>> reporter: bill had internal injuries. whatever happened, the wreck was so severe it even knocked his boots off. >> sierra 4, here comes your bird. >> reporter: they took him away in the helicopter. >> they got a gurney. and he grabbed my arm. and he goes, vieja, come with me. i go, i'm coming, dad. and they take him. and i remember he told them, she needs to come with me. >> reporter: but officers wouldn't allow frances in the chopper, wouldn't allow her to go anywhere, in fact. >> and i told the officer, i'm his wife. and he said, turn around. and he handcuffed me, put me in the back and they left with bill. >> reporter: it was only then, frances says, that it all came together in her mind. the thump, the broken window, somehow bill's bike and her escalade must have collided. i think some people might find it hard to believe that you wouldn't realize that you had hit a motor bike. >> i didn't feel anything. i heard a thump. i thought it was in piece of granite.