the world is burning down. you know what? i'm voting for paut pawlenty. he didn't even think of the pepsi generation. he said coke. a man of action. you have to be kidding me. you wonder why you guys are losing? well, it's between these four. the blue or the red. i'm not sure yet. i have to see another debate. will he wear a blue tie next time and these guys wear red? i don't know. i know i'll dismiss anybody wearing yellow or no tie. what is that? coming up on tonight's program, we have weiner news. but not the weiner you're thinking. no, it's not. there is another weiner out there, making news. you're going to be amazed that nobody -- no, you're not. i'll be honest. you have're not going to be amazed that nobody is talking about it in the media. it's the media. in a real world, one that made sense, you'd be amazed that no