of these. this is the kfc 11 herbs and spices fire log. you put in your fireplace, it smells like fried chicken. >> tucker: it smells like your car in college. >> no, absolutely not. >> going to run out and get one. >> tucker: lauren blanchard, you are up by one point. question two. traffic in los angeles is notoriously awful, but thanks to the brilliance and the foresight of elon musk, relief may be on the way. the billionaire inventor just unveiled what new, faster way of getting around los angeles? griff jenkins. >> tunnel. >> tucker: tunnels? under l.a.? i don't believe you, let's check the tape. >> how about this? on underground tunnels to beat traffic congestion. they ensure they don't run into each other, despite going speeds over 125 miles per hour. >> elon musk with bright ideas. >> tucker: because when you're