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Shirley on campaign 2020. At 8 30, new yorker magazine writer jelani cobb discusses his new pbs frontline documentary policing the police 2020. Host good morning. Its tuesday, september 15, 2020. The house returns this morning at 9 a. M. Eastern and at 10 a. M. Today in the white house, representatives from bahrain, the united arab emirates, and israel gathered to sign an agreement to normalize relations. We begin this morning back on the campaign trail yesterday as President Trump met with california officials overseeing the response to raging wildfires in the state as joe biden sought to put the issue of Climate Change front and center in an address from his home state of delaware. This morning we are asking you how important our climate issues when it comes to your election 2020 vote. Give us a call. Phone lines split this way, if you are a supporter of the biden harris ticket, 202 7488000. If you support the trumppence ticket, 202 7488001. A special line for those who have been impacted by recent ural disasters, 202, 7 202 7488002. You can send us a text at 202 7488003. Otherwise, cap catch up with , twitter andmedia facebook. A very good Tuesday Morning to you as we show you one of the headlines from todays paper on this topic. The lead story in the new york. Mes their story on this topic noting that President Trump blamed poor Forest Management yesterday rather than Climate Change for the unprecedented wildfires engulfing western states while joe biden focused on Global Warming and warned of natural disasters if President Trump prevailed in november. This is joe biden, yesterday. [video clip] hurricanes dont swerve to avoid red states or blue states. Wildfires dont skip towns that voted a certain way. The impacts of Climate Change dont pick and choose. That is because it is not a partisan phenomenon. Its science. Our response should be the same, grounded in science. Acting together, all of us. Like with our federal response to covid19, the lack of a National Strategy on climate and Climate Change overall leads us without solutions. It has as a matter of fact been made worse by the changes the administration hasim speaking e lo level. Just last week delaware state attorney generals sued 31, 31 big fossil fuel companies, which knowingly wrecked tabak and damaged the climate, our climate. Damage that is plain for everyone to see but the president. As he flies to california today, we know he has no interest in meeting this moment. We know he wont listen to the experts or treat this disaster with the urgency it demands. Host joe biden, from delaware yesterday. This is a photo of the president from yesterday during his meeting with governor gavin newsom along with other officials to talk about the wildfires out west. Blaze isdent sang the caused more by Forest Management issues. One of the key moments from the president s briefing there was his exchange with wade crowfoot, california secretary of natural resources. When he was talking about the impacts of Climate Change and its effects on the wildfires. [video clip] our perspective there is an amazing partnership on the ground and there needs to be. As the governor said, temperatures exploded the summer. World record in death valley, one hundred 30 degrees. Eat of and in greater los angeles, we are seeing the warming trend make our summers and winters warmer as well. One area of mutual agreement and priority is Vegetation Management and we want to work with you to really recognize the changing climate and work with that science. The science is going to be key. If we ignore the science and put our head in the sand and think it is about Vegetation Management. Cooler. Start getting you just watch. I wish science agreed with the. I dont think science knows, actually. Host the president during his meeting with california officials yesterday. This morning we are asking, how important are climate issues in your election 2020 vote . The Pew Research Center occasionally asking voters what their top issues are in a given election year. Heres their most recent poll from an august finding that Climate Change is lower down on the list among registered voters. Only 42 of those contacted by the Research Center say that Climate Change is very important to their upcoming 2020 president ial election vote. Climate change, below economic inequality, immigration, race, ethnic inequality, foreign policy, violent crime, coronavirus outbreak, supreme court, health care, and the economy, those topics are all higher up on the list. Climate change coming in ahead of abortion as an issue that is a very important issue to voters. Again, those numbers from the Pew Research Center. We want to hear from you this morning and the phone lines are open to hear your calls on the issue of Climate Change and how important it is to you. If you support the biden harris , 202 7488000 is the number to call in. If you support the trump fence ticket, 202 7488001 trumppence ticket, 202 7488001. Bill is up first out of cleveland, ohio, on the line for Trump Supporters. Good morning. Caller good morning. When start by saying that nikola tesla died, or government went in, took his papers and examined them and after a short time they said this had no scientific and if it whatsoever to anybody. That was Donald Trumps uncle. In ohio we thought we would give somebody a different chance. But my god, ive got a feeling about corona. Now hes got a feeling about wildfires. We cannot keep going on feelings. If you want to live, youve got to vote biden. If you are ready to die and cash it in, vote trump. Thank you. Bill i believe on the wrong line, their. Phone lines it up this way, 202 7488000. If you support trumppence, 202 7488001. On the line for supporters of President Trump, ben, state college, pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller i love the environment, i love the land of course. But i agree with pew research for once, Climate Changes at the bottom of my list when selecting a candidate. Im an ardent President Trump supporter and when he was out there in california supporting them firefighters, of course an elected political official like wade crowfoot, i believe his name was, would try to make a name for himself by disagreeing with the president. Hes going to try to get a soundbite to be played over and over on the news. Like i said, i support the president and believe in what hes doing in regards to the environment and Everything Else. Thank you. Before we go, what do you like it about his Environmental Policies . My openingd comments, i think that the environment is not at the bottom mobile list, but towards the bottom. Hes putting other topics first, not in place of the environment, while keeping the environment in mind, but while keeping industry, the economy, Everything Else rolling forward. Is been out of state college. Mary, new york city, thank you. Good morning. My name is mary wiley. I really support biden and harris. Biden believes in god and thats good. He doesnt do qanon, like trump. Hes not holding the bible upside down. Hes not repulsive like trump. Climate the topic of caller change Climate Change, i really support biden because hes with the scientists and with the lord god and that is the best thing for our climate. Pulled her support him wholeheartedly. Its terrible what trump is doing to us. I support biden. John, on the line for those who support President Trump, good morning. Caller good morning. Host caller caller go ahead. Host go ahead. Caller i support trumppence on the matter of many different things, Climate Change and hes, going on as far as you know, not allowing china to send in more Infectious Disease and boatloads and shiploads and plain loads of, you know, things that they are already, you know, sent to our United States and other countries. Putting tariffs and, you know, stopping them from doing the things theyve been doing to us for years and years and years. As you know, like the biden and the marxist allowing it to ,appen and i just think that you know, its prophesies to buy jesus christ that trump will be aesident and he will be praying president in the second term. Thats john in new york city. On the line for those who have been impacted by recent natural disasters, bob, go ahead. Caller good morning. My backyard was destroyed by a hurricane a while back. You know, i understand how everybody thinks that the Global Warming is important. But i dont think it is as important as just taking care of our environment . Likely throw too much garbage into the ocean. Theres a continent the size of around in theg pacific. All the Climate Change people say the temperatures are going up in this and that. How about like when the dinosaurs existed a long time ago, the co2 levels were 500 times higher than they are now. Then back in the eyesight ice age, they were 200 times higher. Right now they are lower than they have ever been in history. How can we have Global Warming . I dont understand it. Have a nice day. Bob inhat is massachusetts. We have been trying to put numbers to those pictures for you. Nearly 17,000 firefighters are battling 29 major wildfires since august. The blazes have destroyed 4500 buildings, fires in the gulf, 3. 3 million acres of land just in the state of california this year. Desolation greater than the size of connecticut. When it comes to other western states, this is a tweet from the National Forest service out of the Northwest Region from yesterday afternoon. Another day of challenging firefighting begins and crews are confronting 34 large wildfires burning. 1,000,006 hundred 66,534 acres across oregon and washington, with some 8651 fire personnel, 200 and 17 crews, 609 engines and helicopters asking civilians please be safe out there. Showing you some of the pictures of the devastation from social media and from twitter today, asking you how important the climate issue is in election 2020. Joe biden is seeking to put the issue front and center. In an address yesterday out of delaware, heres a bit more of joe biden talking about trumps record on the environment. [video clip] we know his disdain for our own military leaders and veterans. Just last year the Defense Department reported that Climate Change is a direct threat to more than two thirds of the militarys operationally critical installations. This could well be, this well could be a conservative estimate. Trumps climate denial may not have caused these fires and record floods and record hurricanes, but if he gets a second term, these hellish events will continue to become more common, more devastating, and more deadly. Meanwhile, donald trump warned that integration is threatening our suburbs. Its ridiculous. But you know what is actually threatening the suburbs . Wildfires are burning the suburbs and the west. Floods wiping out suburban neighborhoods in the midwest. Hurricanes impair a suburban life along the coast. If we have four more years of how manylimate denial, suburbs will be burned in wildfires . How many neighborhoods will have been flooded out . Suburbs blown away in superstorms . Superstorms. More inlimate arsonist the white house, why would we be surprised if more of america is ablaze . Why would anyone be surprised when more of america is underwater . Joe biden yesterday in delaware with his comments and the Washington Post with some of the policies he propose when it came to the environment both yesterday and as he has moved along the campaign trail, vowing to meet the threat of Climate Change by setting more fuel efficiency standards and creating a climate core to make the country less vulnerable to wildfires and floods. He rolled out a plan that would treat host back to the wall street journal, their take on the speech yesterday, calling him biden of the climate apocalypse, giving a speech on wildfires without mentioning forestry management, saying that his speech shows that on Climate Change and so much else, hes no moderate and has adapted a Climate Policy that is more extreme than prevailed during the obama years. As he repeated on monday he is proposing a vast spending and regulatory agenda to remake the u. S. Energy economy. All of it more evidence that he lacks either the desire or the will to say no to the political. Ft we do have that special line for those impacted by recent natural disasters. Leah is on that line out of seattle. Good morning. Here. Ind of a mess out so thick with i mean it looks like a heavy, heavy fog, but it is air that you shouldnt be breathing. So, its and the fires . They are a couple of hundred miles away in Central Washington or, you know, a lot of it is flowing out over the ocean from california and then blowing back towards western washington and getting stuck between the mountain ranges that we sit between. So yeah, the environment has always been one of my top issues. I would say that this year the pandemic is. But taking care of the environment answers so many of the other problems the country has, like biden said, with the you know,d with, setting up the economy for the future and getting good paying jobs for people who have been put out, you know, based on manufacturing in the country and just so many things. Today saide robinson he understood the physical focus on a slowmoving crisis with so many immediate crises, economic meltdown, protests over systemic racism buffeting our lives, but the urgent cannot be allowed to exterior the existential. Lookky is not supposed to martian, hurricanes and tropical storms are supposed to come one or two at a time, not in platoons. Climate change is here right now and steadily getting worse. What do you think about that . Caller he kind of nailed it. Beente scientists have saying for years or decades that when its here, its too late. As here and we can still do lot about it, but you know, we sat on our hands for too long and its really time to get this under control. Host thank you for the call. Here is some of the york times photographer images out there from their front page of their paper today. We will show you that as we hear from asoka out of gainesville, virginia, on the line for those who support joe biden. Good morning. Im calling from ginsberg, think you for taking my call. For those who believe the words of what donald trump says, i have news. This is the guy who told us that his father was born in germany and that his crowds at the inauguration were so much bigger than obamas. Finally, he also told that mexico will build the wall, but mexico has not spent a penny on the wall and is using the money from the military to build a wall while claiming he has requested the largest amount of money in the military while hes robbing that bank to build a wall. Come to Climate Change for me. Yes, sir. In the 1970s and 1980s, there was an article that said there was a hole in the sky. What it meant was because of the fossil fuel and Carbon Dioxide depleted the protective layer above the skies call the ozone layer. Basically, the ozone layer has been depleting, causing the heat of the sun to warm the world. Thats essentially what Climate Change is all about. Like the guy who said dinosaurs ite, you know, living when the ocean was so high. Thats a different phenomenon. Here we are talking about a manmade Climate Crisis by the human beings destroying the nature of this world by use of fossil fuels. Whats essentially going on his hey, its going to get cold again, dont worry, the cold is going to go away. Does anybody believe him . I would rather go with biden and, who talk sense and science, rather than listening to a man who lies 24 hours a day and thats my comment. Host this is more from President Trump yesterday, meeting with california officials to discuss the blazes out west. A little bit about his discussion about the states Forest Management planning, which was the key issue that President Trump focused on yesterday. [video clip] a the county just completed master stewardship agreement and we have acres that are ready to go across all boundaries in the nationalsthe four forests. Gavin is working on that with me. You make money, too. You sell the trees for a lot of money and its pretty good in a lot of ways. I guess one of the things are the cuts. Whether it is 50 or 100 yards, the cuts to stop it from spreading. Thats always tough, environmentally, but they can do it in a way thats pretty good in the environmentalists have come a long way after watching this. The ones that really want to take care of the problem, they have come a long way. You are working on a plan to thin it out . That is the plan right now. I will say that we have an excellent working relationship with calfire as well and we need to marry the state programs with acrosseral programs boundaries, jurisdictional boundaries so that we are effective in moderating large fire behavior. Supervisors point, thats exactly what the stewardship partnership will do in the next 20 years, sharing maps and resources, prioritizing and doubling the number of acres federally managed, state managed, and i will say, humbly, we have got to double it still. The partnership is significant, the first in the history of california with the u. S. Government, but we have got to do a lot more. Im all for it. You go to europe, different places in europe, countries with forests and they are very strong on management and they dont have a problem. They have more explosive trees than we have in california and thank you for that and we are weak working hard together and i think we are totally in sync. I think we are totally in sync. That was the president in california, yesterday, plenty of opportunities to hear from him today. A focus onbe international relations, particularly middle east peace relations this morning at the white house, representatives from bahrain, the united arab emirates, israel, gathering today to sign an agreement to normalize relations with close press events in the morning and open press events at the white house as well when it comes to the signing ceremony. So, we will look to cspan for our coverage of that on our website. The president , later today is heading up to philadelphia to participate in an abc news town hall event later this evening. Plenty of opportunities here from the president today. We want to hear from you, the viewers this morning in the first hour of the washington journal, asking how important climate issues are when it comes to your 2020 vote. Lawrenceville, georgia, on the line for those who support the president. Caller i do support President Trump. When it comes to Climate Change, ive been around the world a couple of times by ship. The world is a lot bigger than people really can imagine. Most people havent even left their hometown. They dont know how big the world is. But anyway, people, listen carefully ok . Politicians cannot control the weather, ok . Democrats are not synchronized with reality. You could put a windmill every 50 feet across every inch of its still not going to be enough power to make steel, ok . Youve got the rest of the world out there still polluting, ok . The politicians cant control the weather. Put up all the windmills he want , we are still going to get hurricanes, we are still going to get fires. We are still going to be stuck and they will have spent all that money for nothing. Just the base of one of those windmills costs a half a million bucks. Just the base. Thats not counting the windmill. And you have to do maintenance on windmills and you have to have technicians do the maintenance. Its very expensive. Host do you think that we should be working towards lowering Carbon Emissions as a country . Caller trump has done more on that than others. Have you seen the figures . Host according to what source . Caller you are trying to get me off my subject, arent you . Host no im asking if you think that is something that we should work towards, regardless of whether it is windmills or whatever specific way we try to do that, is that something we should be moving towards, less Carbon Pollution . Host not unless everybody else does it, too. You would have to have a worldwide consensus to do the same thing. Im telling you, you have to go around the world to see how big it is, ok . The politicians cannot control the weather. They just cant do it. Host what did you think of the paris climate agreement . Caller it was a way to steal money from america. Thats what i think it is. You tell me how it would help us. Host you talked about having a worldwide consensus, is that a step towards building a worldwide consensus . It sounds like it, but really it was a plan to take money from america. I mean if you read the thing heres the problem. Itse not synchronized and just not going to work. Host appreciate the call from lawrenceville, georgia. Bill, palm springs, california on the line for those who support joe biden. Caller listening to trump speak, theres a good reason he hides his grades. Behind my house there are a couple of thousand windmills running into the west of me, by 20 miles, theres fires. The fires are from here up and down the coast, all the way to canada for goodness sake. Ive got two Environmental Science degrees from indiana. Niversity im 66 years old and we were talking about Climate Change and what was going to happen 20 years ago and here it is, all coming to fruition. I just was reading on the twitter feed that there are sections of glacier up in greenland coming loose and soon we will be floating out in the ocean. A big section fell off outside delaware last year. Climate change is real. The ocean is rising. Temperatures are going up and these fires indicate that. Another thing with the fire cement is weve got techs killing trees and when the dead trees are standing, its tender that cant be reached. Everybody, have a safe day, be careful out there. All you people, especially breathing that nasty air. Bye. Host that is bill, following up on what he referred to as glaciers and concerns over glaciers in antarctica. This story came out yesterday on that topic from the Washington Post, two antarctic glaciers keeping scientists awake at night, increasing the threat of a largescale sealevel rise locatable along the coast of west antarctica. The enormous pine island glaciers already contributing about 5 to the global sea level and survival of those glaciers is so critical that the loss of the glacier could trigger the broader collapse of the west Antarctic Ice shelf, which contains enough ice they write to raise sea levels by about 10 feet. The findings were published on monday in the proceedings of the National Academy of sciences and come from an analysis of satellite imagery there. If you want to read more on that story its in the Washington Post. Redlands,next out of california. Impacted by recent natural disasters. How important is Climate Change, climate issues when it comes to your vote . Caller its pretty important here. But especially in california here, they are planning on 50 of all of our energy coming from natural resources, like blended solar power, they are Still Closing down all the Nuclear Power that we have. The Nuclear Center had closed troubleause they had retrofitting it and they stopped in 2024 and 2025, totally shutting down. When the wind is not blowing in the sun is not shining, we are going to be in trouble. Host what would be, whats a good compromise here . To keep nuclear along with renewable sources . Are you still in favor of getting rid of more carbon intensive sources . Sure. Sure caller we are doing a good job right now transitioning toward natural gas. We have already met a number of reliance to reduce our on carbon, but we are also going somehow harness may be batteries, do battery technology, to try to store some of the some of the resources that we do get from when it is sunny from our solar capabilities. Host thank you for the call. Caller you are welcome, thank you. Host this is jean out of orange, texas, on the line for those who support President Trump. Good morning. Caller yes, sir, good morning. My thing is that Climate Change is going to happen no matter what. The earth is going to do what it has to do to adjust itself. Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, whatever. You know . Man has no control over that. The problem in this countrys greed and people thinking that if they move out into these wooded areas and live out there we have had fires in california for as long as i can old. Ber and im 77 years you know . This is nothing new. This is fear mongering. And im not saying the covid virus is not serious. I think its very serious. But the fear mongering and the response to it by the democrats has been ludicrous. Hand here and i see your on the button already. Host my hands are right here, go ahead. Imm watching caller watching tv and its fast. Anyway, i hear joe biden saying hes going to good do this and do that. How many times can people count how many times President Trump lied to us. Oh, 16,000 times, you know . Either that person is making up the number or you need to get a life. Get over yourself, people. We are americans. We have a back home. We are not going to stand for all this. These people that fall for the swill that comes out of the democrats mouths and all these promises that they are not going to keep, all they do is throw money to it. The Climate Change, how many mayonnaise sandwiches have you eaten in the last two weeks . My food was ruined after the hurricanes. I have no food. Sandwichesmayonnaise and im doing fine because i cant find anybody to help me. So, let me tell you this, there are a lot more important things than solar power and the green top they are putting out you. Its not going to work. Host when it comes to the help you havent received, talking about the hurricane that came through, can you tell us about the damage and the disaster declarations. Has there been any outreach down there to help folks like yourself . Oh, theres a lot of outreach, but i live in orange, right on the texas louisiana miles from about 25 lake charles, which was devastated. But we didnt get a whole lot of damage other than trees down. Some houses were damaged. We were without power for a long time. When you are living on Social Security and you spend all your evacuating, and thats my choice to live here. Host would you ever move . Caller theres not a place in this country i would go. You know . I have thought about moving, but theres no place in this country i would go, you know . You would have tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, have the nasty violence. You know . I staying right where i am. You know . Im 76, 70 seven years old, cant remember. But you know, President Trump is not responsible for this. And the democrats, all they can do is shift the blame to President Trump. Everything that happens. Im surprised that it wasnt President Trumps fault that nancy pelosi got a haircut, you know . They are, you know . You know, im ok, im going to survive. I havent starved for 76 years and im not going to start now. Host stay safe there, appreciate the call from you this morning. 20 minutes left in this segment. Getting your thoughts on how important the issue of Climate Change is in election 2020. Phone lines split up this way, biden harris supporter, 202 7488000. If you are a trumppence supporter, 202 7488001. If you have been impacted by recent natural disasters, 202 7488002. For those who support joe biden, go ahead. Good morning, thank you for taking the call. Climate change would be important for me for this upcoming election. Like most americans, i never climateought about control. But given the current condition with covid virus and watching how resources are getting limited. Especially food resources getting lower, its going to make it more difficult for people to be more selfsustaining as far as being things like grow food, things like that. Recently i took a trip across pennsylvania. I had never been across the state and i went to pittsburgh and as i drove through those altoona mountains in pennsylvania, i never knew first of all that we had any mountains in this state i could see a lot of trump pentz supporters in the region, which im kind of surprised because what i also saw was a lot of farms. Take, or toot to take Climate Change and be thinksive about it . I its a big mistake. Especially with the covid19 virus. As we go more deeper in deeper into trying to battle this virus, we going to need resources in order to be selfsustaining. A good climate or environment. I going to help with battling this. Caller you had, a trump supporter, was called, ofplaining about the costs winter and having to hire technicians to run it, which is ironic because as i listen to him say that all i heard in my mind was how jobs could be created from that. Im not really understanding how you have Trump Supporters who are not supporting the alternativeof Energy Sources where they could create more jobs. As he ran down the expense list all i could hear was Job Opportunities that could be developed from. Im not understanding their argument about Climate Control. Host thank you for the call. Out of philly this morning, comments from folks who wait in on social media. Host host jerry, jonesboro, arkansas, good morning, impacted by recent natural disasters, go ahead. I started repairing cars at the dealerships in the late 60s and we studied this in the schools we went to. Hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, lead to, all of this is coming out of the tail cars and trucks. There is, you know, theres no alling that its caused by the harder hydrocarbons and carbon monoxide, the lead, in the ozone layer. Can you deny something you can see . You know, its happening right now. Host you called in on the line for those impacted by recent natural disasters. How are you doing in jonesboro . Caller well, you know, it hasnt affected this area as bad as california, but the moisture level in the mountains of california back in the 60s used to be at the very top. Now theres no moisture level at all. This, you know, you got glaciers melting and breaking. Its just crazy to deny what you are seeing. I dont understand people. Host what do you think about joe bidens plan when it comes to stricter fuel efficiency standards . Caller well thats fine, but i tell you if you dont get away from this fossil fuel, we are in big trouble. Thats whats causing this. Jonesboro,s jerry in arkansas. Heres a little bit more of joe biden from yesterday in delaware. [video clip] i know the feeling of dread and anxiety extends beyond the fires. Hurricane season costing billions. Last month hurricane laura intensified at a record rate just before the landfall on the louisiana gulf coast. Its a troubling marker. Not just for the increased frequency of hurricanes, but the more powerful and destructive storms that are causing record damage after record damage to peoples homes, lives, and livelihoods. Before it and hit the gulf coast, laura ravaged puerto rico , where three years ago hurricane maria, our fellow americans there are still recovering from its damage and devastation. Think about that reality. Fellow Americans Still putting gsfromhe last big storm as they face the next one. Joe biden, yesterday. If you missed any of his address, you can watch it in its entirety at cspan. Org. There he is talking about the next big storm. The headline, the front page of breakingy, gulf coast bracing for another hurricane [no audio] you played a clip recently joe a few minutes ago about talking about wildfires and wildfires in the suburbs, he wants the suburban vote so badly. He will do anything to get the suburban vote. He has been in politics for eight years, obama in the white house, in the senate for 40 years. Why didnt they do all this when they were in the office . What has he done . What has he done . I would like to know. Where do climate issues rank when it comes to your priorities . Caller it is not even on the list, sir. It is not even on the list. Climate change people want us to do . Are they going to talk to the people in india and china . Only the americans have to sacrifice . The Democratic People want americans to spend money. They dont preach with a practice. Al gore in these people go on private jets polluting the air while preaching about cleanair. Thats paul out of west palm beach, florida. Heres another paul on the line of those who support joe biden. Go ahead. Caller have you read the susan wade bauer history books . Caller i have not. Educate me, paul. She has written her analysis of what was written on clay tablets 3010 years before christ was born. Concerning the impact that there Irrigation Technology had on the causing salt to accumulate on the surface of the ground they were era grading irrigating. First the wheat wouldnt grow and they switched to barley. They knew the irrigation was doing it, creating the salt that was causing the crops to fail. And yet they did nothing and by 3000 bc, they had ceased to exist. I think there is a direct parallel to the reality that we exist in. We are not going to do anything. I know thats really negative people would call it, but it is a reality. The you are calling in on line for those that support joe biden. Do you think that changes if joe biden is elected . Do you think that is a country we will start doing things . To the i have to go caller that was on i think just before me, talking about how it ,s really our civilizations plural, humanity as a species that is in trouble. It has to be an action of the collective and i dont see it happening. The massive death. What are we going to do . Yeah, if we stop doing the irrigation, which is what they had to do, she said they had to have rotation of the crops with plants that had deep roots that went below the soil so that they could grow again on top of it. Well, we have to look at the technology that we are doing that is causing the warming and do the equivalent. We have to stop it all and we are not going to do that. A couple members, if a couple of big members of the collective arent moving forward , should the collective still move forward . Wayer well, its the only to survive. But i dont see it happening. Too margaret mead, tribalism, without the ability to see the reality that exists, the impact that we all have, all tribes, on the environment, and what is required for all of us, all human beings. We are one species. Of the change will be uncomfortable. We have to stop salting the lands we are irrigating. Was paul. This is stephen out of st. Paul, minnesota. Good morning. Go ahead, sir. Caller whats happening now with the climate is because of what we did in the 50s and 60s. Joe biden lied when he said its all about trump. It doesnt work that way. It was years and years ago and then it comes. But for the fires, thats because of the wood management of the forest. It has nothing to do with Climate Change. Right now we have half the cars running on the streets, because of the covid19. That cuts back all the carbon,. Illions, i feel thats stephen out of minnesota. Diane, good morning. People have short memories. I remember al gore making a stand on this subject and he was mocked. He was belittled. Im 66 and i dont remember how long ago that was. Doesnt seem like it was that long ago. I believe that people are too selfish, to use oiled in the United States. They dont want to give up anything, they dont like change, and i pray to god to save this world because people are just getting nuttier and nuttier. When you talk about al gore, are you talking about his film, Inconvenient Truth . That was 2006 when that came out. Ok, well, do you remember how much people did not want to hear that then . And nothing has changed. Its only gotten worse. Host thats diane out of oklahoma. This is dave out of clarkston, michigan. Caller good morning. I called on the biden harris line, this issue like so many others is being made so easy to line up against the president. I mean how can you deny science . Things it has become a culture of denial. He denied science with covid. Now with Climate Change. Can a person who knowingly, as we have the evidence now, new the dangers but told his country, you know, that everything is going to be ok . Its going to be gone, its going to be gone by april. Now this, like yesterday, i dont think science knows. Hes got one point. Science didnt know about windmills causing cancer, so i guess he proved his point there. The choice is made so easy. The culture of denial, denying that the russians were involved, just everything is denial. And people will believe this false narrative. With you have no issues the sub headline on this issue ,om the New York Times denial is in verses science code denialism vs. Science caller none whatsoever. Its a cult like the leaf cult like a belief coming out of the leaders melt. Its a culture of denial. The things joe biden is proposing, these are just basic ideas. But its so much better than being in denial. You know . We have got glaciers breaking up , and evidence of whats happening in california. We need to start doing something, not deny it. You know, same thing with covid. To disappear . Eventually, maybe in three years, maybe. Host a big price tag, at least on one of his plans. 2 trillion to create treat Climate Change is one of the central fats threats facing the nation. Certainly more than the basic or standard reaction in comparison to previous price tags. You know, you talk about price tags. Along with good planning and management there has got to be opportunities for job creation. And you know, i think, i think its all part of the package. But we certainly need to start doing something and have been for a number of years. You have to start somewhere. Not deny. The callnk you for from michigan. Claudia, on the line for those who support the president , good morning. Host caller good morning. I was just listening to all of this. Im not really wellinformed on Climate Control issues, it hasnt been a central focus for me. I do Pay Attention when its discussed, but i tell you, its a very vague kind of prediction as far as Climate Control. We talk about glaciers, we talk about relating it today 10 natural disasters. But i tend to focus on individual responsibility in woman withs a single no children can recycle everything in my house and go to the dump and seal these parents with children just throwing everything in the garbage, you know, like old buggies, you know, baby buggies, im thinking, you know, i live in a tiny house and much of myspace is taking up with recycling. I think that some of this is individual responsibility and commitment, and to also say what about the trip responsibility and commitment. They make the cars. They understand the problem to the environment. It comes down to an electric car may be more expensive than a gas car . Sometimes it comes down to the dollar. But i think we try to take these issues like Climate Control and covid19 and we make them such huge issues that individuals have no idea how i can problem solve. What is my responsibility in this . I guess my final comment is, in terms of wearing masks, you know masks, you know, the masks are out there. If you go to a rally for any president ial candidate, biden or trump, and you dont want to wear a mask, why would we blame that on President Trump . And im not trying to just be protective of him. Im trying to say that if people i live in a small town. Even the police are not wearing masks. They are not showing this guidance of what they want people to do. The businesses are not enforcing it. How can we blame every single thing that happens in this Political Climate on trump or biden . Last thing, i promise, host claudia, claudia, before you go, we only have a minute left here, do you think that leaders should be setting an example, whether it is the Police Officials in your town think thatking about folks in position of responsibility should be setting an example on those issues . Caller yes, i do, but i think that once i have the information, like when i vote for president , im not waiting for someone to give me an example of how to vote. I think it comes down some a lot to individuals once ability but yes, i think leaders should set an example and i think a lot of them are not. Are, liketimes there early on biden didnt want to wear a mask, trump didnt want to want to wear our mask. Now everyone is touting masks. Even found she was not right in the video from february, when he was ahe covid virus minuscule threat to the United States. So, i dont know, you know, if President Trump is looking to help officials for guidance, and they aresure. Trumphow could biden or have an alkyd accurate path on this covid. We are learning. Line is that individual responsibility, corporate responsibility, and policy has to support the things that are best for everybody. Out ofhat is claudia north carolina, our last caller. An hour left until the house comes in and plenty more for you on our Program Including we will reaganed by ronald biographer and president ial historian, Craig Shirley, to discuss campaign 2020 and the historical comparisons. Later, new yorker magazine hiser jelani cobb discusses new frontline documentary, policing the police 2020. Stick around, we will be right back. President donald trump and former Vice President joe biden are set to debate tuesday, september 29. Pres. Trump biden supports Cutting Police funding and sleepy joe privately accepted the endorses endorsement of the procriminal antipolice portlands District Attorney who has a policy of releasing vandals, criminals, and violent extremists without charge. He lied to the American People. He willingly and knowingly lied about the threat that covid posed. He had the information and knew how dangerous it was. This deadly disease ripped through our nation, and he failed to do his job on purpose. Was a lifeanddeath betrayal of the American People. To ch live coverage tuesday, september 29 at 9 00 p. M. Eastern and watch all of the debate coverage either live or ondemand at cspan. Org debates. Quickly find all past president ial and Vice President ial debates and there is also a link to our campaign 2020 website with videos, candidate information and election results. Or, listen live on the free radio app. Cspan, your unfiltered view of politics. You are watching cspan, your unfiltered view of government, created by americas Cable Television companies as a Public Service and brought to you by your television provider. Journal continues. Host on your screen is Ronald Reagan biographer and president ial historian, Craig Shirley joining us on the same day that Bob Woodwards high profile new book officially gets released. In the runup to the release, you tweeted about it saying unlike other american president s, Ronald Reagan never fell into the bob woodward trap. What is that . That i havess it is known him for many years, i used to play poker at his house. He is a very very charming man and has a way about him that works his way into peoples confidences, and virtually every president since Richard Nixon lengthy,own to do a extensive interview with bob, and to their ultimate regret that they ever did so. Ronald reagan was one of the few president s, and i checked with the library yesterday, and nowhere in the eight years of his presidency, diaries, records, and journals or anything did he ever meet with bob woodward. So, reagan was spared the headache of having to deal with a bob woodward book about his presidency that might not have that he might not of liked. Host is it just bob woodward that you would have concerns about to a president . Or, should any president be doing lengthy interviews to the tune of 18 phone calls totaling 10 hours of interviews . Not advise any president to engage in that type behavior, or those lengthy conversations with any reporter whatsoever. Winston churchill was famously was famous for having one said history would be kind to me for i intend to write it. John kennedy was smart about it because he remembered what Winston Churchill said and brought his own historian on the white house staff. Are hes lessons wanted the historian to write history the way he wanted it. He did not want outside historians to write their interpretation of his history, and if i was advising donald trump, yes, talk to reporters and hold press conferences, but these long, introspections about you or your psyche or presidency or whatever else, save that for your own memoirs and diaries, like reagan did. Reagan kept his own diary and nobody knew about it until after he was president. He wrote his innermost thoughts and observations. Nceonce said he o wrote insanity is heredity, you catch it from your children. There was one political opponent he descried just described as a schmuck and a no good fat head. Therapeutic,were because every night he sat down expressed hisd he innermost thoughts about people, issues, gorbachev, the Washington Post and whatever. He never told anybody about them. That was that is what i would advise all president s to keep your own confidences and do not open up to everybody about everything, keep your own diaries and control your own history. Craig shirley giving Historical Perspective this morning, joining us once again. Always a good time to have you on, and a good time for callers to call in. Phone lines if you support the biden harris ticket, 2027488000. If you support the trump pentz ticket pence ticket, 2027488001. If you are unsupported or support others, 2027488002. Less than 50 days from election day 2020. You mentioned the Washington Post, here is one of their headlines about donald trump and how he is choosing to run for reelection calling him the permanent outsider. To run fordea how reelection as an incumbent. Can a president run as an outsider . Guest yes. Becausehat question, the right type of president or individual can run as an outsider. Ronald reagan was head of the National Government for eight years, and yet nobody thought of Ronald Reagan as being of washington. He was always an outsider to the system. Even when he ran for reelection in 1984, he was fortunate to run against senator Walter Mondale who was the ultimate insider and had been since he went to the senate in the 1960s and he was jimmy carters Vice President. He never cast himself as anything but a believer and he was a good man. He was a good american, a good patriot. I once interviewed him for a lengthy period of time and he was utterly charming and helpful with my book. Fervently in believed fervently in the uses of the government to solve peoples problems, which made him an insider. Ronald reagan was an outsider to the system. You think about what issues he always went against the establishment, the status quo on the strategic defense initiative, innovations to so manyv, tax cuts, on issues right down the line through his eight years. He never saw himself as being part of what he called the washington buddy system. And healways an outsider ran in 1984 as a reformer to the washington buddy system. Host Craig Shirley taking your phone calls and we will start with bob out of Santa Rosa California for the lot on the line of those that support President Trump. This is bob. Caller i think that President Trump will make a good leader and he will be better than reagan. I voted for reagan, but i thought he was rather liberal in some of his actions and he proved it to me by leaving all of the illegals in our town at the heat that were here at the time here. You know, we had to deal with them as far as working. Are you still on . Host es. We heard you. Yes. We heard you. Was 30first of all, it something years ago that we had different attitudes about illegal aliens in this country, illegal citizens than we do now, and also, it was a minuscule number of people as compared to now. The bigger issue is that reagan was president for eight years in the shadow of the cold war and that fell over everything he did, including immigration. For five years, he had been winning the global debate with the soviet union against brezhnev and franco, and later gorbachev. He was on the world she stage and he was casting it freedom versus tyranny, communism. Liberty versus enslavement. He was winning the worlds debate. It would have been awkward for him, and it wouldve handed gorbachev a big pr bonanza had he forcibly evicted those several million illegals who were here at the time. By the way, many of those illegals had come from communist cuba, nick or while grau nicaragua and elsa lal el salvador. They were political refugees and we have a different policy for political as opposed to economic refugees. It was better to bring them into the american system, but also this was only in 1986, the bill that the gentleman was referring referring to, that allowed illegal citizens mostly from south american and new mexico and cuba to stay in this country. It had strict requirements of paying backlish, taxes, and there were many strictures that had to be met before they could achieve citizen hud. Citizenship. Unfortunately, subsequent administration, the George H W Bush administration did not enforce those rules and strictures on the people who were here illegally. Just kind of faded away and disappeared. Al, port huron michigan, on the line for those who support President Trump. Go ahead. Caller i wanted to say how ridiculous this Democratic Party is. I mean, years ago it did not matter to me which party was in there. But now, i think it is more important than ever to keep them out. It, theyf you look at make up all these lies. The media runs with it. 50 books come out right before the election about how bad President Trump is. It is a joke. Donebody knows what he has and how quickly he has done it, and all the time while he has been doing it, they have been hisg nothing but riding back, impeachment, lies, lawsuits. It is just a joke, and when people want someone like anyone in the Democratic Party in there, it blows my mind. Host Craig Shirley. Opposition hasl been riding the back of the incumbent president since the days of George Washington and the whiskey rebellion. In the election of 1800 between adams and jefferson, the horrible things were said about both sides. In the election of 1860, lincoln was referred to as an ape and all of those things. The job of the loyal opposition is to oppose the party in power, and it has happens down through the ages. That is kind of the balance and counterbalance in our representative system. It is just part of the game. Of cannot have unanimity opinion on anything in this country, and nor should you. All sides need to be heard from and debated. That is the beauty of our system, it is about compromise. The beauty of the american system has been that we have compromised our way through our problems right from the beginning, in fact the very nature of the creation of the United States government was a compromise between the jeffersonian and madisonian factions and how they viewed the establishment of the National Government. And so, yes, things get hot and heavy, awful things are said by both sides, there but if you step back and put it in perspective, you realize that this election is no more vicious or personal, or filled with vindictiveness or nasty statements than have been previous elections. Y made i made an allete oference to the election 1860, where they made jefferson out to be a horrible hermaphrodite. I do not think anybody has called joe biden or President Trump a horrible hermaphrodite. Host Craig Shirley is our guest. His next book Mary Ball Washington the untold story of George Washingtons mother will release. What is the next project you are working on . Guest i am working on finishing april 14, 1945. Which is a companion to one of my other books. It came out this 75 anniversary on poll pearl harbor was a look at the domestic side, what happened in this country in those 31 days between december 1 and december 31, and what happened was remarkable. Moral,stonishing the economic, national defense, political, cultural changes that happened almost instantaneously. And, i really had fun working on was deeplymy family involved in world war ii, i had an uncle that was shot down and killed in the pacific of december 1945 on his 20th birthday. I had a grandfather who tried to enlist three times but was turned away. Was 41pt saying that he years old and blind as a bat, we are not that desperate. So he became the Civil Defense block captain. Both my grandmothers were rosie the riveters. Whichs a bomb inspector, i never got a chance to ask her how she inspected bombs, and the other tested machine guns, and i did talk to her about it, many times. My grandmother shirley, she worked at a factory in new york and she would stand there and the machine guns would come down the line and she would pick it up and test fire it in a range, set it down in the next one would come along. A father my mother had Victory Garden which was not a myth. Victory gardens produced billions the amount of vegetables that came out of Victory Gardens was quite impressive, Something Like 50 to 70 of all vegetables consumed in america were produced by Victory Gardens in these little backyard patches behind peoples homes. My father was a boy scout and the federal government use the boy scouts to distribute promotional posters throughout america in restaurants, bars, grocery stores, and churches. , andoose lips sink ships other promotional posters. My family was deeply involved, and i grew up as a child at sunday dinners at either grandmothers house, mothers house or aunts house. And then there would be laced tablecloths and linen napkins, and a big turkey or ham, or a big roast beef or something. Invariably the conversation would turn to the war as my grandfather would say, i had that before the war and then i sold it after the war and they would talk about the sacrifices milk,ade, about the meat, butter, tobacco, and sugar brownouts,blackouts, and all of the sacrifices. This is a long way of explaining 1941, and december it got a good response so that 1945 a wrote april which is the linchpin of the end of the row or of the war. Ties, doc outvelt discovered and reveals to the world the monstrosities of nazi germany and what they did to the jews,poles, gypsies and homosexuals of europe, which is an awful thing, and there are other things that happen. Anyway, i am finishing that. And then, i am working on several more books on Ronald Reagan as well as other projects, and opeds. My dance card is almost always failed. Host about 10 minutes left and we have a lot of calls. John, from florida. Good morning. Guest caller how caller how are you this morning . Host doing well. Caller i am confused about how people can look at donald trump and blame him for the fires in our country and things going on at this point in time. When you look at how negligent the democrats have been in the states. They have not controlled any of the fires in california. And the other question i had is, how can the United States solve all of the Global Warming problems when no other country in this whole world contributes. Donald trump has brought the attention of the American People that we are the only country that has contributed to Global Warming. Historically, he brought every country to the table, to show them that the American People have been taking and taken advantage of for many years. Ronald reagan, when he ran in effectnia, he put into that if you went to california, you had to live there for a certain amount of years before you could collect any type of subsidies,government and when he became president , he also enforce those rules. Host Craig Shirley. The caller makes an interesting point, and this is always one of the debates of modern politics is how much and how soon, and how often can the United States take leadership in the world, especially now with the demise of the soviet union. We stand alone as the only world superpower, although china is coming on quickly. It is that it is always a debate over how much and i think ultimately it is that we have an obligation to set a standard for the world, but not enforce it on the others, but simply there race of people called americans, and we are the melting pot, and it is the ref it wretched refuse of the nations of the world, but out of produce a good people, i believe. I believe america is a great country because it is populated by good people. And, we try to do the best we can, and part of doing the best we can is admitting our own mistakes and shortcomings and showing the world we are not afraid of the truth or trying to improve on our own failings. So, ultimately, i think it is that in some place there in that middle part between the 40 yard lines is we try to do the best we can while setting an example for the rest of the world. Host oklahoma. Chuck on the line for those that support joe biden. Good morning. Caller es. I yes i have a lot a problems with donald trump. I am the same age as he is, six months older. I am a vietnam that, and i disagree with him talking about being being people stupid for being a vietnam veteran. I heard him say it on television. So, i know he believes that. This is america and anyone can believe anything they want. But, i disagree with his beliefs. A racist, and he is a racist. And, i do not like hearing that. Host Craig Shirley. Guest i think any American Family that has members of its family who served in the u. S. Military, which has to be considered the most honorable profession of all, because if you are going to put your as soon as you put on a uniform, there is a risk you could take a bullet for this country. There is a chance you might have to lay down your life to save another american, and i think that is the most noble act of all. That you are willing to give up your own life in order to defend others. , my son was a navy corpsman. My nephew drove a tank in iraq. My father served in the korean war. His brother was in the marine corps after world war ii. We had our oldest uncle, my fathers oldest brother shot down and killed in the pacific. It goes back to my mothers great, great, great grandfather who was in the connecticut fighta, went to boston to in 1776, and later joined the regular army and served under George Washington right through valley forge where he lost an yorktown andr on was under washingtons command for seven years. I can only look at this personally and say that if he said those things, they were wrong, deeply wrong and offensive. Family thatthat any has members of its family who should bethe military offended by that and take that into consideration in november when they make their choice. Host just two or three minutes and one more call. Mike out of california on the line for those undecided. What is going to help you make up your mind as we go to the last 49 days of alexion 2020 . Caller first of all, good morning to you all. All all of this information keeps coming out, i will have to read and see. Concerned,rump is all i know is that there are two very hurtful comments that donald trump has made out of his own mouth. He first one was about africa i do not think any country is an s country. He tried to clear it up. I did not say shole, shouse. Whatever country. Said,her thing that he that his people came through norway and sweden instead of people who were dark, and it is clear. Concerned, igan is did a project about a person in the government who was inspiring, the head of the two powerful entities of the world. The other one was the ku klux klan and the other was the president of the United States. You look at Time Magazine or life. Host im in a let you go because i want to give Craig Shirley time to respond. Miss the point, was he saying the that reagan opposed the ku klux klan. , i wanted tot sure give you the first point as well. Racism,eagan abhorred his father refused to let him see birth of a nation because of racist content, down to his life when he was an actor long before it was politically smart to get positive approbation, he was asked to join a country club in los angeles and found out that it had restricted policies to not allow jewish members so he resigned as a member of that country club because they refused to allow jews. Of immense moral fiber and character, who always as the right thing is that governor, and a private citizen, and president s he always saw people as individuals, never members of a group or anything like that. When he was a College Student playing for eureka, he was making a road trip and two africanamericans on his team were not allowed to say stay at the local hotel, so we took them to his parents he took them to his parents home where they were welcomed. Who had a complete inability to understand anybody judging anybody beyond they themselves and about the context of their character as Martin Luther king had said. Host for plenty more on Ronald Reagan, plenty of books from Craig Shirley. President ial historian as well. We appreciate you stopping by. Guest thank you very much. Host about a halfhour before the set the house comes in. For the final segment we will be joined by jelani cobb discusses new frontline documentary policing the police 2020. We will have that conversation in just a moment. We will be right back. Book tv on cspan2 has top nonfiction books and offer authors every weekend. Saturday at 7 30, Johns Hopkins University History professor martha jones explores the efforts of black women to win the right to vote. In the book no rules rules netflix and the culture of an of reinvention the netflix ceo talks about the unmethod talks workplace culture. Eastern,y at 9 00 p. M. Democratic senator chris murphy looks at the origins of violence and firearms in americas history and the world they play in society in his book the violence inside us. Watch book tv this weekend on watch2, and be sure to the old virtual 2020 National Book festival live next weekend at 7 00 p. M. Eastern on book tv. Cspan, yourtching unfiltered view of government, created by americas Cable Television company as a Public Service and brought to you by your television provider. Journalngton continues. Us, ajelani cobb joins staff writer for a new yorker and correspondent for frontline. His new documentary is set to air at 9 00 p. M. Eastern and it is called policing the police 2020. It is taking you inside the new york and new Jersey Police department. This is your first time taking on these topics. Explain why you chose newark, new jersey. Guest you are correct, we did a film about Police Reform that aired in 2016, and at that time, we were drawn to the city because it was a place that had a longstanding history of conflict and tension between the police and the citizens who lived there. Work newarks defining part of its history has been the 1967 uprisings in response to the Police Beating of a black cabdriver. Cityd that, in 2014, the a practice of for violation of Constitutional Rights of people who lived there. The Police Department had been. So, we thought this was a good aportunity to look at how Police Department would respond to oversight, and we got a snapshot of the picture that was 2016. Etting underway in and, when we looked at the , protest, dissent, and anger that emerged out of the Breonna Taylor and george floyd deaths, we thought this would be a good time to revisit newark and what kind of progress they had made. Host explain what a Consent Decree is. It is basically an agreement between the federal government with the department of justice and the Police Department to implement specific reforms. Is thatwhat will happen there may be complaints that are brought to the department of Justice Civil Rights Division attention and they look into it. If they find that a Police Department, not just one or two isolated incidences, but enough behavior exists to constitute a pattern of how the Police Department operates they will then step in and negotiate this agreement with the department of about what reforms are to be implemented, and then a federal monetary is appointed to oversee the project progress of moving towards reform. Host what did you find in new york in newark . How would the city done in implementing the reforms . Guest i want to talk about what we found in the first film and what has happened since then. There were significant problems in newark, particularly around internal affairs. Mechanisms toreal Lodge Complaints against officers. Anyone who lodged a complaint would not likely see the result that culminates in any kind of disciplinary action and in some egregious situations, we were told that a person would make a complaint against a Police Officer, and then a receive and then receive a visit from the Police Officer because the lines between internal affairs and the department swerves was porous and had no sense of confidentiality. There was a lot of complaints about excessive use of force and the department did not have a functional relationship with the city it was policing. In the interim since we were last there, the federal monitor as implemented a series of a multipronged approach to the department, one of which is training and reorganization, and as the federal monitor, a man named harvey, a former attorney general of new jersey. They pointed out that it is very important that you have Law Enforcement that actually understands the law. One of the things i have been doing is showing officers what exactly is legal and what is not. One of the other things they found ahead of the 2016 consent agreement was that the majority of some incidences, a huge proportion of the stops that police were making were unconstitutional. Either they did not meet the Legal Standard for stopping someone and searching for them and pulling them over, so that was one of the big areas of contention, so there has been a lot of training around that. And, new policies enacted. The department is proud that they did not have, as far as the sent to create, dissent had policies, they around lgbtq protections, interactions, and treating people with respect. They proactively created their own policy around that to make sure that the department was interacting with everybody in this community in a beneficial way. Of so, that is kind of part what you see. The other part is that there are surveys that people can conduct among the community, what types types of interactions that you are having, there is a new internal Affairs Complaint system which has been taken out of the police at one point because every complaint about the Police Officer, you had to go into the Police Precinct and that is something that would not encourage people to actually do that. We revamped those things, and the department has a a lot of work to do, but it is not the department that we saw four years ago. Host the documentary policing the police 2020 airs on frontline tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. If you want to watch it, policing the police 2016 that is available at pbs. Org frontline. The phone lines are open for you to call and ask about it. 2027488000 if you are in the eastern or central time zones. If you are in the mountain or pacific time zones. A special line for a Law Enforcement, 2027488002 if you want to call in with your questions or comments. You mentioned Breonna Taylor in your opening, i just wanted to let viewers know about some of the latest news on that front. This out of the Usa Today Network of papers. Louisvilles Metro Government expected to announce a substantial financial settlement today with the family a Breonna Taylor. She was shot six months ago. It may be announced as early as 2 00 p. M. According to a person knowledgeable about the details. The deal is expected to include several policing reforms including a requirement that commanders approve all search warrants before they go to a judge. That occurring according to the courierjournal. Your reaction to that news. Guest i mean, it is not entirely shocking, although i think the one thing that is notable is the relative speed that this is happened with sometimes these issues drag on for a good while. Touspect that this is meant stave off some of the criticism that the department has been receiving with the circumstances under which mitch miss taylor lost her life. Host william out of new york. You are on with jelani cobb. Caller yes. Mr. Cobb. Is, with the policemen. Not judge,cers are jury, and executioners. Policemen are there to, from my understanding, restore the law. But from what i am seeing out there, a man committed an police. Against the he committed an offense against the state. A Police Officer supposed to person and take the person to the courts. But from what i am seeing here, police acted as if they are judge, jury, and executioners at the same time, and that is what i think that is causing this racial attitude, because people have seen how Police Officers act out there. A Police Officer stops you, you hold your hands up, put them down on the floor, and at the same time, you still get hurt. Host that is william, out of new york. Guest sure. I think one of the things that happened with the george floyd video is that the public, there was a person of a portion of public did not know that it was possible that these things could happen, revealed had a rude awakening to the extent that some officers are not bound by convention, and those things happen in clusters. If you report on this for any period of time, one of the things that you hear about is culture. And, culture varies from department to department. Generally what people consider to be permissible. If you have a situation where you find an officer who acts as judge, jury, and executioner, because they are in an environment that has enabled it, and that is one of the other things, we look at the performance. It is very difficult to deal with just one officer. People like to talk about the bad apple, just one or two people who are a problem. It is usually an environment that has facilitated the behavior. Host i want to play for viewers one of the moments from towards the end of your documentary, policing the police 2020, this is part of your interview with the new york mayor on some of these topics you are talking about. [video clip] what people want is they do not want to be murdered running from a traffic stop or trout or choked to death because i have a loose cigarette or their neck stood on because of a 20 bill. I kid murdered in front of a center for a toy gun. They do not want to be murdered. The real crazy thing is even if you defund the police, that will not stop people from murdering us or make people see us as human beings. That is not the crux of what we need to be getting at. Jesse said something powerful. We did notson said struggle all these years just to have a kinder and Gentler Police force. It would be helpful, right . But that is not the end. The police represent a larger system that they are enforcing values. More africanamerican women died giving birth than on the streets by police because of inequity in the hospitals. Every institution is america and america has the same values that the Police Department in america. The police have just got guns. [end video clip] policepolicing the airs at 9 00 p. M. Eastern. Jelani cobb is a correspondent for pbs as well as a staff writer at new yorker magazine, and is taking your phone calls about the topics of your documentary. Mike is in new york. Morning. Guest i caller i am so glad i got through. Is the first time ive done it. Ive been watching for many years. What i wanted to say is that i am a racist. I only learned this recently when i read a book by robin dangelo, a white person of all types called white fragility and she is like a consultant, she is on a team with other lack women who go into companies and they talk to white people about systemic racism and things that black people are not getting equal treatment from whites because of systemic racism and whenever something is brought up like you said, a white person says that they are so articulate, it is a code word for a black person that they are. Mart, and it really shook me so then i started reading other books. Baldwins native son, and i am starting to understand from a blacks persons perspective that whites do not understand, they did not come over with the culture. They had no culture. They are trying to make something of themselves and all they have is white culture that is enforced upon them, and it is so interesting because you are speaking about cops, i have a couple of friends, two white kids that i have known since they are 15 and they do not know any black people except when they go to the city and they are busting heads and all trained like, george floyd. Three cops all kneeling on the guys back and these white guys were saying that they were trained that way and that is that what they are told to do, so there seems to be a disconnect between what black people are feeling and what white people and the white people who whenever they are accused of being racist, and no are racist now. Maybe im not as prejudice as some others, but, when that happens, a white person will say, i have black friends and there are black people in my family i cannot be racist. There is systemic racism and you have been given on a silver platter everything and they are used to it, and i just want you to address the disconnect that i do not see being bridged between police and people that they are policing, which in many cases are in black communities because they are poor and do not have anything, and there will be more crime there, but why is there crime . Can you speak to that please . Guest there is a lot there. One of the things i would say regarding your friends, officers are not trained that way. You are not supposed to be applying pressure to someone who has handcuffs on already. So, mr. Floyd was restrained. Reaction to the car was because he was claustrophobic, but there was no need to further restrain him, certainly not for four people to be engaged. I do not know and what she would call it, he was already handcuffed. It was not restrained. Whatdoes not comport with Actual Police policy was. The other thing i think is that the disconnect is very real to the marrow what the mayor was saying in the conversation we had. Police are part of the other institutions of the United States, and there are significant aspects to which their behaviors is impacted by systemic racism. I know it has been kind of controversial to say that, but we simply cannot point to any institutions in American Life where there are not Racial Disparities. In which we do not see this reflected in some sort of way that mitigates possibilities of one set of people to the advantage of another set of people. Troubling, but that is a reality that black people have been dealing with in this country. So, i think that is kind of what we were trying to explore in wes documentary, and probably could have done this about some other institutions, to talk about education, employment, the Health Care System and we would still find that there are Racial Disparities in each of those places that are difficult, intractable, and have a negative impact on lives of africanamericans and many other people of color. Host detroit, michigan. This is jerry. You are on. Caller good morning. I have a couple of comments. And a couple of questions. The white people watching on the republican lines, if you have time. , when i listen to white people justify racist Police Violence, the tact is they use tactic they use is two fold, they tried to blame the victim for their own death, and also to make what i think is an apples and oranges comparison between white Police Violence and socalled black on black crime. They bring up chicago as an example. I was wondering what you think of that. And my question to the white tople listening to this, every white man listening, if you do not like being called a you think, come believe, and behave like racist if you do not like being called it . There is a certain degree of policewith white violence, they think it is not happening when in fact it is. Think that iot would with a broad brush say that all white people are racist. I think that there are systems, once you go down the road of talking about individual attitudes we have lost. When we talk about how systems operate and how institutions operate, and are reflected in the values of many people. But the values of people might be inconsequential in terms of how the institution itself functions, and that is one of the things that has been an important part of the conversation. As to the conversation on black on black crime, there is no such thing. Most people who are victims of crime are victimized by people whose share their same racial background. Do not apply that criteria to white people when there are any other kinds of concerns that they bring up. People are criticizing the government for the patch rate. We do not see how many white People Killed other white people that month, or how much violent crime. If we were to look at this at an international context, see that white people at the United States do a Staggering Amount of violence towards other white people as compared to their peers in developed western nations. A weird criteria that only tends to calm up along the lines of race and deflects from getting into more substantial issues about why we have the kinds of institutional failings we have as a country right now. Host five minutes before the house is scheduled to gamble in. We will take our viewers therefore live coverage when we do. Until, your phone calls about his documentary airing tonight on pbss frontline at 9 00 p. M. Eastern called policing the police 2020. Michael out of maryland. Good morning. Caller good morning. I have a few things i want to say. A former officer, the way policing is doing now, what they are doing now, if you are a good officer and have been out there patrolling the civilian places, if you decide to go against corrupt cops and start snitching, what will happen is the agency will somehow find a way, especially beat officers, create numbers and what i am saying is if these officers do multiple lockups, because most agencies now, especially big city agencies are based on numbers. The more lockups the get you get, the happy the happier they are. They are worried about quantity. Instead of them getting good lockups and going after bad guys, they go after anyone. I was a victim of corruption. Tried to jam me up after i told and said this is what is going on. You have to be looking at this, and the next thing you know i am an internal affairs looking at the smallest dumb thing possible while these guys are going back out onto the street doing what they are doing. A lot of agencies try to protect the guys creating numbers. They are going out there and locking anybody up for increased numbers. The agency becomes happy. What do you do about things like that. There are a lot of good officers that are afraid to step forward after they hear about other officers and got officers getting railroaded for snitching. What do you tell them to do . Guest one thing we should point out, i have might have given the mistaken impression when i gave problems said with problems outside the Police Department. One real window into the greatest places where Police Departments are troubled are the internal complaints and the failure of those mechanisms where people receive a backlash for coming forward and saying the department is not functioning the way it is supposed to be. I really think that is a difficult situation, and more involved than i have time to answer. This is one of the reasons they need significant Police Reform now, and mechanisms by which people and situations can be adjudicated outside the normal line of the departments themselves and with an independent outside body, people have been recommending these for 50 years, but they have only been implemented to a relative degree or another. But, you have to take that outside the channel of authority outside the departments, because no institutions can police themselves and the police are no different. Host as we wait for the house to gamble in for its morning hours, i wanted to give you a chance to highlight one of the groups that you focus on in your documentary. What is the Newark Community street team . Guest it is a fascinating group. They are a Intervention Organization that does the work that police cannot do. Meaning, Police Response to of crimes. Reports the Community Street team as a presence that is trying to mediate and mitigate conflict before it arises to the level of needing police intervention. Really, they do multiple things. One of the most notable is the informal diplomacy. A lot of the violence is contrary to what people thought, a lot of it driven by drugs or other kinds of illicit activities elated things, but really it turns out a lot of it was interpersonal conflicts. And they are a presence trying to make sure that those situations get resolved. Host jelani cobb is a correspondent and writer for frontline and his documentary, policing the police 2020 airing tonight at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on pbs. Thank you so much for your time this morning. Guest thank you. Host that is going to about do it for us this morning. Although, i did want to note some of the events going on, specifically at the white house and focus on middle east peace today. Plenty of listings on our website at cspan. Org to watch the events taking place across our networks. Now we take you live to the house floor for gaveltogavel coverage. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2020] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org]

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