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Phone call with his ukrainian counterpart call the conversation inappropriate and improper. And 30 years ago today states around the world committed themselves to improving the lives of children but despite progress since then for millions of young people life from aids a daily struggle. Like in chile the grinding poverty of daily life in chiles slums a stark illustration of the inequality driving mass protests against the government of president sebastian pinera. Im brian thomas great to have you with us and as the international is reporting that more than 100 people have been killed in a government crackdown on protests in iran the unrest rocking after hikes and fuel prices authorities responded by shutting down the internet Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has described the protest as a Security Matter. Very Little Information reaches the outside world from iran authorities have shut down the internet whether there are still protests there and where they may be taking place is difficult to verify. Videos from monday evening show angry demonstrators some are demanding that the government step down the protests were sparked by a drastic increase in the price of gasoline u. S. Sanctions and mismanagement are the main causes of irans economic crisis. Also president i have 3 jobs to support myself of course people are upset and now they found a reason to show their dissatisfaction everyone does it in their own way. But of course the pictures of men who have been arrested are shown on state television theyre accused of initiating the protests at the behest of other countries one hard line newspaper reports they could face the death penalty. More than 1000 people are believed to have been arrested in the wake of the protests the un has expressed concern over the Security Services heavy handed response. Numbers killed certainly in the dozens. In at least 2 figures some reports even higher so it would be very useful to have a better picture but its clearly very significant meanwhile the iranian leadership is and hearing to a hard line internet restrictions are still in effect in iran. Lets get more now by bringing in luke wall paul whos a correspondent in tehran the following this story for us today to look at do we have any confirmation about this high death toll and what do we know about the number of people injured. Its very difficult for us here in tehran to bring any confirmation to disfigures because as you said the internet is down its very difficult difficult also to get information throughout the citizen to country what we know is that telephone line still working and we have several reports from people in the province cities dead the grip of the security. Was very very tough and it seems that what amnesty says that it was also fired at the police was firing with life i mean ition on demonstrators is very likely that. The death toll is much higher than the official figure and probably higher than 100. 00 People Killed and we know from families that there are very angry dead bodies were not returned to their families bodies of their people they were burned immediately descend day on saturday or sunday which might be an indication that something is deeply wrong with the figures that the authorities are giving whats behind these protests it was they were sparked by the fuel prices is that still driving them or or is it something else. Its an overall anger saying the things politically. Are going here in iran it is basically by the price rise in gasoline thats sure because many people feel they are entitled to have a very very cheap gasoline price given the fact that salaries are so low in iran and economical hardship especially since the latest round of new sanctions from us in the last year economical situation is so bad for them dead they feel that fuel should be giving should be given them for free actually but its as i said economy is going down every week a bit more since the sanctions last year that have been imposed by the us we have no more almost no more oil exports here in iran and the oil exports account for roughly 90 percent of the state revenue this means inflation is very high devaluation of the uranium ryall is extremely it lost more than half of its value within 10 months and this means that the prices are rising prices for staple for food for rice for milk and people simply cannot cope with that situation because of course salaries are not rising in the same speech and that is basically the anger and people put the blame for the situation not as much as in the past to Foreign Countries like us which imposed sanctions but very much to the regime because they think the regime should find a solution ok whats your impression does that mean that these protests will continue might even get larger. No actually i think it was a small significant but a small part of the population that went to 2 districts high in middle the huge middle class which is several millions of iranian citizens they. Are very cautious i spoke to people yesterday here in tehran they dont feel that its the appropriate time to go on the street because they fear that the crackdown of the Security Apparatus might be even worse so i dont think that the situation is going out of control because what does Supreme Leaders say it is a Security Matter and not a social protest means that they. Definitely willing to crack down on the situation lou thanks very much for that from tehran this morning. You know some of the other stories making the news this hour syria says 2 civilians were killed in a series of israeli air raids near near the capital damascus earlier israel released a statement saying that is jets had targeted syrian and Iranian Forces inside syria that in retaliation for rockets fired towards israel on tuesday. Pope francis has touched down in bangkok as he begins a weeklong tour of thailand and of japan. Hopes his visit will boost the faith of catholics in both countries hes also addressing issues like Nuclear Disarmament is the 1st pope to visit thailand since john paul the 2nd in 1904. The house in which nazi dictator off hitler was born is to be turned into a Police Station off for his interior minister has confirmed that decision falls years of debate over how to prevent the building which lies on the german austrian border from becoming a pilgrimage site or neo nazis. Its to the us now where a career army officer has testified he was duty bound to object to what he called the president s improper phone call addressing ukrainian investigation. Of top u. S. Democrats republicans attacked Alexander Van man whos on president Trumps National Security Council with doubts about his loyalty to the United States his testimony last a pivotal week as the houses of peace when investigation reaches further into the white house. They had witnessed the controversial phone call at the heart of the impeachment inquiry Lieutenant Colonel alexander vnd mn Top White House expert on ukraine and Jennifer Williams an advisor to Vice President mike pence both told the panel they had concerns about the cole. Part of the record with that i found the july 25th phone call on usual because in contrast. To requestion to demand an investigation into a political problem an opponent especially at foreign power where there is at best dubious belief that this would be a completely impartial investigation the democrats hope to amass evidence that President Trump abused his position using military aid to ukraine to investigate his political opponents the republicans again sought to undermine the credibility of the witnesses of course. Your boss had concerns about your judgment your former boss dr hill had concerns about your republican lawmakers even question Lieutenant Colonel ven limbs loyalty to the country having emigrated to the u. S. From ukraine age 3 the proceedings continued with testimony from former u. S. Envoy to need to kurt volker and to morrison a former National Security council official at a Cabinet Meeting President Trump continued his condemnation of the entire inquiry. Whats going on is a disgrace and its an embarrassment to our nation official given enough evidence of wrongdoing on the president s part the hosts dominated by democrats will vote to send the case to trial in senate this lone join a political battle is only shifting gears reviews well today is world childrens day in this one marks 30 years since leaders from around the world made a commitment to protect the young and the useful from violence and the black more only one country has yet to ratify the Un Convention on the rights of the child thats the United States now since is the option the deaths of children under the age of 5 have fallen by 60 percent and the number of undernourished children well thats dropped by about half now in spite of the progress for many children around the world including here in germany life remains a daily struggle. With friends israel and osama both 7 the 2 friends are spending the afternoon jonahs house a privately run Charitable Organization on the outskirts of ben they love it here and there are lots of games. On here and the food doesnt cost anything here i like that about you know his house my parents love it to. A santa israel and the other children here come from socially disadvantaged homes where theres little room to play around like this. Just down the whole settler and then yes gaia is helping a student apply 1st School Internship the teacher says that in germany 2 pivotal childrens rights are under threat. The space time to consolidate the right to Social Security and the right to education in this area the children do go to school but they still need a lot of support whether thats with homework extra tutoring after school or with the many difficulties they encounter in life for this guy doesnt even begin to know most of the children they look after live in a high rise nearby unemployment levels here are twice the burden average many adults rely on social benefits to get by in germany those living below the poverty line usually have a place to live but social exclusion and poor chances of education are also defining factors of poverty just in time for few for the fact that 3 out of 4 children live in some kind of poverty is something neither the children nor the families can control the state can give something to the parents when cant directly get aid to the children themselves. In germany day schooling is the norm but privately run organizations like jonahs house also provide after School Support for children in need to make sure that aiming high in life not just on the playground. Or the talk more about the situation for children here in germany im joined by our correspondent good morning john germany is of course of very rich country what what sections of society here this country are not seeing the benefits of the nations well. Well actually you have to say since germany is one of the richest countries of the world everyone in the society does benefit from that wealth to some extent and that also goes for people who live in poverty especially children but at the same time you have to say that this kind of social benefits these kinds of supports that are being provided to children in need are very difficult to access are bureaucratically very difficult to get to and very often the children come from backgrounds where parents are not able to speak the german language very well or themselves not particularly literate so the hurdles to actually applying for benefits are quite substantial for these families and in fact one has to say there are about a 5th of all children in germany that live in poverty and there are a 1000000 children who would be entitled to benefits but are not actually getting a 5th of children living in poverty is quite a number are we leaving out Family Structures the family in the conversation about children in poverty well obviously these these Family Structures have a very significant effect on how children live and whether they are threatened by poverty or not a single parent families are much more likely to be poor than from families where there are 2 parents that that have an income families with a large number of children children 4 children all more much more likely to live in poverty in germany and obviously they are background such as educational background and migration backgrounds in other words parents who do not speak the local language news big german well have more difficulty supporting their families and parents who themselves are not well educated also have more difficult in supporting their families so Family Structure is a very very important factor and of something educations an important factor as well you mentioned the 2 ends of the spectrum there the single parent families of the big families a lot of chilled. A lot of kids what needs to be done to get those children better educations that are the springboard for of course a better life well there again we have a situation where basically all children are at school in germany but here in berlin for instance you have certain schools where 80 or 90 percent of the children that do not speak german while the educational language obviously is a local language is german so theres a lot of difficulty getting these children to speak german to understand the lessons to do their homework and obviously they have no support at home because their parents are not able to understand the lessons themselves to help with reading to help with homework the Additional Support would need to be outside school outside the family to help children with with homework with off to school work and that sort of thing so these kind of industry institutions for children to be looked off to off to school at their families i think that would be crucial ok theres one area where a lot to be done did have you songs for us this morning as usual thanks very much this is news live from berlin still to come what lessons can we learn about Climate Change from penguins head to antarctica to find out. But 1st just to chile where president is struggling to restore calm a month after demonstrators 1st took to the streets there and thousands have been gathering again in the capital santiago demanding better education Better Health care and the nearest resignation most are demonstrating peacefully but as these images show a significant minority are continuing to battle Security Forces and that despite the deployment by them of nonlethal ammunition that has seriously wounded a number of protesters its use has now been suspended by the police. Well chile has economic inequality means that millions of find it difficult to make ends meet many are home was theyre forced to live in makeshift camps and shanty towns. Day. This is my house this is where a friend of mine sleeps. And. This is my room i want to know what im not ashamed to show it to you i give it away this is where i sleep its a bit messy because on the weekends i like to rest. And you know and i believe in the virgin and in god. Its thanks to them that im here when i 1st got to santiago i had to sleep out on the street. That he has lived in this camp in central santiago for 15 years he became homeless when his family rejected him after he came out as homosexuals here he found acceptance albeit own language in the camp laments. Living here is hard for the neighbors judges because they think were bad people. Then you dont believe we steal and that were up to no good. But thats not true we are working people humble working people. Is one of tens of thousands of People Living in the slums of. According to a recent census there are 802 camps in the country over 47000 families in situations of extreme vulnerability. And calculates 50 percent of them are forced to live in towns because they cant afford rent this so there are a lot of people who move to these camps because of safety concerns but even if you believe a comp is safer than the districts they can afford to live in. Many of them also immigrants but thats a much smaller fraction. Thousands of people driven to the fringes of society forgotten by the system and treated as outcasts by their fellow citizens to be sent to the camps represent the very essence of what the protest movement claims is wrong with the country. Is a symptom of whats happening and its not necessary the problem itself its a reflection of a size that discriminates that doesnt take into account the poorest of the poor and a society that doesnt care about others. Is n. G. O. Tries to involve the camps inhabitants in whats happening in the country in a meeting in front of shack they share their thoughts and ideas about the recent up people. Protesters demand dignified Living Conditions for all chileans a reality that has long seemed out of reach for one of the founding members of this camp. This is our tour that its a bit dirty little scene and this is where we relieve ourselves. This is where we wash we just got this thanks to our neighbors they got us tap their water. We can wash here we can shower here we can cook here but its not dignified. Because of that this is my bedroom. My blanket my stuffed animal my bottle of water and my candle because i have no electricity here. My biggest wish is to get out of here because i have children. I dont want them to see me in this situation. With me going to sleep i dont want them to see me like this its not the future i want for them. Its nothing outrageous hes asking for access to shelter and adequate social services or human rights one and go to work every day hoping to save enough money to someday apply for subsidized housing the fact that they might never get it is just one of the many reasons jillians are still taking to the streets. Its to antarctica now it is of course one of the most remote parts of the world but also one of the places thats warming the quickest when temperatures rise here while i can affect the entire planet scientists fear that Global Warming is melting the confidence ice contributing to rising global sea levels the antarctic is a key barometer for how Climate Change is impacting our planet for that reason dozens of countries have established research stations there to monitor and study the effects of Global Warming one of these laboratories is the noise station is operated by a German Research institute we visited the station to see how the researchers there study Climate Change and its effects. Antarctica a continent almost completely covered in ice yet extremely sensitive to even the slightest changes in climate. Its the frozen ocean front is home to the emperor penguin here on the ice shelf its freezing cold perfect conditions for emperor penguin breeding researchers say that if the climate here changes it would likely affect the emperor penguins right now if theyre trying to count the penguins on the colony. Deep in colony its i think a huge danger for this penguin colony here is that the structure of the sea ice on which they create is changing if theres an increase in temperature and the sea ice shrinks breaks up earlier in the year their breeding season will be shorter and they may not have any pleading grants or tall any more under certain circumstances they wouldnt be able to build a colony atoll will be able to reproduce. So the research is a documenting the penguins numbers from above with a drawing. Theyve been commissioned by the German Environment Ministry to get the big picture of whats happening here. Because the camera looks directly down and takes picture after picture at certain intervals. These pictures are supposed to one of the lab that way we can place them together as far as possible because. They do that here i few kilometers away at the alfred vigna institute station the researchers use 3 d. Simulators to collect their doctor on the colony and the long term they hope to produce information on if and how the emperor penguins react to increasing global temperatures. If warming is limited to 1. 5 or 2 degrees celcius has agreed in the paris accords this species of penguin could survive and if not theyll be wiped out by. 2100 at the very latest for you all the scientists measure how much things a warming up on the roof of the research station. They send up weather balloons to collect and send back relevant data. Over the coming years the researchers hope to measure what changes and by how much. And so on at this station for example were not actually seeing any changes in temperature. Its the same at many of the stations across antarctica but thats not the case on the antarctic peninsula theres been a stock rise in temperatures the stack of. Work. Thats causing the glassy a crust to melt scientists there have also measured a warming of the water. Climate change is already starting to eat away at antarctica its just a question of how far the effects will reach. We have some football is now in jos a marine you know has been named the new coach of the English Premier League Club Tottenham hotspur replacing the outgoing. Marino has won multiple titles in portugal england italy and spain his most recent coaching position was at Manchester United where he was sacked in december of 20 team his predecessor tottenham tino took charge of that club in 2014 teen and led them to last seasons Champions League final but hes always short of expectations this season. And a sign that the Christmas Season is drawing near londons 2 gardens has launched its annual christmas light show organizers installing more than a 1000000 lights this year sparkly trail takes visitors through the world famous royal botanical gardens. The show includes a laser show at a victorian glass house that has just been renovated it runs until january the 5th. Lets get your minder now of our top stories this hour Amnesty International says that more than 100 people have been killed in iran and the government crackdown on protesters the other roust the spark by a sharp high fuel prices. This is deja vu news live from berlin im brian thomas for the entire news team thanks so much for joining us. To. See venice and be glad that you still can. Fuel others. You seem so close to the term ruin. Going to survive industrialisation traffic and crowds are tourists but it may not survive Climate Change most are under threat. To some next d. W. Eco india. Gifts for the gods that are harmful for the environment. Sacred flowers are poisoning indian water supplies. A company in mumbai is trying to change that it collects waste uses it to color textiles. In 60 minutes on d w. C and now comes look at me especially us especially as you can. Bloody near to 10 in the middle of his Election Campaign to turn the camera back on the horse in the year 2000 a documentary secretly kroner cold a power grab and. Actually think everything was precisely planned in structure to the freedom of russia. Vladimir vladimirovich to the ends justify the means. Rutins witnesses who starts december 13th on d w. By rights venice shouldnt really exist with its 124 islands and countless bridges and tunnels this city in northern italy was built in the middle of a month. Its proof of human or dangerousness and our ability to mostyn nature. Some advantages there are many beautiful cities in the world but venice is in a class of its own needs to

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