And im proud to be an american where at least i know im free and i wont forget the men who died who gave that right to me and id gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cause there aint no doubt i love this land god bless the u. S. A. From the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea from detroit down to houston and new york to l. A. Where theres pride in every american heart and its time we stand and say that im proud to be an american where at least i know im free and i wont forget the men who died who gave that right to me and id gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cause there aint no doubt i love this land god bless the u. S. A. And im proud to be an american where at least i know im free and i wont forget the men who died who gave that right to me and id gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cause there aint no doubt i love this land god bless the u. S. A. [cheers and applause] u. S. A. u. S. A. u. S. A. u. S. A. hello, everybody. Hello, duluth. Hello, everybody. Duluth. We are going to win minnesota. We are going to win four more years of the white house. We are looking to set records. I really enjoyed last ids debate with sleepy joe. I brought those hats out here because its on the windy side. Like a genius, and that is fine. I would love for you to have whatever we have. That i can tell you. They say that we, all of us, won big last night. [cheers and applause] do you hear about this . In the history of cable television, it had highest ratings of anything on cable television. It has the secondhighest ratings of Overall Television in the history of television. Does anyone know what was first . Guess. , i does anybody know . The second and history of all television. It is an honor. Last night, i did with the corrupt media has refused to do. I kept beau biden accountable joehis 47 years of lies biden accountable for his 47 years of lies. The violent mob at home. Can you imagine these people in these democratic cities . Did you see them last night . I said, sleepy joe, name one Law Enforcement group that supports you. And then Chris Wallace says, dont do that. Can you believe this guy . I was debating two people last night. I was debating two people last night. Joe biden is too weak to lead this country. Badly,w, joe biden lost he should cancel the rest of his debates. Now i understand that he is going to cancel bates the debates. I do not think that is going to be a good move. They are not going to let him cancel. What are they gonna do . Someday, we will not be doing this anymore. What are they gonna do without trump . Those poor people, look at them. Whoa. What are they gonna do . Do are they going to say in maybe 16 years, i lets hang it up. 16 more years. What hes doing is what you do when you lose. I do not think hes going to get that. I have news for joe. If you ever became president , you have to deal with some of the toughest people in the world. And Chris Wallace is very easy by comparison. I know them all. That i media is upset exposed is very dangerous agenda. Here we go. Here we go. They think rioting is just ok, just do whatever you want, you dont have to wear masks. Do whatever you want. Can you go to church . No. Can you go to restaurants . No. But you can riot. That is ok. Sleepy joe was totally off limits. So disappointed in fox. I am not just running against joe biden. I am running against the far left corrupt media socialists and communists in the democrat party. They have a special interest in bleeding our country drive. Dry. I had to fight other things like a fake impeachment. Other things that were not in the agenda. Frankly, we had great support from the republican party. Never forget, i am fighting for you and that is true. I put america first. That is what i have been doing. [cheers and applause] our opponents want to erase borders. I will defend our borders. You see what is going on on the southern border. That wall, 350 miles already. The wallot talk about anymore. What is going on . They used to talk about it every day. You always get financing. This was easy. Hes not going to get his financing, and we got it. They do not talk about it anymore. We are doing about 10 miles a week. Mexico is paying for it. You do know that, right . They keep saying that it is going to be a border charge at the border. It will not even have to be a lot. There are so many drugs going through. 27,000 soldiers right now on our border. The appreciate it. We appreciate it. Our opponents will send jobs to china. I will keep jobs in america. I want to preserve our nations historic values. I stand with Law Enforcement. [cheers and applause] sleepy joe, say Law Enforcement. He goes, no, i would rather not. Say Law Enforcement, sleepy joe. No, no, just Law Enforcement. Please, just say Law Enforcement. No. It is just that Law Enforcement is very simple. He wouldnt say it, right . N i said name one nation one group in the entire nation. I have everybody. Group and the entire nation that is Law Enforcement support two. And Chris Wallace, lets go to the next question. He is in trouble, let me protect them. Joe biden says that nt fight is just an idea. Just an idea. Is antifa is a domestic terrorist organization. Received the endorsement of the fraternal order of police, the National Association of police organization, the national troopers, the International Union of police associations, and Law Enforcement organization and departments in florida, colorado,h carolina, arizona, nevada, wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, and a soda minnesota. I was getting worried. Texas, new yorks finest, they have never done it before. These are great people. They can salve they can solve their problems in 30 minutes. New yorks finest. Never endorsed a candidate for president before and they are great people. New jersey, illinois, and many, many more. I will not but i could go all night. I said, joe, give me one, please. He got saved. Joe biden is saying he owns the socialism and extremism in his party. He owns it. You know it is not his party. It is not joes party. Plusave crazy burning, aoc three. Plus three. Nie, aoc i said joe,w deal, that is more money than this country can make in the next 100 years if everything is perfect. It is so crazy. He wants to rebuild every building. Rebuild every building. Lets take the Empire State Building down, these people are crazy. Andore cows, airplanes, number nothing. Joe biden wants to eliminate tax cuts, that means that he will take away your childs tax cuts . 1000 a child, he wants to take away what i gave you. Taxrevoke our historic relief. Joe biden also refused to answer questions about packing the Supreme Court. Dont you love the Supreme Court . How good is amy . How good is amy . [applause] professor at notre dame, fill that seat fill that seat fill that seat one of the most highly respected scholars in the country says she is the finest student he has ever had of all the students. Thousands of students. She is the single best student he has or had. Joe biden was last in his class, can you imagine . This is a big difference. How do you like amy for the Supreme Court . [cheers and applause] farlefts elected, the will avoid radical justices to terminate the second amendment. No more guns. No more guns. As you all saw, biden also refused to explain why his son hunter was paid report 5 , byion protected by chris that wife of the former mayor of ascap. And they talk about me in russia. I have nothing to do with russia. And took out money from china. 183,000the 183 a month. It anybody like that job . You do not have a job. Youd not applied you are not employed. Your father becomes Vice President and you get hired for 183,000 a month, with a 3 million upfront payment. I think they couldve had him for less. It anybody to that job . Would anybody take that job . Could you imagine if i did that . You areepy joe said, not getting the 1 billion unless you get rid of the prosecutor. When you get rid of the prosecutor, we will send you the money. They got rid of the prosecutor and he said now, the money comes. Could you imagine if i did that . And press does not want to talk about it. And Chris Wallace, he says, we dont want to discuss that. Really, chris . It is so sad. It is so hypocritical, so sad. This is a matter of national security, economic security, joe biden got rich while the American Workers got robbed. How can you deal with china a few take out three and a half Million Dollars and make some make all sorts of money. And billions of a year they paid us and i give a lot to the farmers. Ofritical issue selection the minnesota iron range. This was supposed to be a get together but they said sir, thousands of want to show. This is supposed to be an iron range get together. Biden has 30 people at those circles. They were too close together. I sent him a note. Too close, very poor people right next to each other. And yet, he complains about our rallies this was going to be a quickie to say congratulations, because obama closed the ion range, and i opened it. Opened it. Ge, and i a tough man came up to me, a construction worker, a real worker, and he looked at me this was two years ago. He said, sir, you have given us back our life. He was crying. I said you never cried when you were a little baby this is not a crier. The sky was tough as hell this guy was tough as hell. Banwill reinstitute that in two minutes. You have to vote, minnesota, honestly. He said, you give our lives back. Thousands of jobs. And they closed it out. As Vice President , joe biden wiped out four more years much and thatt so included the great state of minnesota and we will not allow it anymore. We are not going to allow it. Thousands and thousands of workers. They are all back. They say what the hell do i know . A lot of iron over the years, they say its the greatest iron ore in the world. The iron range came roaring back, just thing i did was knock out his executive order and so many of the things he did. He cant like me too much. Duty see what happened with the fbi today . The worster has memory and history, he said i dont remember that. I dont remember that. Can you go for a coup . Did you go for a coup . Uh, i dont remember. We caught him cold. It is about time that something happens. Its enough. We have plenty of information on these crooks. A bunch of crooks. Its about time that something happens. We rescinded the federal withdrawal. Joe knew all about it. Minnesota. E done for if i lose minnesota, i am number i am never coming back. Protected iron range workers from frivolous lawsuits. We started construction to get quickly, wemarket fixed the locks. As things were so old and broken, now they are going to be shortly fixate. I opened up for copper, nickel mining, oh. [cheers and applause] that sounded a little far out. Decayingcement of the line three pipeline. Its all done. All of this is why nine democrat mayors ive endorsed me oversleep joe biden over sleepy joe biden. Where are they . Wow. [applause] we had a ceremony a month ago where i introduced every single one of them. I am not introducing you again, it is freezing out your great people, great mayors, and i appreciate your support very much. These are democrat mayors that support trump. Everything in good shape, right . It is a great honor. If joe gets in, the radical left will shut down the iron range forever. Not easy to open a thing like that. Earlier today, i took another historic step providing billions of dollars to jumpstart production of minerals that will create countless jobs that are important for our country. Minerals. [applause] i will always protect the state of minnesota. I will do that. It has been very good to me. We almost won it. One more speech. I had a choice. Do i do michigan . I should have done them both. One more speech. Think about. It has not been won by a republican. I do not get by because the democrats have done such a pathetic job. Has not been won since 1972. Reagan lost it, the only state he lost. We are going to change it. Another massive issue for minnesota is the election of joe bidens plan to inundate your state within historic flood an historic flood of refugees. Ingrid on the medifast outcome of the fact checked and find out he made a slight mistake. The worst thing you have ever seen. He pledged a 700 increase in refugees. 700 . Congratulations, minnesota. Congratulations. No. When she getsr hot harvesting . Harvesting . What the hell is going on with omar . Ive been reading for years about how corrupt she is. Harvesting is terrible, but that is the least of things she has done. And then she tells us how to run our country. How the hell did minnesota elect her . What the hell is wrong with you people . What the hell happened . These guys, stand up. Are you a big fan of omar . We sky. Nobody is going to fight him. Look at this guy. Nobodys going to fight him. Aoc also, its time. The disgusting corruption, 700 increase, refugees coming from the most dangerous pieces places in the world. Somalia. [booing] turn minnesota into a refugee camp. Inundating your hospitals. You know that. It is a disgrace what they have done to your state. It is a disgrace. Biden has pledged to terminate our travel ban on jihadist regions opening the floodgates to radical islamic terrorist. Remember we used to talk about it all the time . Remember when they said theres no way you could get a ban . They said he lost, he lost. I want to the Supreme Court and they did been reported. He lost. Say still that but they are talking about the first two. They forget to say that Supreme Court it is hard to believe. It is a lot. They love it. Every time i am getting ready, the lights every time i am getting ready to hit them, the lights just go off. The Biden Administration is we areiminals keeping criminals out of minnesota. We ended the refugee influx into your state. One of the most hardhit states for whatever reason. Did you know that . Did anybody know . I dont think they tell you about it. They talk about women in suburbs. I ended a regulation that nobody would have done. This race,can get suburbs aree in the low income people. Plan. Got a the worst thing you have ever seen. Having to do with zoning. These are new out. It is crazy. And then i hear i am not doing well in the suburbs. Are you people crazy . I just explain this. I just explained this. Ben carson. A lot of great people. What if we just amended it . No, i wanted over. Over. Ed over i want it they say women in the suburbs do not like President Trump. Not think so. That happened last time. Remember . Time, they said he will not do well with women. [cheers and applause] well with women. These were the idiots on Election Night four years ago. This will be a very short night. This will be then at the end, they said he did very well with women. Anyway, we did well with everybody. Enthusiasm look at this crowd. This was supposed to just be a little celebration. I figured a couple hundred people likes to be joe gets on his best day. With just three of the halfyear us, we have secured americas border. They were a disaster. Brought jobs back home to america, and back home to minnesota. He brought a lot of jobs back. [applause] last year, before the plague came from china, you have the best year you ever had. I did a trade deal. Wasnt even dry. We built the greatest economy in the history of the world and now we are we doing it again. Historic 10. 6a billion jobs in the last long in the last four months. The china virus, we launched the largest mobilization since world war ii. Administered lifesaving therapies. 85 mitigated, you go to the hospital and you have a lot better chance. I spoke to a gentleman today from pfizer. These are great people. Theyre coming up with things that are phenomenal. Thingscoming up with that are phenomenal including therapeutics, it is incredible what is happening. By the way, with the biden, it would have in years before you came up with any of this stuff. Over the place, calling me xenophobic because i closed the border. How do you figure that one . This guy, just another politician. 47 years, he has not done a dam mn thing. Danb 8 hasalmost almost a 58 greater mortality rate and the United States. Through operation warp speed, we will administer a vaccine in record time and before the end of the year, the sooner the night. On november 3, minnesota will decide whether we end this pandemic, defeat the virus, and returned to record prosperity. Either way, we are returning. [cheers and applause] we are rounding the turn. This guywants says, would shut it down. A lot of death caused by shutdown. Depression. That. Drugs. Alcoholism. Horrendous family fights. And he wants to destroy those suburb by abolishing single families. All ofse guys are these things are horrible thing. He is not smart enough to understand that the other side has big problems. We did something that we have the greatest economy in history and we closed it down because we would have lost millions of lives. We are opening up and we will be back in business very soon. [cheers and applause] they will all open up. They will all open up right after november 3. We would like to tell you we are all opening up november 4. Did you see that one group . Yeah, right after the election. These are terrible people. They are more interested in politics than they are in the lives of people. They want to confiscate your guns and indoctrinate your children. As this poisonous, antiamerican rhetoric. Left, thethe toxic toxic left wing propaganda in our schools, we are launching a new proamerican lesson plan for schools called the 1776 commission. We will teach our children the truth about america, that we are the most exceptional nation on the face of your. That is what i want them to learn. We are joined tonight by some real warriors. Wiends of mine, they just in. You have some great ones. These are real warriors. Emer. Sentatives tom m jim hagedorn. [applause] starburn. [applause] you, we havell some incredible congressional candidates. We have to get nancy pelosi the hell out of there. [applause] we have some candidates. Tyler . Ershner, wheres i hear great things. Name inth the greatest politics, lacey johnson. [cheers and applause] great guy. Great guy. And somebody who will help us a lot along with tyler and lacey, michelle, thank you. We will be working with you and they all have my total endorsement. I said, who is she, she and the senate . Jason lewis. [cheers and applause] very cute, jason. A great job youre doing. We have to get them all in. Thank you, tommy. Michael, he makes more thank you, michael. He likes these rallies and we like him. A 96yearold world war ii gsred. N dr. John rin [cheers and applause] whoa look at you. Whoa you look great, john. Wow. You look good, handsom. Handsome. After years of rebuilding nations, we are finally rebuilding our nation. In two thousand 17, i signed a very historic executive in 20 17, i signed a very historic executive order. In order to buy american and higher american, have you ever seen biden . I have been doing this for a long time. Our plans,ampaign, he copies a lot. He invested two point 5 trillion in the military. 2. 5 trillion in the military. Has every, no country, come close of the kind of firepower we have hope to god we never have to use it. Weapons. Irepower and otherwise, we will be at the mercy of other countries. We have the greatest firepower, the greatest weapons in the history of the world. Hope to god we never have to use it. [cheers and applause] and we launched a new branch of it isarmy forces called the space force. We killed the founder and leader of isis, gone. Murdererut the worlds of so Many American troops and plenty of other troops, no longer with us. I withdrew from the last administrations total disaster, the iran nuclear deal, ok . Lion ave 150 bil 1. 8 billion look like in cash . I opened the American Embassy in jerusalem. [applause] i also recognized israeli sovereignty instead of endless wars, we are forging peace in the middle east. [applause] i have to tell you, they refused when obama got his nobel prize, it was the biggest story i ever saw. He got it immediately upon taking office. I told my first lady, i told our darling, i, lady, was nominated for the nobel peace prize. United arab emirates, and then again, iwas nominated was nominated a third time. I said to you ]ng we love , it was to lester holt environment, another was ahead on me a hit on me, another was something else, and then the longest commercial i had ever seen. When you report the fake news, you are not supposed to get free airtime. And then they went on to the second half. Again and again and again, she said, darling, i do not think they are going to cover this. I said, impossible. It is a nomination for the nobel peace prize. Guess what . It ended, we got nothing. The second time, we got nothing. We decided not to even watch it. I got more done in four years in 47leepy joe got done years. Give free federal health care to all illegal aliens, bankrupting medical care you know what is going to happen, they are going to pour into our country. They are very smart. Very sophisticated. Morechool choice and no charter schools. In the second term, i will provide School Choice to every parent in america. Is ae for a republican vote for safe communities. Great jobs. And a limitless future for all americans. In conclusion, over the next four years, we will make america into the manufacturing superpower of the world and will and our a lot and we will end our dependence on china. Obama said we are not going to have manufacturing. They gave up in manufacturing. I had almost 700,000 manufacturing jobs. [cheers and applause] hes bad news. He lied. We will make our medical supplies right here in the. Nited states did ban we will uphold religious liberty, free speech, and the right to bear arms. [cheers and applause] we will strike down terrorists who threaten our citizens and we will keep out people out of our country. Usa]ting thank you. [laughter] it is ridiculous. We are bringing them all home. You see that. We will maintain americas unrivaled military might and ensure peace through strength. Ridiculous. We are all over the world in ways is nobody ever heard of four. We will end surprise medical billing, i have already signed it. Can you imagine if this clown gets in . That will have such an impact. It kicks in, i said, do you think he couldve kicked in a little bit earlier . And insurance premiums and the cost of prescription drugs, which we will be ringing down massively bringing down massively. We will always protect those incredible people as i said with preexisting conditions. America will land its first woman on the moon and the United States will be the first to land a national on mars and it will be soon. Nasa has become again the greatest when i took over, it was terrible. We most up the radical indoctrination of our students and restore patriotic courses in our schools. We will teach our children to honor our history and always respect our Great American flag. We will live by the timeless work of our national motto, in god we trust. [applause] live with aou president who apologized for a merica. And tonight i am standing for america and the great people of minnesota. Thank you. [cheers and applause] i am not do not win, calling you a friend again. Get your friend, get your family, get your neighbors, your coworkers, and get out and vote. We gotta win. We gotta win. Early voting has already begun. Do not wait, go out and vote. Did you see new york today . 100,000 fraudulent ballots. They sent out 100,000 ballots. Wrong names, wrong envelopes. Other than that, did quite well. You know what their solution is . That is ok. We will send out another 100,000. Really . Otherill happen to the 100,000 . This is crazy what is going on. Minneapolis, from rochester, to right here in duluth i like duluth. To build astate better life for themselves, their families, they were truly brave, brilliant, noble people incredible people. They were strong. They did not have a lot of money. They do not have a lot of luxury. Had gre they had grit and they had each other. They were they were shopkeepers. They all had one thing in common. They loved their families. They loved their countries, and they loved their god. [cheers and applause] proud citizens like you helped build this country. Together we are taking back our country. You,e returning power to the american people. With your help, your devotion and your drive, we are going to keep on working. We are going to keep on fighting. We are going to keep on winning, winning, winning. [cheers and applause] it is true. We are going to keep on winning. You know, minnesota, we need jason. Where is he . Jason is going to come. Going to be your senator. Youre going to win so much. You know that one. This beautiful crescendo of a speech and i have to ruin it with a story with jason, but lets do it anyway. We are going to win so much. Minnesota before i came around was not doing too well, then you had your best years ever. We are going to win so much. You are going to see your great senator jason lewis. And you will see all of them. You will say, mr. Senator, please go see the president. We are winning too much we cant stand it. Its too much, sir. Well, i dont want to do that. Please, senator, we cannot stand it. For years we have done poorly. We are now growing stronger than ever before. We dont want to win so much, mr. Senator. So your senator is going to come in, hi, minnesota is winning too much, we have to stop it. Sir, we have to stop it. It is just too much winning. Jason, let me tell you. I know the people of minnesota, and they love winning. They will keep winning. We are going to win so much. We will keep on winning and you will have the greatest year you will have next year and the year after. That is where it is heading. I want to thank you. Jason, i am sorry, i will not follow your wish. Thank you very much. We are one movement, one family, one Beautiful People and one glorious nation under god. Together, with the incredible people of minnesota, we will make america wealthy again. We will make america strong again. We will make america proud again. We will make america safe again. And we will make America Great again. Thank you, minnesota. [cheers and applause] man, there is no kneele no need to feel down there is no need to be unhappy when you are short on dough you can stay there and you will find many ways to have a good time. Its fun to stay at the ymca its fun to stay at the ymca they have everything for you men to enjoy you can hang out with all the boys its fun to stay at the ymca its fun to stay at the ymca you can get yourself clean you can get a good meal you can do whatever you feel young man, are you listening to me . I said, young man, what do you want to be . I said, young man, you can make real your dreams but you got to know this one thing it all by does himself. Im sure they can help you today its fun to stay at the ymca its fun to stay at the ymca they have everything for you men to enjoy you can hang out with all the boys its fun to stay at the ymca its fun to stay at the ymca you can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal you can do what ever you feel young man, i was once in your shoes i said, i was down and out with the blues i felt no man cared if i were alive i felt the whole world was so tight thats when someone came up to me and said, young man, take a walk up the street coverage continues with candidates campaigning and debating. Cspan, your unfiltered view of politics. The commission on president ial debates says it is considering possible changes to its format following the first residential debate in cleveland. The nonprofit Nonpartisan Organization released the following statement. The commission on president ial debates sponsors televised debates for the benefit of the american electorate. Tuesdays debate made clear additional structures should be added to the format of the remaining debates to ensure a more orderly discussion of the issues. The commission will carefully consider the changes that it will adopt and announce those measures shortly. Before President Trump and joe biden meet for their second debate, the commission will host the Vice President ial candidates. We will have live coverage of Vice President pence and senator Kamala Harris wednesday, october 7, 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. You can watch online at cspan. Org or listen on the cspan radio app. Cspans washington journal. Every day we take your calls live on the air on the news of the day, and we discuss policy issues that impact you. This morning, we discuss campaign 2020 and congressional moves of the day with texas congressman al green. And republican congressman scott perry. Watch washington journal, live at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. Join the discussion. Joe biden and his wife jill traveled by train from eastern ohio to western pennsylvania following tuesdays president ial debate in cleveland. The former Vice President made several Campaign Stops and took time to speak with voters and reporters along the way

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