Author of the article: Taylor Campbell
Publishing date: Feb 19, 2021 • February 19, 2021 • 3 minute read •
Residents and staff at the Salvation Army residence on Church Street in downtown Windsor were forced outside on Jan 17, 2021, as Windsor firefighters attended a fire. There are currently COVID-19 outbreaks at both of the city's two main homeless shelters. Photo by Nick Brancaccio /Windsor Star
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The medical officer of health for Windsor-Essex doubts local pandemic restrictions will ease further any time soon with COVID-19 cases on the rise once again.
Recent data presented by Dr. Wajid Ahmed on Friday showed a slight increase in the region’s infection rate following a weeks-long downward trend. While he attributed the jump to a large outbreak among Windsor’s homeless population, the numbers indicate COVID-19 cases would otherwise be holding steady at best.