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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the shakespeare theater companys annual dinner and mock trial. Before we begin, please take this time to silence all Electronic Devices that may disrupt this evenings proceedings. Photography of this trial was tricky prohibited. Please join me in welcoming trustee and chair of the Bar Association, abby david lowell. Thank you for joining us. All the things we do, being involved in the board, doing the things we do to keep this alive. The mock trial in the Bar Association is the most joyous. Tonights annual dinner, and the support of this theater. On the text of the oresteia which was adapted by ellen the goffman and adopted from the original the oresteia with violence that can be stopped when society peers into its own soul and sees the depths of revenge, its complicity and the way out. Our performance and hope everybody got a chance to see it, our beloved artistic director at the end of his 33 years of being an artistic director. Not too long ago to critical claim and those who write about it and those in the audience who see it. If you didnt see it with this greek trilogy let me set the stage. Agamemnon killed his youngest daughter as a sacrifice for military success in the war against troy. After 10 years of war greece in rage he returns home and is murdered by his wife, clyremnestra. Following this house of atreus tradition, their son orestes with the encouragement of his sister electra murders clyremnestra, a crime for which he is ultimately pardoned. In other words, with all going on in this family it was like the greek early version of an episode of keeping up with the kardashians. Saying he is unable to focus and plagued by nightmares, hears voices in his head, filed a lawsuit seeking compensatory and punitive damages against his sister, alleging it was her actions that were the proximate cause of his mental state and damage to his reputation. Orestess case was tried by jury that found in favor them, that electra had taken advantage of his mental state and this was the approximate cause, or ask was the cause, the damage that occurred to his reputation. Electra appeals argument the jury verdict was contrary to the weight of evidence and the law and that the award was excessive. The court of appeals for the circuit of athens assured the jurys verdict and petitioned the Supreme Court for review of the following question. Did electra intentionally use orestes is the totality to murder their mother causing psychological and or reputational damage, at the conclusion of tonights argument you will be asked to serve as the jury and to vote on the following question. Did electra use orestes is the instrumentality to murder their mother. You believe the Trial Court Decision was correct and should be upheld . See and vote with the blue token. If you believe it was in directed to be overturned. Let me do the most important and joyous part for the participants that make this possible. Please welcome United States Supreme Court marshall pamela tobin. And counsel for the petitioner, william a a of the firm covington and burling. Counsel for the respondent, orestes, the constitutional accountability center. And in just a moment we will welcome members of the esteemed bench and they will be called to the bench by the Marshall Ambrose lighting in the Supreme Court of athens for this scenario, Supreme Court justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and stephen g breyer. The United States court of appeals for the dc circuit, judge patricia millet, United States court of appeals for the third circuit, judge stevens and the District Court for the district of columbia, judge jackson. Thank you for being with us. Please take the gavel. [applause] all rise. [applause] oh yea oh yeah, the Supreme Court of athens is now in session. Please be seated. The Supreme Court of athens will now here argument in the case of orestes versus electra and we will first hear from counsel brickman who is representing electra and seeking to overturn the judgment of the courts. You may proceed. May it please the court. I would like to reserve 5 minutes for rebuttal please. King orestes is not pleased he is unpopular in public polling. He brought this suit against his sister to divers attention from his failure to make athens great again. [laughter] the court should say no to this attack. He told this court a store that is different from the one he told the other court but acquitted him of murder. To induce them to murder his mother. He is stopped from his trick of blaming electra. As for makings claim, electra did not recklessly let alone intentionally cause injury to her brother. She was caught offguard. He came as heir to the throne, one trained in the ways of soldiers and warfare, man of the world. Orestes spoke of himself as a stable genius and knew more of everything than electra. It is plain as day that orestes had resolved to murder his mother when he snuck back into the city. Otherwise orestes would have arranged a homecoming as heir apparent and arranged to Buckingham Palace approach that he preferred. The oracle hannity had explained, that he would free up his ability to take the throne and become king. That was nothing. He had other knives he wanted to incriminate. He has invoked executive privilege to refuse, for the subpoena for a sword. He is releasing his tax returns to identify business reductions or purchase of weaponry. There is no evidence to support his claim to damages, damaged reputation, seriously. The word sordid is etched in stone at the door of the house of atrios. Infanticide, matricide, cannibalism, incest, treachery of every sort has long been attached to orestes and family name and damages to mental state, orestes continues to rule, he presented people with his personal positions letter that he is the healthiest individual ever to be king and his healthcare is free of the king and the power of apollo, the god of healing. In fact, king orestess claim for damages subterfuge. She is a woman and denied the right to own property or to inherit so a damages award would mean death bondage for electra, imprisonment or worse. May i ask, it is all well and good what you have said but we know that an unusual talent, she put things into peoples heads. She gave clytemnestra bad dreams. Isnt it likely that she did the same thing to others . She put ideas into his head that would not have been there had she not put them there. Electra did not plan to put any ideas she had. She had been serving in a position without any decisionmaking, without any ability to be out in the world like that but and indeed if electra had the intent or of session to kill their mother, she had all of that time to use a much more feminine file of poisoning against clytemnestra but never took that on herself. But she repeatedly said i will have my revenge, it will be through my brother. My brother. She commiserated with her brother. And this was only after orestes explained what apollo and the oracle told him to do when he came back. Your version of this tombstone conversation does not match the transcript released by wikileaks. My client was not able to record and release any recording of that, and the credibility of arrestees, a core questionable and nothing to give support to. And blamed his sister electra. There is another culprit involved here. And is it possible that before returning to the kingdom orestes stayed at a resort in the american republic. Certainly orestes is a man of the world who traveled far and wide and came back under dark of night, and viewed his sister as a noncitizen and he suggested that he could build a wall to exclude women from the city. It is implausible. In your brief, you suggest that apollo is to blame because hes the god of medicine and somehow failed to treat orestess Mental Health conditions. Doesnt that depend on coverage. I thought that his Mental Health state was a preexisting condition. And surely surely he is not on his Parents Health coverage. Now with his parents both did i assume that Health Coverage has expired, but certainly as the ruler of the kingdom, he has access to healthcare, and aliens within his jurisdiction. In the court of appeals of access and you dont speak greek . [applause] i come here is a noncitizen myself. I have been denied the ability for true education so i feel lucky enough to be here and one can hope for the day when women are accorded the same rights of education as men. [cheers and applause] how can you possibly answer what electra had said . She condemned herself from her own mouth. She said he holds a knife, it is true, only because i handed it to him. I made it in the furnace. She is waiting and waiting, she has a knife especially made for him. He wielded a knife but she gave it to him. He gave it to him not out of a voluntary this was her brother who had been gone for ten years, she yearned to commiserate with the loss of their sister at the murderous hand of agamemnon. And the death of their father at the hand of clyremnestra, someone to support and commiserate with, when he came to her at the tomb of agamemnon, the story from the oracle and apollo and i read on orestess twitter account that he was cocked and loaded and ready to commit the murder and how many people might die, he called it off. It was electra who turned him back. Your honor, i think that goes back to the core question that he had already planned to carry this out after speaking with apollo and the question goes down to was he lying then or is he lying now . I dont understand, i am very confused about socks. When you talk about in system infanticide, cannibalism, murder and adultery you are not to transfer to the fact that you are serving children to the gods and he decided what he was going to do, he was going to murder somebody else. I think after atrios killed his brother, we have the two children of atreus, none, agamemnon kills his daughter and after he kills his daughter, here comes clyremnestra who murders agamemnon and then orestes killed everybody. This is a seriously dysfunctional family. [applause] let me respond to that and reserve time for rebuttal. That proves the point that there are no damages here. What reputation could possibly be harmed through that . He doesnt need a judge, he needs a therapist. We do know that orestes was the only one in the room when it happened. Electra was not there and regardless of the knife it is orestes who murdered clyremnestra and cannot blame electra for that. [applause] please proceed. Good evening, may it please this Supreme Court of athens. My friend on the other side is impressive no doubt but she has had nothing that would shut down on the wise advice of the oracle of delphi to file the suit against electra for intentionally exploiting orestess Mental Illness, not only are two lower Court Judgment on his side as well as the law, but you seem like a really nice court and i feel it is important to say as a favor to got apollo and the goddess athena, also on my clientside. I certainly understand matter chief justice has a vigorous workout routine. The goddess athena can be very vengeful. My client orestes has suffered greatly. His father agamemnon was murdered by his mother and after hearing his fathers dying scream, orestes was haunted by deteriorated mental state. He thought he heard voices, he was confused and vulnerable, seizing on his feeble state, electra coerced him into killing their mother, confessing herself as the chief justice said, that while orestes had done the deed it was only because electra handed the murder weapon to him. This is not very cool and definitely not very legal. Electras actions were the proximate cause of orestess mental state and the damage to his reputation and this court should affirm the findings of courts below. Electras actions caused extreme damage to orestess all, psyche and social standing. The chain of causality is clear. But for electras intentional manipulative his Mental Illness he would not have killed his mother. But for killing his mother he would not have suffered an understandable post murder meltdown. The trauma of the murder exacerbated his delusion, taking him from perfectly capable of conversation and introspection, riding down the golden escalator, instead turning him into a madman king calling out for his dead daddy incapable of recognizing his sister, terrified of birds and taken to fits of crying on the floor. He had potential to be a great ruler but now is subject to gossip and undermining and witchhunts. As Emperor Trumpus would say, sad. [cheers and applause] without this courts judgment, electra will succeed in escaping consequences of her actions. We should not allow this to happen. You omitted an important fact. When orestes returns, before he ever sees electra, he announces he is going to kill his mother because apollo commanded him to do that. So he has a plan at the very beginning, before he even sees his sister and then she is a good big sister. She supports him and encourages him. The idea is all his. I dont know how many times in the record of the prior trials he says apollo made me do it, it was apollo, apollo. Never once did he try to cast blame on his sister. I think we should take orestes seriously but not literally. When he said apollo made him do it, he did think at that moment that apollo was telling him to do it but because electra put those thoughts into his mind. A consistent argument that at the time he may have thought that apollo wanted him to do it. But he kept coming back to the oracle. I dont understand why you say electra was the proximate cause when the oracle was the one that had the most influence. It was the oracle that told him to kill his mother. The oracle told him to sue his sister. The oracle had as many distinct advisor roles as mick mulvaney. With that much influence, how can you say it was electra . We have an acting oracle right now. [laughter and applause] i dont know they have been able to confirm the oracle. I will grant you that fate did agree that clyremnestra must die for her action. Following up on alice athena, she of the bronze biceps, we are messing with some pretty vengeful god, these theories. They started visiting you . What if they follow up on us . If we find for your client . I hate to say it but the theories are very good at trolling. That is my recommendation. Exactly, the furies the whole story is questionable because you claim orestes was grieving his father at the tomb when electra intervened but electra said he was in distress, why does he let bryce harper go to the phillies . [applause] i dont want to step on justice beviss toes over there. This is a perfect example of why we need an excessive damage award against electra. When it comes to damages it is difficult to understand why youre maintaining electra is a slave, she is judgment proof. If this is just an attempt to humiliate her knowing you will not be able to collect damages from her i respectfully disagree. First, she can afford this fancy burlington in downtown manhattan. [applause] secondly, she married a prince and infosys is one of the few greek provinces in which women are permitted to own property. I heard she had an agreement from mexico today. They are paying in theory. She does have resources. She married a wealthy crown prince and she is able to own property in that state. Her claims of poverty here should not fly with this court. I want this in the record. I believe the oracle told me about this. The oracle wikipedia. I dont understand why a claim based on the argument orestes suffered reputational injury. Over the past few years, he said he is the greatest and most able king ever with the biggest crowds and the most devoted followers. I even hear the annual fireworks celebration is going to be turned into an orestes warship tested everybody is fine with that. This is ancient greece. Im still confused. [laughing] i mean, orestes falls in love. My god, what happens they talk orestes into killing orestes goes crazy. Get it . You dont get it . Ill spell it out. He now says, that he was talked into killing. Hes now saying that it was elektra who talk to him into killing. I mean, really . For me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. [laughing] [applause] your honor, your question perfectly illustrates the foolishness of the claim of elektra the because this involves family drama is not appropriate before this court. This is an page increase, our entire culture and history and religious belief system is built on family drama. My drama lives in the country and i go to visit her every christmas. [laughing] the goddess did not just bring from yesterday. She knows here orestes shouldve been pardoned because he is innocent. He was taken advantage of by his sister. Who hasnt had a sister convinced until the mother . [laughing] what rational leader would want to revenge his if you need to ship to sail when he just ask his acting defense secretary to move ship . [laughing] [applause] ability to put out a couple tweets to that effect. But you know, look, he had an extra daughter. [laughing] thats why you have more than one. Did he only get pardoned because Kim Kardashian asked . We moved away for the from locker up and more, may it please the court. Thats really what orestes is trying to do here today. Can i ask you a hypothetical . Not to upstage my dear colleagues. What if information about orestes motivation is discovered in the trove of secret documents after dent on the passage one of his assistants . [applause] i mean sure, as county can represent one thing to us in litigation. For example, just point this out of thin air, we could be told that orestes believe the question hey, why dont you kill our mother, was a legitimate one it because doing so would somehow protect women and minorities but what if someone discovered that orestes real motivation was to Office Mother to engage the god to withdraw the electoral maps to secure all power for themselves quick should we vacate this case . [cheers and applause] that is excellent, excellent excellent question. Thank you. [laughing] i think we will find out probably later this week. [laughing] but absolutely, your honor, what the motivation here is important. He was manipulated through conniving imagination from electric that is the only reason that he murdered his mother. Eigenvector said it was apollo and the are the necessary parties . Why didnt she joined them . And we have jurisdiction over the gods . What kind of sanction tribunal can we impose . Look [laughing] im not saying im going to resist the subpoena if you try to subpoena the theory and the god apollo. I do think that there is a legitimate claim of executive privilege here. Something fundamentally wrong with the argument i think. This is a story about vengeance and aeschylus idea is that vengeance has to end. The killing has to stop. So the conclusion cant be to continue vengeance. There must be a different solution. Matted chief justice, i feel like this is that end. We are in court. Without battling it out with knives and bloodshed we are here before this Honorable Panel to to blame someone else. [laughing] [applause] the blame lies where it appropriate belongs. It just so happens but why not with the courts . They observe it all and they he couldve stopped it and they didnt. Your honor, that is a fair point, but it was electra who blocked the door when he tried to flee. The court is not the main player here. So its appropriate that electra should suffer this judgment and it needs to be a substantial award because of her substantial newly married well. If she does not pay today, then we will all pay tomorrow. Thank you, counsel. Thank you. [applause] you have how many minutes . Five minutes. Thank you your honor. I wanted to talk about those lower courts that my friend on the other side invokes. This court should say no to this notorious rv gg. Ruling by greek got below. My by law and the law did not citizenship to women her peers were excluded from the jury and the judiciary that decided the case. That cast a shadow of illegitimacy that is contrary to full democracy. Im surprised to hear you say that because i understand that nowadays even in productions of trial by jury, there are women on the jury. Yes, we can only hope that the prophecy of athena comes forward to fulfillment with her feminine wisdom reason. Indeed, we can look for today she says on this very day in history that some point in the far future we should expect a group of swift footed women warriors to sail to defeat the kingdom of fame and advanced to the quarterfinals on their quest of the holy [cheers and applause] finally, your honor, this is a ruse that theres any ability to get recovery of damages from electra. Perhaps my friend on the other side had a wikipedia entry that have been edited, but the ability to not inherit property would prevent damage award against her husband opposite to satisfy her award pics of the business and at effort to locker up in this debt bondage. We urge the court to say no to orestes and not allow electric to be made another me too with her slaughtered sister and mother. [applause] we urge the court to reverse and give justice to electra, to bring back the reason and long not to let orestes continued blood feud, family vengeance, and cycle of hatred override what athena has established. Thank you, your honor. Thank you, counsel. [applause] the case is submitted and the court will take a brief recess. The of eventual now deliberate. Honorable bench will now deliberate. [inaudible] [cheers and applause] please deseeded. As the bench deliberates, our audience will cast their vote by taking a red or blue token in the cyclic basket. The question is, it electra intentionally or recklessly use orestes as the instrumentality to murder their money . Please note read for yes if you believe electra did use orestes and the Trial Court Decision should be upheld. Please vote blue for know that the trial courts decision on her actions was incorrect and should not be upheld. Again, the question is did electra intentionally or recklessly use orestes as the instrumentality to murder their matter . Please dont read for yes. If you think she did the decision should be upheld, blue for know if the Trial Court Decision was incorrect. Please vote once. [laughing] ladies and gentlemen, please welcome abbe lowell for tonight discussion. [applause] as i indicated before, but not always has great promise for all of us and for me this is a special one. Let me please welcome my guest tonight. You know who he is. Not gratis Data Center Just yet for a purpose so i will tell about them that you probably know something about the probably not all about. Our guess is the principal partner in the sea of monumental sports and entertainment which owns the nhl 2018 stanley cup champion washington capitals. [cheers and applause] the soon to be champion washington wizards. [laughing] both of whom play across the street. Welcome back to that. The wnba, the afl, the 2018 arena chicken washington pelican baltimore were taken the nba julie capital city cocoa and the nba two k legs wizard district. Quite an accomplishment. And our agreement is that he came your and participate enough, the Shakespeare Theatre company promised we would never do it openingnight wenders home game across the street. [laughing] our guest is nationally recognized entrepreneur, investor, elizabeth, Award Winning formula cars won peabody and in the awards, he a variety of boards including the American Express and groupon and is a former vice chair of resident of a ll. So welcome and will you please is in that game show identify yourself for the audience. [speaking in native tongue] is my real name. When my father and his brother came at ellis island, they went to a different processing lines, and my father came out lewis and his brother came out stanley lewis. [laughing] so the first question is the obvious because its been other two in the arguments. Our theater, our company has its name, the name shakespeare. We all know that he was dramatically influenced by the greek tragedies. But as we have just shown in michaels production of the oresteia, the greek plays have lasting power. Everlasting relevancy. Were talking not just hundreds of years since the 16th 16th century shakespeare but were talking thousands. Why do you think that is . What is so compelling that that leaves later we can put this on stage, people will come because it means something . Why do you assume shakespeare was a man . [laughing] so although very offtrack and right now. You got it. The great thing about greek drama, greek tragedy is it set the architecture for everything that we are about. Not just democracy but the way we communicate and storytelling. Its only three great acts. It used to be way meets girl, boy loses girl, boy gets girl back. It morphed into outsider comes from nowhere, surprises the experts, comes very, very publicly successful, and people are rooting for their success. And then because of hubris, the cousin of act of god, and evil competitor, theres a very great public and she militating she militating fall. And then theres the comeback. At any one time all of us are in one part of that humiliating if you carbon dated are president s, he was in all three of those acts. American drama, we value the comeback more than we do those first two ask. And i think greek tragedies are, i like greek comedies all a bit better. I know youre going to ask you, you like electra as a play i did until just now. [laughing] i think frogs is an interesting play, but the theory of telling a story and then watching it as art, you look at the iliad and the odyssey, and then the middle of things, thats powered most of our dramas. I met Quentin Tarantino once at sundance, and we talked for a couple of minutes. He said the iliad and odyssey was a most important influence on his work. Hes going to do ten movies. I think the one that is coming out is the night but if you look at his greatest work it starts in middle of things and then reads back and forwards. So the greek tragedy all the way through shakespeare, all the way to hollywood today really set an architecture on how would you grab an audience, how will you influence the audience. And also drill politics. Its not inconsequential that the people that we consider our greatest president s are or doors that orders. We believe in their stories. We believe in a narrative that they try to create for themselves. We had a president that is telling his own, creating his own narrative in 140 character soundbites but its honestly no different than telling stories and being able to motivate large audiences with your narrative. So among the things that we now recognize not just the influence of Greek Literature or tragedies and plays things that we still perform, but almost everything that we do has a profound impact from what happens 1000 years ago, our form of government is facing greek democracy. We are taught by the Supreme Court here. Look at the Supreme Court building, look at the fact right across the street this arena that the something about sports, and sports was so influential in greek society. It takes all those things. What do you think is the fundamental reason, that again for 3000, 4000 years later these are still such strong influences in modernday america . I think weve lost a little bit of soul of what democracy was. I was supposed to be it supposed up to the people but the responsibility of the people to understand what government was. This afternoon i sat next to bill gates and david rubenstein, and david was talking about civics and how theyve done i cast, and immigrants have to pass an exam, and that 70 , i think you have to get seven to become a citizen. Immigrants are much more, much more educated now on what our country is about. And that if you asked a young person, a young student in high school, they cant name the three arms of the government. And so we have to get back to educating people so that they can understand whats involved with managing our own country here weve lost a lot of that. I would also say that we should never lose sight in democracy. The 7 billion people on earth, theres 350 million or so in america. We have become a very, very small part of the overall population. There is now 4 billion people on the internet, and so the internet has become the great democratizing for good and for bad. We started but that was the idea, and our goal was to make more democratic access to information, the ability to communicate, the ability to be able to bring lots of people together so that you could do polling, that you could understand what a community was thinking. And to be able to share knowledge, because at the heart of what the internet should be, and now we will see regulations because do you think that is the time wed have that regulation now . Because you are a concept of making it a vehicle for democracy has not been used in certain way i think, facebook, twitter, jack dorsey, mark zuckerberg, they fall, they have flown too close to the sun about that. Nice analogy. Greek tragedy. Yet, because the idea behind this was to have the majority of the people benefit. And whats happened on twitter and facebook is bad actors have taken control. And today when we meeting and talking, a woman pulled out her iphone and was showing us what happens when someone tweets and how it lights up over the world server by server, undoing what that voice was. And the bots have taken over, the machines are taken over. Thats about as far away from empowering the people as imaginable. All that is doing is empowering the algorithms. Twentyfirst questions. You mentioned you were so well bred and so well watched, what is your favorite greek play or piece of literature . Well, i ended up with my career by going to georgetown and i had to write a senior thesis that i was a little bit, and so i went into the library to find the smallest book there. And it was . Old man and the sea. Very great greek tragedy if i remember. And i had a fantastic mentor, father joseph durkin. He wrote 99 books. He lived to be 101 years old. He was a fantastic man, and so what was the book about . I guy doing fishing and it was hot out. He was thinking cuba. Father said im really disappointed in you. You should go and read it in the context of what was happening in the time, and theres deep spiritual power in the book. So i did read it again, and i felt in love with hemingway and i started to read all of his books. And i noticed that hitting ways style hemingway style matching. It are gone from a journalistic style to more, a more faulk asked, very long stories and very intertwined narrative. And so father durkin said, well, what your i did . I said i think hemingway wrote old man and the seat in the 30s when he was a journalist, not in the 50s when it was published. Probably she needed the money. He wasnt as successful. He pulled the book outcome freshened it up a little bit he said, thats an interesting theory. How are you going to prove it was i said i have no idea. Maybe right letter to mary hemingway. Father durkin said lets use the computer. With one computer on the campus of georgetown. It was in the registrars office. To make a long story short, we used the ibm 360 and input 5000 words from books and articles throughout his career, use of myth the sea. Wrote the first liberal arts algorithm, thats the computer when did hemingway write the old man and the sea . Is at 193030, not 1951. So it was kind of a breakthrough in the first time liberal arts and technology that come together, and thats really whats powered a lot of the social media being able to combine that kind of frying in with the backend platform. Last question. I knew anybody in the audience and outset wants me to ask this so i will. When i would bring the championship back to washington . Theres three acts in the great trauma. [laughing] so everyone loves the come back. The ambassador to greece is sitting behind me, who likes me and respects me, sits down and says what happened to the caps fisher . Suggests a sin. Soon. We want to be great and everything great friends across the street. And you are. Very great. You have the theater right speed is absolutely i agree. Anybody please thank ted. [applause] all rise. Please be seated. As the court has deliberated, conscientiously, and im pleased to announce that we have reached a unanimous judgment. Now, our reasons differ, and i [laughing] i will ask each of my colleagues to explain the judgment that we, why they reached the judgment that they did. So i will start. We have agreed unanimously to reverse the judgment of the court of appeals and to remand [applause] to dismiss the suit. Now, this has nothing to do with the quality of counsel. Both sides were excellent. [applause] but my reason is the whole purpose of the oresteia is to in the cycle of vengeance. The course at one point realizes were all in it together. We were there. He we watched. We didnt do anything to stop it. But what must be stopped is the cycle of vengeance. So we cannot let this continue, the cycle of vengeance. We have to find a way that people can come together those of you who saw the oresteia i think appreciated the brilliant ending that was modeled on truth and Reconciliation Commission in south africa. Let anybody tell his or her story. Lets all listen and learn from listening. And then there will be more, no more. So for that reason, for the cycle of vengeance must end. Orestes cannot prevail come in my judgment, and now i will call on my call the, Justice Breyer come to explain the reason for his joining the judgment. I would say the deep reason is the reason Justice Ginsburg just said. The more frivolous reasons, as important as they are [laughing] is first there is no jurisdiction, quite clearly in this court. It is a Circuit Court because the federal court and we know nothing about Family Medicine go to the family court if youre having a dysfunction. [applause] but i have another reason. And the other reason is simply this. Its obvious apollo did this. Apollo is mean, nasty, horrible. No, i do apollo, apollo is a friend of mine. [laughing] and all i can tell you is, electra was no apollo. [laughing] [applause] just one comment on my brilliant colleagues statement. This case doesnt belong in our courts. What about john dice versus john dice, a family dispute . That was in england. Who can understand english . [laughing] and next, circuit judge. I joined the judgment in part because men have been blaming women for the failings since [applause] [cheers and applause] adam blamed eve for the apple. Henry the eighth blamed his wives for failure to produce an heir. Yoko ono was way for breaking up the beatles. [laughing] and Homer Simpson blamed marge for his donut addiction. How can this ever free from vengeance and valium and the contributions of all its citizens, perpetuates the storage of blaming women for mens inability to exercise selfcontrol . [applause] an expert here from circuit judge. I, too, would reverse but i would add only apollo enjoys the Credit Community and im not about to cross them. [laughing] [applause] and finally judge jackson. Thank you. I joined the judgment for perhaps the most frivolous reason of all, which is that a District Court judge, i just follow what majority tells me to do. [applause] will [laughing] do we hear from the audience . Please welcome back abbe lowell to read the juries decision. [applause] so chief justice said that judge brown have the word and, of course, in our theater, in the true democratic theory, the people have the last word. The red if you remember and we take you out in the middle, but glad you got this right, would be to sustain the lower court and find the judgment that occurred for orestes. The blue would overturn the verdict and fine for electra. I said that right. Yes, this is to find that orestes is judgment will prevail and visit to overturn. [shouting] say it again. [shouting] i think its a mistrial. Way, are you guys saying you didnt vote in that fashion . Hold on. Im looking for a chat. Chad. [laughing] are right. What have you thought he voted for in red, this is it. [laughing] whatever you voted for, this is blue. [cheers and applause] all rise. This concludes the electoral the knife present by the Shakespeare Company bard association. We hope you enjoy the evening, and enjoy the rest of your night. [cheers and applause] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] there are many capacities that the house is not offer Congressional Offices. If a chief of staff remember as a management problem, visually no office they can sit down and say cannot err out my concerns and get some guidance and advice . If i questioned about personal matters, if theres legal questions, i can turn to somebody but if im simply wanting to determine the pay of a person or the compensation system in my office, is a fair, does make sense, who do i turn to . Theres a range of services if i want to recruit people, if im looking to recruit minority candidates because of what to bring minority candidates into my office, im a freshman, how do i recruit people, how do i recruit minority candidates . Whats the best practices quick at h. R. Office can provide the services and wealth of other services. Lacking that information, lacking that place to go to an onestop shop, Congressional Office has to do with themselves and often wind up not doing it all. What im looking for is not too tight anybodys hands cannot to make any Congressional Office eight yes, we will work with any compensation system thats going to say they can only be paid this much, it simply whatever the service yet, the great and h. R. Office to provide the support and helps offices needs and would benefit themselves. Its fully volunteer can issue pickets were interested managers and interested neighbors can go to get information on a wealth of issues that are confronting the offices. Many of these issues theyve never confronted before. You can watch this entire hearing from House Modernization Committee on support for new moves of congress, listen with the free cspan radio app. Appellate attorneys and legal experts talk about the Supreme Courts recent term, preview upcoming cases and, in fact, the president has had on the court system. Due to a technical issue we will join the First American Bar Association panel in progress. And one is somewhat mild, this term and i think Kannon Shanmugan echoed it was in terms of applications and the court written ways certain justices were 20 the legal, a majority of the cases so

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