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Will be in force for about 4 months which actually shows the magnitude and how big this exercise will be for the authorities to relocate and get these people out on the streets literally interstate we understand that there has been a directive issued side migration official by migration minister to get these people into special so shelters as soon as possible looking for the cities theyre looking for is rolling big kind of stadium open stadium to set up tents and to get as many people in but the biggest concern as far as locals are concerned here are basically on the island of lesbos is the corona outbreak and this just adds to the security problem which was the issue of the overcrowded camps so were waiting to hear for directives about directed tell not front as well. Before the fire broke out the camp was on the corner did you just mentioned it because some of the residents there have tested positive for the coronavirus overall what impact is the pandemic having on the situation of pressure g. s on those girls. Well thats what i was just saying that this is just added the pandemic added to an already aggravating and very difficult situation and this is creating a backlash within the local community because many of these people who fled out onto the streets from the refugee camp have have fled into open fields seeking safety and security and these may be as theyre being called by locals walking kind of time bombs in health has its because no one knows because not all of the 12000 have been tested there were supposed to be a 1000 tested today so thats a major setback. And things thank you. Well for more on that subject now lets cross to young eagle and hes secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council and former head of United Nations humanitarian and relief efforts he joins us from oslo mistake the situation in moria has long been died and it was the 1st fire that why was this situation tolerated on till now well thats a question as well because we have warned the european nations again and again repeatedly for yes this was a time bomb now it has gone off and hopefully this is the wake up call that need their ships in the european capitals need the people of all. Relocated years ago that there was an infinite warnings lets hope for action now well so youre saying its be useful to what i was saying is is that we have not been good at all so far how come a continent with 500000000. 00 people trillion euros economies that are not able to relocate you know if you 1000 desperate children at a dollar sense and people who have fled from walls own syria afghanistan somalia and so on its incredible and how have how have your of not been able to help greece that got 75000 Asylum Seekers last yeah most european nations got a handful last yeah and still only a few countries have been willing so far to take a few of the people from over here. If were looking at this the whole situation of refugees arriving in greece is this really just a european problem just the u. N. Need to get more active here. What the un is active the un has. Has tried to advise both greece and europe to have a. Responsibility sharing. You know theres not that many if if there had been a distribution of responsibilities within all of our nations including the non you nations like my own norway the problems to be solved i dont think were going to ask for the middle east or africa or your help on an issue which is europes these are people came to europe greece cannot shoulder the burden alone other nations have to come to the rescue of course everybody coming across in the mediterranean do not have an automatic right of asylum but they have a right to have that case 9 tried and very many of them free from war and persecution so whats your demand that was the you or lets say in particular to the e. U. s biggest economy germany. Well my my appeal is lets treat this as a real crisis remember when the banks threatened some guests back there were meetings every week to save the banks lets have meetings now to save human lights the aid. And Initiative Germany sweden that have been a lot of the diplomacy both of them because they have received more Asylum Seekers and refugees than anyone else in europe could really need to put on this and get also the stragglers you know how hungry poland is central and eastern europeans who have done nothing. For International Solidarity and good for protection handle holding back your paean continent and showing traditional european humanity solidarity and civilization at the moment now if there is a race to the bottom among nations how can i employ giving shelter and protection for women and children that seems to be the attitude of too many leaderships. Secretary general the norwegian refugee child so you very much for talking to us today. Thats a look now at some of the other stories making news around the world but the russian opposition politician maxims nark has been seized by masked men and plainclothes from his office according to reports by the Regime Police say they were not aware of his alleged detention this follows the disappearance of protest leader Maria Kolesnikov on monday. At least 10 people have been killed and dozens wounded in a bombing in the Afghan Capital Kabul Officials say the attack targeted the countrys Vice President s who sustained minor injuries no group claimed responsibility and the taliban denied involvement. Rescue workers have recovered 22. 00 bodies from a rock slide at a marble mine in pakistan or than a dozen miners remain trapped under the rubble in the north west of the country because of the cave in which happened on tuesday has not been the term. Last month a massive explosion rocked the lebanese capital beirut killing more than 100 people and injuring many more the city is still reeling from the destruction the effects are particularly hard on children who can develop long term problems if their trauma is not treated soon enough to w. s rozen someone met the family of one girl whos still suffering from the aftershocks. Yet outside aid is just 4 years old but shes suffering from posttraumatic stress despite her apparent good mood shes easily triggered. Today for example we wanted to go to hospital for her treatment but we couldnt because she was too scared when we drive she sees broken glass everywhere back memories and she gets scared when she sleeps she sometimes wakes up with a start when she hears a noise or something when she sleeps alone she screams we try to calm her down. The trauma of the port explosion is on view across the city an unrelenting reminder of how fast lives can be ripped apart. Child psychologist Kristen Madani is part of a Red Cross Team that tense of the youngest and most fragile to help prepare their emotional damage before its too late shes trained in methods to help survivors of wars and torture rebuild their lives. So the aftermath of this huge shock on children has impact on their daily functioning but also on the if this is worry with the intervention that the i. C. R. C. Does at this level is to help contain the whole family so that the photos feel safe and assured in order for them to the assure the children in bitter. But yet saved lives in a country that already had many problems before the explosion that makes getting back to normal even more complicated. We cant continue to live like this in this country i am very concerned about my daughter because there is neither stability nor security and i would like to take my son daughter and wife with me and leave the country. But its too early to tell with jada but she said my danny says theres reason for hope. But we also know that children are that isnt so with graphic kids and with. Intervention most of the children hopefully will overcome this and this trauma and will not develop. Further symptoms and further Mental Health difficulties. Recovery and overcoming trauma a complex task both for jada and the city she calls home to britain our Prime Minister Boris Johnson says he will push ahead with legislation that could contradict the breaks that agreement made with the European Union including how Northern Ireland is approached that divorce deal the u. K. Province of Northern Ireland will continue to enforce e. U. Customs rules to avoid a hard border with the republic of ireland the deal is considered crucial to protect peace and stability in Northern Ireland was a precondition for trade talks currently underway. Its that the new legislation breaches that International Obligations and could jeopardize trade talks and lets go straight to our correspondent in london big of mass to get what are the implications of this new legislation presented by the government and the Prime Minister. Do you have already explained it but its really quite crucial to understand that the Prime Minister on one hand says he wants to protect peace in Northern Ireland and this is why hes preparing a new bill in new trade bill that regulates the trade between the mainland of u. K. And Northern Ireland that this is in order to protect the peace and stability in Northern Ireland on the island of ireland on the other and we also know and that has been admitted by government ministers and parliament that this is breaking International Law why is that because this goes against what the u. K. Has already signed with the European Union so it goes against the Withdrawal Agreement and weve also seen a government minister. Government lawyer resign over this to really know that even within the u. K. This is a very very are hot topic and and discussed within the conservative party within the government and will most likely have huge implications for the future negotiations for a trade deal with the European Union. Is the use it she spreads it negotiator hes in london right now where does all this leave the negotiations on a trade deal. Well you have to remember that there are 2 parts to this brics of negotiations part one where this was the socalled Withdrawal Agreement this is in the past this is something that the u. K. And the e. U. Way e. U. Have already agreed on and its signed now its about part 2 its about the future trade deal that the u. K. Wants with the European Union to ensure that for example manufacturers can continue to trade without friction with the European Union its very important for the u. K. Economy to get that however if the u. K. Now backtracks on what they have already. Agreed with the European Union that of course leaves these current negotiations basically in limbo and weve already had from the left on the line she said that shes very concerned about the intention to reach the Withdrawal Agreement and ultimately itll be a question of trust will the new be able to trust the u. K. If they go back on their word if they go back on what they have already agreed in part one of these threats of negotiations and not just the trust its not just a matter of trust with the e. U. Its going to be also about the u. K. S International reputation if theyre prepared to break International Law for the road and then this will definitely put in doubt the reputation also for all the trade deals with other countries like the u. S. For example. Big miles for the very latest on the brakes thank you very much being. So quick scan of some of the other world News Headlines because company astra zeneca says it is suspending its Coronavirus Vaccine trials in britain after one of the participants reported to serious side effects the company which is working with Oxford University said said it is pausing its late stage testing to investigate and review safety measures. 5 years after the diesel gates german court house approved prosecutors request to put former false flag and c. E. O. Invented on trial for fraud it was one of intercom that carmaker developed and sold cars with emission sheeting Software Scandal has cost the company billions in restitution. The International Olympic committee is under pressure to sanction iran its meeting today after a wrestler was sentenced to death that naveed of curry is accused of killing a Security Guard and 2018 global Athletes Union is calling on iran to be thrown out of world sport is lawyers says there is no proof of the charges the 27 year old was tortured into confessing after being part of a and to government protest u. S. President donald trump has also become involved telling iran in the tweets last week that he would greatly appreciate them sparing his life mark meadows is here from d. W. Sports mark there are reports that the execution could even happen today was the latest well the World Players Association which has 85000 members across for its across the world they have been happening today but there are over a ports that it wont happen for another 6 years so things a bit unclear obviously its hard to get information out of iran i mean Iranian State media last week said that he committed a heinous crime the sentence fitted the crime the Supreme Court of the hopeful held the sentence he also appeared on iranian t. V. With this confession but his lawyer says he was tortured and he had nothing to do with this death and he was involved in any antigovernment protests in 2018 when he was arrested in whats the word do the athletes things that have car is being targeted because years of sport thats exactly what they think i mean we can actually bring you a statement here from the World Players Association and theyre quite clear they say he has been unjustly tough. By the iranian or fall richies who want to make an example out of a popular high profile athlete and intimidate others who might dare exercise their human right to participate in peaceful protest athletes should never be used as political pawns so quite strong words there from the World Players Association its not just this union we offer of top wrestlers all around the world coming out in support of navidad theres a hash tag save naveed of kerry and also dana white who is the head of the mixed martial arts championship the u. F. C. He has been very vocal in his support so the i. O. C. Is also under pressure now to do something against iran. Will they will there come to a decision today well there is a big meeting today there were meant to mainly be talking about the Tokyo Olympics and the coronavirus im sure this will come up might also come up and also china i mean china has the Winter Olympics in 2022 and theres been lots of activists saying because of human rights stories recently with china that that should be taken off them so theres a Big Press Conference it will have to be discussed at some point there is precedent i mean the International Judo federation in 2019 basically threw iran out because they had told one of their judo cause that he could not fight because if he won the match he would play against an israeli in the next round so well see normally the i. O. C. Want to keep out of politics but well see what they have to say about matters to the course thank you. More sports news and a bleak a warning for european football clubs the man responsible for protecting their interests clubs are still in Crisis Management mode as they continue to deal with the fallout of the coronavirus pandemic and really on their yearly who chairs the European Clubs Association says the effects could last for years. The light at the end of the tunnel for football clubs could still be some way off. Game is played in empty stadiums and a massive hit from broadcasters and sponsors the coronavirus pandemic has already washed away hundreds of millions of euros in revenue a cash crisis with worse to come according to the man in charge of representing european clout as of last year we are looking at top of revenue decrease. Of approximately 4000000000 euros in the next 2 years i have the fear that some of the big clubs will probably suffer losses that are bigger than federations are called for their one individual the confederations will lose. Their this years Champions League was finally completed behind closed doors in lisbon and yet he said you a fool would have to repay 575000000 euros to broadcasters with a knock on effect for clubs but some suggest his doom and gloom message is a ploy to get a better deal for the top european clubs with the president striking a more upbeat tone. Fully stronger. Even if we know those who lost quite a lot there while im next challenge is to bring the most important political game is. One of the 1st steps towards that will be here in budapest shefrin confirming 20000. 00 fans will be able to attend the super cup match here between by and munich in severe later this month. And from the world of sports to the Animal Kingdom twice a year stalks follow a 12000 kilometer migration route between africa and europe the best viewing spots for bird watchers to see this wonder of nature is a garbage dump in the middle east. Time for break for flocks of white storks in the Jordan Valley and the occupied west bank at dawn on east on a just yasi leshem is up early to observe the birds at this huge garbage dump twice a year distorts navigate their way thousands of kilometers from europe to Southern Africa and back israel and the palestinian territories are like a bottleneck there one of the main my qatari routes for millions of parents. Because they avoid to fly over their mediterranean so we are like a highway across or corrosion between 3 called good and so we are lucky to have in fact 600000 stalks of flag twice a year over year all that almost all the World Population of whites talks about how that 50000. 00. 6000. So we are lucky to be in the best highway of the job would still. Rather than taking a shorter route over the many terrain and like smaller birds stalks fly over land to catch up or it streams of warm pockets they write a thermos to conserve energy. To landfill is like a pit stop for the storks they just stay for the night to rest to feed and gather strength before setting off on the next leg. In the last 10 years they go to look for. That you are places where you catch a thief but for garbage there of course they have plastic bags and stuff like that which is of course dangerous but they go where they have these before although bird migration happens twice every year it still amazes here celestion who studies to birds for decades unlike most humans to storks dont need g. P. S. To arrive at their destination we had one stall that was amazing for 15 years she was going every you for the same nest in your book new 1000000000 to the same tree near kept on give after a year. If they have stroke wins she can compensate and she knows how to go but said the company exactly where she wants to go because theyre doing it for billions of years. Its time for this truck to take off every day they fly between 300 to 500 kilometers next on the tips in sinai before they continue their exhausting journey to withstand winter home in Southern Africa. This is the news and heres a reminder of the top story were covering for you. In the 12000 people have been left homeless after multiple fires got to greeces largest migrant trample that officials are investigating the blazes on the island of lesbos awesome awesome composite being placed on the coronavirus locked up. And thats it from me for now susan must come up well have a world news off the edge of the aisle but stay tuned now for news asia with bearish balanchine thats next no forget you can step today by downloading to deduct the news you can also follow all stories and correspondents on instagram and twitter i have a list. Of gaffes from news stream thanks so much. Im scared that if i work hard and in the end its a me youre not allowed to stay here anymore we will send you back. 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Pools as the disney remake is released to online audiences activists accuse its makers of cult following. Is it we look at hollywoods interest in the chinese market

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