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Clinging on to his job as his star man jaden sent shows making the headlines for all the wrong reasons. Im nick spicer thanks for joining us. Police have identified the man who carried out fridays stabbing attack in london they say it was 28 year old man who killed 2 people on London Bridge and was later shot dead by police can was convicted in 2012 of terrorism offenses and was released from prison about a year ago several onlookers captured fridays incident on their mobile phones some of those who intervened are being praised as heroes for disarming the attacker. Members of the public pin the attacker to the ground one of them taking away the knife used in the attack. Police were called and arrives quickly theres been about 5 shots heights theres another 1. 10 i phones me who i. Moments later the Police Shooting can. Get all my course. As you would expect judge of the nature of the incident we responded as though this was terrorist related im now in a position to confirm that it has been declared a terrorist incident. I witness is were visibly shocked. It was extremely frightening yeah but if you dont know what to do you know you have done so i just i dont want to do think twice once i was going off in london again londons mayor denounce the attack terrorism is cowardly and evil we must and we will stand united and resolute in the face of terror those who seek to attack us and divide us would never succeed and the british Prime Minister said he wants sentences for serious crimes to be more strongly enforced i have long argued that it is in the stake to allow serious and violent criminals to come out of prison and it is very important that we get out of that habit and that we enforce the appropriate sentences for dangerous criminals especially for terrorists that i think the public want to see. This is the 2nd terror attack in this part of london in a little over 2 years. And our correspondents tell us apos joins us now from london shall i have more details have emerged about the victims and the attacker what can you tell us. Well we now know all the details of what has been unfolding on friday afternoon around London Bridge the bridge leading into the financial heart of the city where banks and Insurance Companies are located the attack started stabbing people at an event that was organized by Cambridge University students with former criminals with former prisoners and thats where he started stabbing people at the moment 3 of them are still being treated at one of the hospitals here in london and 2 of them sadly have died as a result of this attack the attacker himself 28 year old khan he is a convicted terrorist he was convicted in 2012 for plotting a bomb attack on the London Stock Exchange and for plotting to set up a terrorist camp in kashmir a chair terrorist Training Camp there now that attack of course has been shot at the scene he was released he was in prison for several years he was released last december in december of 2018 and ever since and had been wearing and tag and so the a sari to use at all times knew where he was and this is what authorities of course are looking at closely now if they knew where he was why didnt they know what he was planning and at the moment this is an open question i guess another question is what effect will this have now now that the United Kingdom is in the middle of a general election campaign. Exactly less than 2 weeks to go december 12th the british voters will have to the polls and of course terrorism will be one of the big topics now in this election and new topic Prime Minister Boris Johnson of the conservative party was very quick with a political message last night and he said he has been always in favor of not releasing dangerous and violent criminals too early so now already the calls for tougher sentencing from his side and from his cabinet the security minister reiterated that this morning and of course this comes at an emotional time for the country with breaks it already having divided this country polarized this country so now i guess it will take a backseat and there are 2 remaining weeks of the campaign and terrorism and tougher sentencing will take a front seat ok to give your correspondent show us a part in london thanks for that. Time to take a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world. Cruise Opposition Leader Keiko Fujimori has walked free after more than a year in prison she being held in pretrial detention pending an investigation into alleged Money Laundering the countrys highest Court Ordered her release on monday but ruled a Corruption Case against her can still go ahead. In malta protesters have called on Prime Minister joseph to step down theyre angry because his associate allegedly the mastermind of a journalists murder was freed from jail Investigative Reporter daphne caro on elisia was killed in a car bomb explosion 2 years ago. Hundreds of environmental activists in eastern germany have occupied coal mines calling for an immediate end to the use of the fossil fuel much of the rust belt region depends on the mines for jobs campaigners say the government plans to phase out coal by 2038 dont go far enough. A tiny piece of wood believed to have been part of the manger in which jesus was born has been returned to the holy land the relic was sent to rome as a gift to the pope 1400 years ago it will be displayed at a church in bethlehem where jesus was said to be born. To rock out where Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi says he will resign after 40 people were killed in the latest clashes between Security Forces and antigovernment protesters the death toll since the unrest broke out in october has now surpassed 400. 1000 abrasions at baghdads liberation square protesters traded stones for songs after the Prime Minister announced he would resign following months of deadly protests but his departure alone will not be enough. This is only the 1st step the 2nd will be parliament resigning we will not leave the square into less corrupt person steps down but the. Demonstrators see the Political Class as puppets of outside forces especially iran. South of the capital violence between protesters and Security Forces raged on. The clashes are the biggest challenge to the ruling elite since Saddam Hussein was ousted in 2003. Poverty and unemployment have fueled the demonstrators anger parliament is due to meet on sunday. Actress in hong kong are celebrating a landslide victory of the prodemocracy camp in local elections a week ago the candidates took control of 17 out of 18 dressed District Councils earlier on saturday secondary School Students and the socalled silver haired group organized a peaceful rally to show that their calls for freedom and democracy are Cross Generational the calm comes after police ended their siege of the Polytechnic University which was the scene of clashes between radical protesters and riot police officers. And for more due to abuse cherry chan joins me now from hong kong cherry protesters are celebrating last weeks Election Results but theyre still demonstrating what do they want know. Right so hundreds of protests i gather in this district where all the seats were taken by posting office the candidates and they are celebrating this his fake tree last weekend but they also here actually to remind each other and the wolfman has not and these protesters here they were shouting to slow because they have missed shouting from the past 6 months to 5 the months not one less slogan and also there were also sorry for the newly elected District Council as they were speaking on stage and they were talking about how they could make changes inside the system and so they said that most nation is not only about celebration but also about how they could move forward with the movement. Yesterday the police lifted their siege of the Polytechnic University how significant is that move. 7 right so yes that they. Had officially left the campus and they had him. Back to the School Administration they said that they had. 10000. 00 petrol bombs inside the campus and also they have made thousands in the hunt at a rest but then the police also said that they hope after the siege all rot that the end of the siege of the campus peace and rest and then the tea can return to the society but there are a lot of protesters who are very cautious about this move and they have been saying that they dont want this to be the end of the movement and actually they had been planning out the protests for tomorrow and also from this monday ok and from the chanting that behind you it doesnt sound like that those protests are going to end anytime soon church and in hong kong thanks for that. Little. Do paul know and shall have climbed to 2nd place in the bonus league table after a 21 win at home to bed the shaka opened the scoring midway through the 1st half thanks to a thunderbolt by benito remand this was his 2nd goal of the season marcus inverse an equaliser for your own with a penalty before half time the match was heading for a draw until shock is Germany International to watch serdar popped up with the winner with 4 minutes remaining giving the hosts a deserved victory. Boosted dortmund travel to the german capital today to face her to baron while dortmund coach remains under pressure the bigger headlines this week are focused on the clubs that rising star jade and sound show his relationship with dortmund has turned rocky as he goes from wunderkind to problem child. Jaivin san shows been criticised for a lack of discipline before their recent Champions League match against barcelona sensual arrived late for a team meeting yet he didnt dortmund only goal in that defeat prior to that misstep. Subbed off sand show indorsements top clash against biron after showing poor form early in the match something which reportedly left the winger feeling humiliated and scapegoated dortmund sporting director downplayed the perceived drop. Missed him that the topic is looking to the future jaden is a normal part of the team. Despite the convincing appearance and show seems to be a problem case the club rejected a january sale of the youngster ahead of their match versus here to berlin. Up i dont have the impression were preparing in inverted commas for a transfer this winter and i know thats according to the conversations weve had with him and his agent. If im not going to work that contradicts recent reports suggesting dortmund are open to selling the winter they valued at 140000000 euros this winter as it stands lucian fivers job security is on the line and being able to get the most out of his brightest star doesnt help the victory come saturday could steady the ship for both sanchez and father of. Thousands of stage demonstrations in mexico city. Protesting violence against women in mexico a feminist organization organized the friday demonstration with thousands of joining the march against gender violence the dance routine was performed simultaneously in the capital santiago it was 1st created for the Global Action against violence against women has spread through other countries including spain france states. Yeah. And you are of course watching you give you news from berlin coming up next reporter student in lebanon demonstrating against the countrys political establishment thanks for watching. What secrets lie behind. 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