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Coming up on this mornings washington journal, we will take your calls and comments on the news that the president and first lady have tested positive for covid19. Host good morning. It is friday, october 2. People around the country and the world are reacting to the news that broke overnight that President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for coronavirus. We have a two hour washington journal for you today before the house comes in and we want to get your reaction. There is how to take part in the conversation. Epublicans call 202 7488001 democrats, 202 7488000. If you are an independent, call 202 7488002. You can also send us a text, 202 7488003. Please leave your name and the town you are texting from. Broke just before 1 00 a. M. Eastern time when the president sent out this tweet, tonight, flotus and i tested positive for covid19, we will begin our quarantine immediately. We will begin this immediately and get through this. Eastern. At 12 54 a. M. The first lady said we are quarantining after testing positive for covid19. We are feeling good and postponing all upcoming engagements. Stay safe and we will get through this together. Here is how the Associated Press wrote the story. President said early friday he and melania tested positive for covid19. Hasunning announcement that the country in deeper uncertainty one month before the president ial election. Trump has spent much of the are downplaying the virus that has killed more than 2005000 americans. The white house physician said the president is expected to carry out his duties without disruption while recovering. They point out that trumps diagnosis will have a destabilizing effect in washington, raising questions how far the virus has spread through the highest levels of the u. S. Government. The Vice President of the United States tweeted around 2 00 a. M. Eastern time, karin and i send our love and prayers to donald trump and melania trump. And swiftr their full recovery. God bless you, donald trump and the first lady. One more piece of information, nbc news has posted a letter from the white house physician about the president s covid diagnosis. It is fairly brief. That, i a note less released the following information with the permission of President Trump. Both have tested positive for the virus. The president and first lady are both well at this time, they plan to remain at home. The White House Medical Team and i will maintain a vigilant watch and i appreciate the support provided by some of our countrys greatest medical professionals and institutions. I expect the president to continue carrying out his duties without disruption while recovering that will keep you updated on any future developments. Time for your calls on this news, the president and first lady testing positive for coronavirus. Fort washington, maryland, democrat, mary. Caller what is your reaction . Host what is your reaction . Caller i am shocked but it is bound to happen. They do not care about the rest of the world and i do not wish this on anyone but god does not love ugly and 45 has to learn the hard way. He is an animal. Host upstate new york on the republican line. Caller thank you for having me. I am not worried at all. I think it is ok to be calm. We have mike pence, the Vice President , it is clear that if anything really bad happened we have him and he is good. I am honestly pretty calm. The mortality rate is low. Is 94 . Ve 70, it i think we will be ok. We will get through this. A littleht be out for bit, i understand that, but i am calm. Host mark is calling from milwaukee, one state the president was supposed to be visiting this weekend. What you think about all of this . Caller i am glad he is not visiting. I do not wish it upon anyone but the way i look at things lately is the republicans are selfcentered and do not care about anyone else and that is why they do not wear a mask. There will be a lot of people on the staff that will be infected and that debate, i do hope the bidens do not get it. It is sad. Host kathleen is calling from texas on the independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. I wanted to say that President Trump and his beautiful wife, i pray to god in jesus name that he will heal them now. And that President Trump will find out why it got so close to him and everybody put the blame on him. Right after the outbreak. Joe biden went to china, how many times . He came right back to the white house. Accumulate and accumulate and accumulate, you can put the blame on the president. Did you understand how far these democrats will go to hang him and put him out of office and turn this country into war . Did you understand the magnitude close someone to get that to our president of the United States, the highest power, other than god almighty on this United States grounds. Host thank you for calling. More calls in a moment. The video we just saw of the president was at the last rally he held in minnesota. He was supposed to be in florida tonight and then wisconsin, and then out west early next week. The immediate schedule has been scrapped we know a 14 day quarantine period brings us beyond the date of the next president ial debate, october 15, so we will see what happens. Lots of news to come in the hours ahead. Here is one of the last things we heard from the president before we learned about the diagnosis. This happened at the annual Al Smith Dinner took place in new york, a virtual event. The president and former Vice President joe biden we are not quite sure when the president taped his remarks but here is what he had to say at last nights dinner about covid19. [video clip] pres. Trump our country and the entire world has been struck by a onceinalifetime global pandemic. China should not have let it happen but it did. On the virus came in from china, we saw new yorkers respond with selflessness and that have always defined this city that we love so much. Doctors and nurses worked aroundtheclock. Pd,heroes of the new york they are great. New yorks finest. The fdny, they are the bravest. I know them all very well. Other First Responders risked their lives to save others. The Catholic Community answer the call and, frankly, answered it like nobody else could. In catholic schools, hospitals, shelters, you served with supreme devotion to your fellow citizens. The alford Smith Memorial foundation made a historic 8 million gift to support the families of new york. Thank you. You showed the world the essence of the catholic faith. I lived right next to a magnificent catholic church. As jesus christ said in the gospel, everyone will know you are my disciples if you love one another. I want to thank the Catholic Community for the generosity you showed in americas hour of need. In the memories of the lost, we will defeat the virus through advances in treatment, we have reduced the fatality rate by 85 since april. We are on track to develop and distribute a vaccine before the end of the year and maybe substantially before. I want to say that the end of the pandemic is insight next year will be one of the greatest years in the history of our country. Host that was the president last night in a taped address. We are not sure when it was taped. The event was put together by the archdiocese of new york. The wall street journal reminds us of his announcement on twitter came hours after the confirmation that a top advisor that traveled with him earlier this week tested positive for the virus. We first heard about hope hicks and then we heard about the president and the first lady and that midnight hour, eastern time. We have larry on the line from maryland. Caller good. The he is calling on republican line, by the way. Caller the president will recover. There was a radio personality earlier that said they are glad it shows you what is in the heart of people. He will be in a 14 day quarantine and we are going through a trial with this chinese virus, but he will win and he has a role to play. Those who are gleeful will be upset because he will have a second term. Host here is a text from california will the president finally take covid seriously and stop is dangerous rallies . Michael in portland, oregon says i pray the president and the first lady recover quickly with no longlasting effects. I hope we drop our party antagonism and give prayers to the stricken couple. We have darrell from frederick, maryland on the democrat line. Good morning. Caller good morning and thank you. I am a democrat, registered, and i am praying for the president and the first lady. We need to come together because none of us are beyond the humbling hand of god, beyond 45. I am praying in jesus named that he be healed quickly and brought back to reality mentally and socially. We need to come together. Differences, but first of all, President Trump is a human being, and so is his wife. We need to stop and really come together. It is devastating. I just pray that the election will go well, that we as human beings will come together and do what is best or this country. I do not wish covid on no one. That is the comment i would like to make. Host georgia on the independent line, good morning. Your reaction . Caller good morning. I just want to put a different angle on this. I was listening to quite a few things that his nieces had to say concerning he would do almost anything to win this election. I am starting to wonder if this could be a hoax, that he has not tested positive and he comes out in a few days and all of the sudden tests clean for a few days and will quit his quarantine, to get the attention off the comments from tuesday night concerning his not denouncing white supremacists. Host explain your thinking. What makes you think the way you think based on what you said . Caller his nieces said he would do almost anything to divert attention to to him and do anything to win the election. The thing with the post office going on, and all of the republican states trying to find ways to make it more difficult for people to vote by mail, etc. All of this negative news about him, i just would not put it past him. This is not an announcement from the white house come this is a leak. For 24 hours, they did not contact tracer or tell anyone about it. In a way, i hope it is because i dont want anyone to be sick from it. Host danny, republican, arlington, thank you for calling. Caller thank you for taking my call. I would like to comment on what beth, who just called come would like to chime in on what she said. She said this could be a distraction from tuesdays refusal from trump to denounce white supremacists. I think that is ridiculous, he has done that 20 times, looked at up. If you watch cnn, you wont see that. He has done it plenty of times. Anyways, i was not really surprised to see him get covid this morning. I am a big supporter. He goes all over the country, he has been putting himself out there. I think he is a very strong man, being an older gentleman in his 70s, i do not think you will have any issues beating this. To put a different angle on this, if he does beat coronavirus without any issues, i think it shines a brighter light that the coronavirus is not is dangerous as it has been touted. The mortality rate is artificially inflated. People who have passed in Nursing Homes because they have not been cared enough for, those have been termed coronavirus deaths. 99. 5 for most people. Host thank you for calling, as well. We have phil in miami sending a text. I am a democrat but i do not wish the president ill health. Get well soon, sir. Bill from connecticut says he will be fine. It will show how survivable this virus is spread Boris Johnson, showed this,lso again, in public in dramatic terms. One caller pointed out, the Prime Minister suffered from the disease as well. [video clip] johnson we all want to send our best wishes to the president and the first lady. I have done that this morning. I am sure they will both stage a very strong recovery. Host morris johnson. Jeffrey on the line from yland, mccright caller democrat caller, good morning. Caller this virus is a very serious thing. Even at jobs, we have to wear a mask. Virus are dying from this and a man is calling to say it is a hoax we need to stop playing games. The president needs to be more serious and tell the American People to wear masks, be safe, not only for yourself but other people. Show some respect to the American People. Dont just do anything to try to win the election. I am a democrat, i dont put ill on anybody, i hope they will be ok. We go to the store every day, we have to put our masks on. Sometimes i have to go back to the house to get my mask. I was going to mcdonalds the other day and had to go back to my vehicle to get my mask. Show respect and stop playing games with our lives. Thank you, sir. Have a great day. City,flushing, new york independent caller. Caller good morning. We newtrump has been yorkers, we know what trump did to our city. Him, heic is blaming will fight it like anybody. Millions who has contracted the virus and we hope he recovers. He is still doing his job. We are fighting for him. Dont blame trump. Is absolutely it can be anything, what happened to him. To rally are going behind him. This might even help him in the reelection because anyone wishing ill will to this man will be punished in the polling. I am from queens, new york. Thank you, sir. Host thank you for calling in. Many members of congress tweeting about the president. Our president s top duty is as of commander and chief, especially with our nuclear forces. Looking forward to assuring the country and our allies while putting our adversaries on notice that this is not the time to mess with the u. S. , get better soon, president. Ladyresident and the first have a serious, deadly virus we should all hope for a full recovery. Our healing prayers are with the president and the first lady. Unfortunately, potusexperience with covid may help determine if he changes his outlook on covid. Will he continue to mock those who wear a mask . Will he continue to say, it is what it is or downplay the danger . For his sake and that of our country, she said i hope not. National testing, tracing and treatment. Representative, sending thoughts and prayers to our president and our beloved first lady, who are no doubt facing this with faith and courage. Praying for a speedy recovery. President atat the the last rally he held in minnesota. He was supposed to be in florida tonight. That is not going to happen. We have robert from kentucky, republican caller. Caller how are you doing this morning . The people here are sending our wishes to donald trump and his wife, melania. Good things should be said about the president today. 1200 that youhe did help the people. People have called in and said, you need to help the people, people need to help the president , also. The man is a good man. Best andish him the get back to washington, mr. Trump. Host massachusetts on the democrat line, hey, mary. Caller a thought went through my mind this morning. I was listening to the television most of the night and i heard the announcement. Doctor didme that a not declare him a victim of the coronavirus. I heard his voice. I think that is kind of odd. To wrap it up, i am very suspicious about this. They would do this if they thought they could get away from it. I heard last night, his numbers were tumbling because of his terrible performance the other falling right to the ground. The committee, the islature in pennsylvania one of their members, and also aamerican, who is republican. Cast suspiciono on the election come already. The legislature in pennsylvania will start investigating the election already. And then this comes up. I think this is very fishy. Somebodyike to hear that i trust say, yes, they do have the coronavirus, they are being treated for it. Until i see somebody like dr. Fauci come forward and say this is true, i am extremely skeptical. I just dont believe it. Host ok, mary. Mary mentioning dr. Fauci, he will be on this program this coming sunday. Washington journal starts at 7 00 and dr. Fauci will be a guest on sunday. The health and Human Services secretary is set to testify this morning on cspan2, 9 00 a. M. Eastern time. Azar to provide a full update on what the administration is doing about covid at this point. Congress, half in, half out. The senate is out and will be back next week. The house is expected back in at 9 00 a. M. Eastern time, that is why this program will be two hours rather than the normal three. As you know, the him and trying to negotiate a brandnew covid bill. Lets get a call from westminster, massachusetts, independent. Go ahead, please. Caller how are you . Host how are you, sir . Caller i am well, thanks. I have not seen you before . What is your name. Host i am paul. Bluer i love your eyes. I would love to see god bless President Trump and melania trump. America is the fourth reich. White power. Caller thank you for taking my call. I have heard people calling in with their negative comments. Politics need to put aside. We need to quit questioning if donald trump and his wife have the virus. Questiont it, we might if you are telling the truth. Second of all, we need to be careful what we say. Youan come back and hit right in the face. We actually today, we are lrobably seeing some ill wil comments from the left. If they do, they are the ones we need to be praying for. We should be praying for our president , we should be praying for our whole nation. Ont know anyone anyone who could stand up under the things we have seen our president stand up under. He has broad shoulders because i will tell you right now, i dont think anyone else in politics could stand up against what he has stood up against, and i pray every day for him and his family, and everyone around him. This morning, when you call in with your negative comments, you think about how you would feel if it was you, if the shoe was on the other foot, think about how you would feel. Thank you and have a blessed day and god bless our president. Host at politico. Com, they write this announcement threatens to transform the final month of Auto Campaign the trump had one to frame as a message around defeating the virus despite surging case counts around the country and widespread division about the seriousness of the threat. They go on to write that trumps announcement raise questions about his existing health conditions, he was listed as just over the line of overweight and obese, he could develop serious consecration from the virus. The president remains in very good health overall, with a cholesterol level and Blood Pressure within normal ranges. He does take medication for prior issues with high cholesterol. Earlier this year, Political Rights trump was closely monitored for developing a new irregular heartbeat while taking hydroxychloroquine despite no conclusive evidence as a possible treatment for the virus. They talk about melania trump, who is 50, also falling in an age range of possible complications. The virus can have a different impact on different people from mild symptoms to devastating breathing problems. We will continue to take your calls for the next 90 minutes on the news that the president and the first lady have tested positive for the coronavirus. We have lydia in danville, virginia on the democrat line. Caller good morning, how are you . First of all, i called to say scientists won. It was no longer than tuesday that the president was making fun of joe biden for wearing a mask. Now that we all i pray for everyone, i pray for the nation, it is not just the left or the right side, i pray we all can come together and i pray more about the virus instead of powerng about this white and all this other nonsense. Come together, that is what we need to do is come together. Overcomeay that we can all of this. He is not the first there are many other people that have the virus. They have dealt with it, now he will deal with it. That is all i have to say. Host thank you. Speaking of the virus around the country, the New York Times has a map about current hotspots in the u. S. You can read the map by looking for the darker colors, the dark colors indicate the recent hotspots. A lot is happening in the state of wisconsin. That stretch mainly runs to the south in that central part of the country. And texas and louisiana. The current hotspot is wisconsin, and places around there. Map incan see on this the New York Times. Angie is calling from south carolina, good morning. Caller good morning. Thatld like to suggest trumps tweet is highly, probably a hoax. Tweetsost everything he and he says is very untruthful. Deflection it is a from the problems he had at the debate with white supremacy. It is also an excuse not to participate in the next two debates, or at least the next one. Host the president s tweet, he sent it at 12 54 a. M. Eastern time. Flotus and i test apostate for covid19. We will quarantine immediately. We will get through this together. As we are talking about this morning, rallies and other Public Events are off. He is in a 14 day quarantine. We will see how that affects the president ial race. The next debate was scheduled for october 15 in florida. Affectssee how this both schedules. Stageand biden on the together in cleveland earlier this week. From joe biden this morning, we will let you know what he has to say. Host ellen, what you have to say in florida this morning . Caller i believe this is all a big hoax. Horrible, the most person in the whole world, he personally set this up. He had a bad day at his debate and he does not want to go through it again. He should never be president. Shame to the United States. Host kentucky, independent caller. Hello, brad. Caller good morning. I have a different angle on this. It is something concerning. Trump set i have a lot of enemies out there. This might be the last time you see me for a while. A lot of rich enemies, they are not happy with what i am doing. That was a very strange statement for him to make it, the president saying he has enemies and might not be seen for a while. , ii understand quarantine dont really see how someone could do it at hearing dogmatically to what is required without being seen. Technically quarantining, he and his wife will have to stay away from everyone and i imagine that would be the american public. Just one moment, if you will bear with me, he made that statement on august 7. Some things that might line up with this, on august 12, a helicopter was shot over virginia, it is in the u. S. News, it was part of the first helicopter squadron. The u. S. News article said it was a helicopter used to support the movement of the president. This ella copter was shot and a crew member was injured this helicopter was shot and a crew member was injured. On august 18, air force one had a dangerous run in with a drone, that was widely reported and seemed crazy to me, the fact a drone that was an interesting story. Host why dont you go ahead and wrap it up. Caller i will, thank you very much. On august 10, that was the white house shooting, when the gunman was shot by police. He was shot outside the white house, trump had to leave the press conference. Was sentber 22, poison to the white house. I wish there were reporters out there who could look into this because these events all seem strange and the president set a couple months ago he might not be seen for a while and he has enemies. This is not good. West chester, ohio, republican, good morning. Caller good morning. I am a retired microbiologist. There are a few things i would like to bring people some additional information. The president has a tremendous advantage based on his personal lifestyle. He made the choice not to smoke, drink or do drugs. All of those things are critical to your immune system. Sweeps paralyzes what the mucus out. Mucus is the perfect environment for a bacterial or viral infection. Alcohol suppresses white blood cells. When you have a viral infection or bacterial infection, these components go out and surround it and then your immune system produces a fluid that sends it out of your body. What concerns me is the fact that we are not actually talking to the scientists, i am a scientist, and we are not getting basic information. Zincnstance, vitamin d and are important. To our dear africanamerican citizens, your heritage is proud, where the sun is intense. Intense in the United States. If your ancestors were born near to the equator, you needed dark idin to protect the folic ac levels in your body so you could produce healthy offspring. All of this talk about our skin colors, it is so sad. We have science that can direct us. Instead of reaching for alcohol alcohol sales are through the roof. If our scientists were very helpful in directing better lifestyle choices for us for health, our immune systems would be in better shape. Actually, people who are overweight are malnourished, because your brain is sending a signal that is saying i am not getting the right nutrition, need to eat more. Host thank you for your input. We have marshall in beltsville, maryland, democrat line. It comes from karma because what goes around comes around. I am wonder what the president is thinking now about how things are, because he never took this coronavirus pandemic seriously biden theffed at other night about wearing a mask and laughing at him. He is not taking things seriously, so i guess he is taking it seriously now. How sick do we know the president really is . The white house will only disclose so much information. Who knows how long hope hicks has had the virus. All it is is karma. Host we will wait through the day for any briefings from the white house from doctors or anybody else. If they do happen, we will show them to you live on the cspan networks. We are taking your calls on the president and the first lady having contracted covid19. The news broke just before 1 00 a. M. Eastern time. We have been hearing from members of congress and interNational Leaders. The New York Times had this story, trump tests positive and the world shutters. The news of the american president contracting a potentially lethal virus carries global repercussions. We heard from Boris Johnson a couple minutes ago. Potent, hopingr here is vladimir putin. Yourded, i am certain in vitality, good spirits and optimism help you cope with this dangerous virus. It was a grim reminder of a virus that did not distinguish between rich and poor, weak and powerful. It was tweeted that nobody is immune from covid19. We are going to get a call from terry, woodbridge, republican. Caller my first comment is to the president and the first lady i wish them the best and get well fast and i pray for them every day. I am sure he will. We have learned so much more about this virus that if they do not show any symptoms, they will be quarantining maybe 10 days. Within 24ow negative , hes, two negative tests will be out even sooner. Dr. Fauci, i watched him on the capitol and hearings, he should be removed. He is now a politician, a democrat, because he flipflops to the public. The president does, but he is not a doctor. Do you hear all of the nasty remarks from the public . This is what the media, the democrats, and some republicans have done to our country. You people ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You should be helping the president gets better. You are so ungrateful, he works so hard, this country has came up so far from went obama was in office. I did not like the guy, but i never wished or hoped he would be hurt or sick like this. The guy with the drone, the helicopter, this is a nut. I want everyone to listen to themselves, have more respect. He is a person. Have respect for the white house. You hear the nasty remarks from at democrats, the lawmakers the beginning of the tweet, why cant they keep their negative remarks to themselves . It would not surprise me to see people out in the street dancing that he got the coronavirus. Live in at want to capitalist country, worry about yourself and do the best for yourself, get the hell out of the country. That is all i have to say. Host thank you for calling. We will get you more of your calls, coming up in a couple minutes. We will do this for well over an hour before the house comes into session. Democraticassed a version of a new stimulus package by a thin margin. Here is one of the headlines following that vote, u. S. Stimulus talks in limbo after vote on democrat only plan. This is a bloomberg piece. He joins us by phone. Where do things stand now following the house action last night . Stimulus said the talks are on life support, it is pretty much accurate. This has been going on for monthss. There was a breakdown in talks between nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, the white house and Steve Mnuchin august 7. They resumed last week and we see the sides somewhat closer, Steve Mnuchin made what republicans call a generous offer of 1. 6 trillion. The democrats have been looking for 2. 2 trillion. The gap is narrowing. As any big piece of legislation has, there are many differences underneath the overall top line headline number, from Liability Protection for businesses, tax breaks for real estate, tax on testing andng health care. They are going through all of that. We caught up with nancy pelosi after she made a speech on the floor for the democrat only bill, she said they are trading paper, there are written offers going back and forth, but they are not close to sealing a deal. And with the president having covid, we are not sure how disruptive that will be. Host remind us of the purpose of the house vote last night. This is a democrat only plan. If these other negotiations are happening, why would this come up . Guest the idea voting for a smaller heroes act, the house might pass a 3. 4 trillion plan that was dismissed by republicans as being a liberal wish list. It looked into taking care of local governments for years. There was a sense that that was just way too high, way too off of the 1 trillion level the white house was talking about. A lot of moderates came to pelosi and said lets trimmed this down and make another offer, show everyone we are serious about coming down. He said publicly you would go letso 2. 2 trillion, vote on that and demonstrate what is in there. It added some clarity. It filled out what exactly would be funded under that top line level, which had been vague. This could be a point of negotiation. As far as voting on it at that point, it became a bit of a dispute. He sought 18 democrats vote against that bill, almost all are in swing districts. They said voting on it at this point for the much alienates republicans. Most wanted to vote because if a deal falls through, they can go home and campaign and say we tried. Host we have talked about the house and the white house, we have not talked about the senate, especially Senate Republicans. Where are Senate Republicans on an updated stimulus bill . Guest Senate Republicans have been divided on this from may onward. Mitch mcconnell put a pause on doing another round of virus stimulus. Viewers will remember congress did pass several bills in the spring and there was a sense there might be a v shape recovery. There was already a deficit. 20 of his own members would not vote for a 1 trillion bill, that puts them in a weak position. He came up with one between 300 billion and 650 billion, and that had all republicans on board except for rand paul. He is working hand in glove with administration, making it clear his members cannot support 2 trillion. They could possibly support something closer to 1. 5 trillion, depending on what is in it. He is working behind the scenes but is not actually in the talks part he gave comments to reporters yesterday, saying i wish them well. He is a major player in town and he is talking like an onlooker. Wasson of bloomberg, we know talks will continue in some form. What are you looking for in the days ahead . Guest we really want to see more detail about the offers going back and forth. Is pelosi willing to come down off of 2 trillion . For republicans, that is a key number. One thing a lot of budget experts say, are there ways to cancel unspent Federal Reserve loan authority, call back unused Paycheck Protection Program funds, are there ways to pay for this . If you can put that in there, that sometimes can seal the deal in d. C. , both sides consider this bill is my amount, but if you look at it, it has these spending cuts elsewhere. Ifget experts i spoke to say they are serious about a deal, there are technical ways they can bridge the gap. Host thank you for the update on congressional action. Appreciate it. Guest thank you so much. Host some related headlines, here is the washington post, new layoffs further stress the u. S. Economy. One of their lead items. Recovery could be reversed. Wall street journal lead story, layoffs flow, u. S. Recovery, waiting on jobless figures to come out and about 40 minutes or so, we will let you know what those numbers are. The last numbers we expect to see before the election. Following the news of the president s diagnosis with covid19, you can see a lot of red here, all of the market futures are down, beginning with the dow down 400plus points heading into the open in about 90 minutes or so. Back to your calls on the news about the president and the first lady testing positive for covid19. Brenda, houston, texas, democrat, thank you for waiting. Caller thank you for taking my call, paul, it has been a long time since i have spoken to you. Host good to have you back. Caller i am happy to see you back on. You are definitely one of my favorites. I am not going to be very pleasant. I first want to say, to that caller from illinois, a republican scolding democrats about keeping our negative remarks to ourselves and leaving the country. Well, this president has been nothing but negative. To your question i believe it is a hoax, just like he said when this virus first came about and was acknowledged publicly, he said that it was a democrat hoax. He lied, and at the same time, he was talking to woodward, saying how bad it was. What is wrong with these followers of his . He is a miserable, failed president , and a miserable, failed human being. Weaknk he is a liar, he is , i do not believe one i dont believe anything about it. I think they put their little friend up that gave it to them. He does not have it. He was a complete failure at that debate the other night. There was a fallout from it and he is trying to save face. I want him to come back into the debate. Of course, we will have to shut down his mic. I do not want him to die. Oh, no, no, no, no. I want him to face charges when he gets out of the white house. An example needs to be made of him so nobody thinks they can t,me here and be and autocra or whatever you want to call these people who want to rule people unfairly, i want him to face charges print he should be made an example of have a nice day. Caller have a nice day. Host joanne calling from the independent line. Believei do not anything they are saying about trump. I do not believe he has covid, nor his wife peered they are making all of this nor his wife. They are making this up because he does not want to debate with biden. I do not believe this. This is a hoax, what he always says. Stephen garcia says it does not matter where you stand in the aisle, please wear your masks. That is a text this morning. A virginia viewer writes trump is faking the virus. The first lady would never be involved in faking during the virus. You should be concerned your fragile joe biden right have gotten the virus. Be careful what you wish for, another viewer writes. Not be president might capable of signing a stimulus bill. A text for michigan, i hope everything works out well for them. Despite the politics, i do not want anyone to suffer from this disease. Mask, distance, get tested, Pay Attention to what is happening. Hot springs National Park in arkansas, republican, hello there. Caller good morning. I am a republican. Foremost, i look at this as these people are human. When everybody comes in and severely, mouthing so you really, really need to watch what you say and how you present yourself. Justave several democrats, because you see them on tv with that mask, do not fool yourself, do not think they are wearing it all the time. If biden comes down with that, due to the fact he is getting dementia, he will be in worse shape than anyone. Matter what you are, people to other human beings. This is a man who ran for president , he won. The way i look at it, if you do not like how he is running the country, i know a lot of people bags,his wrong, pack your move to another country, and see what it is like living there. Ofyou have any kind religion, you dont wish any bad on other people. Let me tell you something, that will is a bitch and it kick you in the butt. His wife is not stupid enough to go along with some big plan. Neither is our president. It is just a shame that so many negative people and hateful people are saying the terrible things they are saying. Host i am going to let you go, give some time to some other callers this 20. James is up from tennessee, independent caller. James, are you there . Tennessee,an in democratic caller. Caller hello, paul. Good talking to you. I appreciate the work you and your moderators do. Sometimes, i dont know how you keep a straight face on some of these comments. I do enjoy listening to my fellow americans comments, this is the best program on american tv. I want to propose this too many of my fellow americans are brainwashed. I started taking the wall street journal in january, i had not taken a newspaper down here in this remote region of appalachia in a long time and i so missed the newspaper. I was enjoying it. I tend to lean left, and the wall street journal, that is owned by fox news liens right, and i understand that. Right, and i understand that. I was enjoying it and i noticed they started slanting the news more and more. Was a letter written to the upper management of wall street journal of the 280 editors, journalists and other news people of fox news, to upper management, telling them they are slanting the news too much, you are jeopardizing the integrity of the news. Murdoch, the son, quit in protest of the organization. Do people not understand that ax tv has turned it into state media outlet . If you do not get more than one source of information, you will be brainwashed. Remember back in the date when they asked sarah palin where she got her information, what did she read . She got offended by that. It is like to sarah palin syndrome. Getnt know, paul, i will off of here and let other people speak, but people, get more than one news source. Every time i ask a friend or family where they get their news and they want to vote for trump, the get their news from fox. Open your eyes. I am rambling. Thank you for taking my call. Drew lets get a call from in new jersey, independent caller. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. Hereld like to say we are where he has a fundraiser. Mediaare alerts on social about concerns about shutting down the schools. Since february, he said it would disappear. Go away. Willhis that the sun kil it. Maybe he is on an iv of bleach, who knows. I cant believe you have people calling how the democrats and independents should not be saying things like that. It is unbelievable. Hopefully people will wake up and realize that. We have almost 200,000 People Per Day because of this one person. It is unbelievable. Just unbelievable. We have one hour left. It is 8 00 eastern time. The house comes in at 9 00 a. M. Eastern time today. We will keep this forum open for another hour to take your calls and tweets and texts and facebook posts as well. The vicen omalley, president s press secretary, Vice President pence is tested for covid19 every day. He said the Vice President and second lady tested negative for covid19. The Vice President remains in good health and wishes the trumps well in their recovery. There is the reaction from members of congress that we have been showing you. Here is more from donna shalala. President trump testing positive for covid19 makes it clear that this virus can affect everyone. We must all do our part by wearing a mask and washing hands. Wishing him and the first lady lady a swift and healthy recovery. Kevin mccarthy, the republican leader said President Trump is a fighter through and through. Please join me in praying for a complete and speedy recovery for him and our first lady. And wishes to the president first lady lady on a full recovery and the health and wellbeing of their family, white house staff and those around them. And Governor Brian Kemp of georgia, first lady, the girls and i wished President Trump and the first lady a recovery. Prayers are with them and the family. That is from Governor Kemp in georgia. Next, we talked to robert in aurora, indiana. He is on the republican line. Good morning. Caller yes. I hope the president is listening. I hope for a full recovery for he and his wife. I cant understand these people calling in and saying this is a hoax. How about the other countries . Who caused this virus in other countries . Man did not have to run for president. Put himthey want to down and you get people like pelosi and these idiots, they call themselves democrats. Have it in the Democrat Party. There are a lot of bad people in this world. Look at the cities. He is trying to clear that up and these idiot democrats are not letting him do it. Robert. At was lets go over to nora. Nora is in the bronx, new york city, democrat caller. What is your reaction to the news . Caller good morning and thank you for taking my call. I am calling as an american that i wish, of course, the president and his wife and hope hicks a recovery. Overlets also pray about 200,000 americans who have died from this virus. The president did nothing to help these people. Lets not bash people because i am a democrat and somebody else is a republican and somebody else is an independent. We are all people. I am not leaving this country. The lady said we should pack our bags if i am not happy. I love my country. I am a true american, born, bred and raised in new york city and the United States of america. , the man not forget said that this was a hoax. You dont need to wear a mask and look what happened. Lets be responsible, people. And care about people. Lets wear a mask and lets do social distancing. As a retired health care professional, your life and your health is very important to everyone. I dont care what color you are, what ethnic background you come from, who you pray to, we are all american. Lets stop all of this naysaying and hateful rhetoric that, because i am a democrat, that i must be stupid or ignorant or i am against this, that and the other. The American People have a voice. Voter suppression is out there and we must not suppress the votes and allow people to vote however they do, in person, absentee or early voting. Thank you very much and that is all i have to say. Host from east over to west, oregon, it is francis. They had an outbreak before us before nobody when nobody knew what it was very they had 413 deaths as of today. You multiply that number by to compare the two populations, their equivalent would be about 2500 deaths. By election day, we will have 100 times as many deaths as south korea. It is entirely the fault of our president. From his First Talking about there would be no deaths at all or less than 15 or it is a miracle or he has remedies, this is his fault. He has been voiced with his own to target. The headline at the daily entst. Com says trump w ahead with golf Club Fundraiser after hope hicks tested positive. It looks like the president is leaving the white house to go to jersey, where he was last night. Hours before the president announced he tested positive for covid19, he was mingling with fundraisers at an event held at a new Jersey Golf Club and posted a photo op with supporter. Supporters. The event went ahead after hope hicks tested positive according to multiple reports. This is being reported at the daily beast. Com. He was last seen in public thursday afternoon when he headed home to the white house. After the fundraising trip, the was a minister. They were promised a photo opportunity with the president meete was scheduled to with his campaign. Despite the hicks test, the event went ahead as planned. She wrote, as for all of you who have expressed concern for me, thank you for that. We posed for literally 30 seconds for the photo and other than that, i was never close to him. She added she was praying for trump. That is part of the reporting from the daily beast. Com. Lucy is calling from tampa, florida. Good morning. Caller thank you for getting my call. I am calling because i am a cubanamerican and we need to pray for the president and for this country. In cuba and raised in the United States. What is going on is completely wrong. He is a human being like everybody else. Nobody is exempt from getting the virus. We need to follow the protocol but we dont need to hold hate in our hearts because he is a human being. If you believe in god and you know that god made you and him and biden, we need to pray for both of them that god will give them guidance and be able to do what they are supposed to do. Is, not saying that this and he deserves what he gets, nobody karma and he deserves what he gets, nobody deserves this virus. Not trump, not biden. We need to pray for this country and all this hatred away. It is like cancer that comes into this country. Coming from the country i came from, my parents lost all of their properties. I have a cousin that was killed by castro. You dont know what communism is. Buy some food and you have to get a card and stand two hours in line and you dont get food and they say come back tomorrow and when you come back the next day, there is nothing. We are blessed in this country. We should pray for President Trump and Vice President biden. Put all of the hatred aside, please. I beg you, things are getting worse because of the hate that people have in this country. Thank you for taking my call. I am praying for you and god bless you. Host thank you for calling, lucy. Here is a text from bob in missouri. His best friend might give him the virus again, take preventative measures at all times writes bob. Florida says the president risked his life to get reelected. He knows that it is a deadly virus firsthand. Now all that is coming out is conspiracy theorists. This is wrong. The fact our politicians are divided could be a direct function of our society. This is in ukraine what the callers inhumane what the callers are saying, shame on them. They were saying the breadth of this problem as far as the white house goes, the trump infection puts a large circle of white house aides at risk. They wrote the president interacted or traveled with a large amount of top aides and advisors for the day of his a widespreadsking outbreak in the white house. Fell ill on wednesday night. She traveled with trump to the president ial debate on tuesday and made Campaign Stops in minnesota on wednesday. She was seen in close quarters with several other officials including Stephen Miller and jason miller. Depending on how far the virus spreads through the holes of the west wing and congress, writes bloomberg, as well as the president s campaign headquarters, much more might be much more travel schedules might be derailed. For amyirmation process Coney Barrett could be delayed writes bloomberg. From grant from mcdonough, georgia, to a credit line. What is your reaction . Caller good morning morning, paul. I would like to try to keep my with the topic this morning of the corona and the president s diagnosis. First of all, let me say that my prayers go out to President Trump and to all americans who have been diagnosed with this horrible virus. Thertunately, many of Republican Trump supporters are being judgmental of other christians. I should remind them that, yes, god does allow even lowly democrats such as myself to be children of his. A few callers back, this lady said that if you consider yourself to be a christian, you dont wish ill on anyone else. Well, that is exactly what our president does on nearly a daily basis. He is not a very wise man. He does indeed wish ill upon many of the very americans that he has been blessed to preside over. And those are facts. Those are not my fax, those are facts, those are facts. Said thefrom cuba virus comes from china. Ironically, i read a text last night from the president , as he hopeaying that he wishes hicks well as she has been stricken with this covid19. And, you know, i said wow. It is amazing how quickly we learn the lesson of humility. Theften, he has called this china virus. And it was ironic that last night, he had some decency and respect about himself to refer to this virus as the doctors have been telling us, that we can save human and american lives by simply wearing a mask. I hope that we will all take a lesson from this and that we will not only be concerned with ourselves and our fellow wearcans, wher gloves and wash our masks wear masks and wash our hands frequently. Host this is the President Trump last night at 10 45 p. M. He tweeted a, who has been working so hard without taking a small break has tested positive for covid19. The first lady and i are waiting for our test results. We will begin our quarantine process. This was 10 45 last night. A couple of hours later we saw another tweet from the president saying that he does have covid19, along with the first lady. Thatfer jacobs reports some of trumps closest aides reported the president was feeling poorly. The president seemed exhausted. Some chalked it up to fatigue from an intense Campaign Schedule and others worry he had coronavirus. , this one from selena. Stephen nugent met with trump wednesday and they met with closely nancy pelosi for 90 minutes. Some more of the dialogue about the president over the last couple of days. Been wednesday evening. Some shots of the present with amy Coney Barrett at the white house. Scott, calling from hutchinson, kansas. What do you have to say . Caller good morning, paul. You can hear me, right . Host yes sir. Caller i wish the president well. I think that it is a terrible thing when people get sick and want a good recovery. My thoughts were i read the book, the great influenza. History does not always repeat but sometimes it can rhyme. The book that john berry wrote had a little bit about president wilson. And people felt like he contacted the flu to a small degree but it did affect him. Like some people get it today and they can be called long callers. They have symptoms that last for a while he for they have a full recovery. As a result of the illness, they theorize that the verse aisles treaty after world war i versailles treaty after world war i, he was not fully aware. As a result, that treaty did not have american influence that probably could have prevented world war ii. My point is that we wish the president well but the people around him can help. If the president becomes incapacitated, at what point does the Vice President step in . I dont know. One. , i wish ill on no i hope for the best. Thank you for taking my call this morning. Host thank you for calling. In pennsylvania, a republican, good morning. Caller good morning. I wish you well. I am calling. One, i hope that we would all be sincere about wishing the president and first lady well. Not bashing. Prayingim well and i am for him. But, i will go into a rant. I want to comment. I know my comment means something to someone wells someone else. I take comment as comments as i hear them and i think about them. My comment is basically that our president has a job running the country. He has a reelection he has to do. Fauci was on tv the other day and he was talking about wearing a mask and not wearing a mask. Is not just everybody wear a mask and that is the answer. The comments like on the local news, he got what he deserved and stuff like that, i am calling because i want to say that if the Democrat Party would have worked with the white house, then nobody would have been able to stand in the blame is on, individually blame zone individually. The governor of new york could not point fingers at the president , the president could not point fingers at the governor. It would have been like 9 11, we all Work Together and lets take care of this problem, other than pointing fingers at each other. And who helped and who didnt help. This will be maybe another learning lesson that our country has support together. Stop if we areto ever going to get through any of this. Again, i want to wish everybody that has come in contact with this including our first lady and the president , our prayers and best wishes go out. Lets be part of running this country together as american as best americans as best we can. Be on thefauci will program this coming sunday. The house comes in at 9 00. They have a couple of resolutions on this friday. They may have a one minute period where members can talk about anything they like. We will see if members will take to the floor and speak about the president s diagnosis or the first ladys diagnosis. Alex azar testifying this morning on the hill in about 40 minutes. This is not 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan two. 9 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan two. Mr. Clyburn and mr. Scullys are the leaders of that committee. We will hear them talk about the president as well. Weefully mr. Hopefully will have an update hopefully mr. As i will have an update. Zar will have an update. Theer i am calling from democratic line. I hope the president and first lady and everyone who has contacted coronavirus can get through it healthy and safe. We know that that is not the case. I truly believe donald trump has divided this country quite a bit because i hear callers calling in and they rant and rave and that will not get us anywhere. We are all in this together. Virus,e get through this the country is hurting badly. People are losing their homes, losing their jobs and it is serious. But, we have to come together. I will give you an example about trump. Rally scheduled in wisconsin for tomorrow. And the cases in wisconsin have been going through the roof. Crosse is at an alltime high and he was going to have the rally until two days ago. The people who were going to show up at the rally have decided who they are going to vote for. It is something to stroke his ego. Host we are looking at a New York Times map showing the hotspots around the country. A lot of dark in wisconsin. Where exactly are you . Caller 25 miles south. Wisconsin has not been shut down much at all. The restaurants have been open all summer and fall. It is starting to explode again. Just the point i am trying to make is we have to come together. Until we beat this virus, nothing else truly matters. Because the economy will be incomplete recession. That is if not for the federal government pumping trillions of dollars into the economy. They need to at this point in time. My god, we have to Work Together on this and get through this virus. I think that wearing a mask is a simple thing. Hear people calling in and saying we dont need to wear a mask. Until we can actually get this thing under control, this country is considered the greatest country on earth. I truly believe that. We have to come together. People calling in ranting and raving, that does not get us anywhere. People, come together and lets do this for the country. Thank you. Host that was tim from wisconsin. Of cnn tweeted something new in light of the president s positive test. Joe biden is expected to get tested for coronavirus this morning. That is according to a source familiar with his plans. Get another call, juliet from chattanooga, tennessee. An independent caller. Hey, juliet. Caller hi. How are you . Sorry that this happened but it is an experience that in theucate people United States. Eightily, we have had , agess with the virus from eight to 72. All of them with underlying problems. At this point, we have one still in the hospital. They have been for two months. We are hoping that we are not affected again with this virus. That so many people have had it and have to deal with it. It is one thing that those who have had it in our family, theyse we have a mask on, dont want to get it again. It is not very good. For those who have underlying problems. Situation with this is that will,esident hopefully after this experience, encourage all of us to do exactly what the cdc says and he will not. Those wh he has a mouth that does not tell the truth. See, on paper, myself know from a truthful person in the medical field that he has covid, im not going to believe it. You all have a wonderful day. Host that was juliet from tennessee. But treasury secretary tweeting that as part of regular protocols, secretary mnuchin has been tested daily for covid19. He tested negative this morning and will continue to be tested daily. Theointed out earlier but treasury secretary spent a considerable amount of time with the president. He was physically with nancy pelosi this weekend. They were negotiation negotiating the covid relief bill. He tested negative this morning. Gerry connolly tweets this this morning. More congressional reaction. I am wishing the president and first lady a full and speedy recovery. Now, President Trump must quarantine completely and straightly thought of follow c to seek guidance. Cdc guidance. The rallies must stop. This is not a hoax. Writes our hopes and prayers are with the president. No one is exempt. Until there is a vaccine, our best defense is to mask up, socially distance and follow cdc guidelines. Representative dean phillips, covid19 is a serious and unpredictable disease. I wish the president , first lady and hope hicks a speedy recovery. I hope those in my district in minnesota who i have those in my district in minnesota who may have been exposed on my mind. Rogers, calling from texas. Republican caller. Nancy, welcome to the program. Caller good morning. Thank you. Have called a lot of times. First time getting in. Thank you for that. I just want to say that i am a trump supporter. I believe he is one of the best president s that we have had in a long time. I am 76 years old. I have seen a few president s. I dont think that this is a hoax. I am praying for President Trump and the first lady. Of course, i have been praying all along for everybody that gets this disease. It is a terrible thing and i dont think our president caused it. I hate to hear people say that. I do believe it came from china. Sometimes i think it may have been on purpose. I just dont know for sure about that. Iso think that our president doing all he can do. And he does not have much help from the congress that he should have. Officeshould respect his but they do not. Thank you. Host on to cheryl. Waterbury, connecticut, democratic caller. Caller good morning. What i would like to say is i was never one to get into politics. Growing up, i did not care for it. Recently, i have been watching and mainly because i came down with coronavirus. I did not know i was sick. I cap western inc. Over and over again, are you sure it is me i kept questioning over and over again are you sure it is me . The president has no compassion and no gentleman etiquette. If you are going to be representing your country, you have to know how to carry yourself you are around other professional people. He asked like the child you dont want coming into your house because you know they will act out. He does not do anything that you saysoint toward that resident trump did that. He will mock the handicapped. He will fire you or make fun of you. We all have thoughts and things we want to say to people. But you just dont say it. And him being the commander in chief, once the coronavirus did should do ishe wear a mask in public. If you would have done it and been honest from the beginning, everybody else would have worn a mask that wanted to or believed they should. They might be alive today. He points the finger at china, china, china. It does not matter where it arrived from. It is here and it has been here. Stand up, put your big man underwear on, be the commanderinchief you are supposed to be and help your people. He is all for himself. The only thing he wants to do is worry about the stock market. That is the only thing he is concerned with. Talking about the coronavirus. Did you see the stock market went up . Making fun of Vice President biden, talking about him wearing a mask as big as he can find and wherever he goes, it tells you that biden should be the leader of our world. Excuse me, i am nervous. Cheryl pointsod, out the exchange from the debate the other night and earlier this week. Here is the exchange between the president and former Vice President , concerning masks. [video clip] you have begun to increasingly question the effectiveness of masks as a disease preventer. Ofently, you cited the issue waiters touching their masks and touching place. Are you questioning pres. Trump you have to understand, i have a mask right here. I will put a mask on when i think i need it. Everybody has had a test and you have had social distancing and all of the things you have had to. I will wear a mass when needed. When needed, i wear a mask. I dont wear a mask like him, every time you see him, he has a mastery he could be 200 feet away and he has the biggest mask i have ever seen. The way to open businesses is giving them the wherewithal to be able to open. We provided money i was asking about masks. Masks make a big difference. His own head of cdc said if everybody wore a mask and socially distanced between now to january we would save up 100,000 lives. It matters. Pres. Trump they have also said the opposite. No serious person said the opposite. T pres. Trump dr. Fauci said the opposite. Masks are not good. Then he changed his mind and said masks are good. I am ok with masks. Host that is from the debate on tuesday night. Clay, independent color, hello. Caller i am glad i got on at that time. That daily beast article that you read, if you read the next would have said donald trump did not wear a mask at his golf course fundraiser last night which he always seems to be on. He did not wear one last night, waiting for the results of his test because hope hicks got the virus. He did not have one on when he came back from the fundraiser to the white house. Obviously is not taking this seriously. Host that was clay. In floor, republican all. Hey, donna. Caller thank you for having me. President ke to wish trump and the first lady a speedy recovery. And about the mask. [laughter] i think we should all be responsible for ourselves and to for blaming the president our sicknesses and us not wearing our own mask. I believe that everybody around the president should have our mask on. He is the president of the United States. You should have a little respect. A lot of respect, excuse me. I just think it is incredible to be saying put his big boy pants on and all that. He is doing it for the United States. Between the republicans and the democrats, they are bickering back and forth. It is not onesided. I just wish all of america speedy recovery who has the corona. Thank you for having me. Host thank you for calling. We see joe biden there with his wife, dr. Jill biden, following the debate. We will have to see how this plays out. Thewall street journal Said Campaign was going to be hitting the streets, he would begin doortodoor knocking this week. Democraticafter some battleground states expressed concerns about caution and social distancing. That is what the wall street journal put to the press before all of this happened. We will see how the Vice President s campaign will change and the Overall Campaign is going to change. There was going to be a lot of rallies and personal appearances in the coming days. Here is mitch mcconnell, the majority leader tweeting about the desk in the senate tweeting about the president in the senate tweeting about the president. Following the test for covid19, lets continue to pray today and everyday for our president and first lady and for all those impacted by covid19. That is mitch mcconnell. Senator angus king of maine said my thoughts are with President Trump and the first lady who joined more than 7 Million People who have contracted coronavirus. I wish them the best as they begin the recovery process. That was angus king. He also tweets that this is another reminder that the virus can affect anyone, regardless of your politics or your power. This is a dangerous illness, writes senator king. And for the good of the country, we must all Work Together for the science and strengthen our together, follow the signs and strengthen our National Response to a lets go to john. Caller i would like to wish the a speedy recovery. This is the same commanderinchief that told us that this is a hoax, a democratic hoax. Americans, as believe this guy . I was in the military for 21 years. A good leader leads by example. On the mask, he would see how American People put on a mask. Saidler from arkansas leave the country. A young lady, i am from camden, arkansas. I have traveled this whole world, 32 countries. If she would do some history and look up the elaine massacre in arkansas in 1912, i believe it was. How can we believe this and respecten the office and respect him when he has called the lady he was running against, look at that phase, thats respect . And then he will say to another , go back to your country. They want them to respect the president but he has not respected anybody else prayed he has never said sorry to anybody anybody else. He has never said sorry to anybody in his life. Host the september jobless rates, seven point 9 . It continues to drop of it. A lot of estimates had it staying over eight. The number of jobs added at 661,000. We will see how that plays out in terms of reaction throughout the day. Continuing to get your reaction to the news the president and first lady tested positive for coronavirus trade the news came out at 1 00 in the morning today. Freddie in indianapolis, independent color. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host good morning. Caller i am a black vietnam veteran. Host ok. Caller i joined the service during the time of the civil rights movement. I joined because i believed in this country. I believed in the words a more perfect union. I went to vietnam and fought g dogs onle were sickin my people in the streets of america. On, trump,was going the draft dodger, hid from the war. Today, over 200,000 americans are dead. A few more could have been saved if republicans and those out there would have worn their mask. But, no. They will not wear a mask. Me. Dont care about if they cared about me, they would have worn a mask. To prevent themselves from getting this disease and possibly preventing others from getting the disease. Now that the president has gotten this disease, i do not have a prayer for him. Only one third of my prayers have been answered. I have two thirds more to go and that would depend on what happens to the president. From that was freddie indianapolis. Another text from greg in lexington, kentucky. Isis only natural that this met by many with skepticism and doubts. Michelle from illinois wrote i guess hydroxychloroquine did not help as a preventative preventative. 14 daysknow in the next what his body will be able to handle. Thankfully we know pretty much nobody dies from covid. We love you, President Trump. Thatashington post writes President Trump has joined a growing list of World Leaders who have contracted covid19. We told you about Boris Johnson being the first major world leader to contract covid19 in april. The president of brazil announced his illness in july. The honduras president , Juan Orlando Hernandez announced he tested positive in june. The president of belarus dismissed concerns about the virus as psychosis and recommended drinking vodka to stay healthy. He got sick in july. They go on and on. The guatemalan president and the bolivian president and the democratic republics president , irani leaves her irani leaders, israeli leaders, you can read that at huffington post. Com. About leaders who have contracted covid. We have a call from indiana, it is john calling. Lets see if we can get john, republican. Good morning. Caller good morning. Host yes, sir. President s, i wish trump the best. I think he is doing a fantastic job. Host anything else . I think that is it from john. Lets go to raul in laurel, maryland. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for having me. , you of all, i want to say know, the thing about wearing masks, i want to remind people that it is not just taking care of yourself. It is taking care of others. That you could pass it on to somebody else with or without a mask. So, the wearing of masks is everybodys responsibility. We are hearing a lot of people who support trump talking about coming together. But we need to stop letting politics divide us so much. E all have our points of view but, last time i was born in a country and i hope that we having a country where people come together. The other thing i want to say i want to say one thing about trump. I think we have a lot of people saying he is a racist and he is this and that. It is actually really that he is none of those things. He is nothing. The people that support trump for various reasons, whether it is abortion, racism, need to look at what is happened what has happened. He hires what he thinks are the smartest people. They stopped going along with him, he fires them and calls them the dumbest people. That is what he is doing to all of you who support trump. He things of you as stupid. That is why he said stanback and standby to the proud boys. It is not that he loves the proud boys or even knew about them. It is that he will do anything to keep power. That is my comment. Host craig from tulsa, oklahoma. Good morning to you, craig. You are on the republican line. Good morning. Caller good morning. We need to put our way up our put away our politics and scapegoating and pray for all of our leaders. Edgar allan poe wrote a short story called the mask of red midnight at this is what covid is. It is a reminder that we all have an appointment. And i think what it tells us and why it was allowed to happen is because it points us toward the author of life. One named jesus. He conquered death. I think we need to be ready. Periodicallyder through history that it flashes through and makes an appearance. We need to be ready for death. In the meantime, love each other, Work Together, pray for our leaders and lets go forward as a country. Thank you. Host ruth from beacon, illinois. Independent color. Hello to you. Caller. Hello to you. Caller good morning to you. Trump did not say the virus was a hoax. It was people from cnn who praised china and said trump nothing about what he was talking about. That was the hoax. Are you there . Host we are listening. Keep going. The second thing is dr. We watched found she on the news every day. He said masks were no good. Later on, he said where a mask. That was two or three months later that he said where the mask. Wear a mask. That was two or three months later that he said where a mask wear a mask. If people would listen, i am glad that black people can stand up for a man that stood against Martin Luther king jr. Wallace,up for george the kkk once endorsed him when he was running for office. Cspan had on some dingbats last week. I wish cspan would put on somebody like forced cooper woodson. Oper or bob someone who stands up for donald trump. I wish this would be done. Thank you, cspan. Thank you for calling. Here is politico tweeting that secretary of state mike pompeo told reporters today that he tested negative for covid19 earlier this morning and that the last time he was with the president was on september 15. Joe biden, tweeting this morning that jill and i send our thoughts to preston trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump for a swift recovery. We will continue to pray for President Trump and his family. Relateder health care stories, running through some of the headlines for you, the Washington Times tells us that hospitals are able to order treatment from distributors. Hospitals can order a coronavirus treatment directly from its maker and distribute her instead of relying on the government as a gobetween. The Trump Administration said supply of the drug exceeds demand. That is from the Washington Times. Here are a couple of things around the country, the New York Times says new york city becomes the first big city to reopen all of its schools. We are talking about 500,000 students. At the Washington Times metro section, marylanders are allowing Childcare Centers to fully reopen its doors in the next couple of days. Usa today has the story. A new poll suggests that one in three parents will not vaccinate their kids against the flu. They say they do not see it as urgent this year. Just some of the headlines this morning. We have jane in youngstown, ohio. Democrat line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Paul, i was calling with our recommendation. Have you heard of the article in the atlantic by bart gilman . It is called the big story, the election that could break america. I think it is the most important story. Have you heard of it . Host tell us what you have. Caller it is the atlantic by bart gilman. It is i used to live in pennsylvania for its some of the people that are named, i can see it is true. It is a sourced story. Some of the people that are named, i can see it is true. In trumps leaders being impaneled regardless of which candidate receives the most votes. Jay korman, who i knew, because i used to live in state college, he is you must read it. State legislatures are going to decide who the pennsylvania voters, who they voted for. They will not count the votes. They are going to say there is confusion. We do not know these mailings. There might be some fraud. Please call his office and tell we are not going to give our votes away. He says the longer it goes on, the more opinions and more theories and conspiracies created, he told me. , thee controversy persists legislature will have no choice but to appoint electors. We dont want to go down that road. We understand where the law takes us and we will follow the law. Also, there are other states that are controlled by republicans and state legislature. So, they are planning to do that too. The other thing that just came out yesterday is that there is a second scheme in pennsylvania to come up with Election Integrity commission. They want to subpoena and do investigations while the election is being held. It is being resisted by democrats in pennsylvania. There is a man by the name of nelkin malcolm. There is a Youtube Video of him attempt to have a free and Fair Election in pennsylvania and have the Voters Decide who gets the vote. Very timely manner. I am so shook up by it. Have him on. N like it is ands Conspiracy Theory but you must read the article. For calling and sharing. We have about 10 minutes left. Here is secretary alex azar testifying this morning. He is tweeting ahead of his testimony that out of an abundance of caution, i was tested for qandil for covid19 this morning prayed the result was negative. We are seeing the president and first lady we are wishing the president and first lady a swift recovery prayed he will testify in 10 minutes, cspan two, 9 00 a. M. Eastern time swift recovery. He will testify in 10 minutes, cspan two at 9 00 a. M. Eastern time. Dr. Fauci said he has not spoken with President Trump since the positive covid19 testers all prayed we have a call from nancy. She is in evans, georgia. Nancy, what would you like to say . Caller i thought these calls that were coming in were supposed to be about covid19. My entire family is in medicine. My husband is a pr trauma doctor. My doctor is an icu nurse. Covidhew was a runs a lab in a large city. We have been living this on a daily basis ever since it started. It was in this country before the cdc let us know it was here. As far as the masks goes, this is what i want people to know. I have a grandson who has type 1 diabetes. He is 11 years old. Everybody in our family wears a mask. To protect him. My grandson, his sister and his mother got covid19. We all wear our masks. We wash our hands. We do everything we are supposed to. We are very aware of it because this is our life and it is everyday. I had be quarantined in house for five months just to make sure that when my husband came home from the hospital that if he had something, i would not give it to my grandson. And if i was around somebody, i would not give it to my husband and he would give it to somebody at the hospital. That being said, most of the people that surround this are medical people. My best friends husband, who is an er doctor, got covid19. He was in the house with six other people. None of them wore masks. He was the only one in the house that got it. And he was very ill. Not one of them got it. So, this is a very unpredictable virus. This is not some junk that people are calling here and saying i read this and i read that. I live this every single day. This is something that is very personal to me because everybody in my family is in medicine. Nobody understands this virus. Even when we get a vaccine, we have a vaccine for flu. People get the flu every year. People blame President Trump for this. It is ridiculous. This is not anybodys fault i dont know where it came from. Individual is ridiculous. This is something that nobody totally understands. I watched every single one of the things from found she and all of them. And he did tell us not to wear masks in the beginning. And then he said to wear them. Every other day, Something Different comes out from the cdc. I can tell you this area my husband works a huge Medical Center that is a medical college. The government thanks thinks that trump has cut a lot of red ties to get medicine to these facilities. The people who are reading this stuff for people who do not live it every day, they do not know what they are talking about. We need to pray for our country. I am so sick and tired of seeing people get on here and say stop and think they know what will have a clue. Will day. I will tell you this. We live this everything will day. Will tell you this. We had masks on, we took them off and asked to sit outside. We can only do what we can do. They need to wait blaming one person for this. It is ridiculous. Host thanks for calling. Reporting from the New York Times this morning, they are saying the white house is not saying how long the president will have to remain isolated but they canceled their plans to fly to florida for a Campaign Rally today. Appearances at rallies in wisconsin on saturday and arizona on monday will also be scrapped. 15 next date set for october in miami was left up in the air. President trump discussing whether he should give an address from the white house or find some other way for him to reassure the public. The aides were in a state of shock as they absorbed the news. There is no word on how far the infection may have spread among white house officials who generally do not wear a mask to the president. In deference to the president. A democrat rights to any members of congress who were in close quarters with the president , dont come to work today prayed that is why we put in place proxy voting work today. That is why we put in place proxy voting. We will watch out to see if any one minute speech period or special order speech period, where members can talk about anything, we will see if people will talk about the president and related matters. Donna from hampton, virginia. Independent, hello. Caller hello. I have a couple of comments. I usually get cut off. Goes, as the president everybody criticizes him for the things he has said. He was going by what his experts were telling him like the cdc and found she, who i have no faith in at all anymore from all of the back talking they have done. God bless him. He will be taken care of because the lord is looking out for him. I have a couple of things that i think would be beneficial, not just to the public but to you. I am 80 years old. Since covid started, i have gone out and i went out without a mask. I went three and four times a week and talked to people in stores. I have never been afraid of this because i take care of myself. And this is thanks to my doctor that i had for 25 years. I have taken, since i was four years old, at least 3000 to 5000 vitamin d every day and at least 3000 to 4000 vitamin c. I never get the flu shot. I never get the flu. I cant remember the last time i got a cold. Your immune system healthy. And you wont have to worry about these things. Host thank you for calling. I have about one minute left or so. Melanie tweeting this morning that congressman jim jordan is getting tested for coronavirus. The last time he was tested was tuesday and he received a negative diagnosis at that time. Todan traveled with trump ohio on air force one for the debate on tuesday. He did not they did not travel together on the way back. Wrap up the to program now and take you over to the floor of the u. S. House. We expect them to be in for a few hours. Proxy voting is still in place on the house floor. The floor will be open from embers to talk about any topics. We hope you will join us again tomorrow at 7 00 for another addition of the journal edition of the journal. We hope you have a great day. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] e chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. The clerk the speakers rooms, washington, d. C. October 2, 2020. I hereby apoint the honorable Henry Cuellar to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, nancy pelosi, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Dear lord, we give you thanks for giving us another day. The nation awakens to the news of the president having contracted the coronavirus. Countless numbers of other National Leaders and figures are

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