nbcnews.com. thank you for joining us. you've written a lot of stories, of course, this one hit a nerve and so many people reached out to you reacting. what are they saying? >> a lot of them said, wow! this is my life and i've been temping for months or years because i've been sending out resumes since the recession hit and i can't find a full-time job and these aren't adults with no work experience. these are gen-xors and these are baby boomers telling me this. >> in march the temp industry added 28,500 jobs and that's about their2.8 million workers temporary or part-time positions and oftentimes in these positions you get no benefits. it's temporary and unpredictable. this is nothing you can build stability on, but you need to pay your bills and you need that money for your life. >> yeah. that's very true and that's one of the biggest problems is that this doesn't offer anything in terms of time off or sick days.