e. east of us. jacksonville, north carolina. a mile away from the new river here. we are protected by our hotel. the hotel down there triangle motor inn they had breach to the roof maybe about the size of basketball. authorities came, in they said nobody can stay here. it's uninhabitable. they moved them out. about 70 women and children. once a roof gets compromised even if it's the hole the size of a basketball it doesn't take longer before the hole is bigger and bigger and then the whole structure is compromised. i'm protected. the hotel is off to the east of me. the winds have switched to the east. so they are right down this road ahead of us. if i just step out here, it's almost like going into -- out into the gauntlet. i'm not going to do that because i have seen debris flashing by the last several manipulates. right when i came in the hotel sign best west inn exploded. dave, my camera guy if you