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Even more so, it was a disaster for the Republican Party by putting one of trumps brownshirts in there. It is not going to work and i dont see how any way the jim jordan speakership is good for the country. Host our last caller before the house comes in, live coverage of the election of the 56th speaker of the house. They will be trying this morning after the afternoon. You will you can watch gavel to gavel. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2023] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the speaker pro tempore the house will come to order. The prayer today will be offered by chaplain kibben. Chaplain kibben would you pray with me. Holy god, we offer ourselves to you this day. A sacrifice we entrust to your keeping. And we pray that you would find our gift pleasing in your tbad and perfect in your good and perfect will. And if we are found wanting, if we fall short of your desires for us, show us how to renew our hearts and minds, that they would be transformed. And better able to discern what is good and acceptable in your eyes. In this one body of lawmakers, we have many members. A representation not just of the diversity that is our country, but of the variety of gifts each has been given. On this day of choice, give us the vision to see how you have gifted each one and how you call each to exercise their responsibilities according to the grace you have shown them. And remind us that though we are many, we are members of one another. Out of many may one emerge. One common purpose we each share, to serve this nation wisely. With purpose and compassion. With enthusiasm and discernment. With strength and with prudence. With determination and with humility. Always in service to you and devoted to each other in love. Teach us this day how to rejoice in hope, how to be patient in affliction, and how to persevere in prayer. In your hands we place the outcome of this day and in your name are we bold to pray. Amen. The speaker pro tempore amen. The chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house her approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be offered by the gentlewoman from illinois, ms. Kelly. Ms. Kelly i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from louisiana seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, pursuant to clause 7 of rule 20, i move a call of the house. The speaker pro tempore under clause 7b of rule 20, the chair confers recognition for that purpose. Without objection, the call of the house is ordered. Members will record their presence by electronic device. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this roll call, 432 members have recorded their presence. The next order of business is the election of speaker of the house of representatives for the 118th congress. Nominations are now in order. The chair now recognizes the gentlewoman from new york, ms. Stefanik. Ms. Stefanik mr. Speaker pro temp mr. Speaker pro temp, madam clerk, colleagues, i rise today to nominate the gentleman from ohio, jim jordan, as speaker of the peoples house. We are at a time of great crisis across america. A time of historic challenges in this very chamber. And a time when heinous acts of terror and evil have been committed against our great ally, israel. As this body convenes for the sacred responsibility to elect the next speaker of the peoples house, i am reminded of the book of esther. For such a time is this. Jim jordan will be americas speaker for such a time as this. A time when hardworking American Families are struggling under the vice of inflation. Not able to afford groceries, heat or gas because of the trillions and trillions of dollars of reckless spending by failed farleft government. A time when millions are being illegally trafficked and smuggled across our southern and Northern Borders to you to the catastrophic due to the catastrophic and inhumane wide open borders of joe biden. A time when Violent Crime is skyrocketing across america, destroying our great cities, suburbs and small towns. Where people no longer feel safe in their homes or in their communities. A time when American Energy production has been crushed by joe bidens radical failed farleft policies, causing seniors, farmers and families to pay more at the pump and struggle with skyrocketing utility bills. A time when the federal government is weaponized against we the people. Who they are supposed to serve. Stripping us of our godgiven Constitutional Rights and wrongfully targeting conservatives, catholics and even parents at school board meetings. And a time when the people of our closest and most precious ally, israel, suffered the Bloodiest Day since the holocaust. With acts of inhumane evil committed by hamas terrorists, backed by iran. Grotesque atrocities. The beheadings of babies. Rapes, kidnappings and slaughter of women, children and the elderly. And israelis and americans taken hostage. We are here in this very chamber for such a time as this. Jim jordan will be we the peoples speaker for such a time as this. Our friend and colleague, jim jordan, is a patriot. Hes an americafirst warrior who wins the toughest of fights. Going after corruption and delivering accountability at the highest levels of government, on behalf of we the people. Jim is the voice of the American People who have felt voiceless for far too long. Whether as judiciary chair, conservative leader or representative for his constituents in westcentral ohio, whether on the wrestling mat or in the committee room, jim jordan is strategic, scrappy, tough and principled. Hes a mentor, a worker and, above all, hes a fighter. And the American People know, we know that jim jordan is a winner on behalf of the american over 10 years ago many of us sat with jim jordan in this very chamber when Prime Minister netanyahu delivered his historic address which some across the aisle shamefully boycotted. He pointed out we serve under the watchful gaze of moses and he said, quote, overlooking all of us in this chamber is the image of moses. And before the people entered the land of israel, moses gave us a mess thank is still our resolve for thousands of years, be strong and resolute, neither fear nor dread them. He went on to say, my friends, may israel and america always stand together strong and resolute, may we not fear or dread the time ahead and may we face the future with confidence, strength and hope, end quote. On behalf of the American People, lets face the future with confidence, strength, and hope. Lets elect jim jordan our speaker of the peoples house for such a time as this, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore t he gentlewoman yields back. The chair now recognizes the gentleman from california, mr. Ing a lear. Mr. Aguilar with great respect, as chairman of the democratic calk justice, ill present for election of the speaker for the house of representatives the name of the honorable Hakeem Jeffries, the pride of crown heights, representative from the state of new york. Mr. Aguilar mr. Speaker pro tempore, this is not the history we wanted to make here in the house. Its something that none of us imagined when we were sworn in to this office. We are here because the house has been thrown into chaos. We are here because this Hallowed Chamber has been led to a breaking point by two dangerous forces, extremism and partisanship. The American People place their faith in us to tackle their most pressing issues, lowering costs, growing the middle class, and standing up to those set on delivering a National Abortion ban. The choice before us is simple, come together on a bipartisan path forward or take us over the cliff. Abandon the extremism that is preventing us from getting things done or triple down on division and dysfunction. A vote today to make the architect of a nationwide abortion ban a vocal election denier, and an insurrection insider to the speaker of this house would be a terrible message to the country and our allies. Mr. Speaker, it would send an even more troubling message to our enemies, that the very people who would seek to undermine democracy are rewarded with positions of immense power. We are talking about someone who has spent his entire career trying to hold our country back, putting our the gentleman security in danger, attempting Government Shutdown after Government Shutdown, wasting taxpayer dollars on baseless investigations with dead ends, authoring the very bill that would ban abortion nationwide without exceptions and inviting violence in this chamber. Even members of his own party called him a legislative terrorist and once said, quote, i didnt come to congress to make more laws, because words speak for themselves. When new yorkers recovering from Hurricane Sandy needed congress to act, he said no. When wildfires ravaged the west, destroying homes and businesses and those residents needed disaster assistance, he said no. When the Mississippi River floods devastated the south in communities across state lines and needed congress to act, he said no. When our veterans were suffering from disease and dying as a result of their service to our country and Congress Passed a bipartisan solution, he said no. When our ally in ukraine looked to congress for Additional Support to help defeat putin, he said no. The speaker pro tempore o rder. Mr. Aguilar and just before hamas brutal attack on israel, he said no to fully funding military aid for our ally. This body is talking about elevating a speaker nominee who has not passed a single bill in 16 years. These are not the actions of someone interested in governing or bettering the lives of everyday americans. This is nothing less than the rejection of the oath that we swore to uphold is duly elected members of this body. But on this side of the aisle and throughout this chamber, im convinced it still matters. To fulfill our obligations to the American People we have no choice today but to vote for a leader of both character and conviction. When the Congress First began, we proudly stood next to him as our leader and made a promise to every american. House democrats would work to find Common Ground on the issues that matter most to the American People whenever possible. That we would stand up to extremism whenever necessary. Only Hakeem Jeffries can be trusted to keep his word. Only Hakeem Jeffries can lead us out of the chaos and towards a path of governance. It brings me immense pride to nominate our friend, the democratic leader, Hakeem Jeffries, as speaker. Im not done yet. [members chanting hakeem] mr. Aguilar he may be the candidate with the most votes, but hes also the candidate with the most credibility. If the goal is to continue a 30year march to hollow out our democratic institutions, weaken our democracy, and embolden extremists, theres a canidate for you. If the goal is to continue taking marching orders from a twice impeached former president with more than 90 impending felony charges, then there is a candidate for you. The world is watching, mr. Speaker pro tempore. Our allies in ukraine and israel are watching. And waiting. So lets have this vote, but lets be clear, a vote for the gentleman from ohio is a vote to turn your back on national security. Its a vote to turn your back on a bipartisan path to fund the government and avoid shutdowns, something we can only do if we reject his nomination. House democrats are in the minority. We realize that. If House Republicans wanted to elect a speaker without us, then they could have. There is still a path forward for both democrats and republicans to come together to elect a speaker who can unite us behind a common purpose. Keeping the government open on a bipartisan compromise that won more than 300 votes just four months ago in this chamber. Taking an up or down vote on help so israel can defeat hamas and ukraine can defeat putin, and reassuring the American People that their legislators have their backs. Its that simple, mr. Speaker, and we can do it today. Lets work together, lets elect a speaker who will reach out a hand of bipartisanship and deliver for the American People and why once again, mr. Speaker pro tempore, im proud to nominate Hakeem Jeffries for speaker and yield back. The speaker pro tempore t he gentleman yields back. The gentleman yields back. The names of the honorable jim jordan, representative from the state of ohio, and the honorable Hakeem Jeffries, a representative from the state of new york, have been placed in nomination. Are there further nominations . There being no further nominations, the chair appoints the following tellers, the gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Style, the gentleman from new york, mr. Morelli, the gentleman from georgia, mr. Lowdermilk, the gentlewoman from alabama, ms. Sewell. The tellers will come forward and take their seats at the desk in front of the speakers rostrum. The speaker pro tempore t he house will come to order. The roll will now be called and those responding to their names will indicate by surname the nominee of their choosing. The clerk will call the role. Adams. Hakeem jeffries. The clerk aderholt. Honorable jim jordan. The clerk jordan. The clerk aguilar . Jeffries. Alford. Jordan. Allen. Jordan. Allred. Jeffries. Amodei. Jordan. Armstrong. Jordan. Arrington. Jordan. Auchincloss. Jeffries. Babin. Jordan. Bacon. Mccarthy. Baird. Jordan. Balderson. Jordan. Balint. Jeffries. Banks. Jordan. Barr. Jordan. Barragan. Jeffries. Bean of florida. Jordan. Beatty. Jeffries. Bentz. Jordan. Bera. Jeffries. Bergman. Jordan. Beyer. Jeffries. Bice. Jordan. Biggs. Jordan. Bilirakis. Bilirakis. Bishop of georgia. Jeffries. Bishop of north carolina. Jordan. Blumenauer. Jeffries. Blunt rochester. Jeffries. Boebert. Jordan. Bonamici. Jeffries. Bost. Jordan. Bowman. Jeffries. Boyle of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Brecheen. Jordan. Brown. Jeffries. Brownley. Jeffries. Buchanan. Jordan. Buck. Buck. Bucshon. Jordan. Budzinski. Jeffries. Burchett. Jordan. Burgess. Jordan. Burlison. Jordan. Bush. Jeffries. Calvert. Jordan. Cammack. Jordan. Caraveo. Jeffries. Carbajal. Jeffries. Cardenas. Cardenas. Carey. Jordan. Carl. Jordan. Carson. Jeffries. Carter of georgia. Jordan. Carter of louisiana. Jeffries. Carter of texas. Jordan. Cartwright. Jeffries. Casar. Jeffries. Case. Jeffries. Casten. Jeffries. Castor of florida. Jeffries. Castro of texas. Jeffries. Chavezderemer. Mccarthy. Cherfilusmccormick. Jeffries. Chu. Jeffries. Ciscomani. Jordan. Clark of massachusetts. Jeffries. Clarke of new york. Jeffries. Cleaver. Jeffries. Cline. Jordan. Cloud. Jordan. Clyburn. Jeffries. Clyde. Jordan. Cohen. Jeffries. Cole. Jordan. Collins. Jordan. Comer. Jordan. Connolly. Jeffries. Correa. Jeffries. Costa. Jeffries. Courtney. Jeffries. Craig. Jeffries. Crane. Jordan. Crawford. Jordan. Crenshaw. Jordan. Crockett. Jeffries. Crow. Jeffries. Cuellar. Jeffries. Curtis. Jordan. Davids of kansas. Jeffries. Davidson. Jordan. Davis of illinois. Jeffries. Davis of north carolina. Jeffries. Dean of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Degette. Jeffries. De la cruz. Jordan. Delauro. Jeffries. Delbene. Jeffries. Deluzio. Jeffries. Desaulnier. Jeffries. Desjarlais. Jordan. Desposito. Zelton. Diazbalart. Scalise. Dingell. Jeffries. Doggett. Jeffries. Donalds. Jordan. Duarte. Jordan. Duncan. Jordan. Dunn of florida. Jordan. Edwards. Jordan. Ellzey. Garcia. Emmer. Jordan. Escobar. Jeffries. Eshoo. Jeffries. Espaillat. Jeffries. Estes. Jordan. Evans. Jeffries. Ezell. Jordan. Fallon. Jordan. Feenstra. Jordan. Ferguson. Jordan. Finstad. Jordan. Fischbach. Jordan. Fitzgerald. Jordan. Fitzpatrick. Jordan. Fleischmann. Jordan. Fletcher. Jeffries. Flood. Jordan. Foster. Jeffries. Foushee. Jeffries. Foxx. Jordan. Lois frankel. Jeffries. Scott franklin. Jordan. Frost. Jeffries. Fry. Jordan. Fulcher. Jordan. Gaetz. Jordan. Gallagher. Jordan. Gallego. Jeffries. Garamendi. Jeffries. Garbarino. Zeldin. Mike garcia. Jordan. Robert garcia. Jeffries. Garcia of illinois. Jeffries. Garcia of texas. Jeffries. Gimenez. Mccarthy. Golden of maine. Jeffries. Goldman of new york. Jeffries. Gomez. Jeffries. Tony gonzales. Scalise. Vicente gonzalez. Jeffries. Good of virginia. Jordan. Gooden of texas. Jordan. Gosar. Jordan. Gottheimer. Jeffries. Granger. Granger. Scalise. Graves of louisiana. Jordan. Graves of missouri. Jordan. Green of tennessee. Jordan. Green of texas. Jeffries. Greene of georgia. Jordan. Griffith. Jordan. Grijalva. Jeffries. Grothman. Jordan. Guest. Jordan. Guthrie. Jordan. Hageman. Jordan. Harder of california. Jeffries. Harris. Jordan. Harshbarger. Jordan. Hayes. Jeffries. Hern. Jordan. Higgins of louisiana. Jordan. Higgins of new york. Jeffries. Hill. Jordan himes. Jordan. Hinson. Jordan. Horsford. Jeffies. Houchin. Jordan. Houlahan. Jeffries. Hoyer. Jeffries. Hoyle of oregon. Jeffries. Hudson. Jordan. Huffman. Jeffries. Huizenga. Jordan. Hunt. Jordan. Issa. Jordan. Ivey. Jeffries. Jackson of illinois. Jeffries. Jackson of north carolina. Jeffries. Jackson of texas. Jordan. Jackson lee. Jeffries. Jacobs. Jeffries. James. James. Jayapal. Jeffries. Jeffries. Jeffries. Johnson of georgia. Jeffries. Johnson of louisiana. Jordan. Johnson of ohio. Jordan. Johnson of south dakota. Jordan. Jordan. Jordan. Joyce of ohio. Joyce of ohio. Joyce of pennsylvania. Jordan. Kamlagerdove. Jeffries. Kaptur. Jeffries. Kean of new jersey. Jordan. Keating. Jeffries. Kelly of illinois. Jeffries. Kelly of mississippi. Jordan. Kelly of pennsylvania. Scalise. Khanna. Jeffries. Kiggans of virginia. Mccarthy. Kildee. Jeffries. Kiley. Jordan. Kilmer. Jeffries. Kim of california. Jordan. Kim of new jersey. Jeffries. Krishnamoorthi. Jeffries. Kuster. Jeffries. Kustoff. Jordan. Lahood. Jordan. Lalota. Zeldin. Lamalfa. Lamalfa. Lamborn. Jordan. Landsman. Jeffries. Langworthy. Jordan. Larsen of washington. Jeffries. Larson of connecticut. Jeffries. Latta. Jordan. Laturner. Jordan. Lawler. Mccarthy. Lee of california. Jeffries. Lee of florida. Jordan. Lee of nevada. Jeffries. Lee of pennsylvania. Jeffries. Leger fernandez. Jeffries. Lesko. Jordan. Letlow. Jordan. Levin. Jeffries. Lieu. Jeffries. Lofgren. Jeffries. Loudermilk. Jordan. Lucas. Jordan. Luetkemeyer. Jordan. Luna. Jordan. Luttrell. Jordan. Lynch. Jeffries. Mace. Jordan. Magaziner. Jeffries. Malliotakis. Jordan. Mann. Jordan. Manning. Jeffries. Massie. Jordan. Mast. Jordan. Matsui. Jeffries. Mcbath. Jeffries. Mccarthy. Jordan. Mccaul. Jordan. Mcclain. Jordan. Mcclellan. Jeffries. Mcclintock. Jordan. Mccollum. Jeffries. Mccormick. Jordan. Mcgarvey. Jeffries. Mcgovern. Jeffries. Mchenry. Jordan. Meeks. Jeffries. Menendz. Jeffries. Meng. Jeffries. Meuser. Jordan. Mfume. Jeffries. Miller of illinois. Jordan. Miller of ohio. Jordan. Miller of west virginia. Jordan. Millermeeks. Jordan. Mills. Jordan. Molinaro. Jordan. Moolenaar. Jordan. Mooney. Jordan. Moore of alabama. Jordan. Moore of utah. Jordan. Moore of wisconsin. Jeffries. Moran. Jordan. Morelle. Jeffries. Moskowitz. Jeffries. Moulton. Jeffries. Mrvan. Jeffries. Mullin. Jeffries. Murphy. Jordan. Nadler. Jeffries. Napolitano. Jeffries. Neal. Jeffries. Neguse. Jeffries. Nehls. Jordan. Newhouse. Jordan. Nickel. Jeffries. Norcross. Jeffries. Norman. Jordan. Nunn. Jordan. Obernolte. Jordan. Ocasiocortez. Jeffries. Ogles. Jordan. Omar. Omar. Jeffries. Owens. Jordan. Pallone. Jeffries. Palmer. Jordan. Panetta. Jeffries. Pappas. Jeffries. Pascrell. Jeffries. Payne. Jeffries. Pelosi. Jeffries. Peltola. Jeffries. Pence. Jordan. Perez. Jeffries. Perry. Jordan. Peters. Jeffries. Pettersen. Jeffries. Pfluger. Jordan. Phillips. Jeffries. Pingree. Jeffries. Pocan. Jeffries. Porter. Jeffries. Posey. Jordan. Pressley. Jeffries. Quigley. Jeffries. Ramirez. Jeffries. Raskin. Jeffries. Reschenthaler. Jordan. Rodgers of washington. Jordan. Rogers of alabama. Jordan. Rogers of kentucky. Jordan. Rose. Jordan. Rosendale. Jordan. Ross. Jeffries. Rouzer. Jordan. Roy. Jordan. Ruiz. Jeffries. Ruppersberger. Jeffries. Rutherford. Scalise. Ryan. Jeffries. Salazar. Jordan. Salinas. Jeffries. Sanchez. Jeffries. Santos. Jordan. Sarbanes. Jeffries. Scalise. Jordan. Scanlon. Jeffries. Schakowsky. Jeffries. Schiff. Jeffries. Schneider. Jeffries. Scholten. Jeffries. Schrier. Jeffries. Schweikert. Austin scott. Jordan. David scott. Jeffries. Scott of virginia. Jeffries. Self. Jordan. Sessions. Jordan. Sewell. Jeffries. Sherman. Jeffries. Sherrill. Jeffries. Simpson. Scalise. Slotkin. Jeffries. Smith of missouri. Jordan. Smith of nebraska. Jordan. Smith of new jersey. Jordan. Smith of washington. Jeffries. Smucker. Jordan. Sorensen. Jeffries. Soto. Jeffries. Spanberger. Jeffries. Spartz. Spartz. Stansbury. Jeffries. Stanton. Jeffries. Stauber. Jordan. Steel. Jordan. Stefanik. Jordan. Steil. Jordan. Steube. Jordan. Stevens. Jeffries. Stewart. Strickland. Jeffries. Strong. Jordan. Swalwell. Jeffries. Sykes. Jeffries. Takano. Jeffries. Tenney. Jordan. Thanedar. Jeffries. Thompson of california. Jeffries. Thompson of mississippi. Jeffries. Thompson of pennsylvania. Jordan. Tiffany. Jordan. Timmons. Jordan. Titus. Jeffries. Tlaib. Jeffries. Tokuda. Jeffries. Tonko. Jeffries. Torres of california. Jeffries. Torres of new york. Jeffries. Trahan. Jeffries. Trone. Jeffries. Turner. Jordan. Underwood. Jeffries. Valadao. Jordan. Van drew. Jordan. Van duyne. Jordan. Van orden. Jordan. Vargas. Jeffries. Vasquez. Jeffries. Veasey. Jeffries. Velazquez. Jeffries. Wagner. Jordan. Walberg. Jordan. Waltz. Jordan. Wasserman schultz. Jeffries. Waters. Jeffries. Watson coleman. Jeffries. Weber of texas. Jordan. Webster of florida. Jordan. Wenstrup. Jordan. Westerman. Jordan. Wexton. Jeffries. Wild. Jeffries. Williams of georgai. Georgia. Jeffries. Williams of new york. Jordan. Williams of texas. Jordan. Wilson of florida. Jeffries. Wilson of south carolina. Jordan. Wittman. Jordan. Womack. Scalise. Yakym. Jordan. Zinke. Jordan. The speaker pro tempore the house will come to order. The reading collector will now clerk will now call the names of the members who did not answer the first call of the roll. The clerk bilirakis. Bilirakis. Buck. Emmer. Cardenas. Jeffries. James. Cole. Joyce of ohio. Jordan. Lamalfa. Mccarthy. Spartz. Massie. The speaker pro tempore t he house will come to order. The speaker pro tempore t he tellers agree on their tallies that the total number of votes cast is 432. Of which the honorable jim jordan of the state of ohio has received 200 votes. The honorable Hakeem Jeffries of the state of new york has received 212 votes. The honorable Kevin Mccarthy of the state of california received six votes. Lee tolden of the state of new york received three. The honorable Steve Scalise of the state of louisiana has received seven. The honorable mike garcia of the state of california has received one. The honorable tom emmer of the state of minnesota has received one. The honorable tom cole of the state of oklahoma has received one. The honorable Thomas Massie of the state of kentucky has received one. No person having received a majority, the whole number of votes cast by surname, a speakers not been elected. Pursuant to clause 12a of rule 1, the chair declares the house in recess subject to the call of the chair

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