All time shall be equally allocated between the parties and in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. Each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip shall be limited to five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Thompson, for five minutes. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, yesterday the nation observed the National Miners day which was designated by congress to honor the contributions and sacrifices of miners both past and present. Mr. Speaker, im the proud grandson of a pennsylvania coal ner, and National Miners day does mark the anniversary of the worst mining accident in istory on december 6, 1907, in west virginia. The disaster resulted in the deaths of 362 miners. While technology in mining has continued to improve, mining remains difficult work. Every day our nations miners work so hardess can vating nerals hard escavatting minerals for manufacturing. Particularly my family heritage, i am proud of our pennsylvania coal miners who really dug the coal that fueled the Industrial Revolution and provided the energy for fueling our preparations to win world war i and world war ii. From coal to copper and from gold to granite, miners worked to provide materials that play an Important Role in our everyday lives. American miners today deliver the same commitment to the industry that they historically have. Thanks to advancements in technology, were seeing the industry operate smarter, faster and most importantly safer. Americans benefit from the energy, metals and minerals made available to us thanks to mining. Its as fundamental today as it was centuries ago. Mr. Speaker, to all of our miners, i say thank you for all you have given to this important industry. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to titusville the patient or overall protection. Titusville area hospital c. E. O. Lee clinton called the award a true honor and added hes very proud of the care provided and the level of expertise offered to the citizens who are served at the titusville hospital. He said, quote, all of our staff strives to provide each patient with the best possible experience every time. In award demonstrates our ability to exceed as a small Rural Community hospital, end quotes. Mr. Speaker, our rural hospitals face complex challenges. They range from financial concerns to a shortage of health care professionals. Thankfully the titusville area hospital is recognized as a top performer who is increasing in patient satisfaction. Im proud it sets the standard for other rural hospitals. I wholeheartedly congratulate c. E. O. Lee clinton and all of the staff of the titusville area hospital on this outstanding achievement. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back the balance of my ime. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. Davis, for five minutes. Mr. Davis thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i rise to pay tribute to mr. James thomas esco, who was born in canton, mississippi, in 1942. Which is home to my good friend, congressman bennie thompson, who represents that area. It is also home of the canton spirituals, one of the most outstanding gospel singing groups in the country. Mr. James thomas esco was born a unique person. He was the 29th child of 30 in a blended family of mr. Percy lee and mrs. Erlene esco. He loved his family and fell in love with his wifes 16 brothers and sisters. E was married to mrs. Saidie saidy pearl esco sadie pearl esco for 50 years. He was solid as a rock and a humanitarian with the heart of gold. He was always concerned about and looked out for the wellbeing of others. He was a hard worker. Orked in a factory and drove a taxi. He brought dignity to any work task which he performed. He stressed the importance of education and taught his children to get the best grades. He adored his wifes 16 siblings and supported them in their endeavors. He instilled in his children and seven grandchildren to be kind, respectful of others, work hard to get the things you want in life, to be active citizens of the United States, and most importantly, to know jesus. These words and this biography was put together by the daughter of mr. Esco. What a man. What a daughter. What a family. Mr. Speaker, these are the kind of people that i am fortunate to represent, and i am indeed pleased to share them with the rest of the world with much love and respect. I am u. S. Representative danny davis from the seventh district of illinois, and i yield back he balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Jones, for five minutes. Mr. Jones mr. Speaker, in 2008, i introduced a resolution amending the house rules which would require we open the first session day of every month with a moment of silence and honor the military members who had been killed in war. Speaker nancy pelosi got word of my resolution and her office informed me that amending the rules would not be necessary. Speaker pelosi decided that she and only she would open the legislative month with that moment of remembrance. She kept her word and monthly met her commitment to our fallen american heroes. Yesterday, i introduced the same legislation, House Resolution 643, and called on the speaker of the house to initiate this policy of honoring the military members we have lost fighting for this country. Since mr. Ryan became speaker the house in 2015, at least 165 brave american men and women have been killed in service. We in congress have not sufficiently recognized or remembered those who have died for america. It is my belief that since speaker ryan, in the line of succession to become president of the United States and commander in chief, it is his constitutional responsibility and solely his responsibility to show gratitude to those who have died for this country. I wrote to speaker ryan on december 5 asking he begin this tradition in january of 2018. In closing, i hope all of my colleagues will join me in support of h. Resolution 643. America is at war. Americas military members are fighting and dying for this country. It is only through remembrance and prayer that the United States house of representatives can truly show the brave families of those we lost that we share in their sadness. Mr. Speaker, i always bring to the floor when i talk about war and i talk about death and war to show the faces of the pain of those who have lost loved ones. The least we can do in this house is once a month have a moment of prayer in remembrance of those who have died for this country. I yield back the balance of my time. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from hawaii, ms. Hanabusa, for five minutes. Ms. Hanabusa thank you very much, mr. Chair. On behalf of the people of hawaii and the veterans of the pacific war, i speak today in support of h. R. 4300, the admiral lloyd r. Joe veasey war commemorative act which will establish a pacific war memorial at pearl harbor. Acific historic parks, a non profit organization, will work in coordination with the National Park service. It will not require federal funds and im grateful for their partnership. My sincere thanks to my friend and colleague, congressman rob bishop, for joining me in introduction of this bill and working with Ranking Member Raul Grijalva to enjoy its swift consideration by the Natural Resources committee. Mahalo to our cosponsors. I understand it will pass by unanimous consent later today. 76 years ago today Imperial Japan attacked pearl harbor pulling our country into world war ii in the pacific. The Pacific Theater was the scene of fierce fighting and more than 150,000 u. S. Casualties. The philippines, guam, the Solomon Islands and many places in between, brave americans lost their lives in defense of our nation. Today at pearl harbor, the u. S. S. Arizona symbolizes the start of the war and the u. S. S. Missouri marks its conclusion. But there is no memorial recognizing the experiences and sacrifices of those who fought in the pacific. Admiral veasey served on the u. S. S. Gunnal during the pacific war, and it is his vision that we are realizing with this memorial. After fighting for his country, he dedicated his life to the pursuit of peace in the asia pacific region. In addition to his service in the u. S. Navy, he found the Pacific Forum center for strategic and international studies. Csis. The admiral served as senior advisory for policy, Pacific Forum csis and was part of the strategic plans and policies for the u. S. Pacific command and secretary to the joint chiefs of staff. The admiral is 100 years old, nd he will turn 101 on january 31, 2018 and he carries with him the memories of those lost in the combat and the honor and responsibility of the veterans who survived. Hopefully with passage of 4300 the admiral and remaining survivors will find some peace knowing the Fallen Soldiers will be properly honored and future generations will visit the memorial and learn of the battles that they fought. We must share their stories of sacrifices in the hopes that we prevent future generations from waging war and participating in the historical racism that resulted in internment of japanese americans, including both of my grandfathers. This spirit of American History must not be forgotten. The lessons were hard, but they helped shape a better nation. This country owes admiral veasey and the members of the greatest generation a heartfelt mahalo. Thank you, mr. Chair, and i ield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Budd, for five minutes. Mr. Budd mr. Speaker, on july 1, 2015, kate steinle was walking with her father on a pier in San Francisco. While she was on the pier, she was shot to death by an illegal immigrant who had been deported five times. He had been convicted of seven felonies. Before he murdered kate steinle, the federal government had asked the city to turn him over so he can be deported again. The city, following its policy of not cooperating with federal immigration officials, released him from jail. He murdered kate steinle three months later. A few days ago her killer was declared not guilty by a San Francisco jury. For now there is no justice for kate steinle. There is a question in this, though, for all of us. Its a question we should ask when were confronted by a terrorist attack conducted by those like the boston bombings or the San Bernardino massacre where one of the attackers was in the United States on a k1 visa. The question is why was this person in our country. In the case of kate steinle we now know exactly why. The city of San Franciscos policy, the city is an accomplice to Kate Steinles death, its pure and simple. They defied general law by refusing to cooperate with federal immigration authorities as a blanket policy. They defied it in the specific case that led to the death of kate steinle. This is a radical policy and i dont use that word lightly. You have an illegal immigrant convicted of multiple crimes, in addition to coming here illegally five times. The federal government tries to send the guy home a sixth time and the city lets him go because they ignore the law. And then he murders someone. The result of this city is a shattered family. The result is a father who will never see his daughter again. The result is a mother who has to face the Worst Nightmare of every parent. These are the terrible facts of this tragedy, mr. Speaker, and theres nothing we can do in this body to change them. What we can do is move forward towards and immigration policy thats based on sound principles. For the radicals, this will be a radical change. For Everyday Americans this is just common sense. On this front there are three fundamental principles to a sane immigration policies. First, americans have the right to determine who becomes citizens through laws. Its right there in the constitution, article 1, section 8, provides congress with the explicit authority to regulate naturalization. A country without borders is not a country. Its just a geographic destination. Second, who comes here should be in the best interest of americans. The number of known criminals we should be letting in is zero. The people who cannot read or speak english we should be admitting is zero. The number of radical islamists, drug addicts we should be letting in is zero. We are willing to have immigration that are hard working, follow our laws, ready to build our country together. Third, we have the right to enforce our choices through immigration laws. We should stop sanctuary cities and enforce sanctions against hose who hire illegal labor. We should build the border wall. Something that has worked in srael. Mr. Speaker, according to the pew research center, the population of illegal immigration is inside state, North Carolina, has gone up 14,000 from 25,000 people in 1990 to 350,000 in the year 2014. We have got to get this under control. Any country where the kate steinle tragedy can happen is not a country with a sane immigration policy. I hope we never again have to ask the question after a tragedy, why is this person in our country, because i hope the answer will be widely known, that we have a reasonable immigration system that bep fits all americans and does everything within reason not to bring in people who will hurt us. Kate steinle proves we are not there yet, but i believe that we can get there one day. Mr. Speaker. Hank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from ohio, ms. Kaptur, for five minutes. Thank you. Mr. Speaker, the American Public has caught on to our republican colleagues tax scam. They know their bill takes from our struggling middle class and rewards bountifully the billionaire class and transnational corporations. The very ones that will use the money to ship more of our jobs overseas. In fact, the only permanent tax giveaways this bill will cause are for big corporations. The joint committee on taxation estimates their bill will add 1 trillion additionally to our debt minimum, and that doesnt count the interest. This chart shows over time how much more of our Gross Domestic Product we produce every year in our country is related to the national debt. The nabble debt has been exploding over time. Their bill makes it worse. Not better. We should not so highly leverage our economy. Their bill flies in the face of fiscal responsibility, and to what end . Well, the bill would decrease federal revenue by a projected 5. 5 trillion. Tragically, putting our National Economic security at grave risk. Hats on the table for cuts . Social security, medicare, medicaid, all on the chopping block. Theres little in the republican bill good for average americans. With their legislation our republican colleagues will actually push america into deeper financial servitude to Foreign Investors buying our debt, like china and saudi arabia. How does this make America Great again . Foreign investors will be financing more and more of u. S. Debt. This chart shows how much now is being financed by foreign interests. Way back, the American People used to buy treasury securities and we financed our own debt. But over time whats happened is because we were leveraging our economy too highly with debt, borrowed money, foreign interests started to buy our securities. They now own nearly half and you know what . That means we owe not just the principal they borrowed but interest. So over time, the hole is being dug deeper. And foreign interests literally have now become the largest holder of u. S. Debt. Under their scheme, foreign nations will snap up and buy more u. S. Treasury security and this will rob future investments that would benefit americans because we are required to pay back not just the principal but the interest to foreign creditors. Imagine if that money that were paying on interest to foreign creditors could actually be invested here in america through tax cuts that actually target middle class families to increase their buying power. But with this massive debt the American Government is sliding on a slippery slope, more beholden to foreign creditors, not the American People. Well, china is now our largest foreign creditor. If you look at the debt that we owe, youll see china has been growing at an as an owner of the United States of america over time, they already own 1. 2 trillion along with other asian powers, or 19 of our foreignowned debt. Our taxpayers paying china principal plus interest. Not a good formula for american independence. Yet chinese authorities are not hesitant to undermine american interests, starting with democracy itself, but on they dump ues, steel. Its crushed our domestic steel industry. They manipulate their curnstoy advantage it and continue to rob intellectual property from American Companies and universities every day. Being in the pocket of china to finance our debt is not in americas interest. Other Top Countries buying u. S. Debt include, get ready for this, the Cayman Islands work 260 billion and india and saudi arabia with between 135 billion and 248 billion and thats a conservative estimate. 86. 2 billionolds of of our debt. Ur closest ally in Europe America best be careful, we are ending up in foreign servitude to the ownership of the u. S. Debt. Defeating the republican tax plan is one way to start righting the ship of state. I yield back my remaining time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from North Carolina, ms. Foxx, for five minutes. Ms. Foxx thank you, mr. Speaker. Recently, Forbes Magazine reported something we north carolinians have known for some time. North carolina is the number one state for business. To give credit where it is due, the tar heel states successful business atmosphere is in large part due to the North Carolina legislature which has cut corporate and personal tax rates since republicans assumed the majority in 2010. This year, the legislate chur enacted a budget that reduces the legislature enacted a budget that reduces the states income tax from 5. 499 to 5. 25. Elected officials in raleigh created an impressive probusiness policy agenda that reduced the states Corporate Income tax from. 93k9 in 2013 to 3 in 2017. Which will drop to 2. 5 in 2019 this progrowth Corporate Income tax reduction has played a pivotal role in making North Carolina attractive to businesses. The state of North Carolina is a wonderful place to start a business and to live. And people from every states are moving to the state in droves. Migration rates to North Carolina consistently rank in the highest percentiles in the nation. Our state ranks second in lowest business cost in terms of labor, energy, and taxes. With rankings like that its no wonder that businesses rightly choose to operate out of North Carolina. As a former Small Business owner, its a pleasure to hear that forbes recognized North Carolinas business bona fides. Thanks to the North Carolina legislature, businesses in North Carolina are competitive on a national and global scale. Officials worked hard to make sure North Carolina would become the most come tetpive competitive state for business in the country. Here in washington were building on the success of North Carolina and bringing about a tested policy recipe for economic growth. Fairer, simpler, and lower taxes. Whether youre an individual struggling to make sense of our tax burden before april 15, or an American Corporation trying to compete with americas competitors, or a Small Business thats faced the i. R. S. s, stifling complexity you know our tax code is introken. Ive heard enough from Fifth District families, businesses, millenials and other budding entrepreneurs to know that Congress Must act now to bring about the economic expansion that americans need and deserve. Thats why i was sproud to cast my support in favor of h. R. 1, the tax cuts and jobs bill. This bill is congress answer to the will of the people. It delivers much needed tax relief to taxpayers by lowering every marginal tax rate on the books that applies to working americans. It enables our businesses to win here at home and expand our nations job growth. It will boost paychecks for generations to come. By doubling the standard deduction, even more americans will no longer need to itemize their deductions. For married couples filing jointly this translates to 24,000 to 24,000 yearly thats free from federal taxes. By lowering crippling taxes on businesses, workers will see an increase in their wages. A report from the nonpartisan Le Foundation found aed my income family in North Carolina would see its after tax income increase by 2,366. The same foundation found that the tax cuts and jobs act will create 975,000 new jobs nationally and grow wages by 4. 4 for middle income households. As weve seen in North Carolina, when government simplifies and lowers taxes, citizens reap the rewards of economic expansion, job growth and higher wages. Despite the hard work done by North Carolinas legislature and despite our state being rated number one in which to do business, its being held back by the federal tax code. The current tax code is littered with trillions of dollars in special interest tax breaks that have held people back. Even though North Carolinas number one, youll find that the four highest earning counties in the United States are all near washington, d. C. The spending of the federal government fueled by the tax code and its giveaways undermine the foundations of our economy. These special interest tax carveouts are driven by, you guessed it, special interests. Its time to stop rewarding the closely connected here in washington and keep taxpayer dollars where they belong, with american workers, job creators and businesses. Its time the federal government stopped using the tax code to engineer peoples decisions and allow americans to live their lives based on their desire for higher wages, entrepreneurism, service and economic exchange. I urge my colleagues to follow North Carolinas lead and support the tax cut and jobs act to lower taxes. Increase paychecks, wages and job growth. And fix the tax code. I yield back, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from georgia, mr. Carter, for five minutes. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to recognize a very important song to the history , the state of georgia kumbaya. The original name was come by here but now the song is internationally known as kumbaya. While the exact origin of the song is unknown, scholars believe it originated with the people who are descendents of enslaved africanamericans that live on the sea islands in the coastal regions of georgia. It is largely believed that the song was a plea for gods intervention for this group of africanamericans asking him to relieve them from a number of hard times in the community, a sick family member, oppression and more. Robert winslow gordon, a staff member and eventually founder of the archive of folk songs, was temporarily living in georgia in 1926 and took the first recording of kumbaya on the wax sill dar recorder still located in the library of congress today. He recorded a person in the community named h. Wiley who sang the lyrics. Need you lord, come by here. Somebody needs you lord, come by here. This recording of kumbaya is one of the earliest things located in the archive of folk song. Gordon is buried near the home of the first recording of kumbaya. They thought come by here sounded like kumbaya, a nonexistent word at the time. Other scholars think the original song was not even come by here but instead come by ya. Since that time the song has spread throughout our nation and the world. Recordings can even be found sung by americans throughout all different times in our nations history. There are 1930s recordings from Central Texas and in florida while Many Americans were finding solace during the jim crow period. In the 1950s, 1960s, kumbaya was song by pete seeing ar. Peter, paul and mary and joan baez. And it has been song in angola song by missionaries. We should never forget the original meaning of the song and who we believe made maybe the original creators of the song. They live from st. Augustine, florida, into the northern most north wilmton, carolina. Most people know them at gullah. E call them geche. There are many aspects of the culture that are unique, complex and beautiful. Their language is based in creole and is the only cree ol language in the United States. E gullah geechee make sweet rice baskets as a craft passed down to both men and women. Although this culture and their traditions have modernized since the 19th century and early 20th century in america, today you can see still the living their culture if you drive through coastal georgia. I cannot overstate the importance of this group of people had on the development of the first Congressional District of georgia. As well as creators of the song kumbaya, they have changed lives and is a significant force not only in the Second District of georgia but throughout American History. To recognize just how widespread this song has become, the georgia General Assembly passed a resolution officially stating the impact this song has had on our state. I hope you all will join me in our nations capitol by also recognizing the importance of this song, and i am very proud that it originated in the first Congressional District of georgia, a district that i have the honor and privilege of representing. It is also an honor to have geechee the gullah here at the capitol. Welcome to our nations capital. Thank you for your contributions to our nations history. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from texas, mr. Green, for five minutes. Mr. Green thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, once again i enjoyed the preeminent privilege of speaking from the well of the house of representatives. I am so honored to have great opportunity and today, mr. To acknowledge that on yesterday an historic event took place right here in this house. Mr. Speaker, on yesterday, 58 impeach Donald John Trump, president of the United States of pleark. Mr. Speaker. United states of america. Mr. Speaker, 57 more than a good many people anticipated. And mr. Speaker, there are some who would have the event be nothing more than a footnote in history. Some will just have it be a nonevent, but, mr. Speaker, it wont happen. It will not be just a footnote. It wont be a nonevent. Mr. Speaker, this event will be looked upon by scholars as they time to gh the understand what happened at this time. They will ponder and they will find that 58 persons were the first 58 to vote to impeach Donald John Trump. The first 58. Not the last 58, mr. Speaker. There will be another opportunity for us to remove Donald John Trump from the presidency. Mr. Speaker, when i took my vote yesterday, i voted for a lot of constituents. I just want to single out a few. I voted for the man who stood , cup orner under a bridge in his hand asking for help. When he saw me, he had a big smile on his face. I voted for him because his words to me, paraphrasing were, i am so proud of what youre doing with that impeachment. This is a man standing in the streets of life, sleeps in the streets of life. I voted for the person who was on a serving line at a cafeteria. I eat in cafeterias quite regularly, who said, right on, keep on. I voted for the woman that saw al t church and said, green, youre a trouble maker, but dont you stop until you impeach trump. Mr. Speaker, i voted for people who will never have this preeminent privilege that they have accorded me to stand here in the well of the congress. Im not going to let them down, mr. Speaker. This was round one. I assure you, mr. Speaker, that i dont give out, i dont give up, i dont give in. I know that im on the right side of righteousness. Im going to stay there. Here is where i stand. I will not be moved. I yield back the balance of my ime. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded to refrain from engaging in personalities oward the president. The chair recognizes the gentleman from the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Holding, for five minutes. Mr. Holding i rise to recognize and thank an exceptional North Carolinaian, alice, who spent nearly three decades working for members of congress. Alice first began her career with senator jesse helms back in 1986 as special assistant. She was fresh out of college and came to washington and was immediately hired by the senator to work for him here on capitol hill. It was during this time, mr. Speaker, that i first met alice. We both served on senator helms staff together, bringing conservative North Carolina values, and in alices case, Southern Charm to our work here and work in the senate. When senator helms retired in 2003, senator Elizabeth Dole welcomed alice to her staff in raleigh to handle constituent services. Mr. Speaker, alice spent six years working for senator dole in that role. During that time she became wellknown in North Carolina for her personal attention to casework. She helped countless constituents to navigate the many problems that arise when dealing with federal agencies. Following her time working in the senate, alice moved over to the house side, serving on the staff of former congresswoman renee ellmers, as her constituent services director. Alices caring and compassionate demeanor made her a logical choice for that position. Thats why, mr. Speaker, when i was first elected to serve as a member of congress, i couldnt think of anyone better suited to serve as my district director than alice mccaul. Her devotion to her work and for the people of North Carolina made her an excellent hire. This past summer alice retired after almost five years on my staff and the people of North Carolina were lucky to have her as an advocate. My office certainly misses her and will not be the same without her. I always think of alice as a colleague and a good friend from our time together with senator helms and i wish her well and her family well as she enjoys her muchdeserved retirement. That, mr. Speaker, i yield ack. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from kansas, mr. Marshall, for five minutes. Mr. Marshall mr. Speaker, when i say the word or the term c. P. R. , everybody in the room knows what im talking about. But when i say mention stop the bleed, few of us know what it is. This past summer i had the opportunity to take part in a stop the bleed Training Program offered from my good friends and fellow physicians at the American College of surgeons. This simple training teaches individuals how to treat bleeding injuries and help save a life. Every year almost 200,000 americans die from traumatic injuries sustained as a result of events, including vehicle crashes, falls, industrial and farm accidents, shootings and natural disasters. The most common preventable cause of these deaths is losing too much blood in the minutes before trained responders can arrive. This is something we need to change. The ability to recognize lifethreatening bleeding and the ability to intervene effectively can save a life. Whether the injuries is the result of a car crash or home accident or a harm accident, one person who is there at the right time and have the right skills can make all the differences. Just like c. P. R. Training, a civilian familiar with this basic bleeding control technique is better equipped to save a life. The effort to make this training available to the public is driven by the goal to redecember or eliminate preventable deaths from bleeding. The American College of surgeons, working in partnerships with many other organizations, has now made the training needed to address such incidents available across to the public, and through nationwide advocacy efforts, these college of surgeons will work to ensure all people have access to training opportunities. I would like to implore, encourage folks like the boy scouts, girl scouts, american red cross, other organizations that teach c. P. R. To add in very simple course on stop the bleed to that Training Course program. Its very simple. Its a very simple concept putting pressure where the bleeding is occurring or how to make a quick turn quit out of your tourniquet out of your belt or piece of clothing. I want to ask fellow members of congress to get training in stop the bleed today. With that, mr. Speaker, i yield ack. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from maryland, mr. Hoyer, for five minutes. Mr. Highway mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, we should not shut down the government of the United States. Democrats do not want government to shut down. It is, however, not in our hands. It takes a majority to pass any bill in this house. 218 votes. Our republican colleagues have other 240 votes. We have 193. So its not in our hands, mr. Speaker. The Republican Party has been given the responsibility and the legislation, to ensure the proper functioning of government. As the govepbing party, they can pass whatever they want to pass on this floor. Indeed, as the governing party, they have a responsibility to use their votes to keep government running. They control the house, they control the senate, and they control the white house. All the levers of power of legislating are in their hands. But were here, mr. Speaker, on the verge of a shutdown because of familiar pattern where republicans cannot unite as a party. They cannot agree among themselves spending priorities. And this has happened again and again and again. In fact, each tile the congress has successfully enacted a funding bill since the republicans took a took the majority in 2011, they had to have democratic votes to pass that legislation. Every single time. When we passed the continuing resolution in september, just about three months ago, we did so because Republican Leaders asked for more time to work. On the priorities that confront this country. And responsibly keeping government working. Hey had three months to do so. Yet here we are with one day remaining and nothing to show for it. Instead, they spent the past three months on priorities that ill outline in just a minute, working on a tax bill thats and ess, deeply unpopular, harmful to the lives and livelihoods of millions of americans and the economic well being of our country and that i call a death tax because it will a debt tax because it will explode the debt of the United States. A bill that would raise taxes on 78 million middle class households and kick 13 million americans off their Health Insurance coverage. A bill that would increase, as i said, the deficit by 1. 5 trillion. Indeed, much more than that. Because well have to pay interest on the money were going to borrow to do the tax cut. While we fail to pay our bills. A bill that would trigger an automatic cut of medicare by 25 billion next year. A bill premised on a falsehood that tax cuts magically pay for themselves. Thats what the past three months have been wasted on, mr. Speaker. Not a single appropriations bill has been enacted by this congress. Not a single one. Here are 12. And they control the house they control the senate, and they control the president. Now our republican colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, are asking for two more weeks. Two more weeks. Two more week, they say. Republicans are asking us for two more weeks because they claim they havent had time to write a funding bill they can ass. 90 days. Every democrat voted for what i call the no drama c. R. In september. On an blicans voted no agreement we had to use the next 90 days to address the priorities of america. But 90 republicans voted no. And theyve had time write and rewrite and rewrite and rewrite again a tax bill that advantaged the wealthiest in america at the expense of the majority of americans. That, mr. Speaker is how theyve spent their time. These past three months. Write a funding bill to avert shutdown . No. Reach an agreement that is responsible to fund the priorities of america . O. Write a tax bill. Thats what theyve done for 90 days. They kicked millions of their off their Health Coverage and raises taxes on millions more. Thats what they chose to do. Two more weeks. They want two more weeks, they have 240 votes, give thems more time but im certainly not going to vote to give them two more weeks simply to work on the tax bill. Which they have pledged to pass by christmas. However, if they passed it a year from now, it would have the ame impact on americas taxes. The critical they have ignored and delayed. The political has been their sole focus. I say to my republican friends, mr. Speaker, you won control of the government. Govern. Govern. Be responsible. Focus on that which is critically important to the American People. Dont say you havent had time to do the most important job you had. You had time. We voted, every one of us, to give you 90 days. To work either in a partisan sense as youve done so much of the year. Or in a bipartisan sense which was much more positive and would have been much more product i. Last twodo list, mr. Speaker, of critical legislative items that this house has to complete before the end of the year. Its long and its a compelling list. Six of them have hard deadlines and must be done before we leave for the end of the year. 90 days we didnt do this. None of the six is a surprise, either. Neither are any of the others that the American People expect us to do by the end of the year as well. The majority has had months to work on bringing legislation to the floor on each one of them. Months. Here we are. In december. Pushed up against the wall of a funding deadline. Republicans want two more weeks. So they can focus on passing their tax bill before christmas. Not the priorities of america but a tax bill. A deeply unpopular, appropriately so, tax bill. Mr. Speaker, let me list what we need to do and what we ought to do and what we should have done over the last 90 days. Let me share with the American People who sent us here what the republican majority has not gotten done in all the months theyve had complete control of the government. One, keep the government open and functioning. By passing funding bills and sending them to the president for signature. Second, reauthorize thelling reauthorize the childrens Health Insurance program so millions of our children will not Lose Health Care insurance. Provide funding for v. A. Choice to help care for our veterans. That must be done. Reauthorize the flood Insurance Program so critical to so many millions of americans. Extend an expiring Health Program such as Community Health centers. On which so many other millions rely. Reauthorize porkses of the intelligence act to protect americas security. That will end before the end of the year. 90 days weve had to consider all those items. And the American People also expect us to provide necessary resources to address the opioid ddiction crisis. 90 days to do that. Reach an agreement on spending levels for critical priorities f the American People. Were dealing with sequester. But we havent done that. Pass funding to keep government effectively serving our people. 90 days to do that. Here we are. Pass the dream act to provide certainty for those young people who were brought here as children. And have grown up as americans. Take action to stabilize our Health Insurance markets. We havent done that. 90 days. Extend the expired Perkins Loan Program so College Students with the most needs can complete their degrees. We havent done that. In the last 90 days. Reauthorize fire grants. So that our domestic defenders, our first responders, can have the resources they need for training, for personnel, for equipment, to keep our community safe. We had 90 days to do that. Prevent nearly a Million People from losing access to medicaid in puerto rico. And i will end with, making sure that the people of texas, the people of florida, the people of puerto rico and the people of the Virgin Islands have resources to rebuild and restore their communities devastated by harvey and irma and maria. All of this we need to do by december 31. What are we focused on . A tax bill. When will that tax bill take effect for taxes in 2018 . When will you pay those . By april 15, 2019. Yet thats what we spend all our time on. Thats what we spend all our time on. Not the priorities i have just read. But a tax bill that will hurt america. Hurt its financial status. And hurt its middle income workers. And most of all, hurt the children who will pay back the money we will borrow to give the wealthiest in america a tax cut. Those people making over 900,000 a year. That crowd will get 62 of the resources. Yet the speaker says that we need to help the struggling americans. There is not a person i will tell you, mr. Speaker, at any one of my town meetings came up to me and was worried about the people making 900,000 or more. Maybe it happened to you, mr. Speaker, it hasnt happened to me. Why are we at this point . Because we have a governing party that refuses to govern. Because we have a majority that has failed to do the business of the American People. Even for something as fundamental as providing for the operations of government. Mr. Speaker, we democrats welcome the opportunity to sit down with our republican colleagues and reach a compromise agreement to meet our responsibilities. And address the many of the pressing issues ive outlined earlier in this address. My time is about up. Had we utilized the 90 days that we all voted, we on our side of the aisle, the dems voted, with our republican friends, although 90 republicans voted no, but we all voted yes. To take 90 days to meet our responsibilities to the American People. It hasnt been done. We have no confidence that giving two more weeks will make it happen. Lets get to work right now. Not on the tax bill. That could be passed at some point in time, im against it, ill vote against it, i hope it fail, its a bad bill but lets address these priorities. Thats not what the intent of this two weeks is, its to give two weeks so we can pass a bad tax bill that will hurt america or hurt our children and will hurt the middle class. Mr. Speaker, i yield back the alance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. Blumenauer, for five minutes. Mr. Blumenauer mr. Speaker, as i listened to the House Democratic whip lay out the case for the American Public, i was struck by how stark the choices are. And how much we are looking at failure at home and abroad. Were watching the reckless action of trump with his declaration that were going to move the u. S. Embassy to jerusalem. Further isolating america. Were alone in this instance. People who are in the arab world, european allies, are deeply concerned that this will have a destabilizing effect. Were watching the countdown here as were kind of scrambling to keep government open. When for heavens sakes these have been clear for months. And republicans occupy all the levels of power. Why cant they simply act to be able to send clear signals so the appropriators can work and government operates. Weve watched the expiration of the Childrens Health program. Wildly preponderance lar. With people of across the political spectrum. To be able to have this significant enhancement of health for children in this country. Even more important because of the republicans Relentless Assault on the Affordable Care act and destable idesing insurance markets. Yet state after state, including my home state of oregon, is facing the difficult task of sending out notices to families that theyre no longer going to have access to this Critical Health care. And in the backdrop of all of this, were watching a republican tax program which would be the largest transfer of wealth in our nations history paid for by mortgaging the future of our children and grandchildren. 1. 5 trillion extra debt. And when you put in the fact that well have to pay interest on that, 2. 3 trillion to be able to give some of the largest corporations and the wealthiest americans even more tax benefits. Nd we are tax e neglecting benefits to some who dont need it and we still dont have an infrastructure plan which the president promised. 1 trillion of Infrastructure Spending to rebuild and renew america. Well, ill tell you there would be bipartisan support for any reasonable plan going forward. In fact, we have people in the American Transportation industry who were saying raise our taxes. The fuel tax has been raised in over half the states, including a number of red republican states. Theres a deal to be had when a. A. A. And the American Truckers Association say lets provide the leadership, make the investment, put hundreds of thousands of americans to work in ways that will enhance the environment, improve the economy and give people a sense of pride that we can actually come together and get something done. Its waiting there, and yet ere spending 2. 3 trillion to largely benefit the top 1 and the largest corporations and were ignoring needs like that. The treasury, were told, has been doing studies that will prove that this will just pay for itself, and the secretary of treasury has been asked, show us the studies. Whats the research . Where do you pick this number out of the air that is rejected by virtually every independent economist as well as past experience . We see nothing. We see nothing. The tax bill is constantly influx. Thats one of the prices that we pay because they never followed regular order, they didnt attempt to work on a bipartisan basis, there were no hearings held on this bill, and as a member of the ways and Means Committee i was shocked this bill changed sometimes hour by hour. They still dont know what they passed. Theyre talking about changing Corporate Tax rates. Theyre talking about dealing with some of the deductions that have been taken away like for state and local taxes. Its in a state of flux. What we do know is what was passed in the house is wildly unpopular. How do you take a tax cut thats unpopular by 75 of the population . Its because people are starting to look at it, and the closer they look, the more theyre going to find it distasteful. Im hopeful that well be able to someday come to our senses, Work Together on things that will actually make a difference for the American Public rather than make it worse. The speaker pro tempore the entlemans time has expired. Pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess until noon today. Ms. Pelosi any of which is on the floor would pass with a strong bipartisan majority. Fighting the opioid epidemic. This is a priority for the president , all of us, that affects every district in the country but theres no money. We need that increase in domestic budget to fight the opioid epidemic. Veterans funding, we need more money for veterans. Then in addition to that, chip and Community Health centers because theyre spending so much time on this, theyre ignoring t

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