again this week, what do you think the chances are first, give us that? >> well, i think it's better than half because it has to be and, you know, god bless john mccain, we know that the biggest inhibitor of overcoming cancer is stress, let him go back to arizona and deal successfully with overcoming cancer so we can get good health care for the rest. heather: what i found interesting with john mccain, he said he would back it if the governor of arizona backed it, correct? >> in other words -- heather: he's in favor of it now? >> that's my understanding. john mccain basically by doing that was saying, look, i'm going let my decision be made by someone else hoping that they would not -- heather: they would agree with him? >> when he says he would like more bipartisanship, so would we, but they passed obamacare without a single republican