Soar but the official death toll remains surprisingly low Health Officials and relatives of victims are calling for more transparency in the governments reporting system. Welcome to the Program Authorities in beijing have locked down parts of the Chinese Capital after a cluster of new coronavirus cases was discovered at a major wholesale food market more than 40 people have tested positive so far doctors are preparing to carry out another 10000. 00 tests to try to stem the outbreak. This is a scene people in beijing hoped they would never have to witness again and. Work is sealing off one of the citys largest food markets after a resurgence of corona virus infections there. And its not the only steps being taken. Security forces have been called in. There setting up checkpoints and making sure the thousands of residents living in the vicinity of the market are following orders to stay indoors and not leave their homes. Authorities say that its her meant to contain the outbreak for her to fade i just checked was immediately put on emergency wartime like footing and we set up a field headquarters to deal with the situation at the wholesale markets in the surrounding communities in line with the principle of putting the People Safety and health 1st. For sure. And a measure of their concern restrictions elsewhere in the city are also being reintroduced. Plans to reopen primary schools on monday have been put on hold. And all sporting events and tourist activities have been suspended several other markets of also being closed temporarily as a precaution the new cases are the 1st local transmissions of the virus in nearly 2 months one report suggests they may have come from a consolidated surface used for chopping fish but investigators are still scrambling to find the source. Theyre also planning to carry out more than 10000 tests on anyone whos been in contact with the market the hope is this will stop the spread more than anything though it shows the challenges ahead for other countries who outbreaks are also thought to be under control. Lets take a look now at the other coronavirus developments poland has reopened its borders with e. U. Neighbors after nearly 3 months border controls with no e. U. Neighbors are also being relaxed iranian president Hassan Rouhani has said the country will reimpose virus restrictions if Health Regulations are not observed that follows a sharp rise in daily infections in recent weeks india has reported its biggest single day rise in cases nearly 12000 infections were recorded taking the total to more than 300000 as cases are declining in some countries they are climbing across much of south America Brazil is now recording the 2nd highest number of deaths in the world surpassing the u. K. Medical experts warn the rate of infection is still still speeding up the brazilian government wants to see Economic Activity is back up and running despite calls for caution for south american countries. Brazilians dig musgraves to bury their dead in minnows the largest city in the brazilian amazon the rules of cross is a reminder of the heavy toll the coronavirus has taken brazil is in an enviable position of having the worlds 2nd highest 1000 death toll with both daily fatalities and new infections mounting. The World Health Organization says the country is under pressure but not yet overwhelmed there were clear hotspots and heavily Populated Areas there are clearly different impacts and different populations weve seen the impact the numbers on us. But. Overall the Health System is still in brazil. The pandemic is far from slowing and the death toll is thought to be much higher than reported despite this brazil has loosened restrictions and reopen the economy with far right president. Dismissing the pandemic as quote a little flu. The. Next hardest hit country in south america is peru where 6 those deaths have led to burials being carried out with Industrial Efficiency meanwhile demand for ginger has exploded due to popular belief in its healing properties. In ecuador anguish over the nearly 4000 People Killed by the virus was compounded by the eruption of a volcano in its Amazon Region sparking fears that falling ash could exacerbate responded to the problems and in bolivia socalled brigades of volunteers pick up bodies from families too poor to pay for their burial. We are all being affected. I have family members in intensive care. Were trying to find a ventilator for my wifes grandfather to save his life. Everything has collapsed. In chile the brigades of professional. Soldiers patrol neighborhoods in the capital santiago looking for curfew breakers the country now has the highest number of covert 1000 cases per 1000000 people in latin america. Time now to take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world hundreds of protesters are gathering in Central London far right activists say they want to stop venda lism and protect National Monuments from anti racism protesters officials fear there could be clashes between the 2 groups authorities are aiming to prevent large gatherings despite loosening some lotto issues. In the United States black lives matter demonstrators have held a silent march in seattle. Turned part of the city into a Police Free Zone a u. S. Judge has ordered police to stop using tear gas there President Donald Trump is calling the protesters anarchists and threatening to send in the military. At least 5 people have been killed after heavy rain caused severe flooding in the southern chinese region of. State media says a search operation for missing residents is still under way brainstorms have battered southern and eastern china in the last few days. President elect is to be sworn in immediately following the sudden death of the outgoing president. Died last week after an alleged heart attack but exiled journalist unnamed medical sources say he died of covert 19. The total number of infections in russia has now passed half a 1000000 president Vladimir Putin made his 1st public appearance in weeks at a National Day Ceremony in moscow critics noted he did not wear a mask and shook hands with others. Death toll remains significantly lower than elsewhere despite russia having the 3rd highest number of cases worldwide its a discrepancy that has relatives of victims asking if the government numbers can be trusted. On a clutch cover once justice for her mother. Died on may 21st in a hospital in russias yaris level region she was a receptionist at a Medical Center is convinced her mother caught the corona virus at work. But. A husband gave me a sewing machine and i sewed her masks out of 4 layers of. Robber barrons she wasnt given anything at work. On. The Novel Coronavirus is listed as one of the causes of her mothers death but on a says she still hasnt found her mother in the official coven 1000 statistics russia has officially registered around 7000 coronavirus deaths which is extremely low compared to other European Countries a World Health Organization official recently said russias death rate is quote hard to understand russian officials have said the low number is due to widespread testing at an effective medical system. There are statistics on the new International Classification guidelines of the w. H. O. And on recommendations on diagnosing covert 19 as a cause of death. But analysts have said regional and National Numbers look doctored for example on april 30th there were 7099 new infections in russia on may 8th 106991 the 12th 108991 the 24th 8599. Forus of cheney cough is a data analyst he told t w the statistical likelihood that the numbers would end in 1900 times in that period is implausible. Is not. Like the intended to report a round number. But they also knew that people might find that a bit suspicious. So before they published the figures they changed all of them to 909. The fact that an a clutch covers mother has been omitted from the list of coronavirus dead made her funeral feel even more unfair. That i was told she had to be in a closed casket and in a body bag they didnt allow us to pass on her cross and her clothes the coffin was nailed shut we dont even know who is in the coffin or if its even her and there is not what number that is a group with and what was worse and herself couldnt attend the funeral because shed caught the coronavirus probably from her mother and was in quarantine. Durley or we spoke with a correspondent for the Daily Telegraph in moscow and asked him why there is such a discrepancy in the figures. The russian authorities were counting differently than the rest of the world essentially. Patients that had her on a virus along with other complications other conditions who then died were registered as dying from another condition and in many cases rather than from the coronavirus that likely brought about the incidence so essentially the unless the car buyers shared the main cause by the doctors or rulers doing an opt out and then the patients not registered as a crowbar which leads to a death rate that is somewhere around one percent here far less than in other countries now the Authorities Say that theyre going to start registering doubts were all iriss accompanied by other conditions but we still havent seen that reflected. And that was the Daily Telegraphs like loon there speaking to us earlier from last fall. The bonus leo is back in action on friday night rb live seek went to hoffenheim looking for a win to cement their hold on 3rd place and a trip to the Champions League next season and the hosts obliged and then their guest a 2 nil victory yulian not goldman making a return to hoffenheim the place where he made his debut as the leagues youngest head coach marcel rock took over as hoffenheim caretaker coach only this past tuesday after the club fired alfred screw into. But he didnt have an easy task ahead of him sugar are known for their fire power and made it one nail in just the 9th minute i know what you move kaylee with the perfect pass and own mode did the rest i and the Spain International wasnt done yet barely 2 minutes later and made it to neo i. Headed back the long ball to all who fired home to bag his brace. In the 27th minute boars head or bounced off the woodwork in what was probably oftentimes best chance of the game to nail the final score a disappointing debut. At hoffenheim while you. Are getting close to clinching a Champions League berth. Its another small step for Broadband Private Space Company space x. Has launched 60 satellites to join its constellation of internet transmitters. Its satellites were launched by one of the companys fault rockets its the 9th batch in its Starlink Network which is designed to provide high speed connectivity to places previously without any access to stronger say the network damages images taken by telescopes. And our top story chinese authorities have locked down parts of beijing after a cluster of new coronavirus cases standing from a food market plans to send students back to school on monday its now been suspended. And watching you give you news will have more headlines top of the hour until then you can always get the latest news and information around the clock on the website thats. Coming spicer thanks for watching. Please please. Please if. Im neal and im good welcome to the 2nd season on the great fans of the planet on the brink of Disaster Relief as long definitions experts about one question how all of these changes separately so

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