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A country thats already got its own of Plastic Waste problem. Im melissa chan welcome to news asia thank you for joining us we start in india where parliament has outlawed socalled instant divorce practiced by some muslims it will now become a criminal offense punishable by up to 3 years in prison the controversial practice allows a muslim man to end his marriage simply by saying the arabic word talaq which means divorce 3 times to his wife its been a lightning rod issue in india for some time the Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional in 2017 and asked lawmakers to act against it however the bill was blocked by the opposition in the upper house of parliament for more than a year this time a split in opposition ranks helped Prime Minister Narendra Modis government push through the bill heres more from correspondent in delhi and. Primus some of the ins more of these b. G. P. And some Muslim Womens groups have applauded the criminalized reaction of instant divorce or the lochaber that the Prime Minister has said the new law will be a weekly for gender justice he called the practice medieval and said that this practice will not be confined to the dustbin of history several Civil Society groups however have criticized the new law saying that it does not approve them and but actually im tired minority they have said that after the Supreme Court had already declared the practice unconstitutional back in 2017 there is no need for this new law and that it simply targets the Muslim Minority in line with what is seen as this governments hindu nationalist agenda the Civil Society groups have also written to the president of india opening him not to sign this bill into law but the president s nod is largely seen as a formality once both houses of parliament have passed a bill to bangladesh now and the countrys worst ever outbreak of dengue fever which is turning deadlier by the day as we go to air the mosquito borne viral infection has killed at least a dozen people and hospitalized just thousands of children and the rate of new infections continues to soar at least 61. 00 out of 64. 00 districts have now reported dengue cases news asia visited a hospital in dhaka where Emergency Services are stretched to the max. Never before has bangladesh been faced with a dangly outbreak of these proportions hospitals across the country are flooded with patients including this Childrens Hospital and dhaka i saw my sons condition turn critical. His hands and legs were sweating and then he doubled over his fever keeps coming and going now its back again there is no vaccine against the fever and doctors say its children who are most at risk of catching the potentially deadly virus. Or should it be. The children are affected in large numbers by because they go to school he does mosquitoes bite early in the morning or the evening. The risk for babies is also high because they are asleep at those times you know but the torture work will be going to. Bangladesh capital has been worst hit by the deadly outbreak and city authorities have launched a fumigation drive to kill the mosquito that spreads the disease in the meantime doctors are working overtime and are struggling to cope with a seemingly endless stream of patients. We have doctor mere johnnies sabrina flora of the institute of epidemiology Disease Control and research in bangladesh for more dr why has there been uptick of dengue a in bangladesh. Actually we know that this is there is. Because of Global Warming we cannot so lot of changes in our we saw in the back that in 2 years we. Usually bet on of rainfall and also the cambridge and he would be has been increasing those that resulted in to increase in q 2 and as it appears and we do environment for the by now this is a regional concern and last week we looked at the crisis in the philippines is the government. Doing anything with countries in the region to combat this crisis. Truly we are not. Working with them but indirectly we are closely monitoring. Trying to follow their lives and by those countries. Controlling. Managing their situation and at the same time no other word below emotion is helping us in finding our dissolutions to. Be god great and usually they expose those who have experience in working in. The eaves so that we can. Get some experiences from them and until our mission dr amir judge is sabrina flora thank you in cambodia officials have announced a hefty fine of 250000 dollars for any Company Caught illegally importing waste and by that i mean trash into the country and why would anyone do that but the global trade in trash for recycling and landfills is actually a 1000000000. 00 industry and once seen increasingly in Southeast Asia the irony is not lost on locals who already deal with a lot of rubbish heres our story out of phnom penh. The water in this dream can hardly move its full of plastic and it isnt an isolated case. The plastic tied starts to rise at 5 am in the street markets its the packaging of choice of these traders and it spreads across the city as their goods are sold and distributed discarded plastic is simply swept to one side of. The market traders all use plastic because its best fish and vegetable merchants use plastic because it protects their goods from rain and damage. With a population of 5000000 phnom penh accumulates 3000 tons of garbage every day Waste Disposal workers are simply overwhelmed by the amount. Gangs of scavengers go through the waste at night to find any recyclable Plastic Waste. So someone is one of them. I dont know how much longer i can do this work more and more people are looking for plastic bottles so i find less and its hard to earn that much. The next day delivers what hes collected to a wholesaler and because there are no recycling plants in cambodia the plastic is exported to neighboring vietnam his 3 big sacks of plastic and him 15 euros. In cambodia only about 20 percent of Plastic Waste is recycled the rest ends up in landfill or strewn around the countryside. But thats not all 83. 00 Sea Containers full of Plastic Waste have been found at the port of. They were there for months without being picked up so customs or thirtys opened them to find that they were full of illegally imported Plastic Waste from the usa and canada customs of dorothys want to take action against the perpetrators. Garbage. Can we. Find to be a company. In. Cambodia cant cope with even more waste coming from abroad the country already looks like a garbage dump in many places and while some private initiatives are trying to tackle the waste even they dont know where to put all this plastic. Lots going on in that story so joining us is journalist adam minter who covers the Global Recycling industry hes the author of junkyard planet travels in the 1000000000. 00 trash trade and very soon hell have another book out 2nd hand travels in a new global garage sale adam lets start with those illegal shipping containers they came from the United States and canada whats going on there. Well for the better part of 30 years china actually was the main import of that kind of safely and waste and the reason it was imported is that sad plastics in the chinas Manufacturing Sector when in 2018 china shut down its its acceptance of precisely the factories that were primarily responsible for recycling that material which wasnt always done a very nice way oh you located to various places in Southeast Asia or they resort to import he resumed importing from their customers into canada in the United States and continued recycling in the same manner that they have been doing in china which is not related now lets talk about up plastic a Waste Recycling in general the report talks about cambodia not having a plant or not having enough and the stuff has to be transferred to vietnam tell us a little bit about the trade going on in Southeast Asia right now sure well its not exactly correct it doesnt have facilities it has recycling facilities its just that those are cycling facilities dark ill use it or you know ever really meet the standards that many foxes developers would expect they tend to be on save to be polluted but they still do recycle the plastics and cycle them in a manner that can be used by manufacturers in Southeast Asia and as chinas manufacturers leave china and part of the trade or theyre going to Southeast Asia where labor rates are very cheap and they can get this material in from europe the United States in from canada and so thats whats happening is youre seeing a relocation across that used to happen within china in israel any places like cambodia and other ports in Southeast Asia i want to take a further look into the domestic situation n. Cambodia looks like theyve got their hands full with the domestic waste what do you know about whats going on there. Yeah i mean cambodia like most of l. T. Countries generates norris growing volume of solid waste a lot happens the best estimates are that its generating about 7000000. 00 times per year and because they dont have Waste Management that might be a landfill with a line or so it doesnt leak it may be an incinerator that scrubbers or the emissions are very bad and it may be on a cycling plant that doesnt expose people to the environment chemicals because of that they have a real problem is theyre not able to manage this up in a safe way and so because of that you see many of the scams that are emerging out whether it be scams or burning the tyson rivers which you know ultimately dreams of the Ocean Temperatures ocean plastics adam minter thank you very much and. Thats it for now check out our other stories on d. W. Dot com for slash asia or on facebook or twitter thanks for watching and goodbye. Make. Raring to read. If there is a me your product or to remember you have to find it between the lines. Literature 100 german streets. Entering the conflict zone with tim sebastian. Has been challenging those in power asking tough questions demanding answers. As conflicts intensify ill be meeting with key players on the ground in the sense of. Catching through the rhetoric holding the powerful to account of profits. Conflict zone with terms of Business Journal on t. W. No breakthrough no progress no trade deal the 1st face to face talks in search truce was declared last month between the u. S. And china is a lounge. The stock markets wobble as the best is await what could be the us federal reserves 1st Interest Rate cut in over a decade. And Drinking Water for indias proud stricken city of chennai fails then bring in the precious cargo via rail. Is one lets do business the reality couldnt be any different Chinese State media describes the trade talks as constructive todays meeting in shanghai only lasted a few hours and the americans said goodbye all they could basically agree upon was the next date in september in the us. If you pleasant smiles and exchange of niceties then u. S. Trade representative robert light tyson and treasury secretary Stephen Minucci and got down to business with chinese vice premier her. There was little expectation of an agreement being reached before hand and the likelihood of that probably wasnt helped by the coinciding Harsh Criticism of chinas economic policies by President Trump one of his complaints that china makes promises but fails to follow through and beijing wasted no time in responding. I think its meaningless for the u. S. To pursue these maximum

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