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Nominee to be the next ambassador to israel. Questions about the Iran Nuclear Deal when he was treasury secretary and the Obama Administration. Some ergonomic is alleged he was not forthcoming about the deal financial implementation. He denied the allegations. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] click. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible] [background noises] the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will come to order. Todays hearing carries great importance for the United States, israel and the region. The attacks by hamas over ten days ago in israel of the deadliest day for juice since the holocaust. Objective elevate and wheelchairs, burning people alive, killing babies in front of parents, not only horrific and barbaric but methodically planned and carried out. Hamas started a war. We need someone to reinforce the message the United States stands shoulder to shoulder the United States with their response of a terrorist attack. We need someone with the remarkablehe selfless personnel workingg nonstop in israel. How provide services to over 600,000 american citizens with great urgency to hold his nomination hearing today. Im committed to getting to israel as soon as possible. Thank you for working with me so we could expedite this hearing today. Speed is of the essence and confirmed ambassador to israel. I will ask the questions for the record submitted by the close of Business Today and we will make every effort to be sure we get responses to you by thisr weekend. We have scheduled a business meeting to vote on the nomination. The urgency of voting on the state of israel. Since october 7 hamas killed more than 1000 innocent people and they have fastidiously killed hostages and Still Holding others including american citizens. I do not overstate the urgency for the United States to have a confirmed ambassador on thehe ground to help deliver u. S. Support for israel to deal with the hostage situation and humanitarian needs ambassador at this critical delegate time to speak of ability and engage in the region at the highest level. Secretaries experience and political makes him qualified to serve as the u. S. Ambassador to israel. I have seen firsthand jack lous commitment to service. His integrity and dedication to American Values is understanding United States National Security need and his deep understanding for the legislative branch of government that i know effectiveness in crafting this difficulty. I want to thank secretary lou for the service of our country and willingness to continue that service is critically important. This is a sacrifice, thank you for understanding our nation. The last time secretary lou was before the senate has no money, he is confirmed by an overwhelming majority of 71 to 26 o. Now is not the time to play political gains. We need to make sure other nations and terrorist groups [inaudible] this is not the time to play political games [inaudible] we need a ceasefire now [chanting] as i said, now is not the time for political games. We need to be sure terrorist groups do not exploit the crisis and new front inis the conflict. We need to be clear with everyone. Hezbollah in lebanon, the regime in iran, syria putin and russia dont even think about joining or expanding the war. To that end we need to confirm ambassadors and other critical posts in thehe region doing so would allow them to work with counterparts to make sure americans throughout the region are safe and represented at the post extent. There is clearly no shortage of challenges facing you and i look forward to hearing how you plan to address them and what congress can do to support them. We need your eyes and ears to better understand what is going on in jerusalem. We need you to keep pushing forward between israel and saudi arabia. Make it clear to allies and enemies and went under in trouble, United States as our back. Most important we need to confirm. I will enter intoo the record including the American Jewish committee. Thank you for consulting with me to get where we are today. We are here to support israel by filling the vacancy and position for ambassador, we have an acting there doing a great job reand very helpful so we do have things beingng done and i agree, we need this field. The problem is it needs to be filled with the right person. The worst thing to have an empty is to have an empty. Airfully we will clear the one way or another. Eighteen years ago the step of dismantling israeli settlements [inaudible] eighteen yearsrs ago taking e steps of dismantling the territory over to the Palestinian Authority. All the elderly and drag hostages across the border to gaza and these attacks were brutal and horrific. The loss of 14 israelis and 31 americans and people from numerous countries as israel responds to safeguard citizens, it is imperative israel has to freedom to act until i get the job done. This happened in world war ii taking over germany working across europe, we made the decision organization nazis could not exist any further we just go to battle defeat germany on the battlefield, we went to the disable and eliminate the nazis. We did that and it was difficult. We eliminated nazis as a military, or political force, a cultural force and everything else. Israelis were attempting to do the same thing with hamas who richly deserve it. Almost a medially after [inaudible] s we need ceasefire now let me make it clear, we will not tolerate interruptions in our hearing. You see what is going to be happening. We ask those with strong views, there is aio place to express it but its not to disrupt this hearing, i will not tolerate that. Almost immediately after the attacks in israel we saw calls for remediation. Iran is the supporter of hamas which is about iran. The fact is iran has more resources to support terrorismup today and it did 2000 sanctions harvest of administration is readily lacking. Urban earned a shocking 80 billing dollars in oil revenue since the Biden Administration took office. All rightt Oil Committee on public 250 doing holiday now selling almost 2 Million Barrels of Oil Every Day mostly to china. We know where that money is going. From 70 vessels to only the Biden Administration. Person, now six doing our completely unacceptable. Markets and partners, it should come as no surprise these attacks occurred immediately after the Biden Administration closed six doing 75 million directly over my strenuous objections. A palestinian policy, the Biden Administration argued restoring funding by objectives to would give authority to promote voices for the organizations. Two years later we have seen perform and violence at record levels, active and palestinians identify to meet their aspirations. Like iran policy, it is time for reevaluation so today we are here look at the vacancies that exist we are help israel. Not only will youen need to support israel as a response to these attacks but also as it contends with the enduring existential iranian threat which is the foundational issue here. I have reservations about your ability to do that and play a key role for negotiations and longstanding concerns before the regime. The transfers of cash did not free of resources for their activity. I agree with the assessment. Really importantly it met us and on that i have three items in the record and to Opinion Pieces from the Washington Post in the third one is a report by the permanent subcommittee on investigations. Without objection, it will be included in the record. I have questions i about your activities and what i think is the backhanded way supporting rent and with, i am willing to yield back in here to support and help in every way i can. We will now hear from secretary lou your statement will be record. Thank you very much, mr. Chairman. I am honored to appear in the state of israel grateful to President Biden and secretary lincolncr for the confidence thy have shown in this critical moment. I look forward to working closely with you and other members of congress to advance u. S. And israeli forces. Joining me today from a support of this mission when the focus was to expand abraham reports for further integrating into the middle east region and remain of a ware in the midst working toward peaceful pay. Always knowing they are behind me is at the core my ability to serve. I cannot remember a time when israel struggled with security, it was not at the forefront. Most 12, we followed daily reports of the war as possible newspapers and broadcast. 1973, your i came to washington as a young man i learned of the young people are more in our solemn day of prayer and worried about the survival of israel. Thend horrific murderous terrort attack days ago chatter another holy day and sunny of an attack on israel in a Prayer Service with an experience i hope never to be. At this moment there is no Greater Mission and to be asked to strengthen ties between the United States and israel to work towards these in a region known so much war and destruction. The savage attack demand the condemnation of the war in dePresident Biden has made clear United States stands with israel and efforts for itself. I will do my utmost to end the horrific attacks by hamas and ensure israel has what it needs to defend itself and i will spare no effort working to help american citizens now captive to return home safely. I will work to woo out payments to tears and families to reward the crimes. If confirmed, i will work to prevent other states or nonstate actors from expanding this conflict and i will coordinate with International Community to address humanitarian crisis for civilians in gaza being used as human shields. Members of the committee i want to be clear, iran is a threat to regional stability and israel to exist. If confirmed, i will uphold President Biden commitment to deny iran and Nuclear Weapon and warnings to the reason and anyone thinking of taking advantage of the current crisis, dont. How will work to strengthen Israel Security and our closest partner in the region is ironclad. Demonstrated in part by our memorandum of understanding. Longterm strategic objective also limits clear. Re the Abraham Accords and create normalization and cooperation across the region with israel to fully partners. I look forward to t deepening commercial relationships enhancing cooperation and Economic Security sectors such as cybersecurity, artificial orintelligence, transportation, Agricultural Technology and clean energy. Israels economy grows and diversifies, the u. S. Andnd isrl must enhance close cooperation on Foreign Investment risk managementn. If confirmed, i will continue to oppose efforts to isolate the demise willsr internationally support the global fight against antisemitism. I will advance tireless work of his administration to reject, boycott and sanctionsad movement while respecting the rights of all americans to free speech. I will work to reinforce collective efforts to combat antisemitism, building President Bidens National Strategy to counter antisemitism including a. Incident in the wake of hamas attacks on october 7. More broadly, if confirmed, i will work to further strengthen 75yearold friendship with israel and the bond between our people. As someone who has dedicated much of my life to Public Service, i want to thank the talented and committed Foreign Service officers, Civil Service and Foreign National for doing extraordinaryin job for war representing the United States and washington and abroad. Logic this morning, standing beside the president knowing her family and families of all people over there have been shaken by the last ten days. I have personal appreciation to dedication, Courage Service deserves the admiration and respect for all american people. Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member risk, take you for the opportunity to testify to the new look forward to your questions. Before we start fiveminute rounds, i have questions that should be answered by a yes or a no. Officials from your Office Available to the committee. Do you keep activities under your purview . Mr yes. Do you commit to a meaningful conversation while policies are being developed to provide notification for the box . Yes. Do you commit to probably respond to requests requested by the committee and designated staff . Yes. You answered all questions correctly. [laughter] identical forprofits determine. We will start fiveminute rounds. Let me ask you a question about your view of u. S. Israel relations. His belief israel shared the United States and part of the world where there is no other country that shared those values. The development of iron and the list goes on and on and intelligence of technology so i would like to get your view. Helphe strengthen the ties to te United States. Harry truman was aro hero and they have come into existence. This relationship is zero special because we share the president recently you no space understand about the state of israel such as people of israel who are safe so the relationship between the United States at the core of who i am and what i believe the reason that can count on my Foreign Policy integrated into many roles likely is the director of omb, chief of staff and secretary of treasury. I was thehe one who helped desin mou the commitment of Security Assistance to israel and i was deputy secretary who helped israelwa because number, a Membership Organization of the developing of the world desperately wanted at a time when it was marginalized thrown out of the international body. I was director who helped fund israels Missile Defense on multiple occasions and not without concerned about cost and some concerns about the scope of our commitment. I have not shied away from expressing my dues in the position of the United States requiring Public Officials to represent argument to do so. I am happy to discuss those matters but i believe my reputation as somebody who stands with israel is young russian. The government of israel has made it clear. The immediate need for u. S. To help israel deal with this war providing support and needs, dealing with hostage beliefs, dealing with potential escalation preventing them from happening, that will be needed concern looking for, he mentioned Abraham Accords and normalization, wasnt normalization objectives taking place in the middle east israel saudi arabia so tell me your view how you keep these discussions alive during the time of war. It is going to be a challenge until the war and people there were here to focus on the day after the leave those of us are only on negotiations between israel and in the israel two weeks ago israel and saudi arabia conversation, i have extensive dealings in the region and what pledge support to make it one second make it, it was the mission to start with. I pray we get back. Thank you. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Say i agree with virtually everything he said, particularly as the underlying issue here which i think is the relations between saudi arabia and israel. Those are probably the boxers that called around to pull the trigger. People who are in to size up against israel he knowing exactly what the constantly this would be and successfully turning the world against israel responded, i think thats what has happened. We can you on saturday officials to urge that. My problem of course your to go from Washington Post trying to do just that working to turn 5. 7 billion in thebu currency by u. S. Bank so i will pursue that. To ask you first of all if you recall sitting in the chair 2015 and it will continue out of the jc poa ira will continue to be denied access the u. S. Financial commercial markets. I remember that testimony well and i believe we kept around from becoming part of the u. S. Financial system and i am happy to discuss the implementation of the jc poa. I know you may not agree on the policy. Thats an understatement. What we did was implement policy that was transparent but i testified before this committee in terms of what was being done. We negotiated two honda will a Nuclear Program in exchange for access to money i was there money we had frozen. All we did was facilitate that transaction so we did not one of them knocking to. What my specific license authorizingg assets with roughly 5. 7 billion United States. We did issue licenses, i do notos recall whether licenses or vehicle through which funds mood, i do not believe they were but the concern was we made an agreement to returnre money transparency in this committee and return the money was the bargain for a nuclear deal about how we did. Are you telling us you notified us february 24, 2016, he authorized . House a specific license and there is not a practice to notify specific licenses, general are published. I want to quote one of the executive there was a gigantic regular assured of almost full Financial Inclusion and that was the response october 24, 2015. I cant do that but what i can tell you is the government of a man did not give them what we expected and they complained my actions were what kept them from getting full access to the world Financial System kino some of you are going to ask about what mikey said when they went around the world, my team went around the world telling banks did not lived station like terrorism or human rights, who did not sanctions destabilization, be careful. Iran a kept them from getting what they thought we should get. A letter of agreement, gave them what we agreed the jc poa, nothing more. My time is almost up. I have to tell you this is something we need nothing about and we believe it was a direct contradiction of what you hear in this committee july 2015. I am deeply disappointed with that. This whole thing is about iran and open hands with irann under the table, it doesnt work for me and im deeply disappointed you didnt tell us about that misled us when we had that meeting. My time is up, i yield, could you. Senator fernandez. Congratulations on yourn. Nomination, it comes at a incredibly critical time. I want to go through a few things in the five minutes i have. Do you agree to such a threat . Yes, i do connect you agree the Nuclear Program for enrichment is beyond commercial grade for this if continued potential cap . I have believed romanians rent is a threat to israel and the world and why i supported jc poa because it created this big time. I think we are closer to the guests jc poa in terms of participation, they have more. You are aware there are many efforts to delegitimize the state of sanctions in 2016 the Obama Administration to my disappointment which i express failed to veto a resolution exactlyti that ed tends to delegitimize the United Nations. If you were to be confirmed under theseen circumstances assuming it was such a resolution, would you recommend a similar resolution is real delegitimize and lays on the role of hamas and other organizations . I believe deeply the un needs to be fair and not condemn israel and ignore the actions and terrorist organizations like hamas. Do not believe its right to adopt resolution to get israel out. I have always believed the un needs to be more evenhanded. I cant comment on hypothetical resolution. I would only note the decision is made, it was made by president obama after a horse resolution was substantially modified. Has counseling made the central focus when other countries in the world who have significant Human Rights Violations go untouched. You are not going to be at the un. You are going to be part of a National Security team as ambassador to israel that is going to have input in an administration. Im trying to understand where youre coming from. I can say if i am confirmed to be ambassador to israel i will have on how i approach these questions that is different from the focus that you have in other roles. I will be an advocate for doing the things the United States should do to protect israel including at the un. Let me ask you, what do you see your role if confirmed as it relates to the challenges of the Palestinian People . Hamas is a terrorist organization they are barbaric theres no question about that. Israel must was necessary to wipe them off the face of the earth. Having said that the Palestinian People in and of themselves are not hamas. See your role as the u. S. Ambassador as it relates to finding a Better Future for them . Is a set of my opening remarks and keeping focused not on today but where wee go after the conflict war ends. I think we have to be back in a place where questions are being asked aboutce how do you have a sustainable peace . How do you have security for israeli and palestinian citizens . My heart such innocent civilians who are injured whether the gruesome atrocities on that saturday or innocent civilians who arent living in areas where hamas is hiding and they get killed because of collateral damage. This has to end but has to end with Israel Security being guaranteed. Its a very difficult moment to remember we are going to get beyond this current state of affairs. Hopefully, hopefully coming out of this theres more willingness and parties able to have conversations about building a Better Future. We need to worry aboutbo refuge. Ive been heartened by some of the progress i ever read about in the past 24 hours on humanitarian getting food and water to people. I think hamas is using a palestinian citizens to make their cause public but they are hurting those people. Think if your responses. Quick senator rubio . Thank you for being here today and your willingness to serve. I do need to touch on the support you said in the testimonies on the record you acknowledged in your testimony both written and verbal and this committee in 2015 and july you said there would not be around would not have access to its Financial Institutions youve also said theres a special license as well document in their report that snow in the record to allow iran access to u. S. Financial institutions in particular those licensed to a bank allowing access to u. S. Dollars to new york to convert about 5. 7 billion worth of into iranian accounts and then into year old. The report thats also on the record found under your leadership the treasury e institute about 200 road transfers felt they encouraged to u. S. Banks to convert these funds that is what the report found. The two banks decided not to do so but nonetheless the u. S. Treasury actively encouraged to banks to do this then treasury put on over 200 roadshows across the world encouraging u. S. Banks to do business with iran. And also telling members of the International Banking community down playing potential future penalties or fines. Stating a 95 of the time they send a warning letter or takes no action. The report found at least one european regulatoror who attendd one of these roaches commented foreign Financial Institutions felt politicalac pressure to conduct business with iran and arranging companies. It also found the Treasury Department treasury officials or your secretary treasury proactively contacted foreign Financial Institutions to provide information about jcpoa sanction relief one example Compliance Officer proactively a Foreign Financial Institution to make sure they understood ironic sanctions release this left the foreign Financial Institutions confused since it had no business with iran up until that point. So we sent you a letter then senator kirk and i on march 30, 2016 we ask you specific licenses uturn transactions. We also ask insurances and id say to not work on behalf to enable access to u. S. Dollars elsewhere. The international Financial System. Including to gain action outside the u. S. We ask of this in the letter march 30, 2016 that we ask to be entered into the that we ask to be entered into the you said we are not planning to reinstate and vigorously enforce the sanctions are remaining its ironically the primary sanctions since a reading tanks for clearing u. S. Dollars to the u. S. Financial System Holding course about account relations in the u. S. That initial response i asked the may 11. Without objection be included in the record. We brought you back in may 2 or 3 days later after this letter a week and that we are disappointed you ignored the request in our march 30 letter providing assurances the United States will not work on behalf of iran to enable a rating access to u. S. Dollars elsewhere in the International System et cetera. And he responded on june 7 of that year. June 7 response be entered into thean record. Without objection. It says to be clear the department of treasury is not working on behalf of iran to enable your rating access to dollars elsewhere in the Financial System norhe are we assisting around and gaining access towr dollar payment systs outside the u. S. Financial system. The administration has not been and is not planning to grant iran access to the u. S. Financial system basically the way to describe this is your testimony not preventing access to the Financial System. You are as special license may be no one was supposed to find out about to help gain access to the Financial System and then asked to banks to help convert the funds they chose not to do so. You then put on 200 roadshows around the world encouraging banks around the world to be a part of this and telling them dont worry about sanctions, do not worry about penalties. 95 of the time its a warning letter or no action at all. Proactively reached out according to the report unless you dispute the report proactively reacho. Out to a bak and set we do not do business with iran i do not know why they are contacting us we write about it not once but twice you deny or mislead any of this was happening. So, these are the facts and i have outlined them do you dispute any of these faxes their outline . I understand your point general license specific license. The bottom line is this license was issued it didd exactly what he said were not supposed to do and then you guys did the road show you weve had people in the state to permit saying report promised to, this is not a partisan report this report is put together by the Oversight Committee that found these facts include emails to people too state permit saying we are concerned this exceeds our power under the deal. How are we supposed to see all of that and somehow confirm you to this very important post when you deliberately in my view misled me, misled congress on what was happening behind the scenes in regards to all this. Of search term it may have a moment to respond . You may. Quick senator, i do not think the facts are exactly the way you describe them. It is important to distinguish between the Technical Details that facilitate implementation and more broadly welcoming iran into the u. S. Financial community. I took no action that would do that. I do not think your description of the u. S. And officials were doing is the same as my memory of what i had people out there doing. I had an banks and governments coming to me saying we want you to do exactly you describe. We did not do that. But we did was set exactly what i said in response to the Ranking Member. We told them what sanctions were lifted. What sanctions remain in place we told him to be careful. Iran got from that the message we were telling people not to do business with them. That is why they sanction may pray that is what i have been sanction for Human Rights Violations in iran and i am proud of it we gave them and nothing more than we promise in the jcpoa. We can agree or disagree whether that waso good policy. Their other members of this committee have been sanctioned by iran im a proud to be among them. I know im out of time but just for the record thats not my allegation ofem the facts as reading out of the report by the Senate Subcommittee on investigation. I do think this needs to be answered. Quick senatoroa kaine . Li think it mr. Chair. Secretary lou congratulations on this nomination. It is very important i want to read some quotes i found interesting reactions from israeli officials and others to the news of your nomination current foreignsu minister in Early September tweeted out welcome ambassador designate you been nominated investor to israel a country you know so well. We look forward to working with you in the spirit of close cooperation and alliance. A followup interview he said about you he is a true friend of israel we expect to work with him in the spirit of our alliance based on shared values. Many of us know former oren to theichael United States when you were being rumored as a potential nominee he said jack lew is a leading candidate to be ambassador to israel its a true states statesman in every sense of the word. Human rights activists. In 2015 said this, the work two days and night taking famines of prisoners of zion throughout the quarters of powers to make sure the jews to be released many soviet oh their lives to him. And others for the successful efforts to release them. Israeli official is also in 2015 without help israel would never have been accepted into the oecd. These are comments that are powerful. There is a need for speed and acting on this nomination for encourage my colleagues to do all we can to get it to the floor k quickly so we can get he a confirmed ambassador to israel this important moment for the news this morning is also the biting administration is sent supplemental package that estate for ukraine, aid for israel, borderli aid and Disaster Assistance for states hit by weather emergencies i would hope the senate could show in a bipartisan manner that we wouldh support this. I think that would send a powerful message toon israel as well. A i want to ask about iran. The most controversial issue on this committee have been on thee committee the whole time ive been here since i came in 2013 with the jcpoa. There are people in this body who are not going to let you out of the penalty box overr that. There are some who were opposed to can separate their feeling about jcpoa whether you be a good ambassador but theres something not going to get out of the penalty box with them. Something you just mentioned four of the members of this committee have been sanctioned by b iran. Not all that you have been sanctioned by iran. Tell the committee what iran sanctions you . End of the negotiation it was a hope they would get exactly what is been described here. They will be welcomed into the world of nations they were profoundly disappointed when that did not happen. They did not think i kept the bargain. One thing i will say is a deal is a deal we made a deal with iran if you want sanctions to work to its sovereign power to change their policy which iran did in rolling back its Nuclear Program, you have to keep your site of the bargain. I did not think we had to do any more than that. So the sanctions that were left in that dealer sanctions pertain to irans Nuclear Program. We never agreed to lift any other sanction about human rights problems, development of Missile Systems violations of other resolutions we lifted none of the sanctions you went around the world reminded banks and Financial Institutions those sanctions were still in place and if they acted contrary toan them there were negative con that they would receive. We did tell banks if its a nuclear sanction those have been lifted. Because that is what the deal was. He should be proud of being sanctioned by iran. I heard a comment earlier said Holding Hands under the table if that was the case you would not be on the list of those who were sanctioned in the nation of iran. I was very pleased to see ambassador satterfield will lead u. S. Diplomacy to address the mentoring crisis in gaza. Both comments made by senator menendez, b hamas started this horrible war against civilians but allllu palestinians are not hamas all gazans are not hamas. A broader humanitarian challenge in gaza will serve not israels interest will be detrimental to fellow students will not w serve the regional interest. We need to do all we can to encourage our ally, israel comes to take the fight to the perpetrator and not those who were not the perpetrator we have withpainful lessons weve learnd about that in the United States we took the fight to the perpetrator after 9 11. As a broadened it into a global war including a war against iraq we lost credibility. Weight loss support nationally we unleashed a set of consequences that probably should not have been unleashed. So wee have our own paid in full experience of being attacked and allowing the response to go beyond those who perpetrated the attack and suffering as a result. I am hoping you will workd closely with envoys satterfield in this important humanitarian mission. Have to say i dont think i could have found the words to say as eloquently with the president has said on multiplee occasions over the last week. Israel might just has a right but a responsibility to defend itself. What makes our relationship with israel so special is we share a common belief in democracy and in thehe rule of law. That includes the law of war. I think that is what israel believes. This is not the time for us to be lecturing israel on what they have to do to establish the security they have a responsibility to provide. And i think they know they have to do it in a way that is consistent with minimizing the impact on innocent civilians. As we learned in falluja, and romani, it is very hard, very hard for there not to be collateral damage. I do not think the standard can be that it gets to zero. And i do not think thats what the president said. The president said they have to defend themselves. Quick senator romney . Thank you,in mr. Chairman. I, along with a handful of other senators were in israel over the weekend and had the chance to meet with leadership there. For the leadership of the country as well as with military leaders. And with families of hostages. I know your confirmation can be done by one party alone and youre likely to be confirmed on that basis. With that being said theres a few things i like to pass along to you assuming you do become ambassador one is our chief admission is highly respected and is working in the interest of United States we respect as well. Meeting with families of hostages their stories and experiences are heartbreaking. The outrage, the brutality the inhumanity in the way they took children and others grabbed them and took them across the border is hard to comprehend. And we need to do everything within our power to secure the release of his hostages. I would also note one of the generals the leading general of the Israeli Defense forces said something thats very powerful. He said israel and jews do not do vengeance. We are not going to target palestinians and try to kill a lot of palestinians to make up for the jews that were killed. That is not our intent. We will do everything in our power to avoid is sufficient unchecked civilian nicalek casualties among the Palestinian People but they are being used as human shields and in many cases there will be deaths but they will be unfortunate and not part of an effort on the part of israel to carry out vengeance. I would also note there is a responsibility that every government has the Israeli Government of course has this responsibility as well to secure the safety and the h life of citizens. Gentoo has made it very clear as long as they exist Israeli Citizens lives are going to be at risk and will be sacrificed. Thereforety it is unacceptable r tran to continue to exist certainly in proximity they have enjoyed from the gaza strip. I would note also in discussion of what comes next, whats going happen after lexus and the in theisraeli military is succel in rooting out hamas. What happens after that . I did not expect a response that because the Israeli Government and military is focused on how the going to be successful in rooting out hamas. That is what comes first. But what comes next is something that will be of great priority for United States ambassador. I am going to note i was very troubled by the report carried under the direction of senator portman i concur in the questions being raised by senator rubio. That is very troubling to me. I wonder how the white house could have brought forward a nomination given that report and givenns the clear indication republican members at least and hopefully some Democrat Members as well would be troubled by and moved by the results of that report from the subcommittee investigations. Finally there is most recently a response or an effort has been promoted by the administration to provide 6 billion of iranian funds to iran to release them as the prisoner exchange. That is obviously been put on hold. But i guess i question and you have explains in this regard, the idea dollars are going to be used for humanitarian purposes only. I heard the administrationpr say were going to get you your 6 billion back but has to only be used for humanitarian purposes. Now, i know enough about money to know funds are fungible. A burgundy seven 20 of 6 billion brave got dues of our food and hospitals your population, ironic and say thank you thats what we as a 6 billion for now he freed up 6 billion we would otherwise have used ourselves for food in hospital. We can use that to build Nuclear Weapons money to hezbollah hamas. It strikes me when we say wereoi going to give you money but only for humanitarian purposes atpo that entirely disingenuous of. It is the way to disguise the fact we arefr providing funds ta state sponsor of terror. Its misleading to the american people. Misleading to the world. Any other way of reading that . Quick senator first, i want to agree with you about the difference in defendingo a country and vengeance. Theres a difference between anger and fury and vengeance. If any of us lived in a country with that large of a part of our population have been brutalized in a way we could not hardly imagine. Controlling your fury is almost beyond the imagination. I believe theyre going to do the right thing and try their best to do it to defend the country not for vengeance. On the question you didnt ask the question but the report of the special Committee Mike i have remained close with senator portman and sue both left the government i spoke to him as recently aso last nights. I would just invite anyone who questions whether he thanks i am somebody who keeps my word i would suggest this talk to senator portman. On the question of fungibility of money, as an economic matter i have many times made the point money is fungible. When youre dealing with iran youre not dealing with a rational economic player youre dealing with an evil maligned government that funds its evil emboli and activities first. So when iran gets access to food and medicine for its people that is food and medicine they would not otherwise have. I cannot say theres no leakage. When i supported the jcpoa what i said was how our intelligence reports suggest the vast majority ofof that money would e used foror the neglected purpose of humanitarian expenses and to the extent there is leakage that will change the thrust of what they do. Sadly, the boarding terrorist organizations like hamas and like hezbollah that is not very expensive. They are doing that anyway. They are trying and i tried as hard as i could in subsequent ministrations tried as hard as they could under maximum pressure they still were doing their maligned activity. Its not a pure economic question. Its really a question of who are we dealing with . We are not dealing with people who trade off with guns and butter. Guns come first. Quick senator coons . Lets thank you, mr. Chairman paris thank you mr. Secretary to you and your family for your willingness to step forward and take on this very challenging and Critical Service on behalf of our nation in this difficult moment. Like every member of this committee i unequivocably condemn the invasion in attacks by hamas against israel for the slaughter of innocent people, the taking of hostages and when you are, i hope confirmed by the senate you will take on representing our nation in a particulate challenging moment with critical ally. I am grateful our president chose to go in person and have already been receivingng messags from friends and israel and throughout the region what different makes of them went our National Leader shows up. We also frankly have to sustain that engagement three Senate Confirmed ambassador. It is my hope who also confirmeo confirm ambassadors to other countries in the region egypt, lebanon, coordinate for counterterrorism and that we will continue expediting some of theseeh confirmations. Wewe have just confirmed ambassador to oman and kuwait in recent days. But all of us who serve on this committee and have served overseas in different roles know there is a huge difference between an ambassador of the United States. Although there are many talented andd qualified career Foreign Service officers in the current case serving as dcm we need and a bass that are. So i hope this committee will take that very seriously. If you would mr. Secretary, could you speak for ati moment about how you would work to limit what i think was the goal of hamas attacks in addition to terrorizing the populations to prevent any reconciliation any recognition between israel, saudi arabia and the expansion of abraham accord. How would shoot sustain that Forward Movement . And how would you limit these attacks from developing into it wider regional conflict . How would you work to contain irans malign influence . Rex first of all i said this before but ill say it again. We have outstanding Public Service. On including our ambassador. I will agree with you its important to have confirmed ambassadors. One does not contradict the other. I also agree with the comments that have been made by several senators as an observer from the outside this was trying to undermine the normalization process. To make it harder. The way you respond to that is coming right back as soon as you can for this is not a moment where people can concentrate on what the shape of the discussion the day after is. My view is the way you prevent a terrorist organization bye winning is you dont get terrorizedho pretty dont run ay stick to whats in your National Interest in you work hard at it. It was always going to be a challenging negotiation to get a normalization agreement. It will clearly now be more challenging because of Public Opinion and many places are such a different level after this war in a role we can play as the United States patent we have often played to keep people together to keep the conversation going. I hope and this may be an whinternal optimist because otherwise you give into worst of it man, i think coming out of this there will be an understanding some of these issues have to be dealt with. The shape of how they are dealt with wont be the same as it was before the conflict. It will have to be done in a way that gives israel the ability to protect its people from future attacks like this. And we have to with c her eyes wide open about the fact we do have maligned forces like iran the want to destroy israel. But it isnt easy easy but i think saudi arabia and israel were in a place theyve made a decision this was something very much worth pursuing. I hope when this is over we help get that conversation going again. I hope members of this committee have helped determine to move that forward in a bipartisan way contribute. Before my time and my senior senator washe the Ranking Member of the permanent subcommittee for investigations. And for those who are pressing you and troubled by that report he refused to sign. He found conclusions in his estimation were partisan efforts and attackinge the Previous Administration ironic policy rather than a incredible conclusion about you and your conduct. I will it Senate Public statements. For the folks wrestling with that in any way i would encouragemb them to talk to senator harper evenhanded balance and served in the modern era. I dont know if theres anything you want to say in c response to that. I appreciate that thank you for bringing that to my committee. Center harpers made to me as well. Cliques think if your willingness to take on this Important Service it is my hope we will proceed quickly with her confirmation. Thank you, mr. Chairman for. Senator ricketts for a quick thank you very much mr. Chairman. Thank you mr. Lee for being here. The attacks and atrocities that hamas permit is the darkest days in israels history. We sought reports and elevated blood youth of the street. We have seen kidnappings includingg children this is not something confined just to israelis. 1400 israelis have been killed 31 americans have been killed were concerned about the hostages that include not just israelis but potentially americans as well. Hamas continues to block the evacuation routes in gazas they can use palestinian children and civilians in gaza as human shields. They mfo force innocents into hs way twisted propaganda. Hamas is the worst of humanity. I believe the u. S. Must stand shoulder to shoulder with the state of israel. Why we just stand with them. It is in that context i hear for calls of ceasefire or deescalation is foolishness this is a war israel needs to prosecute we need to give israel the weapons they need to be able to do it. We need to give them interceptors for the iron dome additional batteries to protect innocent israelis from the rocket attacks. Now obviously this was an intelligent failure and the time will come can dig into it happen there and address it. Even worse the bite of by demonn failed policy on iran has enabled hamas to make these attacks in the first place. Maranos largest statesponsored terrorist they would not be able to do this withoutll support. Failed to enforce the iranian Oil Sanctions we heard that from Ranking Member earlier. Thats provides the regime tens of billions of dollars of funding subsequently to be is providing terrorist especially their proxy hamas to attack israel. According to a wall street journal, report on the irg see was with hamas to kill israel he said by administration was negotiating a secret deal to free up 6 billion of money for iran. That certainly goes make of that report is true of how our brown holds up contempt for the United States even while trying to negotiate. These are mindboggling decisions. It is a continuous you are one of the key implementers of the Iran Nuclear Deal iran was to annihilate israel they want to wipe them off the face of the earth. Its very sun sets would put iran on a path to be able and so it is a certain irony that one of those sunsets the prohibition against irans missile and drone activity which i run is set to expire today. With the billions of dollars in sanctions relief in you oversaw this relief subsidize to carry out like we saw 11 days ago. This deal was so bad Prime Minister netanyahu had come to a congress to speak out against it. You criticize that we are going to get that here in a Second Period the fabric events octobee disastrous policy certain of the Obama Administration continued under this fight administration. The bite administration is to complete overhaul in the weight we see and ron and how we deal with it. My fear you are more simply of the same you represent a continuation of that policy. I have some questions these are yes or no questions. I want to clarify some of the facts here. Do you believe the bite ministration should continue to restart the jcp await talks . I do not think this is the moment for us to beat be negotig with iran. Iun believe deeply and agreement to not have Nuclear Weapons would be a good thing but this is not the moment. In 2017 an event at Columbia University did you say quotes the personal dynamic between the president and Prime Minister is not as good as one might have hopedel and it was both in both directions . I mean i saw as much provocation coming from the Prime Minister. I sought more provocation coming in then i saw going out is that an accurate quote . I do not run with the exact words. I said to a group of students was a balance statement even if what you read was criticizing my own president as well. I thought there is blame to go around. Elwood mr. Netanyahu came his speech did you criticize they went beyond the pale what you can just ignore is a huge mistake for israel . I did think ityo was a mistae to have somebody create a partisan division over u. S. Support for israel. For 75 years its bipartisan. You believe israel should continue to recognized tourism is the capitol of israel questioner cassettes recognizes capitol jerusalem there is no discussion of changing that app if confirmed i will be living in jerusalem do you believe as you keep ramsey there . First we need to build an embassy. We have a presence. Having been debit a second estate i know it takes a long time anywhere to build an embassy. Thank you very much mr. Chairman appreciate your time. If i could just make one point mr. Chairman if i can because you said this administration was negotiating to get around its money back. As i think what they were doing school and they kept captive in iran. They madey. The judgment that releasing monies that were being held pursuant to policies of the Prior Administration could be moved in a way as the Prior Administration had agreed to. That is very different from saying were going to negotiate to get around money. So do you believe it was appropriate to release these funds the people of iran . They basically paid to get the americans out do you believe that . You bringing americans home safely will be one of my highest priorities if i am in israel for their americans being held hostage in gaza. I do not know what it will take to do that. I will wake up everyday asking appropriate to get americans back . Lets incite the truths that are about deeply enough in my arms not in government when the decision was made. I do not know the tradeoff. I do know the passion that goes in bringing americans home safely. Thank you, mr. Chairman appreciate. Quick center at murphy. Thank much mr. Chairman. I for one am glad we have president cares about bring your hostages home. One of those individuals was connecticut resident with a lot of family and my home state. Their life has changed knowing that het is back home. I am thankful have a president who cares about that. Proud of this committee for showing a real apolitical demonstration of support for israel and equally on the hamas and spiegel acts of brutality want to thank the chairman and Ranking Member for leading us through the last week and a half. Dont do thank you secretary lou for your continued deep commitment to your country and your commitment to serve. I want to come back to sanctions policy during the period of time we are administering the jcpoa extra have a right like was never on the table as part of any deal. And even if it were frankly it was unlikely any Financial Institution would have engaged in these transactions due to the very obvious compliancere risk. Iran was pretty upset about that. I would enter into the record if i could three articles from this period of time entitled iran, u. S. At odds over Nuclear Sanctions relief . Wuhan claims the u. S. Is violatingd its limits under the nuclear deal for iran warrants it threatens the nuclear deal. That objection part of the record too. My understanding is u. S. Banks ever facilitatedes transactions of her compliance fears. And theg iranians found this deeply frustrating. In factth threaten to pull out f their side of the agreement because they felt we were being too tough in administering and holding non Nuclear Sanctions. Early my recollection. Second, i want to talk to you about what is happening on the west bank today. More than 58 palestinians have been killed in the west bank and east jerusalems and october 7 october 7. There been nightly cls between Security Services and protesters. Settlers have attacked and destroyed palestinian homes. Obviously our greatest parties Holding Hamas accountable. A close second is making sure the crisis does not spread. How do you assess the Palestinian Authority ability to maintain security what is the path forward for the kells palestinians in light of this diminished and shattered credibility . And, is that a continued policy priority for the United States to do the things necessary to support the administration of justice inside the west bank. Senator, i have believed for a long time if there is going to be any hope of a two state solution one of the foundations of any stable entity is the ability to have a legal system and asic i was proud of the work we did over the many years to build the training and level of responsibility of Palestinian Security forces. My understanding is that is resumed and there is bipartisann support for that activity. Truly hard to build a stable force it requires sustained stengagement. If i am confirmed as ambassador building that institution is something i will pay great detail to. I do not think you can have security ands stability withoua security force. The part of the work of this committee and this congress in the coming days. We try to put in place the measures to stop this conflict make sure supporting the administration and the west bank. Not as much as it should have. This is an agreement between israel and lebanon obviously our top priority is we are going to keep hezbollah from opening on the front. I want to make sure that one of your priorities outside of the administration of this crisis in conflict is going to continue to capitalism the progress that has been made, remarkable progress between israel and lebanon to create the maritime border but to use it as a foundation to try to continue to ease and normalize relationships between his historic adversaries. Is prettynu extraordinary israel has indigenous Natural Gas Resources and it is a source of the ability to partner with countries in the region to be able to help europe through a crisis. Because of russias invasion of the train. I must say when i was in government the last time it was a flicker of a dream to get there i remember when israeli officials came over to observe a licensed auction and my daughter sitting behind me was working at the department of interior and he was translating was being said in english about the auction so we can understand in hebrew. And it is now a real resource. Is being developed. Its not without controversy the boards borders are controversial. I thought my area of great expertise i will get up to speed on them very quickly. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Senator barrasso. Thank you, mr. Chairman. You have heard from everyone here is a result of our nations strongest allies. Since october 7 the world was in the tear in violence inflicted byll hamas all the strongly against israel killing and wounding thousands of billions. Americans were among those injured and killed and taken hostage by hamas. Israel fights these terrorist attacks they remain unwavering youve heard that here today as well. A commitment to israels security. With the incredible challenges facing israel and to vitally have the right person serving as u. S. Ambassador to israel. Thats especially true in light of President Bidens repeated failed policies that iciest failed in the region. Todays nominee seems to be the wrong person for this important job the secretarytreasurer and the Obama Administration help negotiate the Disastrous Iranian Nuclear Deal he went around bragging about the deal to the people secretary and treasury unlocked a lot of iranian assets. Let them have theirir money. B. It was atm to the iranian ayatollah no one is going to forget the piles of cash going to iran which was the largest state sponsor of terrorism. The secretary of treasury hub 7 billion cash and unmarked cargo plane cash directly to iran. Also oversaw 40 milliondollar ransom payment to herat in exchange for american hostages the massive influx of cash ultimately a direct deposit into a round terrorism account. Additionally 2016 he defended the Obama Administration unwillingness to veto Un Security Council is an anti israelel resolution. Disagree with that Position Administration we overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan resolution objecting to it. Demanding that it be repealed. So here we are. These decisions, these actions have serious consequences i believe they have emboldened organizations around both deserve something different. So mr. Lu, hamas soldiers have been reportedly found with documents detailing their plan towe target schools, target civilians during the raid and other document directed transiey as possible as well as capture hostages we are over 4000 dead, 31 americans among those killed. Others taken hostage because the debate about how to best get them home. In terms of the american citizens who is responsible senator. Secretarytreasurer he also sanctioned hamas. And took action to try and stop the flow of money to hamas. Its not a new thing that hamas is a b terrorist organization. I earlier offered some views that would challenge the characterization you just made of how the jcpoa did or didnt affect hamas. The sad reality is iran was supporting before jcpoa. They supported during the period of maximum pressure they will spend their first dollars on evil they are not going to stop doing this and iran estate maligned voice. I provided the arms, and provided training. Whether they were involved in anything approximate i have not side insight in the circle to an open Public Information suggests it may not have been as clear. If confirmed ill keep my eye on iran as a force that is hostile to israel. They want to push israel into the sea and we cannot that happen. Interesting point is the failure of this demonstration to enforce the iranian Oil Fractions help finance hamas and other iranian proxies. We have allowed this administration has led a lot of money to get there. Iran as the home of the largest river deserves an crude oil. It uses the revenue from its oil exports to support its repression and terrorist activities for the more money they have, the more activities youre going to see in spite of all efforts to block it along the way. I repeatedly raised concerns about the impact of this administration refusing to enforce existing sanctions on the Energy Sector in an attempt to convince iran to rejoin this terrible nuclear deal the president did relax sanctions to the point around generated about 80 billion in oilly revenue unr this administration. Have signed a variety of deals in the oil and gas sector. China has stayed on refiners and private companies are buying up one point to Million Barrels of iranian Oil Every Day. We are learning that to happen. The Iranian Regime is getting hundreds of billions of dollars to fund other terrorist proxies. Why has this administration failed to fully enforce sanctions for entities involved and solicit transactions with a wrong given the fact of reality make their 20s or bad way . What senator first of all the monies that were released were subject to being used only for humanitarian use for food and medicine. That was reached in the last administration of the Current Administration is not just a current issue. The intel i was privy to back in the day when i had access to internal discussions suggested very clearly the unmet needs were pressing and we need to be met. If there was leakage it would be on the margin and not change the direction of iran support. Thats not a great answer. The acts of butchery we just saw days ago. I have to tell you as someone who grew up i observe our festival, including the sad ones. There are days of the year we read dirge is about human beings can do in which other i never took literally until this month. Treat other human beings face to face, eyeball to eyeball jews were slaughtered because they were jews. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Senator brooker . Its very good to see you here i was in israel and the rocket attacks began and took shelter in the hotel bomb shelter. And had the faces of people observing all aroma who could not check their phones but we were seeing the daunting reality this was not just a rocket attack but the most heinous and grotesque attack on jewish people since the holocaust. It was sobering to understand that not just hamas being a terrorist organization but they were attacking other humans in ways with the barbarity that was just unimaginable. You know this well, hamas is an organization its very founding. It is to kill jews. They have no consideration for the obvious of israels strength. They understand completely they scurry back into gaza they would put policy and lives at risk. Its clear from the history they do not care about how student life they have objected palestinians tortured palestinians, killed palestinians, all to pursue their touristy games. We know may have walked and focused on disrupting efforts towards peace after arafat came to a great accord. They began immediately attacking israelis. Attacking civilians, bombing buses and more. I am grateful you are sitting here now. I agree with many of my colleagues on the urgency of this position i will tyrant said by others bipartisan leaders are coming about talk about your character. I really had a situation id w call to my republican friends as well as dimmick Democrat Friends who will testify they may notme agree the policies of the administration to serve what they testify to your character. That to me as a time we need principle people leading important positions. I gaze and a great soulless assignment greatest fear and heartbreak that you will be stepping forward. I want to thank your family. Going to start with simply saying last night i, along with center with the regional partner to secure the release of almost 200 civilian hostages including over a dozen that are being held by hamas. I am assuming that will be one of your first and principal duties. Absolute senator. I do not think any of us can rest until we know weve done everything we can do to bring them home safely. Im grateful for the presence leadership at this time i think it has been extraordinary that i got to know during a president ial primary of great character. I am grateful hes talking a lot about the humanitarian assistance and the fact democracies are strong when they abide by the rule ofse law. And they take into account humanitarian urgencies amid the pursuit of war. Once you are confirmed you commit to doing everything in your power to facilitate management assistance and ensure the innocent civilians in the humanitarian aid workers are able to seek shelter and get the resources they need to help minimize consequences to civilian life. Senator its critical we do everything we can to help innocentt civilians without giving resources to terrorist who mean to do harm to innocent israelis i will work hard to do that even while we are sitting until the presence committed 100 million and correctly assistance. There are negotiations that have been concluded or are well underway to open humanitarian corridor. In such a villain should not pay a price for terrorists is not an idle behind innocent civilians. It is a necessity we are and an environment where its very hard. Very hard to separate the two populations, we have to try. Not only is it urgent show are Resolute Support for israel those principles you just said as well we get that resolute commitment. Pursuant to zoom out real quickly. I am very committed to the larger, winning the war of his newsletter focus on that against hamas eradicating. Thinking from a larger lens wall me as well as supporting withel palestinian leaders havesa conversations a ghost fox news and talks about waiting closer towards normalization with israel at the center of that i talk to u. S. Negotiators about that in fact one of my purposes for my trip to israel must meet palestinian leaders as well as israeli leaders about c expandig the Abraham Accords to normalizations with saudi arabia and the principal part the policy and splayed going back to two state solution. Just in closing could you give me some affirmation that is also a very urgent part of your mission as well . It iswo critical to get backo the Strategic Security and growth of the region. The things you just described are right at the core of it. We have to do in the way that lives the palestinians and security of israel set put in jeopardy. Going back into a serious discussion of expanding the Abraham Accords which were very important to include saudi arabia and israel normalizing relations is crucial. Ive pledged to work with this committee, with congress, with members on both sides whether they support my nomination or not to help that come about progress im grateful for yount sitting in your great willingness to serve. Thankh you. Just as we would say. You should be blessed. But senator scott . At what thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you for being here. Before i start asking questions i do want to make it a point answer is no fighting over on the different front in addition to the war with hamas its a war of misinformation. There is doubt in a portion of that media, both narrative with the folsom bombing this originated from hamas. The same people who murdered women and children. Same people who burned babies. Who beheaded the little ones. And as a result of that lie carried by the New York Times and others their meetings abide had scheduled cancel literally protests around the globe at our embassies very specific and clear attempt to link in weakens position but rather than waiting from the facts that carried the hamas narrative that is dangerous. Could be morefo costly the currt conflict and the longterm impact of Misinformation Campaign misinformation war could be deadly. To the efforts of israel, deadly to the unified support coming to our nation something we should all take very seriously we certainly do not need members of congress of the squad being part of the Propaganda Machine coming out of washington d. C. In support of hamas. It is veryag dangerous in these times we need the truth. The truth is incredibly important in getting the facts should be necessary before reporting on this remarkable disgusting war that we are seeing perpetrated against israel. You have heard a number of my colleagues talk about your role in the Obama Administration and the impact your role has had on resources being released to the jcpoa. And frankly many of the questions are fair yourrr commentary is necessary. Ironic policy is without question israel policy. They are the greatest enemy israel faces. And frankly the greatest funders of terrorism. State funders of terrorism anywhere in the world. And we know 90 of the funds that hamas receives comes from ironic. One of the things we havent debated and will continue to debate i am sure the 60 billion paying 4 million. That will only raise the price of americans abroad. 6 billion only makes it worse. I heard you say that money can only be used for humanitarian aid. I will just say what you see that said it very clearly they will use the money in any way they want to use the money. Beyond the fact that money is fungible is really important as well. My question for you though, is the administration with the 6 billiondollar transfer is in no way associated with any efforts to renegotiate the nuclear deal. Although those efforts have been going on secretly four months. And so my question to you, do you believe the need to submit do you believe theres any efforts Going Forward atrocis on negotiation . In the fight of the moment, you dont have perfect information and he said from everything he sees it was not israel who did it. That is not changing where people out in the streets in some countries think it is. It is very dangerous and you have to call out the facts. The heart is deceitful above all things. And desperatelyai wicked. One of the things we see taking place today and for the last 10 days or so is the atrocities and evil upon the jewish people again. I assume that you would say you had no actual clue. Not surprised by that. Some evidence suggests that uranium enrichment activities began to taper off the summer weeks beforela the transfer was announced. I know i am running short on time. [laughter] you mayay proceed. Thank you very much, sir. The directoria of 2011, my assumption is when president obama made the decision to strike against Osama Bin Laden and his compound, you thought that that was a good idea. I dont want there to be any confusion. They do not participate in a targeting decision like that. I shared the feeling that it was a just action to address an active terrible murder in my city of new york and other places. Over the weekend, we saw idf hunt down every last man with the blood of israels children on their hands. Would you pursue support the attack on foreign soil as we did in 2001 . Senator, i hesitate to answer hypothetical question that i dont know the scope of. What i will say is as the president has said, there is a responsibility to defend its people and as we were talking about earlier in the hearing, it is not for revenge. It iswe for defending your peop. I think israel has a right to do thatl. They will buy their basic nature do it11 in a way that minimizes collateral damage. Grace us with five and a half minutes. I would appreciate that very much, sir. Ive got to get your clock there. You have extended the day. It is called football time, sir. [laughter] thank you. Thank you for being here. Thank you to your family. When does what does israel mean to you. Senator, i could answer that question as a former official as our most important ally in a critically important region in the world. I could answer it as somebody who grew up believing that the safety and security of the state of israel was nothing less than the safety and security of drew jews all over the world. It is not a simple answer of what israel means to me. I have not always agreed with the policies and some people have questioned my relationship with Prime Minister netanyahu. We have disagreed on many issues we have known each other for over three decades. It has been with the kind of respect and confidence that each has the interest security of the state ofov israel always deep inside of them. I thinkae it is worth noting that the most ferocious disagreements regarding israel happened at family dinners among jews. And,ad so, even now, the dialoge in israel is a little bit more even than the dialogue in the unitedel states. Just worth noting. Can you talk a little bit about the need for a fullfledged Senate Confirmed ambassador on the ground . I know we kind of flossed over it. Tell me how as a practical matter it makes a difference to have a Senate Confirmed ambassador on the ground. Senator, it is interesting. A short period of time has kind of changed how i would answer that question. Two weeks ago, i would have said with the middle east not on the front burner, but it remaining a central core issue of importance , having a confirmed ambassador who clearly is a representative of the president with the president year, with the history of Public Service well understood was critically important because it was not getting the attention of the president secretary of state the way it had in previous times when peace talks where the central focus. Today the president is in israel the secretary of state has been in the region for a week. Clearly there is an enormous amount of tension at the very highest level of government. God willing, there will be a moment not too far from now when the moment war is not the central issue in the future is. Once that is the issue again, having a confirmed ambassador is crucially important. I say that with the greatest respect for our Foreign Service officers. I dont knowen our current sures a personally. We have met over phone and zoom in the past weeks. But i have developed the highest regard for her. I have only heard very strong things. It is not a criticism of the people that step in. It is actually to their credit that the capacities to step in and step up. But it does not mean you should not have a confirmed ambassador. Two more questions. Specifically about the west bank just your thoughts on how we prevent thiss conflict from metastasizing. Their geopolitical implications and regional war that we are worried about. It seems to me that one of our primary objectives ought to be to prevent conflict in the west bank and then weve got two fronts in this war in this conflict. I like your thoughts on that. Preventing this from becoming a multi front war is hugely important for israel for the region in the world. The president made to dispatch the Aircraft Carrierre fleet of gerald ford. And now to have a second Aircraft Carrier group on the way. This should be a moment of opportunity to take advantage of i dearly hope that we dont have to use those resources. You deploy those resources. One comment and one question. Some of our colleagues have tried to poke holes in the resume and justify a no vote. Your primary transgression is that you worked for democrats in the past. That is what this is. I think that it is fair, actually. Someone disagrees, fair enough. To challenge her character, to say thatt you lied when you did not, to characterize a bipartisan report when it was not is unfair to you, it is unfair to all Public Servants that put themselves at that table. Final question for the record just to stay on time. I think senator scotts question about the new Information Warfare and the complications of social media and deep thanks and a toxic stew especially on the internet, lots of lying and warfare in any case but it can be accelerated and it is just worse than ever. I would just like your thoughts, for the record, later on what you think ambassador can do to be a reliable consistent source of information which probably means you are looking at re four hour increments of posting reliable information. People know that i am on twitter i have shut down that because i cannot find anything i can rely upon. That is not a small thing is people dont know where to go for good information. I have been told i have to learn how to use social media. My recommendation is have someone do it for you. Senator haggerty. Thank you, mr. Chairman. I would like to turn to an area that you know well. A sworn enemy. I will ask you a very simple question. Is the security of america, the security i of israel better or worse if iran has more funds or less funds . Senator, i think that my actions have demonstrated that denying iran funds is something that is in our interest. I have sanctioned iran and i have been for sanctions on iran. The fact that an agreement or rollback against the Nuclear Program releasing funds to iran was part of the bargain is the way sanctionsns work. You dont get sovereign countries to change their policy without some concession on the sanction. I just want to say that iran as we know funds its proxies hamas and hezbollah, the Biden Administration officials have very recently admitted this. Last week. Jake sullivan said iran has provided the lion share of the funding. National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby another quote. Hamas would not of been able to function at all if it had not been propping up by the Iranian Regime. I will give the senator the additional time. If you are showing up poster it would be nice for the committee to see the poster. Certainly. We have a second one. Can you playset right there in front of the secretary . The chairman would like to see it, too. Just a moment, mr. Chairman. They are different posters. It isst a very simple poster. I have to confess, i cannot read it either. I will explain what it is, mr. Secretary. A yearbyyear poster showing the revenues going to iran. It shows what happens when the maximum Pressure Campaign was imposed. I worked on it stopping the japanese from buying iranian crude. Er we brought iranian revenues down to below 8 billion. He will seeer that in 2020. That is a low part of the chart. 2021 and 2022 you see a dramatic increase. In revenues to iran. Now, think about this. The maximum Pressure Campaign imposed, it was widely reported that hamas and has below were going broke the we had the violence from gaza into israel, the 11 day war, we have seen what is happening now. I will come back to my question again and ask what has changed. Senator, i cannot read it, i cannot comment on the specific numbers there. I can tell you two things. What was true when i was at the department of treasury, even during the period of maximum pressure is iran has put funding for some port for hamas terrorism above everything else. And it does not cost that much. They have been bad actors when theyve had a lot of oil revenue , less oil revenue. I do not doubt that. You can see the magnitude of this chart. I was trying to make a slightly different point. If i understand what this chart says, the funds into iran went down. They have gone up dramatically. I am not aware that that funding went down. I will get briefed on that. The results of it, mr. Secretary. In terms of what has changed, i think it is very obvious what change. Joe biden was inaugurated in 2021. The maximum Pressure Campaign was abandoned and now the policy of appeasement has been undertaken with iran. That is what has allowed them. Let me turn to another concern. That isig a special envoy for in now suspended two security clearances. Under federalnd investigations. Do you i know rob valley. I have f not talked to him in years. Did he undertake efforts to quash efforts on iran. I do not recall rob nelly having a role in the enforcement of sanctions. Very obviously something dramatically changed here. It is clear to me that the Biden Administration and enforcement of sanctions against iran, every bit as ineffective as a Biden Administrations enforcement of our border security. Everyone and everything gets through and the results have been deadly. I just want to say this. If you are selected to be chief your number one priority should be the safety and security of americans. Absolutely. We have already lost 30 american lives. Thirteen held hostage. That needs toal be your absolute priority. Senator, i could not o agree with you more. There willdr not be a day when i wake up where that is not top of mind. It is clear to me that this administration does not have our safety and security at interest. They have allowed this type of behavior can happen. Edthank you, mr. Chairman. The chair has been lenient by allowing members. To pursue the issues with iran. We do have a nominee for the office of sanctions coordinator. I hope that we can get a hearing on that nominee because i think that that would be the appropriate place to talk about that concerning sanction enforcement. I hope we can get a hearing on that. I would probably be the more appropriate setting. My dear friend from tennessee. With the deepest respect. Thee chief admission will be the president administrative and israel. I think the policy is absolutely critical. This Funding Program that is been allowed to go on is absolutely critical to the ability to fund the proxies like hezbollah and hamas. Mr. Secretary, thank you. We are all aware that gaza is one of the most densely populated places in the world. Averaging 17,000 people per square mile. When you work with israel, the government of israel minimize harm of civilians. I think minimizing the harm to civilians is something that is a moral obligation. I only wish that one could say there would be no collateral damage. As we have learned in war there is. The goal is to minimize it. Will you are will you if you are confirmed work with israel to make sure that they are not targeted . Senator, if confirmed, i will work with israel to underscore what President Biden has said very eloquently. They have a right and responsibility to defend israel but what binds us together is a shared belief in democracy and rule of law. Do you believe that schools hospitals powers and water system should not be targeted . I am unable to answer the hypothetical question. There are cases where hamas is hidingis behind civilians with materiel commandhe center leades and how you define something at the school or command post makes all the difference in the world. Thank you, mr. Secretary. I will stay for the record that i believe that they should not be targeted. Mr. Chairman, i would like to put into the record if there is no objection an article by thomas friedman. If no objection. Thank you very much. Mr. Friedman, iran number one strategic objective with israel has been to ensure that israel remains in the west bank and i rons mostca fevered dreams re occupies gaza. I do agree with mr. Friedmans analysis. I think hamas goal is the elimination of israel and they will pursue any strategy that they think advances that goal. I know you are not specifically responding to the quote. I would rather read the whole thing in context. Before i agree or disagree with something ili really would needo read it. I think it is pretty accurate he notes that keeping i rons goal is to keep them in the west bank and it does reflect a lot of intelligence and experience information over time. He then lays out that if there is a ground offensive into israel, it could have numerous impacts including blowing up the Abraham Accords, destabilizing egypt and jordan as key allies, making normalization of nations between israel and saudi arabia and possible. They would be huge strategic setbacks both for the United States and for israel. Do you agree with him . Senator, i agree that the task of any nation to defend its People Forces leaders to make very hard decisions. I cannot sit here today and say i know with precision what it is that will defend the state of israel and the people of israel. I believe that the government of israel will try to make those decisions in a way that will be successfulbl, but not lead to te kind of longterm entanglement that i believe that comment is referred to. At the moment, you know, i am not going to sit here and prejudge exactly where that lies the point that mr. Friedman is making as these are key strategic objectives of the United States that we have stakes in the region in their huge risk of entanglement that comes with the ground offensive. White frankly, i think he has pretty accurately describe those risks. He concludes by noting he will play into the iran strategy of sucking israel into an older stretch situation. I just want to make the point that we also have important strategies and goals as a nation that are diplomat. Our ambassador will bring into the conversation and that we need tode have an investor who s willing and able to bring that discussion to bear. You do have the experience to bring insights on the potential impacts. That affect israel and american interests. I assume you will do that. Senator, i hope ive demonstrated over my career that im not shy about sharing what i believe to be the right policy. Ive never been shy to defend the intereststs of the United States. Ive tried to do it through maintaining relationships with people i disagree with. We have many relationships where we have not agreed. We have had relationships where believe he has trusted me. I will be in a position to raise issues. I just cantsr sit here today ad say exactly what the lines will be in the war. Deeply empathetic with the peopley of israel after this horrific slaughter by thomas. Just shocking and devastating andsa savage. I also believe that we have a responsibility to do everything that we can to work with israel to defend innocent palestinians who are as much victims of hamas as many others. And that needs to be part of the effort that we carry forward. Absolutely. An agreement was reached into our humanitarian corridors. The president committed money to humanitarian relief. I dont have the details. I just think that it is crucially important. Welcome. Congratulations on your nomination. Grateful for your desire to serve the country in this capacity. Before i begin, thank you for the conversation we had in my office. It was frank. It was open. I recognize that if you are confirmed, you will be taking a Critical Role at an incredibly challenging time. It is now even more challenging because iran has been permitted to haveat an elf is encouraging and possibly direct the terrorist acts of its regional proxies. Know the threats of some of those directives. When we spoke, we spent quite a bit of time on iran. And your former role as treasury secretary. I know that has been subject to a lot of conversation today. Including the role that the treasury played in implementing the aspects of the Obama Administrations iran deal. I wanted to follow up on some of my questions in the hope youve had a chance to review the particulars and treasurys role when treasury issued specific licensesia as opposed to the general licenses to enable the conversion into heroes, was this transaction directly connected to the Financial Relief and associated Un Resolutions or was it connected to socalled side deals, for example between iran and the ia yay that were kept from congress. This distinction matters because i believe it lies at the heart of how congress was left in the dark before and after the jc poa was negotiated and went into effect. Please respond. Senator, i appreciate you taking the time to talk to me about these issues. A frank and candid discussion. I am grateful for that. I apologize that i have not had time. I have been working nonstop since the meeting i was in with you. It is not a simple matter to go back and refresh your memory on details. Some of which i may not have been aware of. I will followup in writing. I would be happy to followup in writing. I would like to turn to u. S. Assistance with palestinians. Maintaining a martyrs fund that subsidizes acts of violence israels enemies may seek to expand the assault on israel. We must impose a higher level of scrutiny both bilaterally and through multilateral organizations like the United Nations to ensure any future usa does not support this reprehensible policy and no u. S. Dollar support acts of terrorism if confirmed, including exert over the palestinian leadership. People ensuring multilateral institutions does not directly or indirectly support terrorist activities or violate the taylor force act. Senator, i do not believe that there is anything tolerable about paying people to commit acts of terrorism and murder and paying families of socalled martyrs to i me is just immoral. And i will do everything i can as ambassador to bring that to bear both in our bilateral assistance and in our engagement with International Partners. If confirmed, it is something that is a very difficult relationship and international organizations. I have engaged in those conversations before and ive taken tough issues to International Partners before and it would be something that i look forward to working with you and the committee on to make sure that it is center on our attention. Relatedly, thank you, mr. Lu. How will you use this in conjunction with other u. S. Ambassadors in the region to urge that donors especially within the region both heavily restrict and ensure oversight over Financial Support to the Palestinian Authority early and normally and eight organizations operating in the west bank and gaza . I have started just reaching out to some of the other ambassadors in the region. Some of them i have known and some of them i have not. It is a responsibility to work closely with ambassadors and other countries. Work closely with the state department. I do not think it is an easy onesizefitsall answer. They are not new issues to me. I have engaged in these conversations from other seats. I think it is important and something i would be doing the first time. Thank you, mr. Lu. I have no further questions. Iy have over i am over my tie thank you, madam chair. Mr. Secretary, welcome. Methank you you and your family for taking on this awesome responsibility at this horrible time. I have known you for a long time we have not always agreed on everything. Ive always known you as a person of great integrity. As ier told you when we met in y office yesterday, i woke up on october 7 to hear the horrible news of the hamas terrorist attack. My mind immediately went to the puts which was what i had visited in late june. 3mile kilometers froma the border with gaza. Prosecuted in accordance with and i think you would alsoagree. I just want to make sure you take on this position it is both in americas interest and israels interest that the war prosecuted in accordance with international law. Yes, i do. Too that end i was pleased that as we are gathered here there was an announcement in israel where President Biden said quote the people of gods that need food, water, medicine, and shelter. The report indicates we may have some agreement with the Israeli Government to allow convoys to cross the gaza egyptian border. Its going to be very important that work swiftly and effectively. As i told you yesterday from reports on the ground the current rationing of water in gaza is about a liter a day. Which is not sufficient to sustain human life. People have already begun drinking farm water, agricultural water. There is a great fear from all of the humanitarian specialist on the ground about the spread of disease, waterborne disease. Its going to be essential in limiting the harm to innocent civilians. Half of them children that we get this humanitarian corridor opened right away. I also hope youll ask the government of israel to open up the pipes pray there is an announcement about opening a pipe by the National Security advisor. Turned out it was one of pipe initially only three hours a day. So, that is going to be really important spirit is not only a moral responsibility for the night sits in israel. Its also in our interest. The world has embraced israel in the moment of horror. But unnecessary human suffering andnd gaza. It willag change peoples public perceptions. Now you have been nominated by the president of the United States. So i just want to confirm you agree with some of things the commanderinchief just said the last couple of days. Number one vast majority of palestinians are not hamas. Quested yogurt that. I think the vast majority of the Palestinian People are being used in ponds by hamas and as human shields. I agree with you. I ask one of the first means you undertake if you are nominated is to meet their threestar general who is the commander that works with both the israelis and the Palestinian Authority we agree to do that . What site do not know him but even when his deputy secretary of state i met with his predecessor on each of my visits to israel and as i said earlier, the mission that office has is critical to creating the possibility of stability in any palestinian. Letan me just say mr. Secrety and i mentioned to this earlier. A lot of u. S. Government reporting right now has indicated while the world is focused on whats happening in gazaor there are extreme settles on the west bank that as we speak are seizing more and more palestinian lands. That will strengthen hamas in the west bank. And undermine the legitimate palestinian voices appear to help you look into that right away. Let me also just say, since you opened your testimony with looking to the next day and some spirit of optimism i do hope we can expand the Abraham Accords. I do think of get back to discussions betweenat normalizations 20 senators broke the president before this war started. And said that agreement will only bring lasting peace and stability to the middle east if it addresses thele palestinian legitimate questions as President Biden has said giving them equal measures of justice and dignity, do you agree . Senator, i believed before this war and since that in order to be in agreement there would need to be attention paid to the palestinian issues. I think we are at a moment now in the midst of a war with a country that is torn apart by grief, its probably not the right time to start that conversation again. But after this war is over and has to be part of the conversation. A recent mr. Secretary because you didnt open, so i do think its important to look to the day after to see if we can create any hope in this moment of darkness. I have long believed the path towards a long term stable middle east and the democratic jewish israel is a two state solution. One has to deal the issue if they going to be on this path. We agree. Hundred cruise . Mr. Secretary welcome. You and i had a vigorous conversation in my office yesterday. You said at the time nobody could have imagined what happened in israel with this terror attack. I have to say disagreed then i disagree now many of us not only imagine, we predicted it. You are a critical player in the Obama Administration campaign of appeasement with iran. You play a pivotal role in of flooding over 100 billion to the Iranian Regime. The bidenea administration has continued that policy flooding nearly an additional 100 billion to the Iranian Regime. That policy of appeasement sending hundreds of billions of dollars to its theocratic homicidal maniac who leads a chance of death to america and death to israel has proven catastrophic. The death squads in israel are funded and real and meaningful ways by the billions of dollars the Obama Administration and now the Biden Administration has flowed directly to iran. Thatu has proven. We alsoof have drones. As you note today the un arms embargo on iran expires, today. Ironically the day of your hearing. You are pivotal in advocating for Un Resolution 2231 the iran deal. Which is why the arms embargo is expiring today. October 7 hamas you swarms of sophisticated drones in their october 7 attack. Do you believe the world is safer today because of 233 2231 and the expiration of the arms embargo allowing iran to now sell Ballistic Missiles and long range drones . Quick center i think you would have to agree the history of the u. S. Engagement on jcpoa has changed substantially since i sat through for what you think the world is better and safer with the arms embargo expired . At the u. S. Yes or no are we safer today with the arms embargo . Is much more complicated than that we are not part of jcpoa therefore theres no extension of the arms embargo. I would have advocated for an extension of the arms embargo we might well have a request by the way the Biden Administration has been apart for two and half years the arms embargo is expiring tonight were pivotal in thatou happening. Lets shift to another thing the Biden Administration did not justn send money to iran in massive numbers. And also sent money to gaza that went to hamas. The Time Available lead do not send money to gaza it is is cond by hamas will be used by hamas for acts of terrorism. We now know the vita administration which the following determination and i quote due to its overall strength level control over gaza we assess there is a high risk hamas could potentially derive indirect unintentional benefits from u. S. Assistance to gaza. High risk. As a treasury secretary you are familiar with this determinations under ordinary antiterrorism laws you cannot send a money where theres high risk alleles for terrorism but which is the biden menstruationn do . It ways antiterrorism law because of political objective was so important theyre willing to take high risk. Was it a mistake take dissent hundreds of mines of dollars to gaza a very real and practical way funded the death squad funded the rockets being used to murder israelis . Center i was not in government at the time f the decisions were made is not the backandforth youre referring to. My understanding is the funding that went to gaza was for things like little planetary progress was it wrong when it concluded theres a high risk that hamas derive . Editor i have to look at the document. Are one a few people that has the ability to do that in high regard i am just a family with the document. It was the world safer or less safe because hundreds of Million Dollars were sent when its controlled by hamas . Senator hamas activities have proven how evil they are and how important it is because youre not answering that question. Let me ask this question. Flexible said the senator. [inaudible] treasury has repeatedly undermined israel as this attack was ongoing. Within hours of the attack commencing state department sent out a tweet from the office of Palestinian Affairs and office that would report to you if you are confirmed to. That said be unequivocally condemned the attack and the loss of life incurred we urged all sides to refrain from violence and retaliatory attacks terror and violence solve nothing. You agree withds this tweet that was sent by the biden state farm . Nd quick senator i would have to read it. I am not familiar with it progress are not familiar with it . Quick to want to switch back to the last point from which hold on a Second Period you are not familiar with this tweet they sent it out at 3m in the morning while the attacks were unfolding. I blasted it 3m in the morning and they deleted it within the hour because it was shameful theyat were telling israel do nt respond well your citizens are being murdered. The president of the United States stated clearly the policy of the United States. I agree with the president of United States requests i understand but at the same time the sadness duration repeatedly walks back what he says heres another tweet sent from the state department protectors foreign minister and i spoke for system secretary blinken spoke further on hamas terrorist attack on israel i encourage turkeys advocacy for a ceasefire in the release of all hostages felled by hamas immediately do you agree with this tweet from the secretary of state calling for a ceasefire immediately after the attack began . I think the president on the center tape stayed and made clear israel has a right and responsibility. Do you agree quest or quick senator cannot respond to a tweet or reading to me. You not familiarnt with it . Or are not following with the ministration is said by the way they deleted this tweet as well. Day after day after day this administration systematically undermined israel and finally you applicator for Un Resolution 2334 which declared much of israel illegally occupied territory including jewish core western wall. Alem and t do you live the jewish court of the western wall are illegally occupied territory . Senator, i do not believe is illegally occupied territory for quite wide to support a Un Resolution saying ituc is . I think wein could have a conversation about that its going to take me more than 10 seconds to respond to a pair. Picnics all the time you like. Allow the witness to respond. Allow the witness to respond. First if i could respond youve said a lot of things but youve not give me a chance to respond to a sentient amounts in 2015 their sanction again today do not think its a fair characterization of either what i did with this demonstration. Second ofow all the issue of Un Resolution, a Un Resolution that all the parties had to agree to it was negotiated to take out the most offensive provision. Whether it was a good or bad resolution in the end the president decided to abstain rather than have a worse resolution come out you can agree or disagree with that frequency could be toted. He was trying to prevent a worse resolution progress he could have vetoed it. Your time is expired. Leonard duckworth for. For a quick thank you, mr. Chairman. Thank you for being your secretary lou who walked away from jcpoa which administration . Which is left to ministration. Thats right. Thanks for your willingness to serve once again. To pause here and take a moment to say my heart is hurting ever since october 7 i have been wendlessly of the children the innocent children the israeli, palestinian have lives of an offender to leander during. All haunted by the suffering of the innocent. Are too young, my girls to understand whyn am so upset and what im holding them so tightly countless who will not be able ntto hook the children closer longer in my heart breaks for all of them. Those americans presume to be held hostage byei hamas many hae ties to my home state of illinois. Whether might being illinoisans our family friend whos reached out to my office for help. Their families and friends are inadvocating tirelessly for ther release, their access to basic medical care and for information about their loved ones. At the same temp jewish and muslim communities around the world are feeling deep emotional from the violence we are sadly arty seeing hate crimes spring up in the wake of the war. This past weekend stabbing of an instant six true palestinian american in illinois. The shocking and tragic murder is a painful reminder we must confront and rejectin any islamophobic rhetoric that seeks to conflate the it hamas with the policy ande people with the vastmajority of muslim people. Justin must confront and reject the rhetoric that seeks to draw assault between the democratically elected government of israel i think theterrorist organization of ha. As investment you would play Critical Role to strike the right tone for the very difficult complex conversations while demonstrating the United States longterm resolve and write commitment to support our israeli allies. Reject statement discrimination on the basis of race religion and crown us in our shared rights to live in peace and build a Better Future together but also in israels right to defend herself and reflect on that work and you hope to play if you are abbasid. Ambassador event acts and belief of bias and hatred against people because of who they are or what they are. Just totally unacceptable. Whenen it is manifested in actsf violence whether it is against a jew or a muslim is equally horrible. What i have said about the attacks in israel, is that almost 15 her people were killed because they were jewish. If it had been 1500 muslims kill because they were muslims that would be a problem too. We have to try to humanize these issues and understand it is a hamas that the enemy. Its not palestinians are the enemy. Now hamas hides behind palestinians. It creates terrible terrible choices in terms of how you bdefend yourself. But, at the core there has to be Mutual Respect and hopefully more thanan respect if we can gt to a better place. Do you agree israel has a right to defend herself . Absolutely progress you agree the Court Attendance of hamas is to destroy israel . Absolutely progress you agree the innocence in gaza deserve to have access to secure humanitarian corridors . And i am pleased that even this morning progress has been made on that front. Thank you but if confirm can you commit to working to address both the urgent and underlying human attorneys in gaza including establishing security corridors, access for keep medical workers like the red cross act as a food, water, sanitation from people in gaza . We must continue to do and if confirmed theyll be part of my mission will have to be done in a way that respects the security of israel. The two do not be inconsistent. Next thank you yelled back mr. Chairman. Quick senator shaheen. Thank you mr. Chairman thank you secretary lou for your willingness to come back in and serve the government particular he at this difficult time. I know youro nomination occurrd before this horrible tragedy in israel. And in the middle east. And so it is a very different situation than the one you were nominated for. I think anger and outrage on the committee is a reflection of how people are feeling worldwide toward what is happening both in terms of the horrific attack in israel from hamas but also the concern about the innocent palestinians and israelis who have been killed. I do appreciate what i have seen coming out of israel in terms of the country coming together. We appreciate their chairman and Ranking Member statements which reflect. I hope this will not be used as an opportunity to sell partisan divide here in the United States and in congress. Because i think that is the wrong response. Which we should be talking about is how we can support israel. How we can address the humanitarian needs and how we can get the hostages back. I hope thats going to be the focus of the discussion. The americans held is reassuring quick senator, i could not agree more this should be a moment where we should try our best to rise above partisanship and track of whats in the interest of the u. S. What is that the interest of israel what is in the interest of the u. S. israel relationship. One of the things about this relationship is for 75 years its been a a bipartisan effort. I am committed to work with democrats and republicans, evil who agree or disagree with the people who vote for me and people vote against me. Thank you, i appreciate that. And ind know that to be the case based having worked for you when you are in the Obama Administration. I do want to raise a couple issues that i think are important for you if you are confirmed as ambassador. And that is senator murphy talked about the maritime border decision that have been made between lebanon and israel. We have heard a lot of discussion and the last week on thela potential for a Northern Front on lebanons border with israel. One of the institutions has been helpful in that respect is the Lebanese Armed forces and their ability to help keep the lid on in northern lebanon. Can you talk about what you invested or if is not able to function . Quick senator obviously if confirmed my agreement will be centered in israel. We hopefully will still be able to have diplomat i think the ulpresident s decision to deploy to Aircraft Carrier groups into the mediterranean sends a powerful message it doesnt need a lot of explanation. It is more armed power than on most any other nation in the world could bring to bear. I hope thatat is a deterrent tht is heard and we do not see a multi front war. Thank you, i certainly share that. One of the other issues we have not yet focused on is the challenge of the impact on the Defense Industrial base in israel and the unitedhe states o if confirmed how you will work with the Defense Companies to best support delivery of military assistance to israel . I think that is a hugely important question that will have a whole different set of considerations than it did two weeks ago. Until the inquiry of what happened and how israel did not see this and respond more quickly until that is understood i do notnd know the answer. I do not know if its things theyan need, people they need, strategies they need. It is just not acceptable to have an exposed border like that. And i do not think this probably anyone in israelsr thanks is acceptable either. We have a relationship with israel and the defense area thats unique in the world. We have had history of phasing out with domestically. Not in a position to you. Ive not been freaking out all the details we have to ask questions that phases out the right schedule. As or something at stake here . Something i mentioned in my testimony that i want to underscore, israels role internationally in the Defense Industry the Technology Industry provider is kind of unique. Its a huge percentage ofd israels economy much figure of their economy of ours. They have a level of resources, a quality of material and technology that other countries want. Particularly the right to trade with china. If you wouldve asked me two weeks ago but one of my big challenges would be i would have said it would have been working with israel to understand the need not to give china things we would give china to gain military advantage. That is not as easy as just saying and do it. They very well may have the view i dont know right now. To my time you can have these conversations in the region to be partners with and limiting some of the spread of advanced technology. At the appropriate time i hope you will focus on that. Thank you, mr. Chairman. Look secretary lou first of all, thank you for your testimony i think you have the ability to go through long sessions of diplomacy. You have shown that quite clearly. I just want to make one response for some to think the members of our committee. I felt this hearing has been very helpful and productive. I rounds capacity its nuclear tecapacity funding is certainlyn issue of grave concern to the National Security interest of the United States and to israel. I do not object to the questions that have been asked to. I do think its important to clarify, i was the Ranking Member of this committee when jcpoa was considered working with senator who was the chairman of this committee. The two of us in a bipartisan way with overwhelming support from our colleagues on the floor than a state senate developed a review process we can have an open review before it went into effect. It delayed the process for substantial periodra of time for congressional input. The transparency of the Obama Administration we had more briefings and hearings i thought it was qualified as physicist of energy. We have indepth discussions in every aspect of the jcpoa. We had our chance for input in fact our input change the agreement as it was being negotiated over that period of time that is how we should work in a bipartisan manner. The review was bipartisan some of us disagreed with the final product. Thought perhaps it was set up wrong in the beginning run Nuclear Enrichment in iraq. I voted against the jcpoa i must confess this exercise was unprecedented. I met with present, many times. Want to associate myself secretary lou comment but an agreement is in agreement we had as responsibility to carried out and we did carried out were in full compliance will trump unilaterally decided to withdraw. Which i think was a mistake. Not only put the u. S. The violator of the agreement, it laid out iran to closer to Nuclear Weapon as they are today with their enrichment policy. Were not going to be tongue but that during this hearing i understand as a member of the Obama Administration in the spirit of questions in regard to jcpoa. But i must tell you i know our nominee and i thank him for his Public Service. All times he conducts himself with the highest degree of integrity. He served president obama well served our nation well. Never ever held back must properly disclose to us. I just want to enjoy have that on the record and i thank you again for your testimony. Reviewed to make any comments . We will keep the record questions for the record until 1 00 p. M. Tomorrow. That will give you a couple hours to get back to us. I hope you are not planning anything important over thek weekend. We will allow you to take a little bit of time off on saturday but back to work saturday night. If there is no further business the committee will sanded turn thank you. [background noises] [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] just ahead on the cspan2 an update on that u. S. Response to the war between israel and hamas from todays white house briefing. I was hitter joni ernst texas reprentative chip roi are part of a discussion on the u. S. Israel Alliance but will take you on the campaign trail th the ramaswamy and iowa Florida Governor desantis at an event in south carolina. Tonight lexis been serious in partnership with library of Congress Books that shaped america. Will feature mark twains novel adventures of Huckleberry Finn written in 1884. The novel is controversial from the beginning. Because of the subject matter and use of dialect the book has sold more than 20 million copies worldwide and has had a profound impact on American Literature. The library of congress because Ernest Hemingway as saying all modern American Literature comes from one book by mark twain called Huckleberry Finn. English professor beutler university in indianapolis has held classes on Huckleberry Finn for many years. He will join us on the programs to discuss the book watch books that shaped america featuring adventures of Huckleberry Finn tonight live at 9 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. Cspan now our free mobile video app and online at cspan. Oregon. Also be sure to watch a qr code to listen to our companion podcast where you can learn more about the authors of the books featured. Cspan washington journal our life form involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and Public Policy. From washington d. C. And across the country coming up Tuesday Morning will discuss the leisa House Speaker race first with rollcall reporter laura white and ethics and Public Policy Center Senior fellow Washington Post columnist henry olson. Also the Quincy Institute talks about the latest in israel hamas conflict. Cspans washington journal join in the conversation live at seven eastern Tuesday Morning on cspan, cspan now or online at cspan. Org. Cspan is your unfiltered view of government. 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