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Germany heed his advice theyve promised a fierce fight also coming up chinese president xi jinping makes his move and communist Party Delegates back his vision for the future with a she see china become a global superpower. And in sports percent over nondoing and another trophy to his collection hes been named the fun footballer of the year and get. Out of the way a warm welcome to you im on the thought she the gym in your house of parliament is overwhelmingly elected outgoing finance minister will have gone short as the new parliamentary president five hundred one of the seven hundred nine members of the newly elected bundestag voted for sure the veteran member of chancellor Angela Merkels conservative democrats is the longest serving nor makea in the country. And from one this election im joining the studio by our Political Correspondent jefferson shes welcome jefferson and at the bundestag is one of our other core of Political Correspondents traumas father thomas let me start with you what was sure blairs key message as the address the new parliament after being elected the president of the bundestag. Obviously there are very different opinions in the German Parliament that there are new elements in the current German Parliament when you compare it to the previous. Oldest and that those different opinions have to be respected in certain cases also promoted yet at the same time he stressed the need to find compromise and find compromise by playing with but i respecting the rules by making sure that obviously compromise is also possible so the two elements side by side obviously debate and not necessarily the same opinions at the same time trying to find compromise i think that was the key message by the new president of the German Parliament. Compromises to must follow their jefferson you were listening to well frank sure talk and make his address to parliament what were your thoughts on his address i mean i was struck at how often he used the word respect he kept talking about all of the all of the m. P. s have to respect each other they need to remain decent he used the word decency a lot and those those words in my mind or explicitly directed against the far right populist of the they of course when they got elected into the bonus talk one of their the candidates came out and said were going to hound the other parties were going to stay on the trail you know hes hes very martial language and there were a number of points in short the speech where he picked up on the sort of things that the if he had said and sort of turned them around he said for instance nobody alone represents the people thats a play on what the f. T. Said after the election of it that they were going to take back the german people so i think in a way he was reading the riot act he was of course saying everybody who is elected gets to have their say. But there are certain rules and you can bet that everybodys going to be following them but just returning to you to what extent do you think sure because address was directed at the far right if tea party which is a card the Largest Party in the German Parliament now. It was certainly directed to them but it was also obviously directed to the jerk to the changes in German Society changes that are also represented by the presence of the a. F. P. The fact that they got twelve point six percent of the vote in the recent elections under something that obviously scheuer blavatsky as the president of the of the ponder start but also all the other m. P. s will have to take into consideration how to react to the proposal that they present here at the German Parliament and there are two i think opinions there on the one hundred is it is clear they may change the tone of the debates here at the German Parliament by shifting those debates to the right but when it comes to what they can actually achieve then thats another matter because they may be able to present a lot of proposals but it is highly unlikely that they will get the necessary majority to pass them and then turning to you now that tribe has won a resulting victory and become president of the bundestag what does he bring to the table what makes him a good choice for this post do you think a vast amount of experience hes been has been a member of the bannister for over forty years hes hes lived through an awful lot of history he was one of the primary architects of german reunification back in ninety he also hes hes in a wheelchair because he was the victim of an assassination attempt thats something that most people would have hung up their political hat at that point he fought through that hes as he himself said he served as both a member of the opposition and of the end of the party in power hes been a member of government for huge number of years hes just coming off a long term as finance minister where he had to you know lead that ministry through a very very difficult time in the in the euro zone he established a reputation for being a very hard bargain but in the end hes earned everybodys respect right ejector cinches from our political dislike you very much for that assessment and atomosphere at the bundestag thank you very much. Now as you mention the find out if tea party or the alternative for Germany Party is represented in the bundestag and it is being represented for the first time the nations third Biggest Party so how influential is the f. T. And how are these shaping political discussion in germany heres a report. For. Your. View. Germanys politicians are adopting a new Vocabulary Words such as fatherland love identity country and pride the author carolyn m. Carr asks if these politicians are copying germanys nationalist party was and charging them with the decisive factor is how strongly the f. T. Can continue to influence public discussions and determine how certain topics are discussed in my opinion the f. A. Have been surprisingly successful in doing this. For the car. And if the politicians take their place in germanys bundestag for the first time today their influence seems to be bigger than the number of votes the party won in germanys recent elections. We will take back our country and our people. A sign of the times says callahans finest man one of the internets will fathers of germanys new right. The success of the f. T. Isnt simply because it managed to unite nearly thirteen percent of voters behind it their success is linked to a greater trend a Bigger Movement the end of which we cant yet for see. And this trend is already changing the climate for those from a non german background people such as as roku joke who often speaks from was limbs in germany. Mentioned im one of the experience of germans with an immigrant background is that attitudes are getting harsher and thus. Have hurt but at the same time theyre being told their needs are on the political agenda i think its extremely dangerous thanks to. A changing climate many politicians dont know how to react. To election victories in europe show two radically different approaches frances emmanuelle macross water fight the far right austria Sebastian Kurtz poached the far right topics dont let the right set the agenda ones carolyn. Now would or you can close off the right flank by becoming right wing yourself thats an illusion you have to decide do i want to live in a secular open democracy if so then you have to defend these principles. Vice man from the new right believes any attack is positive doesnt try matters as miles said is that to be attacked by the enemy is not a bad thing like doesnt of its a good thing because it clearly shows were on to something and the sin is real competition fatherland love of country identity terms made popular by the age of fifty but who will now set the lead for how these terms are used a balancing act for germanys bundestag. That we now bring you up to date with some other stories making news around the world on. Three is the elected conservative leader Sebastian Cortes has announced he will try to form a Coalition Government with the countrys a right wing Freedom Party a decision that was widely expected court said the Freedom Party had shown a will to bring about change in austria together. Hong kong democracy protests leaders nathan law and joshua long have been released from prison on bail the pair were jailed in august for their roles in the anti china protests of two thousand and fourteen known as the umbrella revolution is in north bank to supporters and said he and wong were due to appear back in court in november. In malaysia the two women accused of killing the half brother of north koreas leader kim jong born have been taken back to the scene of the crime authorities brought them to the airport as part of a reenactment of the fatal attack along with prosecutors lawyers and a trial charge the two women have pleaded not guilty. He was in need of really is coming up ahead christiane although now do is named football off a year after free for awards we tell you netted the other prizes. But first want to go joins me now for Business News and labor rules in europe are undergoing a transformation its somewhat complex the topic but the bottom line is that the European Union labor ministers have agreed on new rules to prevent wage dumping across the e. U. They want to limit to the socalled posted workers scheme to twelve months and ensure equal pay for equal work across the border the deal of course still needs to be ratified by the e. U. Member states. European lawmakers have long argued over labor rules in the block especially when it comes to jobs like those in construction on the Assembly Line and in health care. The current rules are contentious because they permit workers from poor e. U. Countries to work in wealthier ones for far more than they would earn at home but far less than their counterparts who are citizens of the wealthier countries. A new proposal agreed on last night by the labor ministers from the twenty eight European Union members would put an end to that. I believe we have found a balance compromise that stakes into account the interests of the workers and the employers of the posting and host countries of different sectors and professions Soon Companies sending their employees to work in wealthier countries could be required to pay the normal social contributions required by the host country they would also limit the duration of such postings to twelve months but not everyone is happy about the deal poor Member States reject the proposal even so Council Members are confident the deal will level the playing field. And this offers a unique opportunity to prove that the European Union its twenty eight Member States the fence together Common Social values it is a clear sign that we deliver on a fairer and more social europe with equal opportunities. Where equal opportunities are possible for everybody and all of life in the deal must not be ratified by Member States. And for more on that deal with joined now by a band to get our correspondent in brussels band is this deal or compromise go in to make everyone happy. The short answer is no the workers themselves not and called them much effects because the average posting is only six or seven months of the twelve months cap would not apply for them and also the member countries who send these workers basically poland and hungary where voted down on the monday night so they are theres also a split between east and west now the only one happy should be mr mccone the french president his fight against social dumping socalled social dumping was one of his Election Campaign promises and he made good on that but we have to see if it comes out this because its not over yet so it is over yet so if there is still friction what are the next steps going to be whether the vote yesterday was only a step in the long process that is now in negotiations to be followed by the parliament and the ministers again and then we have a legislative process which will take months or even a year and only after that this new legislations lives they should will be passed and then we can talk about a new directive but the effect is still to be seen bentley get there from brussels thank you so much for this a court in frankfurt has rejected a deal to drop charges against the head of deutsche thats the Company Running germanys biggest Stock Exchange in frankfurt. Is facing charges of Insider Trading after he bought millions of euros of dollars of those shares before merger plans with the london Stock Exchange were publicly announced a settlement would have seen both can get to the company pay a combined eleven million euro fine but it now seems that the trial will go ahead of a more on that story lets cross over to daniel cope who is at the front with the exchange for us debbie whats this decision mean for cost and can get out into. Well certainly for mr not a very good mood today and its actually very interesting when you talk to experts experts experts in the war area theyre saying that this is a very unusual case usually when theres a settlement in discussion in nine of ten cases accord usually agrees and in this situation you know were talking about ten Million Euros that would be paid in this case though the court is saying that their kid this case is so important that they are not seeing this trap and so whats now going to be the case mr kangaroo will be in front of a chord jury here and frankfurt with a possible verdict or of course an expert at the end of course this is going to put a lot of pressure on him his contract is due in march of two thousand and eighteen and with an open court case still going on its not very likely that theyre going to give him a new contract all right so thats the bad news but i leave we have fresh data from the euro zone suggesting that things are growing quite well yeah there are going quite well not as strong though as we have seen for example in september the powerhouses here in europe france and germany come with strong numbers though not as strong as we saw in the last month germany for example the Institute Just saying that the index that is always estimating this went down by a zero point eight points to now fifty six point nine points in general we see this kind of picture in many European Countries right now when you talk to analysts are saying that this is most likely also because of the not very stable situation that we are seeing right now in spain all right dan youre cool in french food thank you so much for this. Now were moving to china now and its undisputed leader it seems and rita thats right monica chinas Ruling Communist Party has confirmed president xi jinping as its most powerful leader in decades by adding his name and ideology to the constitution at the end of the parties twice a Decade Congress delegates voted unanimously to include xi jinping forward as a guiding principle of this basis she at the same level of prominence as body found the dung. Pulling ahead of the pack the chinese team lead to the fleet at the worlds most challenging ocean sailing event the volvo ocean race thats also where chinese leader xi jinping wants to see his country as a Global Leader its among the goals outlined in president xi cian pings a broad vision now enshrined in the countrys constitution to get there she has pledged to navigate china into a new era of global power and influence. And now please submit your vote for those who agree raise your hand more than twenty three hundred delegates voted unanimously to add shes name and ideology to the partys charter cementing his grip on power. Since the peoples republic of china was founded in one thousand nine hundred forty nine only one leader founder mao zedong himself has been honored in such a way while still alive Deng Xiaoping the architect of chinas economic opening is the only other leader to be included in the Party Charter but that was only after his death in one thousand nine hundred seven she sees himself as the countrys third transformational leader and by attaining the same rank as mao and doing any active opposing she becomes tantamount to an attack on the party itself. After consolidating his own power she is now seeking to reinforce the authority of the communist party hes pledged to pull all aspects of the countrys politics economy and society under the Ruling Communist Partys control. We must lay a Solid Foundation for Party Building at the Grassroots Level as the saying goes without a Solid Foundation the earth will tremble and the mountains will sway. Outside of the party she enjoys wine support from ordinary Chinese People in particular for his vast Anti Corruption campaign and for pushing a nationalist agenda brought bunchy is also known for his unprecedented crackdown on dissent targeting human rights activists the courts and restricting the free flow of information that. We talk about this im joined now in the studio by this lorenza for what is your correspondent for the german news the guest begin and hes also written two books about china and the Chinese Revolution that was going to not ends. Has got the same status as chairman mao how powerful is he in your view right now while hes extremely powerful in what must say but i wouldnt compare him to mao the domo is that there was a virtue in this devastating political campaign. Is not able to do that but he is now. In the last five years is no head of the party head of the state head of the hes leading a lot of leading groups within the party so he can decide to look and he at least has managed to get his name in the said his name and find his name in the. Constitution with is being thought that is extremely important for him why because now if someone wants to topple him or at least to criticize him he is in the constitution that means the constitution of the party is very important the party is china and who ever wants to criticize knows he didnt think is criticizing china and that is very that was a very significant changes then from what hes done but she didnt bring as also declared the start of a new era for china what does he mean by that the other nuclear as we had the third era we had the knowledge the dome you know i think youre not in the country then came the. Soaping saying everybody has become rich and now he wants to be the new area is disciplined society. And strong and disciplined society and a very strong china brought so what does it mean to have a disciplined society that means that the state control of the dissidence of a people who have others who have dared to have another opinion and then see very have a risk to go into prison very soon they are thinking about social Credit System and the fascinating thought is that they want to try to combine the communist Leninist Party with the very modern state for instance by using computers the internet and so on well she declared at this Body Congress as well that he is spies a super deal but status for china how close is he to reaching this super status of for his country at least hes trying to reach a state as that nobody looks on sign up from above anymore he wants to have a very selfconfident nation a very selfconfident find a very confident citizen he is working on that very hard the me he wants to modernize is not yet comparable i would say to me of the United States but he ones to to strengthen the influence of china in the International Institutions like like i. M. F. And peace by himself or trying to himself is also creating International Institutions just to to increase the influence of china in the world policy so these are all very ambitious and lofty goals but how is he viewed by the people of china well hes you i respect they like the idea that that china can become. Again. And they like that very much but of course we dont have to forget that there are a lot of people critical of the communist party critical of the way hes ruling the country and as i said this is a very risky political dissidents or even. If you fending political dissidents have no chance at all theyre going into prison under lawrence an expert on china and chinese history thank you very much for the analysis thank you can used often to wonder if for to restate the china the World Anti Doping Agency will investigate allegations of systematic doping in chinese sport during the nine hundred eighty s. And one nine hundred ninety s. Wada responded after all my china olympic doctor show. To a german media that more than ten thousand chinese actually its have used banned substances the seventy nine year old who is claiming asylum here in germany claimed athletes as young as eleven were introduced to the alleged compulsory doping scheme to football and portuguese forward casino naldo has been named fi for us best male player in the wild for a second day in a row the best awards take fan voting into account as well as votes from coaches players and the media. It was supposed to be hollywood on the thames for the likes of win although neymar. And you know messi all in their finery and hoping to be named the best in their business its not the fabled ballon dor awards but the fire has spent the money to make sure its a close second. And they were in a. Cristiano ronaldo there was no close second for one although after leading reality Champions League and lolita titles im really glad this is a great moment for mayes. She forgave reports and its to the fans i know i have fans are over the world so thank you a lot for the support were now though was asked later in his native portuguese how he does it wounds were a lot of work a lot of time on the pitch a lot of time in the gym a lot of time with the physical trainers a lot of cold water a lot of hot water lots of massages lots of eating many years of dedication ones and because so. Many of these either. One of those coaches also made his way to the podium for helping to make real madrid the premier club in the world that we know but missing from the ceremony because shes preparing for international competition. Marking received her award with her dutch teammates together this summer they won the year old twenty seven team title. Finally thirty nine year old john luigi before was named best goalkeeper joining peoples best eleven squad the team was dominated by players from spain and italy is domestic leagues. And finally to limpia greece then the torch has been lit for the eighteenth Winter Olympics in pyongyang trying south korea thousands attended the same many of the cloudy skies in what was once the home of ancient greece is games the flaming begin its journey needed today is due to be handed over to korean old denies this on november the first hundred days of the whole of the games began. Thank you very much for company. Traveling at twelve hundred kilometers an hour on the hyperloop is like a giant pneumatic tube people reduce pressure to transport passengers and freight at supersonic speeds but is it practical the students take up the challenge in los angeles its a test for the futuristic vision of the hyperlink. To. A treat for. The work of. One of the most high profile photographers of his generation. Hes presenting artwork created. In sixty minutes d. W. Lists are on the rise. To highlights different shades of nationalism and to find out what the nation meet you. Sure join the conversation if you want to double you on twitter and on facebook. Cant find you. Or can i type german spent two hundred forty Million Euros a year in search of a partner. And thirty percent of them now find their partner on line. The business of love our special focus on made in germany starting october twenty fourth on d w. Welcome to tomorrow to day. Coming up on the show. Life in the lagoon how much freedom do dolphins have in zoos

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