united states military role pursuant to this u.n. resolution that was passed by the security council last night. in the meantime as we await that within the two minutes now we guy to doug mcelway who is live at the pentagon. >> reporter: they've canceled their daily briefing at the pentagon not wanting to get out ahead of the white house and whatever the president has to say about libya and the prospects of a no-fly zone and when it will be erected, so to speak and what form it will take. having said that it's of great interest in what kt mcfarland was telling you a while ago and henry kissinger, their tremendous insight. there are a few other things we can add about the no-fly zone and what the u.s. role might be. i've been hearing from interviews that i've been doing this morning that the u.s. will have to play a fairly major role in this operation simply because the european air forces and whoever else might be involved in the imposition of a no-fly zone don't have the

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Un Security Council Resolution ,Role ,United States Military ,Security Council Last Night ,Doug Mcelway ,Two ,President Obama ,Split Libya ,No Fly Zone ,Reporter ,White House ,Whatever ,Briefing ,Prospects ,Pentagon ,Things ,Kt Mcfarland ,Henry Kissinger ,Interest ,Insight ,Us ,County Don T ,Interviews ,Europe ,Air Forces ,Operation ,Imposition ,

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