So for example, that means that if yesterday on tuesday, april 30, i saw patients who are exactly six weeks and zero days of pregnancy yesterday because of the 24 hour waiting period, we cannot provide them an abortion today because they are six weeks one day today so we are already seeing just the absolute distress and english this is causing people we had. So many conversations yesterday with patients redirecting them to care and other states. I firmly believe that this is Human Cruelty and moral injury and distress to me as a physician to my patients who know their body is better than any politician could dr. Chelsea daniels. We appreciate your time this morning. Thank you for sharing your experience. We have a new arrow, Cnn News Central beginning right now are continuing to follow Breaking News here we are watching live pictures right here. This is i believe these are from overnight is are these live guys . These are overnight pictures from from uclas campus. This is what was playing out. This morning, is just an absolute mayhem, if you will. It was wild night of violent clashes there. The nypd called in to the campus. Were standing by now to see what happened. This next. Now that university of officials have declared the propalestinian encampment on that campus. They have declared it illegal. Fights broke out overnight is were showing you after that statement from the Schools Administration and counter protesters showed up las mayor put out a statement this morning calling what took place . Absolutely abhorrent and inexcusable unrest and chaos is engulfed and campuses still across the country, police confronting protesters at the University Of Arizona at two lane as well, just in the last 24 hours in new york, the nypd says there have now been over 200 arrests overnight as officers cleared out and took back that Academic Building. Heres video of it. That Academic Building at Columbia University were protesters had taken it over and seized it for some 20 hours were standing by now this morning to hear from new york city mayor eric adams. Hes expected to hold a Press Conference about all of this very soon, and sara sidner live at the scene at Columbia University. Im very interested to hear what the mayor has to say this morning. Sarah yeah. In less than an hour, we will hear from the new york city mayor on what happened here last night. We know that there were about 100 protesters who were arrested both here on the campus of columbia after police stormed Hamilton Hall to move the protesters who had broken in and occupying the building with their propalestinian chance. They were taken out. So the building is at this point, secured by police for the very Large Police Presence here surrounding the building. Now, with barricades that were up that we have not seen before. We are going to be talking to the Student Reporters who was on the ground. And inside of canvas and just a bit. But there is also an unfolding seen happening right now in los angeles on ucla please campus. That is where we find our stephanie ylim after overnight, there were clashes between proisraeli protesters and propalestinian and protesters who were in that in canada, we saw some violence certainly breakout overnight. And now youve got a serious Police Presence on the ground. Stephanie elam, what can you tell us theyre yeah, sarah, its definitely changed since i last spoke to you here mainly because the police have arrived. Theyve taking control of situation. We saw them push out some of the people who were protesting inside and theyve set up this barricade here. You can see that theres a lot for of a heavier Police Presence out here now what we can tell you though, is that for our overnight, there was may him on campus and the sense of that there were skirmishes going on. There were definitely little scuttled that were happening. We could see that happening theres video that weve been able to see from overnight where you can see it looks like people who were going after the propalestinian encampment were pulling away the barricades from them and trying to remove that barricade and just to explain again, the way the things have been set up here on campus it has been this barricade that was on the back end of where youre seeing right now on the back end of this, theres another barricade and then there is a walkway and then another barricade and there was some hired security that was in there that was basically trying to pull back these barricades overnight but there wasnt a Police Presence until after 1 00 a. M. Or so on campus, we know that mayor karen bass came out and said that she had requested this, calling it a boring. What was its happening here . We saw the chancellor also saying that what was happening here was unlawful and so this change of tone now and now you can see its much calmed down. A lot of the people that were distinct any out here after they got pushed out, were remaining in this area. They have now love, theyre playing loud music. We heard some chanting going on from inside of the propalestinian in cabinet. That is all ended at this point. So its a much different tone, but theyre still very many questions, sarah, about what change to cause this to happen overnight what was the catalyst that is still unclear and still unclear why was such a long time before the Police Presence was felt here on campus and to bring this time in procure much back down to where it is right now stephanie elam, i know youll be watching this all day. Thank you so much. For your good reporting out there and giving us the scene on the ucla campus where overnight, as you mentioned, there were firecrackers grown. There was pepper spray, there was smoke and theyre this violence, People Holding things like pisces, matching people. We saw people. One of the propalestinian protests are being pulled out and eaten we saw all of this with the coverage from a helicopter over one of our local affiliates. I do want to talk to one of the people who was there joining me now, vincent door, hes Political Science phd students and a spokesperson for the palestinian propalestinian encampment. Theyre on uclas campus. Thank you so much for joining us. This morning. Vincent can you describe what happens last night and how this blew up into a violent scene yeah what happened last night was an attack on our encampment by a zionists thugs that the university did nothing to stop. We have worn the university about the threats of rape, death, threats against our students, physical harassment the release of rats on our encampment by zionists during the nighttime. And the university instead released a statement yesterday claiming that the encampment was the source of the violence. Well, we know that actually every night zionists have come and harassed the encampment, harass students trying to peacefully call for divestment of the ucs endowment from corporations that profit off of the israeli genocide of palestinians we saw zionists grab our barricades and tried to rip them down zionists maced the majority of students in the encampment and the police that the university had hired a private security guards, scared and watched as this happened, despite us warning that you see repeatedly that this was likely to happen i wont ask you about a couple of things. One is, how do you know theyre zionists. I know theres been people who definitely were pro israel but if you just give me some sense of how you know, theyre zionists in secondly, whats the crowd different than what you were seeing throughout . The time that you all have been there at the encampment was there a Different Group of people that came up last night that you had not seen before . Well, first of all, zionism means support for the creation of the jewish state in historic palestine, which is what these people do. They were exclusively supportive of israel. Thats that is what is in it is and second of all, know, weve actually sent photos of many of the people who were here to the University Administration and they still allowed them onto campus and to attack us using weapons such as pepper spray mace boards, bricks fireworks, not firecrackers fireworks were shot directly at students and exploded at ground level inside the encampment. I think thats unacceptable. Let, me, ask you this because there has been a lot of accusations is flying back and forth and there are people accusing the propalestinian protesters of being pro hamas. Is that a Fair Assessment . No, were here to call for an end to israels genocide of palestinians and divestment to view season donut. I dont know why people are now trying to justify violence against students on University Campuses i thought that the uc was supposed to care about the safety of its students. Clearly, thats not the case, given that they allowed these people onto campus to attack us. Again, for over three hours before anyone did anything. We only survived because of our bearing if we had not been holding them for three hours straight, being amazed having to rinse our eyes, which saline and bottled water we wouldnt be here right now. And im sure that the uc would be in a much different situation if one of us were dead because of it can you give me a sense of you talked about how this kind of started that they were fireworks that were tossed into the encampment that people with pipes and boards, which we saw on camera or smashing into the folks that were in the encampment. We also saw someone who was dragged. It appeared dragged from the encampment and was kicked and beat do you have any sense of how that student is doing this morning and do you have any sense of who that student is were not sure how many of our students are doing because so many of our students have had to be taken to the emergency room. But the Reagan Medical Center in formerly asked us to take our students elsewhere. That is how much ucla has failed at students but yeah, it began with Zionists Crabbing are barrett question to you and you break down our barricades using weapons like pipes and boards and then fireworks happened they were shot directly at us. Five is ins and then these thugs maced and pepper sprayed students at a point blank range. While ucs hired security, watched i can hear the frustration in your voice with how there was no major security that intervene with their i do. Lastly, when asking you you were makes to yourself, i am glad to hear. Okay. I do want to ask you about the Police Presence. Lastly, there are police on campus from multiple different from multiple different agencies. Who are there. The university as you just mentioned, has said that the encampment is any legal encampment. So what will you do if police move in . What is your concern . We the lapd still has the legal obligation to declare our encampment and Unlawful Assembly and must give us warning to disburse. Theyve not done that yet. So we intend to stay vincent door. Thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us after being maced and and being sort of in the midst of virus last night and overnight, the encampment still there, the police are on the scene and the university has declared the encampment legal. And so we will see what has happened here. But you heard from vincent near the police have not yet made the statement that people need to disperse. We will keep up with you. We will keep up with whats happening on ucla and canada this is across the country, including here at columbia where there was a raid last night, were police went into Hamilton Hall and took the protesters who were occupying it out okay yeah does sound like that protest for dating suggests that in spite of all of this and everything thats happening, he doesnt really believe it. Hed suggesting that he doesnt believe that israels right to exist as a jewish state. Much more to cover with whats playing out of ucla. Sara is covering everything for us out standing outside Columbia University were also watching this, this morning floridas sixweek abortion ban takes effect today overnight going from a state through with some of the us restrictions in the south to a place where its now all but completely banned, where that fight now heads necks. And donald trump is heading out on wll his message to voters in both wisconsin and michigan further jeopardizes standing in court in the Hush Money Trial that he returns to tomorrow well be back every piece of evidence tells a story how would really happen . Jesse . Oh, margaret sundays at nine on cnn not flossing well then add the wo of listerine to your routine new science shows. Listerine is five times more effective than floss at reducing plaque above the gum line for a cleaner, healthier mouth this three, feel the wo las vegas grim tmobile for business for why do solutions . Because tmobile was helping our operations and experiences hundreds of thousands of ban would reliable by Gq Connectivity now is the time to accelerate your Business Time for growth, funding from Bus Due Credit makes it possible . Are easy and convenient process makes it simple to take the next step on your journey bus to credit funding. 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Light em up gentlemen, its a beautiful. Day to fly. Wooooooo whoa on your wing, grandpa can get your first scrub set for just 19 so its the playoffs are great teammates trust each other. Were going to do a trustworthy stand up, trust what you see we have dark golden use a dummy so this morning, women who are six weeks or further along in their pregnancies in florida, they face an entirely new reality. The states sixweek ban went into effect abortion ban went into effect at midnight. Vice president Kamala Harris is traveling to florida today to ratchet up the Biden Campaigns efforts to draw a direct line between abortion bans today and donald trump. And theyre trying to make sure voters see that across the country. Just talked about florida in arizona, theres also action today. The States Senate could vote today to repeal that Civil War Era ban on all abortions. That law is expected to take effect as early as june 8, if the legislature doesnt move quickly joining us right now is someone who knows all too well. The realworld impact of these State Abortion bans amandas ross gay, she nearly died twice after being denied an abortion after learning that her pregnancy was not viable. All because of the new abortion restriction in her home state . Of texas. And she has become something of a surrogate for the Biden Campaign and speaking out on this very issue, amanda joins me now, amanda, thank you so much for being here you have told you have told your story. And i have heard your painful story many times but just to bring up to remind everyone, you found out that your pregnancy she was not viable at 18 weeks, i believe in texas law prevented you from getting an abortion. Women in florida are waking up today facing this ban after six weeks and some women may face a similar reality to what you did. And the terrible things that happen to you after you were denied an abortion, what reality is that well, thanks for having me. I cant believe that this is our reality, to be honest with you many women dont know that theyre pregnant at six weeks in this ban is just absolutely herring are we and its terrifying and its a result of donald trump and his policies. And the longer his policies are in place, the more of these bands are going to be passed. Were seeing it all across the country and its terrifying to me if hes reelected, this will be our National Situation because of him and the policies that he supports. Its terrifying how i and many first came familiar with you and your story was through, it was a very jareh was Gut Wrenching ad. It was a campaign ad. The Biden Campaign that you that you coordinated with the Biden Campaign on an app at the very end of telling your heartbreaking story, the ad ends with the words that flashed on the screen. Donald trump did this. Trump just did this new interview with time and he was asked about his position on abortion. He refused to entertain the question about whether or not hed be two a federal abortion ban because he says it should be left to the states. And then he said this. He was asked by a reporter, amanda, are you comfortable . If states decide to punish women who access abortions after the procedure is banned, donald trump responds, i dont have to be comfortable or uncomfortable. The states are going to make that decision. The states are going to have to be comfortable or uncomfortable, not me in part of what hes saying there, amanda is. He says this is not on him. Whats your reaction i mean its ridiculous, right hes hes endorsing what happened to me. Hes endorsing people who seek abortions, getting punished for seeking health care, and we know that this is a result of him because he elected the Supreme Court justices that allowed the fall of roe v. Wade that put the rights back in the states who are making these insane draconian laws like the ones in texas and florida and arizona. This this is his fault and he continues to endorse these crazy bands by saying that this is, this is how it should be the states shouldnt be able to make these decisions when he says he has, he really avoided despite multiple questions from this report or with time to take a position on whether or not he would veto a Nash Tional Abortion Ban if it came across his desk. If Congress Passed it, he says, well, its just not going to happen in this, isnt up to me to decide does that i dont know. Does that bring you comfort . Do you believe those words . What do you say to them no, of course it doesnt bring me comfort. I dont believe it. He also failed to say whether he would protect ivf hes talking out of both sides of his mouth because he knows that this is a critical issue. Its its one of the key issues of this election and he knows that most americans do not support the policies and bans that he has previously endorsed, that he continues to endorse you know, he hes hes trying to walk back things that he knows or an ocular and all you have to do is look at his track record which speaks for itself. He he will endorse a National Abortion ban has already told us that. And who knows how much farther hell hell go beyond that im after what happened to you in 2022, do you have any you and your and your and your husband, you started sharing your story. You become you became this Lead Plaintiff in the lawsuit against the state of texas. And youve now become something of a surrogate for the Biden Campaign on this issue. I gather you werent entirely is active or political before all of this happened what does it been like being basically part of the campaign, going to Battleground States and speaking out and meeting with people and telling them your story over and over again. Its a good question and youre right. I was definitely not envisioning this for my life in any in any shape i was always interested in informed and politics, but i definitely wasnt as active as i am now, but because of what happened to me and because of what i know is happening across the country to pregnant people all across our country. This has become the most important thing in my life. And so the opportunity to campaign for President Biden and Vice President harris is so important to me, its been so encouraging, so motivating ive met both the president and the Vice President he are warriors for reproductive freedom which is so important to me. And its why i continue to do this work because there is people are saying this is the most important election of our lives. And i really believe that it is the most important thing to me this year to make sure that we liked President Biden and Vice President harris amandas or ill scape. Thank you for joining us this morning john. All right. In a revealing and important new interviewed, donald trump says what he thinks was the biggest mistake of his term in office being too nice lactate is 100 real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin, now like enjoying the coal one while watching the game whos willing . We are my friend we are i have moderate to severe Crohns Disease. Now, theyre sky rosie, things are looking at gets him macrons means everything to me heal significant Symptom Relief at four weeks swiss guy, rizzi, including less Abdominal Pain and fewer bowel movements. 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It only worked on the other side how does three buddy, you still got a landline or your house or a noun to subway out, feeling from a backed up god we lacks works naturally with the water in your body to help you go for your gut and your mood will follow for eight grams of fiber and try mirror fiber gummies. So this has pickleball with etrade for Morgan Stanley, were ready for whatever gets served. Did you get older your chest id rather work on saving for retir i can feel the wind so its playoffs, great teammates trust each other. Were gonna do a trust was stand up, trust what you sent me up doc ive told you a dummy write fresh off a new interview or he called january 6, rioters j six patriots and failed to dismiss the, possibility of violence if he loses the 2024 election, donald trump, on the Campaign Trail Today in wisconsin and michigan cnns Alayna Treene is live in wisconsin this morning. Look he has a day off from court this time instead of golfing, he is campaigning whats the expectation thats right. I mean, it is pretty significant, john, because since the trial started, we really havent seen much of donald trump, at least on the campaign trail. Part of that wasnt entirely his fault. He did want to hold one rally the weekend before last in north carolina, but that was canceled at the 11th hour due to severe storm weather, but luck, donald trump has wednesdays, saturdays and sundays to be hitting the trail and his team had to consistently told us that they were planning to use because those days too aggressively hit the ground and campaign, but we havent seen that yet. This is really the first rally he is Holding Since his trial began. So thats very significant. Look, hes going to be in wisconsin. Im here in waukesha. You can see the crowd behind me started to gather here. Doors will open later today and then later hes going to be speaking and michigan and these are both very critical battlegrounds that his campaign and his advisers have told me they are characterizing as must win in order to win the white house ahead of november. Now, part of what hes going to be focusing on today in both of his speeches is the issues that he thinks joe biden is most vulnerable on that includes crime. The Book Order Immigration more generally, but also joe bidens handling of the war in the middle east. Now when ive talked to trumps advisers about his visits here, both in michigan and in wisconsin. They argue that theyve been paying very close attention, not just to polling, but also the protest votes that they saw cast in the democratic primary against joe biden. And so i think you can expect some of that language and that rhetoric to come through in Donald Trumps speeches. Now, theyve also, when they talk about november and being here on the ground, i just want to point out that one of Donald Trumps most recent visit was to both of these states about a month ago. And again, we have not seen donald trump a lot on the trail. And so the fact that hes coming back here less than a month later, both to michigan and to wisconsin, really underscores that they need to be hitting the ground here in both of these states very hard as they look to campaign against joe biden john yeah, when you start doing the Electoral College math, that is clear, this election could easily hinge on wisconsin, michigan, and pennsylvania. Alayna treene in wisconsin today. Thank you very much okay. So new cnn polling showing following, were americans think their own states Abortion Laws are too restrictive. Weve got much more than this new polling coming out a florida man is hospitalized, infected with anthrax. Sunday this became the bureaus number one crying to solve. 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And cy a Medicare Supplement plan from a company like humana just might be the answer. Lactate is 100 real melt just without the lactose delicious to just ask my old friend kevin. Now the ligand join the call one while watching a game whos willing . We are my friend. We are time for Growth Funding from bus do credit makes it possible . Are easy and convenient process makes it simple to take the next step on your journey this to credit funding. Whats next kinda riva support your brain health. Mary janet, hey eddie, know, fraser, frank crank, bread. How are you . Fred fuel up to seven brain Health Indicators including your memory, joined the neretva brain Health Challenge when the genes came out, i thought, oh, my god, when bob has a friend, he expects Blind Loyalty are going to be two prizes and certified all right, weve seen a crackdown on College Campuses across the country from here and columbia, where the police in large numbers stormed to Hamilton Hall to take out propalestinian protesters who had broken in an occupied that building dozens of people well rested here in two lanes. Swat teams have gone in and there has been a rumble on that campus and then all the way to the other side of the country. In california, in los angeles, there is a Large Police Presence at ucla at this hour. We are watching police in riot gear there on that campus after violence broke out on that campus overnight with fireworks being thrown into the propalestinian encampment from those who support israel. There has been clashes. We have seen a student beaten. We have seen People Holding all kind all manner of things like boards and pipes to try and get the protesters out of that encampment. Now thats that is two groups that have nothing to do with the police. Now the police are on campus and the university has declared there at ucla, they have declared that that encampment is illegal. We just spoke with a student who said they have not yet ive been told by the police that they must disperse, which is something they have to do legally, but we will be watching that scene very closely. Meanwhile, here on the columbia campus, we are hearing from two professors who i just spoke with, who are telling me that some of those students and some of the people who were inside of Hamilton Hall occupying it as propalestinian protesters, have been now released from jail. Some of them they said had lacerations and bruises that they are treating themselves with Volunteer Medics outside here in new york, but we you do understand that some of the people who were inside of that hall have now been released from jail after being arrested overnight, about 100 people arrested overnight. Between Columbia University here in new york and city college as well. There is still a large paris Police Presence surrounding columbia at this hour, and well be watching all of this all throughout the show, john. All right, sara, thank you very much. Knew this morning a sixweek abortion ban takes effect in florida this morning we have a new scene and pull out just this morning that shows that in states with some kind of a gestational limit, either six weeks or 15 weeks on abortions almost twothirds, say those bands are too restrictive with us this morning, cnns senior data reporter, harry enten, thats in states with restrictions as we look toward the election. And we talk about important states, swing states in the election. What does the polling show . Yes. So lets take a look at states that will or may have an Abortion Measure on the ballot, say abortion should be legal. And arizona and 59 believe that abortion should be always are mostly legal in nevada. Its twothirds, 66 . Now in florida where all the news is developing this morning, 57 of registered voters say that in fact, abortion should be legal up to 24 weeks. Now, why is that 57 important . Because in florida, in order for a Ballot Measure to pass, you need 60 of the vote. So even though the majority here believed that abortion should be legal up to 24 weeks, the fact is that may not be enough to Enshrine Abortion Rights in the state of florida. Because again, you need at least 60 of the vote to do so. If you are the Biden Campaign looking at these numbers for his important states, for them on the magically arizona and nevada, what do you see . Yeah, you love the fact that abortion is in the news because would bind or trump do a better job. This is nationally look at abortion. Biden leads on this measure by 14 points. Its by far his best issue. The economy trump please immigration. Trump leads foreign conflicts. Trump leaves and even on preserving democracy, which has obviously been a focal point of the joe Biden Campaign. He only leads on this, you buy this issue by four points. So abortion being in the news is something that joe biden wants because its the issue that he runs most ahead of donald trump on what to the polls. Now ill say about how important the Abortion Issue could be in voting. Yeah, so all right. You see this 14 point lead for joe biden, but Will Abortion be important for votes, for folks and theyre voting patterns. So in our new cnn paul, abortion affect your vote for major offices, candidates must share your views only 23 , john, only 23 of americans say that candidates must share your views and abortion. So even if they agree with joe biden, it doesnt necessarily mean they vote for him and more than that, john, when we look at the top issues, the nations most urgent issues, look, were abortion is on this list. Its all hello, way down at 5 . The issues that are at the top of this list are immigration and the economy, which a coarser Donald Trumps lastditch democrats are convinced that a borse them help them do well in the 2022 midterm elections, its interesting to see if maybe somethings not showing up on the polling. But right now, its not showing up, but it is not john as a driving issue, harry, thank you. Thank you. Much lets take this all together. Lets get some perspective politically joining us right now, a cnn Political Commentator and democratic strategist, Maria Cardona and cnn senior Political Commentator, republican strategist, former Trump Campaign adviser, david urban. Lets just jump in to recap very briefly what we just heard from harry and john, because the numbers are interesting. One here, what it means though for strategy this abortion is the issue that joe biden runs most ahead of donald trump on 23 though, of voters polled say that the candidates must share their views on abortion. Thats saying that they could agree with biden on the issue, but still not vote for him. And the top issue amongst voters in terms of top issues, abortion is at 5 in terms of voters who are saying its their top issue. You see that you would you would do what with strategy regarding Reproductive Rights right now . I would make it front and center. It doesnt mean at the expense of all the other issues, kate, but hearing this discussion just now between john and harry, i just got deja vu from 2022 all over again and i guarantee you that there is something that is absolutely not showing up in this polling that also did not show up in the polling for 2022, which is what allowed so many people to talk about this massive red wave that never appeared. And frankly, abortion being on the front pages is something that is going to help democrats because its something that republicans have not learned their lesson on. Clearly, women believe that they should have bodily autonomy women believe that they do not want their daughters to grow up in a country where their daughters will have less rights than they do. Women believe that women should not be treated as secondclass citizens with all of these extremist spans, including the one thats going into affect today in florida, which should practically be a full all out banned because as you know, a lot of women dont even know theyre pregnant by six weeks. So the majority of american women and the men who loved them believe that republicans are going for the rights of women and women are going to go for republicans in the fall. One thing is worth repeating. I have said it before, and it is it is not a Talking Point when you say most women do not know they were pregnant . I did not. With one of my daughters. I did not know i was pregnant until i was seven and weeks and it was it was it was it was a total surprise right. Lets okay. David, bring blood, focus in on florida on this issue the Vice President is headed there today trying definitely trying to draw a direct line between floridas ban and donald trump. You have the sixweek ban going into place. We have everything that maria just said. And you also have i want to play for you. We heard from an abortion provider, a doctor in florida, who spoke with john last hour. Let me play this the demand goes into effect today, but in florida, there is a 24 hour waiting period, which means that you have to have two physician visits, at least 24 hours apart in order to obtain an abortion. For example, that means that if yesterday on tuesday, april 30, i saw patients who are exactly six weeks and zero days of pregnancy yesterday because of the 24 hour waiting period, we cannot provide them an abortion today because they are six weeks one day today. So we are already seeing just the absolute distress and english that this is causing people thats reality, right . How worried about you about what this means for republican candidates, including donald trump well, look, its obviously a tragedy for people who have to face these issues in real life. But as harry pointed out, the numbers if you, look down the list, abortion is and i know maria doesnt take you know, she she has a different opinion on this, but abortion was way down there, wade, the bottom, and even people who, who thought it was an issue, only 23 said theyd vote that was solely should theyd be voting on the economy and the border were much, much higher, much, much higher. So its the only issue, really the only issue that the Biden Harris Administration has to run on. And so its not a surprise that thats there gonna be out beating the drum on it because its the only jerome they have to beat. Theyre trying to say, look at the shiny spoon over here, dont Pay Attention instead of the economy dont Pay Attention to the border crisis, dont Pay Attention to crime, dont Pay Attention to all the other things that are facing your life. We want you to Pay Attention to this Abortion Issue and theyre going to shout it loudly and repeat it often because its the only thing they have were at today. So go ahead, maria. Go ahead i was going to say so heres a problem with what david is saying what when you treat abortion as this, when you treat abortion as this kind of side issue that is not that important, that is incredibly insulting to women who feel like republics against are taking away their rights and freedoms and they feel that way because republicans are taking away their rights and freedoms. And so again, i have spoken to so Many Republican women, david, who say, you know what, maria, the economy. Yes. Im worried about the economy, but guess what . I can hold two issues in my head that are important. The economy is its coming back. The economy will continue to come back. My rights will not come back if donald trump and republicans take them away, republican women november not democrats not progressives, republican women who have told me, im gonna vote for the democrat. Im gonna vote for joe biden. Im not even going to tell my husband about it because i believe in a country where meet my daughter, my granddaughter, my nieces should not have less rights than what i had growing up. Emory, im not trying to solve it, but im just reflecting the numbers that harry put up on the board. Im just you know, whats wrong. These are just the fact. Well, theres just the facts. Im not trying. Its salt anybody im just giving a recitation of the facts were just presented to us im just dealing a reality. Im not trying to you know, Attack Anybody or minimize anything. Im just trying to you know, harry put up the facts and im discussing the facts that harry presented to us, the political reality is right political reality that were talking about, right here also colliding very much so with the he reality that is hitting, hitting people, families, women in florida. And were talking and other states today showing very clearly that this is, this political issue is one that will continue throughout the next six months and will continue to see what happens. And well have you guys on. Thank you both. John. All right. The criminal case against donald trump, what is the one thing the prosecution has left to do to make its case in front of the jury americans choice 2024 is brought to you by Adt Brilliantly Safe now, adt professionally installs google Nest Products youre all set. So your home is safe and smarter. 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Were going to do a trust balls, stand up, trust what sadly up doc, ive told you a dummy Fred Pleitgen in tech wrong and this is cnn donald trump on the Campaign Trail Today, back in court tomorrow, charged with falsifying documents to cover up Hush Money Payments to an adult film actress. So the judge in the case found trump in Criminal Contempt for violating the gag order in the case with a 9,000 fine, and he warned that trump could face jail time if he does it again and there will be a hearing on even more alleged violations tomorrow with us now seen senior legal analyst, former federal and state prosecutor, elie honig, the bureau chief of our tuczyn bureau. Elie. I want to start with where we are in the case in some of the exchanges we saw yesterday between the prosecution and key date davidson, who was the lawyer who represented a Karen Mcdougal and Stormy Daniels and negotiated their Hush Money Payments. This is the prosecutor steinglass did you ever believe Michael Cohen was going to be the ultimate source of the funds . We have a graphic for this. Davidson responds, never, never prior to funding, no. Steinglass, the prosecutor says, even after he said, ill just do it myself. Where did you understand the money would be coming from . The defense objects. Objection. The judge overruled davidson the witness says from donald trump or some corporate affiliation thereof, if you read along, it makes a lot more sense. Elie might the question to you is, what is it that the prosecution has accomplished so far in what do they have left to do so john, thats actually a perfect excerpt to illustrate this point, which is the prosecution has done a very good job thus far of laying the foundation of explaining to the jury who is who, what the lines of communication were, what the transactions were. But the challenge and i think this excerpt really nicely illustrates this is tying it all back to donald trump himself because the jurys heard a lot about negotiations between, for example, on the National Enquirer side, david pecker and Dylan Howard On the Stormy Daniels and Karen Mcdougals sayyed, you have mr. Davidson who you just read the excerpt from it in the middle of it, all, you have Michael Cohen, but what they need, the prosecutors need to do is drive home that donald trump knew about all this stuff hello, trump knew about these details. And so its fine for Keith Davidson in the excerpt you just read to say, my understanding was this was all going back to donald trump. Its another thing to actually prove it. And the way theyre going to have to prove that primarily is through Michael Cohen. It look, we have one more exchange and i think illustrates the same point youre making. This is steinglass, the prosecutor saying, did you no, when you were dealing with Michael Cohen, that you were dealing with donald trump, Heat Davidson says, yes, i never thought otherwise. So you have as you point out, Keith Davidson saying this was his understanding how will the prosecution prove more than that . Will it just be Michael Cohen who says it . And how much does he have to say so i think the prosecution is hoping to do this in two ways. Of course, theyre going to rely on Michael Cohen and a key question from Michael Cohen is not going to be just did donald trump . No, you werent negotiated with Stormy Daniels. I think thats clearly got to be a yes, but how much of the details did he know . Because the details is where the crime sits, the structuring and the financing behind the payment. Thats the actual crime here, which is falsifications of business records, which leads me to the second way prosecutors are going to want to prove this. They dont want to just have Michael Cohens word. They want to back him up. And so if they have ledgers, invoices, notes, emails, memos, texts, weve started to see a few of them in the trial thus far, that backup Michael Cohen. Thats gold for prosecutors. Theyre going to want to say, folks, you dont need to just rely on Michael Cohens word. You can rely on Michael Cohens word as backed up by the documents to what extent are you expecting some kind of youre right. I did order the Code Red Moment here. Im obviously dealt. Donald trump wont be on the stand, but will there be a document that needs to definitively show that donald trump knew . I dont think there needs to be or will be a document where donald trump says, for example, okay, michael, go ahead and finance the payment to Stormy Daniels, so we make it look like attorneys fees. I mean, maybe if donald trump was an email or a texter, but perhaps to his benefit, hes not and this isnt sort of lead lesson in real life trials. Doubt it not like tv, its not like a few good men. A lot of times prosecutors build cases in ways that are methodical. And i think the prosecutors here are doing that, not without any flaws, but you build methodically and you dont have a Code Red Moment, but you can still prove your case if the evidence adds up we love the codered moments from tv. Hang on one second. La, new york city mayor eric adams is speaking about the situation at columbia. Lets listen that the war should have been a peaceful protests it has basically been coopted by professional outside agitators we were extremely cautious about releases, releasing our intel information because ill go with swish sure. The safety of our students faculty, and without any destruction of property and we are here today to update new yorkers about the ongoing situation at Columbia University protect students, staff in the public and we were well aware based on a Series Observations that what should have been peaceful protests that is part of the Constitution Rights Of Americans has clearly been coopted right which this administration supports in fence to voice your concern but we have also will continue and we have sounded the alarm numerous times before about external actors who attempted to hijack this protests. Tonight. Were here to show you some example of these external actors who have no no affiliation with columbia Columbia University as well as some of our other educational facilities whats happened all right so we are on just off of a Columbia University day and youre seeing behind me that is Hamilton Hall, where police stormed in for many different vant

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