a special segment of the inmate population. >> this mod's called echo mod. it's the mod that's designated for chronically mentally ill people for the most part. >> mental health clinician george stone is an integral member of the echo mod staff. >> you have people that are pretty disturbed. and people that are normal or next to normal. as a way of mixing it up, we find that the prisoners can help each other that way. >> i like it here because it's way quieter. i have an anxiety problem. there's less of that in here. there's really no threats in here. >> ernest rogers has bipolar disorder. he's serving an 85-year sentence for robbery and attempted murder. >> i just lost it. i wasn't on my meds or nothing. the judge said due to my mental illness, you know, he said although i didn't kill anybody, i -- it wasn't from the lack of effort. >> despite the violence of their crimes, stone insists on treating all of the inmates in