when david gregory will interview eric cantor and dick durbin on nbc. you know those one-cent coins that were fun to play with as a kid and weigh you down as an adult this week? canada dropped pennies from its currency. the canadians did it first and they said the things are basically too expensive to make. will we follow suit here in the united states? joining me now with his two cents, "time" magazine writer, we couldn't resist. you studied this topic and other numbers from the u.s. mint. how much money do we lose on the production of pennies? >> the thing with the penny is it costs two cents to make each one of of them. we're losing about $50 million making the penny every year. >> is there a lobby out there that's protecting the penny? >> there is a lobby and that's one of the main renes that we still have the penny. the zinc industry, the penny is