he dropped 2% as you can see right there. that's a fox opinion -- a fox news poll that has come out in the past week. >> dropped only a couple of points. >> these numbers are fluctuating just between like 44% to 49% and i think that's going to be the range that he's in. even a bad month on jobs numbers, this past weekend, if you did it again, they had a great event at the white house for the troops which was wonderful. so people that saw that are like yeah, i like that guy. but i still don't want -- i don't like the job performance but if you're in between 44% and 49% and you're pulling out all of these bells and whistles and you're not moving the needle, then you've got a little bit of a problem. >> which might be talking about why cuomo might -- his name might pop up. let's look at what the republicans are doing. they were out and about in all the states especially iowa and new hampshire yesterday. you had a situation in -- situation with mitt romney as well as -- >> john huntsman. >> governor huntsman where they actually ran into each other, shook hands and pat each other on the back yesterday. >> look at that.