which is a testament to how well-prepared the midwest always is when it comes to these big winter storms, something that did catch them off guard in the middle of the night was an earthquake. jon: yeah. mother nature's having some fun with chicago with, i guess, a minor earthquake, huh? >> reporter: yeah, about 4 a.m. it was a magnitude 3.8, and it was centered about 45 miles northwest of downtown. it actually woke me up from my sleep, but i just thought i was having a bad dream. i never would have known it was an earthquake, but you look around, they had a minor earthquake and a major blizzard yesterday, and chicago is open for business still. it's amazing. jon: they can handle that kind of stuff in chicago. peter, thanks. let's send you back to jane in the newsroom now. jane: jon, we're getting some breaking news on a guy our viewers may remember named lee