excited. >> the argument you hear is this is a leverage play, they want to meet with mitt romney privately and tell them what they want before they -- >> that's just not smart. not going to happen. >> but they don't have the leverage. as harold points out, that's not hillary clinton going to barack obama and saying i want to speak here, i want this job. mitt romney can say, bye-bye. i don't need it. >> no, he doesn't. and, you know, the thing is, and i actually -- i wrote something fairly positive i think for newt last night. when i say this this morning, i don't mean to be personal against newt at all. but mitt romney doesn't want newt to speak at the convention. >> right. >> no, he doesn't. he just doesn't. >> right. >> so right there, newt is not holding a lot of cards. santorum is not holding a lot of cards. i think they have to figure out a way to be more excited and give him what he needs. >> well, spokesperson for both