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Tonight seven candidates take the stage for the republican debate. One republican consultant says if ron desantis doesnt do well here, he might have to drop out. An attempt to destroy our city. That is how the Philadelphia Police commissioner described what happened there last night. Brazen and rapid fire breakins across the city, all caught on camera. Armed and dangerous, a manhunt is under way for a Murder Suspect in the killing of a tech ceo. Police say he will, quote, do anything he can to cause harm, including kill and rape. Im sara sidner with john berman and kate bolduan. This is cnn news central. Lets start with the new information coming out of north korea. State media there is now reporting the country has decided to expel the u. S. Soldier who has been in north korean custody since july. Now, the circumstances around what happened to Army Private Travis King have really always been somewhat strange since this happened. King seemed to willingly cross into north korea during a Civilian Tour of the Demilitarized Zone and the questions have mounted since then. Cnns Alex Marquardt is at the State Department with the latest. Alex, do we know where private king is right now . Reporter we dont, kate. These are were expecting to get details soon from the biden administration. At this point all we have is the information that has been provided by north korea and north korean state media and what theyve said is that they are expelling private travis king from north korea. Now, what that means exactly, how soon, where, these are all questions that we certainly want to get the answers to. As you noted, he crossed the dmz from south korea into north korea back on july 18th. Now north korea saying that following an investigation over the course of the past two months during which private king confessed to crossing illegally into north, they are expelling him, they say that he harbored ill feeling of inhuman treatment and Racial Discrimination within the u. S. Army. Kate, it is unclear whether those are indeed private kings own words. There were, of course, concerns when he crossed into north korea that he could be used for Propaganda Purposes or as a bargaining chip. We havent seen him, so they didnt really capitalize on anything in terms of propaganda. In terms of a bargaining chip, its not clear whether a deal was struck here. So lots of questions remain, but, kate, this was an extraordinary saga. He was meant to leave south korea where he was serving as a private in the u. S. Army, part of the rotational u. S. Military forces that are in south korea, and he was supposed to go back to texas to fort bliss to face Disciplinary Procedures because he had been accused of assaulting people in south korea. In fact, he had spent some 50 days in south korean custody doing hard labor because of an assault that he pled guilty to. He was taken to the airport by u. S. Military officials and as soon as they let him go he then left the airport. He then joined that Civilian Tour at the dmz, at which point he split off from the tour and crossed what is known as the Joint Security Area and a senior u. S. Army official said that he did so willfully and without authorization. Now, this was baffling to not just u. S. Military officials, but to his family as well. They said it was uncharacteristic of him to do Something Like that. But theres been extremely little communication, essentially no communication between the north koreans and the United States that we know of. There was an acknowledgment to the united nations, which is there on the dmz, by the north koreans that there had been a request for information about private king, but really we havent heard anything about private king in the past two months and then suddenly, kate, today this news from north korean state media that they are expelling him. But we certainly have a lot of questions about his time in custody, what conditions hes in and how hes going to get home, kate. All right. Stick close, we know more information will be coming really soon this morning. Alex, thank you very much for that. John . Mark your calendars. Today is september 27th, 2023. It might be the last best chance for any republican candidate not named donald trump to carve out a realistic chance to win the republican nomination. Seven candidates will take the stage at the debate at the Ronald Reagan president ial library in simi valley, california. As for the stakes a consultant actually backing Florida Governor ron desantis as saying, quote, if he doesnt do well here, in my opinion hes got to drop out. If he doesnt want to be embarrassed. Thats someone supporting ron desantis. As for donald trump, he will not be there. He is skipping the debate and speaking before auto workers in michigan. This fresh off the news that a new york judge ruled that he committed fraud and stripped him of control of some of the business he holds so dear. As of this moment he could be on a path to win the nomination, but lose his empire. Cnns kyung lah is in simi valley, california, the site of the debate with all these swirling realities hanging over your head. Reporter yeah, you know, you just pointed it out, trump has his plate full with his variety of problems, but hes choosing to dine somewhere else. He is counterprogramming and while he may have earlier this week called the debates, quote, stupid, deriding these debates, for these candidates who are gathering and will be gathering tonight in simi valley, this is extraordinarily important. It is their opportunity. Try to snatch the mantel as a trump alternative and try to make the argument that they are the strongest alternative and really capitalize on desantis Downward Slide and trajectory in the polls. So what you are expecting to see tonight as these campaigns are projecting in their comments theyre saying, look, they are going to be more aggressive, they are going to take it to trump. Weve certainly heard them testing out some of these antitrump lines from the haley camp. Weve heard from tim scotts campaign that he is going to push a more aggressive tone and Vivek Ramaswamys campaign has told cnn that what he is going to do is to lay out those policy and personality disagreements he has with donald trump on the debate stage tonight. I want to point you to this comment that ron desantis made just hours before showing up here in simi valley. I think its interesting all the voters to show up, defend his record, articulate what he would do going forward, what he might do differently. Hes running in 2024 on a lot of the same promises he ran on in 2016 and didnt deliver on. Reporter so this is their chance to speak not just to each other and to take all of these swipes at one another, but it is their chance to speak directly to millions of republican primary voters. And, john, also, do not underscore the importance, as you pointed out in what ron desantis backer was saying, is that this is their chance to talk to those fundraisers, to those financial backers and to keep the money flowing, john. Some of whom are getting a little skittish about backing someone other than donald trump at this point. Kyung lah in simi valley at the lovely Ronald Reagan president ial library, thank you for being with us. Now to another one of Donald Trumps problems, a judge in new york has ruled that donald trump and his adult sons have committed fraud in their Business Empire and should be held liable for t the judge found that the trumps defrauded banks and Insurance Companies by providing bogus Financial Statements for roughly a decade and overvalued their property sometimes to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. Now, this comes just days before the new York Attorney generals civil case against the former president is supposed to go to trial. Cnns Brynn Gingras is joining us now. Brynn, the judge did not mince words, calling trumps legal arguments a fantasy world, not the real world, but i also hit trump where it hurts him the most perhaps, he is hitting trump for his ability to do business in new york. Tell us what happened. Reporter yeah, which is one of the objectives of the new York Attorney general. So this was a huge win for Letitia James ahead of this trial that is expected to start and likely will start on monday, but lets get into exactly what the judge has said in his ruling regarding the overvaluation of his assets by trump and his two sons. Let me put up a full screen of his assets. Right, we know his golf course, we know his hotels and we know his homes. According to this judges ruling trump said, for example, his trump tower triplex was three times bigger than it actually is, overevaluating it by 114 to 207 million. According to the judge, he basically said the discrepancy of this order or magnitude by real estate developers, sizing up his own living space of decades, can only be considered fraud. So, again, the judge not mincing words as you said, sara, and saying that hes really living in a fantasy world. Now, what does this mean . The judge came harsh down on trump as well regarding his assets, regarding his empire, like john just talked about. Lets take a look at what hes decided now is going to happen. Essentially the judge is canceling the business certifications of trumps entities named as defendants in this civil lawsuit. That includes Trump Organization and whats going to happen now is a receiver is going to be put in place to determine how it will be dissolved. Now, its unclear exactly how thats going to go into effect, but, again, its a big blow to the Trump Organization. Let me get reaction from trump who said to this decision, it is a Great Company that has been slandered and maligned by this politicallymotivated witchhunt. It is very unfair and i call for help from the highest court in New York State for the federal system to intercede. This is not america. You can see right there they plan to appeal. Sara, there was already an appeal with this civil lawsuit on the books, will be in front of a judge, actually we are expecting to get a ruling sometime this week which could delay the start of the civil hearing next week. There is a lot going on in court, as you know, the trumps do like to sue and like to take their action to court. We will keep on following this. Really interesting that the judge made this Summary Judgment on some of the biggest things Letitia James was asked for before the trial ever started. Brynn gingras, thank you for that update. And tonight donald trump, he is trying to counterprogram once again. Hes skipping the second republican primary debate, instead hes headed to michigan to speak to auto workers there, also known as an Important Group of voters and an important battleground state. So much so that President Biden was there just yesterday and the Biden Campaign just released its first ad buy going directly at donald trump. He says he stands with auto workers, but as President Donald Trump passed tax breaks for his rich friends while auto makers shuttered their plants. And michigan lost manufacturing jobs. Joe biden said he would stand up for workers and hes delivering. Passing laws that are increasing wages and creating goodpaying jobs. Manufacturing is coming back to michigan. Cnns Kristen Holmes is in clinton township, michigan, for more on this. What is the Trump Campaign plan for michigan that youre learning about and what is he going to what is he going to see when he gets there . Reporter well, kate, look, this is the clearest indication that we have had from the Trump Campaign that they are looking past the primaries at the general election. Trumps team is not expecting him to get a warm welcome from Union Leaders like we saw for President Biden yesterday. Those Union Leaders have largely criticized trump and his administration saying his policies were pro business, antiunion and antiworker, but what they do think is that they can get people here in Mccomb County to receive trump and receive them well. Mccomb is a county in michigan that trump won in 2016 and in 2020 and im told by Trump Officials they believe that there is a wedge between Union Leadership and the rank and file. Thats what we are expecting to see here tonight. These previous former and current Union Leaders and the question is whether or not trump can be wellreceived by these rank and file. This location that we are at is called Drake Enterprises, its a nonunion shop, but one of the arguments that we are told trump is going to make is all about Electric Vehicles, essentially slamming bidens Electric Vehicle policy saying its going to cost auto worker jobs. We heard from the president of this location, of Drake Enterprises yesterday in an interview where he said if electric cars were to become prevalent that he would be out of business. Giving you a little bit of an idea of why they chose this specific location. But again, these working class voters, michigan itself, that propelled trump to the white house in 2016. Its also the same group that propelled biden to the white house in 2020. Whether or not trump can actually get these voters this time around will be a very different landscape than it was in 2016 when he didnt have a record to run on. And, again, those Union Leaders theyre hitting back on trumps record. They are saying he is no pro labor. It will be interesting to see how exactly that plays out in this state. No kidding. Great you are there. Thank you so much. With us now cnn senior political commentator, grumpy cubs fan, david axelrod. Senior grumpy cubs fan. I read this quote this morning from a republican consultant they say who backs ron desantis who said if desantis doesnt do well in this debate tonight he should drop out if he doesnt want to be embarrassed. Maybe hyperbolic but what does it say about this moment . Its extraordinary when you think about last fall when he was the man of the moment. He was the guy. He was going to take on donald trump. He was the clear alternative and he wasnt polling and now hes fallen back into the pack. Tonight he really has to show that he deserves that mantel or continue to fade. In the first debate he was great at landing these rehearsed lines, but that robotic quality is exactly why hes or one of the reasons why hes fallen back and he needs to get into the give and take and show some life tonight or i do think people are going to begin not begin, they already are doing it looking for someone else who might, might emerge as an alternative to trump. I think time is running out for that. You wrote an analysis leading up to tonights debate and i was looking through it and some of the ways that you describe the Candidate Field that will be on the debate stage tonight, the left side rans, the pretenders and the understudies. Yikes. Unkind . I dont know. What is it lets be honest, you guys, donald trump has done nothing but grow since he started getting indicted, four indictments later, hes got an almost insurmountable lead. He can be beaten but only if someone emerges and co aliases all of the voters who are willing to consider someone other than trump and time is growing short for that. So you do get the sense that theres sort of on the stage trying to be the understud in case he falters or maybe auditioning for 2028. It would be him fault ring against himself, it wouldnt be them forcing i think whats important tonight is how think handle the questions and how they handle each other. We focus on who is going to attack trump. I think you can be clear that Chris Christie will do that and he will probably attack the others for not being willing to do what hes doing, but the real issue is these things are like theyre oral exams and people want you and want to see how you deal with things in the moment. How are they in this moment . How do they deal with thrusts from each other. The person that i would watch closely is nikki haley who did very well in the last debate and has become sort of the flavor of the month among the desperate donors who are looking for someone other than trump. You touched on this that the more donald trump faces legal issues it seems the more his numbers and the polling grows, the more Republican Voters seem to coalesce around him for a myriad of reasons. Yes. I want to take a look at some polling on that because it is really interesting to see when voters were asked about whether or not it mattered to them, 48 said not really, no. Thats a huge number. So what is it that these candidates can do to pull away some of that support, being that they cant mention all the things that hes indicted for . No, its a tough spot because you cant you know, on the one hand it feels like you cant get ahead of him unless you attack him and then you cant attack him because there is a rallying around him among the tribe because they feel like hes being unjustly attacked. So its a rough spot. Thats why i think its most important to show energy on that stage against each other and, you know, and debate you know, nikki haley, why did she gain so much in the last debate . And she did gain from the last debate. Partly it was because she energy c rebutted ramaswamy. That was a big moment for her. I do think at some point, you know and christie could embarrass the others, they all raised their hand and said even if trump were convicted they would support him for president. So, you know, i think you may see more inching toward criticizing them. You saw desantis say that, you know, he hasnt kept his promises. Im not sure thats going to cut the muster with republicans. In politics i have observed that politicians have a tendency to overcorrect if they feel they didnt go after trump enough last time, this time they might get on the stage and really lean into it. My observation is that they dont learn lessons. Why is kate right . I do think theres a real trump fear. I mean, some of them i saw tim scott said hes going to be much more aggressive on the stage. Given the last debate that would be a low bar for him. Aggressively what . Aggressively optimistic . If you are playing for the future then going after trump now isnt necessarily a good strategy. And so that may cut in kates favor in this debate, by this time tomorrow one of you will claim the crown. As we know im going to claim it even if i lost. I dont want to get into the weird dynamics here. Weird is the only way to describe it. David axelrod, thank you so much. Great to stand with you guys always. Sitting, no thanks. Still ahead, this is a story that a lot of people are talking about. Looters caught on video Ran Ransacking Stores in downtown philadelphia. What police are saying after making more than a dozen arrests there. And right now democratic senator bob menendez is at a Manhattan Federal Court and set to make his First Court Appearance since being indicted for many counts of bribery. We will take you there live. Also a possible Mass Shooting a church thwarted. Police in virginia say the congregation was seated and this man was already inside with a Loaded Semiautomatic weapon when he was arrested. So he was just steps away from that sanctuary and getting ready to come in and possibly shoot. I mean, from all that im hearing from the Fairfax County police and that it was an imminent, you know, disaster, you know, that could have happened here that didnt. All right. We do have breaking news. U. S. Soldier travis king The Army Private who crossed into north korea from south korea is now in u. S. Custody. Back in u. S. Custody. This just happened, Alex Marquardt is with us now with the details. Alex . Reporter yeah, john, so this would bring to an end this more than twomonth Saga After Private Travis King crossed the dmz. We are now learning according to a u. S. Official that private king is now in u. S. Custody. This is reporting from our colleague kevin liptak who says that private king was transferred from north korean custody to china. That is something that could be expected because of course china is an extremely close ally of the north koreans. We also have questions as to what role the swedes may have played. The u. S. Does not have an embassy in pyongyang and the swedish government represents american interests there. For now we know after the north korean state media announced earlier today that private king would be expelled from pyongyang after an investigation, after admitting that he crossed the border into north korea illegally, we now have confirmation that is in u. S. Custody. Remember back in july he was supposed to be flying home to the United States to face more discipline after being accused of assault in south korea. He then fled the airport and went to the dmz on a Civilian Tour when he crossed into north korea on july 18th. John, we are now learning from one u. S. Official that he is back in cuss custody. We have a lot of questions about how this how this came about, what the conversation was like among whom and of course what condition private king is in. John . All right. So back in u. S. Custody. That will be a relief to his family. It is worth noting this saga nowhere near from complete given the circumstances in which he went to north korea and has now been given back. Let us know if there are more developments. Were also watching this from overnight. Overnight in philadelphia as many as 100 looters swarmed the streets there, ransacking stores. They broke into an apple store, they broke into a nearby lululemon leaving, as you can see, what they left kind of the store an absolute mess. The time of year is interesting. The lootings followed a peaceful protest over a judges decision to dismiss Murder Charges against a former Philadelphia Police officer involved in the shooting death of eddie irizarry. Police did not believe the two things are connected, though. Listen. It is disgusting to be very honest and to see what our city went through in 2020 and to have, you know, some individuals try to recreate that same type of energy tonight is disgusting and, again, at the end of the day were going to press on until we are able to get those folks in custody because, again, it has no space in the city and there are too many people that worked hard in the business community, too many people throughout communities in this city that dont deserve that type of behavior. Danny freeman is live in philadelphia for us with much more. Danny, people have been arrested. Whats the latest here . Reporter well, kate, listen, it was a very frustrating and troubling night in philadelphia for many in the city and especially for a number of Stores Across the city like this apple store behind me who experienced that looting. As you noted police are trying to drill down two main messages, one is that they expect more arrests to come, and two, that these were not protesters who were looting these stores, these were, quote, criminal opportunists. Here is what we know about exactly what went down last night, this all started just before 8 00 p. M. , note flee about 30 to 40 minutes after those protests that were occurring earlier in the evening about an officerinvolved shooting here in philadelphia. Then a group of teens went to a foot locker maybe about two blocks from where we are right now, they started to ransack that foot locker and then when police came the kids scattered. Came down to walnut street, robbed and looted a lululemon and then came over here to this apple store behind me. Now, police said that words of this looting were spreading on social media, that is possibly why there were other incidents outside of this center city area, but also, kate, police are investigating if there actually was a caravan of looters that were contributing themselves to other parts of the city. Police are frustrated, calling this a disgusting act. Take a listen to what the Police Commissioner had to say last night. This is disgusting to be honest and to see what our city went through in 2020 and to have, you know, some individuals try to recreate that same type of energy tonight is disgusting. And, again, at the end of the day were going to press on until we are able to get those folks in custody because, again, it has no space in the city and there are too many people that worked hard in the business community, too many people throughout communities in this city that dont deserve that type of behavior. Reporter now, kate, as you said, about 15 to 20 people arrested at this point were still waiting for updated numbers from police and they estimate there were close to 100 people at one point who were participating in this looting. As you can see today things much back to normal, cars now driving up and down walnut street. Weve been seeing people shopping, going to their Workout Classes but stores like this apple store still cleaning up after last night. Kate . An absolute mess. Danny, thank you very much. A potential Mass Shooting at a church narrowly averted, police say they found these chilling images on social media from the man they believe was about to carry out the plot. A gun pointed at a church spire on a Computer Screen and a bible on fire. Authorities say they caught the suspect while he was in a churchs vestibule ready to strike as congregants had just sat down in the pews. Brine todd is joining us. This is an incredible moment the police to stop this from happening, with he very rarely hear that, it is always a tragedy afterwards. What are Police Telling you on how they were able to do this . Reporter sara, this was an extraordinarily close call, this was just seconds away from happening according to the Fairfax County police chief kevin davis. To take you through the sequence of events, it starts early Sunday Morning when a person in maryland, in the state of maryland who either knew the suspect rui jiang or knew of him noticed disturbing and threatening posts that he had made on instagram. This person calls the Anne Arundel County, maryland, Police Department and reports t the Anne Arundel County police having information that this man lives in Fairfax County, they contact the Fairfax County, virginia, police immediately, the Fairfax County, virginia, police go to his home, find that he is not there, find that his car is not there, they have information that he could be targeting this church, the park valley church, which is in hay market, virginia, thats a good hour away, west on route 66 from where his home is. So they contact the Fairfax County Police Contact the Prince William county police who converged on the church immediately. As they are converging on the church, thats when the Church Security right about that moment pretty much confronts this man in the vestibule in the large lobby area of the church and takes him into custody. Now, yesterday we caught up with the pastor of the park valley church, he kind of took us through the steps of where this man moved inside the church. He went into the lobby, he then went into the sanctuary and took a seat on the top row of the sanctuary, he was told he couldnt sit there, he went whack into the lobby and then was confronted by a Church Security person who was incidentally an off duty Prince William Police Officer and thats when the Prince William county police got there. It was literally seconds away from possibly happening, sara. When we talked to pastor barry white of the park valley church, here is what he had to say about their suspicions about this suspect as soon as he entered their building. There was something about him that was concerning, you know . The black clothing, the sunglasses, the different that he was wearing inside on a rainy day. So our safety Team Immediately thought that there was a problem. They began to shadow him. He went into the auditorium, went into a Door Upstairs that he shouldnt have gone into, was confronted at that point by our safety team. They said, you know, you dont belong in this area because there is a big sign that says do not enter basically. He left that area, went down the stairs, came out into the lobby, was met by two of our Safety Personnel here. Reporter and thats also the moment when the Prince William county police converged on the scene. So, sara, it was extraordinary. Three Law Enforcement agencies in two states coordinating just beautifully. If somebody had dropped the ball or mistimed something just a little bit, you could have had a Mass Shooting on your hands. One other quick thing, sara, the pastor said there were about 1,000 people inside the sanctuary when all this happened and about 300 children on the premises as well. Chilling detailing. Threw for that story. Moments ago senator bob menendez arrives for his First Court Appearance. We have new developments in his fight for political survivor. An active manhunt. Police are searching for a suspect in the killing of a tech ceo they say, quote, this suspect will kill and he will rape. Is it possible my network could take my business to the next level . It is with comcast business. Powering all your devices with gigspeed wifi. And you get fast downloads and uploads. Pick it up pick it up oh we got this because its powered by The Next Generation 10g network. More speed for your business . Its not just possible. Its happening. Get started for 59. 99 a month for 12 months. Plus, ask how to get an 800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. Comcast business, powering possibilities. Senator bob menendez and his wife are in a new York Federal Court for their arraignment, both are charged in a bribery plot where prosecutors say they received stacks of cash, gold bars and a luxury car for favors. The new jersey democrat is facing a flood of calls now from fellow senators to resign as he insists he will be exonerated. Cnns Kara Scannell is outside the courthouse in new york. Give us some sense of what you saw as he walked in and whether he said anything. Reporter sara, so Senator Menendez walked in hand in hand with his wife. There was a scrum of photographers around them, they didnt answer any questions, including calls about whether he was going to run for reelection, but they walked arm in arm, hand in hand into the courthouse where they are both being processed because, as prosecutors say, they are not only husband and wife but they are also alleged partners this this bribery scheme, both menendez and his wife are charged with receiving hundreds of thousands of Dollars Worth of bribes including gold bars, cash, a Mercedes Benz convertible in exchange for these bribes they allegedly took steps to help three new jersey businessmen and also to aid the government of egypt. So two of the one of the businessmen has pleaded not guilty yesterday and he was released, one also has arrived today. We are waiting for the arrival of the last one and then this hearing will take place, his arraignment before a Magistrate Judge sometime later this morning. And then the senator will be asked to enter a plea in this case. He has been defiant saying he has done nothing wrong, that he expects to be exonerated from these charges, even saying that the cash that the fbi found at his home stuffed in envelopes in his Jacket Pockets was money that he had taken out of his personal savings account. He didnt give an explanation for the gold bars or convertible but he has been defiant and defying calls for his resignation. At this hearing it will be the Traditional Court hearing, he will be arraigned, he will waive reading of the indictment and they will be released on some kind of bail. We will be looking to see what the terms and conditions are of his release. This isnt the first time he has gone through this. He went through this in 2015 when he was indicted then on a corruption scheme. That case eventually the jury couldnt reach a verdict, the judge threw out some of the counts and the prosecutors decided not to retry the case. This is a serious case that prosecutors allege started just as that one had wrapped up. So we expect this to get under way maybe in about an hour or so, still very fluid here of how long that will take, but we will then see Senator Menendez and his wife leave and we will wait to see if they have any statements as they are departing the courthouse later today. You didnt see those kind of calls to resign, either n that past case. This time you are seeing that. But still you have menendez there saying he is going to be exonerated and we have not heard anything from him about resignation. Kara scannell, thank you for all of the details that you saw this morning. This morning the senate has a plan to stop the government from shutting down in just three days, but each if they manage to get it passed in the senate, it still needs to clear the house and that looks highly unlikely. With House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy still not able to control his caucus, lets get a status report on where exactly things stand. Lauren hill lauren fox i should say up on capitol hill. Great singer also, lauren, you are. Give us the latest. Reporter yeah, House Speaker Kevin Mccarthy is huddling with his members right now in their Conference Meeting and the message so far has been that they need to work as a team. House Speaker Mccarthy made clear that he does plan to bring up a shortterm Spending Bill on friday, whether the votes are there or not, but he is facing members of his right flank who say they will never get to yes on a shortterm Spending Bill, which is raising the prospect of a government shutdown. Here is senator tom cole, a veteran appropriator. Obviously weve got our challenges here as well and the two chambers are a long way apart. So, you know, again, im not at all confident we wont end up in a shutdown. Reporter meanwhile, the senate is going to continue working on its own shortterm Spending Bill that includes about 6 billion for ukraine aid, 6 billion for disaster aid and would continue to fund the government at current levels through november 17th, but that bill also potentially could get slowed down in the senate because you have people like senator rand paul who are warning because of that ukraine aid that is included he is going to slow walk this process. That means that senators could be going right up into the break. They be if they finally do pass it out of the senate, which we expect they can, then it would go to the House Of Representatives and it will be up to House Speaker mccarthy whether or not he wants to try to change that bill, which he has suggested he does, that he wants to add Border Security to it, or if he puts it on the floor and potentially risks the end of his speakership, john. Doesnt seem like he has either the time or the inclination at this moment to prevent a shut down. Lauren fox, keep us posted. Coming up for us, the search is on for a man considered Armed And Dangerous in baltimore, maryland. The suspect is accused of killing a tech ceo. We have the very latest on this search next. The public is being warned a Murder Suspect who is armed and extremely dangerous is on the loose in maryland. A manhunt is under way for the man accused in the brutal killing of a young tech ceo. Baltimore officials warn 32 gerald Jason Dean Billingsley is willing to do anything to cause harm. Hes wanted on firstdegree Murder Charges in the beating death of 26yearold pava lapere. She was found dead at her Apartment Building on monday. She is remembered as a visionary force. This year she was named one of forbes 30 under 30 for social impact. Cnn correspondent omar jimenez is here with us. This is an incredibly disturbing case. How did police make the connection between the suspect and the dead ceo . Of course. Were still trying to figure that out at this point. What we do know is that they say that this this is the person they are trying to get, they consider 32yearold Jason Billingsley who they say is still on the loose, this he consider him extremely dangerous and he is suspected of killing 26yearold pava lapere as you mentioned, tech ceo, just named forbes 30 under 30, a rising star known by many in this particular community and what we know about the circumstances there is she was initially reported missing monday morning. Then Hours Later Police found her body, dead from blunt force trauma, as we understand. The suspect, billingsley, does have a history here, he pled guilty to assault in 2009, 2011. In 2015 he pled guilty to a nirs n degree sex offense and was sentenced to 30 years in prison but then was released in October Of 2022 as officials told the New York Times he was released under mandatory supervision. Officials during the press conference even seemed a little taken aback at how someone like this with a history like this could have been released at such an early point in a long sentence. Its part of why the police are telling the community that this isnt just someone who is Armed And Dangerous, but someone who has the capacity to act. Take a listen. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. This individual will kill and he will rape. He will do anything he can to cause harm. So please be aware of your surroundings. And a few things to keep an eye on moving forward. One, police say as part of their investigation that the Building Security measures would have required someone to either let the suspect in or for them to potentially push in. They are looking for answers there. But also police say he is a suspect in at least another case but they wouldnt elaborate further. The mayor of baltimore, brandon scott, said this ceo was someone he got to know over the years and said there was not anyone she would hesitate to help. There is a vigil tonight of course as the community now tries to process not just what happened, but of course why. And when you hear from police that he will do anything, he has every reason not to want to go back to prison. Thank you so much, omar jimenez. Appreciate it. John . The new warning from former white house aide cassidy hutchinson, she says donald trump is the most grave threat we will face to our democracy in our lifetime. She said he wont have guardrails if he gets a new term. And new details just in about Army Private Travis King back in u. S. Custody as of just a short time ago. Why did north korea let him go after two months in custody . Cas speaking out candidly about the final days of the trump white house. A time she describes as every day was a hair on fire day. Her new book enough details those days including what she saw, heard and felt around the events of january 6th. She sat down with cnns jake tapper yesterday offering this warning about 2024. I think if donald trump in a second term does not have any would not have guardrails. I think we saw that at the end of the first term with how things played out after he lost the election. He violated our constitution in multiple ways. It is completely fine to wage and File Lawsuits in your country in the United States. Sure. What is not okay is when you threaten and assault our constitution and institutions of government. I would not put it past donald trump, jake, to put those institutions of government in a worse position than they were in during the first term. Hutchinson writes extensively of mark meadows who is charged alongside the former positive a president who allegedly tried to overturn results in georgia. He is now facing criminal charges. He has pleaded not guilty. Lets show the mug shot of mark meadows. When you see that photo, thats thats i mean, in some ways for people who who love mark meadows or who loved him at one time, thats a tragic photo. For other people who dont like mark meadows, its not, im sure. What goes through your mind when you look at that picture . I see someone who didnt have to be in this position. I see that picture and i feel sorry for him in some ways because he had a lot of opportunities to do the right thing and to come forward. Hes a man that has a family and thats another unfortunate impact of all of this is when you are in Donald Trumps circle and you have that loyalty to him it impacts your life in more ways than one can imagine. You know, i i hope that marks doing the right thing if he hasnt already been doing the right thing as what i define the right thing. I hope i hope he cooperates and upholds the oath that he swore because he knows a lot more than i know about November 2020 through the 2021 period. Meadows has been speaking out through his representation from this and not too heapappy with t they are saying in this book, sara. Senator bob menendez arrived to a chaotic scene this morning. This First Court Appearance set to start any time now. We will take you there live. We are getting details, new ones this hour, on the u. S. Army private that north korea just expelled and he is now in u. S. Custody. Where travis king is now and how it all happened. Thats ahead. Is it possible my network could take my business

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