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A super big wins for president trumpeting his battle over the border the u. S. Supreme court says he can use military funding for his border wall and guatemala agrees to stop the u. S. Found by friends at their border after trumps tariff threatens the law says berlin gets ready to party on its annual gay pride weekend germany moves to ban socalled a conversion there he met a man who underwent the controversial practice and says it left him to resign. Im carl mass and welcome to the program protesters are marching in the hong kong district of un long to demand action against gang attacks on prodemocracy demonstrations protesters are defying police who in a rare move have banned todays rally due to Security Fears u. N. Bombing was the site of violence last week as men in white t. Shirts attacked prodemocracy protesters and bystanders demonstrators are angry. About this slow Police Response to the attacks on kong as seen months of protests triggered by a controversial extradition. Or joining me now from hong kong as our correspondent my ts following going on the ts todays protest as we heard its been banned by police thats not though apparently stopping many hong kong as i mean whats the situation where you are right now yes a few 1000 probably tens of thousands of people have gathered here again and although this protest is banned now participating in a band protest it means participating in an Unlawful Assembly that is a criminal liability according to hong kong law but people have found all kinds of excuses to participate some of them are calling this a shopping trip although shops all shops here are closed now and some of them are even saying this is a morning activity for the punk chinas premier who died this week this is highly ironical of course because he was the one who ordered the shooting of the students or was part of those who ordered the shooting of the students 30 years ago in beijing the aim of the protesters is to reclaim this territory that has been the site of clashes with criminal gangs last week and they are they are sending a sign they dont want their not going to back down even if the police does not allow them to be here you know many of us saw those shocking scenes of those attacks on those demonstrators last week are protesters preparing for for similar violence today. There is an expert expectational today might go very bad there have been rumors online that the guns would be back today there is also a conflict with the Police Police operations are on high criticism people call the police here black police which means. Police. Behind me is the police had quarter that is of this area that is beseeched by the protesters so tensions are very high they have been mounting throughout the weeks and today many expect might be one of the more critical days in this summer as you say today could be a critical day i mean demonstrations have been going on for weeks against this proposed extradition bill is there now a sense where you are in the streets that this movement is maybe taking another step maybe theres a deeper significance now today thats hard to say because the demands or the issues that we are talking about have broadened throughout these weeks at the beginning was this extradition bill that has been shelved but to the discontent of the protesters has not been withdrawn officially but now people demand much more they demand an investigation into Police Action something that would also that will challenge the way that the government has been handling this and of course this is. A conflict between the government and beijing that is behind the government and the population of hong kong or the democratic part of the population of hong kong that has been growing throughout these protests so we are of course when it gets down we are at this at the question of the system and how well the system can respond to citizens demands and that is what its all about its not only about this law anymore and the ts protesters we see them defying this ban today we saw those mass protests at hong kongs airport yesterday do we know what might be next for these demonstrations. There are other demonstrations announced for tomorrow. What they will look like and how they will be taken be taking place thats entirely not sure these things keep changing all the time people keep justing their strategies and their ideas to this situation but theres no sign that these protests might subside any time soon there are protests going on for next week and the weekend after what form they might take we dont know but this conflict is not over and i have no idea how this court and in any time soon you see those umbrellas there filling the streets in longmont ts bolinger reporting for us from hong kong thanks very much the United States Supreme Court has ruled that the trumpet ministration can use military funds to build a wall on the border with mexico the decision frees up billions of dollars in pentagon funding to upgrade parts of the border barrier its the 2nd recent victory for trump in his quest to keep bike routes out hes also used the threat of tariffs to push water mala into agreeing to stop migrants and route to the u. S. One tweet says its all a huge victory for United States President Donald Trump whose Main Campaign promise was to build a wall the courts 9 justices were split 5. 00 to 45. 00 conservative justices in favor of using pentagon funding for the wall and for liberal justice is against the decision comes on the same day a new immigration deal is signed between the u. S. And what tamala it says migrants from honduras and el salvador who pass through get a mile up must seek asylum there 1st just days before trump threatened to impose tariffs on guatemala if it didnt stop migration to the u. S. The models highest court says the deal is illegal while trunk calls it a success. But it doesnt erase the struggles quater mullins face and some say it wont keep them from crossing the border for a better life. In the u. S. But i worked 8 hours every day. I have to sustain me and my wife it was very easy very smooth. But here you cant be in security but the price is a consuming us. Issues that its getting harder for people to enter but it doesnt seem to affect people they want to go and try their luck. Trump says hes done what others couldnt but one of the things as they say about what amal is weve never had a better relationship right now theyve agreed to do something thats very good for the United States and were going to work with them also were going to be its going to be a partnership and its happening with mexico too we never had any kind of cooperation with mexico ever until this president frankly and my presidency the wall is trumps sense of peace and the Supreme Courts decision is a critical wind that combined with threats to stop the flow of migrants will play well to trump space in the run up to the 2028 president ial election and they do it heres a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world several strong earthquakes have struck islands in the far northern philippines killing at least 8 people and leaving thousands of others injured locals flood their damaged homes and took shelter in town squares as aftershocks shook the region public buildings including in 19 Century Church where severely damaged at least one person has died after a balcony inside a nightclub collapsed in the south korean city of. Around a dozen others were injured including several foreign athletes who were in town for the world swimming Championships Police have detained one of the 9 clubs owners and will investigate whether the collapse balcony wasnt an authorized structure. Berlin is getting ready for a massive l g b t pride parade today and it comes as germany considers a ban on socalled conversion therapy which claims to cure homosexuality currently only 3 countries brazil ecuador and malta have outlawed the controversial practice now germany wants to join them he spoke to one man who underwent conversion therapy and says it should be banned. I think i 1st became aware that something was different during kindergarten but of course i didnt know what it meant mike is just one of thousands of people in germany who have undergone a controversial therapy in an attempt to repress a homosexuality christianity shaped my life from an early age but as puberty hit he began to have Sexual Experiences with men. It was a nice time in life but then the conflict started to grow because at the same time i felt at home in christian circles where it was made very clear god doesnt want that you should lead another life. How can you stand before god this is a mortal sin. And other similar comments came from all sides. After voluntarily staking out socalled conversion therapy might committed himself to ending all contact with homosexual friends and partners for decades he was abstinent the loneliness brought him to the brink of suicide. I reached the point where i couldnt go on anymore. But it was also because of my faith that i was too much of a coward to do it. Because then i would have been granted eternal life today i can laugh about it how stupid that it was but i was actually the reason that ending my life. Not practitioners in germany of the socalled homosexual conversation therapy currently face no consequences but German Health minister is preparing to take drastic action. Should conversion therapy in germany sexuality is not a disease and does not require treatment. The German Health minister hopes to present a draft by the end of the year but like many other critics mike worries that the socalled therapy will be able to continue under a different guise but for him its still a step in the right direction. She finishes and beyond i think its important for example to put a ban in place especially for young people which makes it clear that doctors and therapists are not allowed to carry out this socalled conversion therapy and then the be a lot less of this nonsense. Then proceed to monogram to making a beanie go on usenet about. 20 years on since his socalled therapy mike can now look forward to his wedding putting the past behind him hes been tied to nieman im not bitter towards anyone neither the christian circles where i learned and heard everything nor the therapist but someone from my former parish actually reached out to me and said hats off to him and he was sorry for what happened so i can see something is happening and changes on the way of us this is. Sports now in a dramatic lead change in the Tour De France station 19 was a chaotic one it was abandoned early due to heavy hail on the final downhill stretch rider times were instead taken from the summit of cold this roll 40 kilometers before the planned finish line a gun better now was the biggest benefactor of that decision the colombian claiming the stage victory and the Yellow Jersey he now has to defend his lead in todays stage which has been shortened dramatically due to landslides caused by that extreme weather lets take a look back in time now at the tours oldest living winner that would be 91 year old Federico Bahamontes today hes still in love with the sport but not so much with modern cyclists. Federico martine by a moment is saw many hardships early in life during and after the spanish civil war his major concern was finding food in staying alive before becoming a professional writer he honed his cycling skills while delivering bread for black market traders and fleeing the police those skills led him to racing and eventually the Spanish Cycling Federation picked him for its Tour De France team in 1959 montez won it all. But when i won the tour for all the spaniards enjoyed it more than anyone else from that moment on things changed for spanish cycling in general franco met with me and the evolution of cycling changed for the better. Decades removed from the sport he still regarded as the Tour De France his best ever climber winning the king of the mountains classification 6 times but hes definitely not a fan of the sports modern era. Just look at some of the commercial firms are killing the sport right now you have x. Number of millions 100000000 euros to make a great team and you can do it you can do it because theyre all thinking about money and not about the results at all. You know what i call today cyclists the holy week procession and. They only lack the candle and the lighter to light the candle. Never once have mince words the oldest living Tour De France winner declined an invitation to witness this years of it firsthand opting to watch it on t. V. Instead. Youre watching the news live from berlin world stories up next ill be back with more. Robots are still in the development phase. But its going to happen when they grow. Will humans and machines be

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