I mean she has a good. Looking good mission. Pretty good. He started out just on the edge where he stayed for six years theyve been champions of the belgian late ten times but the way his little brother aaron also plays football species next stop was must say he she has a. Ship in this french seaport thats why i grew to be a much softer strike and international player. Oh and he also has a twin sister whos a model that will bring the. Cup. In twenty fifteen the pats man made his International Debut for belgian. And with the Belgian National team he has lots of fun. After two years in my sight he headed to chelsea. Has a. Thirty nine Million Euros a record transfer from a site. What else hes a fan of sponge bob. And dragon ball. Right mission. So now one says dont thank me she has a. Blue streak. Since day one but why has had to pray to the dalton fans that he can be a new and better batman his predecessor obama young did it pretty well and left behind large shoes to fill. That position opened up the she was that to sweep into the rescue. Scene sense of what might be a community is his home mixing with this week combined with the music thats. Going to compute. Most of us who. Will try stay in durham and over his journey continue. And have a new batman and these three in its starting line up mario got some great show love among the royce. State twenty three dot let me first mention got five. Live. So thank you for your. Rice secured three points. Its amazing its a good feeling were very good friends and. We wanted this for a long time and now its finally there and now we have to get healthy and then played together like like we used to. It was the first time together and darkman starting lineup three Close Friends. We knew each other from the Youth League Level because were all roughly the same age and then on the german National Team we all met again thats where it happens is you know. His as i. Think its im sure that transferred to dortmund in the summer of two thousand and sixteen it was a dream come true for the palace all three playing for the same team you know on earth ration goes through its a really great feeling on the National Team we always used to joke that we might all end up at the same club one day but none of us really thought it would have happened about this business off the roof but then it took another year and a half until they were on the same starting line up in football that seems like an eternity. As for andre sure hes had a streak of bad luck during his time in dortmund countless injuries repeatedly held him back his selfconfidence and fitness were in danger but now thats changed after confidence and after that the trust from the manager thats thats all you need because if youre not on the pitch you cant cant play good and so now i want to or i want to give everything i want to play i want to have fun and at the moment im in the good form soft to keep it and look forward to the helis mario good so missed a lot of matches in the meantime know hes on the right track to being in top form. And tomorrow mostly just told us that once you get back in the rhythm of playing it helps to get back in shape and fourth its important for everybody to trust himself and to work on his fitness to really get back to one hundred percent so. Marco wright is finally completed the trio. After being injured for nine months right away hes back in the game his goal against blood was his first in two hundred seventy four days what credible for you i. Mean you know. He finds a modern were always happy to be on the pitch together which hasnt been the case too often. Or today that was the case and i think we did really well. Yeah still even if theres still room to improve the whole mystery. Finally that three tales of hardship have found a happy ending the best friends are reunited on the pitch and all three have big plans for the future with germany at the world cup and if all goes well with you ive been in the champions league. Now to a man whos a fighter with a soft side. Thats right we go visit them for us you mention blood but. Happy as can be that wasnt always the case. Tone of your shirt on the come on the. Mic you know and then you know and then put. His story started with poverty and hunger and those who were true whether or not this number of moves that he took. A story with early setbacks. To morrow its a story full of struggles and desperation. I think simply. An even simpler one of them yet but i dont deny but its also a story with an incredible happy ending. If you do. Anything in for the people in inmates who have made up. What happened to raul above idea who helped him on his way to stardom and how did this tiny boy become a footballing things. That a search kicks off in argentinas capital but outside as it may look like its all sunshine and tango but for many life in the city is a struggle. But thats not such. An organism with my being here the only living thing. The little boy had big dreams and knew that football was the way out. On the whole joe not you. Not only grew up a diehard fan club produced talents like Diego Maradona played in a youth team until one day they wont bow to continue to call you improvements or prettiest this year get him which he did in london you know nothing about his family. Before the us with us from the only. Original point of the case so you all can lead on this when you are a bit disappointed kid needed help and found it at the local football camp because shes fed him more than just knowledge. A b. B. s in the. Group or from here that we dont do. You know he. Intends to hell when he. Regained his confidence thanks to good coaching and regular meals. Dipping in and his hanging out you know no clue. You. Know what im. Going to go and. Sealing it in torment you know. But then a small miracle occurred riddle place his favorite teams biggest rival in the challenge the record champions were desperate to sign him up they could sell it was Something Special for. Me. Because. I mean the ice age you know the. Or do i do what i want i was him he made a choice you know the playing answer you tournament in europe an offer from basel he headed to switzerland but it wasnt quite what he expected. You know a good thing. I dont see near him in the nation the clues go on like this and hopefully also. Where play such a gift from we would amount to nearly all my. You it for you and cream to loosen the name and the tone of your shirt on this home on the. Make you dont even need to do it before. But poverty up pulled through and eventually got his big money so the german ponderously get. All the dia left fights out he has his grandfathers tattooed on his chest to give him strength they always what a million of them definitely that gentle poke you know i said meatball chiquitos within me but im not gonna quit so michael matz through young. Earth with mice and mice in the bus i dont. Know no not so let me feel old but i think of them. To hold a lot of them. Disagree. Now i will but i guess as a proud father himself this little boy i know i got he has. A new number son in dusty and i know he will look at it said eva look going to hear what i have to commune i knew he helplessly do you believe in a foot of warning about. He beat poverty and hunger to become a footballer now in. The fight. So what it is what football stars dont only know how to kick a ball to run a search kick off life present some secret talent. And. Im. Going. To say goodbye heres a wrap from grease man and papa. Just bought it was going to the post is right here it competes in the top. In the. Book he shook the. Muscular dissent from the bottom of the. Stick come up with the. News out of. The book. The book. The book. The book laundry International Talk show for journalists to discuss the topic of the week following the release of turkish german journalist an easy job from a prison in turkey the question of these movies in the book again this president i dont want to play francis joins me. Now beyond the but first. Tomorrow today d. W. Every journey begins with the first step and everyone reaches the first word in the call the cohesive germany to the business. Why not. Its simple online on your mobile and free. Stuff. Made easy. Barely feel. The scars on. The pain. Suffering for god. For c. B. S. And. They have survived but do they also have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. New beginning in peace time for the people making it possible what needs to happen tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance. Out of darkness cities after a war. Starting march tenth on d w. There is due to be news coming to you live from berlin no ceasefire for syria russia dont suppose you did a humanitarian truce at the u. N. Security council this is a new wave of attacks in eastern good just kidding and injuring more people also coming up another victim of last weeks Florida School shooting is laid to rest President Trump appears to give some drunk on gun control of the city and says the teacher is beyond. Class a very good day for the Winter Olympics most controversial competitive as the limbic accurate secure three medals on day fifteen with success and i feel cocky and figure skating can bring you the latest from kyung cha. A look of im good to have your company. The u. N. Envoy for syria has renewed his argent calls for an immediate cease fire in eastern guta near the syrian capital damascus this a day after russia blocked a u. N. Security Council Resolution calling for a thirty day humanitarian truth moscows demanding seven amendments delaying the vote until later today meanwhile theres been more bombing by Syrian Forces today as warplanes shelled the heavy populated enclave human rights monitors say government shelling has killed more than four hundred people since sunday including many children who were there dont you think even for those surrounded by day it is a crushing moment. Suppose. A father hugs his child one last time. For syrias victims there is no dignity in dying. Should. And for syrias government there is no relenting every minute bombs are dropped. Monitored groups say more than four hundred men women and children have been killed since sunday homes and hospitals obliterated leaving doctors to handle matters of life and death amid the ruins. We had to do one of the operations under the rubble and if. We couldnt evacuate we had to do it under the rubble. Of them so im now. The Syrian Regime says rebel extremist groups who control eastern are using humans as shields the Un Security Council has been debating a thirty day ceasefire that was along for a deliverance and the evacuation of casualties. These are not terrorists showing up in these makeshift Emergency Rooms these are civilians they are ordinary people under attack by a barbaric assad regime that is bent on leaving Eastern Ghouta level to the ground with no regard for the four hundred thousand men women and children who live there but it was met with resistance to russia blocking the resolution. The world just used to achieve stabilisation painstaking work is necessary these parties need to sit down and negotiate the parameters of the ceasefire there is no other way. But hope still locks within the beseech concrete canyons. By the young men it comes in the shape of a hole and i slowly but surely theyre digging their way to safety. The only escape from a torrent of coal mines must be an underground one. Is the syrian doctor who worked in aleppo at a time when the syrian city was experiencing the kind of bombing that were now seeing in eastern huta i asked him to give us a sense of what civilians there are going through now. So its like. Literally hell in a little time out like back in aleppo like. For years. Its same thing happened all the time with no different yeah. For five years so. Everything like that maybe america medications that was a few unfortunate i just sort of city and now this public. Attacks happening for the past ten days its a disaster humanitarian disaster. You look at the pictures that we are seeing are of civilians that the Syrian Regime face that they are rebel groups based on day using civilians as human shields whats your response to that. Actually its not making sense at all the. Cheap propaganda always used those claims back there was three hundred thousand. People and the regime also claims that like. The fighters are using them as shells but its not making sense at all because in aleppo back in aleppo there was well its opened and people. Wanted to stay in aleppo same thing happened for five years. There was open and people want to stay in their hometowns. And not the fighters who are still rounding. The regime has to run to get. Preventing and they think or anyone to come in or out from up with up. In two thousand and sixteen when i was talking to a liberal and yet a doctor was killed attack most of the game and the washington. Media pages claimed that they managed to target and kill the tourist doctor so they consider it but you accept doctor is he as a tourist and say that he is treating tourists so its not making sense at all its a cheap propaganda something even like and how many. Talk about of. You know you work as a doctor in aleppo and what youre seeing coming out of new fake injuries of people and children what the specific challenges doctors face in dealing with such a situation. Main challenge is that the doctors and hospitals are the main targets all the time during the best three days more than twenty one Health Facility have been targeted. So its the main target the main targets for the which him and the russian are the hospital facilities the bakeries and the schools so thats the most sad and the other thing that. Those people and those doctors know for sure that they are list alone. Killing machine so they have to think each time each injury over how many medications they can use before its. Because they are afraid thinking all the time that they might run away or filthy painkiller or six or everything so. I mean most children very very situation based on that its such a difficult situation thank you so much for finding time to talk to us Hamza Alkhateeb a seven doctor who worked in aleppo sharing his thoughts with us and be a thank you very much. Turkey is free to German National head to prison for political reasons this has been confirmed by the German Foreign ministry on friday the identity of the prisoner has not yet been disclosed in the person will not be allowed to leave ticky being onsen comes a week off the release of german tech is Janice Dennis you cheated he spent more than a year in investigative custody. Usually was allowed to return immediately to gemini his release was seen as a sign of easing tensions between germany and ticking for german citizens remain in jail. That now drawing up Political Correspondent thomas spot on the mend just to just tell us what do we know about this german citizen and turkey and israelis. Im richard we know very little about this person we dont even know if its a man or a woman we dont know how long he or she spent in prison we dont know what prison this person was in we only know what you yourself mentioned there that he had been in prison that hes been released but he cant leave the country as of now the spokesperson today here in berlin was asked why he couldnt give any details about this person and he explained that it was essentially because of Privacy Protection that the German Government can only give personal information about these cases when the person in question explicitly agrees to have that information released and that in this specific case that does not happen that they dont have that permission so thats the reason why theyre not handing out information so thats also the reason why we know very very little about this person not these the detention of these cases of strained relations between the two countries and now weve seen two of them released within a week why essentially if you ask the government they will say thats their diplomatic efforts that was certainly the case with the release of mr a few days ago in fact the German Foreign minister stress that it was basically germanys diplomatic efforts talking to turkish officials that it was the key behind them if you chose release and its probably also the case here but again since its very difficult to find any concrete information about this person it is also difficult to find information about what prompted his release from turkish prison just founded upon an interest who does thank you. European leaders are meeting in brussels today to tackle some major issues including the e. U. Sposed brags that finances on the table is a possible increase in contributions thats to plug the budget shortfall after britain leaves the bloc next year before that summit the e. U. Commission hosted high level talks on fighting terrorism and stemming migration through africas sahil region thats rocked the worlds poorest areas more than four hundred Million Euros has been pledged by e. U. Nations for the region the e. U. Also said it would double its funding for a joint military operation set up by the five countries in the sahil where security is threatened by extremist groups and criminal networks are helping this has become a european priority because of the high levels of migration from the region to europe the europes front here in Central Africa thousands of migrants travel through it before they can take their chances crossing the mediterranean for years the hell has been plagued by jihadist groups and criminal networks smuggling weapons drugs and humans across borders its become a breeding ground for terrorists and a big worry for the you. In brussels boosting development was a key topic at todays meeting with leaders from the african region but the main issue on the agenda was that of security the European Union has pledged to double its funding to the g five so help joint force a partnership of fight to help countries mauritania burkina faso mali need her and chad founded to Counter Terror and illegal immigration in the area. We want to support the g five sale joint force. The e. U. Was the first to believe in this project and invest in it with the first bit of fifty Million Euros last july today the European Union will double its support to the joint force. Other countries such as the new and saudi arabia have also pledged support until now the head region has heavily relied on European Countries for security france alone has more than four thousand troops deployed in the area the g. Five partnership aims to be fully operational later this year europe is hoping that it will mean more military selfreliance and fewer european troops on the ground in the sahara. Let me bring you up to some other stories making news around the wound Australias Deputy Prime Minister bobby joyce is announced his resignation joyce had been under sustained pressure to resign after revelations of an affair with his former staff member came to light now new allegations of Sexual Harassment against him have emerged. Nigerian Authorities Say the schoolgirls who were unaccounted for following a book overarm attack on monday are still missing this comes after early reports suggested that some of them had been rescued dozens of girls from the state run boarding school inductee in youll be a state of thought to have been abducted by extremists. Haiti has suspended oxfam great britains operations in the country for two months pending an investigation into allegations of Sexual Misconduct the move followed reports that oxfam staff held sex parties and sexually abused women during relief efforts for a devastating earthquake in two thousand and ten. To the United States there are new details have emerged about last weeks Florida School shooting that left seventeen people dead the armed officer assigned to the school waited outside the building during the shooting and did not confront the killer this news comes as president carter trying to schooling for tighter background checks and for some teachers to be armed. This is the coffin of chris hicks and hailed a hero for trying to stop the shooter at the Florida School he worked at a u. S. Navy veteran he was given full military honors. As families lay their loved ones to rest more details about the fateful day are emerging Surveillance Footage has shown that the armed officer on duty Scott Peterson never went inside the school to confront the gunman was radio at a point in time. And he took up a position where it looked like he could see the western most entry into the building and they were was never going to. Peterson has now resigned and is under investigation. The latest the shooting has led to a raging debate on gun control the National Rifle association the n. R. A. Offered its solution to ending gun violence stop bad guy with a gun it takes a good guy with a guy School Districts p. T. A. Teachers unions local Law Enforcement moms and dads they all must come together to implement the very best strategy talk harden their schools including of fact to have trained Armed Security that will absolutely protect every innocent child in this country. Advocates of further gun control are demanding action be taken we are taking students protesting outside the white house this week said they were angry that School Massacres have become commonplace and little has been done to stop them according to gun control advocates a group there have been Eighteen School shootings since the beginning of the year i mean the public outcry President Trump has endorsed a higher minimum age for buying certain rifles and tighter background checks for purchasers. He also rates are rated his call for some teachers to carry guns. Your have in my opinion you want to have the shit is because these people are cowards theyre not going to walk into a school if twenty percent of the teachers of god said maybe ten percent or maybe forty percent that what id recommend doing is the people that do care and we give that what bonus we give them a little bit of a bonus back in florida the family of slain chris heaps and like thousands of others in the United States every year is coming to terms with the consequences of gun violence lets get some Business News doll from helena and bitcoins while dr continues head and that is not been the best week for bit coin im afraid amri said the cryptic currencies struggle to stay above that key ten thousand dollar mark and its currently just shy of it still people invested in the cryptocurrency a year ago would now be seeing a return of seven hundred percent quite impressive figure for something that some say is making money out of thin air so how exactly does it work lets take a look at the Technology Behind it. You cant pay for anything with real physical tokens like these bitcoin is a Digital Currency and its value is determined just like Everything Else by supply and demand and unlike with the dollar and the euro there are no Central Banks able to influence the course of the crypto currency value. Bitcoins were first programs ten years ago the developer was known only by a pseudonym said Toshi Nakamoto to this day the programmer behind the technology has never been identified the idea that everyone who installs the Bitcoin Software on their desktop or smartphone becomes part of the Bitcoin Network. The digital ledger that supposedly makes a bit coin both independent and secure is whats known as block chain a block chain is a digital chain managed by many computers and networks which keep track of records and what are called blocks each block contains information about a transaction the block is checked and verified by all the computers distributed throughout the network and contain security codes from previous blocks that practically eliminates the chances of manipulating or counterfeiting the currency. At the moment bitcoin is still on a wild roller coaster ride in the markets but one thing is fairly certain it wont fall victim to inflation the algorithm behind the Digital Technology both allowed the mining of more than twenty one million bitcoins and theyll all have been created by the year twenty one forty eight. I want to delve deeper now into the world of block chain and joining me here in the studio is shaming russian get the founder of block chain hub dot net and the director of the crypto Economics Institute at the Vienna University of economics i mean great to have you with us for inviting me now ive heard that you think that block chain has the opportunity has the potential to rev a lot revolutionize the wall to some extent explain to me how in which areas well were now today talking a lot about bitcoin and cryptocurrency s. But its really just the beginning and the first application of the next next Generation Internet some refer to it as the decentralized web or the web three which will redefine our data structures and bring more ownership of our data back to us and it allows us to have real peer to peer transactions without centralized institutions who own our data. Is money without banks and Bank Managers and its like the first application just like email used to be the first application of the. It back in the ninetys a lot of people thought that email is the internet in the early ninetys most people could not phantom what would come next continuing in that vein and can you see applications beyond the world of finance yes there are many applications and many startups actually working in this field already for example peer to Peer Energy Trading we already have decentralized Energy Production through solar production on house roofs but if neighbor wants to trade their Energy Production with another neighbor they have to go through a centralized institution like a huge Energy Provider and thanks to block chain they could have peer to Peer Energy Trading without a centralized institutions like. Large Energy Companies but we could also have right sharing with her and we could have apartment sharing without air b. N. B. And we could have social networks decentralized social networks we already have the first one steam it without a centralized party owning our data these are all very sunny outcomes like anything is light and shade yes you see any potential for dark areas weve blocked what are they. What blocks is a technology its only a technology its not the solution to all of mankinds problems i would like to stress that its a very powerful technology if we do it right we can create a universal what i like to call freedom machine that enables us to have a peer to peer economy with less centralized institutions. But if we get it wrong we could also create a universal control machine so i think we have to look at the to privacy privacy versus transparency in a data driven world who owns our data and where do we store the data and are we in control of our digital trail and those will be very important questions especially in the light of decentralized technologies they are Big Questions definitely something that i would want to know where my data is being held for example who. Owns it how long until were talking about block chain is a household name i mean would it just be for Business People will i be using it then every day way. The block chain is operating system that sits on top of the internet. I dont know we might not be talking about block chain we will be using a lot of applications that build on top of it and did the timeline depends on the industry really very much so there are applications that will be possible next year there are application that depend on Network Effects Regulation Technology being faster or more user friendly and i think within the next three to ten years we will see a lot coming up right now its the early adopters who are using it right very briefly we talk about it second navigating for example bank systems where does that leave them financially and do you want to see it do. I know that any banks actually a very happy to get out of the remittance business. Banks will not vanish they will have to redefine themselves all right very complex tech youll be really interesting to see where it goes thank you very much for joining us sharmeen russian good thanks for sharing your and thank you. Time now for an update on the Winter Olympics in south korea Chris Harrington from didnt obvious footsteps joins me with all of the big and interesting stories. Lets stop now with the team which is the is it a limb pick athletes from russia this is a lot of controversy about russian athletes but now they have a good to celebrate was the story that thats right does have a goal thanks to alina zaga tova only fifteen years old fairly new to competition but in her red dress she thrilled when she picked up the first goal for o. A. R. And she actually set a new world record eighty two point ninety two in the Short Program beating her rival and of again a med but davis score by one point three one points are routines what were seeing here we we called the fly camels big double axel several things and there they are in praising the double silver and gold its nice to tell a very young she was very happy and thrilled that she actually won and she said its time to settle in but she pretty much warned all for competition she said shes only starting so i do expect for more things for her as well as the silver medalist medvedev and mesmerizing stuff looking at that or team that we just still seemed russian on they could be getting another gold medal what happened in the ice thats right they pretty much dominated the Czech Republic they won three male and you know they started to open up the score in the Second Period nikita who sat score first and that was followed up by vladislav grief cough. Thats goosey right there celebrate use of celebrating in the next goal bloody sluff scoring there and the third and final call walczak a former n. H. L. Player picked up his fourteenth career goal in the olympics so thats good and they are set up to either win gold or medal gold or silver scuse me theyre waiting for the winner of a match as underweight. Germany versus canada germany a long shot because canadas right number one in the world but germanys in pole position they can walk away with possibly bronze or even better so a medal anyway for germany and of course if the underdogs as you said in that match ok what is going to pull over to during the day well canada had a pretty big performance canada had a double and they picked up their third consecutive title in the womens ski cross best friends b. F. S. And roommates in the Olympic Village kelsey served one go shes leading the pack right there in red and her fellow canuck britney fell in one silver in a rounding up the podium was fanny smith from switzerland and its nice because this the gold and silver put kidda in the double digits in terms of gold in this competition now they have ten and theyre trailing germany and norway who each have thirteen gold medals so were going to wait and see sunday who walks away with the best prize of the most golds but he grabs to canada congrats to canada and also to you chris im going to bring us all the wonderful news from pyongyang the Winter Olympics great to talk to you thank you very much thank you. Youre watching the w. News coming to you live from but and heres a recap of the top story that were following for you russia has blocked a u. N. Security Council Resolution ordering an immediate ceasefire across syria the civilian deaths to it continues to rise as Government Forces bombed the rebel held suburbs of the city which up me at damascus. And dont forget you can or was good news on the villages download the app from google play over the apple still that would give you access to all the latest news from around the law as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use a video of the app to send us photos and videos which you think might be off interest to us. Thats it for me on that that you might also from Chris Robinson from us both its lovely to have your company as you again now from our. One tree guy International Talk show journalists discuss the topic of the week following the release of turkish german journalist an easy job from a prison in turkey to question. Our. President and i dont want to play france is joining me again. Next. Rights lawyer. Culture. Hair. Superfood stylish style icon. Life style youre up. To. Sixty minutes. Where i come from we have to fight for a free press and was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one to be shot now and if your newspapers when official information as a journalist i have worked at all ministry for many cantors and that for all those are all in the same order to social inequality a lack of the freedom of the press and corruption we can afford to stay silent when it comes to the fans of the humans and seem right to fold who have decided to put their trust in us. My name is jenny paris and i work. Alone a very warm welcome indeed to quadriga where the focus this week is on the strained relations between germany and to this off the german turkish journalist dennys you jill was released from a turkish prison after spending a year in detention with no charges brought now many people here in germany are asking why did president wretch of thai a bedouin let you joe walk free. Was a deal of some kind struck and what does it all have to do with turkeys military incursion into Northern Syria so our question here on quadriga this week then as you joe is free but what game is turkey playing and to discuss that question im joined here in the studio by brilliant move my who writes on turkey for the front for the argument and site and he says freedom for ten years you joe doesnt symbolize a serious change in turkey unfortunately there is no place for hope yet its also with us his mission to man as a Foreign Policy specialist for the weekly team sites he lived for several years in istanbul and he argues that turkey is hoping for transactional deals but values stand in the way of closer relations with germany and a warm welcome troops are already cahow man author and journalist with the berlin based daily the target site on board taxes it is also more common of milan where tennis you joe worked for many years and will recur argues that Everyone Wants to make sure hes not fighting on too many fronts he needs germany because in syria hes provoking the america just remember my lets begin with you you are a friend of dan is huge ill explain for us why his case and his personality his person became so important for so many people in germany well actually you should start first at the personalty of the news richard he was one of the most ambitious most reliable journalists in turkey i mean as a former journalist so he always his stories were always made the government so angry so. To silence him they just created the case to put him in prison but then as a person who has two different pest ports he become one of the symbols about the tension between turkey and germany actually he was kind of the host that took i took his government against germany i mean his his arrest went had no links with law and. Even his release has the relation with lho it was just the case it was kind of a negotiation between two countries and something happened behind the curtains and he is now free ok lets just hear what dennis you jel have to say he had himself to say specifically about that point of view that was just mentioning it would go. The funny thing is i still do not know why i was arrested a year ago to be more precise why i was taken hostage a year ago and i also dont know why i was released today. Didnt you also spent time in a turkish channel only for a couple of days i know but what insights did it give you well if you speed that. We always read about the best history of talkers journalist they suffered a lot in turkish republic the thing is i have learned personally that your government never forgets what you have did before even if you dont have any links with the good in this even if you didnt take any role in the military coup in the input they would forget your past what you did as a journalist and read one has a he which has a huge faith and he never forgets about the germans and they always punish you at the right time and after the porch they they use the pooch to punish their old enemies frightening and fascinating that. You were worked together with denise eugen at the tops where you work presently what was the reaction of you among yourself and your colleagues to the news that he had been released in july because of course in mens they relieved us news five it was also a very stressful time because of course it was very obvious that we had to support dennis went in prison sylvia. Actions a free dennis movement in order to get him free so for us that was really. Enormous relief finally to be successful and to get him free but at the same time and thats something id like to add it is of course tragic that while dennis came free three other attackers joined as the condemned for life and now is a life sentence in jail you know it is kind of problematic of course we have to concentrate on tennis because otherwise you cannot if you want to get some for one free you cannot talk about turkey as a whole. About everyone sitting in jail but in the same time of course it is a problem that now everyone focuses on dennis and the other target still is that andrea somehow forgotten. Short term whats your view on her or what can you tell us about the connection between dennis you joe his release and dennis you joe the person and the Current Situation in syria the war the incursion that turkey finds itself whats the connection between those two. Well at first sight i think theres little connection of course but if we look take the general picture of how and taki tries to mend fences on the one hand and wage war on the other hand. In a year or two years ago the main focus of two on was europe and so far as he described europe and particularly germany as the as the enemy at the s. As the adversary he stirred up Public Opinion against europe and germany. With the war going on in syria things have changed no he is in a very difficult position in with the americans arguing about the role of the syrian kurds. There was even the prospect of a possible conflict between the u. S. And turkey in syria so there are lots of problems at that front and since. I think late late summer fall last year try to mend has tried to mend fences with europe and particularly germany and in his usual is his release is the result of the house he in some way being used as a bargaining chip against the backdrop that youve just described. I think not really i mean as far as we know and this is what both the German Foreign minister and the Turkish Foreign news that said there is no deal struck. We dont know more than this because both foreign ministries and governments dont talk about if we look at the longer prospect if he was a bargaining chip for anything he is part of this normalization process which turkey would like to see happening on the one hand and of course what the europeans my return and here i think we need to focus especially for example on things like the modernization of the e. U. Turkey Customs Union which is something where theres a lot of money in for turkey and which could also really come as a relieve to many other financial challenges and political challenges turkey has to learn what do you say about this question is be much discussed here in germany about whether there is you joe has been used as a bargaining chip or what turkey wants for his release the German Foreign minister says that there is no deal has been struck and im wondering whether hes telling the whole truth well the first thing i think the mission is im very jealous i mean because the country the whole country and the whole ministers the whole regrade you dont try to go from the government they try to you know risk to a journalist from a country you know its something that we have never witnessed in our country in the country other countries trying to put much more journalists in jail so its really the thing that we need to add my first but the thing is theres a still he would focus he in the German Government like one year ago. Told to the press that took his government is getting away from being a democratic and the rule of low country he said it in may two thousand and seventeen and after the news has been released the same minister mr guppy will talk to the press that talks government is always careful about freedom of the judgments system from the government so its really unbelievable and the things the details that we have learned about the news release it shows us that there. There was a huge negotiation and both or both go in and they knew that the this will be released the government had sent a private plane two or three days before this has been released to the plane we learned from d. P. A. Yesterday and we know that mr benoliel the docs Prime Minister when he came to to berlin before he met from work and he thought that i hope that the news will recently it will be so happy when he got released and one day later the prosecutor they prepared indignant and one day later he is released and two days later the turkish Prime Minister in munich in the in the security conference he told that they are ready to produce a common thank together with germany so unfortunately these small details shows that the news wasnt and then israelis were so happy about it really very very clear one of the. Just briefly on the tank issue i think we are still quite far from that because. The commonly produced tank is basically. Turkey once this ones the turkish tank and so they can provide some things to that but the main technical technologically advanced parts would come from iran mittal. And i think we are still very far from that kind of an agreement because at the moment its politically you cant implement you come to explain that and particularly why that campaign is open the question of the future but i think what is what this what youve just said shows is that it was surely political the whole process to put him to rest him to release him it was all political dealings and but but it all happens in the framework of what the turkish government wants at the moment normalization and gabriella i think he played that game with the turkish government by said by saying quote unquote in the pen. And just the system of turkey. Was it ironic wasnt sad casting wasnt cynical i dont listen lets pick up on the point of normal normalization germany and western countries have criticized turkeys response to the two thousand and sixteen failed coup tens of thousands of people have been jailed many more have lost their jobs in turkey is reported to be a world leader in the imprisonment of journalists. The authorities moved the site of the trial of the jo maria journalist from the palace of justice in histon bull to a high security prison at celebrity thats where denise you joe was held in pretrial detention. But the defendant supporters turned out again and again to protest what they consider the antidemocratic policies of the turkish government. Which is the best known journalist among the defendants and hes been in jail for more than a year. Another journalist at all times his brother and four others were sentenced to life in prison just hours after your job was released. How far has turkey moved away from the rule of law. The big question how far is turkey moved away from the rule of law and michel i was just talking about the prospects of normalization of relations between germany and turkey gemmas to be a very prominent green politician with turkeys german roots has come out and said normalization of this point in time is absolutely not possible is he right to review. And i think thats clear to everyone here in germany that you cannot but its not to the chancellor merkel yet but you know what she tries her best you know she is someone who never ever escalates that size of a to go ahead get ahead of developments she is very very cautious and also close it would be for her it would be completely it would be dangerous to. That adeline but i think at the same time everyone knows that hes a dictator and veges really cannot count on what hes doing next and what Everyone Wants is that more tourists come to come to the turkey i think thats. Germany to. Issue its own inhabitants that they can. Travel safely to the turkey because turkey really needs this money from the German Tourists and many of the tourist stayed at home because they were fed of turkey and of course the whole issue often as you say they made it clear to the germans that is safe to travel to turkey i think thats the main reason why dennis was finally released and somehow. Pop up business. Move my we see meetings between angloamerican in the Prime Minister were seen meetings between the two Foreign Ministers they were very engaged in a two day ceremony you for him to lead together that sounds like normalization to me. Well it sounds i mean thats thats what the politicians do when the thing is we as journalists we need to tell the realities i mean of course i would i would never ask or wait that my country would have huge problems with journey of course these two countries should vote together they have a long time in history i mean like more than three or four Million People living in germany or just people thats quite good the relations should be good but the thing is. We shouldnt get used to the politicians people crissy we should always force them to confess to talk about the realities i mean when then is is free we shouldnt think that everything is ok everything got normalized between two countries and we shouldnt tell the scenes of the turkish government what theyre still doing shall we keep silence no we should still continue criticizing them but whats really happening nobodys especially in the German Government is they stop criticizing whats really going on in the country like every a picture to buy d. P. N. On tolling agency which shows that at a tank produced by germany was used in syria and they showed that picture to the press guy of the German Government and he said that we dont have any information if these low part tanks are being used in syria or not but there are still pictures even denver is the reality theyre trying not to talk about it but thats thats really the nest the face of the politics when you talk about realities just tell our audience a little bit about what the situation is like for you on the ground into you because you are of fiercely critical. Journalist working criticizing the turkish government and living in turkey was like well its not easy actually when youre sitting on your desk and try to type youre trying to type your article you always think that after a couple of days and when your when your story is a column is being translate them published in germany they can knock your door in the middle of the night if that didnt happen you dont feel yourself free to write everything but the thing is someone should do that i mean even my very. Close friends are in jail and we should do something for them theyre not outside and they can try to we should do the realities on the ground the problem is. They side with the whole community i mean they always think that we put that journalist in the jail and ok that nobody will be able to criticize of actually putting some guns in the jail is the message to the rest of the media so the rest of the media are frightened not right then think about that we dont have any Mainstream Media in the country thats the biggest problem and talk you know michel to money is rigid tired to want a dictator. If we if we talk about dictators if we talk about a concept of the Twentieth Century i think. I think what he is doing is hes establishing and strong the authoritarian system with some democratic decoration so he insists. Hes is having elections and he but by having elections he makes sure that hes going to win these elections untidy he you still have every time you say dictatorship and somebody comes along and says well but there there are newspapers which are still reporting more or less freely but of course these newspapers are insignificant so that is basically what we today call hybrid autocratic hybrid offering tarion system thats what we have so and that leads me to that point where we were just talking about the normalization question i think this is the reason why there cant be any new normalization because what we have in turkey is the end is the total absence of the rule of law. Germany is a state with the rule of law and that is why these two states are to a certain degree incompatible and this is the reason why i think in the future well have lots of problems precisely because of the because turkey is asking for the extradition of turks living in germany germany wont do it all these kinds of things so well run of new it into numerous problems because of that that mismatch of the two systems where weve mentioned already the president that iran has ordered a military offensive in Northern Syria its getting a lot of backing back home in turkey a lot of International Criticism here are some images of whats going on. Turkish president type heir to one portrays himself as an uncompromising defender of National Unity and he will do whatever it takes to block kurdish demands for more autonomy. Or to one has also vowed to crush terrorist groups that he claims turkeys sovereignty. Turkish troops continue their offensive against a Syrian Kurdish rebel group called the y. P. G. But the u. S. Considers the white p. G. P. Key ally in the fight against whats left of the Islamic State organization. The alliances among the states involved in the syrian conflict are constantly shifting. His or her to one leading turkey into International Isolation. So lets pick up immediately on my question rick or is there a president who im leading tookie into International Isolation well he is leading turkey into a confrontation with the us but of the same time he comes on russia thats very obvious that no is some hall of the that he things but his biggest ally is put in at the same time of turkey is the pot. Is the one who says what is happening in turkey has some haldol bay but thats at this point i think the best option. Adlon thinks he has because he wanted to have a wall in order to somehow. Have a good news for his own domestic base because at home they have a big economic problems and the economy is collapsing theres a high unemployment so he needed to somehow put himself into the role of a big war hero so that was all it was about to move how is turkey status as a nato member affected by the crackdown at home in the military incursion abroad. Series of is a values based alliance its a values based alliance that is what basically the wisdom of the past ten years or so if we look further back into history of course we had examples like port hugo and. We had reason and turkey for that matter during the coup times nine hundred sixty seventy eighty so that as. Nato has always been an alliance of members with. Delta bowl credentials and matter but here what what we face is the problem of turkey and the us on two sides of the battle battle trends and syria and that is a problem so if we will come i think the visit of foreign minister to lesson in ankara has led to some easing off the tensions between the us and there is an agreement that they dont want to confront each other on the battlefield but i dont know for ha long that lasts and all depends on how far and where one will turn his troops to so if he goes in the direction of men beach town in Northern Syria kurdish controlled with us soldiers i think will definitely see a confrontation because. The socalled adults in the room and washington. The ministers of. The dominatrix resident they are not willing to concede this kind of control because its the last stronghold of the us in syria so that might then have effects after all and that on it might have effects after all also on nato but we are not there yet i think even never risk it because in the he. Knows that trump has no personal interest in syria and that he will not engage in syria but of course if the if one attacked us soldiers then being in much will just as adeline but no longer tolerate it and you know it and i think thats something i dont really understand i think he knows what trump is like because he is like trying to solve so he would never ever attack i think you know if i sell your rice but mind you add one did that mistake with russia ones hold on a russian x. And of the time to fight is he still i have no trust in this man this riad politique but lets see him and. Well everything is based on the elections in the one where i was there it is right there in the president ial leadership president ial elections at the end of times you know and this is the stepping stone the reason that our government and other army say is that the kurdish guerrillas theyre linked to p. K. K. And their thirst organizations so we need to them all the stuff thats thats kind of understandable reason for turkish government but the question is recently for a couple of years this area is in the in the score discuss why today why the turkish troops today started a war there and its all about the elections in two thousand and nineteen and all polls show that before the operation i. D. s are free before that like before christmas we all saw that the poll showed that heres whats what around forty and they voted less than the last referendum because you want economic benefit with the economy cries of International Problems they all creates really unhappiness in the country and he needed he needs and they should list rick three to be able to be like the emperor of offering we know that. Today there was a there was kind of a. Story in a turkish newspaper a calm said wrote that if he cannot win the first row in two thousand and nineteen between two elections he can open the third song conflict zone in syria two to be able to win it so he can do anything to win that election because its kind of at that a race for him he will he will be able to stay or not in two thousand one hundred springboard for ok when he began with you but im sorry i but thats one question id like to go off and its sort of a little bit of a tangent and just ask you we talked weve talked in the discussion about how dependent turkeys on germany turkey is perhaps on nato membership how dependent is germany on. Their hostages that turkey is a big nato partner and of course the refugee problem and the refugee refugee problem is number one problem of population here in germany and as you know thats right but the poll that had been published by build last week its shows that did the horror the fear in this country is getting bigger and bigger about the refugees and that helped if he in this country saw anything happen in the country changed or influenced whats clearly going to in the government to its ok thank you very much for those thoughts thank you all three for being here weve been discussing turkey dinners you jellys free walk again is turkey playing was the question. We give you plenty of food for thought come back next week by by inches. Move. Move move. Move. Move. Move. Move move. Move move move. Move. Move move move. Move move. Move. Move. Move. Closer. Share. Superfood good dialogue come on. Let us. Life style youre a. Good. Thirty minutes. We make up oh but we watch as folks that kind of education we are the sum of the surface of the five want to shape the continents future the fear korean and african youngsters especially share their stories their dreams and their challenges. The seven chevron presented. Platform because of the song. Returning to this news. This amazing new fitness backpack if you long for know whats inside visit on the web and who are close to turning the most favorite home lenders into. Coughing or maybe well get a chance to do so for actually looking good luck claim. They make a commitment. They find solution. Instructor. Africa come up stories from both people making a difference shaping the nations play and their continent playing w. s new multimedia series for africa plus dark colored africa on the move. Beat the germans new and surprising aspect of life since culture in germany play us american keep music takes a look at german idiosyncrasies of their traditions everyday lives and language theres a lot of law and so im ok im going to explain the trick i unplugged d. W. Dot com the germans. Played. This is the job of the is coming to you live from berlin no ceasefire for syria russia blocks up because you did humanitarian issues at the u. N. Security council. This is a new wave of attacks in houston killing and injuring more people and also coming up making new pledges one hundred Million Euros to a joint military force in africa sahid region body of a group the effort to stop migrants and militants. Thats the latest from the burning now incredibly popular mexican actor guy got seven i did lights found by the parents of Billings International Film Festival and hes here for the screening of his latest movie museo inspired by the most famous heist in mexican history. Im on a thought she. The u. N. Envoy for syria has renewed is urgent calls for an immediate cease fire in eastern huta near the syrian capital damascus this is a deal after russia block to u. N. Security Council Resolution calling for a thirty day humanitarian truce moscows demonic several amendments delaying the vote until later today meanwhile this being more bombing by Syrian Forces today as warplanes shells the heavily populated enclave human rights monitors say government shelling has skin more than four hundred people since sunday including many children. Even for those surrounded by day it is a crushing moment. For the father hulks his child one last time. For city is victims there is no dignity and value. Should go. On for seven years government there is no relenting every minute bombs are dropped. Monitor groups say more than four hundred men women and children have been killed since sunday homes and hospitals obliterated leaving doctors to handle matters of life and there amid the ruins. We had to do one of the operations under the rubble. Because we couldnt evacuate we had to do it under the rubble. The Syrian Regime says rebel extremist groups who control eastern are using humans as shields Un Security Council has been debating a thirty day cease fire that allows for a deliveries and the evacuation of casualties. These are not terrorists showing up in these makeshift Emergency Rooms these are civilians they are ordinary people under attack by a barbaric assad regime that is bent on leaving Eastern Ghouta leveled to the ground with no regard for the four hundred thousand men women and children who live there but it was met with resistance to russia blocking the resolution. Over the stage to achieve stabilisation painstaking work is necessary these parties need to sit down and negotiate the parameters of the ceasefire there is no other way. But hope still locks within these beseech concrete canyons. By the young men it comes in the shape of a whole. Slowly but surely theyre digging their way to safely. The only escape from a torrent of poems must be an underground one. Is the syrian doctor who worked in aleppo at a time when the syrian city was experiencing the same kind of bombing that were seeing now in eastern huta i asked them to give us a sense of what the civilians that are going through. So its like. Literally hell in a little time out like back in aleppo like. Three or four years. Same thing happened all the time with no different yeah. For five years so they are everything that maybe america medications that if you were fortunate or just sort of electricity and now this byproduct. Attacks happening for the past ten days its a disaster humanitarian disaster. Now look at the pictures that we are seeing out of civilians but the Syrian Regime says that they are rebel groups based on day using civilians as human shields whats your response to that. Actually its not making sense at all the. Cheap propaganda always used those claims back there was three hundred thousand. People and the regime also claims that like. The fighters are using them as shells but its not making sense at all because in aleppo back in aleppo there was well its opened and people. Wanted to stay in aleppo same thing happened for five years. There was world open and people want to stay in their hometowns. And not not not the fighters who are still rounding. The regime who is to run to get. Preventing and they think or anyone to come in or out from uncle tom. I mean in two thousand and sixteen when i was in aleppo and yet a doctor was killed attack most of the it would seem and the washington. Media pages claims that they managed to target and kill the tourist doctor so they consider it but you accept doctor is he as a tourist and say that he is treating tourists so its not making sense at all its a cheap propaganda something even like and how many. Talk about appearance so now you work as a doctor in aleppo and what youre seeing coming out of eastern widowhood new fic injuries of people and children what specific challenges doctors face in dealing with such a situation. Main challenge is that the doctors and hospitals are the main targets all the time during the best three days more than twenty one facility have been targeted in. So its the main target the main targets for the witch him and the russian are to be the hospital facility is the bakeries and the schools so thats the most the other thing that. Those people and those doctors know for sure that the list alone. Killing machine so they have to do so each time each injury over how many medications they can use before its. Because they are afraid thinking all the time that they might run away or feel the bank. Takes. Everything. And wants to chit instead its a very good you ition. Its such a difficult situation thank you so much for finding time to talk to us comes ill cut the missive in dr who worked in sharing his thoughts with us and thank you very much. This article if its among the stories making news around the wild. Turkey has freed another German National held in prison for political reasons thats been confirmed by the German Foreign ministry the identity of the prisoner has not yet been disclosed the person will not be allowed to leave turkey for now australias devotee of promise of bonamy joyces announce his resignation joyce had been under sustained pressure to resign after revelations of an affair with his former staff member came to light now new allegations of Sexual Harassment against him have emerged. Haiti has suspended oxfam great britains operations in the country for two months pending an investigation into alleged Sexual Misconduct the move follows reports that oxfam staff held sex parties and sexually abused women during relief efforts during a devastating earthquake in two thousand and ten. An armed officer who had been assigned to protect the American School kids by last weeks mass shooting in florida has resigned local police say the man took a position outside the school during the attack but failed to confront the shooter the officer is now under investigation. European leaders are meeting in brussels today to tackle some major issues including the post brags that finances on the table is a possible increase in contributions to plug the budgets shortfall after britain leaves the bloc next year before the summit the e. U. Commission hosted high level talks on fighting terrorism and stemming migration through africa sahil one of the worlds poorest regions one hundred Million Euros has been pledged but you need a sions for the region the e. U. Also said it would double its funding for a joint military operation set up by five countries can see that graphic now where security is threatened by extremist groups and criminal networks helping the sahil has become a european priority because of the high levels of migration and refugees from the region to europe. The europes front here in Central Africa thousands of migrants travel through it before they can take their chances crossing the mediterranean for years the hell has been plagued by jihadist groups and criminal networks smuggling weapons drugs and humans across borders. Its become a breeding ground for terrorists and a big worry for the you. In brussels boosting development was a key topic at todays meeting with leaders from the african region but the main issue on the agenda was that of security the European Union has pledged to double its funding to the g five so help joint force a partnership of fights to help countries mauritania burkina faso mali need her and chad founded to Counter Terror and illegal immigration in the area. We want to support the g five sale joint force. The e. U. Was the first to believe in this project and invest in it with the first bit of fifty Million Euros last july. Today the European Union will double its support to the joint force. Other countries such as the u. And saudi arabia have also pledged found show support. Until now thats ahead region has heavily relied on European Countries for security france alone has more than four thousand troops deployed in the area the g. Five partnership aims to be fully operational later this year europe is hoping that it will mean more military selfreliance and fewer european troops on the ground in the sahara. And now news from the belly of a World Premiere screening at the bergen Film Festival the mexican movie musial was shown on thursday in ny inspired by the most famous heist in the countrys recent history the film is one of nine thousand in the running for the coveted gordon bear. Whats the best way to impress the room full of film critics. Thanks have mexican acting i can see the band now gatecrasher press conference thats how he cut short rehearsals for his new play to make an unexpected appearance head of the premiere of his new film museum even the balun alice director couldnt help but the star struck. Me in. The films as compelling as the real crime its based on it tells the story of two mens daring heist on a museum and the chaotic quest offense that priceless. The original work back in the eightys left mexico stunned not least because it was carried out by young. Students the mystery about their motivation grips mexicans to this day for those old enough to remember it that is were not. The first time i heard about the robbery was through. Yet this case stole the museum of anthropology twenty five during christmas during recent whites in museum go see a band now and code to live in a gripping and heinie watchable thriller even if it is generous with the truth. All the people that we interviewed Close Friends and relatives of them they all told contradictory stories so we decided to embrace those contradictions and say well. Its a myth in its own right so lets create our own myth and thats what we did there is a video of this crime looking for a true to life account of what happens will surely be disappointed the team behind this film put a huge dollop of creative license bob davis just a fun heist flick hereafter this isnt one to miss well find out on saturday whether the jury agrees and if these guys go home with another priceless hold the balance is golden bad. And we have lots more coverage on the billion dollar coming up later today as well as tomorrow and the day after. Before the belly not a draws to a close this weekend here was indeed on the news heres a recap of the top story that were following for you russia has blocked a u. N. Security resolution ordering an immediate tells you this cease fire across syria the civilian death toll continues to rise as Government Forces bombed the rebel has problems of. Damascus. And dont forget it can or risk it did on the news on the go just download after movie three open the apple store doesnt give you access to all the latest news from around the wild as a spur still to vacations for any breaking news you can also use of these on the app to send us photos and videos which you think might be interest to. You would have been his bent is going to standing by he has the latest Business News coming up for you shortly to stay with us. Everyone my name is made by you as mellie and i dont use words you tube channel. For thieves and stories. They tournaments and then go on oh its good to see you chatting about it you should better check it out yourself. This month germany is a strong country. That we have achieved so much we can do this and do something henderson says we must overcome it. Going where its uncomfortable global news that matters w made for mornings. The bitcoin volatility continues as calls for regulation mount that banks and states jump on the block bandwagon the Technology Behind the controversial cryptocurrency. And mechanical money to create a Digital Currency designed to give machines the power to pay. Business bitcoin has managed to poke its head above the ten thousand dollar mark again if people who invested just a year ago sneak a peek at their digital wallets theyll see a return of some seven hundred percent impressive money doesnt grow on trees but you can dig up the virtual kind on the block. Bitcoin is a Digital Currency and its value is determined just like everything by supply and demand and unlike other currencies Central Banks cannot influence the course of the cryptocurrency value through Monetary Policy bitcoins were first programmed ten years ago the developer was known only by a pseudonym Toshi Nakamoto to this day the program of behind the technology has never been identified the idea is that everyone who installs the Bitcoin Software on the desktop or smartphone becomes part of the bit coin network the digital ledger that supposedly makes bitcoin both independent and secure is what is known as block chain a block chain is a ledger managed by many computers in a network which keep track of records in what are called blocks each block contains information about a transaction the block is checked in very fied by Older Computers distributed throughout the network and contains security calls from the previous block that practically eliminates the chances of manipulation and count a feat of accounting. At the moment bitcoin is still on a wild roller coaster ride in the markets but one thing is fairly certain after all the coins are issued bitcoin wont fall victim to inflation jago rhythm behind it wont allow the mining of more than twenty one million bitcoins and theyll all have been created by the here twenty one forty. Financial advisor mock fraid of a she joins us now from our stock outs trio maka youre no earlier best to it bit coy and i dont expect you to gloat i dont want to make you blush but. Quite a billionaire. No not at all not at all im not in a not yet. You did it best back in twenty thirteen those so i expect the gains are pretty impressive what happens if because it goes back to zero as some people is that. It will never go back to syria of course its a Disruptive Technology and bill change to vote definitely it has the same impact like the internet i think blocked and the big con technology has the same impact on the financial world like to smartphone on the telephone booths and not a telephone booth will not totally disappear but we dont use them anymore and i think its. Our Financial System for the future in the next ten or twenty years what about these huge swings in the value of big oil in the fifteen percent a day i mean do you sleep well at night when you see the news you see mccrea have no just kidding no seriously and im used to it its like a tradition actually notice in the big cunt community to saying hostile hold hold hold your call its cause i saw horrible horrible corrections and crash ninety percent even in the year two thousand and thirteen but it always came back and you could always speak and hire and im very positive that does technology will change everything its a revolution we cant stop and now its time to in the west in small portions ok its nice of. You guys to hold on to your coins but what about people who actually want to spend those going to feel buying a house in florida which is possible with bitcoins what happens when it falls in value by fifteen percent the next day. Yeah. Definitely its a risky investment right now but i think its the future and you shouldnt invest more than five or ten percent of your whole wealth you just little steps and into future we will see that it will be more and more normal that we spend crypto currencies in the future and i think the banks realize that and thats why theyre so fighting so hard against the block chain and bitcoin in crypto currencies its not just banks its all countries china is cracking down on bitcoin what does that make you feel. Im happy it was sort of already in two thousand and seventeen Nothing Happened you know what it was a short dip but you cant ban a correct on a decentralized system its a possible cause all the information out on thousands of millions of computers all over the world you have to switch off the internet and that would be catastrophic so you cant do centralized system thats not possible they can try but that there is the great wall of china which weve all heard of venezuela as well as it introduced its own crypto currency the first state controlled crypto currency but it is state controlled i mean its not decentralized obviously that exactly is the opposite of off the ground idea of the blocks in technology and bitcoin so im not recommending to invest into petrol and gold petrol so on the one side its very positive for the whole movement because you see now a centralised governments and institutions going into this market and they see the potential on the other side come on legacy and spend corrupt theres hyper inflation its a socialistic common istic regime it will fail and weve shown that we noted with the german democratic republic in eighty nine briefly there are many other crypto currencies out there what makes you think bitcoin is the one thats going to stay there are many people saying its going to be the vista of cryptocurrency. Yeah test all longest track record in history its now thinks two thousand and nine is rocking it got never hacked and its getting exponentially more and more secure and i think it will be the Gold Standard of crypto currencies of approved occurrences will come as well but bitcoin will always beat their acts the same like the blocks in technology its here to stay free for us in shotgun thank you thanks for having me of course critical about more than just making a quick buck digital money has the potential to brave aleutian eyes the world of finance a Machine Learning makes huge strides we met a young man whos develop the technology to allow machine to machine payments. Easiest to catch at the airport Dominic Shino twenty two year old programmer with big plans. The entrepreneur is flying all over the world to promote his Digital Currency hes put the code for us out in the Public Domain called aims to transactions especially those that in the future could be carried out between machines. On our mission isnt automation its to make things independent the way we make machines independent is to give each of them a digital wallace. And what we do then is get the machines to pay their one good example is the car paying its own parking fee in the future thatll all be sorted out by the car and its parking bay or its charging station or the road toll sounds or at the. Groceries offer another opportunity for automation like a fridge that makes purchases automatically and pays digitally cryptocurrency could be the money of the future best known as bitcoin which is based on Block Chain Technology she believes its already outdated. But if i want to carry out a transaction i have to pay fees of between ten to twenty dollars and thats obviously more expensive than a bank and if you look at the machine economy where one machine is paying another were not talking about larger transactions like ten dollars so were looking at transferring micro payments a few cents at a time so you can only do that with the your. The e. U. With a currency is based on whats called a tangle confirmation of a payment functions much faster and more cheaply than with block chains from competitors like bitcoin small sums are easily dealt with and she now claims its just a secure. Good thing about your size that weve got a lot of researchers on board almost ten mathematicians theyre laying out the theory behind the tangle and theyre validation it with solid proof which is what were working on that. Until now people are still shopping for groceries for the leaving it up to the fridge but cryptic currencies are bringing the days of machine to machine transactions one step closer. Lets bring in our correspondents in singapore in frankfurt and greying and conrad booze and conrad is bitcoin already out of date. Well obviously the competition is on the rise people like the young entrepreneur in. The government in venice where theyre all are in the mining business of crypto currencies and this variety makes it likely that the volatility of the prices of many of those crypto currencies is likely to stay thats why many people here are in places in traditional trading places like the Frankfurt Stock Exchange are warning private investors of putting money in such crypto currencies you have also always to be prepared to lose all of the money you speculate with. What about the safety and security aspect andre thats a question to you asias seen some quite scary examples thats right the thing is the selling point about block teens is that there is no centralized exchange that manages these transactions and your data for you and on top of that the detail is not take to your personal information so your transactions are anonymous yet visible at the same time so what happens is the digital wallet that youre given is assigned a public key so that we participants can transact securely privately as well as credibly. The regulators the chomping at the bit of we certainly will be hit hard very soon could we see bitcoin dealt a blow another cryptocurrency. Well the bigger this gets the more and the bigger the edge is for policymakers to regulate this but as weve just heard this is a d. Central technology thats its big asset it might be very very difficult to control it in any case this sounds like this global phenomenon needs a global approach in regulation correct those birds there in frankfurt and under a hang in singapore thank you. And i start business with you are moved to a. Move to a. Complement. To a move. The im. The move to a. Lawyer. Culture. A hair. Superman. Superfood. Blood calling the. Letter a. Lifestyle choice. To. Make your smart t. V. Even smaller im worthless documents for smartness. What you want what you want to play up to date. Extraordinary. Job. Decide what so much. Fun no more ok w. Small. Bursts player moments from moves of species. A whole movement were. Saving. Those are big changes and most start with small steps. Tell stories of creative people and innovative projects around the world. To. Protect the climate boost Green Energy Solutions and reforestation. Results of people you cannot protect the force to create interactive content teaching the next generation of us Environmental Protection to. Using all channels available to inspire people to take action and were determined to build something here for the next generation. Global audience a multimedia series on. Hello from the kick off today so with a shooting star at fashion week thats a look first at what else is coming up. The world almost dream germanys most famous puppet theater two hundred seventy the. Party and the wide range of american breakfast options is on offer at diner. And to the top of mountains the highest peak of the pilot minutes. Hes a rising star of the International Fashion scene design not the thirty five year old austrian has been living in milan for years even in the city of fashion where big labels such as a mani. Have based he was able to make a name for himself he love fashion week has just started and presented his latest collection there its inspired by his old home country he says its good to be able to sort of your roots and heres what it looked like on the catwalk. Its that look like paintings created yet timeless about short lived trends and opening highlights at Milan Fashion Week. That came courtesy of thirty five year old austrian design talent are sure. Even seasoned critics are convinced they welcome the breath of fresh inspiration to italys fashion capital. This is young and fresh us who is really breathing new life into d. C. He takes elements from his own backyard and at the same time he makes it very much hes able to do this which is why i read so every election two thousand sunni vs the same time it fits perfectly into the modern world the location is an old school a shabby background chosen to create a stark contrast to the apparel the other says collections are always inspired by personal story or theme this time around its viennese artists from the turn of the last century. Beam of fire to it all vienna is celebrating one hundred years of viennese modernism in twenty eighteen so i made it the theme of the collection that means taking inspiration from artists like egon schiele or gustav clipped from a dispassionate column and more and also wagner the wagner system right down to the architectural features or details from the furniture glassware own jewelry all of that was incredibly creative back then and thats what i wanted to put into this collection and its a critical part of. Art that so combines classical with high tech fabrics. He regards bodies and clothes as his canvas. Restaurants ourselves all for example theres biscoe stress here is very fluid and just very feminine however i like very clean lines but then i combine it with Something Like this a feminine wide slim. Then i suggest to wear it with a parka made of a very thick wall printed with animal motifs. He creates his designs at his small studio in an old town apartment. Besa studied fashion in london and in two thousand and five moved to midland to work for ga no armani. There he learned that you can only reach your goal with passion and hard work. After seven years he gave up a well paid job and took a leap of faith he founded his own label. And for the money you have to decide either you take a risk in order to completely develop your own vision or you can stay on the easy track but if i dont well i have to try to live once and theres no family without a bit of risk. And somehow i had enough selfconfidence to take the leap. Isnt want us to put. Pressure on the success of his first shows he managed to garner the praise of fashion journalists like susie. She was impressed by his talent and now considers him to be a rising star in the land fashion scene. Other fashion houses are also keeping tabs on the young designer. In twenty seventeen the longstanding italian brand face made him their creative director here he has to deliver more mainstream designs the opposite to his own playful nisha label is absolute and its very challenging to create in two Different Directions to fit Something Like fairy i think it works very well. Its important that the two projects dont neutralize each other creatively office and sources are both need their own track and i going to sign i going to sheena. Is now showing his eleventh collection in. The critics darling has to prove that hes not just a fluke. Newcomer ambassador is under a lot of pressure and its also a financial adventure but. This is i guess you put yourself under that pressure im proud of what we did i was happy with what we did anything for but i know it has to be better every six months im the one who puts the biggest pressure on myself of course theres always also. Our betters ranges produced in small numbers mainly in italy prices for his sweater started six hundred euros though he still has to cut his cloth according to his measure of a skill his job at faith helps develop the also present their collection at the current Milan Fashion Week. And we stay fashionable and continue with our roundup of cultural events in europe yesterdays express. An unusual runway show that Alexander Mackay a creative director of good she raised eyebrows at milans fashion week. Titled sidewalk the show presented a collection that transcends traditional boundaries in assessing inspired by an operational theater. In mens or womens several high street culture aleksandr mccain i wasnt going to let such classifications constrain him in Milan Fashion Week continues three separate twenty six. London basing our doing and rapid storms they were the big winners of this years bridge awards on wednesday evening they connected to a comfortable to each. Past the best british female sir no artist and best british breakthrough act. Strong as it was almost as best British Center my artist and for best british album of the year knocking out superstar edge sharon in both categories which even took home an award for global success you do wish. With. Liam gallagher walked away empty handed yet gave one of the most moving performances. After Ariana Grande they fell ill the former way says lead singer stepped in to perform a tribute for the victims of the terror attack in manchester. Showing works at their pavilions until sunday. And the spotlight this year is on the theme of the future in particular in works by female and italian artists. The fair will be open until february twenty fifth. To be honest today i was especially looking forward to our next report which is about the spoke of that brings back memories for me because here in germany the puppet theater from the very a is an institution it was one of the first childrens programmes on german t. V. Some of the water marionettes have even made it onto the big screen each puppet plays by the small Family Business now it turns seventy and even today both kids and adults alike love it. The whole world of its the characters like jim bassett and luke the engine driver of kings who by their subjects ice cream. Shines and daily tracking. Its a world of little stuff to quote. Nature Television Day i use in one nine hundred fifty three live from the studio. Its come its not going to. Want to be on the x. Ten strings something good and a little blue is all the puppet makers need to. Use the front head string along with it right. Is over the middle and index fingers we have to have flexible wrists so we dont have to change hands after every move i guess weve got special property as handsome. As moshe is the surgeon aeration to run the thing he put on his first play at school aged twelve he says the story comes alive in the audiences imagination when they can see their own images thats why the narrative has to unfold slowly unlike most t. V. Shows today. Not long after World War Two his grandfather vita emission wrote a letter to the x. Book city who asking permission to open a marionette. It held its premiere in february nine hundred forty eight in a former hospital. With five to seven puppets he is above and the speaking actors below things got a bit crowded it was a Family Enterprise that has to one hundred over covered her first puppet at age thirteen his wife was the costumes. It went on to over the shows for adults like Court Jesters where units can speak inconvenient truths they staged their own versions of socially critical plays like that Old Fashioned strictly opera. That. Lennier who played pirate jenny for the operas nine hundred twenty eight premier rode to the Public Theater enthusiastically praising the production and wished for her very own pilot january annette. For two decades the ensemble of puppet is to a german speaking theatres. The cast of characters personified such traits as lethargy rage green and envy. Your run across many strange characters at some point in your life and i think the strange. The more you get inspired by them from the middle. Class michelles mother alone crafted over six thousand men steering her lifetime. The heart and soul the treasure trove of the theater. You for if you asked her when she got the idea shed say from the street so im sure some citizens of our discover theyre looking like you know chest of puppets. For seventy years now the public has just been a Family Business like many marionette faces but it hasnt always been easy. To minimize the right. There was a very bad teacher she was so far ahead first time before i knew it now what did you do and it was done my mother always said keep changing nyms thats very important when youre not getting anywhere just grab the next knife. The minimum and first pick for most of. The magic happens once the marionette is finished when it comes to life. And the marionette comes to life when it starts to move pulling the strings is an art in itself. When his head hangs down and his hands in front of his face like. This and this is how he crisis. And you pull the head off and to make you laugh or. Decades the marionettes happen in chanting young and old alike its made of wood and strings and lots of imagination. To start. This task. In a serious fifty kitchens one city will take you on a canary trip and prove that you can enjoy good food from around the World Without ever lived and. In the german capital this home to people from the two hundred different nations like Oliver Miller he moved to the german kept the from new mexico in the United States in two thousand in america you can get breakfast twenty four seven this was one of the things he missed most often moved to germany but it took another twelve years before he decided to open his own authentic diner in berlin where you can find the american way off breakfast. I think i wanted to live in berlin almost as soon as i discovered what was below the surface. As soon as i started to to meet the people here who are engaging in their own projects and thats kind of the thing i want to do too and it seemed like a great place to do it. All of a miller was born in one thousand nine hundred seventy two in San Francisco the youngest of two brothers seven years later the family moved to new mexico all of us started architecture and was active in the arts eventually he and other american artists were invited to participate in an exhibition in potsdam just outside. After finishing his studies in two thousand he moved to berlin at first on a temporary visa and with no real plans then he got the idea to open up our it was such a success that he branched out a few years later and open a restaurant but no new dyna its modeled on the classic diner where breakfast is served at any time of the day. The inspiration for the restaurant actually came from going out. At clubs and the desire to have stays kind of food late at night its a very common thing in america to have a diner breakfast in the twenty four hour diner at four or five in the morning with bottomless cups of coffee. An american breakfast means first and foremost lots of combinations patrons that the not to diner can pick can choose from a variety of options the menu is centered around eggs for instance on toast all with hash browns around fifty combinations are possible aside from breakfast the dyna fries are classic hamburgers. I love especially. The idea of having unlimited among the coffee that you can get all the time thats its great and the hospitals that they have the fear of the place the waiters are showing the earth and the friendliness is really really great. I left in the usa for. This is really quite authentic its very close to an american diner and. This is not the citys fantastic very american but its not feeling you get hooked on it and you keep coming back to smoke im going to do you know. What man you sense the american breakfast apart from the european continental breakfast of the many cooked components. And. Most of them can be fixed relatively quickly and easily americans call it. Ok for standard to make them nice some think the american way the batter has to be right when the pancakes truncating little bubbles in the pan theyre ready to be flipped. The knowledge diner also serves their own spiced Breakfast Sausage patters. It is fried with. Chunks of pam and of course aches are an essential part of any american break first. The on trains are served on one single plate the sweet and the savory together. When. One orders breakfast in american diner. The question of how you want your eggs is is an open one and there is no standard in america you have scrambled eggs or fried eggs or poached eggs its really your choice the server will always ask how do you want your eggs and i love hearing. Question because it really means its going to be an american breakfast when you can decide how to see exactly what your ex. Sees hes restaurant is a project that keeps evolving. The pictures on the walls were made by himself artist friends keeps changing them for new ones. The decorations are a hodgepodge of personal objects and mementos. Opened his restaurant in twenty twelve in Eastern District a principal back he lives close by and enjoys the neighborhoods diversity. Classes guests come from all over the world. Suits but none. To name the other diner came from a conversation with my one of my old partners who grew up in hawaii. And actually ive never been know why but the name is hawaiian it actually means surf but not surf in terms of surfing but surf is like and its the top of the wave as its breaking. Yeah we just thought ok thats a good name for for the place. At least twice a year one of them in a gets homesick confines back to the United States or sometimes even considers moving back in time someday maybe. Weve made a dent or all that thought about karen takes her race off to try to enjoy. And thats made you hungry you can find this and many more recipes from always serious online at the w dot coms less fifty kitchens have fun cooking and enjoy your meal and now we are off to a very special and well into it and for that we are heading to spain to p. The precise to the pier in me a Mountain Range of the border between spain and france with roughly three thousand four hundred meter at the peak of the net so is the highest peak of the period nice spains third highest mountain weather professional mountaineer or amateurs thousands of people try to climb the summit every year just like the four germans we accompanied on the adventurous two are through the snow. Deep in the remote valleys a winding road leads to them and ask a hospice from there you can head up to the rental is a refuge. In. This region in the spanish peyronies is a Meeting Point for mountaineering and the easiest from all over the world thats because the moderator massif has a special attraction clear views of the highest summit the pico de and nato this group plans to climb to the peak and ski down afterwards respect i have Great Respect for the mountain she is too stunning to just look at it from afar over stop short of the peak. To for now though its time for them to head back to the huts and charge their batteries for the next stage. Around fifteen thousand visitors come every year to climb peak all day and they told. The mountaineers start off in the wee hours of the morning its still dark out they will need about five hours to scale the Thirteen Hundred metres to the top. The view it twilight makes it worth the early start. Unfortunately it is also a bad weather sign as a cold front is on the horizon. At an altitude of twenty nine hundred metres theres a passage in the rock that heads over to the huge and nato glazier basin with. Inclement weather makes for a difficult climb the hikers rope up for the last stretch to the summit they will soon be crossing a bridge that turns the tour into an adventure. Which ones will continue to stay always twenty metres from turning around out of the nonsense but. With numb fingers. And i see wins they slowly climb higher each step has to be chosen wisely. The group consciously makes headway. There isnt a soul to be seen for miles something the climbers welcome especially at the bottlenecks along the route. That sort of discipline. Finally they make it. All. Arriving at the summit is a success in itself. Because of all of. The hype or celebrate their achievement even if the visibility is poor look at the other of those books then they head back down on skis which is challenging under these weather conditions. The pico de a nato adventure is one that the mountaineers will certainly never forget. And now its time to get creative we have some inspiration coming out for you in how serious you are max d. I. Y. Our expert on cisco shows how to brighten up your home in no time and with just a few things today she proves that mobile is scummy much more than just a toy they can be transformed into a candle holder that creates beautiful lights the flexes thats how it works. Im for that and ive got a great graphic for you today its made out of lava and ill show you are going to it yourself. You will need and also see. The key light and about one hundred fifty models of any color you like begin by gluing malice all the way around the edge of the city make sure to put you on the sides of the mother too so the whole thing is stable in the first row should look Something Like this. To the next row on top of the. New cool thing happens a very quickly so take place in the map and you can already get an idea of how it will look in the end. Blew as many rows as you like. Seven rows of mobbers. Finished now ill just have to remove excess glue. Trap and a can and then antennas go to you. Nice light isnt it. If you like you can also use more to color. Makes super great elastic. And if youre looking for more inspiration just look up our you tube channel of the w. Interior design they can find plenty of ideas for your home well thats all we have time for today but well have more reports from around europe on our for tomorrow so dont miss it see youre bound by. On the next edition of your in the next vicky keeps us current one of europes most sought after young actresses she plays alongside Daniel Day Lewis in the oscar nominated movie phantom thread and won over International Critics with her performance. A newcomer on the road to success next time on your own backs. What keeps us in shape what makes us see. My name is dr carson because i talk to many cases. Watch them at work. And i discuss what you can do to improve go ahead. Stage use and lets all try to stay. On t. W. And why. A trip by airplane. Seven teams thousand kilometers in six weeks. Commenced the brooks period. Touching the story of the book this is our home the gods country a perfectly good muslim in other better priests soon to come some obstruction starting february twenty seventh. This is the news coming to you live from berlin the e. U. Calls for a cease fire in syria but theres no sign of one as yet russias so far blocked up to let you do humanitarian truce at the u. N. Security council this is a new wave of strikes hitting east and killing and injuring more civilians also coming up how to fill the hole left by breaks into your brain Union Leaders need to plan future a bunch its with britains contribution. And another victim of last weeks Florida School shooting is laid to rest President Donald Trump appears to give some ground on gun control in the was and still insists it teaches the. Class in the next sixty minutes a great day for the Winter Olympics most controversially competitive as russian athletes secure three medals on day fifteen with success in ice hockey figure skating we bring you the latest chalk. And. Where a lot more a lot from the right time for the bell you know for the World Premiere of the new polish film well tell you how we raise its chances at. Are not the woods are they say to. Hell in a very warm welcome to you im. The European Union is there urgently calling for a cease fire in syria and a strongly worded statement it demanded immediate access for aid trucks to instant kuta close to the syrian capital damascus this a day after russia blocked a u. N. Security Council Resolution on a thirty day humanitarian cease fire. Another wave of attacks and strikes meanwhile by Syrian Forces has rained down on the heavy populated. Hundreds of people have been killed since sunday including many children. Even for those surrounded by day it is a crushing moment. Suppose. The hulks his child one last time. For syrias victims there is no dignity in dying. Should look. Out for syrias government there is no relenting every minute bombs are dropped. Monitored groups say more than four hundred men women and children have been killed since sunday homes and hospitals obliterated leaving doctors to handle matters of life and there amid the ruins. We had to do one of the operations under the rubble and. Because we couldnt evacuate we had to do it under the rubble or how does our office for the whole thought of them so im now. The Syrian Regime says rebel extremist groups who control eastern are using humans as shields the u. N. Security council has been debating a thirty day cease fire that allow for a deliveries and the evacuation of casualties. These are not terrorists showing up in these makeshift Emergency Rooms these are civilians they are ordinary people under attack by a barbaric assad regime that is bent on leaving. Level to the ground with no regard for the four hundred thousand men women and children who live there but it was met with resistance russia blocking the resolution. Over those days to achieve stabilisation painstaking work is necessary these parties need to sit down and negotiate the parameters of the ceasefire. There is no other way. But hope still locks within the beseech concrete canyons of three by the young men it comes in the shape of a whole. Nationally but surely theyre digging their way to safety. The only escape route from a torrent of poems must be an underground one. That is a syrian doctor who worked in aleppo when the syrian city was experiencing the kind of bombing that were now seeing in eastern huta i asked him to give us a sense of what civilians there are going through. So its like. Literally hell in a little time out like back in aleppo like. Three or four years. Same thing happened all the time with no different yeah. You see. For five years already there are lots of everything like that maybe america medications that was a few unfortunate i just sort of electricity and now this by public. Attacks happening for the past ten days its a disaster humanitarian disaster there now look at the pictures that we are seeing out of civilians that the Syrian Regime says that they are rebel groups based that on day using civilians as human shields whats your response to that. Actually its not making sense at all the. Cheap propaganda always used those claims back there was three hundred thousand. People and the regime also claims that like. The fighters are using them as shells but its not making sense at all because in aleppo back in aleppo there was well its opened and people. Wanted to stay in aleppo same thing happened in a little talk for five years. There was well open and people want to stay in their hometowns. And the not the fighters watch the rounding. The regime has to run to get. Preventing and they think or anyone to come in or out from. I mean in two thousand and sixteen when i was in aleppo and i but yes its a doctor was killed attack most of the it would seem and the washington. Media pages claims that they managed to target and kill the tourist doctor so they consider it but yet dr is he as a tourist and say that he is treating tourists so its not making sense at all its a cheap propaganda something even like and how many. Talk about of. The now you worked as a doctor in aleppo and what are you seeing coming out of eastern widowhood new fic injuries of people and children what specific challenges doctors face in dealing with such a situation. Main challenge is that the doctors and hospitals are the main targets all the time during the best three days more than twenty one Health Facility have been targeted. So its the main target the main targets for the which him and the russian are the hospital facilities the bakeries and the schools so thats the most sad and the other thing that. Those people and those doctors know for sure that they are missed alone facing this killing machine so they have to do so each time each injury over how many medication they can use before its. Because they are afraid thinking all the time that they might run away or filthy you think. If youre six or everything so. I mean most children thats very very situation. Its such a difficult situation thank you so much for finding time to talk to us homes are cutting to sit in dr who worked in aleppo sharing his thoughts with us and be a thank you very much thank you very much let me bring you up to date with some other stories making news around the want Australias Deputy Prime Minister bonamy joyce has announced his resignation joyce has been under sustained pressure to resign after revelations of an affair with his former staff member came to light now new allegations of Sexual Harassment against him have emerged. Nigerian parties say the school girls who were unaccounted for following boko haram attack on monday are still missing and this comes after only reports suggested that some of them had been rescued dozens of goods from the state drawn boarding school in youll be state awful to have been abducted by extremists. Haiti has suspended oxfam great britains operations in the country for two months pending an investigation into alleged Sexual Misconduct the move followed reports that oxfam staff held sex bodies and sexually abused women during relief efforts for a devastating earthquake in two thousand and ten. Former Trump Campaign aide support manifolds and rick gates are facing fresh challenges in the russia theyve already pleaded not guilty to indictments for Money Laundering and fraud it comes a week after a special counsel Robert Miller charged thirteen draw sions of meddling in the u. S. President ial election. In your old leaders in the European Union nations are meeting to decide how to fill the multi billion euro hole and its budget that would be left off to britain leaves the block is expected to be a shortfall of fourteen billion euros postbag said the leaders are discussing where to prioritise funding with migration terrorism and Border Protection high on the agenda. Joining me now is brussels carson dog matis who is at that informal summit to get all brag that will leave a huge hole in the e. U. Budget it seems what other proposals to make up for that shortfall. By germany and italy america have suggested that they would be technically open for a limited increase of the money they are giving into the system to make up for that be called created by brecks its a ten billion euros per year were looking at that that need to come in but lets be clear its only is facing a general election in germany we still have no coalition you know Coalition Government still in the making so lets focus on to the scenario that is more likely and that is a major cut of the e. U. Budget something for in. The netherlands would be in favor of and that means less money for the two biggest things in the boches and that is agricultural funds and regional funds going to the different the local regions different constituencies of e. U. Member states and europe it seems Member States are divided on how to fund the bloc post regs and what are the major sticking points here. Now the Division Lines here are a clear cut you have those countries who are net contributors so i e those countries who pay the money from for example most prominently the netherlands but also germany and france and you have the net recipients particularly in hungary or poland who receive a lot of achree cultural funds now the dutch oven is made in a dutch a Prime Minister rather were right here made very clear that he wants to free up money and lower the e. U. Budget whereas the other countries have said well they want to keep receiving the same Financial Aid and so you have basically a route between the stingy countries and those countries to receive money and to complicate matters at the end of the day you have the European Parliament that also wants more money and that as a final save can needs to give a green light if we want a new budget by the end of two thousand and twenty and what of the poison by germany to link it to finance and going to the less well off countries in the block to fulfilling certain conditions including accepting refugees how did that go down. As you can imagine its the most controversial topic in Eastern European states are are up in arms its a its a freeze the way its a cold wind that comes here from the east of europe because they call foul play and blackmail basically whereas the german chancellor says look at this the solidarity in the e. U. Is no one way street and basically you have all those countries who pay money into you in the to the e. U. Hussein. Oh this is great we have a means to actually make sure that even Member States implement the things they have that have been agreed to that they play by the rules if they dont we have our tools or we would have a true with this new budget to force them to follow the rules. God martis in brussels thank you very much for that. And before that you summits got underway the e. U. Commission hosted high level talks on fighting terrorism and stemming the flow of refugees through africa sahir region one of the poorest in the world and the e. U. Pledged to double its funding for a joint military operation set up by five countries in the region you can see them now on the graph where the security situation is fragile because of extremist groups and criminal networks helping the sahil has become a european priority because of the high number of refugees and migration from the region to europe. This is the front line in europes bid to stem migration from africa thousands of migrants travel through it before they can take their chances crossing the mediterranean for years the sahara has been plagued by jihadist groups and criminal networks smuggling weapons drugs and humans across borders its become a breeding ground for terrorists and a big worry for the e. U. In brussels boosting development was a key topic at the meeting with leaders from the african region but the main issue on the agenda was security the European Union has pledged to double its funding so the g five said held joint force. A partnership of five say hell countries mauritania burkina faso mali share and chad founded to Counter Terror and immigration in the area. Lives of already we are raising support for the g five joint force to which the e. U. Was the first contributor last year we pledged fifty Million Euros and today we pledged another fifty to enable it to get into action. In the. Security is a public good what were doing in the sahara is not just to defend our country its for the world security. I think its normal that the International Community should show solidarity with thousand less fight. For us other International Donors such as the u. S. And saudi arabia have also pledged Financial Support together our partners have raised more than four hundred Million Euros exceeding the meetings expectations until now the sahara region has relied heavily on European Countries for security france alone has more than four thousand troops deployed in your area the g. Five partnership aims to be fully operational later this year europe is hoping that will mean more military selfreliance and fewer european troops on the ground into hell. Human Rights Groups fear the government is using bulldozers to raise the villages of the rocking people the high end state has been nearly emptied if its Muslim Minority since last august when a military crackdown drove hundreds of thousands of people across the border to bomb that this these before and after satellite images show that dozens of empty villages have been completely wiped out in recent weeks menards government claims its trying to rebuild the region and Human Rights Watch has expressed concern that crucial evidence of crimes against the Muslim Minority is being destroyed. What were seeing in this area isnt just the knocking down needed structures what were seeing is the complete clearing totally leveling completely a race these villages that were there theres no more landmarks theres no trees theres no vegetation everything is wiped away and this is very concerning because these are crime scenes and the evidence of these crimes that were committed there is being completely wiped away such that. Theres no and theres no bears been no credible investigation of these crimes and so what were talking about really is obstruction of justice that this richard rijs from Human Rights Watch time of a businessman joins me in a story thats a bit like digging for gold ben it is it is mining involved and some people do strike it rich emerita bitcoin has managed to poke its head above the ten thousand dollar mark again if people who invested just a year ago sneak a peek at their digital wallets theyll see a return of some seven hundred percent impressive money doesnt grow on trees but you can dig up the virtual kind on the block chain. Bitcoin is a Digital Currency and its value is determined just like everything by supply and demand and unlike other currencies Central Banks cannot influence the course of the cryptocurrency value through Monetary Policy bitcoins were first programmed ten years ago the developer was known only by a pseudonym nakamoto to this day the program of behind the technology has never been identified the idea is that everyone who installs the Bitcoin Software on the desktop or smartphone becomes part of the Bitcoin Network the digital ledger that supposedly makes bitcoin both independent and secure is what is known as block chain. Block scene is a ledger managed by many computers in a network which keep track of records in what are called blocks each book contains information about a transaction the block is checked in very fied by Older Computers distributed throughout the network and contains security codes from the previous block that practically eliminates the chances of manipulation and count the feet of the currency. At the moment bitcoin is still on the wild roller coaster ride in the markets but one thing is fairly certain after all the coins are issued bitcoin one full victim to inflation jagow rhythm behind it wont allow the mining of more than twenty one million bitcoins and theyll all have been created by the year twenty one forty. Financial advisor mark freed today he joins us now from oust recounts trio youre no earlier best it bitcoin i dont expect you to gloat i dont want to make you blush but you would be quite a billionaire. No not a dog not at all im not and ive not yet. You did it best back in twenty thirteen those so i expect that that the gains are pretty impressive what happens because it goes back to zero as some people say. It will never go back to see cause its a Disruptive Technology and will change to vote definitely it has the same impact like the internet i think blocked sharon and the big con technology has the same impact on the financial world like the smart phone on the telephone booths and not a telephone booth will not totally disappear but we dont use them anymore and i think it. Our Financial System for the future in the next ten or twenty years what about these huge swings in the value of big corn though fifteen percent a day i mean do you sleep well at night when you see the news. You see my gray hair no just kidding no seriously im used to it its like a tradition actually notice in the big concord unity to its a saying hostile hold hold hold your call is cause i saw horrible horrible corrections and crash ninety percent even in the year two thousand and thirteen but it always came back and you could always speak up and higher and im very positive that this technology will change everything its a revolution we cant stop and now its time to in west in small portions ok its nice of. You guys to hold on to your coins but what about people who actually want to spend those going to feel buying a house in florida which is possible with bitcoins what happens when it falls in value by fifteen percent the next day. Its a risk definitely its a risky investment right now but i think its the future and you shouldnt invest more than five or ten percent of your whole wealth you just little steps and in the future we will see that it will be more and more normal that we spend crypto currencies in the future and i think the banks realize that and thats why theyre so fighting so hard against the block chain and the bitcoin and cryptocurrency s. Its not just banks its all countries china is cracking down on what does that make you feel. Im happy if we sort of already in two thousand and seventeen Nothing Happened you know what it was a short dip but you cant. Correct down a decentralized system its a possible cause all the information out on thousands of millions of computers all over the world you have to switch off the internet and that would be catastrophic so you cant be a decentralized system thats not possible they can try but thats ok it will there is the great fire wall of china which weve all heard of venezuela as well as it introduced its own crypto currency the first state controlled crypto currency but it is state controlled i mean its not de centralized obviously that. Exactly its the opposite of off the ground idea of the blocks in technology and bitcoin so im not recommending to invest into petrol and gold petrol so on the one side its very positive for the whole movement because you see now a centralised governments and institutions going into this market and they see the potential on the other side come on. Spend corrupt theres hyper inflation its a socialistic coming to stick it will fail and we are to be noted with the german democratic republic in eighty nine briefly there are many other crypto currencies out there what makes you think bitcoin is the one thats going to stay there are many people saying its going to be the altar vista of cryptocurrency. Yeah longest track record in history its now two thousand and nine its working its got never hacked and its getting exponentially more and more secure and i think it will be the Gold Standard of crypto currencies of a trip to qantas will come as well but bitcoin will always be the same like the blocks in technology its here to stay free for us and show god thank you. This is the final competition day at the byrne an International Film festival and my colleague Charlotte Chisholm pill and god rocks down at the red carpet how do both a few human beings know what is going on behind you. Yes weve just had the wild premiere of the new polish film ugh the stars of that film were on the red carpet behind us just a few moments ago theyve now gone in to take a look we got and i were lucky enough to see the press preview just a short time ago yeah this is the last films to screen here in competition. Its a comedy about a man who has a horrible accident and has to have a face transplant and having his face changed having his face taken off and put back on again it transforms him and can cause some sort of crisis in identity and i just have to say im really even saying the words face off right now and this is. Going on between canada and germany causing me. To go on the record now of watching im going to lose to germany is very painful for me. But but this was quite interesting because it was a female director in a way addressing an issue of male identity and i didnt know what you think of this approach you know why i mean weve had a few female directors in the competition so far and they seem to be doing pretty well as to what i think that we are she cant tell you quite yet until a bit later on that says stay tuned well give you our our impressions ok scott i feel your pain where you turn into the belly now how to get through the focus by women directly or what their chances like are they likely to win anything. Yeah i think so i think we were talking about this just before the show and i think couple of some pretty good chances i yeah thats right theres a time feel good feeling in the air which means daughter of mine female director nora perry and that is very complex picture of what it means to be a woman its very its very rule its very deep its about motherhood is while and i was really moved by the film that i think that is one that is is really in for a good chance of winning a good chance when the top prize probably even the golden bear and for me i also mention three days in cuba also german film by a female director. Reviews but i think particularly for the lead among plays the famous actors are only schneider in the film i think she has a pretty good chance to win best actress i was a stunning before and yeah i have pretty impressed i saw a story of a woman on the edge but really beautifully told beautifully shot i think critically because shes a german actress here in germany maybe with a german director leading the jury tom tech for and shes got a good chance yeah thats right having not grown up in jenny she wasnt an actress that i was basically familiar with that i dont think that thats especially important i was really kind of carried along with the film just by just by her actions goes i was very impressed ok and the results will be known tomorrow evening is that right. That is quite right so make sure you watch as will be live here on the red carpet with those results and were getting pretty excited yeah and also just a caveat i mean im almost always wrong with you. So please dont put any money on a. Scarf and charlotte thank you very much. Again to end this half hour. It was indeed i mean is coming up ahead a food bank in the west in general city in essence still has controversy by deciding only to offer food to german citizens or what is this all about. And that in will coming up shortly here watching the news coming to you live from back. To cut. Cut. Cut. Cut. Cut cut. Cut. Cut. Every move he makes has a global impact. But when has president putin lead russia during his tenure. Is his strategy working. Or has he miscalculated. Putin must stand up again. In forty five minutes on t. W. Freedom of expression. A value that old ways has to be defended and new. All over the world. Of Freedom Freedom of art. A multimedia project about artists and their right to express their views freely. D w dot com the freedom. To. Feel. The scars on food. The pain still tangible. The suffering for god. For cities edge by. The. Kind of surprised they dont have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But they also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. In peace time. The people making it possible what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation or to stand a chance. Dorcas cities or after war starting march turns on t w. Being its coming to you live from berlin im. A pleasure to have you with us our top story russia has so far blocked a u. N. Security Council Resolution ordering an immediate thirty day humanitarian cease fire in syria the European Union is also demanding a truce as a civilian death to it continues to rise in the damascus suburb of. The here in germany a food bank in the west of the in the western city of essen has stirred controversy by deciding only to offer food to german citizens the charitys chairman said order food bank using single mothers and friends determined by the many Foreign Language speaking young men in the queue some of whom showed a lack of respect for women they said but other Charity Workers have criticised the decision for being discriminatory. Leftover food for the poor and needy thats what a food bank is there for this food bank in the western german city of s. And has sparked outrage by deciding to refuse any more foreign customers the Bank Spokesman defends his decision. This kind of should also not funny this is nothing to do with racism we dont think that foreigners are more or less nearly than germans its just that we want to make the distribution of food more fair gary schroen the food bank says that over the past two years the proportion of non german customers has risen to seventy five percent it says especially elderly people and single mothers feel deterred by the large number of men speaking a Foreign Language the essene food bank gives out groceries and food to more than sixteen thousand people every week other food banks in the region are shocked by the decision. Nobody comes here just for the fun of it and if youre hungry it doesnt make any difference whether you are a german or a migrant issues hit the headlines in germany and unleashed a debate on food banks and who really needs their help one off essence members of parliament gearing is urging the food bank to reconsider its decision. Its highly problematic to play off different groups of poor people in germany and the need and poverty must not be connected to ones nationality or possible and thats something banks i think read on the deposit and men shot and. Mr tough an indoor actually and over nine hundred food banks in germany give out groceries for free that would normally be thrown away more than one point five Million People use the nonprofit organizations at least once a month experts estimate that sixty percent of them are foreigners. But when im drawing up Political Correspondent joins me from up on a mentors who is so prominent what is going on an initiative written only feed you if youre german sounds outrageous yeah i mean the tar file is a volunteer organization that hands out food that would otherwise be thrown away and the policy of the organization in fact is to give help to everybody who can prove that theyre in need of it by showing that they are recipients of state aid if they can do that then they can register to use the service now this group in essence say that theres an imbalance in the people using their service that three quarters of them are now foreigners people from overseas migrants most of them and they say that there have been over the last couple of years these incidents particularly where single mothers and older people waiting in the queue have felt uncomfortable surrounded by in some cases large groups of migrants some of whom dont see why they should wait some of them he said not showing respect to women so thats why they said theyre going to have this stuff on taking in any more people into their register. Not german citizens now this has become front page news here in germany whats the reaction been. Yeah the reaction has been very negative indeed people have been saying this is dividing a poor and needy people into first and second class people one Charity Worker has said that this is pouring water on the mill of the right wing poll populists and indeed even the social Affairs Minister catherine of bali has said that you know dividing people in this way is not compatible with german values and how all the food going to Bank Managers defending whats going on. Here well as i said they say theyre responding to a specific problem they also say that they see as a temporary measure and they wouldnt expect it to be in place for more than a few months through the summer so so far theyve been relatively relaxed in responding to this wave of criticism even from within their own organization right simon young that upon a mentor city and thank you in the u. S. News you just have emerged but now three Florida School shooting that left seventeen people dead the armed officer assigned to the school waited outside the building during the shooting and did not confront the killer and this news comes as a dominant trump president is calling for tighter background checks and for some teachers to be armed. This is the coffin of chris hicks and hailed a hero for trying to stop the shooter at the Florida School he worked at a u. S. Navy veteran he was given full military honors. As families lay their loved ones to rest more details about the fateful day are emerging Surveillance Footage has shown that the armed officer on duty Scott Peterson never went inside the school to confront the gunman was radio at a point in time. And he took up a position where it looked like he could see the western most entry into the building and they were he was never going to. Peterson has now resigned and is under investigation. The latest the shooting has led to a raging debate on gun control the National Rifle association the n. R. A. Offered its solution to ending gun violence stop bad guy with a gun it takes a good guy with a guy School Districts p. T. A. Teachers unions local Law Enforcement moms and dads they all must conduct gather to implement the very best strategy to harden their schools including of fact they have trained Armed Security that will absolutely protect every innocent child is this country. Advocates of further gun control are demanding action be taken we are taking students protesting outside the white house this week said they were angry that School Massacres have become commonplace and little has been done to stop them according to gun control advocates a group there have been Eighteen School shootings since the beginning of the year i mean the public outcry President Trump has endorsed a higher minimum age for buying certain rifles and tighter background checks for purchasers. He also rates are rated his call for some teachers to carry guns. Your have in my opinion you want to have the shittiest because you should people are cowards theyre not going to walk into a school if twenty percent of the teachers are gods or maybe ten percent or maybe forty percent that what id recommend doing is the people that do care and we give the bonus we give them a little bit of a bonus back in florida the family of slain chris hicks and like thousands of others in the United States every year is coming to terms with the consequences of gun violence. And turning out to businesses and facials have announced details of a pioneering Marine Conservation plan then this is all part of an agreement amrita is extremely interesting with the island nations credit says for the first time to say shells has designated the seas surrounding its islands as protected waters safeguarding the fishing and Tourism Industry and receiving debt relief in return. For many this Indian Ocean Island is what paradise looks like the remote atal is home to the Worlds Largest population of giant tortoises and is the spawning cryan for a number of rare species. The seychelles government has now signed a bill restricting nearly all human activity in the waters around aldabra its the result of a unique deal with its creditors debt relief in exchange for protecting biodiversity. In a nutshell. The seychelles managed to. Convert parts of its debt through debt swap Loan Agreement facilitated by the Nature Conservancy and this debt restructuring. And mabel for a set. Amount to be repaid into a trust fund for to Fund Conservation related projects and activities the ambitious plan places thirty percent of the countrys territorial waters under protection putting it way ahead of the Global Marine protected area target of ten percent by twenty twenty four years to put this together but what happened was is over that time period the seychelles was a poster child of what you do to come out of a debt crisis they were running positive budget surpluses they successfully footed the currency they were used to do so their debt to g. D. P. Ratio in the late two thousand is the seychelles was one of the worlds most indebted countries according to the World Bank Sovereign debt peaked at nearly one billion us dollars today the finance Ministry Says it stands at less than half of. Many fishermen except that the long term effects of the Marine Spatial plan will benefit the economy and their industry yet some fear the Short Term Impact will be crippling to their livelihoods. Chinese authorities have taken temporary control of private insurance group. The government says the groups chairman. Has been prosecuted for Economic Crimes the companys made a series of high profile multibillion dollar foreign acquisitions in recent years especially in germany the regulators say on bank has violated rules that could make it impossible for us to pay back its debts the takeover is that it lasted a year and is part of beijings efforts to curb excessive debt. Lets bring in andrei hangout asia correspondent whos based in singapore and dr first of all whats the Company Actually done wrong what are these economic crying. When its not really clear whats but this whole thing it is one of those situations where the company has gotten too big to fail and its now a track that unwanted attention from the government so its part of the governments measure to. Any excessive capital flows from leaving the country and given how and brown has been acquiring a lot of high value high Profile Properties overseas such as the new york so wall of a story would tell its pretty obvious why they call how they got caught so hows this going to affect those Foreign Companies that export is the world of a story now run by the chinese state. You could probably technically put it that way but its really not clear. Has been ordered to sell off its overseas assets were not sure whether the officer is going to be one of them or not. This one yet takeover is going to rattle some nerves for a lot of these foreign acquisitions they will have to leave the downgrading first and singapore thank you. And the final competition day at the burnin International Film festival is today and my colleagues seana chosen pill and scum drunks who have been watching films for more than a week now and they join me from the red carpet i know scott in a devastating above kind. In pyongyang but tell me about them better than i what youre going to get out. Of on air im returning home they didnt. Start crying. Interviewing ariel you know i know whats up but we are here to talk about films and theres a new there is a new World Premiere of a documentary tonight thats right its called songwriter is it a fly on the wall look at the british singer songwriter ed sheeran its actually directed by his cousin so its a very intimate look at his life his life on tour i still think if youre familiar with ed sheeran im retired i think scott could give us a quick rendition of one of his songs yeah i know. I have to think im not im not a fan i have to admit he is a ginger so i should show solidarity but i was just thinking about this ten years ago Martin Scorsese was here with his documentary about the Rolling Stones i would open the band and Film Festival shine a light Rolling Stones ten years ago now ed sheeran i think that says all you need to know about the climate of all of pop music clearly and share and its ive received as im going to take up they have i think it could be one to watch im interested to see hes huge hes really popular now but hes dont hes boring i mean its going to be him drinking tea him writing boring lyrics hes always sleep it was only drink that im sorry thats all right go and see if youre a fan maybe its something that maybe its interesting im definitely give this a miss. The going to sound quality of solace and i love every shilling for coming up later tell us all. You know this film is in the aisles. And its interesting because it stars to the really rising stars of germany we might remember from tony had lunch with the star of tony at which was oscar nominee and. A frontal wicki whos this one here is a big fan of a very attractive young german arbiter everyone here has been hes already in another film thats in the competition safer hes also won the shooting star award here at the back and i mean that meaning its that this little thing hes won so watch say i was very excited to see how this goes down a bit later on we cant tell you exactly what we think about the film itself because weve not had the World Premiere yet instead i think weve got a report that can do the talking for us. This is not an action movie. And its an unlikely place for a love story in the aisles takes us to a discount superstore in a small town where theres a new guy working the drinks section. To. Christian hardly says a word but his coworker bruno takes a liking to him as does the unhappily married mother on from the Candy Department hes sweet on her two. Glasses from angle films. Yeah. But doesnt that what. When marty on goes on sick leave and falls into a deep depression and his checkered past threatens to catch up with him. Rising star of france called leeds this portrait of an eastern german working class life in a tale a very cautious home and its got what. It is that you both have been seeing films for the past two weeks do you have a favorite as to what like when the big prize. We day weve been battling it out trying to figure out exactly which one would buy their nineteen films in competition the one that was my favorite safe feet and me a daughter of mine its an italian film female directed very strong cost very interesting betrayal of motherhood and i think it in a hash tag me to climate i think that this really could be a womans year yeah i probably agree with that also from a betting perspective i think. Daughter of mine is the best chances to win the golden bear but ill really really like the iranian film here it is a male director male focus perhaps but also is a lot of very Strong Female characters and its very very funny the fun of this film after bella and i was here id really like to see it with something im not sure if it got the golden bear but i really like it see it with something in mazing film and one of my best picks this year so we have to wait and see the results come out tomorrow shiloh to and scott enjoy yourselves and thank you very much for joining me from the red carpet at the billion dollar. Ok now turning change of pisa norden college in southwest england has been creating nannies for more than a century every year the conner just seems hundreds of applications from just a few dozen places the training is expensive but the jobs can be lucrative graduates a highly sought after by wealthy families even by the royal. History and tradition thrive in the city of boston southwestern england the waters have been taken in this picture a spa town since roman times so its no wonder that its home to the worlds most elite school for nannies Norman College watching students rush to morning class dressed in primula forms with their hair tied in a neat bun one feels transported to a bygone era. Very much i think no one and i was so sorry go and i think the uniform you hold on to the history i made was also so. I think it holds on to all of. This. We we come had one of the one of the best jobs in the us which. Is the uniform as such but if you take that away from us its not part of Northern Iraq as part of who we are. Alexandra and many are in the second year and on loving every minute. Theyre not being trained to be just plain nannies nolan credentials are worth their weight in gold and even britains royal family relies on norland alumni who don their uniform with Pride Landing a job with the royals is a career dream come true the students say theyre not actively seeking a prestigious position. Id have to talk with that id love to see the unknown set up but its not necessary and i look for in addition its not a primary. After graduation the students generally can pick and choose their first job but first they have to be able to afford their education and youll fees that norland amount to some fourteen thousand euros the curriculum doesnt just include classes in quetta cooking and how to sterilize a baby bottle things like how to deal with proper oxy are also on the shuttle the principal knows the modern nannies challenge. Its Cyber Security training from former military Intelligence Officers and that again reflects. Some of the needs and demands of Society Today the implications of for example social media usage giving away for example geo location is particularly because i often go on to work for quite high profile or High Net Worth families newland ninetys have long been seen as the ultimate status symbol and are in high demand among the global jet set to meet from hollywood stars to russian oligarchs everyone who can afford it wants their offspring minded by a very british nanny. The increasing breakdown of gender stereotypes has resulted in new interest from students. This school year so its a largest ever intake of men charles is one of seven. Friends of first and understands their bit confused because obviously its not all that popular thumbnails right now but they found they found it interesting they were quite proud and theyd buy it may said. Regardless of the number of miles with them. And the starting salary may be one winning argument graduates can expect to earn an annual fifty thousand euros once they pass through the College Gates for good not a bad outlook and worth stepping out in full time full. Time now for an update on the Winter Olympics in south korea hecho florists sports says joins me now with the highlights from chunks high and they can only be one highlight is lies jimmys concern a huge shock in ice only it was it was a massive game massive result for for germany they got to beat canada which is the. Number one ranked team in the world and they were able to beat them to reach their first final ever. It was in the old biter of a game we had the germans go up three nil in the by the Second Period of the game but of course this is canada you cannot write them off their best and mention their the Number One Team they have won gold in the last olympics so they were able to pull the game back pulled it back to to a four three when it was the final score but of course germany was able to get that win historic win for the germans as mentioned is their first final now and germany was the lowest ranked team to to go into the semifinals so this is a methodist its a massive it is and in fact i know you know scot drug guru is covering the body law there but he was completely devastated by this result because hes canadian no one had ever thought that the girls the girls lost yesterday as well against the u. S. They got silver and now theres another shocking result in hockey for canada which is. A favorite of ice hockey is actually now theyre struggling for many big big ladies who met face to face next well now theyll be facing another favorite in this case its the Controversial Team which is the olympic athletes from russia team ah you mean russia lets say lets say that. Facing them who. Leads from russia were able to be the czechs three nil they swept the czechs actually. Needed to open up the score them bloody got the second goal we see celebrating his goal and chuck was able to score that last third goal his fourteen goal in his career so as mentioned theyre going to be one of the favorites in coming into the final their last nettle with a bronze back in two thousand and two may not sound that amazing and as mentioned i mean germany they were able to beat sweden in the quarter finals who are currently the world champs. Now they beat canada which are number one in the world so i mean theres theres no stopping to germany so far with you what happens if you have a really exciting game because of course as you said of that team from russia as it was so kind of big favorites and ice hockey but so that if hes going to sit there what olympic what do you pick athletes for michelle but theyve already got to go to their first goal actually theyve got to through a. Fifteen in the ice skating event she actually set a new war record here we see her dancing and look at just those moves she got an amazing world record of eighty two point nine hundred two in the Short Program which is also amazing because it was one point thirty one points clear of her fellow russian if it ever so she had a world record and thats just amazing to see this resolved theres a living their first goal lets hope or well well see what happens against germany we have to see what happens in ice hockey the second go for us thank you so much for bringing us all the action and see you again so you. Youre watching the end of a news coming to you live from london we have more news coming up for you shortly do stay within the if you can but by. Every move he makes has a global impact. But where has president putin lead russia during the year. Is his strategy working move or has he miscalculated future monsta of the game. In fifteen minutes. For sitting. Where the world of science is at home in many languages. Now with us our innovations magazine for in asia of every week and always looking to the future on t w dot com of science and research for. Climate change. Waste. Isnt it time for a good new eco at africa people and projects that are changing no one fireman for the better its up to us to make a difference lets inspire other. People went in for the environment magazine. D w. A new zealands message gets the unsub to. The fold its a call to shake hands out the food is consumed. By the flames play. The play put big dreams on the big screen. Play a movie magazine on the demi. Teach them about the homestead. Its all about the stoves in summer. Its all about George Chance to discover the world from different perspectives. Join us in being sponsored by distinctive instagram or theres at g. W. Story topic each week on instagram. This is it over your news live from berlin the u. N. Security Council Prepares to vote again on a temporary ceasefire for syria will they be able to stop the bombs raining down on Eastern Ghouta the u. N. Wants to allow humanitarian aid into thousands of people trapped there hundreds have been killed since the bombardment started on sunday also coming up. How to fill the hole left by bricks it European Union leaders meet to plan future budgets without britains substantial contribution. And we go to the berlin Film Festival to see a movie about identity mongers about a man with a new mug a new face the problem is his neighbors dont recognize him anymore which makes life rather difficult. Thanks very much for your Company Everyone we begin. In in syria and in eastern guta this week has been the deadliest the area has seen in years residents in the besieged suburb of damascus are living a nightmare as Syrian Forces unleashed waves of air strikes hundreds of people have been killed since sunday clothing many children on now the European Union has joined a growing International Corps calling for a ceasefire to allow a trucks into the beleaguered area the Un Security Council is due to vote on a cease fire later today so far russia has starfleet opposed it but reports suggest a compromise might be within reach because there were there the difficult even for those surrounded by day it is a crushing moment. Of sober. Father hugs his child one last time was sober. For city is victims there is no dignity in dying for us. And for syrias government there is no relenting every minute bombs are dropped. Monitored groups say more than four hundred men women and children have been killed since sunday homes and hospitals obliterated leaving doctors to handle matters of life and there amid the ruins. Of a long we had to do one of the operations under the rubble and im unable to her because we couldnt evacuate we had to do it under the rubble of our own hands on the obvious but on Health Problems on the. The Syrian Regime says rebel extremist groups who control eastern are using humans as shields the u. N. Security council has been debating a thirty day ceasefire that was along for a deliverance and the evacuation of casualties. These are not terrorists showing up in these makeshift Emergency Rooms these are civilians they are ordinary people under attack by a barbaric assad regime that is bent on leaving Eastern Ghouta leveled to the ground with no regard for the four hundred thousand men women and children who live there but it was met with resistance time russia blocking the resolution. Over those days to achieve stabilisation painstaking work is necessary these parties need to sit down and negotiate the parameters of the ceasefire. There is no other way. But hope still locks within the beseech concrete canyons of three by the young men it comes in the shape of a hole nationally but surely theyre digging their way to safety. The only escape from a torrent of poems must be an underground one. So while the Security Council plans to vote today on an amend it serious cease fire resolution after russia blocked the original draft put forward yesterday want to take you now where to moscow to our correspondent me out of sorts who is monitoring that story it forces me oh lets go back to yesterday wide at russia reject the original draft resolution. I think its hard to tell because if you come if you compare the first draft with the second draft theres no not that much of the difference i think what is very important to russia is just to show that theyre really a global power the global payoff and not what president obama wants a just a Regional Power thats something that. Is something you get that that was something that really hurts president putin here trying to humiliate him and someone whos very close to mr putin he told me once that putin has not forgotten and i think the second reason why they may not say yes to a compromise some sort of compromise if that if if this is a compromise is that they want. To gain days or to make sure that army has as many days as possible to to win the battle on the ground all right so they want to buy more time for the forces to continue their air campaign what kind of compromise could we be seeing today that could potentially persuade moscow not to use its veto again. Well as i said before i dont think that this is really a compromise because when you compare the results number one with the one that we have right now that theres not that much of a difference lets be realistic russias going to continue to support a president assad and his army and the Security Council came over and over again just a couple of years ago the whole situation reminds me of the situation aleppo and youll remember i think this was summer two thousand and sixteen that a Security Council came over and over again that there was there were many of resolutions but this is nothing to hasnt change anything on the ground so in the end president assad and his army took control of aleppo and in the end we may see something very similar to that right now arent now lets talk of course about that catastrophic or humanitarian situation in east ghouta we have been inundated by these just heart heartbreaking footage of people carrying dead children how Russian Media were porting on this said bombardment well as you know those this is a holiday today in moscow and russia its a defender of the fall and day the situation in syria is not a big issue here in the news and you wont hear in the state controlled news that the weapons used in aleppo used in ghouta that those weapons came from russia you want to hear that in russia raise our source reporting from moscow thank you. All right im going to tell you now about some of the other stories making news around the world. The u. N. Investigation into the conflict in south sudan says there is enough evidence to prosecute at least forty senior government and rebel officers for crimes against humanity and war crimes the u. N. Report gives witness accounts of gang rapes castration and Ethnic Violence and says children are not being spared. Nigerian Authorities Say the schoolgirls who were unaccounted for following a book or harami attack on monday are still missing this comes after earlier reports suggested that some of them had been rescued dozens of girls from a state run boarding school in the states are thought to have been abducted by the extremists. An armed officer who had been assigned to protect the American School had by last weeks match shooting in florida has resigned local police say the mount a couple zisha outside the school during the attack but failed to confront the shooter officer is now under investigation. In europe leaders of the European Union are meeting to decide how to fill the multi billion euro hole in his budget that will be left after britain leaves to block theres expected to be a shortfall of fourteen billion euros post greggs it the leaders are discussing where to prioritize funding would migration terrorism and Border Protection high on the agenda. Today is the final competition day at the berlin International Film festival and my colleagues are charlier to kill and scott roxboro are still down at the carpet you cant beat them away from that credit card great get the senior guys for fails a competition are for women directors are they likely to win an award. We are very hopeful this. Woman will win an award the golden bath one of the films the film that i particularly have my money on its a film called daughter of mine. Is an italian film by laura at this very and its painted a really complex very rule picture motherhood and womanhood as i was extremely moved by the film i have to say yeah i think thats of those four of the four films directed by women in competition i think thats probably the strongest but there are two others that could could pull off a prize maybe not the golden bear but maybe on the other awards theres muckle polish film which is a look at a man who has a face transplant and has questioned his identity its a comedy it is very funny and also is interesting to see a woman looking at sort of crisis and male identity thats an interesting take but the film i think could definitely come out with some awards is the film by a german director here and three days in cuba on this a black and white movie and its a look at the last interview given by Rumi Schneider the famous german austrian actress that i actually as a growing up not in germany i wasnt familiar with the actress in this film really does carry a paints a picture of what it was like in actually what turned out to be the the final years of this womans life yes and the actress moneyball i must very famous here in germany this is really a parade role for her i think shes got a really good chance of pulling off the best actress prize here in berlin all right and there is a german film being screened a little later on tell us more about that. Yeah this is in the aisles. Its sort of a romantic comedy set in a huge supermarket and there the main characters are forklift operators its the woman you might know the actress sandra hello she was the star of tony at mum and shes playing opposite frontal good steve who sort of the star of this barely not right in the to go. Petition films here he plays a very silent closed off man and i have to say he found a fan in this lady he could later hes dropping me into hes sharing that. I like this that is somewhat attractive man. Being a german Joaquin Phoenix id say yeah hes in the press conference just a short time ago we were that he was making jokes that how hard it was to drive that drive that forklift it was pretty funny i we cant tell you too much about what we actually think of the film there because we havent had the World Premiere yet so we cant be there want to spoil anything we do have this report take a look. This is not an action movie. And its an unlikely place for a love story in the aisles takes us to a discount superstore in a small town where theres a new guy working the drinks section. To. Christian hardly says a word but his coworker bruno takes a liking to him as does the unhappily married mother on from the Candy Department hes sweet on her two. Glasses from angle. You know. Doesnt grow up. When mommy on goes on sick leave and falls into a deep depression and has a checkered past threatens to catch up with him. Rising star. Leads this portrait of eastern german working class life in a tale of very cautious in its couple it. Writes Charlotte Scott thank you guys so very much ill catch up with you in our other bulletins later on for now thank you. Ari now since for so the Winter Olympics impairing chang or me have stunned canada to reach the mens ice hockey final in a thrilling match germany got off to a flying start against the defending champions taking a three nil lead canada battled their way back into the game to make it forty three with just minutes to go germany held on to for the historic win and will now play the russian team in sundays final. The olympic athletes from russia have won their first gold medal of the winter games in south korea figure skater alina tovar claimed the teams maiden title in chang and just fifteen years old is the second youngest Gold Medalist in the events history fellow russian. Took silver. First art before i got i want to remind your army had like right now dear u. N. Security council is expected to vote shortly on a proposed ceasefire in syria it would stop the bombardment of Eastern Ghouta for thousands of people are trapped and hundreds have died since sunday. Are for now thank you so much for spending. This is a story of one mans wounded pride and his revenge a man who experienced russias loss of superpower status and who wants to restore his homeland to its former glory. In twenty twelve let him or putin was elected russian president for another six years. The former k. G. B. Agent had now already ruled the country for twelve years during which he restored order to a country facing disintegration silence the opposition and brought the media into line but the pomp of the inauguration ceremony was deceptive the election had left putin weaker than ever before. The largest demonstrations since the collapse of the soviet union spread across the country the protesters condemned alleged Election Fraud and called for putins resignation Falling Oil Prices were causing widespread Economic Hardship and corruption was rife putin himself was accused of becoming one of the richest men in the world through graft. The ruler in the kremlin was very worried and hid himself in his palace. And he started to fight back using a tried and tested method accusing the west america and the cia of conspiring against him. And we do have serious concerns about the conduct of the elections russian voters deserve a full investigation of all credible reports of electoral fraud and manipulation and we hope in particular that the russian authorities will take action on the recommendations that come forward putin had heard this statement by the american secretary of state on t. V. The night before as have most of russia he called it a declaration of war. Due to him. And you did signal solution is. To maintain his power and mobilize the russian public hootin wanted to make russia a world power again and recover the status lost to the west twenty years earlier with the collapse of the soviet union but in order to achieve that he first needed to reconfigure his own power structures. He shut out liberals and surrounded himself with hardliners many were either former k. G. B. Agents like him or loyal. To his friend. A former k. G. B. Officer a wealthy businessman and pious creditor joined the inner circle that unofficially advises the russian president. The bomb. Ridded the sort of asian of the sort system it seemed that there were no any grounds for more i just want to kill struggle. Somebody decides that he possesses the older troops which is truce to everyone that is them in a sion and that can lead to f. Show era over new war what there were you know i just logical warm or cold war but there. This new cold war is of course directed against the winners of the previous one against the us and its armed extension in europe nato. Since the collapse of the u. S. S. R. In one thousand nine hundred ninety one the Transatlantic Alliance has encroached on moscows sphere of influence poland romania and the Baltic States which were occupied by soviet forces sought nato as protection. Nato carried out a series of large scale maneuvers in response to putins nationalist rhetoric a rhetoric that worried his neighbors. The United States pushed ahead with plans for a new state of the art Missile Defense system throughout Eastern Europe putin saw that as an unacceptable challenge to his quest for power. In june twenty twelve he confronted the western alliance at the g twenty in mexico and economic summit that brings together heads of state. Behind the scenes these summits give the participants a chance to weigh each other up to negotiate and to display their own strength a modern equivalent of the battle grounds on which the great powers used to meet. This is the military and political system of the western world from this point a few if you know the threat of communism this appears this simple question is why why that talk is growing. Hooten hopes natos de facto leader would listen to what he had to say he was meeting u. S. President barack obama on the International Stage for the first time three years earlier obama had signaled a desire to reset relations with russia. It was a tense meeting it was not for me anyway putin lectured president obama at length about all the misdeeds of the United States over the years going back to the Clinton Administration in nato enlargement president obama always engaged mr putin a spirit of logic and the logic that we saw in the relationship was not necessarily the same logic that mr putin saw when some border is trying to assure you this i convert my tanks say come with my you know military equipment to your big hero art but because that is not against you would you believe and then there was also i think a geo political argument that the west should take advantage of this time to move east and to make sure that poland and hungary and a stone are for ever outside russias sphere of influence free states should be able to say were in nato were not in nato were in the e. U. Were not in the e. U. Who is russia to tell them how they should behave. The deployment of the Missile Defense system was no longer negotiable thats what obama told putin the press conference was frigid. It was good to be. Committed. But he also discussed international that all interested parties. In trying to find a resolution to this problem. From obamas point of view how important was putin the leader of a country with a Gross Domestic Product that barely matched that of spain. The meeting ended and i noted deep discord. They did not concede that russia the equal partner goot norbit good but equal. Did to me over behavior there was a clear this time who for the few nicko of superiority. And kind of fear and all. What you languish to show this is your almost like me so if i did not feel that there was a good personal relationship between president obama and water near putin that for some reason that relationship was straight and the result was that i think in part it contributed to a breakdown in the relationship between our two countries. Put is very russian. Theres a thing inferiority complex about how the west doesnt take us seriously they see as says the kind of retarded little brother that they can just kick and insult all the time they had been a great power. That was on par with the u. S. That was calling the shots all over the world and now people dont even listen to them. Not only was the west not listening to russia it was also moving closer and closer to russia with its bases in summer two thousand and twelve the syrian president Bashar Al Assad an old ally of russia faced an uprising his opponents received weapons from europe and the u. S. There was no doubt in putins mind that the west had ordered a regime change as it had done in two thousand and three in iraq and in libya where the deposed president won more gadhafi had just been killed. When Vladimir Putin got a hold of the video of khadafi being killed lynched in the streets. He watched that video on repeat he just watched over and over and over again. And apparently he did the same thing with the video of saddam husseins execution i think he takes these things very personally i think putin was watching it to understand that should someone stand up to the United States should there be a real fright real confrontation well should expect no mercy. The events of the arab spring also reminded putin of the demonstrations against him that had taken place a few months earlier in order to counter western ambitions in syria he threw his weight behind a regime on the verge of collapse. Its. Two years later ukraine twenty fifteen. In the capital city kiev the population rebelled against a corrupt and pro moscow leadership the crowds loudly called for closer ties with the European Union. Even worse for putin the americans were there and obama adviser personally handed out food to opposition activists on my town square. Or to the putin believes that after the fall of the soviet union the United States should have committed itself to never integrating ukraine into the western camp. Certain to have a coup detat. Estate in kiev sir some people would prefer to interpret it as their current over. Reaction of the whole population of ukraine against corrupted authorities and this is a false description. February fifteenth everything came to a head the Russian Hockey Team played a decisive match against the United States. In ukraine the protesters opposition was increasingly undermining the government it was a nightmare for putin who feared that the country would soon turn towards nato which would place the Alliance Just over five hundred kilometers from moscow. To the russian president s great anger the u. S. One in the penalty shootout. Put in called a meeting of his Security Council in moscow his plan was to invade crimea which was part of ukraine its population is russian speaking and there is a Russian Naval base on the peninsula. But a military invasion of a european country was not an easy step to take. Put into liberated and sought counsel. In the upper echelons of power the hardliners demanded that he take the offensive. One of those making the case was constantine malouf a of. A young only garc and an ultra nationalist champion of the great christian russia. That was shes decision. And i can again you know just to tell you what i heard that it was not easy and of course here you know death was debated and to realize there what would happen after and what would be their reaction from from the west from our from americans who sponsored. This in kiev and of course you do not dare to oppose him and gave the green light. On the twenty third of february put in attended the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games and three days later the crimea awoke to find itself in the hands of Russian Special forces went landed during the night. One sovereign state ukraine had been invaded by another russia. When he went into crimea we saw that this was a potential. But it was a surprise that he did in the way he did his goal is to keep ukraine destabilized and to make sure that it never completes any kind of western orientation hes not as we like to think of him especially here in the us a grand strategic thinker and chess player he plays blackjack you know its a very high acceptance of risk and thats a very russian mentality theres a russian word called a voice which is like basically a wing it and see what happens. Obama called putin and talked for more than an hour threatening him with sanctions if he went ahead and annexed crimea but who didnt ignored the threats from the west and went even further. In the summer of twenty fourteen Russian Troops without uniforms started arriving in donbass Eastern Region of ukraine to support progress and separatist rebels against the new government in kiev. It started a dirty war. Feel. Feel feel what do they want five hundred miles from moscow they wanted us to stay and see how they would kill our people there so we have to protect ourself and it means that to protect our interests near our borders the west suspected malouf a. F. Of financing separatists and imposed sanctions on him. For putin and his entourage the war came at a price. Nobody knew was a make or Libyan Mission should look you. Know the main focal room for the community was up there it would election of some around fifty people from putins circle were banned from traveling to the west and their Assets Abroad were frozen both europe and the us imposed heavy sanctions on oil exports banking and armaments. Stupid. Enough to put in front. Of. Us. To keep. In feb twenty fifth scene put in finally agreed a ceasefire negotiated with the western powers in minsk he had the upper hand in a conflict that he could ratchet up at will he had ensured that ukraine wouldnt join nato or the European Union in the near future but at what cost. May twenty fifteen saw great celebrations to mark the seventieth anniversary of the soviet unions victory over national socialism. But the pomp was deceptive. Western sanctions had had an impact on the economy the ruble had collapsed and even the military budget had had to be cut back. And had promised the russians glory but they had paid dearly for that vision. Prices were rising poverty was increasing but he remained deaf to the worries of russian business leaders. What mainly preoccupied him was the fact that he had become a pariah at the head of an ostracized state. The refusal of western leaders to participate in this important anniversary was a devastating humiliation worse still the man who wanted to rebuild russia as a world power was even excluded from the g eight the summit of the worlds leaders. He fancied himself a great world leader when he was denied a platform around the world and when people wouldnt meet with him i think that had an impact. So putin was left with only provocation to remind the world that he at least still had a powerful army. For the First Time Since the cold war russian jets buzzed american ships in the baltic. But that brought putin nothing but contempt from the president of the worlds only superpower i think the overwhelming majority of the world rejects russia is a Regional Power. That is threatening some of its immediate neighbors. Not out of strength but out of weakness see crazy you know if you play basketball too much the you know those who look at the globe the future read anything in the history about starting growth you know he really believes that we have a Regional Power the only power in the world we share is equal. Power minister power. To the United States of america at least it would be wise even if you think so dont tell it then yes but i see you dont just look at this look at the all you you do in your little in the neediest in using e yeah it is it didnt i shes good for you to sit still sort of middle of shit would you do you so into your c. E. F. B. S. And he got stuck. At the end of summer twenty fifteen in his luxurious villa on the black sea putin suddenly seemed quite relaxed. He had understood that direct confrontation was not a good strategy for breaking out of isolation and he had a plan. The time for revenge become. The order to win the war going to service the swatter was what it really. Is i was in there with the most of the got a war hero and first of all he pushed ahead with a daring move in syria. Putin ordered a massive intervention in support of Bashar Al Assads regime. Hundreds of missions were flown to destroy any resistance against the syrian dictator in months of bombing. The west was surprised but nevertheless allowed putin to carry on not without its own all teary or motives our calculation was that russia risked being in a situation where it was stuck like afghanistan where over time it would have to spend more and more resources to prop up assad and thus far russia has not become unfortunately exhausted by its intervention in syria. Although the russians wanted to avoid getting bogged down in syria and their intervention enabled the us said regime to fight the rebels the war in syria was also a war of images. During the syrian conflict putin saw how much he could use communications for his own ends. When your military budget is ten times lower than that of the United States then it is a weapon of the week so he asked his new chief of staff general valery gas him off to come up with a new military doctrine but we knew was coming for sure all i want to ship was worth it there is most definitely that if you will to do it sure as a musician of history if it is with issues you suffer with should not should they get us to move doctrine is one of hybrid warfare subversion espionage propaganda and Cyber Attacks are designed to influence the shape of an opponents political and social landscape. Mission the most important one i think is is information because it never stops if a mission was there is twenty four seven. Youve never stops. That information was. The west primarily the United States of the designated the enough the story or even the many pushing your stupid computer. The way you look dozens of numerous guests hootin celebrated the success of state television which he had created to spread russian ideas throughout the world because first of the i knew smug was the word nearly every so stuarts terrorist threat in the state. Of the if you just see me me one of the thirty you see when they go to this leads to but almost doesnt. Wash the rules. To solution it. Just like rockets and pipelines russia today is seen by moscow as a strategic instrument. Russia today is broadcast in five languages to about one hundred countries. On the internet the technology at the heart of russias strategy more people view its video clips than those of c. N. N. And the b. B. C. Are you. A primary target of russia today is the us. Its where the station has its most important bureaus worldwide. New report shows viewers are leaving the Mainstream Media by the garage so it looks like people are turning elsewhere to get their news for example a couple days after i had started that there was a protest movement here called occupy wall street and i had covered that we were. We covered actually extensively. Police brutality running wild in new york we blew it out of proportion and now i realize why its there a jury of. Americans protest and americans themselves voicing their distrust of the system of american democracy and capitalism and americans themselves saying that the system isnt working. Guten had understood that Public Opinion was the achilles heel of western democracies. In the early summer of twenty sixteen he surely had this lesson in mind when obama secretary of state visit him in the kremlin. Well this president were very precious for the opportunity to have a serious conversation about serious issues. With john kerry dampen putins hopes of a relaxation of sanctions if he did not change his policy in ukraine and syria. Or worse still he announced the imminent completion of the Missile Defense bases behind russias borders but what worried putin even more was that six months later he might be dealing with an individual who was even more intractable when he had publicly accused of sending a signal to his opponents back in two thousand and eleven putins red rag Hillary Clinton the Firm Favorite to win the twenty six thousand us elections hes a very arrogant. Person to deal with like many ways he is somebody who will take as much as he possibly can russia is trying to move the boundaries of the post World War Two europe weve got to get nato back working for the common defense. Faced with this prospect putin was surprised to see an outsider appear on stage a populist who position to himself as well disposed towards russia and critical of nato you know hillary likes to play tough with russia putin looks at her and he laughs ok he laughs russia doesnt like isis any better than we do would it be nice if we actually got along with the russian you could knock them out together would not be a good. Choice for us was between. Whos clinton made the beach and. The street my me of course. Of course. And his money there is no chance the thing she was out of the katie was a no fly zone in syria to me that was in. An invitation to a shooting match between the u. S. Forces and the Russian Forces in syria because clinton was so recent for because soul train and this now conservative style that im now the leader of the go global war the measure of a rival province called russia who is you know doing something wrong of course we prefer truck. The type of hybrid war was launched against Hillary Clinton Russian Hackers pretending to be americans generated more than a million hostile tweets against the democratic candidate. Over several weeks on facebook their messages were shared with one hundred twenty six million users. The pro Russian Media spread rumors and misinformation. The following video alone got nine million hits. On what even the ninety six percent of the claims charity went to themselves the rest of their charitable donations from that year went well that there was many that as a class terry that failure that same territory made us that one hundred thousand dollars a year so much surprised to see how frightened the socalled west became receiving just seeing go on a different channel for from the Eastern Front from russia. And putin kept going what followed next was what the k. G. B. Calls active measures. A total of ten advisors and associates from the trump team were approached. The American Intelligence Services were facing an unprecedented scenario. In any what they call active measures would call covert action the United States efforts to influence an election or to influence the way a Foreign Government acts is going volume an element so i can say with certainty the rush. To be looking for people. Weve seen information on the edges that suggests that perhaps some people are on the top team theyve been engaging with the russians notion that hey. We can help you with information that we have on Hillary Clinton and your political opponents if in turn you take the idea of ukraine off the agenda you know as we can make a deal here. At the end of august twenty sixth seen three months before the elections putins hybrid war was stepped up even further hackers gained access to the clinton teams computers to steal emails containing content that compromised Hillary Clinton. And the use the. Voting machines were also the target of attacks the heart of american democracy was under threat this time u. S. Secret services were no longer in doubt as to who was behind it our Intelligence Community was able to conclude that there was a serious effort on underway by russia to interfere with the election they say that Vladimir Putin directed an Information Operation against the United States elections and that his goal was first to weaken american democracy to get us to fight amongst ourselves and second to increase the chances of donald trump and decrease Hillary Clintons chances. The Obama Administration was perplexed by this unprecedented attack how do you defend yourself against it. A cyber attack on russian infrastructure is was under consideration. You spend a lot of time on to decide whether there should be some. Price paid for what theyve already done some punishment. That last piece we thought could wait and we could think we could work on it and think about it the most important thing was to get them to stop and prevent them from doing it again. The white house decided to treat the case with the utmost secrecy. Because we thought the main russian objective was to create doubt and accelerate a crisis of credibility and legitimacy about our institutions we have to be very careful in how we talked about this in public because even if we had said the president had said this is what theyre trying to do but they wont succeed it still might have created the very doubt russia was trying to so they thought that Hillary Clinton would win under any circumstances they didnt want to. Develop a whole new political issue last sickly obama you know it was paralysis by analysis lets talk about it lets think about it lets lets get it just right you know its the exact opposite of putin who doesnt consider all the strategic implications they want to consider every possible angle every possible repercussion there are a lot of lawyers in the room to make sure they dont break any laws. Obama therefore decided to clarify the matter himself in private with putin on the sidelines of a g. Twenty meeting in china which had long been planned for september fifth twenty sixteen. But the president was very direct and very clear with mr putin that we knew what they were doing and had to stop if theyre going to did there would be consequences. And nobody. Neither mr obama nor any Security Service in the world has ever provided us is any kind of evidence of russian interference. You know that you have interfered. Its very difficult to deal with someone who again. Lies on a regular basis. Hes a former k. G. B. Officer i think Intelligence Officers around the world have very similar way of looking at the world theres a bar at our Training Facility that has sort of a funny phrase up above the bar to says admit nothing deny everything make counteraccusations so there are so many of very sensitive village delicate issues which could have them its the election compete of my them clean them theres some genius in the in the in the air of mystery ship in atlanta viz that we out blaming dresser for for meddling. Everything we saw after that suggested that as far as we could tell russian efforts to exfiltrate information. And then turn around and use it in some fashion seemed to stop but at that point it was actually too late because they had given it to third parties. And and those parties could put out the information whenever it was convenient for months and months to follow. This third party was the whistle blowing website wiki leaks. October seventh twenty sixteen one month before the election the cia finally published its information on russian influence was secretary clinton just wrong the russian government has engaged in espionage against americans in the following hours wiki leaks released the hacked emails from Hillary Clintons team weakening the candidate considerably to run for the presidency chinas knowing details there is a risk russia or china already. In this close election in which every vote counted the months of russian interference were of great importance for the outcome you know that each fortune. Was. Am. But youre both very good because you never see that assuring him hes going to start to. Spite you the only way to. Really know but i would in the us to know in your question you. Tell it kernel of the k. G. B. Had pulled off a masterly crew by influencing an American Election now he even played the role of godfather to the new president of the worlds leading power. How he must have savored his revenge. Hootin had come a long way since the collapse of the soviet union in the one nine hundred ninety s. Washington had made his predecessor Boris Yeltsin its vicarious agent but putin now still had to get what he was after from the newly elected us president first the lifting of sanctions against his country secondly this is spent nato enlargement in july twenty seventeen he finally met donald trump. To be. Just. At i level with an american president at last this personal meeting which putin considered crucial had been carefully orchestrated with the american team. In the difficult russian political system for a longer time of that meeting. Of. President putin himself for a few months relations hooten was helping to establish some kind of personal chemistry. You see trump if you meet with him one on one if youre able to give him the impression that you click with him that you understand him that you think hes you know. Brilliant. Or ham. Shell give you what you want americans to see sits on shorter time most of the week. That would give you the key of why. Theyre meeting in in homburg was interrupted because nobody want to meet president putin you know to talk to that so thats that was their point there we go thank you thank you. Ted had to face facts trump couldnt commit to anything and remained evasive he is kind of being bun bashed if you know what i mean and he can not do what he promised to the no agreements were reached. Far far away from each are there and they believe that the new story. Hooten had not expected that by trying to thwart Hillary Clinton he may nevertheless still face a weakened president and a United States that was more hostile than before. Trumps hands were tied by an investigation into his relations with russia rather than lift sanctions against Moscow Congress reinforced them furious over russian interference the former head of the f. B. I. James comey testified before the Senate Intelligence committee were talking about a Foreign Government that using technical intrusion lots of other methods tried to shape the way we think we vote we are that is a big deal. But putin had no intention of stopping moscow is now also suspected of having interfered in the twenty sixteen breck said referendum and in the french president ial elections in the spring of twenty seventeen. Yes and on the mark on this theres a good question but. You know i think that putin is a very complicated mix of someone who is tactically quite shrewd. But at the same time he he is caught up in his own rhetoric in the long run is this a win for russia that its isolated that it faces economic sanctions this is undoubtedly the price putin has paid for his revenge on the west for now it has allowed him to hold on to power in russia but where will his desire for revenge lead. How far is president Vladimir Putin prepared to go. I mean when you look. At all the credit crises that you still that you see what you got left see it even though. Khosla. Takes football personally. Hes gone from backyard player to World Champion to the amazing career of zero what. Is there anything he hasnt accomplished yet. But taking telcel. Leadscrew. Thirty minutes. Late to. The scars of discipline the pain still tangible. Suffering for god. For citys edge but. They have survived do they also have a future. I really understand people who say they dont want to stay here. But i also admire people who want to stay here and who decided to create something. A new beginning in peace time for the people making it possible what needs to happen if tolerance and reconciliation are to stand a chance to get. Out of darkness cities after a war. Starting march tenth on d w. This is you know you news line from berlin the u. N. Security council is gathering at this very hour to vote on a temporary ceasefire for syria will russia greenlight a resolution that stops bombs raining down on Eastern Ghouta the u. N. Wants to allow humanitarian aid into thousands of people trapped there without food water or fuel hundreds have been killed since the bombardment started on sunday also coming up. How to fill the hole left by briggs it European Union leaders meet to plants

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