A media tycoon and leading prodemocracy campaigner jimmy late and search his news room is accused of colluding with Foreign Forces under the tough new security long term posed by beijing. I think weve already won because we overcame other fear we overcame our indifference to politics and we have came to see and indifference doesnt that defeat it candidate and bellow bruces president ial election claims the result was ringed thousands of protesters took to the streets across the nation as president lukashenko headed for a landslide victory. Welcome to the program lebanons government has been meeting in the aftermath of last weeks massive blast and a weekend of unrest during which protesters stormed several ministries prior to the. Afternoons meeting several ministers and haasan cabinet have already quit their offices protesters have been demanding this and tire government now resign they blame the countrys political elite for years of corruption and that negligence which they say made last weeks explosion possible. For more and were joined now by d. W. Correspondent bosler reading who is standing by for us in beirut but were hearing reports that the lebanese government is expected to resign what more can you tell us. The announcement of that is ignition of the current government spec expected to be at 730. 00 local time by the prion made Prime Minister a sign of the up with the new bunnies were told that if you know where to go the distance resigned vote this morning the minister of justice resigned as well and the minister of finance so all in gold its obvious that the skipper meant cant do it says. The day where it was supposed to attend a meeting session or question expression ok but with the parliament the Prime Minister has started yet try to avoid this theres ignition but i think it. Communicate contact with other the politicians mainly with the speaker. And the president and other Political Parties maybe we talk about it but it seems that all these go to all these communication swayed to save his government now is this going to satisfy the demands of the protesters. Not only the protestors know the source of all the explosion that took place. They were asking for the mission of the government. Because they. Made the phone but after the explosion. They wont. Nation of the government they want to get elections they wont do any of the old system and. 11 and they dont believe that they dont trust it anymore they said that. Since 30 years didnt bring to this country but. In the few months i think this. Political economic and financial crises ok so what does this actually mean for levanon but if it isnt going to appease the protestors. This means another. According to maher in full form and that is no substitute for its Prime Minister whenever we talk about Prime Minister or the mission of a government and the minute we talk about a coalition i communication all Political Parties and 6. Parties and theyve been and. Agree on one Prime Minister to form a United Government but it seems that all Political Parties know. Each other as what happened in 25 of the city nation the Prime Minister rafiq how do you do. So the situation now is going to be a good one im going to with this political more especially the formation of a new government government it seems that its not possible especially that its a region into the cadence in such issue in lebanon i think everyday on the latest developments and lebannon thank you very much thank you. China is ramping up its crackdown on prodemocracy activists and Hong Kong Police in the territory say theyve carried out a National Security operation that has seen several people detained among those arrested are activist agnes chalo and media tycoon jimmy lay mr lay is hong kongs most prominent prodemocracy campaigner and an outspoken critic of beijings policies in the territory laze own newspaper reported he was being held for suspected collusion with Foreign Forces under the National Security law introduced in june this was the moment of arrest to be lie put into an on mock police man outside his home in hong kong. Then driven away. Police raided the Publishers Office late in the morning. He was then later brought to the offices of his Media Company mixed media the paper itself released these pictures mr light being escorted around the office by police officers. Police said they were looking for evidence but did not specify what exactly. The 71 year old jimmy lie is among several arrested in a Police Operation focused on his group of Media Outlets including the popular top lloyd apple daily. In a Statement Police said 7 people have been detained on suspicion of fraud and colluding with Foreign Forces part of the new security law. This morning around 945 together with our colleagues from the criminal Investigation Department and military staff weve got a warrant to conduct an operation to search for evidence. So far is smooth and we hope to finish soon and not to disturb the operation of the media. It is not the 1st time jimmy lie has been arrested. Chinas state media has portrayed him as a traitor and accused him of being one of the masterminds behind the many recent protests in the city hes a well known and outspoken prodemocracy figure in hong kong who regularly criticize chinas or thora town rule. Many here in hong kong see him as an unlikely hero. I dont think the police should be doing this after all this is a Media Organization hong kong claims to have freedom of the press so i dont think they should be raiding the medias premises. The selfmade billionaire media owner is the only high profile business person who so far has been willing to or could be criticised beijing for the risk only days after the u. S. Government announced sanctions on hong kong and mainland chinese officials. Its a clear signal that china is determined to enforce the new security law despite growing international pressure. Earlier we spoke with prodemocracy activist glacier kwang in hamburg and asked about her reaction to jimmy lazar arrest i am actually very shocked and im very angry about near as. You know. Also shows that the communist party in china will not tolerate any kind of press freedom under its regime and its very dangerous for the freedom of us press and freedom of expression and freedom of the access to information in hong kong and we bring that c. C. P. Its high its kind of like holding a whole hong kong hostage in response to the sanctions that has been posed by us yesterday and in the last. Lets now take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world and afghanistan and assembly of tribal leaders has approved the release of floor 100 taliban prisoners the decision has been endorsed by president bush afghani who is seeking peace talks with the militants to end the 19 year war the taliban says its ready to start negotiations with the government after the Prisoner Exchange is completed. U. S. Health secretary alex as our has met taiwanese president sighing when in taipei its the highest level u. S. Visit to taiwan in 4 decades as ours said he was there to convey a strong message of support from u. S. President donald trump the visit has been strongly condemned by china which claims taiwan as its territory. Gunman have killed 6 french citizens along with their tour guide and a driver the group had been visiting a wildlife park east of the capital in the may french president of my own mccall condemned the attack and said french backed efforts to fight jihad is in the region would continue. Now to belarus where the Election Commission says president aleksander look at shankar won a landslide 80 percent of the vote in sundays election but the opposition candidates atlanta to kind of sky are says the result was rained and that she is the real winner germanys government says it has strong doubts about the results which triggered clashes across belarus. Many voted and many openly supported the opposition but official figures told a different story a story the opposition candidate rejected on monday. Because of the storm we dont agree with the results we have absolutely contradictory information we have official protocols from many post ations where the number of votes in my favor a many times that for another candidate. Were gathering proof for falsify cation and we have people who are ready to confirm fraud post stations 1st in the. History its on the board. Others had already demanded a different narrative on sunday night. As this was the capital minsk after the big result solution co was announced. They knew they were taking a risk the president had warned them. That just follow the law and any talk of repression will disappear the lower is above all else if you break it we will respond. And we have been like handed in our response so far just like handed to be honest with you ive always held back called Law Enforcement i told them there is no need for a heavy response you. Must get used to. Many at the sharp end of the response would not have described it as like handed. Dozens were injured and civil Rights Groups say one man was killed after being hit by a police van officers arrested 3000 some reported the army units were manning entrances to the city and yet others said that police in smaller towns didnt take on protesters. And at times the protesters went after the police. Most polling was not independently monitored and outsiders were not impressed by fellow russian democracy. But obvious that since 25 years we havent seen tree and elections until i was at all but i think not any election before has been as much take this long i think that its a clear fake election that you cannot call an election. Feel sorties were not ruling with consent on sunday night the gap between look a shame because reality and that of many of his people would seem to be widening i. For more on this lets bring in belorussian journalist and analyst friend of the short friend of welcome to the show the Election Commission says look i shant go one around 80 percent of the vote how credible is this result. Its ridiculous its impossible and this elections are unprecedented and time so harmful such occasions we didnt allow International Observers neither russia nor western elite arrested the majority of independent observers some of service were just trying to convert the. Number of voters for a visit in the stations and even the police of service weird to think so the Police Complaint is is a circus in the room and dont have anything in common with the real elections and im understanding the people who are protesting the right now in minsk in the regions because they feel cheated so they threw up circus and they feel frustrated at lets talk a little more about these people that took to the streets all over belarus to protest the Election Results what do you make of the way the police have responded to the demonstrators. I think police did use on proportional force towards protesters most of them where this fall they didnt bring any weapons and they didnt then tackle the policeman and the result always did use water cannon so guns. Did use gas or spray grimly its more than 50 people are wounded in jordan several of them are in Critical Condition right now and more than 3000 people detained thats unprecedented in those history and and i think the question please must be really scary here to win when he be healed flavor greece you know the real of we are of popular vote of wouldnt behave such of such harshly towards his or her oconnor. Today actually look i think about to crack down on those challenging their results does the opposition in valeries have any choice but to simply accept the outcome as announced by the government. Will never accept a whos lost to a woman he doesnt like a women if he doesnt believe whom and become the politician his major on and is 37 years old woman in this language teacher by training so for him its like a principle and the principle condition to say that i am the strongest man in this chart so the woman plays were risk and we saw through this trip. To the knife so many activists and journalists perhaps even the members of her sons house group team will join the relatives in minsk on the regions. And this post can can last for weeks and for months but im sure the bush and co will not stay in power till his next president ial elections. Thanks a lot friend of b. S. Charkha for your analysis. Brazilian president diables n r o has lashed out at his countrys most of you t. V. Network global for suggesting he was to blame for brazils hike over 1000 death toll was an hour as remarks came a day after the official number of deaths reached 100008 grim level only surpassed by the us the countrys Indigenous Peoples are those hit hardest by the pandemic a red balloon tethered to every cross a symbol of mourning on the copacabana brought up by relatives of covert 1000 victims as brazil passes another tragic milestone silly me all because of you more than 100000 deaths thats humiliating for brazil culture has been exposed and people should take pause and reflect on not. Feel sorry for brazils Indigenous People are especially vulnerable a medical aid from the government isnt reaching everyone chief or a tonnage of a lot bt was it made to hospital with respiratory problems at the end of july tests for corona virus were positive. The environmental activist died a few days later illegal loggers and gold miners are partly responsible for transmitting the virus to indigenous areas the criminals are also responsible for the current wave of fires in the tropical rainforest president both in our government to strip back environmental legislation will move. Years of environmental controls have left many people weary. Its been that way since 2012 thats why were seeing this increase in logging for years more and more land has been converted to agricultural use thats cutting into Indigenous Territory as the rather tips of the victims release their blooms they face abuse by coronavirus deniers the pandemic has deepened the already deep divisions in brazilian society. Heres a look at some of the latest developments in the corona virus and to make the World Health Organization says there is a huge shortfall and funds needed to fight the virus its predicting that the global number of infections will head 20000000 this week cases in the us have now surpassed 5000000 the country has registered more than 162000 deaths the highest toll of any country in the world india has reported a record 1007 fatalities in 24 hours new infections surged by more than 60000 cases for the 4th straight day and new zealand has marked 100 days without a domestic transmission of the corona virus. Here in germany the center Left Social Democratic Party has announced its candidate for chancellor in next years general election when im going to medical heads into retirement at the end of her 4th and final term its all off shots currently the finance minister and the Coalition Government with merkels conservatives souls has been polling as the countrys most popular s. P. V. Politician hes perceived as having skillfully responded to the Coronavirus Crisis with a multibillion euro stimulus package aimed at buffering the economic fallout. And just a short while ago scholz said his social democrats have the best plan to guide germany and europes recovery from the crisis and confront new challenges its big didnt on the new era is beginning not only in the sense of how we see the time off the corona but also that the next decade will be about how we can manage the future of our country how we manage the future of europe and who has the best plan we affirm to convince that this is the social Democratic Party with them both of you and. Were joined now by our own Political Correspondent simon young simon tell us who is olaf seans and the why and if the s. P. D. Choose him over all the other possible candidates. Yeah there are shows a very well known politician a former mayor in the state of hamburg and hes been finance minister of germany since 28 team hes also a vice chancellor in effect angloamerican deputy which means he stands in for her when shes on vacation and that kind of thing so hes got experience in the job and as you already mentioned he is the social democrat partys most popular politician i think he showed himself to be competent safe pair of hands particularly during the corona crisis when hes impressed a lot of people with his willingness to spend public funds using a bazooka as he called it of public spending to support the economy and keep businesses going during the crisis so hes somebody i think that people know and the party thinks that hes somebody that voters can trust he is vulnerable but it clearly within his own party where hes been controversial there was a leadership election in the Party Last Year in which he tried to become leader but he failed that shows you theres considerable opposition to him and for instance the wire card scandal he thats happened essentially under the oversight of the finance ministry which he runs so there are ways to attack him but i think if youre talking about other candidates well there really werent any of the of the stature of shows thats why hes been chosen to run as the candidate but saying that things arent going to well for the social democrats would be quite an understatement at this point with the most recent poll showing the s. P. D. Behind magnums conservatives and the greens so does charles even stand a chance. Well Angela Merkel is not running in next years election thats the key point and that means that this election will be open more open than many recent elections i think key for a lot of shows will be whether he can keep his Party Together whether he will seek to claim the Center Ground thats being vacated by Angela Merkel that perhaps is her party isnt going to move more to the right. If he does do that he may leave some left wing his in his own party behind as i mentioned is quite a lot of opposition to him and with all this time to go more than a year to the election he he may struggle to keep unity in his own party all right so many young things a lot now to some other headlines from around the world my him there roger parks has been sworn in as the Prime Minister of sri lanka by his brother the countrys president rajapaksa populist secured a landslide victory in parliamentary elections last wednesday observers saying that should give him a big enough majority to cement his power by passing legislation that would change the constitution. The Prime Minister of more riches has warned that a ship leaking oil into the ocean is cracking threatening and eve or bigger ecological disaster more than a 1000 tons of fuel have already seat into the sea polluting coral reefs beaches and lagoon is another 2 and a half 1000 tons of fuel remain aboard. Indonesias mound cinnabon has erupted again spewing a massive column of smoke and ash 5000 meters into the air a volcano on sumatra island last saw an eruption in 2016 there were no reports of injuries or deaths this time but authorities warned of possible lava flows. Sports news now and the Champions League quarter final match between german squad lights and spanish signed a pledge a Common Thread has been thrown into doubt after 2 athletico players tested positive for cocaine at 19 the club announced that forward today and defender she may have the liko tested positive for the coronavirus at the weekend both are self isolating at home european governing bodies the way fun things the game should still go ahead on thursday as planned leipsic saying theyre ready for their big name opponents come what may. Is it the final mission or Mission Impossible for life. Theyll be taking on high flying spanish side at lead to go madrid that is if the spanish even get to board a plane to portugal because of a corona Virus Outbreak in their ranks. Like seek and only their 3rd season internationally has never made it past the quarter finals in either the Champions League or their Europa League at let me go has made it to the Champions League final twice in the past 10 years. Thats why its obvious that were the underdogs and theyre the favorites but even if you are favorites that doesnt mean that you always win. Thats why i also see that we have a chance to advance and believe in it but its clear that they are favored based on their performances over the many years. The bottom line like sick believe but lack world stars certainly not the case with atletico who have a whos who of talent on their team yet maybe all the commotion and problems caused by coronavirus and restrictions on sports could be an advantage for the underdogs. Weve prepared for 3 weeks for a game to concentrate on one single game weve never had anything like that. And the world has never had a situation like this before which makes everything rather up in the air. The formula electric series has a new World Champion portugals Antonio Felix dacosta sealed the title in the 4th of 6 races being held at the sites of berlins former tempelhof airport he came 2nd in round 9 of the championship to secure his 1st series crown as holding the seasons final races after organizers overhauled the calendar because of the coronavirus pandemic. Thank you i am going to go back a arab coming up next sunday double you tomorrow today with a look at the shrinking of the Arctic Sea Ice for more news remember you can always keep up to date on our website w dot com and follow us on twitter and instagram thats abstain double units on the gulf road for me and the entire team here in the newsroom ember lamp thanks for joining us. This is polar ice in the in slices and he can interpret it physicist custom has how just ice change how does it expand in winter and how does a melt in summer and what does this mean for the earths climate. Assumes the big expedition we let ourselves freeze in to morrow to. D. W. A male dominated welcome by the 2nd season of on the fence its about the environment still about society its still about us but all planets on the brink spoke to several leading experts in the files to check. Look up just to live only the fans. Of. The time and place captured in pictures. Images of goes on. A Photo Studios archive documents lives in bygone eras. And leads to those living today. They are guarding guns as past in a box. A legacy in the black and white. Collected memories stories of august 14th on d. W. The ice cap is shrinking but there is some good news from the north pole well hear more. Mental illness which genes are linked to schizophrenia a large scale study anxious to find out. And beavers have been cold natures engineers but not everyone likes well paid bills

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