job is done. until new orleans is all the way back. all the way. >> and with more on the president's visit here let's get live to major garrett. he is at xavier university in new orleans where the president spoke today. major? >> thank you, trace. no one here in new orleans no one on the gulf coast would try to erase the trauma inflicted by hurricane katrina or forget the damage personal and structural inflicted by the massive storm but the theme here for the president today was to talk about the renewal not just here in new orleans but across the gulf coast. he pointed to facts from the administration noteing that many people, 98% of the 40,000 that when took office were still in emergency housing here in either trailers or some form of emergency shelter had been moved into permanent housing and took a tour briefly today of columbia one of the first four big redevelopment projects here in new orleans. former projects washed out by

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President Obama ,New Orleans ,Way ,More ,Job ,Major Garrett ,Visit ,Xavier University ,Storm ,One ,Remembering Hurricane Katrina ,Trace ,Damage ,Gulf Coast ,Trauma ,Spoke Today ,Major ,Theme ,People ,Renewal ,Administration ,Office ,Emergency Housing ,98 ,Facts ,40000 ,Housing ,Emergency Shelter ,Projects ,Trailers ,Tour Briefly ,Form ,Washed Out ,Big Redevelopment Projects ,Columbia ,Four ,

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