it looks almost like a 35-millimeter photograph on your tv. some of these sets were launched last year at stratosphere i cannily high press es at $40,000. you will see that come down and a lot more sets. the interesting thing -- jenna: we have a little bit of a delay, and i apologize, just so viewers can understand what we're showing them, we're showing images of these television screens. they're curved? does that make them different? why does a curved television give us better image than flat screens a lot of us have? >> well, it may or may not give you a better image but will sure look different in the store. curved screens, not all uhdtvs will be curved. a lot of manufacturers are coming out with the curved screens to differentiate themselves. i think, if you ask the manufacturers about it, they say it make as imax style experience inside of your home. in our labs we taken a look at some early ones and we think if