automatic functions of the auto throttle. >> wouldn't you notice it in the copilot seat? the copilot was the one bringing this in. if you were the pilot in the other seat, wouldn't you think this is a little slow? >> well, yes. my understanding, the pilot, cap tape in the left seat was the up with in training. the pilot in the right seat is a check airman. what i have read and heard throughout the past couple of days. don't know this as a fact. but the talk about the pilot only have 43 -- the captain only having 43 hours on an airplane, when you start out in this training, have you no time in the airplane. you get a check ride in the simulator which gives you type rating in the aircraft and then you go out for line operating experience, which this sounds like it was, with a check airman, the pilot in the right seat. for some reason, that information escape both of them and the other two pilots that should have been in the cockpit.