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Girl. E something are you happy in this modern world . Or do you need more . Is there Something Else youre searching for . Im falling findl the good times i myself longing for change and in the bad times i fear myself im off the deep end, watch as i dive in ill never meet the ground surface, wherehe they cant hurt us, we are far from the shallow now in the shallow, shallow shallowhallow, shallow, shallow we are far from the shallow now and i would like to seeing this to everybody. No matter who wins we are going to have to do this tomorrow. Peaceful. As to be boyll me something are you tired trying to fill that void . Or do you need more . Hard keeping it so hard . Hardcore . Im falling scream real loud if you are going to vote tomorrow. [cheers and applause] in all the good times i find myself longing for change and in the bad times i fear myself. Do you know this one . Do you want to sing it with me . Who is off the deep end that joe biden needs to be president of this country . Put your hands up, lets sing it. 1, 2, 3, 4. Im off the z bend, watch as i dive in, ill never meet the ground. Go out and vote. Crash through the surface, where they cant hurt us we are far from the shallow now shallowshallow, shallowhallow shallowhallow, real soon we are going to be far from the shallow. We are far from the shallow now [cheers and applause] gaga im going to tell you something. I have known joe for a long time. I was hanging out with him one day and i was like, joe, you are going to run for president , right . And we had a little talk and he did it but i was like, listen. We need you. Because we needed somebody that was going to bring us all together for this moment, this very important moment. Its going to be very clear what this country is tomorrow. If you know people that want to vote but they dont want to get them there. Now, listen. Lady gaga did you know i used to live here in lancaster, pennsylvania . Listen. Anybody here from lancaster . Ok. Well i was engaged to a man from lancaster, pennsylvania. I know. It did not work out. I loved him so much, it just did not work out. But i still love my pennsylvania guy. I love joe. Joe is my new pennsylvania guy. And i love nothing more than this moment for this time, for you and i. Since ien a long time came around been a long time but im back in town this time im not leaving without you lady gaga im not leaving without your vote tonight, you know that. You taste like whiskey when you kiss me, id give anything i doll o be her baby your baby doll this time im not leaving without you he said sit back down where you belong in the corner of my bar with your high heels on sit back down on the couch where we may love the first time and you said to me come on, put your hands up. Something, something about this place you love this place, dont you . Something, something about lonely nights and my lipstick on your face something, something about my yeah,ennsylvania guy, something about joe, you and i. Its been two years since isla hugo i could not listen to a joke or rock n roll truckscle cars drove a right through my heart on my birthday you sing me neil with guitar of gold humming and no clothes this time im not leaving without you you know, i put some country close on the other day and said i was voting for joe and i will not be told what i can and cannot wear to endorse our future president s. [cheers and applause] lady gaga so this is what i have to say about that. I may not always look like you, but i am you, we are each other. Sit back down where you belong withe corner of a bar your high heels on sit back down on the couch where lovede something, something about this place countrysidel myething about lonely nights lipstick all over your face something, something about my cool pennsylvania guy im not kidding, we need every single vote and im going to keep saying it. So put your hands up. For pennsylvania pennsylvania, pennsylvania, i love you, you and i hands up, come on , id rather die without you and i , id rather die i, you, without you and and i its been a long time since i and, you know. To my boyfriend who is here tonight, im sorry. Its been a long time but im back in town, and we are counting on you all tomorrow, ok . I know the goodhearted people here, my whole family in West Virginia next door, i know what this is. This is love. And this time im not leaving, this time im not leaving, im without america, i love you, i pray for you tomorrow. Lets win this. Pennsylvania go blue. Without you i love you so much, put your hands up, pennsylvania, for joe harris, 2020. A change for 2021. Lets vote trump out. [cheers and applause] be bulletproofl this time, baby, i will be bulletproof duffy. Se welcome john what is going on, pittsburgh . Good evening, everyone. My name is john duffy. I am a fourth Generation Union strong here in pittsburgh. [cheers and applause] [cars honking] i have been a proud member at 1050 84 11 years. Four years ago President Trump promised western pennsylvania he would create jobs. Today there are 200,000 fewer jobs in this state than when barack obama and joe biden left office. He campaigned in western pennsylvania in 2016 promising a major infrastructure bill. Infrastructure made with American Steel in pittsburgh. He never even really tried to deliver. Instead he spent his time giving tax breaks to wall street and the super wealthy while undermining unions and leaving working families behind. From the highest office in the world, he has fanned the flames of racial tension, putting the lives of 70 people that look like me in danger so many people that look like me in danger. We cannot stand for a president who thinks it is fine to keep workers down so long as the numbers on the stock market go up. We cannot keep waiting to hear what he will say next to deepen the Racial Division in this country. Electd to stand up and the only candidate in this race who shares the values of working people and will empower us to succeed. That is joe biden. Strugglestands the that working Community Space because joe is one of us. He is from pennsylvania. Scranton is not far away. The values joe learned in scranton, hard work, empathy, are the same values he has carried throughout his life as a public servant. Same they are the values he is going to take to the white house. As president joe is going to help communities recover from the coronavirus and then but working people in western pa and across this country at the center of efforts to build back a better economy. [cars honking] hes going to create millions of jobs and he will encourage unionization and collective bargaining because he knows that workers in unions, not wall street, built this country. [cars honking] joe is going to work to ensure that all people, regardless of love what, who they they do for living are treated with the equal amount of dignity and respect. Awaye a matter of hours from the end of the selection willhe work we do tomorrow determine whether we put a champion for the working class people in office or continue to be pushed around by President Trump. To me, the choice is easy. Tomorrow, lets get a plan, lets go out and lets vote, and lets vote for joe biden. Help me in welcoming the next president of United States, joe biden. [cheers and horns honking] im on the edge, the edge, the edge im on the edge of glory on with youing im on the edge with you mr. Biden hello, pittsburgh im joe biden. Gagas friend. We go back a while. She has spent a lot of time helping me with the violence against women act and so many women who needed help god love you, you are wonderful. Thank you, thank you, thank you. John, thank you for sharing your story, and thanks to mr. Mayor i dont know where you are, but i tell you what, thanks for the passport into town. And thanks for all the speakers we heard tonight as well as the incredible, as i said, lady gaga. You couldnt see but all of my grandkids were over there and win you were singing, they knew every word of every song, they were jumping and moving. Ive got to get a picture with them. Anyway. Doyledy, congressman mark , thank you for standing with me and fighting for the dignity of working people. Everyone you have heard from across the state as well as in philadelphia, we hear you loud and clearly. Congressman boyle has been with me a while, a remarkable friend. His dad and i grew up five blocks away from one another in scranton. Bob casey, Patti Labelle and john legend. John, im voting for you after that speech. Doug, i love you. Youre a good man. I want to thank the next Vice President of the United States, a woman i am so proud to run alongside, kamala harris. [cheers and horns honking] know as a scranton boy, and from claymont, delaware, i know its not always easy to bring western and eastern pennsylvania together, you know what, the steelers got a big win yesterday and the eagles got a big win last night. They can both be happy. [laughs] feeling wei have a are coming together for a big win tomorrow. [raucous cheering] my lord, there are a lot of you out here on this cold night. Thank you. Jump, i need you. Weks, look 18 months ago kicked off the campaign at the local 249 right here in pittsburgh. Pennsylvania for my first start as a candidate and now as my last stop before election day because you represent the backbone of this country. Asking forg families nothing but a fair shot, and ordinary people doing extraordinary things. The qualities that built this country, that created and sustained the middle class. , unionsay, as i said bill to the middle class. [cheers and horns honking] weve been through a lot in this country since we announced. America has faced a confluence of crises unlike anything in living memory. We are in the battle for the soul of america. Decency, honor and respect. They are gone with this president. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new day tomorrow we can put an end to a presidency that has left hardworking americans in the cold. To arow we can put an end president who has divided this nation and fanned the flames of hate. Tomorrow we can put an end to a presidency who has failed to protect this nation. Millionsd gentlemen, of americans have already voted, close to 100 million, and more will vote tomorrow. My message is simple the power to change this country is in your hands, in your hands [cheers and horns honking] i dont care how hard donald trump tries, there is nothing, nothing that will stop the people of this nation from voting, period. And when america votes, america will be heard america is heard, i believe the message will be loud and clear it is time for donald trump to pack his bags and go home [cheers and horns honking] believe that the vast majority the chaos, the corruption, the failure, the irresponsibility, the indifference to american lives, the indifference to american dignity. Weve got a lot of work to do. Not the vision and distraction, but real, real, real healing for this country. If you elect me as president , i will heal this country and we will act, we will act to get covid under control beginning day one. [cheers and horns honking] i will put an action plan ive been talking about for months, testing, tracing, a plan for a plan for full and Fair Distribution of therapeutics and a vaccine when it comes. Imagine, imagine where we could be if the president had only wore a mask in the beginning instead of mocking them. I can tell you this, as every expert will tell you, we would not have 9 billion covid cases in this nation, over 230,000 deaths, nearly 100,000 cases days ago, since two would not be facing another 200,000 deaths in the next few months that is what experts are telling us. Change, 200,000 more people will die by the end of the year. Januarysident knew in that this virus was deadly, but he hit it from the American People. He knew it was worth the flu worse than the flu but he lied to us. He knew it was not going to disappear, he kept telling us it would be over by easter. Last friday he had the gall to suggest that americas doctors, on the frontline line of the months, alongne with nurses and first responders, he suggested the doctors were falsely inflating the deaths due to covid because they wanted more money. s sake. I really mean it, think about it. Our Frontline Health care workers, they have suffered and sacrificed for nine words nine months in this question is questioning their character, integrity, commitment to their fellow americans . It is a disgrace say night, trump went on to he was going to fire dr. Fauci. Ive got a better idea, lets fire trump and i will hire fauci [cheers and horns honking] think about it. Trump has waived white flag of surrender. Insaid i am the commander chief and i will fight this fight with me a break. Give me a break. He waved the white flag of cement or of surrender. I will never surrender. The first step to beating the virus is beating donald trump. [cheers and horns honking] , let me tell you something , donald trump keeps telling us what a great job hes done as president. I i say, bless me father as [laughter] , donald trumputh will be the first president in 90 years that is a lot of president s the first president in 90 years to finish his term in office with fewer jobs than when he started. Analysis, not from a liberal think tank, but moodys, wall street firm, projects my plan will create 7 million more jobs and a trillion dollars worth of Economic Group growth more than anything the president has proposed. So we can do this. I am going to end trumps tax loopholes to incentivize companies to shift jobs overseas. Thats why theres not as many jobs here. Im going to at a 10 surtax on any company that ships jobs overseas. Companies that invest in american manufacturing, bring jobs back, will get that 10 tax credit. By the way, the president of the about 600 ,illion of contracts a year from building aircraft carriers to all the government spends. , itomise you this violates no trade agreement, there will be no government contracts given out on my watch that dont make all of the products here in america. The future will be made right here in america, in pennsylvania. [cheers and horns honking] folks, trump sees the world from park avenue. From wall street. Thats all he can see. I see it from scranton, where i grew up. I see it from pennsylvania and delaware. Wall street did not build this country, working people built this country, the middle class built the country, and unions built the middle class. [cheers and horns honking] dad used to have an expression. He said joe, the only way to deal with the abuse of power is with power. Deal with theo abuse of power in Corporate America is union power thats the only way he can be dealt with. If i am elected, you will see the most prounion president in American History sitting in the white house. I believe we should be about rewarding work, not wealth. Said,my plan, as kamala if you make less than 400,000, you will not pay a penny more in taxes. Finally, finally, the wealthiest among us, the biggest corporations, 91 of which on the fortune 500 pay zero in income tax, you will pay your fair share. Why . Why should an ironworker, an educator, a nurse pay a higher tax rate than the super wealthy . Ks here is a good one why should you be paying more than donald trump pays in taxes . [cheers and horns honking] he paid 750 in taxes one year. When they asked him about it a little before that, he said the reason he always paid that was because he was smart and he knew how to game the system. I am sick of the wealthy guys gaming the system [cheers and horns honking] most are willing to pay their fair share, but let me tell you, by the way, he loves to talk about corruption. [laughs] oh my lord. He loves to talk about corruption. We found out last week he is the only president ive ever heard of who has a secret bank account 50 times where he paid more taxes in beijing than he did in the United States. Folks, as my mother would have said, i enough is enough is enough. Look, we have to protect health care as well. Trump has been trying like the devil to eliminate the health care plan. Of economicbecause policies and so Many Companies going out of business, we already have 10 million americans who have already lost health care. Now trump and republicans jammed through a Supreme Court nominee for one overwhelming reason they want to destroy the Affordable Care act. If they get their way by the , this is not my problem by the way, this is what is going to happen, seven days after tomorrow they will be in the Supreme Court arguing to wipe out all of the Affordable Care act. You can say that again, a lot of people are hurting. I can remember as a kid growing wilmington,nt and splitlevel home with three kids and a grandfather. My dad ini could hear the next room talking to my mom. I asked about it the next morning and she said your dad just lost her Health Insurance. Aremany people do you know staring at the ceiling wondering what in gods name they are going to do without Health Insurance . How many of them . How many of them are worried like we were when our son came home dying . Ifonder what i wouldve done he wouldve had to suffer the last months in the hospital without insurance. How many of you worry about it . Worry about your kids, worry about what is happening . If they get their way, 100 million americans will lose protections for preexisting conditions, including 5 million pennsylvanians. It is wrong it is wrong donald trump look, folks. Consumer health care, i feel strongly about this. Donald trump thinks health care is a privilege. I think it is a right [cheers and horns honking] i will not only restore health care, i will build on it. You can keep your private insurance if you have it or choose a medicarelike option. We will increase subsidies to lower your deductibles and outofpocket spending, surprise billing. How will you do that . Trump and his buddies will pay more taxes so youll have to do more. [cheers and horns honking] didnt reduce if it sound so strange i would not even explain it we will reduce restructuring Prescription Drug costs by 60 to make sure medicare can negotiate with Drug Companies for the cost of drugs. Were going to make sure you keep protections for preexisting conditions. These guys are real, unfortunately. Meanwhile, trump has announced what he will do if he gets reelected with regards to Social Security. The actuary of Social Security has said trump were elected and can pass what he wants, it will bankrupt Social Security by 2023. You think im making it up, but just like i said when paul ryan was speaker of the house, i said they are going to cut medicare. Everybody said no, no. They tried to cut it by 5 billion right off the bat. Folks, these guys are serious. They never fully supported these programs. I will protect Social Security, medicare and medicaid, you have my word on it. [cheers and horns honking] , as we used to say in the senate, excuse a point of personal privilege nothing has made me more angry about this president than the way he has spoken about those of you who served in uniform. Losers and suckers, he referred to you. U, his twoau children are with us tonight. He gave up his job as attorney general to go to iraq for a year, he won the bronze star, the distinguished service medal, and came back with brain cancer. Guess what . He wasnt a sucker, he was a patriot [cheers and horns honking] like all of your sons and daughters it angers the hell out of me the way he talks about our veterans. Your parents, grandparents, all who served. To the best of my knowledge, he is the first president of the has sixtates who generals and admirals who worked in his administration who left and said he was unfit to be commanderinchief. , a former commander of special operations for the osama id, 22 other four stars, they endorsed me because they know i will have their back. [cheers and horns honking] to portray himself as a tough guy, a macho man. Wouldnt you like to have a shot . Anyway. A macho man. And hee last time says people listen to him because he is tough around the world when his last time you heard of a president of the United States literally being by worldt out loud leaders when he spoke of United Nations . So much for listening to him. When is the last time president of United States met with the ,ato leaders at the nato summit other world leaders, president s, they ministers, and before realized it, they were all making fun of him as he left the room. We have a you believe president who acts like Vladimir Putins puppy . Puts on the head of american soldiers. It is a rough area. Trump has been frightened to challenge him at all. Donald trump is not strong, he is weak. This is the president , he doesnt understand sacrifice, he doesnt understand courage, the physical courage it takes to be in uniform. Folks, we are going to support our military, they are the backbone and the spine of this country. [cheers and horns honking] vote to meete to the challenge of the climate crisis. Donald trump calls it a hoax. I call it about our health and the ability to create millions of good paying jobs right here in western pennsylvania. Combat Climate Change with American Ingenuity and manufacturing, creating millions of new high paying union jobs. Let me be clear i will not ban fracking and pennsylvania, i will protect those jobs no matter what donald trump says. But i tell you what, i will, i will no longer fund will companies with subsidies, period. [cheers and horns honking] , we have to restore the backbone of this country. We also have to unify it. Are going to act to deliver Racial Justice in america. Protesting is not burning and looting and violence will not be protestersst the floyd, justice, George Breonna taylor, walter wallace, they will not soon be forgotten by me or anyone in this country. They will inspire a new wave of justice in america. Floyds family, when i went down to texas, he has a little daughter, six years old. I knelt down to talk to her. She said mr. Vice president , my daddy is going to change america. My daddy is going to change america. Guess what . Know thatow, we also the American People realize weve got to change. Is not know that justice just about criminal justice, it true justice is about jobs, Building Wealth for your families. No one should be working two jobs to stay in poverty. We need a minimum of 15 an hour minimum wage. [cheers and horns honking] and for people struggling, firstterm homebuyers, they will get a 15,000 tax credit from me. We will provide capital for young entrepreneurs to start small businesses. Provide Free Community college, which by the way, costs 6 billion a year, and we spend about that much giving breaks for resources. Race horses. As well as for students attending State University if they come from families making less than 125,000. Folks, we can do this, pennsylvania. In 2008, 2012, you placed your trust in me and barack. In 2020, im asking for your trust again. I take nothing for granted. This is a battle for the soul of america. We have to win this. We have to win this together. Bring the country together. The coalition this campaign has built, welcoming democrats and republicans and independents. I am running as a proud democrat but i will govern as an american president [cheers and horns honking] be no red states and blue states there will be the United States of america [cheers and horns honking] i promise you i will work as hard for those who dont support me as those who do. That is the job of a president , the duty to care for everyone, the duty to heal. That is the president s job. So please vote. If you still have your absentee alex, get it to a dropbox as soon as you can or vote tomorrow in person. Just make a plan and help get out the vote. The power is in your hands, pennsylvania [cheers and horns honking] and heres the amazing thing, here is the amazing thing about this moment in our history. The character of the country is on the ballot. On the one hand, we are facing the biggest threats to who we , then wehat we believe have seen in our lifetimes. On the other hand, our future has never been more promising. Times, i amit many more optimistic about americas future today than i was when i got invited, got elected as a 29yearold kid. Here is why we are better positioned than any nation in the world to lead the 21st century. Fact our workers are three times as productive. We have the biggest economy in the world. The Strongest Military in the history of the world. The most innovative entrepreneurs. We are virtually Energy Independent and we have more Great Research universities out of which every major new change has come than the rest of the world combined, literally. No nation in the world can match us. We lead by the power of our example, not just the example of our power. The only thing that can tear america apart is america itself. No one else can challenge us. That is exactly what donald trump has been doing. Since the beginning of his campaign, dividing america, tearing us apart, pitting americans against each other based on race, gender, ethnicity, religion. It is wrong thats not who we are. Knows whorybody. Onald trump is lets keep showing them who we are [cheers and horns honking] we choose, we choose hope over fear. We choose unity over division. We choose science over fiction. Truth overlieoose lie after lie after lie. [cheers and horns honking] folks, its time to stand up and take back our democracy. We can do this. We can be better than what we have been we can be who we are at our best the United States of america. God bless you all and may god protect our troops thank you, thank you, thank you. What you give is what you get. Got to make the world go round got to make the world go round got to make the world, now though goeople, around got to make the world go round got to make the world, now knowing got to make the world go round got to make the world go round one last thing your love keeps lifting me higher, higher and higher i said your love, keep on higher me higher and downhearted disappointment was my closest friend but then you came in it soon departed our live coverage continues with President Trump and grand rapids, michigan for his final Campaign Stop before election day. P. M. Gets underway at 10 30 eastern here on cspan. Day,morrow is election november 3. Stay with us to learn who the voters select to lead the country as president and which parties will control congress. Our live coverage starts at 9 00 p. M. Eastern and continues through washington journal at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. Join the conversation, share your experiences as results come in and hear from candidates. Watch live on cspan and cspan. Org or listen live on the cspan radio app. Election night on cspan, your place for an unfiltered view of politics. Cspans washington journal, every day taking your calls live on the air on the news of the day. We will discuss policy issues that impact you. Tuesday morning, on election day, we talk about election day 2020 with political reporters and writers from across the country. Joining the program, from the battles date key battleground , northida, georgia iowa, and texas

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