the crypto world it is hard to imagine that there will not be some regulatory scrutiny on facebook so that is one of the big ifs and then facebook itself is saying that what we've seen right now is libra it's a prototype so far so let's see how this whole old thing will work in the next couple of months to come so you know the excitement 1st and the details come later now you stay with us while we look at another market story u.s. president donald trump criticizing mario draghi on twitter after the european central bank chief hinted at future interest rate cuts to lift flagging growth a trump said drug he was trying to lower the value of the euro in a bid to boost european markets investors saw his tweets as evidence that the u.s. self will soon cut interest rates markets were also we when we did we would meet chinese premier she jean king at the g. 20 this month for trade talks. the dow moving up and down on