here as much as i appreciate his team, here is this life today. Now its also worth a lot, we offer to spend one day with specialists and learn all about the intricacies of their work. The psychologist must undergo personal therapy himself, the psychologist must attend some supervisory events to some extent or have previously been used in the space industry. Now it is quite actively used in medicine not rehabilitation. A very complex science. There are a lot of factors that affect the end result look at tv channel belarus 24. Sunday , august 13, with what events in the country of the world do we begin the day to tell . Good morning. Watch the releases of the latest competition triumphs and an incredible show at the end of the sports festival. How will the closing of the second games of the cis countries in romania be . Lukashenko of the vitebsk region was shown experimental methods of tillage, the traditional region is considered the most difficult in agriculture and climate and compliance with technologies and personnel without moldboard tillage in a simple way this is when the layers are not cut and turned over with the remnants of the previous crop, but sown directly into the uncultivated land. And at the same time they loosen, make approval, shine and roll. Yes, a slightly different technique, but what a savings in time and labor costs, and again, well, for this to work, you need to follow the technology 100 the president will listen to all those interested starting technology will be approved with a reservation, look at the next year Alyaksandr Lukashenka for any experiments that give results. Iron discipline is neither to the left nor to the right, because if you get equipment, you will get money for new complexes, but people will walk, as it has been for centuries. Here you wo nt get anywhere. We sat down and helped. God grant and subsidies and loans and advance payments. No country helps like this, but there must be a return, so explain to people the discipline, you dont need them. Work. If you dont want to, dont, without him, you wont get fired anywhere. And no one will accept him for work, not only in this area, but in another until he gives permission from the deity. Its impossible to work anywhere, thats enough, the fool is over. I often speak. I dont want to fight. Lets work on the field, because we will come to this war. In ukraine , this all began before my eyes. Therefore, you have to move move move without you, not a single livestock farmer mechanic will quit, but you wont quit without them, and no. You can quit any but there are cases, the reason is different, maybe family there. Well, they answer with their heads. They put a signature that you will be transferred to another place, no. This is not a dictatorship. Not serfdom. Just need to now clenched teeth to pull out lets live. Going about your work, if we take the ideal situation, that both the weather and people work as a team, save such a siva, of course, a decent threefold by minimum estimates, vitebsk farmers consider this an opportunity for themselves to sow earlier and remove critically important for northern region. Now on the eve of not only leguminous corn grass and straw Harvesting Company approached the meridian, but there is still a lot of work ahead. The penultimate day of the competition at the second games of the cis countries brought many victories to the belarusians and vivid emotions of the fans. Our boxers put nine awards in the teams treasury, and the champion. Here denis matsulev started successfully at the competitions, the belarusians in shorts and sambo also continued their successful performance in swimming. And four more awards on the eve of the hosts brought game sport basketball 3x3 all the details in the reportage spectacular fights. Fans could watch the day before in 3x3 basketball at the polo arena. Many supported our teams in the stands, and hundreds of thousands of fans at the tv screens and we have as many as four medals from the second games of the cis countries , our mens youth team has ceased to rise to the highest level, it was really bright. Emotions just overflow. This is probably one of the most spectacular and one of the most exciting sports, especially 3x3. Congratulations on the good results of our teams, especially guys. The good guys made me happy. Yes, the girls played well, but sport is sport, the strongest wins in the final, the hosts took over the russians 19 12 ivan balduev kirill voskovtsov daniil kovskoy. Ilya milashevsky at the highest level of five hundred and next on the third line is the team belarus 2 in the womens tournament. We are in second place. Here the russians were stronger, and our second team also took bronze. In the modern pentathlon maria wrathchik distinguished herself the day before she won the third gold of the second games of the countries cis and this is how the emotional girl with mira bura celebrated the victory in the relay, and before that she was also the first in the individual and Team Tournaments in the mens relay. We have silver for me sport is first of all emotions. I really love. This is the thirst for victory. Especially it is about some kind of fencing in our sport. These are unimaginable emotions. This is some kind of whiskey screaming action, but its very cool. And this is already brest. Eight sets of awards in swimming were played here and the belarusians took the same number of medals and five bronze medals genrikh tankovich became the second at a distance of 100 m breaststroke vladislav velichko one and a half thousand meters freestyle and mixed relay race four by 100. Lord, sambo wrestlers climbed the champion of the multisport forum Anfisa Kapayeva weighs up to 50 kg, she will note crazy support. I havent experienced it in any other major tournament. Also in the piggy bank of the hosts, two silvers and four bronzes , five medals in karate competitions in mogilev, our athletes won three bronzes and two silvers. Hallelujah in the medal standings , the belarusians remain in second place and bypass the leader of the russian team will no longer succeed, but it was a bright struggle and incredible emotions, and the continuation is waiting for your answers even today. Today the last victors of the second games of the cis countries will be determined cities eight sports in mogilev for awards will continue to fight for karate six sets of awards for conum in the depths of the fans, the finals in sambo are waiting for three weight categories for men and four for women vitebsk we follow thai boxing, where they will be scattered as many as 14 sets of medals, and in soligorsk in the womens wrestling in ten weight categories will determine the strongest in brest , the final eight sets will be played. The chest swimming awards will determine the best teams in field hockey. In which men and women, and in the capital we follow the denouement in volleyball tournaments and modern pentathlon competitions, where today the mixed relay race is on the program. Let me remind you that all stands are free. At the end of a bright sports festival, an incredible show is waiting for the closing ceremony, and the second games of the country, the cis will be held today at the minsk arena and the organizers are ready to surprise the audience with numerous headliners and surprises both in the stands and at the tv screens. We will not disclose the details, they will not leave anyone indifferent, and the closing ceremony and the multisport forum itself was remembered by belarus and for a long time we will have a small surprise for the guests at the end, which we will see, of course, have prepared. Here are the headliners. I dont know if i can say it or not, but i wont say who it is, so it will be interesting. Yes. Yes, well known. Yes, these are famous people, famous artists. Here also everything will be massively festive we will close. As brightly as they opened, the solemn closing ceremony of the second games of the cis countries will begin at the minsk arena. At 18 00 the stands of the Sports Complex together 15. 000 fans, the rest. Follow the show on tv channel belarus 1 live. Dont miss it will be bright. In romania, an International Exercise on the Nato Battle Group starts at the gift range from august 14 to 18, 250 french ilixembourg soldiers, as well as 65 technical means of battle groups and nato will take part in the maneuvers to work out their goal, the Rapid Deployment of troops and equipment, let me remind you Nato Battle Group in romania was created in may 22 and now there are soldiers from france, belgium and the netherlands in the country. The americans are concerned about relations between poland and ukraine, tensions between kiev and warsaw. Due to the unwillingness of the poles to compete with ukrainian agricultural products, it speaks of conflict fatigue. Writes the washington post, the authors of the material predict an imminent split in the union of the two countries, the basis of the electoral base for the polish ruling party, farmers. And this means that the issue of ukrainian grain is very sensitive for the current government in the context of the upcoming elections, the votes of the voters are much more important than helping ukraine

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