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Beginning, speaking just moments ago just the beginning of his countrys response and quickly escalating a war between israel and hamas began saturday at 6 30 a. M. With the Terror Offensive that left hundreds of civilians slaughtered dead. In the last hour we learned volunteers in israel checked more than 100 bodies from that massacre. Hamas claims to have taken more than 100 hostages and Islamic Jihad says theyve taken 30 and hamas warns they will start killing them if israel strikes gaza without warning. I want to go back on the ground with cnns Nic Robertson who is, i believe, stilld sderot. Nic, talk about what you are seeing there this evening. Yeah. Weve heard the fighter jets in the sky. We havent heard any major, massive explosions coming from gaza for a little while. There havent been any incoming Artillery Shells fired by rather, there has not been any incoming rocket fire from hamas into this area in the past hour or so, so in that way its been quiet, but one thing that were picking up on in that slightly quieter state that it is is outgoing artillery fire. Weve seen howitzers being deployed around here by the idf. Weve seen some of the sort of mechanized, very big howitzer guns that can fire a Long Distance and we know from previous standoffs and situations with hamas that this is the sort of area where Israeli Defense forces have placements of howitzers and theyll use the howitzers to fire Artillery Shells which can be very precise on to Precision Hamas targets within gaza. We can hear the outgoing shells and very faintly hear some thuds detonating at the other end. The israeli the idf is not saying it is using howitzers at the moment, but they have done so in the past and been very open about it and standard warfare procedure, and potentially as well, alongside the fighter jets with those Precision Air drop munitions, there is a possibility that the lighter weapon is also being used at the moment. The Artillery Shells to target hamas, and to target their firing positions. That would be very much in keeping with what israel has done and very much in keeping and getting a footprint on the ground and getting Forward Momentum and in keeping what the Prime Minister is talking about here which is building up and putting pressure on hamas, that our Military Hardware that weve seen coming in place over the last 24 hours and plus now in place, it seems some of it is being used to target hamas and gaza, anderson . Nic, i want to bring in also cnns Clarissa Ward who is in ashkelon also along the border or very close to the border with gaza. Clarissa, we heard from benjamin netanyahu, no real details about what the next stage of this war is going to look like. No specifics about a Ground Incursion. You were listening to his comments to make sure, but so far it seems he was talking in generalities. What are you seeing on the ground . Well, its really interesting, anderson, because i think everybody had been sort of anticipating that he might announce some kind of a Ground Incursion or offensive. As you say he was pretty vague with his language and basically just stealing the isteeling the israeli people for a fight that is not going to be easy and not going to be quick. Bee have seen armor in terms of personnel and we saw a large staging ground for tanks earlier on today so there has been a lot of speculation that this is what would be on the cards. The complicating factor as everybody has mentioned before is the wild card of what that would mean for these hostages, these dozens of hostages who we believe are still inside the gaza strip, who we do not know if they are still alive, but who, of course, now hamas has threatened to execute potentially broadcasting those executions. I will say that strangely, after more or less 24 hours of Nonstop Bombardment in the last 20 minutes or so it has suddenly gone very quiet here and i dont know if thats as nic was alluding to that they are using different sorts of munitions and weaponry at this stage, but the jets that had been overhead, and i should say its also raining a little bit. It could be a cloud cover thing. Frankly, its impossible to say, but it is a little quieter here in this moment after a day which was just nonstop, really ratcheting up the tension and the tempo and the specter of some kind of a Ground Incursion which for the moment at least does not appear from Prime Minister netanyahus comments to be imminent. And clarissa, in terms in gaza, the Israelis Have Cut Off electricity access that that crossing, that humanitarian crossing which is where supplies used to move between which was used, i should point out, by hamas militants, Hamas Terrorists to invade and attack civilians in israel saturday morn. Thats one of the major Crossing Points that they used, this socalled humanitarian Crossing Point they used to attack. Can you just talk a little bit about what you have been seeing and what weve been seeing in terms of the bombardment inside gaza . So, anderson, ive been covering gaza since 2006, and i have seen some pretty intense bombardment before. I have never seen anything on the level of what weve been seeing going into the gaza strip over the last 24 hours. 2 Million People there, of course. The vast majority of them are civilians. Tonight there is no food going in, no fuel going in, no electricity. It is dark. It is quieter right now, but it has been a horrendous day. The latest death toll that were hearing is 560 palestinians have been killed. I think there is an anticipation that that number is only going to get much higher as the coming days unfold and its unclear for those civilians who are trapped there where they can go, what they can do, how they can protect themselves, anderson . And Nic Robertson, in terms of military movement, what are you seeing . Yeah. Quite literally while weve been chatting here weve seen another Military Convoy come down this road. One of the reasons we put ourselves here this evening is to have this view of what happens in gaza through these nighttime hours, but also this main road here and theres a lot of Military Traffic on it, and just down here there is a lefthand turn and if you take that lefthand turn theres only one place where that road goes to. It goes toward the gaza border fence, and we just saw another large Military Convoy come down the highway and take that lefthand turn down there toward gaza. It doesnt mean that theyre going in, but you can see very clearly about that convoy it was loaded up with boxes and supplies under tarp as the troops in their vehicles, as well. They had a lot of supplies latched on the back. There was, without giving away too many details here of what were seeing unfolding in front of our eyes, this was a unit that was going in with everything they needed from food to fuel to troops to weapons to go in and stage somewhere and maintain a presence there for an extended period of time, and as i say, that road that they took it goes only one place, towards the gaza border fence. Indicative of just more forces being deployed, ready to help secure the border or for any other potential mission that might come their way, such as an incursion. Anderson . Yeah. We should point out there have been troops going toward the border to try to shore up the border over the last 60 hours. That has been one of the, obviously, there were a number of Infiltration Points for Hamas Terrorists into israel throughout the day saturday into sunday and most of those have been shored up. Some are still patched up and obviously, its still a great concern. Clarissa ward and Nic Robertson, thank you. The u. S. Response, the u. S. Is sending some of the most advanced Military Assets to the middle east including the newest Aircraft Carrier and the heavily armed strike group and squadrons of u. S. Fighter jets are also being deployed to the region. Joining me now is retired u. S. Army major mike lyons. Major lyons, talk about what kind of capabilities those assets have and the role they will play here. I think first and foremost the navy is going to project power and provide a platform for the potential for americans to get out of that country and be the place that as they have released or they have come about will go there. There have to be a way also to threaten and deter from proxy forces that the iranians still support any kind of way to reinforce hamas with naval assets and i think theyll do that as well. Theyll have to steer clear because hamas have potentially missiles that could hit those ships and theyll be on alert. On the air assets, theyre providing second and third tier overall air support. The israeli idf has enough capability to start this air war which as theyve done right now as they position those Ground Forces in place. I think the warfare remains deception so theyll pick and choose the time when they want to mount that offense, ground operation into gaza. The capabilities of hamas have certainly surprised, gotten the attention of a lot of governments around the world in terms of a the israeli operation inside gaza. What should Israeli Forces expect if there was to be a Ground Incursion because certainly, there are very few people who were not caught by surprise with the coordination and the planning abilities and the projection of force that hamas was able to do saturday morning completely without, it seems any warning to Israeli Intelligence and u. S. Intelligence or other intelligence agencies. Thats right, but it was still fundamentally what wed call in the armed forces light. It was not any kind of tanks. It was small arms and hang gliders and it was more of a Terrorist Attack, but what the idf will bring will be Shock Attempts and deception and theyll bring things that once they isolate targets they will be killed very quickly. I think right now the Ground Forces are staying out as the Special Forces are maybing sure that theyve got any chance of capturing hostages from intel that they know. I think you will see a lot of stories of the rescue of some of those hostages by some really brave Israeli Forces that will go quickly in the night and the middle of the night and rescue them because it is so close to when those kidnappings took place. Any kind of operation in gaza city, it is a warrants of streets densely packed blocks. There are a lot of People Living in a very small amount of space and there is a terrorist group which runs the place and is very well entrenched and very well prepared and entrenched and house to house clearing and weve seen it time and time again. In gaza city, everybody in israel knows that that would be an extremely difficult, difficult fight. Well, and thats why theyve called up the 300,000 reservists that they have. Based on what the Prime Minister said, that looks like what theyre going to target and go after. It will be the house to house, street to street and hitting each one of those specific buildings and i think youre, unfortunately, going to see Collateral Damage that we havent seen in combat and conflict that weve not seen this century going back to what happened during the second world war. I know right now projecting Tens Of Thousands might even be lower and there could be Hundreds Of Thousands and hamas is making a bet that the Israeli Government and the idf wont be able to get away as they try to show that on social media, and just from what the Prime Minister said theyre not going to stop and theyll do whatever they can and theyre not going to have i military presence and they will not have a Government Presence when this is over. Well, theres a lot still to be learned again. Benjamin netanyahu not surprising some today by not specifically talking about whether there would be a Ground Incursion, perhaps not wanting to tip off their hand or perhaps that decision hasnt yet been made and he didnt specifically mention that in his remarks this even. T stay with cnn for special live coverage from this region. Well be right there are a lot of questions and concerns about whether iran had anything to do with hamas Terror Attack in israel in terms of planning and funding and coordination. U. S. Intelligence officials are actively trying to determine exactly what, if any, role iran played. Iran obviously backs hamas and is is right behind Islamic Jihad as well that operates in gaza. Irans president called the attack a victory. Its Foreign Ministry claims that iran was he claims that iran are involved and are accusations made for political motives. Susan glasser is a staff writer with the new yorker. She joins me now and just penned a piece of Nick Sullivan taking on another crisis, Jake Sullivans trial by comek bah inside the white house, and his battle to keep ukraine in the fight. Susan, i appreciate you being with us. Obviously, iran is a major backer of Islamic Jihad and hamas. What do you think about the possibilities of a direct link between iran and the hamas attacks . Well, of course, were going to learn a lot more in the coming days both about what kind, if any warnings, even if they were quite general. The israelis and possibly that the u. S. Did, as well. No one has said anything about any specific warnings, but in a bigpicture sense, anderson, youre absolutely right. This is a group that has been funded, supported and sustained in part by support from iran. So there is a nexus there. Also looking at irans longtime support for hezbollah which is involved in an exchange of fire with israel right now and the Northern Borders of israel. Again, the real worry here in addition to whatever reprisals were now going to see in gaza is that the threat of a wider, more regional war. Obviously, this is also a moment where the Biden Administration has been trying to broker peace talks with saudi arabia and would benefit iran if that deal did not go through. You know, we have seen we have seen fighting here, obviously for a very long time. 2006 on the northern border and the fight against hezbollah and lebanon, incursions into gaza, the Israeli Forces in gaza in control of the city until 2005 when they pulled out. There is a certain pattern if these things. Its usually an exchange of rocket fire between Israeli Forces and hamas forces in gaza. Everybody seems to say this is going to be different. What do you think this looks like moving forward . I mean, there are a lot of unknowns, obviously. Does hezbollah get more involved . What sort of incursion does take place in gaza and also what the International Response to it as people around the world watch gaza city without electricity being pummeled . Well, thats the horror of the situation. Whats different, first of all, it must be said is the horrific scale and nature of this attack on unarmed civilians across a large number of israeli communities. Were looking already and many, many hundreds dead and the final death toll isnt even known yet. There is an unknown number of captives in gaza and what will happen to them as the scale of israels response becomes clear. That will all shape how the world looks upon this and what the International Consequences are, but right now i think we can already say that this is going to be different than the previous exchanges of rocket fire and retaliation. That cycle has been broken by a dramatic Terrorist Attack. So i think we are looking at what the Israeli Government has called a fullscale war. Thats not a term that they have use in the previous rounds of this and i think were at a rupture point. What do you think the options are short of a Ground Incursion . Is it possible for them to retrieve the hostages . Is it possible for them to really effect if the e Lum Na Elimination of hamas as a threat to israel is a goal as stated by the Israeli Government, can you do that without being on the ground in gaza . Yeah. I mean, rate ight now it seems people are almost expecting and bracing for a fullscale Ground Conflict in addition to the exchanges of missiles and rocket fire that were seeing, that an Air Operation alone may not be sufficient. The question is if and when israel regains physical control over gaza. What then . Remember remember, israels already occupied gaza and didnt have anything more to do with that, hamas has been such as it is the governing authority in gaza. If that is not sustainable, then what authority will there be. I think were facing a world of pain and consequences and its hard to see how israel avoids some form of ground offensive. Susan glasser with the new yorker. Thank you. Stay with us for our continuing special coverage from the region. Well be right back. 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The terror group claims it has taken at least 100 hostages and Islamic Jihad which also operates in gaza has said in the past that they have some 30 people hostages and we cant confirm those numbers. Joining us is an international spokesman. Jonathan, i appreciate you being with us. First of all, the threat by hamas to execute hostages if israel doesnt give advanced warning, whats the response by the idf . Sadly, it is first first of all, thank you for having me, anderson. Sadly, it is to be expected of an organization that according to its own leaders planned this attack and the results of the attack, 900 killed and dozen of israelis taken hostage, they are happy with the with the result of their operation which means that nothing here was a coincidence. Nobody got carried away with the killing spree. This is what hamas planned to do. So it can only be expected that they will at least say what they are going to do in terms of hostages. Its an extremely sensitive and delicate matter that the highest levels of Decision Makers in israel are addressing themselves, too. I think that israeli strikes as they are now ongoing against hamas military targets are very important. They will continue and the tank t task that the Israeli Government is giving the idf is to totally eradicate all of their military capabilities to mack ke sure th at the end of this war hamas will not have the ability to kill israeli civilians as they have done two and a half days ago. Can you talk a little bit i mean, obviously, theres a lot you cant say and maybe is not even known at this stage, but what does it actually mean to eliminate their military capabilities . Because, obviously, they fire rockets from residential areas. I assume they move Rocket Batteries around. They have large supplies of rockets. How do you, from the air at this stage, which is what this is, how do you eliminate a terrorist organization and the governments of gaza of Military Capability . What hamas has built over many, many years is a network of tunnels that basically run under the gaza strip. Imagine the network it runs from the north to the south and parallels to streets and its not meant for the Gaza Civilians and its meant for primarily hamas and Islamic Jihad. This is what allows them it continue Firing Rockets at israel and this is the infrastructure that served them to prepare and execute the attack that they did two and a half days ago in israel. The results of which are more than 900 dead israelis. Most of them, by the way, civilians. So we are now striking everything that can be struck from above using the air force, and we have mobilized 300,000 Reserve Soldiers who are now in the south preparing for action, getting their equipment together and organizing the units and starting to study the missions that they will be receiving. As of now, of course, im not going to advertise to the enemy and to the world what were going to do, how were going to do it, from where and with what means. There are many means available. I can only speak about the end state and reiterate that this isnt more of the same. As of now, yes, its a lot more of the same when it comes when were talking about striking from the air, but the continuation of our war effort, not an operation, and our war effort will be different from anything that hamas has seen in the past. One of the, obviously, complicating factors is the Civilian Population Inside Gaza and there are more than 2 Million People living there. I know some people who live in gaza who do not like hamas, but dont really have any other options. What does the civilian population do . Where can they go to avoid being, you know, Collateral Damage in this . To avoid dying . Yeah. We have issued warnings in arabic first of all, let me say this, our goal, the goal of our Military Operations are hamas and the Islamic Jihads military capabilities. We are not trying to hurt civilians. We never do. I understand and we are very much aware of your correct explanation of the situation in the gaza strip and yes, there are many civilians who are caught in the middle. Those civilians are used by hamas as their human shields. What we have done is to issue messages in arabic to various locations and People Living in various looks, telling them this location is not safe, leave. Go South Or Go East or go towards whatever direction and seek security there. It is a very complex situation. We are aware of it, and we are also aware from previous rounds and engagements with hamas that this is usually what those who are against israel will use against israel in order to stop us from completing a mission and actually defending ourselves. So the complexities understood the situation with the hostages and the complexity added to that is understood. By the way, also foreign nationals, americans, brits, french, german, i understand, are amongst the people being held by hamas and Islamic Jihad as hostages and that adds complexity, but the clarity, the only clarity i have at this stage is the unprecedented attack that hamas leveled against israel will generate an unprecedented response. What that means on the ground and under the ground will is to be determined in the future, but the considerations of civilians and us not wanting to hurt them is clear. Its understood and we have said loud and clear despite the fact that we are furious by what has happened, we will abide by international law, and we are committed to fighting according to those morals that we hold dear, and we will not try to strike civilians. We are going to strike and go after hamas. Just finally, the level of coordination and planning that went into this hamas attack saturday saturday morning, unprecedented seems to have been a surprise to Israeli Intelligence, u. S. Intelieligen and others obviously, in planning a response, you only know what you know and dont know what you dont know. Are you concerned that whatever improvement in their capabilities they have made that will now enable them to launch this attack. They have also improved their capabilities of Operating Inside Gaza itself so that in any Ground Incursion, do you have a sense of what you will encounter or are there a lot of potential unknowns for you there . There are always unknowns in warfare, and it is fair to assume that hamas, since when they planned this operation and when they prepared the forces and when they tasked the different death squads going across our border with going to different communities, they anticipated perhaps not as many israelis as they were able to execute, but im sure that they anticipated that they would be able to kill many israelis and as such, im sure that they also anticipated a very strong response by israel including ground units. We are aware of that, and the decisions are made with cool heads, and im sure that our commanders, the Decision Makering and the choef staff and the Minister Of Defense are all too aware of the situation are careful not it launch an operation that will pit interest the enemys plans, but instead disrupt h p, granted the They H The Element Of Surprise and dictate the opening and we should assume that he has a secondary and a thirdlevel plan and we must of course operate within those understandings. Just very briefly, do you think they knew hamas knew that dance party was taking place . Do you think that was a target or do you think that was something that they happened upon and realized this is i mean, just thousands of people there and this became the scene of the horrific massacre that it became. Do you think they knew what they were going to find . I dont know based on military intelligence, but i assess and the logic, i understand that there were dozens, if not a hundred Hamas Terrorists armed in uniform that descended upon that specific music party. I cannot imagine that that was a coincidence, and i assess, this is my personal assessment not military intel, that this was premeditated, that they understood that they would have a soft target of thousands of unprotected Israelis Outside of a community, outside of the regular confines of defense and they targeted it and they went about killing and massacring for maximum effect. That is my assessment. Jonathan conricus, The International with the Israeli Defense forces. Jonathan, thank you. Appreciate it. Joining me now. Thank you for joining me, im Anderson Cooper and cnn central continues with Boris Sanchez and alex marquardt. Well be right back. Some cities in the United States are ramping up security as the crisis in israel continues to unfold. In new york, mayor eric adams said police there are monitoring all demonstrations and surveying sensitive locations. In new york we have as many people know the largest Jewish Population outside of israel is in new york city. The Police Commissioner and his entire leadership team, we have done some things that are going to be visible, but theres also the intel and invisible action that we are going to put in place. And near salt lake city, utah, officials there are on alert after a synagogue was forced to evacuate during sunday Service Following a bomb threat. Im sorry. We just received a bomb threat. I will need everybody to calmly please exit the building and go to tanner park. Officials there say the bomb squad came in and cleared the property. We want to go now to cnn security correspondent Josh Campbell because, josh, you work Counter Terrorism cases as an fbi agent. Walk us through how u. S. Security agencies will be preparing for potential fallout of the conflict here in the u. S. Boris, so as mayor adams in new york alluded there a short moment ago, there are actions that are seen and actions that are unseen and from a deterrent posture, weve seen in various cities increasing patrols at various synagogues and mosques and that is to show that force in case there are perpetrators out there who might be inspired to do things here at home and as far as unseen efforts there are agencies that Work Together on a daily basis to detect threats and ill speak specifically about the fbi who is the lead Counter Terrorism agency and you can point to a map of the United States and where you point your fingers in areas that falls with in the task force and we will monitor Global Threats just to ensure that there werent possible followon attacks. We would query sources who report on terrorism matters to try to get a sense of people reporting on these threats that are helping investigators to try to get out in front of anything here at home. Josh, looking overseas while the u. S. Intelligence community is working to detect those threats at home, we understand theres also work being done to help israel locate hostages, some of which are believed to be american and also to protect against future attacks. Thats right. And this falls essentially into three buckets and that is Human Intelligence and what i referred to, and the cia and the Defense Intelligence agency would be doing the same thing and querying their sources that might assist the israelis and theres also a category of Overhead Imagery that could help israelis in their efforts to locate perpetrators and try to locate hostages and that could be valuable whether were talking about aircraft, reconnaissance flights and satellites and information that gives you a picture of whats happening on the ground. In my kidnapping cases overseas, i wont get too much into the sensitive satellite technology, and suffice to say that its very valuable in getting a picture of the situation. And signals intelligence, one important thing to note is this attack took so many people by surprise, but the u. S. Security Agency People may not know, they collect infinitely more pieces of intelligence than they have analysts that can sift through it on a daily basis and that is their holdings and after some kind of event like this and a Terrorist Attack and those will be going back through this data to search it to see if there are clues there that can help our israeli counterparts and trying to determine what happened here and also try to prevent against future attacks as well and a host of resources for the josh e perspective. And more more on this, i want to bring in rabbi joseph potas. Hes the executive Vice President of the board of rabbis. Thank you for joining us today. We just i want to ask you first how is your Community Reacting and coping in the wake of these horrific attacks over the past few days . Alex, you know, there are times when there are no words of prayers that could bring that necessary comfort. Were doing as much as we could to strengthen one another. It is reassuring, the number of calls that were getting, not only from our jewish families, but from the nonjewish friendsm i received a call from cardinal dollan from the Greek Orthodox church and both sides of the political aisle. People are standing with israel during this critical time. If you look at jewish history, it is dominated by periods of silence when we were shouting and others were silent. Now, there are eartothers that shouting with us. And in terms of the security and some of the fears that may be growing understandably right now among jewish americans. We did hear mayor eric adams of new york, where you are, he announced the deployment of Additional Police resources to synagogues. The governor of your state kathy hochul saying that surveillance has been increased at all jewish targets. Is there anything more that you would like to see, to hear from lawmaker and political leaders . No, i think they are so proficient in protecting us and were most grateful. They are always there. I was talking with the former Chief Of Police in pittsburgh who he and his team rushed into the sanctuary, tree of life and some of them were wounded. They risked their lives to rescue lives. We could not be more grateful for all they do. Theyre doing everything they can to make sure that were safe. And the other part of it is, you know, years ago, alex, there was a Terrorist Bombing of a disco tech in tel aviv. And the parents put a monument in front of the disco tech which said we wont stop dancing. Were not going to stop living as jews and were going to be more careful and look around and we have others like nypd and all of the other Security Groups that are there with us to protect us. Yeah i could attest to that. I lived several years in israel. There is an extraordinary carpe diem mentality. As you know, rabbi, long before the events of this weekend, antisemitic incidents here in the United States were already at an alltime high. That is according to the statistics put out by the antidefamation league. So what are your concerns about now and even greater rise in antisemitism because of what is happening in israel . When i hear the hateful rhetoric that is spewed in public, that is spewed on social media, im afraid of the impact it will have on people who very on will buy floor it. People who will be motivated for attacks. So there is great concern. There is heightened concern. But as i said before, were not going to start living as proud jews. We did that years ago. We had no choice. But now we do have a choice. But i do think it is incumbent upon parents, upon social media, to monitor what goes on in that home, what goes on that people are listening to, so that we have a better sense of what is happening out there. Minds are too easily influenced by the hateful rhetoric. It is a shame that here we are years after the holocaust and were you can thattinalk about increase of antisemitism. And are you also concerned about special spike in attacks against palestinians and Arab Americans in the wake of this. Nobody wants to see any life taken away, any person, innocent person threatened. To us jewish life is precious. Palestinian life is precious. We dont want to see innocent people hurt. So very often one of the things that we enjoy in new york are close bonds with one another. We come together, different faith communities, and we have different beliefs but we belong to one family. So yes, there is concern for one another. As a matter of fact, very often when there is an attack on a mosque or a synagogue or a church, we all stand with one another in solidarity. So, there is that commitment to one another as family. Well said. Rabbi joseph, thank you so much for joining us. Thank you, alex. A lot of angles to cover here including a new drafted resolution among House Members that would go into effect or rather would go up for a vote once a new speaker is elected. So many angles to monitor of this story. The lead with jake tapper will pick those up after a short break. But first, we want to leave you with u2 playing a tribute during a music festival. This is was at the sphere in las vegas where bono dedicated their song pride. Take a listen. October 7th, as the sun is rising in the desert sky, stars of david, they took your life, but they could not take your pride. Could not take your pride

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