will accept a statement, everything is proper, signed, president trump. that's not going to cut it. if it's elaborate and responses to specific list of questions, that could be negotiated. my guess is we'll see a hybrid. some questions meriting responses and some in person. that's my prediction. >> we saw stephen miller talking about russia on sunday, including questions about a report miller helped trump draft early, and apparently revealing letter about the firing of james yoem. that letter was never sent. let me play part of what miller had to say. >> did you write a letter outlining reasons to fire comey and list the russia investigation? is that true? >> here's the problem with what you're saying. the file draft of letter -- >> i'm not talking about that. i'm talking about the one comey has -- >> if you want -- if you want to have an answer to your question and not to get hysterical, then i'll answer it. the file draft of the letter has