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Forward with resolve to make everything better for everyone, not just a few. Voices from the road on cspan. Secretary of state mike pompeo and Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov held a News Conference with reporters at the state department. They spoke about what relations between the u. S. And russia. This is 45 minutes. Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome. Welcome, sergei. Before a recap the meeting that i had with foreign minister lavrov and his team of what to note that recently the Trump Administration has taken action human rights violators. Its only appropriate to and maintenance right on human rights today. These actions extend the commitment to hold individuals accountable for gross human right abuses all around the world. Ill speak more about that tomorrow. Now turning to our meeting. Last may at President Trumps request i made a trip to russia to meett with president putin ad foreign minister lavrov. The reason was pretty straightforward. We should have better relationship, United States and russian that weve had in the last few years and weve been working on that since that moment. Our bilateral ties are of course complicated. We cooperate in some areas. Inin other places we compete. Over the course of my visit, foreign minister lavrov and i agree to continue the hard work that diplomats engage in. We agreed to keep lines of communication open and to keep our conversations candid as well. Our talks today continued that. We touched on counterterrorism, counternarcotics, our intelligence and Law Enforcement professionals cooperate in these areas on a daily basis and will keep doing so. On syria we are committed to working through u. N. Security Council Resolution 2254 to find a political solution to the crisis there in syria. I think we agree there is no military solution and we both want to assure this area never becomes a safe haven for isis and other terrorist groups. That goes for afghanistan as well, talk of cooperation our countrys have had on the issues that face us in afghanistan. Today, too, we agreed on the final fully verified denuclearization in north korea as her joint objective. I raise the importance of sanctions enforcement with foreign minister lavrov today. These are all good positive areas where our two countries have cooperated and will continue to do so. There are other places where there are greater challenges. Venezuela is one of them. The longer that maduro hangs on to power, the deeper the misery of the venezuelan people. Weve asked the russian government to support the aspiration for democracy and legitimacy off interim president ial juan guaido, and the call that we have made for a free and fair president ial elections. We also spent a fair amount of time talking about ukraine. It was a major part of our conversations. Foreign ministerns lavrov just returned from paris where president putin and president zelensky had substantive conversations. Im proud ofm what this administration has done in the defense of that countries sovereignty and security. I reiterated to foreign minister lavrov s that crimea belongs to ukraine and the resolution of the conflict in Eastern Ukraine begins with adherence to commitments made under the minsk agreements. President trump is eager to pursue arms control with russia and with china. We talked about that at great length today. It has to be verifiable, enforceable, include all the partners who have the ability to infect Strategic Security around the worldfi and then i had the chance rize should use that since like paul wheeling who have been detained in russia, bring home our citizens abroad a sense possible is one of President Trumps highest priorities. We had a success this past weekend. And then on the question of interference in our Domestic Affairs, i was clear, its unacceptable and i made out expectations of russia clear. The Trump Administration will always work to protect the integrity of our elections, period. Should russia or any foreign act to take steps to undermine our democratic processes we will take actionr in response. And finally i want the russian people to know that sanctions the United States has leveraged, levied on russian i individuals and entities are in no way targeted at the russian people and we have no quarrel with lawabiding citizens and we will keep working on the diplomatic level to get t this relationship right. I want to thank you, sir kay, foreign minister lavrov, for coming to washington and i look for to our continued conversations in the future. Thank you, sir. [speaking in native tongue] translator to secretary pompeo, for the opportunity to meet here in washington. We have accepted the invitation to visit the United States as a response visit. After secretary pompeo traveled to the Russian Federation to sochi in may this year, there was a meeting with the president of the Russian Federation as well as our meaningful negotiations. We meet each other regularly and we regularly talk on the phone when necessary. Todays meeting has confirmed that it is useful to talk to each other. However difficult this. In a relationship is, and including the global affairs. Talking to each other is always better than not talkingth to eah other. We have thoroughly discussed bilateral situation in our affairs and we spoke about strategic stability, arms control, and we spoke frankly and businesslike. Were trying not only to listen to each otherer but to hear each other. Its an open secret that we have different views on Different Things and it would be naive to think that overnight we could achieve Mutual Understanding on key issues, what i believe that was always so, more or less. There is not 100 coincidence in positions, and diplomacy trying to find solutions that would not infringe on vested interest of each others side, but that would allow us to avoid conflicts and promote constructive cooperation. Indeed, we agree with our American Partners just like mike just said. The situation when two leading majorn Nuclear Powers have accumulated differences, that is not acceptable, it does not benefit our countrys or the international community. That creates additional tension and global arena and the world on the holder will continue our dialogue. We have reciprocal intent to do that and with opportunities how to normalize our bilateral relations. We understand that our joint workal was hindered and continus to be hindered by the wave of suspicions that has overcome washington. We have highlighted once again that all speculations about our allegedly interfered in domestic processes in the United States are baseless. There are no facts that would support that. We did not see these facts. No one has given as this proof because simple it does not exist. I would like to remind you that when the first statement on this topic began, it was on the eve of the president ial election in 2016. We use the channels that existed back then between moscow and washington together with barack obama. We have asked many times our American Partners aboutur the opportunity to deal with these suspicions that were expressed in october 2016. All the way up to President Trumps inauguration. There was noum response. All our appeals when we were saying, if you suspect us of something, please put the facts down on the table. Lets discuss it. Response. O so all that continued after the inauguration after the inauguration of President Trump we suggested to our colleagues in order to dispel all suspicions that are baseless, let us publish this close channel corresponded starting from october 2016 till november 2017 so all become very clear to many people. However, regrettably this administration refused to do so. I would like to repeat once again we are prepared to do that, to publish the correspondence that took place through that channel, with clear many matters that i believe. Nevertheless, we hope that the turbulence that appeared out of thin air will die down just like in 1950s, mccarthys came to not and the be an opportunity to go back to more constructive cooperation. Incidentally we have offered multiple times and were reminded aboutt that today to put on papr mutual obligations on noninterference in Domestic Affairs of each other using the example of the exchange of personal notes that took place in 1933 when diplomatic relations were reestablished between the United States and the ussr. President roosevelt suggested the american site suggested and we agreed to do that, to change letters between president roosevelt and our ministry of foreign affairs, to put it on paper, this obligation not to allow for any interference in Domestic Affairs of each other. That was the initiative of the american side, and we are prepared to do something similar at this point in time at this very crucial stage. We agreed that it would be incorrect to put our relations on hold, to pause them and post but our interaction on topical issues of modern times. We are prepared to do practical work on a whole range of issues that are for mutual interest, and we are prepared to do so with that level of intensity that is convenient today for our American Partners. One of the central topics of our discussion was strategic stability. We directed the attention of a partners, and negative consequences of the u. S. Stepping out of the inf treaty, and weve highlighted once again that in these conditions after this treaty stopped existing, we are interested in, in not letting this theme out of our advisors, and we suggested, president putin suggested to the u. S. And other partners as well, that russia is announcing a unilateral moratorium on deploying such missiles and they will not be deployed. Upep until then and in those regions, up until the point where the similar systems appear, that american systems appear. That suggestion was made to our western partners including the u. S. For such moratorium to become mutual. This offer remained on the table. We also spoke about the destiny of yetof another treaty that is still not expired, and it will expire automatically in februar. I mean the newth s. T. A. R. T. Treaty. Russia has reconfirmed its offer already know to make a decision to extend this treaty. President putin has expressed this position, reconfirmed it in his public speech. We are also confirming our proposal to yet again use the examples of the ussr in the u. S. To make a statement at the level of president about in acceptability of certain nuclear war. This suggestion is also on the table. As for a global affairs, we spoke about the ukraine. I have briefed thoroughly secretary pompeo and his delegation about yesterdays discussions in normandy, format in paris about decisions made there and about those issues that have yet to be settled in order to move on fully towards full observance of minsk agreements. And it is a principal importance that the outcome document that the president s of russia, ukraine, france and germany have endorsed reconfirms the viability of the minsk agreement and requires the fulll observance. That is 100 our position. We also spoke about the need, continue our discussion about the past, how to overcome the crisis around Iranian Nuclear program. We are well aware of our position. We believe it is necessary to do everything out in our power to save jcpoa to ensure the peaceful nature of Iranian Nuclear research. Naturally we arerc very concernd about the situation that has taken place in the persian gulf in the strait of hormones, and we also promote strait of hormuz and we also promote for all countries that want to ensure it security and safety of navigation of review that russian proposal we suggested to begin a dialogue about creating a system of collective security around the goal. At the level of political scientist, experts and scientific community, we heldiaa special seminar and moscow. Many countries of the region including the arab state of the persian gulf that of taking part in fso a number of european scientists. We also invited u. S. Representatives, and we hope that next time they will take part in such an event. As secretary pompeo has said, we spoke about the situation around venezuela. Russia consistently promotes the idea that it should be venezuelans led and the people should define the future, and those dialects that were first seen in the oslo format, that unfortunately is in limbo right now, and the dialect dialects e seeing in the roundtable between a moderate opposition and the government would yield a necessary result and the crisis willes be settled through peacel means only. We spoke about the situation in the korean peninsula. We are promoting denuclearization of the korean peninsula, and against that backdrop we see that we believe contacts between the u. S. And the prk are very important. We hope that the position that we have also discussed with secretary pompeo, the position of russia and china with coordinating our approaches with china on these matters will be useful in order for washington to define their future path, considering the current stalemate in the negotiation process. We believe that in order to get out of this impasse, it is necessary to move forward with the reciprocal measures, measure for measure. And we are prepared to actively aid on these tracks in order to overcome the current situation. We spoke about syria, resolution 2254 encompasses all frameworks that need to define the movement for word toward the settlements, anden all aspects, weve highlighted the need for the cooperation between russia and the u. S. As well as other stakeholders in order to finally eliminate terrorism on syrian territory in order to solve humanity issues as well as need for a sustainable, constructive, political process that has begup in geneva within the Constitutional Committee where the syrian sides have to agree about the future of their country. We spoke about other hotbeds of tension in the middle east and north of africa. There are many of them there. In particular, i believe with mutual interest about closert cooperation on the libyan a settlement. We are cooperating on the situation around jiminy and, of course, it is very important to keep in our eyesight the palestinianisraeli settlement that is p apparently stalling, d it is in critical condition. We also spoke about our Bilateral Affairs as ive always said. President of the u. S. And russia back during the summit in helsinki in 2018 and later at their meeting in osaka in june this year, agreed about a number of specific steps, and is one of the results there was renewed counterterrorism dialogue. It took place one year ago and some rounds have already taken place. That allows for a more efficient fight against this, but for russia, the u. S. , as well as community. As far as the economy. Despite the sanctions as its wellknown do not benefit anyone, the trade during President Trumps residing, we had continued growth from 20 Million Dollars that was president obamas level, now President Trump as of this year have helped reach the level of 27 billion, thats around that means more jobs in both countries, that means more profit for producers. Now, i believe that its koorps and then the results will be mutually beneficial. We have agreed to continue to find paths in order to alleviate certain triggers in bilateral and therefore the situation with the rest of russian citizens abroad and these are situations with allegations that take part in international events, the u. S. Territory as well as for diplomates, as well as the situation with diplomatic property. We have agreed that the deputies will continue the discussions of all the issues that we want to make them constructive and your results, most most important. In the end, id like to say with all difficulties and differences, there is potential cooperation in the economy and others as well and its in the interest of both countries to tap into that fully and to the benefit of our countries and the that is our intent and today, we felt there was the same commitment of the american side. Im thankful to mike pompeo, would like to continue this dialog and i would like to invite him to visit russia when it is possible. Thank you. Thanks for the invitation. Well start with rich edson, fox news. Good afternoon, mr. Secretary. On north korea and your discussions with north korea, are you satisfied with russian and other countries sanction enforcement and also within the past week, north korea warned after Christmas Gift for the United States. Is the administration prepared or expect north korea to return to more aggressive posture, perhaps want to terminate negotiations . Foreign minister lavrov in your discussions over paul whelan, are the u. S. And russia any closer to resolving that case . Is paul whelan any closer today to freedom . And also, mr. Foreign minister, do you believe that ukraine meddled in the u. S. Election in 2016 . And is that specifically something that you discussed with the secretary today . Thank you. Thank you. With respect to north korea, weve worked with the russians on enforcement. Ive told foreign minister lavrov repeatedly we appreciate the level that they have, theyve done good work. These are u. N. Security sanctions, not u. S. Per se. And theyre resolutions that the russians voted for themselves. Theres always more work to be done on enforcement. Theres a major event on the 22nd of december where every nation is required to have all north korean workers out of their country, we talked about that today and the importance that there are many north korean workers in russia and the u. N. Security resolution requires them to depart. Were hopeful theyll be able to complete that and come into full compliance with that. As for our expectations with respect to north koreas behavior, i think that the president has been unambiguous. Chairman kim made the commitment to denuclearize and there would be no long range commitment tests and we continue to hope at that the north koreans would abide by. We continue to work to try to develop places to communicate and negotiation mechanisms to paths forward to denuclearization that both foreign minister lavrov and i are determined to help them achieve. We have overlaps on our objectives, we need to jointly figure out a way together to insist that the north korea and north Korean People that President Trump has so often spoken about. As for north korea, i would like to add a few words on that. You asked whether the u. S. Is satisfied with the enforcement of sanctions against north korea. The sanctions by the u. N. Security council. These sanctions are an instrument used by the u. N. Security council, however, that resolution does not deal only with sanctions. They also include the need to engage in more actually in political process and thats often being lost. Now, these efforts to cover the current situation, were convinced that this political process needs to be actively supported and the key role is played by the direct dialup between the u. S. And pyong yang and we promote the reestablishment of the die logs where its possible that these dialog can yield results only in the case when it follows the idea of reciprocal steps. You cannot demand north korea to do everything and right now and go back to ensuring its security in lifting the sanctions and the rest of all of it. The humanitarian Situation Requires urgent steps that would allow to and understand the capability of the Global Community not only to deal with the resolutions, but the preparedness of the Global Community to respond to absolutely legitimate and humanitarian needs of north korea. Right now, in those goods that are not being covered by any sanctions, either the u. N. Sanctions nor the u. S. Sanctions are very had an ared to deliver to north korea because its producing companies as well as Transportation Companies are afraid. Theyre simply afraid that for only mentioning that they have certain, legitimate business, that they can be punished again. This situation has brought us to that impasse where were at right now and we call upon leadership to show restraint of course, and we expect that the conditions will be equated for the renewal of the dialog, as for paul whelan, back in september the investigation has stopped and he has time to acknowledge himself to acquaint himself with the accusations and now together with his lawyers, hes starting his documents. After that, Court Process will proceed and that would put an end to this case and after that, using bilateral documents that we have between us, the official documents in Law Enforcement here, week make these decisions. Id like to highlight that a lot is being talked about the health of paul whelan and treat this issue with all seriousness, and our doctors examine him regularly. He was campaigning of hernia, we suggested capitoli surgery a decided not to. And paul whelan, this tactic chosen by his lawyers is now its hes threatening the penitentiary and officers and he makes all kinds of arrogant accusations and for example, hes saying that hell put a drill to the head of the officer. Maybe if these tactics of lawyers to create the image of a martyr, maybe that is not a correct one, not a correct approach and not an honest one. Id like to repeat again were acting in full compliance with our laws and International Norms that can be applied in this case. As for ukraine and elections in the United States in 2016, it has nothing to do with us. That is an issue for two sovereign states, however, that allo allows accusations against us that we ostensibly interfered in elections. We propose to public about and spoke about that were prepared to do that as soon as washington confirms their agreement to publish these Important Documents that are important for the community. The papers, a question for both. Did it bring clearer at the destiny of the treaty would be extended and clarification for mr. Lavrov, what do you think about the american argument that there is a need to engage china . Is it indeed a sincere desire to engage china or trying to find reasons not to extend this treaty . Now to secretary pompeo, clarify, please, how the u. S. Intends to engage china in the negotiation, with the balance here between different states and yet, another question to mr. Pompeo. Why do they give to publishing the materials that they spoke about, the correspondence between the white house and the kremlin will interference in elections, as far as i understand this correspondence took place in the fall of 2016 and in the winter of 2017. Well, since were talking about the extension of the treaty, id like to say as i have already said in my initial remarks, russian president s spoke again about russias preparing to right now agree and to alleviate the tension for Global Community. And the last instruments of arms control between the u. S. And the Russian Federation. Well, not this, but it will just not being enforced anymore and we are prepared to do that even today and the ball is in our American Partners court. As for china, they spoke about that multiple times, that china is prepared to engage that and enjoy that and that approach and other declared power both official and unofficial. China spoke clearly that they will not take part in any negotiations because neither on the number or the structure of their nuclear arsenal, theyre not on par with russia and the u. S. We spoke about that today, we looked at the statistics provided by the Swedish Research for peace, provided on china, on Chinese Nuclear arsenal in comparison with russia and the u. S. Arsenal and of course, we are talking about big figures. Big difference in figures. Of course, if china is prepared to do that, were prepared for the multilateral process in nuclear disarmament. Neverthele nevertheless, secretary pompeo this year, this situation naturally requires negotiations because there is no specific offer on the table by our American Partners. And it will take some time and in the meantime, to create a vacuum for the u. S. And russia, still major Nuclear Powers could talk about expansion of the new star treaty and calm down the international, that will be good. Take your second question and then ill return to the important conversation on our strategic dialog, strategic arms control. Well publish all the documents we think appropriate and we shared what happened in the 2016 election with our russian counterparts. We dont think theres any mistake toss to what occurred there. As for arms control, your question about startup in particular, it cant be the case that thats the full focus. That was an agreement that was entered into many years ago, when powers were on a relevant basis around the globe. A time when the Weapons Systems, the threats were very different than they are today. And the risks are different. Its no longer just missile, just bombers, just submarines, just warheads, there are many tools which can create instability. We believe not only do the conversations need to be bro broadened to the chinese commune case party, but the instruments of power that can create the instability that new starts, and agreements into decades ago. We have to get it right. Mr. Lavrov talked about china fewer of those Weapons Systems today, thats an accurate statement. But entering into these doesnt mean we would cap any one particular, the objective isnt about that, its about developing a set of conditions which create the very stability for the security of both our people, the people of the United States, the people of russia and people around the world are demanding from a good strategic dialog. So i hope that we can commence this and i hope that we can begin to move forward in a way thats constructive all the relevant parties, talking about all the relevant threats to strategic stability around the world and if we can do that, im confident we can make progress together. Thank you for your question. John hudson, washington post. Thank you. Mr. Secretary, i understand everything that you laid out about the importance of having china in those discussions. Would you, you know, if it doesnt pan out, given the objections, that minister lavrov pointed out that the chinese have, would you be willing to go forward in any way and maybe securing a limited extension of new start without the chinese . And on impeachment, the democrats obviously unveiled their articles of impeachment, which and the democrats have accused your building of resisting oversight efforts and taking part in abetting in the alleged quid pro quo. Do you have any response to that . Mr. Lavrov, has there been a progress on the establishing a business council. You mentioned you would like the u. S. To come forward with information about election meddling. Why not just read the mueller report, its very detailed, when it comes to u. S. Allegations when it comes to meddling in the 2016 election. If i may, ill take your second question first. First state oversite. Weve filled the requirements. And weve moved every officer who testifies to do so fully, accurately, truthfully, and that remains the expectation that i have for both the officers of the state department, as well as for the things that we do to produce documents in response to appropriate congressional oversight. We will continue to do that. Well continue to comply with every legal constitutional requirement thats presented to us to make sure that we do the right thing by the legislative branch and keep the power between the executive and legislative branches and we continue to do that in the days and weeks ahead. And your second question was a smaller question about new start, more narrow question about new start. Would we proceed without china, the answer is simply this. Do you believe theres a situation we could get to, a conclusion between the United States and russia that improves strategic stability . That is from where we sit today, can we move forward and make it more i guess with the even keeping it at the level that we have today. Theres real concern, as Weapons Systems move and advance, as new countries develop these capabilities, there is real risk that there is a reduction in strategic stability, just staying where we are today so that the reason that were asking for other countries to participate and for mr. Lavrov suggested france and the United Kingdom join as well , happy to consider that, too. The global and strategic stability, we will continue to engage in conversations with the russians and others, with the aim of achieving that. Now, as for the meddling or nonmeddling, you suggested to simply read the mueller report. We read it. There was no proof of any collusion. And our suggestion to publish id like to repeat this for the fourth time, to publish that data that would show how russia responded through a special channel, a speciallily designated channel for threats in cyber networks. To show how russia responded, how russia suggested to discuss it confidentially through this channel, how all proposals rejected by obamas administration. I think that publishing this data will not hinder the transparency and that would not be bad for special counsel mueller, for his report and of course, it will be interesting for a journalist to read so id like to confirm my proposal once again and add a few words. When mike responded to the previous question, he said that a suggestion to widen the circle of those to talk about arms control or nuclear arms control. The u. S. , as he said, a number of conditions, conditions, not the final limits of any. Now its the first time that we have clarification by an officially representative of the u. S. And thats why i have mentioned that it will be easier possibly for us and for other people who the u. S. Have been mined. To put it in paper for it to be worded in some way. Yes, well discuss our economic cooperation, including the possibility how to improve it and you know, the parts and following up on discussion that they had, specifically in osaka. Just add there. I think theyll be in the not too distant future some significant announcements about economic efforts between our two countries and we hope to do that before too terribly long. Tim from radio and Television Broadcasting company. During your interview you said that President Trump asked you to work on improving business relations between the two countries. At the same time as we know the u. S. Has imposed sanctions on the number of sectors of the economy and how are you going to improve this relationship according to sanctions . Also, id like it ask under what conditions can the sanctions be canceled . Considering that mass expulsion of diplomates that took place a few years ago, it is apparent that its harder to work for consular and both in the u. S. And its in trouble and official delegations. Have you discussed this issue and how do you plan to rebuild the work of the consulates . Is the u. S. Going to return russian diplomatic property and what terms it depends. Thank you so much. I suppose would you like to go first . Go ahead. Now, as for how meaningful it would be as for efficiency of consular departments, we talked about visas today. However, id like to give you some figures. As for missions in the Russian Federation, there are 155 diplomates more than in our missions that work in bilateral relations because 155 diplomates is the number that i would represent to the u. S. And we were bringing diplomatic rivals to parity and we decided not to from the overall quarter, those diplomates were not active in bilateral relations and more, they have no right to deal with bilateral relations, so we have 155 diplomates less than they have in russia. Unfortunately, our citizens have to wait for a consular interview in moscow 300 days, and 40 days, more than 30 days, only to take part. Our american counterparts explained that as quarters were introduced. All of their consular officers have departed. Now, possibly, thats the right of any country to define destructure of their diplomatic mission. We also had to cut to the bone and many officers have asked. However, in our case in our situation, there wasnt a single case that the, that was a longer wait for the visa issuance. Visas are provided with the same deadline as before. Before in unpleasant development in our bilateral rescission. Its a between people, interparliamentarian, culture, sports, all kinds of exchanges, for americans to meet russia, and vice versa and easier to build our partnership as i have certain perspective. May i respond to that just for a moment and then ill answer the questions you presented to me. Look, we count a little differently. Before mr. Lavrov had numbers and i dont want to get into the weeds and we have the number of visas in a different way. But what is important, we have to make sure that we deliver on behalf of our two countries to keep it consistent with the Vienna Convention and the relationship between the u. S. And russia. There have been conversations between my team and the last set of issues, and making sure that any of the problems we work through can be resolved. Im sure its as efficient as the russian consular system and we can deliver consistent with the important relationship between our two countries. You asked me first about the commercial relationship between our two nations. I mentioned a moment ago in response to a previous question, we open there is some significant progress that we can announce in the next sort period of time how we would move forward. Mr. Lavrov spoke about the 20 increase in trade between the u. S. And russia, and we hope to do that, thats been done in the face of significant sanctions, that we believe are appropriate, given u. S. Policy, u. S. Law and the risks that are presented and so, we think we can deliver against each of the twin objectives and that we will continue to do so in a way thats consistent with our relationship. Thank you very much for your questio questions. Thank you. [inaudible conversations] House Democrats move ahead with two articles of impeachment against President Trump charging him with abuse of power and obstruction of congress. Read the text from the articles of impeachment now on our website, cspan. Org impeachment and today at 7 p. M. Eastern, members of the Judiciary Committee will convene to write the final language. Watch cspan2 throughout the markup process, debate on amendments and a vote to move the impeachment proceedings to the house floor. Follow the impeachment process live on cspan2, online at cspan. Org or listen live on the free cspan radio app. Cspans student cam 2020 competition is in full swing. All across the country, middle and High School Students are hard at work, creating short documentaries on issues for the 2020 campaign. Wed love to see your progress. Send your photos for additional chance for prizes. And our Getting Started page at student cam. Org has information to guide you through the process of making a documentary. Cspan will award 100,000 in total cash prizes including a grand prize. All eligible entries must be uploaded and received by midnight on january 20th, 2020. The best advice i can give to young film makers is not to take it seriously. Youre never too young to have an opinion so let your voice be heard now. For more information go to our website, student cam. Org. The u. S. Senate is about to gavel in and continue work on judicial nominations. Nell also vote on a Suicide Prevention bill today at noon eastern. Now live coverage of the senate here on cspan2. The president pro tempore the senate will come to order. The chaplain, dr. Black, will lead the senate in prayer. The chaplain let us pray. Almighty god, we are reminded at this time of year of the gress

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