>> evan perez reporting for us. evan, thank you very much. joining us right now, democratic senator, jack reed of rhode island, has a seat on the intelligence committee, as well as being ranking member of the armed services committee. senator, thank you so much for coming in. >> thank you, wolf. >> so he worked longer, presumably, you just heard evan say, for robert mueller than he actually worked for donald trump. how significant is that? >> i think it's very significant. because one of the key elements in the presentation that director mueller made was flynn has first-person knowledge of many activities. this is not hearsay. this is not someone told me. this is i was there, i heard someone say this. i think also, which is critical, is the fact that other people having knowledge of flynn's testimony have cooperated also. so he's been a very critical element in this investigation. >> were you surprised when you heard the details that were included in this document last night?