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He remained in the closet to the rest of the world. It would not be for another 25 years but the Supreme Court banning gay, sexual activities. Weeks after her high school graduation, she was in a car accident. Needed 13 surgeries to reconstruct her face, including an artificial eye. Weeks after her high school into, had, she moved that setback. She graduated from college. She graduated in 1988. Moved in with her friend ed and his samesex partner. When the landlord came by, she pretended to be as girlfriend out of fear that ed and norbert could be affected. Just for being gay. Over the course of the next two years, she lost her friend norbert and her father to hivaids. Back then, people called it a day cancer. She persevered. Became the first of a trilogy of New York Times bestsellers. Her story is rooted in pain. Good and bad, adversity and adaptation. Her failures and struggles are just as important as her successes. Both equally helped shape who she is today. I think that is true of our country as well. There are so many issues that compel me to speak out. Askand before you today to you to join me for my run to the right house. This is the most important president ial election of our time. [applause] the covid19 pandemic has reminded us all how much the American Health care system has failed us. [applause] when politicians say we need medicare for all, what i hear is the a hospitals for all. The Veterans Administration is among the worth and our Health Care System. And 2014, they falsify data to show compliance deadlines and many died before even receiving care. This topdown monopoly is , leteptable for any person alone those willing to sacrifice their lives in service to our country. [applause] lets be honest. The current American Health care system isnt working for anyone. Well, that is, anyone other than the wealthy and wellconnected who always have access or the billiondollar Insurance Companies that bring in new records every year. My heart breaks for the millions of americans who have been left behind, those who go bankrupt trying to care for their loved ones, those with preexisting conditions who live in constant fear of whether they will be able to cover an unexpected hospital visit. Politicians in washington have insisted that its the free market that has failed us, that we need to give in and go to a government run, onesizefitsall program. I have some news for them. We havent had anything even close to a free and competition based system in nearly a century. The alternative to our current government failure. [applause] currentrnative to our government failure isnt even a bigger government failure. [applause] some of the biggest issues are at the very core of the American Health care system. It problem is that is isnt actual insurance. And any other industry, insurance only pays for unexpected cost. Because of that, costs generally remain low. Meanwhile, are broken Healthcare System has insurance cover everything and it leads to higher prices for everyone. Just think how expensive [applause] how expensive Car Insurance would be if they pay for gas or car washes. You would have no reason to shop around for those services and all the mechanics and gas stations would increase costs without you even knowing. The car Insurance Companies wouldnt care because they be getting paid big dollars either way. This is exactly what has happened in our Health Care System. There is absolutely no incentive to look for better prices and compete. As a result, health care had no reason to compete, Insurance Companies can charge higher prices without any accountability, and all of us have to foot the bill. [applause] the best example of how a marketbased Health Care System can operate is in singapore. It reserves the use of interest insurance for catastrophic care. [applause] singapore spent less than one third per person on health care than what the United States spends. Its time for real change. [applause] we should begin by reforming the fda approval and approval process for prescription medication. [applause] the fda has completely mismanaged the covid19 crisis and has made it extremely difficult for anyone to get tested. Fda, only those companies with the most money and resources get approval. One those companies do, they weaponize patent to keep out competitors. As your president , i will work with the fda to remove barriers to new prescription drugs. And make more drugs available overthecounter. [applause] system should be converted to a system like the one used in the state of indiana. So that veterans are given control over their health care dollars, so they can do with it what they wish. [applause] veteransation to should begin, not just when they come back from the war, there are soldiers currently deployed who werent even born when the war on terror began. Deployed who werent even born when the war on terror began. Time, over 150,000 people have died in afghanistan, including 40,000 civilians. In iraq, 300,000 people are dead, including 200,000 civilians. Civiliansn, 23,000 and 65,000 people total have been killed. More on hisnds militaries in the next 10 countries combined. Our troops are stationed in nearly 150 different countries. [booing] im getting there. [laughter] [applause] first, we have to let the cspan viewers know exactly what the problem is. The media doesnt seem to be telling them. [applause] to continue with our problems that nobody has heard of, including the media but the two major parties who are both war hawks, our government has increasingly engaged injured on warfare, even striking weddings and hospitals. Warnames and faces of change but the problems remain the same. Nation building and regime change create power vacuums and greater distrust of the United States. We are left to deal with the same issues over and over again. In every election, candidates promise peace but they only deliver more war. I will bring the truth home. [applause] crowd bring them home again, i will bring the troops home and turn america into one armed and neutral. [applause] its time for real change. Another issue is the environment. We hold an obligation to future generations to end the dependence on fossil fuels. The reason we have that is the federal government gives about 15 billion annually to oil and coal companies. This doesnt even include the billions in tax credits and public land leases which disproportionately go to these companies. This is nothing but corporate welfare. Taking from the poor and giving to the wealthy. [applause] currently, the most promising is nuclear. The Carbon Footprint is outmatched by his efficiency. [applause] i will work with congress to eliminate all Energy Subsidies and level the playing field. I will reduce regulations that prevent competition, that unfairly entrenched. Its time for a real change. [applause] americans at every turn. Complicatedem is so that only those who can afford personal accountants and tax lawyers are able to navigate. Probes every day till of americans lives to decide how much they should pay. Meanwhile, the government accumulates more debt. Some demand increases in domestic spending while others insist on increases in military spending. They come to a bipartisan compromise by increasing both. Epitomized by the 2 which, wasres act filled with waste and gave billions of corporate handouts. As your president , i will eliminate the irs and work with congress toward eliminating the federal income tax altogether. [applause] when it comes to cutting spending, we cannot take any solutions off the table. I would encourage baseline budgeting instead of assuming an increase. We start at zero every year and decide what can be eliminated and what is absolutely necessary. Times will change. As we look to american history, we must accept that the experiences do not live up to our aspirations. When africans were forcibly seized and brought to the united , only their worst nightmares couldve predicted ges of slavery would persist. While millions of americans view the declarations of independence and our constitution with great pride, black americans are reminded that their ancestors were in shackles for another century when these founding documents were signed. The same men who promised freedom did not extend those freedoms to black men, women, and children. Guarantees of liberty for all ring hollow for black americans who saw slavery replaced with jim crow and a long list of institutions and programs that are too many to name. As libertarian researchers have stated, it is not enough to be passively not racist. We must be actively antiracist. Its time for real change. [applause] immigrants also see a stark contrast between our promise and their reality. Countries of origin have changed. The american legacy of what immigration is supposed to be remains the same. Held togetherures by inclusion and acceptance. A shining city upon a hill, welcoming the tired, poor, and huddled masses. The data is clear. Immigrants are a positive for the United States. [applause] not only do they contribute billions to the economy, but they also commit less crime and benefits government the nativeborn americans. [applause] and current immigrants are assimilating at a quicker rate than ever before. Economics aside, the reason for free and open immigration rests upon charity and morality. The United States should symbolize a helping hand to those in need. And build bridges instead of walls. [applause] i will work with congress to open the borders and provide a pathway to citizenship for the millions of undocumented person already in the United States. I would like to see [applause] the United States welcome new citizens into our country the way my grandparents were welcomed when they immigrated here. Its time for real change. [applause] as your president , i will federally decriminalize all drugs. [applause] and allow for states to have the power to self determine their plan of action of drug crimes, which would not be how it is today. We would not see all the people who are locked up for simple possession, simple use, with no violence and no actual crime. If there is no victim, there is no crime. I will pardon anyone convicted at the federal level of these or any other victimless crimes and leave the door wide open for the medical community to deal with Substance Abuse issues in ways that can salvage lives. Not throw them away. [applause] this is just one step towards ending over incarceration of people of color and letting consensual adult activities become safer and destigmatize, allowing the true victims to be recognized so they can begin in the help they need. [applause] i will defund federal involvement in policing. And civil asset forfeiture. [applause] no knock raids and ending qualified immunity so good citizens can take legal action against Police Brutality when it becomes necessary. I will all also increase oversight to ensure that the law applies to its enforcers just as much as its communities. [applause] change. E for real , i willpresident eliminate the department of education and give more choice to students, teachers, and parents. Particularly in impoverished areas. [applause] we have a large and beautiful country. People in different parts of the country have different needs. They should have control over their educational system. We must end this onesizefitsall system that the federal government has forced upon us. Its time for real change. [applause] in this time of uncertainty, americans dont need or want someone to rule over them. Ive had many roles throughout my career. Rewardingeen more than being on the campaign trail , speaking to people who are simply tired of the failures in washington. [applause] todaylicies as outlined arent about theories. They are about the middleclass worker who has to decide whether to buy medicine or pay rent. They are about the soldier, deployed to a foreign land for no good reason. And the People Living there who feel like their country is being occupied. They are about the millennial who feels that the damage done to the environment can never be undone. They are about the immigrants who only desire to make a better life for their families without prosecution. They are about the person of color who just wants to drive home without fear of being pulled over and killed. [applause] they are about the bluecollar worker who watches his hardearned tax dollars gets spent. It doesnt have to be like this. We dont have to tolerate it. Its time for a new way, a path that recognizes what shouldve been clear from the beginning. Lets learn from our failures. Lets build upon our successes and create change that last. Get ready, libertarians. We have work to do. Get ready to talk about this campaign and help those unaware of our platforms understand what it means to be all in for liberty. Get on ready to knock on doors whenever and wherever you can to let people know theres a better option. [applause] the old parties have tried to keep us down but not this time. We are on our way to the white house. When we get there, we will give it back to the 330 million americans it really belongs to. Its time for change. Thank you. [applause] thank you so much. Enjoy your lunch. You will have an awesome lunchtime speaker. [applause] spike cohen also addressed the convention. He is best known among libertarians for his online radio show and podcast. [applause]

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