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Seems. Im phil gallo welcome to the program we begin in the United States where thousands of people are expected to pay that last respects to george floyd today in Houston Texas has deployed a c. Unarmed black man whose killing by a white Police Officer in minneapolis sparked a global protests a 6 hour public viewing of the coffin is taking place at the fountain of praise church in houston where he was raised and he lived before moving to minneapolis several years ago the Funeral Service will be held on tuesday. The fountain of praise church a welcome all of that tell us more about whats happening today. All right phil you just mention of the remains of. George floyd have arrived here in houston at the fountain of praise church the city here in houston where george floyd spent many years of his life and today basically marks day one of 2 commemoration days his remains his body are laid out inside the church right behind me we are expecting thousands of visitors off the members of the public in fact who are going to pay their final tribute to george floyd here today so this is a public viewing here today tomorrow will be the actual funeral its a very sad day of course not only for the black community here in houston but also for everyone who joined the black lives matter protests that weve seen in recent days and weeks in the u. S. And around the world. Tomorrows funeral what will happen that who will be that. Also tomorrow will then be the actual funeral we will hear a Memorial Service in inside the church that will be the part thats not open to the public but of course it will be it will be live on television and if you look around here you see many s. N. G. Trucks were setting up who are getting ready so the interest is incredibly high to follow these events here today as well as tomorrow there are several prominent speakers and Congress People coming here from washington d. C. As well as civil rights activists we will hear a video message of joe biden the likely a president ial candidate of the Democratic Party here. After all that. Body will then in a procession be brought to the cemetery where it will be buried. Joe biden aides is going to be attending that. He will not at 10 but he is expected today to meet the family to pay his sympathies lets not forget joe biden is still. Very popular figure among the black community who was Vice President of barack obama the 1st president black president of the United States and this is his 1st major trip outside of his home area since the penn demick began began lets remember also that the only thing all most of what weve seen of joe biden were video messages recorded in his hometown wilmington delaware so today its very important for him to come here personally to pay sympathies for the family but because of his fear that his presence at the funeral could be a disruption he decided to only play a video message on the actual funeral tomorrow and return to his home after meeting the family today and just on that point we have seen also violent unrest in the country the scene behind you looks very peaceful they do look very peaceful and as you know the actual procession here the public viewing hasnt started yet also the family wants this to remain peaceful and weve also seen in recent days that the protests turned from violent to peaceful so the big hope is youre of course that whatever happens here today will remain peaceful but of course all eyes are on Houston Texas and on whats going to happen here today and tomorrow thank you for that all of us how thats a houston. Calls for Police Reform in the United States are gaining momentum in the wake of what floyd staff several u. S. Cities sold not rallies over the weekend with demonstrators demanding an end to police via bias and the use of Excessive Force which is too often turned deadly. 2 weeks on from George Floyds killing they still come to grieve not only for him but for the searing injustices that plagued their nation. We all change 6 6 time has not quelled their anger in minneapolis on sunday nor make a promise to dismantle the Police Department and start again. To end our citys toxic relationship with the Media Outlets to Police Departments to police thing as we know it. Elsewhere in the city the magnitude of the moment laid bare when a protester confronted jacob friday. The crowd unloaded on the mayor when he disagreed with the moves. I. Was emotions were running high in cities across north america and boston protesters pleaded with police. As well as order police try to restore public trust i. Elite sports stars and set the protest arena to n. B. A. Players from the Milwaukee Bucks joined the march. And the Denver Broncos took to the streets to after years of being told to shut up american Football Players finally feel free to speak out against racism oh. Oh. In seattle there was a panic when a car drove into a black lives matter demo onlookers feared the worst when the driver emerged holding a gun he was arrested one man was injured. In North Carolina George Floyds family. Gathered to commemorate the man whose killing convulsed their country the lord is present in this now the public will get a chance to pay their respects in Houston Texas his final resting place. That would be dr investigation into the situation in china region where researchers estimate that up to a 1000000 people have been detained in so called education camps remote province in china so far northwest is off limits to International Media was legally use to make up most of the regions population of long faced repression by chinese authorities including the recent years lengthy prison terms the w. s Investigations Team has found that many imprisoned weekers inside the camps have been forced to choose from a list of crimes and then sentenced in sham trials without access to due process the w. B. Forces spoke with people who escaped from chinas network of repression jinja. If you dont have any freedom at all your money says 247 they can interrogate you as any time even at night when youre asleep the women i was with ended up there because they had want to head scarf. Over troubled abroad there wasnt a single criminal among them. Thats the voice of a woman who spent almost a year inside a reeducation camp in china with keeping her identity a secret in order to protect her family in sin a remote region in northwest china. She in john hughes home to the weakest a predominantly muslim ethnic group. Decades of state sponsored discrimination against them has spread into discontent into times of violence including riots and terror attacks. In response china has cracked down and we and built up a close knit Surveillance System feel 47 prison more than a 1000000 people in internment camps. Cross ginger the Chinese Government claims the camps were set up to fight extremism and provide leaders with the patient or skills but detainees and documents contradict that narrative rather detainees are targeted based on little more than their culture and religion and are forced to undergo a draconian and often brutal brainwashing program. And now weve on earth even more chilling evidence of chinas for oppression of leaders we talked to former detainees who managed to escape chinas network of reeducation camps. One day they were handed a list of alleged crimes. It was one page of paper we had to choose one item i started reading it and it said wearing a headscarf playing owning a quran or phoning all contacting people abroad they threatened us you will stay here until you pick a crime so i signed the paper and put my thing the current. A few days after the woman was forced to sign the list official start of calling up people one by one for what amounts to a sham trial oh yes you were you but there were no lawyers. There were to read out the judgement and the cheney would have to say i confessed my crimes i promise i wont repeat my wrongdoings im not i want to just look all. Over so that. We analyze satellite imagery and publicly available material such as construction bids and tender notices and managed to locate 3 camps where these trials happened in 2018 in 3 different locations across 2. After the trials. Detainees started disappearing some were picked up at night others led away from their classrooms never to return. But it seems that only those who had confessed to religious acts in the childs were picked up this is yet another indication that china is targeting we get culture and religion. Woman in the other detainees we talked to managed to skate to neighboring kazakhstan and stairs with cousin president seal family members were eventually allowed to leave china. My husband says i changed sometimes i get very angry for no reason started screaming joining the nights im so exhausted all the times thats. All we can speak about this but they dont lose a sherry charm who is actually part of the Investigation Team welcome sherry. These people are forcibly detained anyway why do you think china feels it has to go through the motions of a trial inside these camps well actually this is a very interesting question we would also like to ask the chinese authorities and in fact we tried to reach out to them to the Foreign Ministry of china and also to the embassy. When f. L. Got a response about these trials but one speculation all one for a possible reason is that actually in the past few years International Media has been reporting about this we educate sometimes in china and it puts a lot of pressure on the chinese authorities. Asking about their treatment of their wages there and this could be one way for them to transfer all they stay 10 days from the detention camps to. Prisons. Kind of legitimize way i say we had in the revolt that some detainees disappear after the trial so is that what were presumed to be presumed that they leave these camps and go to prison its very hard to really call because theres no paper trail off and the off base trials or any of even the names of the detainees. But from what we have heard from the witnesses. From experts we assume that many of them have been taken to prisons also actually some of our witnesses told us that if they were some of them if they were given lighter sentences actually they were sent home not to prison but then they would be under very strict surveillance from the state they would be officers visiting their homes every day to. Basically. Monitoring the story for some time the Chinese Government claimed early this this year that everyone who had received these this socalled educational training inside these comes have graduated and that all leading happy lives what is your research. This is absolutely true from our research as we said in the report many of them have been going through these trials and sent to prison and actually they also report some of these former detainees they were transferred to factories. Or in other parts of china to work as forced labor and actually many fake many of these factories are producing for Foreign Companies including German Companies so what sort of International Pressure is being applied to china over the treatment of weak muslims so far International Community has been quite quiet the e. U. Has discussed the sanctions on china because of their treatment of their weakness and the u. S. Recently passed an act to sanction some officers who are responsible for the treatment of weakness but. Other than that. I mean many things that have done that have been done by specially germany actually its quite quiet. It could be because its a very important trading partner for germany and this is really and issue of economy versus human rights so i suppose its. Our job to just keep highlighting whats going on. From deep to be reversed because you think you. And you can see the full report on life inside Chinas Xinjiang detention camps on the d. W. I. News you tube channel now take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world areas outside the u. S. City of new orleans are underwater after Tropical Storm cristobal crashed ashore christabel made landfall over the weekend causing widespread flooding and Property Damage it was downgraded to a tropical depression on monday. Workers in paris have begun to dismantle scaffolding that melted during the fire of the not a dam cathedral last year the church was being restored when the blaze broke out around 200. 00 tons of metal needs to be taken down. British media are reporting that the country has received an official request from the u. S. To question Prince Andrew about his links to the late billionaire sex offender Jeffrey Epstein the department of justice has reportedly told the u. K. That the duke of york is now part of a criminal investigation the 60 year old prince denies any wrongdoing. There is a look at some of todays coronavirus developments the e. U. Health regulator is looking to fast track the approval of gilliatt sciences antiviral drug desi via as a potential cover 19 treatment today in europe thats after the u. S. Drug maker submitted its marketing application new zealand has declared victory of the corona virus and lifted all domestic restrictions on monday a border controls will remain in place the country recalled in just 22 deaths the u. K. Is that too weak self isolation rules for most arrivals has now come into force airlines of lords Legal Proceedings of the government against the government of what they say is a disproportionate step. Adding his voice to those of the allies the chief executive of Londons Heathrow airport has expressed his concern that the u. K. Economy will be further held back by these new quarantine goals here porter is normally the busiest in europe but has had to close 3 of its 5 terminals because of the. Long waits while traveling are nothing new. But industry big wigs in the United Kingdom are worried about a new travel delay starting today travelers to the u. K. Must quarantine for 14 days after arriving. So far the rule has reportedly been bumpy. So all the plane was in the bus even though before we get to the flight they say keep your social this things keep your mask on and all that stuff but the bus was literally. Said to me it was between all of us apparently people were not informed that you need to. Book you on one form of before you come here i see maybe 5 but people who came there rested on they didnt do it so that will delay the time trying to get mad and it says the government says its trying to protect britains from the next wave of coronavirus and is ready to lead the steep tines or up to a 1000 pounds to enforce the regulations. Detractors like the head of ryanair have called the rules useless and unforeseeable others worry it could be the final nail in the coffin for the countrys hard hit Tourism Industry meanwhile the c. E. O. Of future airport said the measures will slow down the countrys economic recovery. And until we have an exit for almost blanket indefinite currency they will not be able to get you the economy up and running. To quarantine also extends to Rail Services in the countries motorways london says it will review the measures at the end of the month. To brazil where the government is coming under fire for its decision to change the way it reports coronavirus statistics with more than 36000 deaths brazil now has the worlds 3rd highest death toll and the 2nd highest number of cases behind the United States the countrys Health Ministry says it will now only report cases and deaths of the last 24 hours will no longer give a figure for the total number of deaths thousands of people took to the streets of cities across brazil including sao paolo to protest for and against the president share both scenarios and his handling of the crisis hes been criticized for downplaying the danger of the pandemic and dismissing the need for protective measures. Now south africas lockdown despite being eased recently has hit the poor particularly hard unemployment is soaring and millions are out of work and one part of cape town a former gang leader has stepped in to help those in need is efforts have met with thanks and skepticism. Many charities in cape town feed the hungry what sets this one apart is the fact that its poisonous by a former gang leader. On my i used to head the mongols one of the most feared gangs in this city. I know now most of the people dont have financial wise in style from here. Thats why doing. The slogan on his t. Shirt says the harder you fall and stronger you rise it could describe meyers own life he was behind bars for 18 years for crimes including a murder conviction this area the cape flats has a reputation for organizing. Crime and Drug Trafficking keep time shes an average of 8 murders every day but mark down has led to a drop in gang warfare according to a local pasta hes been trying to mediate between gangs for 20 years. Because i like to think about the cold the missing the scots. But at this really really a group people together from all walks of life. In the 11000000 seem to get it when i get 2 of the gang leaders most of them were busy appeared increase with hooch watch its like that over the top of sorting out im saying with these motives or sincere or not how do you how do you explain that to a kid. Theres a resign when a mother of 4 says leon meyer has become a symbol of hope in the area since the last time she used up her welfare payments halfway through the month unemployment is rife here. Because you have people like that in our neighbors to help people out at that one well. I think you can. We dont get support that anything that only. Put it. Down tell you. Its community and support the community to help out here. But criminologist dawn pena is convinced gang members have an ulterior motive for helping out their community. Killings in my experience all to do anything for anybody else they they they its all about themselves its all about what they can gain so you know what 1st question would be if they distributing food parcels why you know what are they getting out of it and. You know they they might want to look good in their communities but they might be using that isnt locked out so you know how do you get out and distribute your drugs. Back on the keep on my old mates that breaking with the past is easier said than done. Kids is never going to go away im going to be good someday you know the dangers will always be there will always be gangsters the way we stay in the way we love they put us all together i used to considering itself against them. And against them a born again a mongrel i was doing against him. Is the only way out. And through this i can supply my people. In the mean time desert simon is headed hold with. She says she doesnt judge others a priority is making sure her children dont go to bed hungry. And football Manchester City are hoping to overturn the 2 year ban from playing in the lucrative a European Champions League thing this premiership clubs case at the court of arbitration for sport began today european footballs governing body banned the side in february for breaking financial fair play rules they face losing tens of millions of euros in prize money as well as having to battle to hold on to some of their best players the closed hearing is scheduled to take place over 3 days. I was weeks of lockdown weigh heavily on us an art gallery in germany is trying to spread a little post pandemic joy with a homage to the pop art generation. And american classic from the beach boys which captured the spirit of the sixtys good vibrations is also the title of the new exhibition at the vilhelm hack museum in look its how often. This song loses optimism and that is exactly what the museum hopes to reignite as the world emerges from the coronavirus pandemic. We dont move has become possible again were also taking small steps towards normalization at the museum and there is a great sense of joy that we can finally start to resume our regular lives in that the organizers came up with the title 1st and only then selected the artworks the museum is literally sitting on a treasure thousands of works are stored in the basement a patron donated his collection to the museum including classics like and the walls portrait of Elizabeth Taylor this is the 1st day the show is open for visitors to enjoy and many have waited a long time for this moment. Missed museums for sure there are all kinds of things on the internet but i cant sit in front of a screen all day and the experience of standing in front of a picture is totally different from staring at a screen. These are the good vibrations the beach boys sang about back then a long time ago and we really need them. Both. Exist for my confidence about the future in a time of crisis the exhibition organizers want to give visitors a brief escape from the coronavirus pandemics. Its time to remind you of our top stories the body of george floyd has arrived at a church in Houston Texas the u. S. City where he grew up the coffin will film through until the funeral on tuesday. On the t. W. Investigation has found a muslim the detention camps in china since the province have been subjected to forced confessions and sham trials former detainees of told the mate to choose from a list of crimes many related to villagers were. More for you. In the meantime of course is always the website and. Can follow us on twitter and instagram. News. Im going to. Go to indiana. The man never before had there been so many flamingos in the life. They benefit not only from a cone of virus lockout but also from pollution. How can that be. We need to follow just to. Be cool to india. Next on. Wildlife reserves in south africa. At 1st glance its beautiful totally devoid of tourists during the Current Crisis but how long can it last without jobs. Unemployment benefits only last 3 months together people are fighting for their survival and against poaching. Global 3000. And 60 minutes on d w. O a a mug or just swap. Pseud for the russian soul. It runs deep. So many different forms of life songs are pumping into our. World come straight from the heart. Of the oceans and journey from birth to death starts june 18th do w. The world has been locked up for the last many weeks because of cord 90 in india even though the national not dami have been eased over 900 positive numbers are still scared

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