some encouraging news about a disease that impacts millions around the world and their families. alzheimer's. and joining us now are our senior medical correspondent elizabeth cohen, the a thor of the brand new book entitled "the empowered patient." this is a critically important and a life-saving book that we're going to talk about, elizabeth, in just a moment. i want to talk about some of the news of the day. apparently, there's a new test that can pretty accurately predict whether someone will get alzheimer's? >> yes, wolf. this is a huge advancement. up until now there wasn't a way to predict who would get alzheimer's. researchers gave people spinal taps. get the fluid out by putting a needle in their back. they found in certain proteins were in the fluid that person had a much higher risk of developing alzheimer's later in life. as usual, we need to catch up with new technology. the question is if this test becomes widely available, do you want it? do you know that you're likely