dark and my camera doesn't have any type of lighting. so i just kind of held it up and we'll see what happens. >> andrew dumais stands at the edge of the stage with a fire extinguisher. >> because i served four years on the hudson fire department, i would be on stand-by just in case there were any mishaps. >> after her colleague performs, it's ayesha's turn. >> the music changed. it was a little different. you kind of got the feeling that it was going to be something spectacular. >> ayesha begins her routine. first she touches the fire to her arms. >> we always begin our show with that kind of trick. what we don't show the people is that we put some cream before. >> the special cream prevents ayesha from burning her skin. now she prepares for the main event. >> we take the oil and we spit the oil like in a mist, and this is the mist will goes in fire when we spit it on a torch.