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Bidens nomination as Donald Trumps challenger in november marked down and lines form in south africa as alcohol and tobacco go back on sale the government is easing coronavirus restrictions after a 5 month lockdown. Im assuming someones got a thank you for joining us german chancellor Angela Merkel is urging the government and valorous to avoid violence and start a National Dialogue with the opposition this as the standoff over disputed elections between belarusians president aleksander look i shant go and the growing public swell against him and its 10th day today but despite signs from the that he might be prepared to hold new elections under certain conditions many people want change now. Demonstrators demand liberty for the Political Prisoners and arrested protesters after 9 days of unprecedented protests calling on president Alexander Lukashenko to resign. And workers across the country joined a nationwide strike called by the opposition. Go away chanted factory workers at the president who had come to shore up support in an exchange with a worker shanker said new elections were possible but only after the country holds a referendum. The president should not make decisions as a result of pressure to make the president must find a compromise exactly thats how. We need to approve a new constitution so the opposition wont be against it it needs to be approved in a referendum because our previous constitution was approved in a referendum and based on the new constitution and if you want it we will show you elections for the Parliament Presidency and local government bodies. New and Fair Elections are what the Opposition Leaders spittle on a chicken off sky now in exile in lithuania campaigned for. The unprepared to take responsibility and act as the nations leader during this period so the country settles down and gets back to normality so that we can release all Political Prisoners and prepare a Legal Framework and conditions to hold another round of president ial elections in the shortest time possible. As the internal pressure grows so too does international concern. The e. U. Is planning an emergency. Summits about bella russo mindstate the block is already making a list of people who will face sanctions for the violence that followed the disputed elections in bella ruse striking workers joining determined protesters in calling for their leader to go. To w. S. Emily sherwin is following the latest on the story for us hi amalie weve seen 10 days of protest against president bush and co in the pressure is not abating where do things stand right now or protestors are certainly keeping the pressure up on the alex on that will cause shango we saw protesters gathering outside several prisons in minsk demanding for people who had been arrested last week during protests to be released and today as we speak protesters are gathering outside a prison where most likely sit gets you off key is being held thats the husband of the current Opposition Leader he had wanted to run in these elections but was arrested ahead of the elections and its his birthday today people are chanting happy birthday theres also another opposition protest planned for this evening and of course in recent days more and more state enterprises have been joining the protests with workers coming out to join the demonstrations and also those enterprises going on strike state television has now joined the strikes and theres also a state Radio Company that today joined the strike so really these are groups that were traditionally loyal to look and it looks like support within those groups is also crumbling for him amid all of this pressure we heard president lukashenko say on monday he would be ready to hold new elections and hand over power after a constitutional referendum so people believe him. Well the main demand of the protesters remains of course for it to leave. And what weve heard from it doesnt seem to be very credible considering that yesterday he 1st said that he would not allow elections and they would only happen over his dead body and then he later talked about the possibility of Holding Elections after a constitutional reform so it seems more likely that hes kind of trying to buy time but the opposition has said repeatedly that theyre open for dialogue and one of. You come off as. Close allies. Of the last week told t w that they would even be prepared for dialogue with luka schenkel has created a kind of board to discuss a transfer of power and that board is apparently meeting today its not clear whether look will have a role in that well have to see what about the role but russia place in all of this weve heard president saying that russia will support the u. S. E. U. Officials say moscow should stay out of this so where does russia stand right now on the situation. Well the west has said that they want russia to stay out and russia clearly wants the west to stay out russia absolutely sees bella reuss as a very important partner an ally they even see valorous as part of their sphere of influence as a kind of important buffer between russia and nato states so its clear that theyll want to play a role in the future of fellow troops on the weekend they said that they would be prepared to help militarily or to support the question go with military forces if necessary that seems unlikely to me i think that the kremlin to know is how much legitimacy lucas has lost in recent days and if they were to prop him up he would be kind of a very weak leader and its important to point out as well that the opposition in belarus is not anti russian any politician and bella reuss will know that russia is important for belaruss economy and that will be the case Going Forward so Russian Media today was talking about maybe russia taking some kind of a mediator roles role in talks Going Forward well have to see whether thats true. Emily share when reporting for us thank you for analysis. Now lets look at some other stories from around the world a special u. N. Tribunal in the netherlands has started hearing the verdict in the assassination case surrounding former lebanese Prime Minister rafiq hariri prosy 4 members of the hizbullah militant group were tried in absentia for the 2005 bombing in beirut that killed her re re and 21 others the verdict was delayed from earlier this month due to the deadly they would explosion. Several mortar shells have struck the Afghan Capital kabul on the countrys Independence Day no injuries were reported and so far no one has claimed responsibility for the attack it comes as the Afghan Government and taliban prepare to start she stalks. Chinas southwestern Sichuan Province has issued its highest ever flood alert for areas along the Yangtze River tens of thousands of people have had to flee their homes after days of heavy rain Authorities Say this years rainfall has been the highest since Record Keeping started in 1961. Now in the United States the Democratic Party convention has kicked off with a rousing speech from Michelle Obama the wife of former president barack obama that this years convention is unlike any other because of the coronavirus pandemic the event is being held online without crowds or confetti the democrats will formally nominate joe biden as their candidate for president to take on republican incumbent donald trump in the november election. He w. Stacy bivins is with us to take a closer look at the convention hi stacey thanks for joining us what did day one tell us about what the democrats are trying to achieve here well theyre trying to preach their candidate joe biden as an every man somebody that everybody can relate to and somebody who has enough big ideas where he has a big tent so we had progressive democrats moderate democrats disenchanted republicans who voted for trump all recognized on this very 1st day to prove that he is the kind of person that is empathetic that you can relate to and more importantly he can relate to you and your struggles are its a lot of people really rallying around joe biden lets take a look now what a lot of people are calling the highlight of day one of the convention namely Michelle Obama speaking lets listen to what she said we have to vote for joe biden in numbers that cannot be ignored because right now. Folks who know they cannot win fair and square at the ballot box are doing everything they can to stop us from voting theyre closing down polling places in minority neighborhoods theyre purging voter rolls theyre sinden people out to intimidate voters and theyre lying about the security of our ballots stacey Michelle Obama not mincing her words there this is being called really a searing message not only to endorse joe biden but to take on President Trump i mean what did you think of what she said about what she does unprecedented because usually a firm a 1st lady speaks kindly of the candidate and not disparaging the incumbent but she went for the jugular and you know shes known for this the saying that she had the 2016 d. N. C. When they go low we go high and what she meant by that was that you just dont sit around and be beat up you have to defend yourself and you have to base your vote and your actions and on truth and she says and that truth is that donald trump cannot meet this moment she simply cannot be who we need him to be for us. And then she said it is what it is basing off of what he said about the coronavirus numbers. And then she says she gave a warning like saying that things could couldnt could get worse so if people are sitting thinking that they can vote for another. Candidate to you know. To protest because biden isnt as progressive as they want shes like look stop playing games this is serious this is the real deal and donald trump is a clear and present danger and we need to take action well her words as we said seem to really resonate with a lot of people and there were a lot of reactions are trending on twitter i think we have some of the tweets here some of the reactions to Michelle Obamas speech if we can pull them up here one person saying ive just never seen a political speech like Michelle Obamas tonight its a singular thing and then theres another tweet here from someone saying and another concise enough said that we can cancel the next 3 nights. Yeah i mean she spoke with a kind of calm and a kind of authority in a kind of trust she spoke as a mom who is worried about the kind of example donald trump is setting for kids she spoke as a minority who has seen black brown people and their allies marching in the streets pushing for justice and she spoke as somebody who is an expert who knows what it takes to run the white house right you know as she was the 1st lady and she knows joe biden was there so she spoke to his character something she doubled down on i want to ask you about another speech we heard we heard from one of joe bidens the biggest adversaries in the primaries Bernie Sanders who delivered a ringing endorsement of biden heres what he said joe barton will end the hate and the vision for all parents crude he will stop the demonization of immigrants but coddling of white nationalists the races toward whistling the religious bigotry and the ugly attacks on women. You know stacy we really heard Bernie Sanders talk a lot about policy and this was important wasnt it to particularly the left wing of the Democratic Party who really want to make sure that they are united behind one candidate yeah i think that he came out stronger than he did for hillary right when she won the democratic nomination he was saying look we need to coalesce together we need to 1st get donald trump out of the white house and then we can push on with our a Progressive Agenda but none of that will be possible if donald trump is reelected all right well certainly a strong message there from Bernie Sanders what do you think we can look for in the rest of the convention we will see more progressive people speaking. I. O. C. Will be. There. And so shell be speaking tonight and former president bill clinton will be speaking tonight. People are worried that maybe joe biden wont be as dynamic as the 1st lady obama but. But hes but they say that hes the man for the job and so we just need to trust his character more than his performance as what theyre saying our reporter states youve been looking into this for us thank you so much youre welcome soon. Are you watching news still to come on our show a look at the growing Mental Health problem in nigeria where there is just one psychiatrys for every 800000 people. But 1st lets look at some other stories from around the world now californias death valley has recorded whats believed to be the highest temperature ever measured in the month of august the 131 degrees fahrenheit or 54 celsius reading is just shy of the planets all time high of 134 degrees which was measured nearby in july 913 death valley is the lowest spot in north america and surrounding mountains help trap the heat. Firefighters in brazil are struggling to contain blazes in the Worlds Largest tropical wetlands brazils pantano region have seen a 3 fold rise in the number of wildfires compared to last year the marshlands are home to thousands of species unique to the region. And pakistan at least 10 people drowned when their boat capsized in a lake in the south of the country rescuers say the victims that were returning from a day trip to a shrine reports say strong winds and overcrowding likely contributed to the accident. Lets catch up now on some of the latest developments in the corona virus pandemic the World Health Organization says the spread of the virus is increasingly being driven by people from the age of 20 to 40 the Organization Says many young people dont even know they were infected and pose a danger to more vulnerable groups in australia and epidemiologist has testified that 99 percent of current infections in the state of victoria can be traced to 2 Melbourne Hotels where families returning from overseas travel have been saying and a philippines president if you go to tear to is further easing the coronavirus lockdown in the capital manila and surrounding areas shopping malls restaurants and churches are being allowed to open from wednesday on. South africa imposed one of the worlds strictest coronavirus lockdowns 5 months ago today the country is easing its restriction that includes allowing alcohol and cigarettes sales again which have been banned during the lockdown schools will open in faces starting next week South Africans are also allowed to visit family and friends for the 1st time since march with nearly 600000. 00 infections south africa has more than half of all coronavirus cases in africa and the correspondent is in cape town following the story for us hi adrienne good to see you so how are people feeling about the relaxation of lock on measures where you are. Well so we just came back from a liquor store where already an hour before the official opening time people started queuing to get some alcohol and many i talked to where happy to finally be able to buy legally alcohol again and cigarettes as well many admit as though that even during the lockdown it was possible to buy both bought at higher prices on the black market i was also surprised though that many at least some told me they supported the measures of the government they supported the idea of shutting down the sale of alcohol for a limited time when the coronavirus cases reach their 1st peak because the logic behind is quite simple the government wanted to keep the hospitals empty so nurses and doctors can focus on 1000 patients and apparently that walked quite well quite well the trauma admissions caused by accidents and alcohol related incidents when significantly down but lets listen in what some of the people had to say. What are you going to am i know everything is you know still something theyre locked into and come back again if we dont behave ourselves. Because like you its maybe likely its dependent on now people that. Im a smoker. Our secret i feel months without most of my specialty so yeah im actually happy to be inspected and i can smoke what i want to smoke but why did i come here today because im desperate dogging all muddy kansas are empty have. We got nothing left to say before they put another restriction all the on on coming here to stoke up so that i will be out of you know little story. And you really hear the relief there in peoples voices but the lifting of these measures comes as south africas president Cyril Ramaphosa said that the country has reached the peak so how confident are the ways that the outbreak is really under control. Well i mean the numbers of really been going down in the past days and weeks like a few weeks back we had daily infection rates of round about 10000 a day right now in the past week weve seen an average of less than 5000. 00 a day so that leaves some room for optimism theres also an 80 percent recovery rate and also the death rate is much lower than i originally anticipated however were not sure if these numbers are really true because up until now if you go to a Public Health care facility you will only be allowed to get tested if the age of 55 or if you have comorbidities otherwise will not get tested thus it is likely that the official numbers are much lower than the actual numbers and theres still a lot to do Testing Capacity still has to be improved the time until results are coming back still takes waste too long so up until now proper Contract Tracing is not even possible so this is something the authorities definitely have to to walk on because experts if you do more largest warn already of a 2nd wave they say its now boston open and are allowed to serve alcohol again we have seen that in other countries it is likely that well see another spike in cases in the weeks to come when the economy is also an important factor south of africas Unemployment Rate increased over 30 percent in the 1st quarter of 2020 so will the easing of restrictions how to revive the economy. Absolutely well to some extent they will but the economy will not get back on track anytime soon already 2 to 3000000 people lost their jobs because of the lockdown this is a massive problem and this is a problem that also affects the state in terms of tax revenues theyre making the south african takes 30 already said they will have a shortfall of about 15000000000. 00 euros and tax revenues this year because of business closures and people losing their jobs and this is going to be a massive problem for south africa in the months to come because remember this is still one of this is already one of the most equal societies in the world and this problem might increase even in the weeks and years to come to get used reporting from cape town thank you. The significant changes covered 1000 is brought to our daily lives is taking a toll on peoples Mental Wellbeing all over the world in nigeria even before the pandemic one in 4 people struggled with their Mental Health according 2821000 report by the w. H. O. On top of that help is in scarce supply as devious funny for chart reports from like oh. This is a hard place to catch a great millions of people here are struggling just to get by and there are concerns the pandemic could push even more people into poverty and depression. You dont have to look far to find people struggling many are trying to protect their livelihoods and their Mental Health. So much as a great fish. To fight last its time to fight for my guns 1200 i know surprise. Amara is selfimportant her job buying a crayfish at a good price for resale but with a pandemic most of her clients restaurants have shut down when i gods news from my customers that its interested i was forced to close like this serious so i didnt say dust was my cats food i sensed their messages i call one of them respond no its america lets see how in schools after poor feed how how am i supposed to know when called vigil over the uncertainty was too much she says it started to weigh her down back in april she began to experience symptoms of depression. I find out that some nights i go easy 9 how does the thinking i was thinking of including all how do i my mysterious house like to kill a lot of teens surrounding me how you are taking over my responsibility on all debts and mara is one of. Millions suffering from panic attacks and zion but there is a stigma associated with any form of Mental Illness. Once you come out you talk about see it soon be time it was a good book recently and its going to have a lot of people see times even big do you. See professional help is expensive so far ammara has only been able to afford one therapy session for 50 us dollars not enough to heal. 250 thats the number of psychiatry available in nigeria 250 in a country of 200000000 people are so many struggle because of sort of Mental Illness but only very few have access to their helping. Because one of the few psychiatrys to remaining in nigeria most of her colleagues have left seeking better payment abroad she decided to stay if we dont take Mental Health seriously the population wont be as productive as we would expect and of course eventually the comic the country will lose it canonically we should put Mental Health on the on the front she wants the government to subsidize treatment if we dont protest Mental Health right now we could have more cases of suicide more more more issues one Domestic Violence more infanticide more issues going on because people want to seek for help but they would take out take it out on someone else with many nigerians only beginning to feel the economic and mental impact of the call the dependent make the situation remains highly volatile time. To sports now and tonights a Champions League semifinal between rb leipsic and paris entre mom is a battle of 2 german coaches with a long history like 6 union august man was once upon a time under the tutelage of pariss coach thomas took a lot of money never imagined hed be competing against an old friend. The protege faces off against the mentor. Yulia naga as mine was about to abandon his life in football after injuries brought his playing career to an end but thomas to hood his reserve team convinced him to stay on as a scout. And try to be in it if youre not going for that im really happy i made that decision but i could not have foreseen that one day id be coaching against thomas in a Champions League semifinal. But he will be on tuesday night with noddles mon in rb leipzig lock horns with encourage. A huge challenge for the young coach and yes we saw against a lead to go were a team that can create gold chances against europes best p. S. G. Among its peers you noted it all goes mon is known for exploiting an opponents weaknesses now its time to see if he can do that to the man who gave him his big break. Lets get a recap now of our top story protesters have remained on the streets for 99 the fellow risking capital despite president Alexander Lukashenko hinting that he could be open to Holding New Elections and sharing power but he said 1st there would have to be a referendum on the constitution. Coming up next on getting some rare good Economic News germanys economy saw an upswing a summer despite and i think gentle to milan has all the details on this statement. Last part of the song. Was really. That close touch an album last seen. Just back. To. 60. I was 15 when i arrived here i slept with 6 people in a room cinema it was hard i was fair. I even got white hair. The german language mellow fist gives me a little push me to entrust the face you want to know their story the muslims her fighting and reliable information for margaret. Beethoven and the justice to do. It is it is about a 60 will leak truth rocknroll. Many rubber bands of stolen beethoven. And of course the subconscious always one thing is clear. A tone is wildly popular. I see a sure. But how the word sound the biggest composer of all time i cant even begin to imagine a world class one player similar on a musical journey of discovery. 2 the World Without a. Star september 16th all the details. And economic upswing for germany the countrys Central Bank Says thats in the cards but after a historic downturn where is our growth meant to come from. Also on the show drawing but not desolate how the United Arab Emirates is turning its desert sand into arable land. And river holidays are all the rage and brush up as locals avoid overseas travel

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