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And applause] good evening everyone. For those who have not had a chance to have the honor to be executive director of the president ial foundation. [applause] and on behalf of the honor for men and women in uniform please join me for the pledge of allegiance i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america. And to the republic for which it stands one nation under god indivisible with liberty and justice forr all. Thank you. Please be seated. Before we get started with you people i need to recognize and i will start with julie and chase. [applause] and marks motherinlaw. [applause] and that would not be an event at the library if i do not recognize his wife. But before the great one takes the stage, i want him to know how grateful all of us are that he once again has taken three days out of his incredibly busy life to travel all the way to california and back. [cheers and applause] by visiting us. But also of those fans watching this life. [applause] mark has been here with his family over the years. But this is his First Official visit to the Reagan Library a tradition started way back 2010 when he was here with the New York Times number one bestselling books newest book on freedom of the press that you each have in your hot little hands is this weeks number one. [cheers and applause] it has been one of the greatest honors of my life to count this man as a friend. I bet that each one of you feels the w same type of kinship with mark as well. Watching him on television are getting the chance to shake his hand is a big deal and is comforting to know his voice and intellect reaches millions of people each day. Its gratifying to know his point of view, our point of view is so eloquently expressed amidst all the noise and chatter and the many who pretend to have the best interest in mind. [applause] mark has achieved so much since he was with us two years ago. Brandnew mark levin tv has grown by leaps and bounds now dominates the tv ratings each news every sunday with life liberty and levin. [cheers and applause] and his radio show on the air 17 years now attracts over 7 million listeners every day. [applause] no wonder we have such great pride when he was recently inductedew into the National Radio hall of fame a few months ago. [applause] so since we were last together with him he is human to he has faced sadness and challenges since last year they lost his dad and his mom in the span of just a few months. There is a modest wooden bench just outside the auditorium that bears their names. [applause] it overlooks that beautiful green valley below of the pacific the same view shared by president reagans own gravesite. He has taken on a lot of work to perform as much as he does every day and he does it for his country that he loves so much. [applause] its no secret that we are here in california that with the bestselling books and brandnew shows in the great state of california that twice made Ronald Reagan the governor in the 40th president has become number one in so many things as well. [laughter] since you were last with us to think about what we have t achieved since you have been gone. [laughter] california has raised the income tax the highest in the nation here in l. A. Our local sales tax combined is the highest in the country. Beneath this cross land we have the distinction to be a sanctuary state so it is no wonder we have more illegal aliens and undocumented immigrants than any other state in america. Since you last visited we succeeded to attract the largest Homeless Population of any state in the nation. Also the largest debt of any state in the nation. Finally we hold the record of filing more lawsuits against the Trump Administration more than any other state. Thats right i said its. [laughter] [cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, please join me to give a warm welcome to mister mark levin. [cheers and applause] one hour of tv every night now you have fox news sunday. First of all let me say the Reagan Library serving in this administration, this is home to me. Three days is not enough. [applause] and i y love all of you. You great patriots out here in california. You fight the state and the locals and t the battles dont forget we are here i could never forget that you are here. I remember when this was a vibrant state i remember ronaldem reagan when pete wilson was governor and now you can see what one party rule does. It takes the magnificent state of the country to put number one to be number 50 and it is a, disgrace and they are so proud of themselves if you look at the people who are running right now not the library but the state on the democratic side. [applause] and so to answer your question but is all over this world right now. But i would use that microphone and cameras. [cheers and applause] so in 1920 to be in afghanistan and syria and all over the country this is easy compared to what Border Patrol is doing is nothing compared to what these heroes are doing in the country. [applause] there is something about this book it flew off the shelves very fast but it seems to be Something Special about this book at thisxp time. The press is out of control they arere undermining freedom of the press distinction between the modern mass media and a free press. Cnn, New York Times, msnbc is not a free press. The free press that has a logical agenda not for one trty over another it is not pushing social activism whether social activism they browbeat with the propaganda the left wing agenda and so forth. That is not freedom of the press that actually occurs outside those fights. It is on the internet its with these people all over the world. The difference between a modern media today in the Patriot Media to c help found the country is the patriot the printing press, the pamphlet , based on newspapers. They were trying to fundamentally transform government. They wanted representative. Today the press not the government but the Civil Society but that is how the press isis supposed to be. When is the last time it was helpful to the president of the United States . When was the last time there is a negative expose on nancy pelosi . You will never have it they beat the president and the people whoe support him every day. Thaton it before the election and since the election and they are doing it today. That is not a free press that is propaganda. [applause] and so to answer your question with this book i look at the history and thee constitution and i really dug into this issue of the press and where does it come from and that i look at the evidence that is overwhelming what goes on in the newsrooms today. It is all one way. That i look at how the American People think of thens press today 80 percent of republicans dont trust it but then i look at social activism like announcing on the press where he says im not doing Climate Change anymore is he smart cracks does he have a background . No. Is he a hack quick cs. Okay there are physicist in climatology or meteorology by the thousands that haveog writtenow sensibly so now they cannot go on to meet the press. Would anybody deny there is Climate Change . Or a damn thing that we could do about it. Hiere you go. [applause] so i think before we are looking for answers or arguments, where it is exciting about this to me is that what im trying to generate is the tea party revolution. The Article Five Convention of the states revolution. [applause] so now were trying to defend the constitution of those because they try to explain who they are when will we get the freedom of the press but. [applause] but when i read your book tPresident Trump had been given the opportunity. So to sit and talk with the president but having sat with him and spoke with him but there is the occasional conversation and i will tell you this is a very smart man enormously charismatic he knows whats going on and where he was to take the country. Hes not like anything he is portrayed in thee media. And when you look at him its hard to joke. [laughter] so i would tell you that the republican primary eyes supported crews in the general election i supported President Trump and i am glad i did. [applause] a lot of his positions are so solid i dont know if any of those republicans on the stage and i think we are extremely fortunate he was there because he stands between us and them. But then to have more crap than they should have to take was that the chairman of these committees and i told my family i will do whatever but to defend against the mob trying to forcibly remove. [applause] but now with our new attorney general. [cheers and applause] do you think as you were chief of staff you know that nkace. Do you think the attorney general will reach the point of all that went on behind the scenes in the Intelligence Agency and fbi cracks will they find the truth of what actually happened quick. I cannot be more proud of our attorney general bar. [applause] he did not have to take this job. He was attorney general before and was successful general counsel and a ceo. He have gone off to the villages like robert mueller. [laughter] but he didnt and one didnt. He is cool as a cucumber and knows what he is doing they can hold him in contempt. I hold them in contempt by the way. Then to come under the first administration. And sees we have a rule and it was government paid for using tax dollars and use that opposition researchan but i have never seen anything like this in my life. He challenges them is that i will not do it but i will sue them and go to court and they said that is obstruction of justice. [laughter] this is the dumbest house of representatives. [laughter] listen to jerry nadler. Or maybe not. [laughter] chairman of this Committee Goes on msnbc or wherever maybe he goes on to russia tv and the president s committee the president has obstructed justice. Weight c hes running for the committee committing crimes cracks was there a trial . Was there a sentencing cracks just becausese the prosecutor writes a report does not mean the president hasth committed anything then to say you violated the fourth and fifth and sixth amendment the 14th amendment and the constitution says the president and then its like a freak show then you have nancy pelosi who says i dont want impeachment she wants him in prison. [laughter] and then one of them they bring Fried Chicken to the microphone and he wants to arrest the attorney general and handcuffed him to the chair and i am thinking what the hell has happened to the Democratic Party over there . Seriously. What thecr hell was your question cracks. [laughter] so do you think they will actually try to impeach the president quick. They want to drive his ratings down and then they will pull the trigger if they cannot then they will just keep pounding him him keep going on tv with the Democratic Party press to keep trying to destroy him so they have a more difficult time for the election so the need of the Democratic Party working hand in glove so i think they are trying if they could get him down to the mid thirties but here is the problem but they are looking at the polls right now wisconsin and other states and pelosi says i dont know if i want to mess around right now if you can win thein state what they do not want to awaken is you dont want to awaken the millions of americans that would be much more active and she knows that is and is concerned about that. Thats why you see they say go ahead. Because theres millions of people trying to impeach the president for what cracks there is no collusion. So she is walking a fine line. But if she was so we have americans coming up in less than two years. So theyre trying to figure out if they impeach him and doesnt win reelection or just pretend that investigation and do not impeach him to make sure he doesnt win reelection but in the meantime china and iran is on the move all the countries are on the move and in the meantime there is a disaster on the border they dont care and they are not focused and thats what they need to focus on. [applause]. I think the American People like the president of the United States again i dont think they think it is a sure thing why do you think there is open borders . Why are purple states becoming blue . Why could Ronald Reagan not even be elected dog catcher nevada has gone blue and as a footnote with those suitable pseudo constitutional that hes trying to secure the border. In the act of 1976 did you ever hear the pseudo constitutional conservatives on any other president cracks and the president ho is using Statutory Authority and budgetary authority, in all of those relevant authorities there are aspects of that ball i dont like but hes not using those aspects so to have a discussion about that and also economically and militarily. China is not a joke it is the number one superpower. That said to be contrary which i know the way i look at it for nationall security and thats a good enough reason. Look at mexico it is National Security into communities with hundreds of thousands of people being released the dcommunity doesnt know of 5 percent tariff people would say the cost of goods it will drive up the cost of goods do you know what that will do it will triumph up the cost of taxes and healthcare. This is a president getting no help from the democrats theyre not doing a damn thing to secure the border but they keep trying to fix it. [cheers and applause] on the southern border it used to be the southern border was a manufactured crisis but now its your fault mister president how do we go from there quick. Because they are lies. One of the lies they were using on this president separating children from adults they said your separating them from their parents and almost 40 percent of the cases they were not their parents. They were trying to figure out if they are predators or perverts and you just cannot send these little kids on with these adults. We dont know who they are or how to get information on them. But they said they are like internment camps because i wanted to remind them roosevelt actually set up the internment camps those of japanese descent and internment camps. If you look at the horrors done to this country its the Democratic Party and were recently the left that has abused power so no trump did not set up internment camps that would be your friend roosevelt but what they are trying toid do is to make sure those kids are safe because they dont know who they are with. You can talk about republicans but its very strange with these Political Party i am told very provocative when i say this but i dont care Democratic Party puts party first. We are americans. We put Country First to talk about americans the party that has the most successful system on the face of the earth the most magnificent Law Enforcement on the face of the earth the most courageous military on the face of the earth that is self the constitution they destroy it while they wave itt around and these candidates the systemically racist country when people south of the border who dont happen to be caucasian coming into the country by the millions why are they coming to a systemically racist country or to make a living and they talk about the wage gap cracks what wage gap. There is no wage gap. [cheers and applause] anyway. [laughter] i speak for myself not the Reagan Library. [laughter] they say trumps tweets are offensive. Not to me. So talk recently about the survey showing 1 percent of young people are in favor of socialism. Do they know what socialism is quick. Yes and no. Its like asking a seven yearold but if they are sober and think things through why does it create crackss nothing. Socialism is an ideology. Capitalism is a reality. Capitalism is about commerce and trade nobody invented capitalism. People voluntarily come together to trade with Commerce People wanted something they created something if somebody who created capitalism out there like they created marxism . No. Is the closest to natural law that exists. Free will. Capitalism is about what is about between your ears and creativity. Socialism is about government redistribution of wealth. Punishing people. Taking from people and doing all these other things. Capitalism is not taught in universities or colleges are sblic schools but it needs to be. But there is a monopoly over colleges and universities. So do most young people believe in it. Yes. Not all but most and also do they know what it is . No. On the one hand they oppose authority which is authoritarian. So i have been thinking about this a lot and i even have a title for this. [laughter] but you are my witness academic unfreedom. [applause] that is a monopoly we have to deal with. It is laced with government the government can deal with it. I mean we subsidize her own democracy. We should leave it to faculty to choose other faculty there is not one or two years and i have to think it through. But we really should be able to address younger people with a message of liberty because i think people can be attracted to liberty not just smoking pot or whatever but as a human condition this is rhetorical. Can you name republicans in the senate or the house that talk about liberty quick. No. They are okay with Big Government but nobody talks iabout liberty. What does that mean cracks how does that createte opportunity your wealth . For freedom we dont mean free stuff so we dont have a public discussion they drive the discussion of colleges and universities and were shocked when 51 percent. If they are 3000 miles away where is this going quick. But they have a chokehold on the government and the way that they reinsure their reelection for good actually change the demographics in the population and they changed the voting in the state. So then you have every aspect of a tyranny in the state and its very hard to break through. People like schwarzenegger and others who were really focused on self and not focused on proper governance. And the state was all over the world with conservative republican governors and legislatures. California was the state of opportunity when i was growing up everybody wanted to be in california the economy was hot. A beautiful state. Estate that everybody wanted to move to now everybody wants to leave that is the difference. Look at florida people moved to florida right now. They have no income taxes democrats keep trying to put an income tax. States people are moving to those states that people who spend their whole life in new york city they vote democrat and democrat and democrat then they get a pension and then they vote democrat for call them a lobbyist. [laughter] you have one crazy proposal after another. So, crazy that even your crazy governor had to veto some of them. This is crazier than im. Like the enormous amount of money on the railway. People should go to prison for stuff like that. They reallyis should like obama care. Like that will solve everything. Nobody says im worried about obama care or medicare for all. They destroy one thing and go on to the next read the first chapter of my book you always have to give up more of your wealth for more of your freedom because they cannot work they dont blame rcemselves but the population they will have enough resources theres too many rich people or whatever it is but never thee ideology. So they double down. They lie medicare for all his medicare for nobody no private healthcare and very like don Bernie Sanders is in charge. Turning to the audience for questions i bet there is a bunch. We have steph one staff going through ther aisles please raise your hand. Thank you for taking my question. It was a question that you ndasked even with his investigation and what might come of that. I was rambling and i forgot. [laughter] i think we have a good shot at it. And i think its crucially important obviously because what we have here was the Obama Administration now the russians are always trying to interfere they are trying to knock out our ships they are propping of venezuela putin is a menace and he is a problem the russians are a menace i know russia. My ancestors are Russian Program waiting for them to question me. [laughter] that the grade exchanger when you have your own government abusing the courts and your own government c tries to take out a candidate in a president of the United States you have a huge problem on your hands. The democrats do not want to get to the bottom of this. Because they are involved. And people say why wont the media admit they are wrong about russia collusion . Because they were in on it why would they admit they were wrong . Who were they leaking to . The New York Times two years ago looking at those newspapers they were in on it. The media is the appendage of the Democratic Party. Theyag push that agenda. Thats the problem. People want to feel good and say we want to get the bottom of this to go to jail. I dont know. But its a good thing he is the attorney general. He uses the right words. He has a real us attorney in connecticut looking into this and one appointed by obama that is a straight shooter they are worried about him they are starting to trash him. We are on offense and not on defense and that is a good thing. [applause] talk about the tyrannical chokehold and that has to do with voting and a lot of legislation over voter laws here in the past how can we as citizens respond to that and oppose the tyrannical chokehold quick. I dont have an answer forr you. If i did you wouldnt ask me the question i dont have an answer. Its a big problem. Sometimes things have to collapse before you rebuild them. Andam this state is headed for bankruptcy per i will be damned that if i will bail out all these leftwing democrats in the state but i dont know because this one party rule stuff is very difficult to break through. You are right all these changes are to help the Democratic Party the borders open to help the Democratic Party of those were future republicans they would be voting a 100foot wall with notes and alligators. [laughter] but those are future democrats or at least they feel theyse are in with these changes of voter rules they are intended to help the democrats hold onto power forever thats where they want to get rid of the Electoral College even though that would undermine the whole constitutional republicancoal notio notion. The democrats and the media alike toop say count the popular vote one person one vote except when they lose then its go to the courts. N, theylf they lose. Theyll support the Electoral College if they win, theyll oppose it if they lose. Gerrymandering, yes, if they can use it. Gerrymandering, no, if they cant. This is a very Dangerous Party that has been taken over by a very radical ideology. There are very few centrists left in that party. Theres a difference between these radical progressives and old time liberals. There are very few old time liberals left in the party. Right here. Hey, mark. Given joe biden was the dumbest man to ever serve in the senate [laughter] the dumbest man to ever serve as Vice President , what do you think his chances are of becoming the dumbest man to serve as president . [laughter] [applause] well, if [applause] hes elected, he will be. [laughter] although theres carter, you know . But anyway [laughter] you know, all the republicans are stupid and all the democrats are nobel prize winners. Have you noticed that . Hes got a shot at it. Look at the stakes. We have fewer and fewer opportunities to win. You know, 25 years ago i remember reading article by [inaudible] that said the democrats are going to lose as far as the eye can see. It was after two of the reagan massive victories. There were just too many red states. So the democrats figure weve got to change these states, and how do you change the states . You change the population. Its like your state here. You were talking about it here. Its becoming so difficult to even get the votes out, to get the numbers out, to get the change. People wash their hands and they leave, or they give up on the system while they keep pushing up their side using state law and federal law to do that. So does joe biden have a chance . Yes. And i look at these political campaigns as military operations. Im not talking about guns and all that. Im saying anythings possible, but we really have to be smart. They now know that trump won wisconsin and michigan, minnesota and some of these other states by very few votes. Theyre not going to leave those states a alone this time. Theyre going to pour resources and money. They already have created this caricature around joe biden. How is joe biden a blue collar democrat . [laughter] the guys been in government for half a century. He gets out of law school, he wins the Wilmington City Council at the age of about 12. Then he gets elected to the senate at 29, gets sworn in at 30. Blue collar joe, was he a electrician in place or a plumber in between . [laughter] then they used to call him lunch bucket joe. Lunch bucket joe . When did he carry a lunch bucket, this guy . He never carried a lunch bucket. So theyve created this guy like hes blue collar joe. We need a blue collar billionaire in office right now, to be perfect hi honest. Thats the name perfectly honest. Thats the name ive given him. And the unions should be, should be backing him to the hilt because what do you think Green New Deal is all about . Its going to destroy union jobs, its going to destroy blue collar jobs, its going to destroy building. You will see, and this is the language they use in europe, and they imported this stuff from europe. They want to deindustrialize america. These are words they invent much like etrain or deplane, words i never heard of before that you hear. So we should be able to secure that vote. Theyve thrown in with the radical Environmental Movement. The radical Environmental Movement a hates assembly lines, hates smokestacks, hates progress, hates technology. And we should exploit that, because thats who those people are. And so to answer your question, its a Perfect Campaign or an almost Perfect Campaign, and the right issues are made. Remember, he has to fight through the media which is going to be at him every step of the way that he can. Yeah, i think trump will win. Does biden have a shot . Of course biden has a shot. And hes so stupid. The things this guy says [laughter] ms. He just is. [applause] he just is. Nobody could get away with it. Threeletter words jobs, who even [laughter] who even talks like this . Okay. But theyre going to give him a pass. Their going to protect him theyre going to protect him. And his son is all gummed up in corruption, but theyre going to give him a pass. Theyre going to try and protect him. So its going to be up to president and us to get the message to our fellow citizens. Up here in the balcony, mark. Thank you, mark, you and your family, coming out here and doing what you do. My question is twofold real quick. One, it seems like the democrats always rally, and they always get the memo on the news, all the news channels, theyre always talking the same language, speaking the same terms, and the republicans put their tails between their legs, and they dont rally behind our president. So thats my first question, its very frustrating to me when they flipflop, our own party. And number two, i believe senator cruz may have brought it up a while ago with the conviction of el chapo, saying that we could maybe seize assets in excess of maybe 18 billion . That would pay for the wall, mexico would be paying for the wall. Comments on that. [applause] in the old days, we would have seized mexico. [laughter] remember the days when patton ah, never mind. [laughter] patton got a jeep, remember that . Put a machine gun on the jeep. And he chased them out of texas. I was asked the other day who were among my favorite president s, and i said james polk. You know why . There was california, arizona, new mexico and other parts of the United States were seized and became part of the United States. So ive always had an affinity for james polk [laughter] im not sure how to answer your second part of your question. The first part of your question i look at guys like mitt romney [background sounds] and i say to myself, and the senates filled with guys like this. And the first thing he does, he comes into office, he writes an oped in the Washington Post trashing the president. They know to go to mitt romney now to trash the president of the United States. And god rest his soul, hes the new john mccain. Thats what he is. And he wants to be that because maybe he harbors a desire the run again. I dont know what it is. He comes from the very, very red state thats unaffected by a lot of whats going on in california and some of these other states. Youd think hed be a leader for conservativism and so forth. Hes not. The president of the United States has to fight these people. The president of the United States stared down mexico with a 5 tariff, and the republicans are going to the media and talking about, well, we cant do this and we cant do that. Meanwhile, what the hell have they done . Mitch mcconnells been there 412 years. What has he done about the border . [laughter] absolutely nothing serious. Its a big problem. And youre right, they would never do anything like this to obama. Ever, ever, ever. They walk in lock step. Nancy pelosi stares at one of them, they melt. They back off. Kevin mccarthy stares at one of them and they laugh, quite frankly. They do whatever they want to do. So the Democrat Party is united in promoting the Democrat Party. The Republican Party is just not a united party in many ways. I often tell my wife were going to miss trump when hes gone. [laughter] [applause] and im a reagan guy. But im also a trump guy. [applause] were going to miss him. Because hes not george w. Bush, because hes a fighter. He takes on the media, he takes on the Democrat Party, he takes on individuals in his own party and calls them as he sees them, and and this is what drives them nuts. Thats number one. Number two, could he say things in a different way . Yes, but he doesnt want to. [laughter] maybe if they stopped calling him hitler and stalin and mussolini and an antisemite and a racist, maybe he wont call them nassty [laughter] or a kook or whatever. He doesnt call them the names that they call him on a daily basis. But were going to miss him for a lot of reasons. Number one, he fights. He fights. [cheers and applause] you know, hes not a philosophical conservative. [laughter] but in most ways, he is a conservative. I dont much care how he got there. He just got there. And thats fine by me. [applause] i also know hes not them. I also know he loves this country, i also know he believes in our economic system. I also know he believes in sovereignty and borders for a country. I also know how he treats allies like israel. I know this is a man [cheers and applause] he knows infant side when he hears it, and he rejects it. [applause] hes put more originalists on the court since Ronald Reagan. [applause] hes not them. And hes better than that. Hes also not a rino. [cheers and applause] but he might lose. But you know what . Sometimes you lose and then sometimes you pick up your pieces and you win the next round. But im very impressed with a lot of what hes doing, and i try to put myself in his own shoes. Could you wake up every day under the attacks that he faces, threats against his children and his family and his taxes and his finances, the state of new york trying to take after him and on and on and on and on . This is a very remarkable man in many ways. [applause] and i know people would, some people would prefer that he spoke differently, that he tweeted differently, that he did all these things differently. Well, you would prefer if the other side spoke different hi and tweeted differently and didnt do what they do. [applause] and all i know is he got elected president , and mitt romney did not. [cheers and applause] and john mccain did not. [applause] were not done yet. [laughter] i know theres a thousand more questions, but, mark, before you leave, you know, youve been here before. Weve given you, like, a reagan hat, a reagan jacket, various things i use all those, by the way. I know you do. Marks got a studio called the reagan studio, and its filled with some extraordinary things. And i was trying to think, well, what could we give to mark as a gift for coming all the a way out here. And we decided uhoh. [laughter] theres a statue wow. [cheers and applause] when you visit the United States capitol and you go into the great rotunda, youll see this statue of Ronald Reagan thats going to stand there for a thousand years. And this is a replica of that. And on it, it says to mark levin, a true american. Thank you, mark. [cheers and applause] thank you, thats beautiful [applause] theres not many of those. [applause] i wonder if tsa is going to let me bring this on the plane . [laughter] this is the a magnificent institution. This is a great library. I love coming here [applause] the history of Ronald Reagan is so crucially important. He turned this country around, he defeated the soviet union. He did so many things that young people need to learn about and so forth. It is a treat for my family and me and my friends to be here. I cant tell you, John Heubusch is absolutely the most fantastic friend [applause] and melissa and his staff are absolutely unbelievable to do Something Like this with all of you. But i want to tell you from the bottom of my heart, to sit there and see one beautiful patriot american after another from from every walk of life, from all over the country, from all over the world, look around. Every pigmentation, gay, straight, children, 91yearold, a 97yearold, people who have served in war, people who have been in Law Enforcement, i cannot tell you how broad how proud i am when you come to a place like this for one of our national, i call it National Town Hall Meetings to reinvigorate ourselves so you know that there are people who share your viewpoints, who care about this country. Im sorry we have to move quickly, but i try and look every person in the eye and try and shake every person, to do the best i can, but [applause] to have my beautiful wife by my side, my motherinlaw, my son [applause] but i want you to know something. Somethings going on. I was in new jersey, 2,000 people showed up. I was on long island, 2,000 people showed up. [applause] i was in tysons corner, virginia, 3,000 people showed up. [cheers and applause] and theyre all saying exactly the same thing you are, somethings going on. Theres enough of us, we shall overcome. God bless you, thank you. [cheers and applause] ladies and gentlemen, we ask that you respectfully remain in your seats until the levin family has been escorted out, so please remain in your seats

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