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International honors environmental activist breccia to member who calls for more protests in the fight against Climate Change. Im sara kelly welcome to the program voting is underway in israel 2nd general election this year and it is expected to be a tight race the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his wife voted early today its hope that todays election will end the political crisis that began when netanyahu was unable to form a government after the last election back in april for me former army chief benny guns is netanyahu is main challenger. And for more on this i am joined now by correspondent mariam dagen who is live in jerusalem so how is the voter turnout been so far miriam. Hi sara so the voter turnout this morning is actually been higher than in the previous elections which was a little bit unexpected i mean we have to see how it pans out during the day but people were actually expecting kind of voter apathy in the 2nd round in such a short time and but of course this is an unprecedented thing to have 2 elections within such a short time period so we dont really know whats going to happen its also going to be interesting to see the arab voter turnout this time the Israeli Citizens the Arab Israelis arab citizens who have Israeli Citizenship and see how they vote because theres actually a new hour party now thats come back together and that might bring up the turnout in that sector and the incumbent the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as we mentioned hes not just fighting for his political survival many expect him to actually seek immunity over a potential corruption indictment is reelected how much of a role did this play in the election. It actually didnt play that much of a role but there are the ultraorthodox parties which are the kind of traditional supporters of a right Wing Coalition of his right Wing Coalition have already pledged their support for such a bill and just recently also another right wing party a National Religious party called headed by some famous politicians in israel also pledged their support for this bill i mean 1st he has to become Prime Minister and put together a coalition and then before you even does that some hearings are already scheduled for the beginning beginning of october if he does get charged that he will be expected to resign and of course if he has the immunity bill passed then you wont have to do that and people have been accusing him of you know just trying to stay in political just trying to keep his power and not really serving the well being of the country it has been a charge campaign netanyahu one of one of the big promises that he has made in this campaign is part of the west bank if we elected as the israeli electorate moves so far to the right that thats now a possibility. Oh well domestically actually that announcement was kind of seen as you know preelection theatricals like a last minute panic panicked attempt to appeal to hardliners to have a good hard line right wingers to vote for his party rather than the other extreme right wing parties rather than other right wing parties. Of course it would be a dramatic thing to do if he does get elected and he does pull through with it there are many complicated questions involved you know whats going to happen to the palestinians who live in that area many security questions the security establishment is actually not necessarily in favor of it but in terms of the position itself maintaining settlements in the west bank and also maintaining military hold on the strategically important Jordan Valley thats a position that blue and white the. Other parties that contending against him holds miriam dogge and in jerusalem thank you. Britain and germany have agreed on the need for an International Response to saturdays attacks on saudi oil plants british Prime Minister Boris Johnson and german chancellor Angela Merkel also said it was necessary to deescalate tension in the region u. S. President donald trump has blamed tehran for recent attacks around leaders deny the allegations. Tehran is facing down the pressure from washington speculation of a possible summit with the u. S. President on the sidelines of the upcoming u. N. General assembly irans Supreme Leader ruled out diplomatic talks at any level. Because there will be neither biological nor trilateral talks if the u. S. Takes back its words if they repent and return to the nuclear deal that they have violated then they can take part in the meeting of signatories to the agreement with iran but washington doesnt look set to repent its blaming iran for the weekend attacks on saudi oil facilities. The u. S. Military released these satellite images as evidence of the precision of the strikes. A precision it says could only be carried out by a state. President trump has already hinted at the possibility of military action against tehran the United States is were prepared that any country in the history. Of in any history where what would a war were going to be somebody that would like got to or white house officials are now said to be debating the best course of action communication or confrontation. Whats going to protect of some other stories now making news around the world in britain the battle over bribes that has moved to the Supreme Court which is hearing a case claiming that Prime Minister Boris Johnson acted illegally when he suspended parliament johnston says the shutdown was to prepare for a new legislative agenda opponents say the real reason was to prevent parliamentary scrutiny. Hong kongs leader kerry lamb says that she will engage in direct talks with Community Leaders in an effort to end 3 months of protest she added further discussions with them be opened up with the broader public being able to join them. And lawyers for the jailed Cardinal George pell have filed an appeal to Australias High Court in a final bid to overturn his conviction for sexually abusing 2 choir boys the offenses were committed at st patricks cathedral in melbourne in the late 1990 s. Protests in haiti protesters in haiti burned tires and barricaded streets in the capital Port Au Prince at the weekend angry about fuel shortages supplies have been scarce for more than 3 weeks because distributors are refusing to deliver more fuel until the government pays some 100000000. 00 that is overdue. When a political results in tunisias president ial election are due to be released today and then upset looks likely with 2 anti establishment candidates ahead law professor and political outsider. Was leading on monday with 2 thirds of the vote counted while imprisoned media magnate. Naive new was in 2nd place now the 2 men are likely to head off against each other in a runoff next month. This in the parliamentary elections slated for october the 6th a widely seen as a test for one of the worlds youngest democracies so lets get more on that we are joined now here in the studio by my colleague who knows the region very well he has actually just returned from tunisia far of dual career welcome to the set so tell us i mean the arab spring we all know the revolution started in tunisia and that was 8 years ago. How is the situation now regarding you know human rights Civil Liberties in the country you mentioned its a young democracy when you talk in the Arab Congress about tunisia they always say its the contrie within the arab countries that is in the best way to a democracy when you talk about freedom of expression freedom of speech its also as an example compared to the other our country. According to reporter without borders when you talk about women rights its also very progressive compared to other countries they are discussing today the inheritance slow the men and women in heard the same and thats according whats written in court on the way it is explained the also have like when you talk very concrete example about polygamy which is almost in every arab country allowed in in tunisia in tunisia women and men are only allowed to marry 11 partner and thats you know all these give tunisia a very different status compared to civil rights compared to rights and when you talk to didnt even last week when i talked to them you could feel they are aware that were having elections they are aware that we having according to what they say free elections because you really had a good competition and the results show thats not the typical sort of coming from the typical parties are going to win according know. The diversity and different opinions and all this is creating a very different atmosphere now in tunisia compared to the other of countries so what is on the voters minds then because i mean you were out there he spoke with and they have concerns stay have they have cancers when you talk to the Younger Generation they want jobs. They say Liberty Freedom having civil rights thats the 1st step and now its about having jumps you have a gap between being studying in the university and the requirements you need to work you have a gap between what you learn and then what you dont have to use so they say unemployment is almost 34 percent percent. Within the Younger Generation so they say give us jobs because you have a big challenge when you talk to the young generation they all want to leave and the biggest thrasher that tunisia has today is a generation thats motivated that wants to work the ones. Change and so they have to invest and and thats what you feel and see and hear like i was a different kind of indifference it is always in tunisias wasnt fox i was in djerba you know i talk and they say unemployment is they should it should change you have a start up scene its also changing and the 2nd thing is corruption they want a very clear statement from the government from the elected president to fight corruption and seriously because after 8 years the day according to Transparency International corruption in tunisia is still there so people say fight corruption give us jobs we are in a good way to democracy and lets go for it together and they weighed in on all of those issues the results expected to be released today in this president ial election just far abdul karim who has just returned from the country thank you so much for your point you sir. Edward snowdens autobiography permanent record hit the shelves today which details the former n. S. A. Contractor what he calls the crisis of conscious that led to him to leak classified documents revealing the extent of u. S. Government surveillance now its 6 years since snowden share that information from hong kong this is the place that he chose to unmask himself as soon as he did he found himself under threat and he found an unlikely hiding place which was with a group of Asylum Seekers they sheltered him in their homes for a couple of weeks before he fled to moscow where hes now living in exile. But most of these people they are still stuck in hong kong authorities there have rejected their asylum applications and they now face deportation to sri lanka their country that they fled their only hope is to have their asylum applications accepted in canada where 2 of the refugees were offered protection earlier this year we met with one of the families in hong kong. Its just a game for 3 year old enough but for his family hiding has become a way of life one that desperate to leave behind a 7 year old said sunday was just a baby. And tina was not even born when their parents Asylum Seekers from sri lanka found themselves sheltering Us Intelligence contracted turned whistleblower Edward Snowden since their role in his story came to light they havent felt safe for the support and received threatening phone calls some quarrelsome. In real way door to study for their trade rescaling so we brought it home and we carried through a whole new point importers for a sleeping disorder or one really that horrible one we really have to be all risk. Real to be always with safety i will say why its very difficult the familys lawyer says theyve been followed and questioned by hong kong authorities to to their association with snowden but despite the pressure theyre under now supposin and his wife need to say they dont regret helping him he needed help by. We were here when and where he saw. Him somewhat he when you come to me you know as they say to me i want to stay here somebody is someone i want to. Kill me as for me i will help you know move to. Hong kong has rejected the families asylum claim but they have one hope theyve applied for asylum in canada earlier this year that country accepted one of the other families who helped Edward Snowden and hong kong filipino Vanessa Rodel and her daughter kiana her father is supposed to both families are close and the separation has taken its toll. One of my kids know she has. A pretty life and independent. A lot. The family always stick together when they leave that tiny apartment in downtown hong kong the parents face deportation back to sri lanka where they fled persecution and abuse canada is still processing their asylum claims they wait and they hope to be together and to be safe sometimes. They seem to be doing good. That. Freedom is that way but with no news from canada on that cases freedom feels a long way off. Of the 16 year old environmentalist gratitude burke has received an award from Amnesty International for her work urging action to deal with Climate Change and a ceremony in washington on the sea said that she had shown unique leadership. It was the moment the crowd had been waiting for. And hearing right through to merge for her message. Activism works. So what im telling you to do now is to act because no one is too small to make a difference. This award. Is for all of those millions of people young people around the world who together make up a movement called fridays for future alum movement to merge founded after missing school on fridays to protest against Political Action on Climate Change and to support the attention of people both young and old including the secretary general of Amnesty International community do he spoke to d w the award ceremony. I think is something powerful about young people speaking out in this way because the c. E. O. s of the fossil fuel companies President Trump and all the other people that are holding us back from progress our parents and grandparents and so on and hopefully the penny will drop soon. The fridays for future activists have urged everybody to take part in Global Climate strikes on september 20th and 27th to coincide with the un Climate Summit in new york record to bird said she hopes to see you on the streets. In afghanistan now where the taliban have carried out 2 deadly suicide bomb attacks 24 people were killed in part one province when a bomb exploded near an election rally where president danny was speaking unhurt a later blast in the capital kabul left many injured and 6 dead. Full lets bring in journalist leila t. V. Who is in kabul and joins us now weve seen an uptick in attacks like this why now. The fact that you know we have elections i mean not the president ial elections coming up on september 28th so the election campaigns are really kicking into high gear and then you also have the fact that legal september 8th President Donald Trump went on air basically you know one of the trademark later rounds where he called off 9 rounds of talks between all up on an officials in washington officials from washington into hot that were allegedly explosive the some kind of a piece in atlanta this really angered the total of all of them felt like you know they had spent nearly a year discussing with and sitting with u. S. Representatives in couple intell trying to work out some kind of an agreement and essentially trump you know destroyed all of this in a series of tweaks this is a good solid one and 12 months of that they were purposely attack u. S. Soldiers and u. S. Interests which u. S. Service member was killed last night and that they would purposely attack and target these election here and this is exactly living up to that this is probably about the 3rd time now that president elect and campaigns have come on air attack by one group or another in putting the call up so what are we looking at now would you say in the weeks the months the years ahead because i mean this is curious situation as youre illustrating there has clearly deteriorated. So this is exactly the fear you know that if anything you know that the deal that all of our own in washington were making it definitely didnt seem like a good deal for the on people because our own people and their government were completely left out of 9 rounds of talks the entire talks between the u. S. And their representatives and thats all all there was not on official present but at the same time that one government you know that there were certain people within the government who were happy for the end of these peace talks because it meant that the president ial elections scheduled for september 28th would go on without without question because ive been told those peace talks were halted there were a lot of questions among the people whether or not the president ial election for want and this is why youre seeing all of these Campaign Tickets or quickly speeding up all of their electioneering because they only have 11 days left actually only 9 days of campaigning left so so theyre really speeding everything up and the taliban is also taking advantage of that what we have to remember is that for instance this gathering in one you know hundreds if not thousands of people would have been waiting to get it or didnt make it into the venue and they were the ones that were attacked these were people coming out to hear all that and they were the ones that were targeted. We thank you so much for your reporting on this ali joining us from kabul a journalist there thank you. For france has issued a state of high alert for farming regions after officials detected signs of a disease that destroys all of trees the bacteria which cause whats called as all of tree leprosy have devastated groves in neighboring italy news that the disease has crossed the border has growers in Southern France rushing to take precautions. To trees infected with the feared plant as ease in Southern France were discovered in private gardens not far from the mediterranean coast they had to be called but wouldnt have survived much longer anyway i see no back to. Bacteria in that enters the sap that is carried by the stuff of the plants and it causes the plant to dry out like its running out of water. First a dios affects many different plants its native to costa rica but has spread to other places through trade and Agricultural Products in california in the late 1990 s. It almost wiped out an entire one producing region its found equally attractive conditions in italy where it 1st appeared in 2013 transmitted by insects like this one particular strain of the bacteria has ravaged olive groves across the country killing many trees that were centuries old especially in the Southern Region of a poorly. Experts say the disease can spread by up to 2 kilometers a month if an infected plant is detected the only response authorities currently have is to kill every other potential carrier plant within 100 meter radius in france the authorities still hope they can keep at bay. You dont cut down century old trees like this with pleasure it hurts but you have to do it is to preserve all the rest of our heritage but we want. All of farmers and southern friends can only hope the authorities were quick enough to stop the further transmission of the fastidious. This time and i know it probably wont be the last. While were having a look now at the celebrations just over a year ago after indias Supreme Court overturned a colonial era law that had criminalized haystacks the ban had once inspired fear in indias Gay Community it will use it was used to threaten intimidate and blackmail them 1st some by their own families its a major milestone after a decades long legal battle but activists warn equal rights and social acceptance for l g p t q people in india remain elusive yet there are signs of a shift bollywood films with gay characters restaurants and cafes declaring themselves gay friendly and same sex couples hope in time their unions will be no big deal. To walk out in the open just one small pleasure that makes their years of struggle worth it did make them vishwa can finally just be themselves used to be different devices for their i was 8 when you were 30 it will move their relationship was still a crime when they got married in 2017 and they faced discrimination from all sides even from their families live experience were so furious they physically assaulted the couple. Im beautiful. And they have been exerting my age. So if youre trying to do with. Us being together as evidence against. Them because its to be good for me to be just to get them. In a sexual relationship so that was ok to us to make it more dramatic the ruling last year that gave them the legal right to express their love its crap to one and a half century old law that criminalizes same sex relationships sparking hopes of equality. When it came out those same as the all you know these border the way surely you know those were like going to flight suddenly lifted off for their lives all because weve reviewed we mean genuinely. This would not happen in our lifetimes at least i said there may be bigger than 15 years thats a slap in the face for those who are against gay people including vicks parents. I have if you did so so. But do you sound defeated and if you do not have anything. To give. So theres a little bit nothing but we accept it. Vishwa is a bit luckier. His mother has shown more understanding despite the blessing of those who support them the couple still see a long battle ahead many in indias Traditional Society still stigmatized them their marriage is not legally recognized. The need to seem to take Initiative Speak of is good. Because it a lot of other things that might wish. Property rights. For the right of adoption and so vick and vishwas find continues but for now theyre enjoying their time as a couple with a new sets of hope. Youre watching t. V. News up next it is close up which investigates the impact of Tire Production on the world by mark coming right out im sorry kelly in berlin because so much for watching have a great day. Business with billions of euros katana and much of the rubble used to make incomes come thailands coolio book is true well under future plantations the starvation wages in extremely unhealthy conditions get the german manufacturers lobby claims because if units are pressure all the way down to farmers. To close up the mess the. Whole world unto itself. With its own gravitational pull john. The finest musical compositions. Of some mysteries to reveal. I dont believe thats he wasnt them dont tell me that its you never felt. For you and the joint you come up in the morning they may. Reveal the symphonies of your heart is clumsy. How did the romantic master come up with such pieces. The secrets of symphonic magic. Brahms coda starts october 11th w. Its hot enough. Summertime is Vacation Time here in germany most car owners still prefer to drive even to distant holiday destinations when it comes to road safety tires are of course of paramount importance more than 50000000. 00 are sold each year in germany alone gets a multibillion dollar

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