florida. that is important. ron paul could pull 200,000 -- >> greg: the it better comparison is perot and what he did with bush. >> bob: those were states that were heavily republican. if perot had not been in the race, the results would haven't been different. >> dana: paul, a lot of college students back him. they are on winter break. their chances of showing up in new hampshire is raised. >> bob: decent weather. >> eric: they may be so stoned they can't find the caucus. >> dana: my goodness. no. >> kimberly: i think palin is running around, she doesn't want to be anyone's v.p. anyone would be happy to get her endorsement. what weight it will carry to be seen. >> dana: they don't hurt you. >> greg: mine does. every time i endorse something it goes bankrupt or they just destroy. >> bob: give her this. she probably could help in